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ilATEURISM TO BE DEFINED BY ATHLETIC HEADS Leaders In All Branches 0f Sport Will Help to Recodity Rul \vfj;k will bring many ( onfhrfn?s While "Simon Pure" Is Being Tagged Methods of Pardoning Will Also lie Adopted. On? of the Bret real -?eps in an ex ,??Tor to I * ' lot '? in chaos in .. athlete? to ta'*? part to amateur cot ;et ' ' ? rrow after loon, tthen ;n* lepreai u?n c * to ,l,!': Isss >; ?????? r th of a ?saatat sietlet ??' le? ct.' - 'or a recodlfying of the ?she '" " ' ?os? el ' '?>' ,n* l''ne li: |.. - ional ?fh'? Ithough whn'ly ??epa r?;? h ' t,,p ^R" ? srtll. la ' ' tr,e .. hich ? Sastras. G Il sssjaosi ? ? ?tour conference to oorrow ' up, in ?o far as they iffict r ? it? at ? ca, nt the collo yellowing the?? meetings the dele py. ? ?' will ipi-n ? 'u."r on Thuraday or Fr ? s refully all lorpr hove been I -atlon ?f the law? of amateur athletics will ?vfclch have n of the I A I I meet to confererce ?rid r! i? are the atetreUing hodie? in lawn tennis, golf, .*. re ?olver un ds ?r.d recr?ai . intercollr a and the A A ! . *'* A. A. V a, the - A*socia Itt ip covers f amateur except, of con hreaeei i are all listed under the Nal ? ' r?ate Athletic As I Suet; I have been drawn tip to be ?ol mil ?? eonfereni - the I. A A A A. These define an ?> one who engages in sole1-, . 1 physical ' m, and who an avocation. There ire fvi ?? . - wl en I y th? amateur may .i) broad term*. tn for ng u fraud in an atii ? oSJag for nuory. i Boney, by can ? athletic fame, and by astoci nalo. I wer i? conferred on ? dy which woui'i ? of an a" ?bo 1 Uni through ? ? mor. ' jrthermore, team? of natal ??old be permitted to meet teams of - as the 1 other toWtge i. net me< I * 'rial league Useball team? each year. The for infringement of >;ineirtl diabar the ath . further competition, but, n of disbarme; fraud, where the penalty in final, the i' be reinstated to amateur ? in any sport ?' *.har the one lu w-hich he ha? for? int after a period of years ? from one to five. : ruler fiare al: i much comment, and it is ;? \ 'n .sorrow ? n ill be li .. . : the spot: *? A ..rism will be the key r.ference I Lthletic Associa ns at tl? aVltOI e tubject w. si Hi Thi o? . i which ha? been an? tenne- . rto by '?le?:i vn and ador ?S ?a* . :?c? in the n will ba called ?> eaeo. ;. iron Hrigga, of hin?.- . ation UG lr. . N ?: . . nrrr?, ? ' - **?**?, of Vale, on flo??- ; ; i |. Il f- Bari ?, on "Athletics ter A Wies toncasen *>? er.-.veit'on will ?J1?1* " ' will hear . [i * i report? on the foot I.. W.lharn?, of f ? -, on pabetl ition of i t>r } I CS, ? > Caatleatai ivnd water sports * -on. of Harvard. , by Dr J. A - J1 \ m Howard Taft speaker si Ptaiag ????ion ,nJ hi? addreoo ?? y, ' owing Mr. r? will b? fer ?ral dl| tho turn war baseba {*? eseeot i eon *?a ? .. meet on ????ca; ?vei ? ?j BIO SHOOT AJIRANGED ?????ty-t?,, Tram? Inter N. R. A. A. Titl?> Toomry. Jf?ih'*.r , . ,,it ra. ? ?Tj * " .... .' th? , is nd?r the ??'',' ?a? a ' \ Jal ?J**.?a**? m ? -??> two rlub? have CTfc aseh Tbs -i r- ?de by tn? I ??; ??? teuiled ? ..... **?'*' I'M? Woman Swim m ing S tar of Coast Miss Francos Cowtila, winner of every swimming event for women at Exposition water camival lapt July, who la now going to Honolulu, seeking new fields to conrjuer. Miss Galligan All \ Alone as Water Sprite Nineteen-Year-Old Star Is Supreme Among Girl Swimmers. The victory of Miss .. ligan, of the National Women's Lift-saving ; League, a week ago, over Miss Olga li r, of th:i Philadelphnia Turngc meind the local girl the logl ? all 'round honora in swimming for women. Not , only I : been reel - for a couple of seasons as the spot ?? lerica, but in the recent ful rival covered the ? - Il seconde, the i ide at the distance in | Considering, then, that Miss Galligen ? is at the v< com] etitive career, having won hi r first race leOB ? than six months ago, and that ?he is comparatively faster from the quarter ids, the be -lems fully warranted that most of the chumpionship titles arid records will be hereafter at her mercy. Local fan:- has. . with in the amazingly rapid pment of this remarkable nine rear-old girl, for she is a general favorite. Her splendid eportemanship has completely e/OS the public to her. Fair always, and ever ready to make concessions, she has proved as gener? ous and modest a winner, as ?ho was a good loser before success came to The carnival of water sports to be held during February in Honolulu, un? der t: of the Hawaiian Ama? teur a on Aaaociation, prom? ises to be ti o loading feature of the ion. \\ i.ether the national ? not to sanction tl e American 1" charn, i ? etion with -hould furnish stirring col .? aders and record performances. AH loubl of the ability of Ludy Lane, great round tit.' make the trip have been set at n the young Californien h ? he has made *.'l arrange? ai-o states that 14 .- Fraii sa I ineteco, and N ' the Olympic Club, have to go. who won all i sate for i Is a neu star from . i . He n covert . ? ends arid 230 In 2 mir.u ? I scande, and he i? Impn ,'i.t. With these I I to Terry Mc Ealthel, of the Illinois At) b, th? American team will be formidable. Herbert Vollmer, of Columbia and fork Athletic Club, was re? cently given a trial ever a 160 yard course in the 76-foot Mercury l'ont nnd touched out In 1 minute 32 fths of a second under World record. He Will be given a chance to attack the mark under official timing in the near future. A number of w. I! known New York water men and mermaids will usher in ' 1616 la a aovel way. They have or- [ ranged to ? V, ar swim- ' I'^hch Hath. will be sat ed with a dive into ij but the I ? rea Is at the h Into the waters to of ? management for tho first - . f lirlO. tbow Mar.n, the no?ed coach of swimming, h?< been re by the New i lb to handle its ?? s and will tak' r y 2. BnCOaragil C de rjtarai re b? looked Maan 1? not only vm of the best - In the united ?I in soccer foi tan year? - gland's lead polo I ii- -, and It would no! g to ses out a cham i The I elaeo, of Jersey City. ? ? for women | tiers in January The committee r??* bas spoiled for permission to | i r, >?? ropelltan cham " i pal feat -re. and ? reply fn m tl ? Amateur A?h if sans ? ? ?rill be and Miss u the chief a"r?i ? Th? Illinois Athlet e Club of ?"hi '?go, has adopted ?n ambil .a | re ' ''?' ?' ? opening meet of 1616, ?o January 6. Lis ev.nU ere oa th? list, including free style, breast stroke back stroke nnd relay rare.-'. 1 of all in anches of s?. . ... old one in Cl worth calling attention to Breast and back str .r , ire sel? dom held in NeW York, and follower? of these styles ar" few and mediocre ty. in Chieago both strokes are featured often and their exponents are i . ?ions and record breakers. Com? ments are superfluous. BOSTON TERRIER CLUB GENEROUS Will Award Higa Cash Prizes at Philadelphia Show. The largest specialty list of money that has ever been offered for a specialty show in 1'hiladelphia is provided for the open 11 ty Ffiow to be held by the Philadelphia Boston Terrier ( lub nt the New Bing harn Hotel, on Thursday, January 13. In addition to the grand array of money specials there will also be an abundant !i-?t of cups and trophies which have been donated where competition Is se? cured. With a view of drawing an out? side entry, the bench show committee of the club has decided to award money prizes in each class of $5, |3 and $2, besides the regular ribbon?. WILLIAMS LEADS OVER THE JUMP Rode Twenty-eight Wll Hers During Season in the East. Fred Williams le head of th? list ?te?plechaso Jockey? for th? last ?? ?on, according to statistics compil from past performances on the F.?ste tracks. lie had twenty-eight winning moun In ??veiity-??v?n starts, was secoi eighteen time?, third ?isteen times ai was unplaced in fifteen races. II mounts won the tidy eum of 120.965 aaraaa. William? stood n?ad and sho . ?1er? above the rest of the rider? throui. th? field. Second on the li?t w?? Willi? Alle who had ten first?, six seconds, as mar third? and was unplaced twenty-thn times. Wolke anil Tiirne, who tied f' third honor?, rode a? mans winners i Allen, but the 6rot nam?d wa? ?ecoi eleven times, third one? and out of tl money twenty-one timee. The Iril boy mad? the place f.ftecn timas, wi third seven time? and unplacad only si times The?? were the leader? In ?nother o so far as boys ar? concerne i. Appreciating the popularity of ste< plechasing with the people of Viiwini and atarylaad aad the i'istnct i.f Ci lumbia, it is the intention of the SMI . ;d at Bowie the be; use in America. An the S bas the land on .? an unusually good one may be COI Strueted It owns many acrei. I about the track, and much of th ,'irt of hunting countr; Il s/ill not be necessary, there! keep the jumpers in races of two mile and further with.n the narrow confine Of a B Creating a steeplechase course thi winter will be impossible. It ' be done, it: fact, until a good sod ha ined in the intie! I Btrahan, the superintendent, will de vote his energies ricxr season to the tie velopment of a sod. He hope? to hav one by next fall, and, if he le su ful, the old steeplechase specials of th Washington Jockey Club will he revive? at Bowie, and a new ?take for three year old fencers, designed to bring th? ?v. 1 ? - or of 'lie Harbor Hill, at ! , j Roc)-., : old spec sll of the Pimlico me>'' ? gether undi i that s i the thr- ?? year old championship will bi establish' d. ? ?? WRESTLERS BATTLE FOR HOLIDAY CROWD McGrath and Strangler Lewis Draw After Long Bout. Rearing scars of many hnrd battle* the foreign wrestlers at the Ml tan Opera Bouse international tourna -. to the trench'' ? fol Christmas to continue the I _ title. A large crowd was on hai night, and many of th? visitors notice 1 that the men were carrying extra weight because of hearty turkey din? ners. Jack McGrath. the American wrestler, showed 'hat he was still in the running by putting up a hard fight against Slranijler Lewis in a finish bout at catch-catch-catch-can style. On a num? ber of occasions each man had the other In position? to gain a fall, but, ' ? | snd "f 1 hmir and 66 minutes both were still on their feet. Kenaldo Gard ni, the Italian, who has done some good work in the tourna? ment, proved too slippery for Demetri? us Tafalos, the Greek, who failed to down him in twenty minute?. The summary folio??. A 'i Ate-tj, Hiuata. threw r*ul Alear?. Spain. In 6 ?S. ?M, a ? -i-K u t ?-in l.v? liematrii? 1-'. - i - - tea Kar.aMo Oantli.l . as M ? draw 0 ?-,-- 1 ?.-? a. 1 tlltM C, Vosjsrt. Oenr.a/i?. I? I I ?>??,?' -i ; . Mt >r, Smarti-a. In liant Feuntl fJermaj "irese J Ronm Bohfn'a, .? ?... t ; .v..- w-ist '- , F. li? ? ? -' Kart Bandenva San. !:. ?ita a boilr aclsaur and double wrtart lock. Polo Activity Presages Great Season to Come Henry Lloyd Herbert Givci Figure? That Show Increas? ing Popularity of Game In This Country. Players of polo in tho United State should be well pleased with th? pre? mt condition of th? gam? ?nd th? outlook for the sport during the com : | year, according to sn officia! ?tat? PSent mado yesterday by Henry LloyJ Herbert, chairman of the Polo Aisocl since its ?tart in 1890. He also draws attention to th? en hanced interest in army polo due to the raising of th? height limit o? mount? to 16.1 hand?. In diicussing th? ?port ye?t?rd?y Mr. Herbert said: "Not at any period in the history of polo in America has there been an outlook for greater activity than now appears 1<>r the coming year. Man] of tho cluba of th? Pacific Coait aro already having ?piriud games, which are preparatory to the tournament events tl at begin there in the month of January. "Polo In this country is now practl rally an nil the-year-rotind sport. Dur? ing th? \:ti!er months th? alimatc and condition of the grounds are suitable for it OB the I'ac.! ? i 008t ami in Ha w?\U and the Philippiaea; in spring tho ?am? Conditions exist on the Southern circuit, which include? I'amdcn, the l?verai arrrr. .i- ! Washington; in thi rig the besjiaa ?t Philadelphia and rood, and is next followed bv the Western and mid Western circuit?. the montha of May aad June the !? in full ?wing at all of the Bastera club?, which oeuttoueo until the rendezvous of players from ali ; nrt? of th? COtttttTf at Narrugunsott P er, where the Important event? of th? y-ar, trhiah iticlude th? varlou? championship matches, are played on rounds of the Point Judith Polo "Notwithstanding the delayed totor? al polo evento on account of th? European war, the growth of the ?port < country. A nur*.r.?r v club? have been proposed for I . n nt th? next meeting of the commute?; and MOI ground? have been recently OOBOtruetod or ?re In the ( ourse 1.1 ciin?trurt'.on at fian Mateo, i ni ; Ht 1/ n ?. Mo ; White Plains, N-. V; Marragsnaett Pler, H I; Deytoa, 0.5 1 ? and Meadow Ht.m?. and "'I hire i? a glowing Interest in r ,rcln? boca i?" of th* rnanv .-?? of the game arhleh are ?dvan tui'iiii? in militare training; alee an secou?t of the height of th? mount? I been i ?. ? ? ; ' ha Polo Aeeeel otlon, v.i,uii conforms to sertato limita ? f the government standard for mill-1 tarv mounts, thus maklne It posaihl? lor their use for both purpose?. "A itanes of the attach? ment of soldiers for their mounts 1? ?heu/n In the Will of the late Captain ? ? n nfell, of the ' Lancers, * . bis twin brother. Captain Grenf , wert i inert polo ? 's, both hav .ng b tel Ll lied -n the preeent '.v..r His swill ttlpulateat "'I c.vo to my regiment, to whom the honor of my paining th?s Victoria i ro^s entirely due, thanks to the : ?! eipllae and traditions exist la toil magnificent regi? ment, sll my medals including the V. ( . "'.\lv pony.Tearl of Frice, which was ridden by my brother, Captain Riven* Grenfell, ail through the retreat from lions, and by myeelf on all other occasions, 1 civs to Mrs. buggan, of Birfleld, Old v, Indoor.' "There are nunv other Instances of the ertuiency of polo mounts in mili? tary B'-i "A? a manifestation of the growth of the gam'', there were only forty-two players eligible for the first hand.cap list of 1888, although th? port previously. 1 he Pole \ I - ? ? ed in 1890, two years hf'.'-r ?' | first handi? cap ratirij; ? n pared, "There is now estimated to be about 1,407 players, of I are mili? tary men and 828 ? liai . bringing into use about 1*442 mounts. "The highly ''i" i mounii of ..'rest speed end handm*:- . Teas? ing number of athletic young players in the West make it nossibls to pre? dict that In the n?ar future they will develop a team or teams which will ? East, , en the and U t quite as closely eon tular a? any in? ternational event which the American public ha? witnessed MORE SUB-TARGET RIFLES FOR BOYS S. R. Guggenheim Sends Check to Buy 110 Krags. 8. R. Gugirerheim, treasurer of th? Tubllc Schools Athletic League, *ho has don? much tjward enlarging the work of th? organization, did not allow Christmas to pass by without remember? ing th? ?choolboy athlete?. A cheek for $1,"00 waa mailed to the association yesttrday, and a greater part of the money will be spent In pur? chasing HO Krag rifle? equipped with "practice rodSe" M that a greuter num? ber of boy? n ay be able to shoot. These niles wni be distributed around th? ichoola, mostly among l ?h school ?tu ? Mi Oaggonheim i? keenly interested in th? aeveleetmeat u' swraeseaaebip the SChoe n.(ys Of Ihei nineteen tub targe! mash nee Is neo i?r the \*. ?n'ney ehampionehip trophy nio? have bean donated by biin, I TURKEYS GO TO WINNING GUNNERS Eighteen Men Out for Shoot at Port Washington Yacht Club. Eighteen gunner? f?c?d th? trap? of the Port Washington Yacht Hub yes? terday in a ?penal i'hr.stmas flay 100 "bird" handicap ?hoot, turkeys a? prtiei for the winner of ?ach ?tring of The conditions, with ? ?trong south erlv wind blowing aero?? th? firing line, were none too favorable, but despit.s this many good scores wer? ret The winner of the high scratch prze was W. M. Lollin?; of the first and second handicap prizes, E. S. Corr.well and Charle? ft, Hyde, respectivolv. Turkeys were won by Kred Long, H. ?r. L. Kunke, Dr. Deane and Dr. L, A. Newman. The regular weekly programme was included ?n this sho..' | barloa E. Hyde, Dr. L. A. Newman and Dr. II T Deane tied for both the weekly and the monthly cups. They and E. B. Corn well tied for the leg on the yearly cup. and the ?am? men. the addition of W. J. Walsh and H H. Shanncr for the leg for the specal yearlv cud. 1 hese ties ar? to be shot off at a future date. Th? scor?s follow: RTRiN.ia or a -Bums ? MOMa 1st M It 4'H. "??s H p .;? r. Hrt. Il M If w M ' Has .4 .. .1 ., M \i l'r H r 11. ar.? Il M i, 21 M ji , > * < "i 31 11 il 23 M :. .'? I. A 24 :* ? .. > *-t I' M 24 H 13 :? ?j ? ' f- . M i. 21 11 ,J o* -, * ?"1" -? f" l* I? -i i H r !. i mu . ?i JO U ? M -?? 11 14 : 4 m ' '? B kard m il ;i n ri 24 f., W. J. WaJi 4 M [l j? H [J ' l ? * S3 ?I 2 ?? Il II - Il H j.) i3 ,\ ,J J: ' ? > Il II 0 M Tr? ? U rli . 1? u l? 14 11 4 i ? n te fi fi 1! m tass . 10 1* lt i; ri 1 si I??XL MAKES PLANS FOR MEET Relay Races Will Predom? inate When Athletes Meet in Garden. Plan? for the second annual indoor meet of th? Int.-rcnllegiat? Association at Amateur Athlete? of America, to be held in Madison Square Garden on March 4, were announced yesterday by Romeyn Perry, manager of th? meet? ing. Twelve events will mak? up the card, with relay races predominating Pi inr by the. experience of the Brst meet, the association has abai the chort distance races a: I ? I therefor contests of greater Furthermore, will ira ten lain to the aille In the 1 '. 11 5 meet it was twi lee n ?le. The increase in s.ze trill cut down to a marked extent the sharp f th? corner?, ami none of the. ikiddtof that marred tl.o 1916 at? expectasl. There will be relay race?, a team race of two and four-tenth :i -.-ventv-yard dash and a SOvent] yard high hurdles race in the litt of track ovante, The events v.111 be the shot put, pole vault, high jump and broad jump. All of the -"?'ay races ?rill ha for four-man teams. There ?ill In' one of eight lap?, one of twelve topo, twenty-four laps and one of forty-eight lap*. In addition thi 1 ? med? ley relay, with the tirst man ra four lap?, the second tare tone, tlm third aix laps and the fourth eight laps. The team race ?rill be ?cored I ?ame system 11* that used in the collegiate 'cros? count r> championships. All th*. field event? will be team ? us, with teaass of evo atea taking part. In all th? relay race? s ba*on mu?t be passed, as required by Olympic rules. They will all be run on the oval track. Th? daih and hurdle race?, however, ?rill be - er the itraightaway. down th? centre of the Garden floor. The pames will begin at 6 o'clock, with the excep t on of tl ; '- ault, which will start, half an hour earlier. In the instruc'.K.;? to managers of tenins ?ent out by Mr. Herr in of particular interest, it reada: "Managers are reminded that the In? door meeting is sonu thing as well ' ? and that the audience and the a*! .ser together ami on a bit more intimate terms 'han is the case in out? door competition. It is cot nrged thai | rl 'ular pains be t.; ?. .? t1 .t the eoateotanta wear clean and adequate costumes." All prize? will be In the form of a bronze statuette a reproduction of the ??se gladiator. Oae of these, suit? ably inscribed, will be I bt each member of th? teams flushing tirst, aecond or third in each event. At th? clo?e of the meeting an enter? tainment will be held, to which the association invites the contestants, managers and coaches, toge'her wi*h Its former athletes and officers. Supper Will bo served, and there will b? shown motion pictures of the fortieth annual leid meeting ut Franklin Field last May. RICE MEMORIAL DATE POSTPONE! Chess Masters Will No Begin Tourney Until January 10. Owing to the uncertainty about th time of arrival of the French liner La fayette, which . ?ailed fron Bor ?eaux yesterday, the managers o the Rice mem , ment have postponed the beginning o play until January 10, when the firs round Is scheduled to be played at thi Brooklyn Chess Club. Whether th< field is to be compose 1 of e*ght ployer or more will he - . day or two The American chump.on. F ran h .1 lhall, has decided not to enter thi tournament, because the managers re fused him the retainer of flM, I sum, he ?aid, he required to get him self into form. In a tor to Mrs Isaac I.. Kice he explained that h< would BOt IS ho was in did form, seeing that this is t i liice memori . M a special Meeting of the Kmplrt ? other day, wher thirty members were lowing the ? s. T. a* . K. J g, treasui i re tury; K. I.. Hut?? lager, hi. Dembj end A rriedeaheit, di< rectors. ' tat before the i Ijoumment of the meeting Mr. W -. the chail and growth un ? :p and administi of Pi np. He pi of thanks, which eras earried mousiy. a i ippolnt ad to pare louvenii to ? lary 8. Tl '. and G, K elected honorer, ' enth round of I defeat at the hard- of I>e W " Clinton by tl of 1 club a few nights sgo. Mas y i over M. Zetkin, one of the Bneet play ? tha and To i "it for Di /on. Boj - H ifh - ling In the but Do ? trict tied with i ommereial Stuyvesant snd Upon h:s ret nrn from Chii eg i limuitaneo ? bun champion allowed only one diaw. Boris Kostle, the Serbian master, play? d i fl I of the Colo ersity chess Club members tno day before the ment, making a s on wins and . \ I i were manned by K. P. K 11 E Lee Is, C. fl , A. J Man J. M. Biard, N. W. Kempf, A. K. gel and Vf. i ? pi The seventeenth annual tournament will begin at the i ( tub to morrow ? I P ? ? Leagui ? id a team ell and Pel . ? .... jfor? us a eubetil concluded on Tuesday. I ? made by both Cornell anil . , - I I ering i* tl i score of a highly ? . clubs of Utrecht and Genf: wurm : ' ' :; wnm 11 u k. i . i !? l. I P?K i ' K, 1.1. 'II 1" I ht . I I I ?Tp . I lit-i II UH 111 1 Si I ' , i R ? P PM . . i i. t vom , a - t? ? e ? t ti ... t pri " i i ' s - It b? fa* the ? ??- c ? He i.u li IS.. - fl Still i Shipping Information and Marine News of the World ?_ Vessels Arriving at and De? parting from Port of New V ork. tjnoaf, ar a: MANAi* Bunrlsa, I :i. ?unaat. 4 Mi ?? <??? ?*???? * *? a n. . uk/osi's a??. II astaTwTm p sanar nook. I, ...r-.-.i ? islaasl I!... SMS . wiacLisa airosT. a? Mm taet. aaa . ?>''?? ??** ?' Uoofc ?i S ? as ?aauniw ?as? l? OiuITu'4'. IXCOMIMi STEAMERS. T'< DAT \. .,| ?roi? ?? SC ,lns .Ootb?nb?Wa ... .Dunda? . P ? . Barbado? " '; . bui ' ? P* ! ? n. ?'-?tara . l>*y* l . | ? . l.?r.l.m . U? I'???? . N?. ?' ? ' . . ? . ' ? ' * I . . . .,*? . ' - ? . l' ? sa? .... , . II.?...a . Mai ira Kl. s Ka?ard. ? ?r HT . I'a." .......... i ? - < ... I? ? " ' ' '? I '"*"? . ? . '? ? Hull . '' .,...,' i. ..... MONDAT, l'a.' ' "inns IT ?N?w T^r? ''? |? ?!;,? asabas? , ji - . . I- 11 ?t altad Sia-a? .... ''??ut ?' ? ? T)i??u?l?iiial . Oibraitar .D?? 1 I..rl . .uuiK. A a ? . '?' .! i. ... tri a??n . psirsia . * ' ? ????? ?m :? . Para . "- '1 Rraan . f?- Juan . I .. -a . .i . -| ? ?m . K . .i. ?tro .... -?* ' i...... ?trlMB ni? j/Sl t/?iU D ? -' ?n mu?t m d aa? u ?anlSS ' i- ? ????.D*? ?J Rslaa Si I.ikI? ?Jtaaa? Il .? ?? 1-a.ii? . I ? ?? -. . ?a Itaiana ' folumhu lai MssttM . Pal am a .... I ? -? ?fliLaa asaO, ' OUTGOING -: : w " ' ? I i 00 am s . . Oaantanarr.D. Ilatai.a j m 12 "1 m j - .... l?. sei 12 19 ra ..j 12 00 m . . t uo atu r - TaUNSPAt IPIC MAII.S. T ? ?a, Hawaii. '4. ? ? . ? Ulla ... Il? SI t. .?: i .S . . ^ Ualtal I*e tl ? Dw 31 ? Jaa 1 *? Jan I i . ? t ?.s !.. i ? . i ''-vr ?? Jaa 11 < - : i.- ? la 1S Mil IVLH '? WM-? ? 1 al M 1 1 ... 's Ores ? , ... i, A '.??i i - ??- 1 - i s n. 4 ? :?? M? .-. ? . ? t ' \ 4 - ' i , um? U A | ... ?ii. ? -??- 1 4r a-. Il? ,., . ? ? ' ' ?-"-?uns 1>. i, i j i . li m < ett* ? t,. y .???. : .? a; f 11 4 m ? " -?.-!.? ..? \t 'J - t l'Vlev?:. Il . n tira .:?.?? : I ? . ? -. I Il 1 ?. . . ? t. p m ' r i - ? ..- a j Pac", I! ?-? Il I II Ki . . lu ne i ' - ' ? Ri ??" ' lui A r? "? ii i i m ASM < - I '.ero.'.a.'l I. . ' . 'i n . ? ?. u J li Umc-est?* i u l)u it *.?. s sa. ?S'il ?a 7? vi M h D-WHITCOMB UISES To the West indies, Panama and Central Amerloa Three luxurious 24-day Cruiaea by remarkable apaolal route. Each Cruise includes otopa at many wonderful porta In the Caribbean which no traveler would willingly omit and which oen not be and are not combined on any other plan ottered to the public without change ct ateamer. THE ONLY CRUISES THIS WINTER Including Both Cuba and Jamaica Exceptional ?We tripe, offered .inly on the RavTnisnil-Wriitcombfrufiei. Inclod Ire bile; two days automobiling in beaut I Unique raftirg trip dowa a tropical river; and many other - tie utmost scale of comfort ?nd luxury. I. specially el artered ?teamships, ?ailing under th? American (lag. A - Departures Irom New York, Jan. 29, Feb. 12 and Mrrch 11 WONDERFUL NEW TOURS Including Grand Canyon and Apache Trail N'cw booklet now re.idv, oaMUaeiag solemdid ?enea of Raymond Whltrrssub Tours Itineraries? wMait choic? el routss?, ? fwhers. Exceptional tram ?ervice, fin?-?t hoteli, aide wfi>k frcm January to March. REMARKABLE NEW FEATURE THIS WINTER Through Southern California by Automobile On arrival at Pasadena th? Raymond-Whfteomh Partien will travel t'irorjgk ' rn ('ihf." is by ir'tereiting new route? ov*r m?rv?lou? ,-. . . . i ?? i'it aut >m. I ilej tful and comprehensive tours to beeutifal, In th? Bahamea, '? Cuba Pain Be?eh Ormond. Si Augustin?, Miami ami all the rtsofthewo lerful Florida 1'ast umt Pretoaged stars M All daylight journey by Oversea Raifroed the riirirla Keys. Frequent departures during J?nuary, February and March. SOUTH AMERICA Semi-private parties for remarkable and comprehensive) tour? of two to ftve months, January 1> February ". I, M and Uo, lyitl. JAPAN, CHINA, PHILIPPINES Small partiei und. r ceeert, includhaj Jsp?n In cherry blossom end wisteria February l>. Ilareh 4 and S>. Send for Booklet Desired RAYMOND & 225 FIFTH AVENUE WHITCOMB COMPANY NEW YORK FRENCH LINE Ceetpagal* Oenstms? Tranaatlaatlqa? Hi?. I \l M l<\ Il E SailinRs for BORDEAUX ROCHAMBEAU.Jan. 4,3 P.M. I.A TOI'RAINE.Jan. 8, .1 P. M. LAFAYE I IE.Jan. 15, 3 P. M. ESPAGNE.Jan. 22, 3 P. hi i -.?-? M ti I' ?N APPLT COMPAMIfi OFflJE, Km???'s^sw?s CUNARB SRMW?sw?wei is?". EUROPE via LIVERPOOL ( AMI .KOMA. Sat. J..n. 8. 10 A.M. ORDUNA .S\T. JAN' IS IS A 3.;. ' ' A .\( ? 'AI.IFl.ll'.lA ?Jill H"?"!? mu mit iiK .-,11111 d rom?]. world COMPANY? OFFICE. - 21-34 8TA7E 8T . N V. BRAZIL ? si i'oa?l a . . ? . ..'..., -I AT! I ' ' i ?? K5-?" S.S. RIO de JAN .IRQ, JAN. 18th Mi... IVeekl S.S. MINASGERAES, FEB. 3rd noy? bwzile;g, '. ' ; \ Independent and Conducted Tours Visiting California, Florida, West Indies, Panama. FRANK TOURbT CO. The Very Next Steamer im: -( \ * I'In \\ I \s POM 11 8. 8. - ... - . AM- \.IA. MEM i.nriii nih in, i w. i : i* m . ? < . ? ;. . i . -,. . BSXTN . at 1 P M La. 1? . ? . i?r??t vf in... i M 11 N I ?II \ M- III I" I I ?K PORTI AND M IORR A r U R I L rt n u K*iln""l If" all FolaU. I'liinrrSDiritort. i \ .1 ? s ?l I x ?.I *- II11 I H KM Visit These Isles of Enchantment Jfld Trip ass Steamer, lie. ?atarme, Bertn nil Meali. CI ?l? U?. S.S. "EvangelWrs^i ? 'r :c .s I in alternat! Tu? .-i A sx's . i"?:;..-.::?g Jan. 6th. S. S. "Bermudian" lamas l'-m M T ?SStt eVel ba*. Jan. 9 11/ a I J' I" Ic'itf'ii ?rota? West Indies . ?I s h,.. ? s ?.t UNA.'' Jan St" ??'<! FeV ?? K>r 1 . ?'.,?1 book el s -i a,vl> ' ?tifoe.' S. a Ci.. 12 Broadway H. V. * S ti . * . .11 ,4, vs ? A II? ..." J A ? ii.! I Warners 1.21?! lr?a> < T .r'j.'. Co ;?! Ii <e?. i,Illume .l? A liee/l 109 i; It* A, . ilo , 1 ... 1 s 11 , FALL RIVEH LINE TO BOSTON $3.00 Ftre !? Ptir 14, N R, ft rultoa Bt . !' M M'iel . New I oriilon iNiiruldi? I loa, rtr. Iv. I' . i si N 1. ft It m o . H' ?eik 4ar? P at.| PU? IS, I H.. it E. til I ' M ?,? Hevea Une, e'r lv pier II, B. IV, ? Bt, ?'-ak d?yi only, 1:41 P. . I?, ft I 2,1 HI.. 1:00 P let llrldx"ort Une, weak dar? only, it?. I?. Fier If. H I . 11 00 A. M : Ha? T?, ft E. IM St.. a M "Th?s Publia Me) II reeved." BOSTON 2.65 rla atoes and Kail. MtTn TKIP. SSI". PkOVIDLNCE ,';-, $1.60 Kill Ml 11(11', f.l.UOO Colonial Line K.rat eteae urslc? lU'ii dejrs ar.d Iua. fr J".-r 3?. N H . | ? v. , Houal All Uutald? Hoonsa, ?Inn In i.i.OK. \\ lrrl?aa e?,iiiuinriit. I'p Breaawey and ltd it Phoi.a, bl'Jl. Ill I -Mil \ I I LOOMS. ?I.OO 11 l-IOK "I ill ll'inis. ajl.vo. ? Dills, in. lulling ?.lat. 8:00 p ?a. I ft m f?t ?ES VI ai l-n? BwaasSS I i T' - . s'Use K r ? -i "? e |- w?, ait 1*4 *? I i r i in. m iimin ?i mu?. Btr "Kewbergh" f r if?-, and Kalla. Cold rail Newliurgh. be? 00 end i rraoklla st. I-, wait mit? ai Reetaareal lauth room. ? : ? ?. to J H '? :-. ? m. .'.a K?T W??V *? tba ? ai 5 M a ra. Il . i i ? . ... v ?on P? Co. irlUl . san * -* ' an 1 '? ? -s - : - ? - ? THE WEATHER REPORT Forecasts and Records uf the I.aif Twrn?y-fmir Hour?. W?,' ?? Ml '"* - I? M ??: \ au? ? a wni ??M .... i ? t *t sad - ? - .of th? ? ? . y. . . - .. ? ? Al.acUa ouanS i : ,. ? (? ???.! ,'r n* Sala? * ?. ? ? ? .??...-i u la tans ? la Um ? - . ?? ? - ? ? . . ? al ? i . ? ? : ? w . ?, . '.. v . ? .. .? ? . . i ?'??.? . ?, r ? - ? i ????rr??'! ih? A' ? Us "? '?? : ' ? * ? ? ta? i ? ?? - ? t ? . M K ? ? (avU. Haut W *...<!? >..?_?. ?aat ??1?, Usa?. aouth; aj -jm ?'??th, la*?? la???. ? . ?eetnsag ?out?*????. * Farruta tor ?? .110?? KaJtar? *??*J 1 I ular.. Pf/.i.aj ?a...?, L/?U??rt. Mai7l?J? . 1a, v.d ?oMar tur. :<.;.;? y w?r.?*1?4 or rala ?? ?MW la lh? I ? 1?> la.r i E ?- si 4 ?ml !??? J?*?n. efna$ , protatS? pr?t?o>l b? ??*? 1" sj f?ir ? . l. ?land, r?ir.. po??!b;r an.? ? ' - ? I?) M ? 1?r 'a" .a ?-.J Nut-lb Caru-La. sr*.<A.4/ U . ?.-, fair ._ a (?eoTrla. florl/l?. Aafcasaa. Isflav ri. ' fair Si' !sir SUM ?mjl*fc.. Monda/. . ?w r.--!??. iu..o???d kr ?.??r.. i ? ? ??' ?.1 u?- - *.?.. 1 ?- basal ?..??? ?.-.i ?osito ara? da; 11 L?f?l OSSclal H?c?rd.?Th? tslltSSSB?? ?ffl'-lal !??>? ... ? ? ? \.i.?-?? ia , ... .*.?.-, r ..? State, la -..:.. .. ? as* If?? f?ar: .. i .. I-.?. 111?. 3 a. m.> ? 1 p. sa. ? a a. li II ? p m . IS "I ? m . :? i; l| p ?s.... U II m. ? . - li Uteri??*, tarnt? , - *a? ?.lam tistus * - ? -r?tpon1'a? data ??at roar, 'il dura??, a u ??-. - 14 ? -? /-tt.roa jm/i > Bartssftw H*a<l?fa. I a. at.... tao?,l p rr. . .. ?-> I ?. sa_SMT L??sl Forarast. Catattj an 1 saucb aalda* ts>-4*7, . IT? ?. fall, rxo?a/a:? aorlu?. I lit? FIRE "RECORD." \ M '?: Batas*? ?? viic?n? RiT-?jr, anata ? 'A- ?'. ? 1 .- . s.'fnl ,! .'. M.? >r l'al'oufl. irftlaa 1 ? 1 .' Ja b M i al U 11 , . r.usas. ?... ?i-tfBnav SI 900 M S*? I u, si. ?..i*,, vta.ut U sn *? S?M ?t. ankaosm; t Siaas. ? w una 1. : i r*"iias? m ? ?S 1-t?Una, isas irifliaa TO EMBARGOED SHIPPERS Fsprr-a? !? ..i s?r :. ? frorst 1 . : ; ? N. .> 1 r* wlfh 1 An ?.. MsJOS Tru. k? Cs ?lit?, ,,r phon? Philadelphia, CLORCL MINK. 1401 Auk St, P ??!??*.