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Sto? 5<ntt ^rfoutu. - * l , I -i? Ihe Irulh: N?'??.?Kilitoriali ? BUk nu ?-i? v? m i i unacu j. mi.. SSteUAaaO. i I - , ?? , . 0 00 ? , -j: I ? : - ' ? ? ' *i?.u ras bbbtIhum mei-ehaaalee ???tvrrtisrd? Ib I flf neu;; \i t. akaalate aafety?-for il ,h?.- itisfa lion i - ? nlte le aaj raae I,: I i Kim si: i eat iin'i"-.. i I ?ap?. r,o i|uib Min_. \??- mal.? gooi prompt I;, lf t la-- :nl . - rli?-? nul Ancona and Lusitania. a note prove? one? mor? '::.' ? S? right when e-track ?iiiiul." I h* tone n ' UK much tiie .same .. '. leitania i rsy with Gei . by (he u ? , .- country was told that i Washington was plunged In gloom, that thing ahead an imme? diato crisis in our relations with Austria ? as an immediate ci v.?tii Germany was foro as the- result of each of the three I The text of the communication ju I livered in Vienna docs not bear <>ut the milder in spirit than further argument. In fact, it distinctly invites s further and perhaps an ? ?)?*?<* of 1< ' g that State 1 >ep_ tiro I "does not under? stand thai t?)'' Imperial and Royal . i,t !"f A . ?tionsl or disput? " thi principl ? on which the ;? maud? for di. a owal and reparation. Thai the Imperial and Royal Go nient I valid ity of the dema \? by the United' ? the arguments advan ? tmatic. Vienna can find a leal of matter in the first note which uitful counter argu ? Ari ? ? BW in that nute WS tie up the ?? with This su l aa unfortunate, since the circiu I the attack on the .\n o na differed materially from the circum? stance* of the at ta ' tania, to the very meagn .ti which we have obtained from, Germany could hardly have been expected to help our cai ? dema ? much -- Hungary. The Lusits edoed without from am l'ush, pure ai.d simple. TI V a tried to ran away when p, and ? opportui though imt a sufficient opportunity?wa.? j given to the i re ?.. to take I ional law clearly li.\es culpa-1 " for the loss of America;: ; i the -.mander. op'tn ? in which the ; titizens ' ?* high sea .'.on of of international law. Hut al error . ? with ' ppes to Ger reparation ?arian _ffa Aus-1 en ad *> i ?d thri'uirh the correspondence which ? sny of the of the Govern ? of the United - to the use ? acquiescent? ? in ?. with full I f the Moves of ' ? ? mont of the ? ?rtain terms to the; v- ? tris H . t-..:.. the commander, ? which attacked the ! to put ?n .. place of safety O? th" -. to de?tr?->y, beeat i ? ' I, ? e ti impossibility of ? .i*-." ' ' ! ferai ;*|.h the Seei the acqul "any in : ' ' ?'' : with la-Hungai ?OS Germs "nr i the ? ? ?a. She hit** | . er f or th< Lus! The I.u?i'ar;ia ? % i the trahie G Y-n of th?* ml,. ? SI WS n : t. 'I be only point In ed" m ti ' 1,011 anta wh?". Um liners do not at Arabic - ? of the Ancona, which ?Jiil make a-. * ffort ape, Austria-Hungary may be expected to i.iahe the moat, diplomatically, of the op portunity I the American etti ? i r a it 1 - lalifled by fortunau any'i ? if. thai attitude. ? ienna will entitled I ether I States in ?lealiiifr with Austria-Hungary ? attit do or on its! ?ttitui ? ; I rrmany and ?ted by the i ? or non-success of mu- ni;.- ? ? '. innany. Tin- and opened bj action to an extended diplomatic contro-j : >. unies arc willi;;).- to recall tlie li i note and to i.limit that wc intend to hreak off ? r ... ?y with tli>- I ?nul Mon and? in thi ?hile continuing re!.. acced? ?! * - mir ??i r the far more tragical I i tania case ? nia cas'? thus hang iboul the nech ?if the* a'l l.i cause we equivocated and used phra ? no real meaning in trying t" t Ger - .re we t. ? ? king up <>ur words with . I .ri it WOUld be politic tu ?lela;. until we (:??: a chance to demand di avowal and reparation for some injury at the hands of Turkey or Bulgaria. In the submarine controversy with Ger? nany we thundered in the index and let itur protest ?lie ?!?>wn tu a gHitle roaring i?. the fourth chapter. Our stroi I I ? anl cipation of Ger? man viol? nee. In it we -.'ave notice that tve should hold Germany tu "strict ac bility" for American lives taken al -?;i ;: of international law. ?: y ili.l v.ha; we liad warne.! ber againsl doing we wrote the "omit-no r.ord-or-act" mending reparation. Next ad our demand "very olemnly," hut without resulta, and finall) el the hup?- that German] would no longer with.1!..hi reparation and1! we -In.-.lid consider a -im-1. .. "deliberately unfriendly." After en months of nego- , iation the Lusitania crime is still unre luked. a counting in the | if the precedents ? e! n the controvei iermany are fol 'i. ? -.hen remaint the chance that '"..? administration will try to malee Aus? ria-H capegoat for it- failure svith Germany?that by brusquely break with Vienna it may to '??no the country into forgetting the dead. Free Speech for Professors. Thi ? Univaraity of Penn? sylvania will i.e\er he able iu convince a tl Neai \'..'x was .?.se of his radical ;-.! and eco? nomic subjects. Though they cannot ob Fi ?'.. of that action, they done much, in amending the uni? tatul " tenure of of? fice by faculty members, to place their where it ought to he in the mic freedt m. Under tne new rules the trustee a meml I faculty because like hi voice, 1 of his hair, 1 i polit views on abor. if the the trustees must confer with a commit'' ? ntative from each of the faculties of the univer? sity. ? for notl of reapp e a definite iently in advance of thi , ? appointmei I I isibility ?if a li .1 ;:i Dr. X. ar .. ? wholesome cha Pi ?.:. ylvania that they wen* n.aile. The prestige '?: that institu? suffer? '1 ??:" the g case. Though the public ? willil I Without a grain of hing thai profi ira give forth, i; looks to then., and ought to be aliic to look to them, fur comment, inter ,- idance. It would be well-! nigh fatal for any university to acquire of being able ami willing to mu.z.c its faculty for politi? cal 01 reasons. These cha: ?? ; relieve the University .>f Pennsylvania from the likelihood of auch s. charge. Where the Daniels Programme Fails. In an article in "The Yale Re*? ?aw" -, !.. Meyer, Secretary <>f the Navy under Presidents Roi evelt and Taft, n . very pertinent criticisms ... ' ?? at report. the inadeq late In* .?.led m l!i?* ? nil tel ? own time a? ?! again that There are nol enough sailors to pro\ li .mplements ? ? ? ? rarioui i ;. ? which ought tu be kept afloat ami in training. knitted this shortage m hia reporl oi December, 1914, but <??. : himself then fur nut insist? more i going thai >t waa practica? He tu i ? - ;. a good man;, of the old I * ran rve. A navy u:i half servie is nut a navy "prriy prepai n g and training for v.; :. n policy l ad tu rapid <t? n- r onnel a- m il ?? m i.. i, .p tama n. a proper state >.f ?.-ti;, an-y the flghtlng rcaoel m. In i otnmisaion. The i.a- ? ? "On more eall ted men. II could I " *. pa 29,000 ini.n. Hut . [?anicls is still tied down byj his last -.'ear"- logic He i arilli _meiit only to the extent of ask:.-.;; for 7."on more -. He thu? prolongs for a:.u' ;.t_r n shortage in the enlisted force which seri oosly handicaps the development of the navy. .Mi. Meyi d criticism concern? Mr. Daniels'a unwi lb **ness 1 ees N'a\al ?1 Staff or son | | rivaient to 11 . -a- ..? ex-Seen tai The faodamental defeel . . tent military '.:?.">-.? pri-parat.on of tbl "' rar nee the tia I ' . -rig built -' peace basis, ami ell pared for ' M diff?re fraa- raltiee of all othi ? ? ? ' ifflcera of our i bavi , **raBt it. ? | ? I thai Congre. to appropi f?r ** well buii' a< that of ' ' at lumb, r of officers sad bibb, II i I erf? it had in * ? ? n ?supplied with ? direetlBg braiB, a General SUI . ., .* for ?A.-ir .?-ni train it for wai duties. This is a true indictment The gn need of the navy to-day is intelligent mili? tary control the machinery for creating a permanent direction and a permanen ? icy. Secretary 1 lanieli ? hi If accompli bed. a ixation ever s i srged navy could i do th.- ? thi count) for safety. Filly Mignon. It ?7< perfectly true of the human spe? cies thai Its members can 'nev?me osod to anything, and there is nothing inher? ently unclean or unpalatable about : meat. Thos'- who bavs consciousl* perienced its gu tatory properties : that it differs only slightly fron and mai.?, a -at. meal. In Bras ? .'mi- the war il brought a higher in ti?'' market than ;f Arg if, and to-day, no ?louht. is considered a luxury there. The h far more particular i i bii habits than the pif? and lea abject to diaea e than the cow. and il may be, ss'Dr. Hav ? Emerson contends, that he restriction of :he use of the hOTSC to I r.insiiortat. i- I in unfair discrimination Bgainsl :i I mimai. But when the gourmets and tb< health liRcera ha*. e hau their complete say I Brill still remain a residuum of sentiment, n almosl every human brea I opposed to, his novel develop] ? the carnivorous impulse. Horses, like dogs, possess per onalitics which divi ? ? .lie steaks and chops concealed beneath their silken hides. Even the ?dump respond too readily to human gui und companionship I.trage the ap? It la hard to observe the faithful friend of man. whether curvetting in con? abo il ; be tan bark ring oi plodding half asleep in front ol ? h air, and to conceive simultaneously bi holy craving for his tend? uch a lust smacks of cannibalism. There u another pracl ?cal one paus -. and that is that only the rtesd which ha . able investment to the butch? larlj sines the wai ? the value of all horseflesh. Vnd a in win?-, dot palate. X", we at-.- ?m Uni Uenge 1 prediction <>f the Health Com? thai horseflesh as food will vapidly be popular i i New York following the re? peal of the official edicl a?; r it, though ultimately, if the hor.-c is to dial from our streets, he may find a on OUI ta'nle?'. New Taxes Not Necessary. ?? ? ? bl not - ? pro .-.. ? of and burden The people re ai ? thi ra and Re| > Cong poor and pi rsona of l _tubborn!.v resist? no? paying war ta\es ; I for the Panama I relieve t of poaterit; should h,- retui ? ? tbroof hi lanee of ever ? loag pi riod. Tbua I provided for tational defence an excessire load upon thi ? nere ? on. The Easier Mark. - i ? Have vou noticed the contrast President Wilson'a tone toward Aastria and his long an tnde toward (?cr nianv? Read hie note upoi, | -,a af? fair and eoapara .tii \..t has ever ?aid t?> Gen regard to the ? i-ia and \ou ??? ?] ? -. fundamental to be BCCOUI tien of off? ? ? ? ?? : allies. For in ti a flrsi Inatance he andi l?umba ho*. Bernatorfl ndoahted hi ad of a ? Genaaay has nadi ? n for the 1 BBBmarinc ?-. ? ? that do . ii the British Navy hu under i craft. G? : na It a weak one ?, , i it a Gen I te that aajroB? ?boat In fine, tl I public ? , i ? la nmre d to administer the itii ging rebake, Uncle Sam Talks. f II /'.??") >' tlo.] i . . . | . V ?]. I Yu can -"im k ? ? iiii-.ijtii An?l blue1,? m;. ? *?n?l kill DIJ ? ? ? ? I'll ?? t its lolemn" ones sa well, Bat I m ? light, I'm leo | bell! I . 41. t Wim A BREAK WAY PORTEND Peace a Possible Outcome of Our Relations with Austria. Tu the editor of The Trbur.e. -. There II a possibility, ever, a prob ? . o?:" s rupture if diplomatic ;,:t?r . . u .r eoaatry and tbs I - ? I an. r .,? .. ? rr rater ; ml do nut wish for ?he battle*"? I Tl I* the Frei 1870-71. flic horrors af : ::. my mind. a;.d the advance of <* RSSUrk! i- - scrcascd them ? ' A di] - ? m ? aot ne is ?ret and aec. In spit? -if a'l denial? and Beta I sag - ' - ' ? ? \ ? I? press, thss ??kable Signs o: tOBt lustre-Hungarian pe tarvatii . bat there is ;< leek ..ridancr; there is no open revolt, but rmbling?; of n ? ? | threes, tres on, 1 ? irksome; then is do bankraptcy, but tbs tratagea sissg dct<.ci_?i. The women groan for their misaing- husbands; the sweethl ?:'? pins for their lovers; the Urea call for tkeir fathers. Ml aver Oenaaajr, ta Prussia, Saxony, in Bavaria, la VTtrttaiberg, in Baden, thej ???'?? - | ?? i. ice, ' and - ??? echo - from Austna an?! H angary: ' \ ?? '.. rasas Ba peror das res peace, ? i ? irther. Tl ?. look land of Frs - . -cd inteotion to ? to the bitter end. I ?. I .- .; rs r 1st?. bul ??o*, too . rn necessities of the situation. They Italy moving furvard slowly, perhaps, but neve rthelcss imruobiiiiinf* i? lnr-.:e pro? portion ?f the Auitrian *roopa; they ?ee . recupsratiag and preparing for a 1 assault. Gerasen pivrmmcnt has spied out la a .. gigantic tidal srave of die 1 I-at,? BtOViag toward the l'entrai ? lountiog higher and still higher ? in atoning- I .: lent dsstf of theii sr.d induatrii the Allied I ronger .vorid. ? I ? , s and tl ? ..... ? : boats a .- I . ... enforce I Id!? ? i v 11 ;.-. ? leroian Emae ro proud ta ?? ? eosne arlth our . -, ? t?te of wi tons. What da I mean'.' ' \'o; not Tor a while, I' incu.'is tr.. loss of all ' ' entra esunpi af the German residents. It further isolation .'ro?a the i I I ? world; I | se? the largest, ths i ??-.*? t of the ( .. of civilised i . 0.000 sonli srith theli ? i ? ;? thrtatei s the killing of I ? .?rid reduc is 'o ail ths el ? post-bellum 1* si . l the br?nV: come. Then perhaps the Emperor may decipher ths hand ? ? ? ? -.all. Than hs ean come people ami wall out hi i ? n, l eaai whole ; he may so Heavei grant it J. H I'. . 19, 1911 "Scrapped.'" . .? fully eppr tciativ? I the Alii? isa? 1 . i| I ?. The Tribune of December IT. . cfive eei sure, bul rarely for nol running Freneh; the ? it i Britoua. If thi i h? le trut'r-. ?-. we should probablj discover en of the Britiah army .. .... tien well in hi ? ? . . lifleull to ros i Frenel A i You. t Kitcl ... s unworthy ? '" s i*re;.- of K d s sa ? H in 1 work ... .. ? ? ' BER. ?i PURCHASE. ? ' De? 18, 1916 I 01 t'nur Students' Cards. ? Tribune. ? , . ? i.- ? n ? ? lad by 1 iblic Librar*/ for the i.i recalled I next year, s that the | alders ese cards a be prs ? slii ? reasons for these soeciai eards, for 'he hi books a ? ? i? unreasonable and ondcsil ng ?o bencfteial to ths ear I ..? ' e?.ening as to ha*-.' scecss to the many sary i books for ? home special card*? haw - :? .?;-' ed -. I ?' unlimited help to the u ? publi? librs therefore urge upon i i s ? d to uphold our request for 1 i ? ' I IVIl i OMMl : 1 ? ? ' pern. . Dec. 20, 1911 Why Austria? - of The Tr ? n eart? on oi n .-turc on thi ? :r American paper. p| "v Austria, Mr. Prcsidcat?" i? readily i ed <?. b] rs who have --? s \.ir?!iia'? voter? in th<? t'nited States sre a ne--ii?ibie quantity. The i,cr? ible, and hope lingers in our amiable President, breast that is the near future the latter rote may be to his credit, 1 it rs think not Gormanj, with all af bei .and they are UAUUf), respecta a ? irty too pi ?? assawor ;<. roar picture, An .. emit ed torlal en ': ? aaase i*.??,'?" r bens of December i ?. I91S, en Banki sat? 1 bs rribstsM and, are two p.p. rs ?;at are American ?" ith all that the arerd Implies and tr? very aasericai honor. NAUTlLUft, . Task, L?cc. 11, m 5. J THE CRYSTAL GAZERS. MR. REA AND HIS MISSION I That of Serving China's Interests b* Misrepresenting Japan and Inflaming American Sentiment r\g?_inst 11er. Tribune. "I am ? . nor am a jingo, nor .???? ? ( bune on 'Th Utitude of Japan to I 1 > and i ? h.ti ly anti-Japa ? of the nal ? : fercnl ? 1 | 7' He ?? . ? he publiahea not edit ? ii - ? the Orient" . . ed of un'r, " It ma; i -. America and .- ? lainei ? . . ? .. M i. ??limp Y ? ? ? I to Ai ... .. i . I he ha a* and unjust ... ; ? . .!.!>?? ? ? ." a ?'). nrc* nop ' I ? ? ? More? 7h? proce ? nil ? ? rman? ft red to thi thrown jar-? of evil name ???line a ?rit't. and then ? t ?\ ? . Ir. Rea' n T'n Tribuni ? Nothing . To i he i~' neral put Rea al teed a - eelumi ii ftrel ?? ?nt nkuma. which Mr. R* . of Ti long time a, V. nr "i- the King of 1 . one'? ? ' ' t it la Mr Res'a dr??r> of ? ?,. ""_?.?,,;? ?j; ?Hew, Hi? clear intimation ii that -.1 ?his ron* the ? ? ? Ne 5*1 He. ?r-vra up the for.H ?ni- Amci, an, I i.- that uiH erar h - b m I r m -c ? '?' ? .... ?nft ?isJB :.*?.? ,i ? .-an IntolligeiMe ' follow nuot.ition te ar that then a pre?s eeaaeraMp m Japan with the - intention of making Japaneso govenimiiit1 . in tin wl ich n much as mention the ' ?" landov ning l Jai . realth. PI ? vent". ? I Stat :o complain of it or peril of having Mr. Rea eome dosra on ? ?ut < Long ? on be? n thi Tinted States. \vi;< rs are I . .... - W . '. ; - :. Ken i . ? io long in Chii be ur. ? I \ ? ? and to hope ths '?? meet J ipan or : American | at a dirnrr here. '? 11 rhole '""i-'< Rti>ch ai d - ' el" ol thi rerbal gen with Mr. B sarding Japan, the . ?un. 1 . ? ? .iow "Vor.. .?p.- made of ! like tin? (' tited States pa ? s i ? *'or :\-. Rea1 ? ? Count i on civilisai - plaii Mr. Rea nu?; ; ' t that Jai an a .il do ? s Unit (n .. ? .i. I . thinking and that 1 . - ' . ?Vest. 01 a ? hi?ese might but a Ja ' "A nal to divine mission Is te ? . the Wer it e noth rcturn; more bis ? ?' ar. to receive." - tly ano social credit ?. n. Sot only a- ? ? ? that and unless s!"? ? ?.. I ?. ice to V.'i'ar u I .. Soar ' pee bookkeeping ii open to the world and .? s ritica debate m the ??- branch ol her Parliament 1 ? ': pan is so . . bold ai d bald trut ? r it. and wi ?' r : ; 11 r. ; i i >? ing h. . ... .; ? ? irate fo e fron im? lieber am! I OS " " :... ? .i Truepena? ? - tting | . ?' p It modern war , n win nu out I ? on the ? ? ankruptcjr to ?*, particularly ??pon r. nation like China, at iti aits' ends snue. china, it seems, is th* amiable hippopota "rom which Japan m to eu' will in the Abj linian manner to appease her financial an; tit ... ti i ? are of si . ,. kind. . -ire? rem-- I with China ?:? : Its . ' ..pen" and ' V- R? ? ? ? ? if te his arguas? ? . , . in thil i , spider of ml?, though never so eh.ir_-.-,i ?ith ." ?nut remembering that Chli.-, ( quite a.? foreign as Japan. , JOSEPH I. C. C__l_U_g ?New _ork. Dec 17, 1915. JUST AS MUCH DRINK Falling Off in Liquor Tases No Indi? cation of Dryieii ? ? . 'b.tin ?a?. ? adoption ? . ..r? the ' ? en?. Of **00:lj 4r ? i | "i.jn. or in , onl) Y i ! ? liquors, c'i ? 0 reasoi ? . ?'. an ? ? ' of the u.-.?al demand ;i de ? tas* the with?.- ft ilia i. .- pbi of "? ' ? ef tk* ? on *' called ha? enorn. . ? ! that ; lohibitiM -feriar ? ? : under ? ? red. Thi ',' do not ?Ir ire p*'** l are? M dar?as ?amber ? 7hc ' ? thi ' ??0" Pi hibit. A I [?? Why Not Constructive PrOfTt-MN*1 Sir: ta to Y - 1 1 ??? :???.. v. C* .?ck" "Wh-, ! of ir-.? lui ? ? . like outla . ? ??a?.m ? ? ? . . -?ti? . ? rom ? heal m*. in, one de| RICHARD AKLL1? Chain ?. ?<?lf ?.overrmert con.*' ?. Dee. if, I'.'i.v Not an episcopalian. To ?M Editer of The Tribune Sir: 1 raj Tribe?a I i?-?<l "*><:"- '""^ your aeCOBBt ef the electrocution* at ?-1 irprised to nota th?t the n chaplain arsa aa I p??'?,P*'! '* : ,, . v. 1, to record that I waa b?*?,':^ i, ?.nimm ?1 and fon ?irdanr.l * 'r vat \ ,-. yon on the correct ?*???? 1 I tend my boat {0 J fri? int. S un Adam.? Ad-Vi?.or. ANTHONY N. PETERS!** I'* 1 haplain *-aii*p Sin?; Prise? Scarbotouj-h on ilud?"n. Vtn. 14. 1?1-3?.