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BROADWAY AND 33D STREET. GIMBELS?Annual Winter Sale of Women's and Girls' Apparel It's Still Christmas at GIMBELS I T*S going to be .'i week o? Christmas activity at GIMBELS. ? Eve. bo many people for various rea* ns make their Christ ? purchases during t!u- week following the actual Chris! ? is Da). These will find the Sj, re i articularly inviting, and exception latisfying in the matter i f stocks. Select i? ti- arc superior. A Beautiful Christmas Tree Is a Radiant 8th Floor Attraction. it will delight the ? throngs <>f children who will Bock to 'SAN i I \M'" this .'.eck because of the fact that schools are closed. "Toy Land," on the 4th Floor, WU1 Also Present Many New Charms Stocks Of TOYS thai were late In arriving v?;ll he among the chief BEAR IN MIND that all purchases are quicklv delivered if the id and Suburban Delivery Routes. I Winter Clearance of GIMBEL and Paris MILLINERY ' GIMBEL Millinery Clearances have become so famcu? that w< n en wait for them each season. 'v four times a year in these Clearances are - ices ? ' > ?"' ( hapcaux Ret!need. ' The prices alone will tell you that the Clearances arc im? mediate. $25 to $38 Hats $ 18 to $22 Hats at $15 at $10 $15 to $16.50 Hats $8.75 to $12 Hats at $7.50 at $5 $5 to $6.75 Hats at $2.50 and $3.50 Nottt? * \s "GIMBEL Hats are Paris Hats," these quarter!) nces are positively unrivaled. These Hats arc in per cord with Paris and they are made of the fines! import? ,1 Material?. onday Tuesday and Wednesc GIMBELS?Third Floor ^T?^*^.^_i?>^ New - and Exceptional Satin Untrimmed Hats, $2.95 ." AY;?. Pari? Models in Black and a New Color, including Purple, Navy, en Brown; ah I ? ? ?mbinatiims : ' (lold-aad-Blaek I touch Bhn and Murk Bottlt Oreen aod-Bloek Every Hat i with tlu* fin? French edge and is exceed ght These Hats Trimmed Without Charge r them arc purchased in our Millinery Sections. GIMBELS?Third Floor A Half Price "Round Up" of Small Holiday Rugs l.Ia tJio Icii thai arc so decorative and so convenient ? rw?-. All are reduced ? ne half for clearance. Mohair Rugs Grass Rugs Size Were v o R 4.6x7.6 In. Sir '- $1.35 16x72 In. M.25 60c Axminster Rugs (, $1.75 ?? in. $2 $2.50 $4.25 Plain Wilton Rugs Now $3.25 $2.50 French Wilton Rugs Were Now .10.25 $5 Slxe Were 27x5 1 in. %1 *; Wilton Rugs ?;/?? Were $7x5*1 In. >3.7S its 16 In. 5.75 36x63 in. 07 16x72 in. M Now $1.15 Now $1.85 $1.85 $3.50 $4 Room-.ixe dome.tic rug. .t reduced price.,_ Some in pUin color., . ,, GIMBELS?Sixth Moor nail price. i ? <^A ? ?__ fr / *V*Z*of X Q tLc__ ?11 ?*?: , ?"-?? :? $15?Whipcord Suit, fur trimmed: *. a1- 12 '. SO. $15_Taffeta a:id Lace Frock $19.75?Velveteen Dress* cop was 122.3 i <>t a lenny model; was IJ7 So. $9.75?Serge Suit, braid trim med; was ? i " ?. $29.50?' harnease Dress, cop) ol a ? allot model; a model worth $40. Women's $15 to $19.75 Suits at $9.75 In wide-wale Serge, Cheviot and Wool Poplin, plain tailored, braid trimmed, and are trimmed w ?th Women's $22.50 to $29.50 Suits, $15 Fine Broadcloth, Gabardine and Popfin and Velveteen- many are trimmed with fur and some i i them have "Chin-Chin" collars of fur. Women's $42.50 to $50 Suits, $29.50 In Velours de I.?une. Whipcord, Gabardine and Broadcloth the majorit) are tritnmed with fur. Women's $60 to $200 Suits, $45 to $125 i lur ci llection i f "Individual" I including a fey imp? rtcd Models, Silk Vel? vet, \ ??'?' ur? de Laine, Satin and Broadcl* th, gimbels?Third Floor Women's $42.50 to $50 Dresses, $29.50 -ifternoon Dresses i t Faille Silk, Velveteen and Chai man) are copies of Pari-? models. Also Chiffon Evening Frocks. Women's $29.50 to $37.50 Dresses, $19.75 -ifternoon Dresses of Velveteen, Charmeuse, Taffeta, also Satin combined with Velvet. Evening Dresses of Charmeuse. Women's $19.75 to $22.50 Dresses, $15 Evening Fr cks of Taffeta o mbined with Net. Afternoon Dresses of Charmeuse ami Velveteen, Compose Dresses of Charmeuse and Georgette Crepe. Women's $15 to $19.75 Dresses, $9.75 Dresses of Serge combined with Silk. Taffeta Dresses for afternoon and evening wear. GIMBELS?Third Floor Young Girls' $11.50 to $12.50 Coats, $7.50 In Corduroy, Zibeline, Boucle and Cheviot some fur-trimmed models; ?fees S i" 14 years. Yount* Girls' $5 to $8.50 Dresses, $3 to $5 _?erg< I ?? - , in sei I styles and demi-drcss models; sizes 6 to i | ???cars. GIMBELS?Third Floor I Young Women's $22.50 Suits, $ 15 in Serge, Broadcloth and Whipcord?many are trimmed with fur. others with braid. Sizes 14. [6 and 18 years. Young Women's $29.50 to $32.50 Suits, $20 In tine Broadcloth and Whipcord trimmed with fur, braid or velvet. GIMBELS?Third ?-loor $47.50? ? ' ?oai regularly 065. $9,75?-Tweed Coat; recularl) Il: $15_Skating Coal ol Velour $115?Hudson v?.il Coat, trim- $25? Velvet Coat, trimmed with Cloth; regularly 925, med with Skunk, was 512?. Fur- regularly 142.50. Women's $15 to $47.50 Coats at ?$9.75 to $25 At $9.75 At $12.75 a? $15 At $19.50 Skating Coats Sin i ('nais Morning ('("its Evening Wrap* Street (Hals .ifternoon Coati Afternoon Coati Streit Coats Sport Coals Sport (Oats Skating Coats Traveling Coati Checked Fabrics Plush ur Cloth Broadcloth Polo Cloth \\ ool Plush Cordur? j Tweed line I rduroj Plush Caracul Cloth ? luroy Mixed Materials Velour Cloth At J25?Broadcloth Evening Wraps, trimmed with fur. Also, Street and Afternoon Coats of Corduroy, Plash, I roadcloth, Velour i loth and 1 iracul Cloth. Our Entire Collection of EvewBf W.aps ai $75 to $15?Were $95 to $225 GIMBELS?Third Floor $65 to $125 Arctic Seal Coats, $47.50 to $92.50 $47.50, regularly $65?("oats in the 40-inch model illustrated. $62.50, regularly $85?In a new 4 5-inch model with loose back. $55, were $75 to $125?Only 14 Coats, with collars of chinchilla squirrel, ermine, beaver, skunk-opossum, kolinsky or the seal. These Coats of fine French dyed Coney include: $115 to $155 Hudson Seal Coats at $95 to $125 $95, regularly $115?These and all the other Hudson Seal Coats are of fine seal-dyed muskrat. $115, were $125 to $145?A 40-inch model with collars, cuffs and borders of natural skunk, taupe or sable-dyed fox. $75 to $95 Caracul Coats at $52.50. $27.50 to $32.50 Ponyskin Coata at $21.50. Jmportsd ami "IttdMdttaf Fot Coati und Wrap* Rodoea? tttgaretttt *f Cost. Exceptional Fur-Lined Coats at $37.50 and $47.50 GIMBELS?Third Floor The Year-End Sale Extraordinary Men's $22.50 to $35 Overcoats, Suits and Ulsters at $ 16.50 The Most Remarkable Values In Men's Clothlttg in New ? t>rk TttdaX) ! OVER one third of this huge collection comte froni makers of national reputation the price being determined by the fad they had a much large, it n hand than usual at the end o? a leaaon. The other two thirds consists if our own une U inter -;? cks of Men'- Clothing. Facts Men Want to Know About the Suits Snug-fitting, with soil roll lapels. Rough cheviots in brown or gra) m?xti i Conservative models, with soft or flat lapels, plain grays, black, blue or gra) with white Unfinished worsteds, in Mack, blue, pepper- ?tripes, and various handsome fai At and salt and other neat effects. $16.50. These Are the Fine Overcoats and Ulsters esterfield model, full-lined with SKIN'- Heavy chinchilla, in Oxford or Cambi NEft'S GUARANTEED SATIN; plain black o,;iv. plain blue and brown. ? I pay, with velvet collar. r,,?,^,. materials, ?n brown and gray o in Cambridge trrav, fnll mIk lined, with .,. , , , , . ., . _?? .a v mixtures, I artan plaids and plain Mue cheviots. I. ?. ? comfortable model, with ample All top ?nun-? and sleeve linings of Skinner's f-kirt and ? liar. At $16.50. ?nun. excellent hand-tailoring. $16.50. All siiea, from 33 to 50, in regular, long, short nrid stout proportions in both Suits and Overcoats. Specially Untamed Selling Spate i:\tra Salesmen GIMBELS?Fourth Floor Extra Special 6,000 Men's $1.50 & $2 Negligee Shirts, at 89c A Notable GIMBEL Christmastime . Special Sale A MANUFACTURER, with whom we do a lot ofbusi m ?. and eager to pr vide us with a sensational spe? cial offering, lent us 6,000 Shirt?- to -ell at a price that sh< uld bring crowds of men to GIMBELS tomorrow. Tl., : includes every kind of Negligee Shirt that go d dresset mand, except ??ilk shirts. Tiptop Shirt-? made for everyday wear. '? lade of go d quaht). Woven Striped Mercerized Pongee. Woven Madras and Silk Striped Madras. Wide range of ver) newest -tripe effect! in desirable ??? lorings and ?-tapie line?. Made with soft turn back cuffs and in prevailing neg ?? styles. All lizeS, GIMBELS?Third Floor. $5to$10"Kayser" Glove Silk Petticoats at $2.95 and $3.95 Tll< d S \\'l >S of women had already bought these Petticoats at $5 to $io, 'he regalar prices, Wien our marvelous ?ale opened an nouncing the identical petticoats at $2*95 and $3?9S thej were bought in such over? whelming numbers, two 1 1 three to a per* ? 11. that this announcement will delight man) more. This is positively the Lst that can be pr?,? red 1 luliui Kayser ,*. '??. the mak eri ??! the famous silk {loves, have discon ind Wt h.light th?- ? '?.'k. Made 1 t line Milanese glove silk jer* ack and all the fashionable colors. Women's $5 Blanket Bath Robes, 153.45 $8 Blanket Bath Robes, $3.45 GIMBELS?Second Floor