Newspaper Page Text
i he Conning Tower ? J Itecember Twenty-Sixth 1 hrtatma*., and .-ill through The Tower i? burning .it -in \t\ lot? power i ? taff, 11- ,i tile, i? about ?i 1 ? ? (naketh ?k nut the window, even p ? k ?if thinge that :. to reail. "1 he World," it hat "The Tril a:T. Ira of the United E ted, but it c , ? its own j^-," y led to lay a word about this, hut ve ara i'nun The Tower .. .ii.d for os ! entirely upon the ?inly clock we can ? wl i'h v. ',,.. Por twip w< P? thai clock ? ni!''''. ??? ' ? II HI MM? \*. RITTEN IN ' y \; PTIOM 09 "8T0NE WALLA I"? WOt A l_U_OM MARE,** a.', ai riioa "i "I HATE i" LEAt/l Vni . DAHL1NG, B'T I'VK (,i'T Tu i.ii To \V\K." at a young man most forftrn; ? t diii ht* prenant, bright wert (Kill as lead, with car? his far?- I a* H though 1 rery heart ? ? ! the ha' i'i voice mo.! sweet. i in this cell." Xht* ? htened up .:,.! jumping to hi? fe Tht girlie then did tell: CHORUS. ?,'. prison make; as soon as you I lee .ut it stop, to ache, And ! would ?et me free. X , torn ??. prison do nut make!** i h a cosy home we wife. He \. most tenderly, ipiration of my life. ear, when everything looked blue, M hat I'd he to-day0" ?\ " > ? . "what girl COUld !'(' untrue To ,; ? nough to ny: CHOKUS. not a pri on make, ;. ; ???" etc. Khak. LOCAL NEWS pretl this \\k. ? ilurrics. . ! Listen !" last night. 7 v spent ; ? I In vier out n the a il in 7 at this writ.; S. * Chicago, San Diego and M< ? Thurs. I in Mark. * lrv i the holidays with Mr?. C's . C. was Laura Baker of there. Viva Thoits Taylor, Bert's little girl, is home er Chi itii m, she being at Radcliffe - in her entrance examin?t* ns to. THE PASSIONATE CONTRIB TO HIS LOVE. I've tried for q ..'? n lengthy To write an ode to Sadie ?his is all 1 had to ti I iove the little lady. Hut poets like to sinp their lo In many-colored ph That range from ! ? ? them their lyric* thoughts That come s<? thickly shoving. . Ights Bu1 lead the league at loving. Ban. The Complete Letter Writer. mmlsslon I in the p?me, if ? ,| thing! out for the ?erk. Height slim built, and 7ho ? nt emokf and ?lrink. forma? tiea b.. ? sud* el a .... ?ilaces, ? of the i. Bnareidablf de? ' ? the mcch ? Th i ?? tv\ ?? ?h f. morp heart'?' ? ' b cnunt (ionh, how you ? ? the liuckli* ? ? all - | | w ' ,.,?, .,.v THERE ? i! |> ere of ?If U"? .?? ' ?. t would *i?lit ? i ' .,:?! I . , baa the ?a __!. ' ' '?' " ''?? " '(--?lay hmo\ KNOW H i Q Q ' ' ?'? I ' .-.ith I ., I dita ' ' ??"' J . I'. A. WAR RELIEF SENT 240,080 T?NY FEET Thousands of Belgian Children Will Receive U. S. Gift Shoes. ORWARDED TO SUFFERING JEWS ( ;; ?s and Collections Ready f"i I Tati Day Drive- Red Cross in Europe Oets Supplies. Thi . ? (if th< I Relief * ommit ? to varlotii ? ? I ? ? .. to SI ? dltlon the I This Utter serviee will l" .riry 1, iim thi- i" tee wiil -rive it- full time to the collec forwarding of relief funils. At 1 '? real headquarters or ? '!.'?? UbOC per?on? :: riri; tUgS, _SI_I SB! for ii-e 'in Wednesday thi' . ' ; ?? . Mr*. Phlll] - tiif tag ilny can ."?.- ?:?: tu 118,278.-1 id hy the New Yuri ? Board of the American IU?t Cros? during the week, ?nclurlinf* $10,00(1 fron the I ieh ?I the Serbian He. lief Committee. The total to date is 1010,11 Thr American Red Cro.?? shipped 181 rn'p.- B1 1 hi I of war relief supplie? to the American Relief Clearing HourM in Paris on lieeember 18. It mcluilei1 1 7,800 pounds of ?hsorbent cotton, 4fl0t batts, 80,000 jrarda oi large quantitlee of other ho?, -nrments arid clothinp IC seven <?., * era sent to the lid .ais. German Prisoners Kemembered. [ ? and bales of ?a i : and el tl r,?:, blank? * ? oinp. books ???? i tob?ceo were ???nt dur ing the wi rican consul ? I own for in South Africa. Twentj hospital supplies ?.' i ? ? ': - ? ri Red ? . i", ?'i.....I Stn t, tres Fund ? tute I>el?ian children. Thi ? of thost contri butiona will be needed. Tin n ' < hristtnaa Fund tre .i fund ro'?' ? ? ? being ? Jews mi tic i mir ; '1 hrimnh ti i War, I Pi ?-. Ros ,i illiitrhi.. ,000 banks that issued . the < I'lintry, \? h ? i ? . ' Aid, Pier I ng the plums m to arriva in N'i*.v "i ors on ? ? teai Rocha nbeau. In a .> iIne!. ? ? ?' them ? have no ,-nok?. The lack i great that sorai : their ? . lid so." In a by the Fui st, formel that - . than 1.000,000 - ' I : ' ? ' ' Doll I' Hi B| \id. \ Mi ? .: Roe, ir, cl ? i ? rer. ? I . . . thi : ? ?? ? ' ' I'?. ' ? I I ? ". acknowl i. ; .? ? ? ? . ri? ro . . ' ? ? ? during tl . Kui ' 1181,036.4 rece i ved I . ? ?__ M'lba to Sin?; for Red Cro?s. A pel foi ? , ? ?.r i hi ? . thi i ' I . . ' r. Croe i les, undei ? Mrs ! slrony and toiah saeaes ? ? . leered to a I Mme. . m till? perforataaae. MERRY ( HRISTMAS ON GREAT BATTLESHIP. distributing preaei I to i ne hu drad bojn anil jrirl.? on the trun deck. society enjoys outdoor yuletid: Golf. Motoring snd Hunting Fj live I at I - . Coanf ai d ' ? i ? - m man** ?? : ,nr? eondil ? red 01 ? - K.i\ Meado? '?'.?add? I hull? parti ' '.'.n ]i !; Mr. am i Mr . Mr. and Mrs. S. A W Baltassi, Mi. and Mr?, liai i -. 1 ? Mr. ? Robei - Bradlej Mur' r . ' ram am M r, her .John I Bl ' I ' r I Mrs. 1 M m ?.mon te the 11 of tin ' W. Si rVoodbridi ? 1rs ?I . ? H. K. ? I nn.l Mr?. ' '-It?- I. S. I ? !?' M ' ? Mrs D li. I ;: i I i, Mr. ' '. P. Hurd, Ir. .-?nil lohn P i \ ? I ? r. and ? II . otlore M Kt| Islai i ' <;?!i|r.i -r. C I i ...?? ner. G II G I !' " I M. .GEMI N I S hi I Ali. my, annoui m the eni th< i Uuuhter. Ml l. to Will iai ? Bi i Alice \ UfaHIa I Hills 1 ???'*. to 1 .""i ?Ago . ? tiills i._r.?.'iin. AIDA. CHRISTMAS AT OPER/ Mi ?s Dentina Binge Title Role Which She Maie D?bat Mer?*. ? ? ? ? - of "Alda " M : the title par*. which ? her A the mu th all her i ; aya one i ? >ry pad Cill.llltll ? ? . ? ? rear bar <> M r. M raa thi Mimlaio?--. ai the Amnerla, Wo Deatinn th j formed a worth** trl i roll peculiarly aniti to Mr. Amato'i powere, and Mr, Seo i? nu ? M It s ? RAIN HALTS XMAS GOLF OF WILSON! President and Bride (.au^'lit i ShOWCr fin Linkl Spend Rest of Day Quietly. - Hoi Bpringa, Vs . Dec IS, Presiden ? I ii qnlet Chriel ma?, at The Hi " ? eakfeatiag u i their private dining raen which, like all th?? rooms of theh ritb boll** and ? hrlat mn? greens. Henry Albert, manager o ? hem m nun ?aturo Christmas tree dec crystal nml tinea] ornaments ar i h of which was pol led a i ? led with roaea orchid ? hieb arrlvei in larpe boxea from the White ? ? ? and ? ?"i Pa? tinni to ar esa and i ? ? ? ? ? down a d?lai , hum? rife, itlni ihe hi??< ap a golf Rain the res* of the ? ? : 'lli will be 1 i ? ? dent'a birthday, en D -? terta nment feat which the Pi ant lin Epiaeopal Chnreh . I , Mr?. W. K i. their h, who - Hoe ? Stone, ? '. ? Mr, ei -I Mi ? w . B. - Mi and Mra. .. Mr a. ; h M Br de, M ii Edith MeBri ? .I . n 1 rk. Mr. end Mr?. Walt* Gi er, of New wlio ?re her?? on their Wi Mr and Mi i M Pooker, M Mri K Denaldaon, of Mew York; William M. Sweet, of Ph ida i la, ai d \l> am '?' I ? ibi a, Iambus, Ohio, are among the late ar bere. Several ?laiton iaeel ad Inviial on? f to the wi Laetitia M ? ? of Mr. anil Mra. Donald M ?I St Tori Roth Mlaa MaeDenal i end Mr, IrWla ? pen) ' ting?, where the-?' met fur the <ir?t Yum, BLUEJACKET SANTA HOST TO KIDDIE! 1 iiiitliinril frnm |ia*?* I tiona of a turkey trot. Altead o.iiny, : < .tptiiin Hodman Thrilled. 1 ? ' minute -.?'tth Santa Claus, who ' than .' Lud i.-.. bo'aun's mati i in n "i- .. Idreaaed the newap iper men thrilled i the i nited States muy a v. en the party had i s ised th. dis ? ?Ion ? bai . ? of ice cream, ... they retired to the berth deck ? tor the childfi n, ami I Igh with them yet I through lanes flanked with gaudi i ? . ? Inch ? ?eat h and sprinklings of I Paal ? over rompar'tnent, rushed the 100 Hnc ? - - on the di" rack. A hurry message fr< m the e 1 re ig mell out i ? fo'eastle H .?ere piled up in the shadow of the great feat teen-inch gum Bant - It ne efe Bt the entff-r facet and esJle I for aid. The movie machines clicked, the 10H I, the sailors eheered and the ? led to thi little p/'rl. Na?y Santa Hand*? Out Gifts. It mu it be that, .i-1 s ? ii Bo'sun's Mate Lud? chimney m the librar] dread m all, hold the 11 ! ? deck, it Raeh girl received a set of furs, a ? ndei! n seout Sttit, a ' ' |.r;/. Knth. rii 144 Gn ' doll. - ' Punch la had and many, ? o'clock. I ':? 'he ?nteil r kled and danced, thi ? ? from ? . effort I burdeni I their ? Ten minute? later only one I '?'? '? ? for a pillow her li* I ad fallen s I ' ? ? bis family in it SHOW INVITES MRS. WILSON President-? >N ife? Asked to Open Home ( ?inference in New inrk. Un Vfoodi s MTU "? i is heea la? t?d to op? Home ??? and on Februar. Dariai the I of registra? tion will be maintained, through whieh . me) adept horn? Ii u rphaas, victim? of the war. ??ncieney in the home are the " ?n.l i :????. setee there will be brought together eeeneaU ind do n general equlpn sllisl ment sud ; irehase sud -?repara Uuu o? luuda. CAPITAL GAYLY CELEBRATES DA. Brilliant Scones ai Em bassies and Homes of Cabinet ?Members. BIO TRFF GLOWS IN WHITE HOUSI Miss Wilson Has Co . Day \m tain St; Waal ? celebrated - mat*? ehservii ' I ment. 1. ? ? roproooi I there were - ei d e shan ? green. merriment el veiled ,. bnge I In ? lights all thi hold wore of surpi tea the fais and other re? cli invo ?bee pouring y bl ? n see in th i -wo week?. Mr. and Mr? Praneil B, Sayro. Mr Anna m laaghte and granddaughter, Mre. Cethi Josephin.? Ci h ron, and I*rofe*??i Axson, broth, arrived at the Whit? H ma ? I end they were ell te see th irai Later in the day, aller ? been unveiled in their o**/n borne, tb Secretary of I ? . - :rv and Mr a White Hon at dinner. At'er illnner Miaa Wilt* 1 and saii(i. Marshall* Knf.rtain at Willard. The V ee-Pn I Mi Ma ?- H ? 11 had a ?mall but merry ?'hii?tma ? ? t-> Mr? Marshal ? \V h i ' and ? chai a Yi th Presiden! le al The Secretary I and Mr Lansing had a quiel . famil i ? ??l Hcd Mra. John W. Foater, par r?f Mr?. Lai . The Sei reta ? ? ?am Gibl i Mi '? and lYihpr! II. M tdoo, pup.I el St. Panl'a School. McAdoo, Miaa Bailie McAdoo, Ml tin a I up. To-night Mrs. "' led a ? nnd sisters, wl " .doc .1 ned at the Lane? Spent Qnlet Day. The Sei Mr.. Lane ipenl a qui< great aneaaineaa over tin? er and Mra. Lane b< of hei Miller, wh? and Mr Burleaon had Lieut? ley, the latt ? r and oat o other gut with them They d ipenaed with :? ? hi < in the Secret Dai ell ' ? r for him, 7i beg of d cuit and I box ? tiona for ira. William ., ni" Raleigh; Lieu'' ? ll joined the Secreta' ell and their four ?on? at d I |ip Secretary of Agriculture and ' '?' ? '. Mi?. Mr? Id, and H ? iiior at the ? . Mra. Gar? net. Thi '. Beene M Brltieh i:mh???y ? .' ?"burch, ? ? plum ptid ? ? ' ? a :.? to The (?erman Fmhn??v waa deoerted ? ,? Thi- smbasaador and h - i .ty. It be *, ? plant m and In honor or the Emperor. I i Chriatma? ? portrait. The Prenefa Ambaeeador sad Jnaaei ' ? ill the memfa ? n i| rneata All of thi? l ath ''i* diplomate a' tended earl** masa thi? morning, and lied, Benthern - ? ? ' I Drapi i -. .a . aa _______ISOS ESTATE DOUBLED Geresaut I i Who Left ? ira, \ . ? ap t . ' the Harri? son, >? ?! un automobile ? ia and ... ubled it! ?en I ?it.. valued SI .1 two of ? . Mr I - - MRS. HIWITT GIVES PLAY Trial? ?if *\ e.ilth\ Wot ? n (Juest BN ? ' eicv Park. Dal runts it- play went to Miss was ?.ring .- cals. Mrs, Dives, who, in tl social lu-r i.f ami I I '.ually on the Be? II it, a ? Force. nod . let ion, .. !',.i. ?Tt \ Ito.l man, Kei nedi, ? i I'Sul? ? '? ' OBITUAEY. IOSEPH a. DI BOM. i'h A, De Boer, i ? 1 i ? ? fum, '?: ? Mr Di ? in Alb Mr \)n h he later MRS. MARIE Mil Ton ' 'rom ? . . I th. II!' '). I 1 I H. K lie.- Bab? II ill. i his ? ? >-ar of i i * ..-eh, 5th av . mon ' ?-'. ?? t 10 I ?n. A sp?r I ----- ill have the Grind Centrs t 11 o'clock Wash ?ladelphia and Boston pa? per 'iy. At her late roaldeaee, ?ora? il ?? ? i ? ' .- home '. Mar? . I). I)., and .lui . .-es at All nuicri. New Milford. si of trar'. .i'.ion, m. i\ Blea-U-eld, N. J, after a It. .\o I : :' her J ' I ! r. ' ? B. mai ' RANKEN At l '. N Y , Aldow of l'r Q raaeral 1 ultoa av, Hem] Da r K lly omit flow. I i.Ml II U-_B_ IHR \, 0?M?I M? N I I'VtnTKT. SS. I SI l<? i ? ?1 l.y Trolls?. -Alt? "I -I : ft ... Oman, m un m ?_? ?t? ?*_