Newspaper Page Text
Stop! Look! Listen! Where Not to Buy Sut Forth in Simple Tales and True. Methods Used by Greenhut's, Madison Toggery and Saul Up-Side-Down Described in Detail?Some Guide-Posts for Those with Christ? mas Monc) to Spend. Ev SAMUEL HOPKINS ADAMS. i top! Look ! 1 , r that ha | Taking advantage of the - ? , the ?i ? ires which to kr.- ie a matt'- of | though they don't mean better Wai - deling ertth watchful eve4?. The Trir.iif.?? ir ? ' ? expert? ? . "Wl ere ' ? ' will '-'? perts) Not t ? ... ... Takt ' .- The Trib . tion and chicanery i'Hck 01 this *-;hop's wonderful bargain offers. Appar? ently, the less? : *.*?> Q to heart, for recently (?reer.hut's : , thie: Year's Best Overcoat Sale For Men Big Special Purchase /rom Hochman, Blum Co. of Rochester, N. Y. $20 to $25 Overcoat? TrUy....$13-95 These high-class makers of men's clothing have just sent us their clean-up, and, really, we have very rarely seen such an excellent lot of Overcoats, etc. In the ; hown the Hochmai?. l?lut Inc., label, with ' " appearing twice upon it. Now, Rochester is the hiph-jrrade ready-made clot! trader i the minds o? ma " I ?? of the bargain, I went to Greenhut'fl and asked for a Hochman, Blum Rochester ovareoat, at he affable salesman produced a garment, which I tried on. "1 this a TTorhn7f*"* ' reoatT*" I naked. "Yea, Mr; ni.;- rted materia! made 1*1 Rocheet? Where is the label?" ? ' ? ? a Hochman Ilium label, is It?" their refru-ar label." "Well, it isn't like the one in the new. paner advertieement?M I I reduced the pictur? i salesman studi? 111 I r a moment. nan ilium, all rif-lit. Do you want one with that label?" "1 <l- 1 come fr- ? I - ai d I want a Rochester-made coat." ther salesman came up, arid after some talk the Bret man admitted that perhaps he was wrong and had take:* the overcoat from the ?.--i il to find a garment with Hochman Blum label (not th- ?n the advertisement illustra? tion) ir. the inside pocket. "Here yon are.' said the pee-on. salesman. "This is the Rochester made 'ivi rcoat i need to work in Rochester myself." The purchase was made. When I Kamine it later, it seemed to lack certain qualities which $20 or $26 Rochester-made ""arments the H lima I'lum Co.. Inc., manufactured. I iced an acquaintance who is in the clothing trade there. ? Thi- Qui to come. was communicated with, and I ishing telegram resulted: an, Blum Co. in the city." remained. I trot hold of the Roch? ster telephone directories, ; companies, and looked with anxious eyes. Hochman, Blum ? ?... Inc., those "high ? men's clothing," di nking heart I turned as tory. It man Blum, overcoat was an orphan! ' Y however, a N'ew York .. ?ta? I re qu< ? chatty as a fish. T ' '?ar that ' Works of imaginai light profitably Others would best go '? mythical them ? ? Bargain ton 1135 olid, standard misrepr? nany of thi window '? Madif .?' labels. The M ? Toggery (time hunting g The Tribu When th?-v inquired as to m, at the Broadway Bargain Store, the clerks dodged I, "Madison Tor. ;::_7 two ?hi re is a The Iroadway Barcraii t- i ,,wn ? ? ? ??lo-. and that hade froi rticle, and might, in the a] ndersized i ' rted with c -. The r *7! purchased a ' " necktie which Ity Madras shirt, $2.50 Value." which d was never of $2.50 value, a f the past, and proceeded along Broadway tao the mysteri ? ected Ma I . jary. llluded to certain practices of the Madison To: alonjr the line of "window lay. a gentleman wl i IrloiT called at The 1 - truthfulness, te, ? Y due; pi ?elf. ? I ?? shirt in ' "? ?" ie." "But n the window Is marked $8.60 value. ?i little finer qua ity of silk." I I'll take the one in the window." ? . ie?" : e window. Ar **wa? ' low for $1 man. window, of c -n. Toggery and i:.? e, deserve s conspicuous ere Not to Shop" list So whan Mr. OriofT calls again he will hav? I ne. Pinkelst e the w Hlard g out" for "less than I ial the southwest eor ? 1* goe ?1," which landard : 10 cen? ? - .7 box, -"?1 thi? sijfn : "All Wool Swcmutb at ',? Pries." One war * ' "!? tin- sweats. pssttivsly all wool!** "Sum-, it's a!l wo?,.." ?* 'IT." "What doe- it regu.uriy .ell at?' "'I ? else.** ?eater ia all cotton! Th<? Tri to ba made for fi ? ttl out ? ' -vool. naviah 1 tein's I ? C ti'?." re-da 01 i in the show window. When a Tribune pu an atl palm off anothi line :. IndoW. Tho cloi took a-; urdcrshirt fi pile. 11 was marked "Springt?*-. Bodygard mdarwaar?n inquired the customer. We ?ruara:.U-e :t." was paid fot ?t. It it? not ? Cooper make, bi ;??? tat lard value is 60 c.-nts: so the custome . 'l.i- dollar, paid more than a 60 pi ar in general design I - eputable t bonas? tha ? lamning I ting ; ,! the <-,i ..... *.?-.-? ? of the moon i:; grec isn't evi gold-plate 11 is Th guarantee is ? a; 1 incita pur Undoul ? pie wi i ifth Avenue. And eventually, ? this ? -tinues, p??<>i>le aril] Stop buying on Fifth Avenue hi f store is increasing thaw paar. Not lass absurd that, tha "solid gold*1 claim of Enrle's is an offe of Rothenbarg's, on West lit "Ten-Piece Ivoi i t? - I'm.- was sold to i ? ? ii. tin- kind ti ? m. The ' set is celluloid '? ivory, but. st or it. ? . ' ? il -'IM k. appan earoni . f Fifth i.vei ue, on the north ii" at tii "Extra Special" window offers of pure sill pair, the Tribune shoppers stopped in t ; . l*ne '"?' pair of stocking? shown had an obvious am 1 !"?:. having this railed to her notice, th? ? -.! pained surprise. '?I don't ??? M got Ifl here," she observed. Two other pairs were shown and bought, a blue pair and a black. Thi blue stockings are seconds. The black havt* holes in the heel?. Fifty cor.ti would be a liberal price for these bargains. The only "extra special' feature about them is that they are cxtra-specially poor trash. Thi '?(,!obe Hosiery Works" is an excellent place not to shop. Twenty-third S trout, deserted of the big department 3torea, exhibit? a melancholy residue in the form of two little "schlock" shoos. Lunine _ r, conducting a "bankruptcy sale" at 2?'i East .Jini, sold to th< Tribune men ?; "2.60 silk and linen shirt" for 94 cents. The "silk anc linen" is cotton The garmant is an out-of-f?tyle. discontinued -., which may have seen better days, but never anougfa better M tha' it sol.; Small wonder the original conc-rn went bankrupt! Itred .1. !.. Hersch Is "Soiling Out," according to hia ..-.i.. ; ? il a -?? all imro tub "silk shirt" to the bun-ail 1 a curiou article. The shirt is "loaded," , filled with ?i combinai I n and zinc to give it weight. The ?rat washing will, of r those valued minerals and the owner will I I 'hase when it comes back from the laun? dry. A "dollar pure silk" necktie, purchased here, proved to be a stand? 'rent article, and a ilr.?.-s shut. ??-':' value, to be an out>of-style ition il garment. Paaaeraby on 28d Street will do wrl! tu iuc_ to th" sidewalk m front of '_?; and 62 East Some of Th readers may have noticed the shop of Saul Mint-, a1 1211 Broadway, from the fact that his sign is upside down. Saul's business princii newhal inverted. 1-rom his appealing window dis] ne men a "gu irantoed all silk waist? coat" of which was -y represented except for a slight inversion in the fact l aid had in toma way undergone th a loi of cotton which got interwoven with of a guaranteed all? the I .:-.;.i", The manufacturer of thi with Saul. He says th.i* rrweater is all wool m it. and i? not supposed to sell for a cent r-i' 1.60. Maybe Saul would do better with bis ?igm right-side-up. !!*? couldn't do much worse. In 1 ne article only a heprinninir can l?e ma'le on the . II give further ad? ' with a . ii ncern which has settled upon Fifth A-.- i ue ai d i- branching forth m various directioi PANIC AS JITNEY HANGS OVER WALL Crowded 'Bus, Racing with Trolley, Skids to Edge of Railroad Cut. NARROWLY ESCAPES THIRTY-FOOT PLUNGE Woman Dragged Out Window to Snfcty Wrecking Crew Removes Vehicle. A jitaey bos Ailed with passenger? ami with ? trolley car en Oraag Newark, yesterday after? noon jumped the curb near Second Street, crossed the sidewalk, crashed through a fenee guarding the Lacka Bt a*.d ?topped on the top of the southern reta with the front wheels dangling- in mid sir thirty feet at' . ? rsn| trolley ear goii | in the saias tion. Turner to : right to fro between the car and the curb, but the momentum of the bus was too (-.real to permit the short turn and the bus jumped the curb. The shock when the iitnev skidded caused a panic amona; the passengers | who fought to get through the narrow '. exit. The situation was intensified ?hen the bus crashed through the fenee i and headed for the edge of the retain? ing wall on the south side of the Lai k awanna depression, where there is s sheer dmp of thirty feet to the roadbed. Over the edge wen*, the front wheels ' of the bus. When the axle struck tha top of the wall it served as a brake, , and the vehicle stopped with the front wheels overhanging the cut. T!.e Steering wheel saved Turner from being pitched clear of the car. Once the car had settled the panic .-? rs disants | Belves and climbed out, badly f enetl but uninjured. Mr?. Jon*i R. Mof? l? of Irvington. had to be through a window. Turner was ar I for alleged reckllfs? driving. A ng locomotive had to remove the . which threatened to drop on to the track. Turner said lee was respon -ib!e for the i, Four persons were badly eut by flying irla?? and bruise.! in s collision bel ey bus and a Roseville trol at I'mriio sad '? j ester Ii :? The bus s m going esst on ?Irar go Street, drl Ward. . lanes Street, m h I ? ? trolley car. in char,;-' of Thomas illy, motorman. ? i red in .n to the chauffeur were I i D Ferri?, M Liberty 8 rest, Orange; Th iman Sterbacfa Clarence Qoeti treet, end his tea-year-oid brother. Wenge! > The !,;i? wm '.?recked NATURE ROULETTE RIFTS HOTEL GLOOM Youths Netting on New Fangled Weathercock Ont* [{cum in Host ?Ytiletide Darkness. "It W?? ? ?'? This sent ' i hollo??. ?? - - irks, raour ? ? lay. I ' ? - rt-A il nuiin. G( t, owner of t ? - - ? -*ric de-rice, com with tl on the roof. By ? :k n .v t h p I ? . ? ? ' i or whitf ? ntly remii ? that they Natw ' ? ? room clerl ? the A Man? ' i,-,--.-, hundred employes of the Id and ' The Vanderbilt Hotel ?;?,< an lively as a ?" "hr,e ? . I '. - Vrid in ell ? LOS. D TO-DAY A _N m IIDA Lvn .*. TWII ' ' ' . ? , . i Otoomt Omsm Us ? *r J-?t."l OM hTKAM) i? ??? .\ , . ni..i*HT -ii \ i a Tr.A arovii r. at?. M?Ji? B???r-?-J -.? I.?, , ',., apMlal I H? Sooft tire I'rorruaaai I What Plays?and Why If you can't afford to waste time or money on poor playa, furm the haliit of turning to the 'A*? here and Why" dramatic department in The Sunday rribune every Sunday. It contains the sort ol description which one friend gives to another?frank and intelligent criti? cism which it is safe to follow. Start forming the habit to day. Section III-IV. Page 4. Sift Smti-atj ?ribmt* to La*t?the ?ruth: Saura?Edltorlnta?Adv or tlaentonta. --.1 WHY PAY ?3.00 TO $5.00 Per Cover For Your NEW YEAR'S EVE DINNER When The fflanijattfln Square $)otel 50 TO 58 W. 77TH ST. Between Columbus Ave. and Central Park West. Serves the Following Menu for $1.50 Per Plate SUPPER 10 P. M. TO 12 DANCING FROM 11 P. M- TO CLOSING n,,t?r, en Half 8*'?l Oy?t?r Cocktail Bouillon In Cub Oil?-, Salt?! Almnndi Ol'ry Potito?, J Sallit I? i ? Cr?am .?.??-??rt C'.f BunJ?n. i P?a? Ri?i?lr? S?t?d <?.?. rtr I Cs> ? CrackT, Cat* CHAMPAGNES *?om-?ry S?i ./. . . 15 C,l) Vfu?? Clicquot ' 30 Kr?| Prwat? Cu?e? 500 ALSO DOMESTIC WISE? Imported and Domestic Cigars Dancing. Munr and othtr entertainment. Rrirrvatmnj are now bfing made. None accepts, afin 6 P. M. Friday. A ceaplete >t?l<*rtion of fun-m*.l?.ng loevasirs to Welcosas in tlif NsjSI 'irir. ai the New Year's Eve 1 in Neu fear*! Eve a sumptuous Suprfr will he served 'or |J at the Holland House. ri of Meeting a table It will bt? necessary to order \i?ur reserva* advance lint- Orihcttm and Dnrnlnti. M.S0 Table ?i ?: i II be served is ataal.ther evenings. The Holland House J. Charlton River?, Prop. Fifth Avenue at 30th Street. ni] rosr'.??r,:b Streit Weit Of Fifth A .?: a? To those who have received Christmas Gifts in Money! We call attention that TO BUY HERE is to Save MANY Know this?OTHERS have yet to find il out. These offering? are for Monday and Tuesday APPAREL REDUCTION WEEK! Deep Price-Cuts on All Apparel for WOMEN, MISSES AND GIRLS Prices to Clear Preparatory to the Opening o? OUR JANUARY SALE. Departments that must be* knifed are:? WOMEN'S FURS, COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, MISSES' & CHILDREN'S SUITS AND CLOAKS, BLOUSES, MILLINERY AND PETTICOATS All New, Up-to-Date Styles. WOMEN'S DRESSES lac?? ? ?rere I After-Christmas Specials Women's Smart Winter Coats, Furs, etc. ?oats that Were $'-".?.'.?1 19.75 lor Apparel Reduction Week. ("oat? that ?ver?* $21.93 12.75 in-tin that were $11 M 9.75 After-Yhrisimss ,,? ISt model* for street, sfternooa and <*?.. 1 r.g wear at the f ? (rest PRir* REDUl TIONSi Ki>r Apparel It edit? lion Week. Black Silk Tulle?? chiffon velvet with fur edging can - s at ??<.!?! v'w at.:: 1 - Wl.?, I hMfSBS ery chic '? rm-,1 I. .Nos 10.8" Vel?ete_n? SI Icffgea Bel w 1th ?i?* ri rai - ?-dat? styles Aere t. S'eo l^.gj Another add 1st at \eiietee_s, Sert*?*? and Silk? ': ?. -r House effect? and i>* 1h7? i mm; favorite? were to 114 M Now *).?* DR,ESS HATS For Apparel Re?lu--*lon Week. for Girls and Misses Ya'ue? f | ;? H Special, 4.95 Fine ?Ilk relvets, mainly bla-k?_J|? and ?o*7*?ly draped droop ng brla, iIm fitting si fl iffy chiffon - finely pleat I ?? . Vor? ' '* f1 ' 'rimmiif in exquis te color-?. GIRLS' DRESS HATS? Seal Pluah, Duretyn, Zibeline, Broadelo th. Corduroy Velvets and Wool Mix? lates! flare and belted m-*<lels with fur, plush, velvet or ?elf col? or? Other? handsomely trimmed with braid Some warmly interlined and peas de eygna or satin linings styles for dress or general utility. . . .If your tasas gift hn.pp.ns to be? money, these (oats are an unusually safe in vestment, only the best of this season's r-odels ?ire shown .ii-.l the* :ir,- re duced in price for the sole purpose ot making them attractive, to those who aie anxious to buy a coat with their Christmas gift money. Suits and Skirts Equally Great and Greater Re .uc'ior.s Lowered Trices Made Too I,ate t-> Give D ' For Apparel Reduction Week. Were ?2 49.Now W-ro to UM.Now Were to $7 '???.Now Were %11M.Now Were ?10 98.Now Wen- HIM .Now Wer? ?45.98..Now P in e variai in many mo Special 2.9! skirt? SI ITS 1.411 ?S.4S .-.. in 9.TH 8.78 I I.TH 54.78 CUT-PRICE SPECIALS IN Clearance Prices on PRACTICAL. FURS I'or Apparel Redaction Week. Ml KFS :: M r..!is t.?1 Round oi up?. Dyed Skunk.I4.9A .If?.?' ral Skunk. ... _ I !?s ?>:i> - . 21.08 i !?.'?? ' Blaefc Fox lo.?* i 7.11s 2?> l."..ii-* tii.ii? " Scarf? a* <? rrospea lii lea pr-fn PETTICOATS For Apparel Reduction ?Nr-k. Women's M<*s*aline and Tnffets l*c_r l<?.?at?* btach ai d ? g-sbU colors pleated or tailored flounces dost ruffle .2.1? Women'? Petticoats? alun, iteea plea??") or tail**? ' te 5 ru'?Y-s t:7ted or string topa..._4i Will You Spend Your Xm?i Mon** on the making? of an BOYS' and YOUTHS' CLOTHING afternoon or dance run Suits and Coats Now in Demand. Most Unusual List of Cut Prices to Be Found in All New York. With main part of Winter Still ahead, these offerings are h gen? uine sensation... Every coat and suit is on the tilt of fashion and from a reliable manufacturer, thus skip and reliable fabric?. Young >l?*n's Suit?? to !s ehest i 7.!>r? eres I pltids m choicest color ? ? ???> n sack models. Young Men's Overcoats M t< '?* Reg. $13 50, . . I II.(Ml Full rariety of W.nter overcoat? infra in staple and novelty ('e?;-,**, single r.nd double breast and swagger models lined and un lined. Urn's Overcoats fi to l? ye Reg $10 to $18.Bf | ears ?peri.-?,! M.i?O I chinchillas in full range ???? also novelties in rheviot overrun* : g? plain and belted - warm pia.-l hri.i . assuring excellence of workman Bojra' Drees; Suit? 10 to iM yoai - Reg ? | te al B.00 ote? Majority have Bore* Suits 0 to if? vears R*g. $7.M .?.OO Norfolk model i single and double bl ' '.y lined and tailor?-! *r'r:?ers fully lined many have ex'ra trousers. Rovs' Overcoats '"- to IS years Reg. $6.M ft $7M.?I.OO Che? ' ? ? ii soal Inga many plaM?. nsixturei and novelties, also plain color chinchillas. If So, Here Aie Unusual Assort ruent* <J SILKS Now in Demand ? ? .? alio Black In Misses' and Girls' Depts. ARE WONDERFUL SAVINGS ON UP-TO-MINUTE APPAREL For Apparel Reduction Week. GIRLS' REPP DRESSES fi to 14 yrs. Were $8.M.Special *_.4 1 v. nd bin?*, siso w!. ? in I varietj tial trina ineluding feather ? GIHLS1 WINTER COATS : I yrs. Were |ftM ..1.?)*. Navy, brown and new blue all wool c ' ures turnback with belts. s-nar? rn'xt :o!iars of plush? GIRLS' GINGHAM DRESSES ?, to 14 yr? Reg *: ?- .Bpeeial 1.37 Stripes, checkt and plaid* ? ' NCING FROCKS w , re v.- .?? ; e..?: i.vou White, pale blue, shell p?.k und del l?ate green chiffon tulle top. handsome bead and bugle trimmng around low neck and hem. ' MISSES' HANDSOME rnATS? Heg. $29.M to ?34.9S - . m..v> Wool duvetya, broadcloth?, novel* y plush . Leather color, groen, ??--?? ek ?mart Hare n. ring ?r.-i . ....AH fur trimmed, raccoon tria, beaver and skunk opossum be? ing ; to II >rs. in lot, but not lu each style. MISSES' WINTER COATI? \. ere ;: I M te $lt.M - Special.O.TB Zibelines ?nd Winter cheTlots ? plain colors, checks and "trinee. Smart model?, including post-.! on effect, terminating in murder col? lar, swagger < :* sad var.ety of belted at] ' -' WINTER COA u ere - I ? I .1 4.7T? ? > ? '. Hindu lynx, pe . -h and broad? ,Eicellent range of favor? ite color? variety of smart ra d - ... Fur collars of civet cat. skunk raccoon, natural opossum and beaver. '' r dak eil ? I - finish . M* Yard I.I*. (Jl ; eh Crepe Met? - ?*, ... .1.49 '? ? Charmeus? * i Ml ' ' -.d 1.2' S2.n, vari-u? style? a: i ? .7? ??* " dark as well as shaii. ? i : ?10-irch Radium T shades, Iig ? . ? 1*" Taffe'.i Pesa do Cygnes .-?***- ? '?*" Scarcity of Dyes Will Cause Shortage of Some Colors. s ? Renu ? This Whei the ' WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR BOOM stork-? learance re-lurtloM ii'idemrear Wait for Our January Sale BEGINNING NEXT MONDAY, JAN. 3 fer tH 1 ?r.,i",-.' lege"? r VtmZ?\. h* d for al! women to - e?" mo**ev-?avinj-s on < and qua H hile Petticoat? ?i* reg tl.'J?? . White Petttesata i lace. | triraaiod valse $1 * N'i_htdr?"<?e? ' ? or iriuihn roui m ??I were th ct?. Nii/htdreaeee many odd lots ?'A ^ styles reg $] . ? ? ' <"..mbln?t1ona nsinsook ?'? with skirt or drasver? *" ?'* I.4? Muslins. Sheets. Pillow Cases Pillows, guilts. Blankets. THERE WILL BE GREAT ECONOMIES 1N>? I'nderweer. Linens White Goods. Towels, Towel ings Art I.insr.s. Curtains, ?urtair.lnfs. Mi 1 orsets. Men's Shirts. Petticoats. Rabies' Presses Infants' Woolens. Comhinatior.s \? Ith lace?. h- I ribbiii ' " |J#i <?FF VUNDAT PAPERS OF JA.V ID FOR PARTIH*LARS. Envelope Chemises trimme?! stylos reg Women's Sweater Coat? '*r"!,rh!.i I v?,.v,e roll collars odd elaes s-jjj colors were ftM . Women's Apmna white 1?**"* . round or s-juare shell ** l?n? $\ many styles all reduced to ? " See Herald, World and American for Twenty-one (21) Morning Specials on Sale Monday and Tuesday until 1 "? j