Newspaper Page Text
OUARANTEE Yovr Money Ba^ k If You Want It. ? -,. ftZ??& t& a -^-^^nr WEATHER. F.iir | ? .'**? tudincis. First to Last ? the Truth: News - Editorials ? Advertisements Vn). IX W 25,248. |r?P>rlc>>' itu? The Trilninr \?,'n.) MONDAY, DECEMBER 27, L913. ? ? British Rally to Lloyd George and Conscription 90 WILE GALE SCOURGES CITY, KILLING FIVE Houses Riddled..Many Hurt From Bronx to Staten Island. THUNDER, SLEET, SNOW AM) HAIL Prison I'Mroofed, Boats Sunk and Irafhc Beaten Back. Bverj ihor' ' did H ^'cw York I lay. Boir midnight, F tions ol the elementa ? vent ho bewildered town. I erene iii the April hristawa. The programme of tlv eeaunttl unoffending Gotham jTicludci a ' nn of blizzard ? ergy whil< d*r.?torm which would not have dog ?lays and a wind that '? r a time ?t the of ninety milea an hour, to say noth . which opened th* n r] vaudeville ght I Claim? rive T-tTf?. ? ?? rror ? 1 last night in the ? loathe, ? acore of to I balding-, broken windows and dam ??ad It eoul heard to the and inspiriting . i . ? - I ? ? the g Department, who ?. ng to mobil . ?> | workers 1 into the m ??? I y sinking mercury brouc1 ring cold a> ai ? lear thorough* ?' the following pla ?Mail ? a lull. t? th> *?i f Wind Sweep! Mown on < u>. ?ad dealt more harahly with the -: that had >r>K?-;. ? ? ? ; -ad b. ' *trtfc, I ?1 a pr, - J*t *K-r, ?he -rai pu. ? la f t Sneezes Permitted Till Jan. 15; City Plans Anti-Grip Crusade With 200,000 New Yofltew in Disease's Clutches, Health Department Feara Epidemic?SWp with Window? ?pr-n Hont ( lough and Beware <>f thr ? lighb?ll. If yon nn\<? . . rrn ; n (f aiu for oxprrsfion. bur! if fron' grand. Health Jicpart ? hai appointed i l oran '.'.er tr Stop Sneaaing. The machinery o? thii committee will be thrown into geai .1 nuary 16. ?. crip the (?ood r,\r\ fleeting, ?iiPMin? hrrk 1 ? to -.-. n '?'- ?re m?5?ral> ? i ? jrouthfn] or middle acd " Then lf I on, for (ami ia only half a man and rarely ranqutahei un adveraary in hi* full strengt Phyeielans and health air wondering if another irrip cpi demie bout to i ? fork. The la and oar h lasted from sis to eight ".'.'. ? End payi elan Mid laal nipht that ho had bren working on grij aaei linee breakfast without ph ? foi dinner. Druggists on Broadway taid thai they were doing il e bip^ft buaineaa \ Third Avenue pharmacist stopped filling preacrip long enough to any, "The gripl ?' tctoreeJ! In the hospitals a later ? of the ferina, roi The announcement last night of the tntl sneexing campa .-? b Dr Charle? F. Bolduai . I'"- Public Health Educa) ? i artment of . cement of :-? -. cities furth ?it on aneestng and conge pp Lergt : are being pi ilay In On'- of then '?">' '?' th<s midst of ? tremendeai ha? s. ngle; "? ????? i op eacl couch or an?ese; if yen ?lor,'' ? pr. . ! ,!?;??'.-. " Twe-Celer bookmark' will be made of the"." mol l*e din tributo.| ? throughout ?lu Small cards with mottoes ara nal snoozing, coughing and ??pittinsr ha\r ral language? ai d will be ;? ? bj the offleiala of rapo: ? ?> into the hand? of the ? ra .'ind guard?. Whenever t].? tice an offence they are ordered t<. hand a card to tho offender. An.- pel no., ariahtag to aid the public health can get a supply of these cards fl I I applying * - the Health department. "The Department of Health point? ?aid Dr. Holduan last nigh?, "that ? eiftc cure for the grip condition, nnd therefore prevent meesorss are all the more imp.' any advertised cures for grip arc nothing but combination? of aCCtsnilid w'*h ?mall quantities of eodein, opium, morphine or other fonns of dope. While they appear to relieve the symp ?h..y frequently dengi i i - hterl '\ preventiva measure? the Health Department recommend : "1. Don't snoez? or eOOgll il ;.?:? bor*! face. Keep oat of crowd?. If yea !ir\< but ? ahoil 'iistance to go, walk. The Chrifttmai crowd? at festivities, partie?, shopping and In crowded trams have . 'he p'..?ont outburst of grip. "??>. Sleep arith arindowi though the night-' be cold. "4. Leave whiskey alone; a and pneumi tnen with i the undertaker" PETROJAG VS. PETROMOR' Trj i.asoleiK Sprea, '<a\ N. V. Ch Jealous of Cfcleag* DlaeoT< ... . ? ? ? opularity in acquired I D, where op< ? ? ,?. The fui ' lathed ? ? j i - a MIMIC WARRIOR KILLS SISTER WHILE AT ?U Leaves New Toyi for Stol Sport with Shotgun. T>ee. 26 ?hat Sai lorning, and t . mi Indian pat I ? ? of tl ? I ? .?? al m ouml thl ? ? ROBBER TEMPTED BY TEETH i .,1-. Matan l .<(.? ? fraa I) Ad'..: l'.hor?. ? thai he $100,000 BLAZE ON SUGAR SHIP Police Suspect Germans of Firing British Freight? er in Brooklyn. Hj reumatances, ia tne ?" ? aund ed the fire thai eauaed : ISO ."in dan. ape yesterdi ' i ?upar con : -.o the British governs? the ho i Inchnvaor. at Pi? I. ???'?? ..' Warr< Brooklyn. ?fiit, Thomi i P ind her cargo, ? , ? tion pointed to 'he a*orl af I ?pen's Ha . : thai 'his and Britieh sugar ships a1 Brooklyn p ? th* reaull i nlot to mix with the I i-miea! thai cauaei eombuation. The ( apt.i to .-. degree By i ire M Thonif.? Brophv'? <?(:??' m ?ut that the freqU' dinted an ..? | !!. pram ? . roui Inveetlgation, with the ? I Bu ? rai hing that MGnan s Orarse? ?hip i ompany, ?hi?l; chai I the Engiii , load ag< ? tched go fi ? ? ' ? intil ?? lited I ? ? ? poured Inte ? ? , ? | ? ? - .? ? been placed iliaca ? Brl ? ? . i . i - to pi i '.iiiiiiur.i nn page I, retaaaa I DISCORD RACKS FORD PILGRIMS Mrs.Boissevain Quits Because Democracy Is Lacking;. SEES FAILURE OF PliACi: TRIP Suffragist Predicts That Many More Spats Will Ruffle Doves. Bj l RBODOII v. POCKM ?N. i . ? . -. '?" On a more lias ifd peace car begun t.. clatter and ?nd bump. Mrs. In'?. Milboiland Boiasevain ihrew a wrench into the machinery last night. fh" New York tunTragiet ha? quit the pilgrimage, predicting that many an othez aqoal ? the eraaadc iD-r resignation was nduced, she an nonnced, by the lack of democracy, anil this la ty, ?he declared, foredoomed the peace mission to fail? ure. With i li ? .-nine a!- ?eemed t - ? ?? Mian twenty* four hour? there hod not been a rif? in the sky of peace, and. bulwarked by Mr. Kord'- I cheer and hone, the pilgrim to the fuletide ? l hen nigl i thi laodera me( to complete the a#w organisation. Announcement WSJ made thai ?he Rev. - Lloyd .Tone? had been chosen chairman of the committee on adminis tration, to which Mr. Ford had appoint . luppl ited all other?. Mrs. Roissevnin Ariie?. Mr?. Ho ?sevain arose dramatically. So plea for ?'< sa bud iuuwU hfv tnon dramatic. Sl.i- ;?id: "I understood ' ??? ?hat ? rxped wo ild proeesd on a ,,, rnoei at e ' v, hi p ?- d " i ". \ ? .1 | i: '? . i.e and Judge L i their aupport to Mr. .fones aedia Mr. Kord. So I th Mr. .lot . ? a '. ; ? I Other execu tivei :i? followa: r*rederica Holt, vice? nan; Dr, Aked, Mrs. Joseph Pels, (5. W. Hueb I I . J ? ?( I. ' ..-? ? ind Mrs. W. B. Uoyd. l\ thin m. boui Mis. Boisasvain had I. .''erty. At u public i 'i.-...- , nu->e:.'. : .< lang i ta t? men I She af democrat le pi o* cedure; sh>- the fail* s the same cause. that afo the pilgrimi ready for h ? ? -k.i iii:->h. "The imderaocratic method employed b> the >.: the f spedi! ? repugnan' I . ' nhe said. "Instead of ill the members formula" 'ans, the work ha? beer, confined to a fen apeciolly -elected person? the party embaiked on 'he Oscar Ji l took it f.n granted 'hat the rotaei ? ; .?-legates nai ?effective -hapr t think ? .'! "Sirinu? 'I hough! Lacking." , ? ?? ?s no' foi ine.i until ' . ? . te kl-' agr?ai ?? ? ? . it ? ? . feeling, ? ? nation <?* the re i ? ? ted I an: un ... ty." That forecast ? intiff, Mr. Ford. ( aal aw ?' "" page I i '>:nmn ; GREECE VETO BULG?R DR? K\n% Wires Kai Troops Must \< Cross Frontier, ASKS ITALY'S ALBANIA PLA Constantine Refuses Accept Resignation < Premier. tV'P Ion, Daa 27, King i has telegraphed fo Emparai H sa] lag 'ha' H would br mipossib allow Bulgarian or Turkish fmc<: ?roes the Draal frantier, <m^ "Mail's" eoi r?spor.dent at. Athens, had interviews aith the G-eek m t<r?. K Goanaris, Minister of ihr r.or. eandldly confessed, acrordin ? ),,. eorrespondent, that he did know what would be done if the par?an? or Turk- attempted to r the Minister of JuatiM I! '.?'. on ihr ofhrr hand. - P" ins' rmj, .;.? i : 1. r,.,r, _? tha' no Tur Bulgarian would br permitted to ' .k edil. He 1 '"roached Allies for obstinately p'maininp Sal?nica, declaring thai all the ? cuhie? of Greece would be renter? the Allirs ?YBCMB'^d the nor-. Meanwhile the Britiah and Pre ar? adding te their itrei ptb around Ionic?, bath ;n 'he matter of men, * m id defences. Without the Bulpan, a Britiah '?nrr^spondent at Saloi ?a;. 3. ti;? Germans ?i'l not attack, Greece has been stronply opposed along to Bulgst an troops ?n'erinp ten itoi ' It i>- alee reported from Athens t Kir.p Cenatantine does not desire Baske a change in his ministry until chamber ,-rA*sri,,hlei?. tfc( laat of .In ary. and that, therefore, the pre? Cabinet will remain ?n power, and it ? thai the new chamber may convoked I I lata. V '??;?; : ?; 'o thi- SalOl spondenl of "The liderabls eo i th? G mana will so.' introducing Bulgarian troops Greek Macedonia witheel offendi Greece, and. at the same time. a< ? Bulgaria-, exigendee. which. por'ed, ?tipulato that all territerl once occupied by the Bulgarians ?"hi reven te Bulgaria. He add- thai the dtimans ?tare ? undertake to attack the Allies wH ,, r U e ce?perattoa of the Bulpanar ?nd 'that if Greece refuaei to adm the Bulgariaas the Gernaaas will n< attach alor.- In.. .'? . Content thei, eeetve v .? fortifying the ? '. , . a I ???-.ran. Iea\ing the ? 1 'u the Bulgi ?> - On the ether hand, ii report! -,hat th.- Bulgarians ace?tate te adven? en Bet?nica, fearing '?" hr .auplr h? tween two Bras ? i. sort ef corridc formen between the halonua-I'uira . 9aleaica>Gievgeli reili aya, an that *hey me seeking peur. attack at other polati on ; h? Gr?e frenUer. Genaaay piubablv i- confra the problem of reconciling the conflict I of ? ? ' ? " Balkan alliai ? h ,. -. and h linaria, and ?,, beep the Ei andahip of Greece.whee SBppon ?he is credited with still hop gain. ateal Greel ihr arehihitien af the export or' foot supplies from Greece to tha Praneo Britiah army a? Sal?nica. Genei? l aa p h Genera ? iaitcd t . I m in liters of King '. Kins ? I ? :. h!et, sa January 24. 1 *'?f PI r.i t0 " dent a* Athena I alee said . . der it efore thai cognisance af the . < (intiptinl un tiac- .V .olumn 1 Travellers A traveller knows where he is going, but before he -t.irti he IMually like-* to know sometlvng about the place li** n headed for. Mr who travels for the- first time in the land >i foreign finance ??so want-, .ill the fa. ts befoti ii- begins tlie journey?fa. ts such as |- rancis \\ . Hirst. 1 ditoi ol 1 ha !*ondon !.. onomisi, can ?ive hitn. I le get? them in The Tribune?-twice | werk Vlr. I lirst < .i.'lcs his - onuiT-nt Oft phases ol Engitah finan?a. ?the ?lribtmc fin? i? I **< Ihr Iriith: Nf w ----LdilnrtMli? 4?/i crt?*cmcni?. Joy Flickers for a Night in Shell-Scarred Arras Trenches, Tuned to "Peace with \ ictory," Feed and Frolic, While Midnight Mai b Chanted on Christmaa Eve. Hundreds o' big ror ? - ' ? meo? t; . theae we ' ? last ''nmni: . 0f the saaaai tl ti !"nr^ rn ? died away than the life ef Ar? ras began to .?'? ? gh re? opened cellar doors and windeare, in preparation for the -.'sui.! Chriatasai F've feat The pcopir of the Arto.s repion rise above their aflHctioni dur te the war and the epiril of Arra< sarvlvei amorp ?he heaps of ruin?. "It would be really a shame If ?M hadn"t gotten used tc it during all these montha," ?ai ' I vornan sellinp postal cards and stationery by caa? dla light on the floor of n building three parti opea I ? ?? "What we've'got to do," the woman continued. "il to hold out for Una! victory and lasting peace " Machine Oun? Hreak Stillnes*. After the usual systematic ?hellinp died do'Aii. rifle ?ho'.-; und the OCCa ..oral rattle of machine puna were all that broke the stillness ef death that settled over th* City. The cathedral, mast wa?. laid vear under the thunder of . ?.,. igaiaal the twilight in nggod raiai like ? apeetre, with crumbling ?mils af demoliahed butld . | ?round, giving the aapeet ol __.,,,.,. eemeter *??** * " headatonea. The rattle of machine puns struck UP again and a fOW run shot? rang through r ail ach the ?of - ble source. Going through heap me and gla*> ? one could see a candle light (lickerini throes, I dort d atone? away. Staff ofAl led the eorreep? i ated Pr?s* ?.. an '' hid resemble<l the crater of a miniature as tine? volcano. "If it continues much longer you an liholj to have your dining room opere,i to ?he weather," ?aid thi responden* to ' cere. "That, i? quitl ' replied I captain. "Hut the destination of a she" I something over which Wa haven't found any control \et; bet tenantT" But the lieutenant was ah sorbed in an illuatroted pap. r t1 ? just arrived and made no comment. Santa < lau? Maddens Tronche*). Santa (laus and the Christmas spirit in spi'e of the war were in evidence everywhere nloni* the Art front, where ?he correspondent paaaod ?hnstmas Eve. They wore m ?ha treaches n r. -1 ihi ? - the ?imple loidiersi in the temporary barracks. where the traditional ? hriatmaa Eve ?hea?re waa replaced by an improvised eoneerl and vaudeville thai rivalled the boat Pai I ' could do in I id ? in the quarters, where I ' ? < ceie heated with no losa limplicit) and dig I I ?nllnued <n pace 4. rnlumii 1 FRENCH READi TO MEET DR1 Expect New Offensive Western Front ir Near Future. i- , ..? ,"-"?'? MBBI " the beginning of a now Qei m tl e wostoi i front is or matter of days. K..i 'he last week, while 'hp:r battered the Allied positions day Bight, the k-iner's troop! have feeling nut UM ground m Franco, | ;ng l'or a weak spot at which an at COS be launched. Where thia : a* assault ? rtain. it am- be itaged en m front ? x '" - "r *" along the Belgian froi t, ? a no? enTerl sttemi ? ?? . the Argeane, wl ? ' torn* ?*?" has Tied ropeatodl] te ball ei Verd Noyo: ~ i aeoreat Pi . ?,,. be made a* a< point along tie v. ?'en. battle Urn '.aken here granted. Por a month leport? h roma thai I he ?< ? re lead ? and guns to the lines der?, ami France. An? espeeiallj h. cencentration us reported in ng the Bel| an coast l.ermans Seek ?read.. ? come the Ka: ?? ?spot ... Khids I pted at dill pe nta -.?.... ? One cf I i -? _ a Imp. 1 | ? ? I ont." i ?ess it' ' ? and Champoi ? for a moni ? ? i function iper th - amunieati? t., ? a bm 1. ? <?? ? re eaeaj into ? *end< . Ilindenburg ha? renusrh id and t tering mu?' be ? Kit. Must Forestall Rassnns. Ruaaiai . ? i ,- . ? ? ... resum- the Bttoea until spring ?,?? mon is at the Alb?? M. the ? "oiio.'il ?a pas? t. uolumo ? KAISER S ILLNESS ALARMS Switzerland Hears Cern?an Kmperor' Condition Is \\nrne. London, I>ec. 2fl. Alarming rumors probably of an exaggerated nature, an being circulated in Bwitieriand toda; concerning Kmperor William's iHnes?, ;?ccordiiig to 'he Zurich corresponden of the Kvchange Telegraph Company. The rumor" state bo r,,rrr ?pendent, that 'he Emperor's eonditioi ia caaaing profound anj ??? . Berlin. ALLIED SUBMARINES IN SEA OF MARMORA Enter After Storm German* Get Guns for Egypt Drive. Leaden, Dec l'T. Tie Athens earn ?.ponder: of ?? ! he Daily Telegraph' says that recent Item? Carried the booms eoastraeted bv the Turki acreaa the Narrows (a the Dardanelles and that, ?irotitinp bj the opportunity *e\erai Allies' .submarine? passed ,nt*. the Sea of Marmora. 1-arp. nun tined ? ?? 1 'onssnn! rhe Germai ei morfht .!., ' bUM ,; ill I i ? h il I 'and dunes H' a greal distance, in oidei to bomban! and di ?'roi. 'he s/oi Itf a' the i Britl Delhi issued to-n,gh* says thai Gei. eral Townshend r? . ? ''-rila; thai then bed aeei a heavy enernv rirte Bra supported by artilierv, but that no art mp1 a' ai tea ill ha made GERMAN DIED BRITISH HERO \\ i'e of I iiglinh Soldier Kinds (lut Hi? Nationalit? \fter Hi? Death. London, Dec il A of how a German, nai Id, en ler 1 fol :,;:ii?teen yea- army. r I of bis bin i - ? ? ? . that her husbai . Gei e a Germ in and i Ira. Bakei ? ' ? it was ? - ? ? HUNGARIANS STIFT.]: FKOTEST I ear tf Stall on I a) il'.' S on Not- !,. '..i .' ' A s< cret meeting 1 V t.otr ? ? According to was thai ? ' .' ? '??ad to nu ' t ion ol i," he said "w e ,u ? loyal citiaena of th< l n ASQUITH RULE mPERILLED BY DRAFT ISSUE Cabinet MeetsTo-daj to Weigh Derby's Results. PRESS WANTS LLOV?) QEOROE Truce of Parties End! and Attacks Become Yore Bitter. London, Dec 27. \ i a ?inei i oun .?il will be held to night, ami il ! will make i decision on th< ? . | ? ? the Derby scheme of recruitment toi 01 tinued .i? U.? ? . \<>lun m or whethei ome form <>i con cription will !?? Thia ? itincil should ha? ? been heU Friday, but David Lloyd George M ? : itei of Munitioi i, ?.. <? m ?m Important mm lion in the Clyde district ; hi nee the i?' ' ponement until I < hriatnuu ]? ? ? bout heavy fighting anywhere on the Europ ?? fronts. [1 pi truce, which gare i tow b, of human Ity to i hristmai Day ? age The United Kingdom, however, uir ' ..t' tie truce bet ?fon the political partie which was g the ce ? ;.- of the '.vnr and which Bppai ?. mented for the duration of the war whim thp coalition gei era ment was formcil. Pres-i Opposition Tli. ? seen a growth of the newspaper ettacl the govei iment, the general burden of which is the slowness, the i. foresight and decision and tli'- m i - manaj mi ft! I 'arda Hi terpr w . vYhile all neu ipeper di Jahn any partiaan motives, all the prominent ones participating in the Opposition belong to th I km -? n ative party with the exception of "The jfancheel u Guardia The Bowapaperi generally hol<i \ ble fer the i he N'orthcliffe " : he Times" an.I " I .. Dail) Mail." with ?he SB . of "1 ' . . I which . ?? i'i. Ri ferci re au amoni ? ? asees David 1 the ? i..:?'-? advanced H? comme rd NorthclinTi got/.e t nu- ato m bit peoch, ehe . the i<. ..miner.: with I ... toe late'' at th.- ii, art impertont crisis of the war. and a* the - ?? gained for '" a larger following ( abinel'a Delay a l.rievance. Tiie two lateat cenata of the Indict . i abinet are the po the Muni tssent country ?.? Derby'a it-port si . or: la! or a sppeol emit "' t).' I laben indred and Afti ? ? ? ? ? ? ? em i? .? ? i. ? ? ? i ?