Newspaper Page Text
To Yield About ?fj% We Offer 100 Shares Interborough Rapid Transit (Old Stock) (Operating Co. New York Subwiys) Circular on Request. J.K.Rice,Jr.&Co. Thone? ?091 to ?1:0 .lohn. Il Wall ft, M V Chevrolet Motor 4 ?ai parai ?? eaddenty W??'1 ??. the front in lh? a?i?omo |.i|. IndOatf a mwm?trtv\ copper market .? 'i lia prohaM" . IT? ' ii tile e?i|iper ?hare?. Ro'ii ?iioh' mattera nr? of pr?r Inter?**! t'i financial ' r.-'<? <?.;r lat??' mark?! rlr. ular N? IOS t*:l? nil about them. I? .isi ?ata Sal? informa? tion reaardini AJai Rnhher lie . Snnulpa Refining ?Ml* Motor Mldrale Steel Mnjeeile Mine? an?1 m?- t ark" ?p*ola! lie.?. Senf Upon Request Harvey A.Willis&Co. (getaaahseed n*oi> 8? llwa.T. K. ? ' Phone? Ki-ll Broad American Public Utilities Co. Du n? and Operates lifteen Good Fropertics in Growing ' omniunitics. Preferred Stock Yielda 8V2r? H.F.McConnell&Co. Renskorfs Lyon & Co. \, , reel sir' k tmehmnmt York CoffOM f'X' lion',-? ?. . ' New York Product Frrrtawj/a lYIerODor? , , ?30 ponrd of Trod? lott M ?ml??' Livtrptel I . ' ' 'tin 33 New Street New York Baltimore & Ohio 5s (New Issue) Pitts., Cinn., Chic. & St. L. 4 s & 4s North weitem Terminal 5s, 1926 Geo. H. Burr & Co. I?0 Broadna?. Tel. S740 Rector. NBJBI YORK. Pbllatlelph^ Bn?ton < hkagn , St. T.ottl? P?n rrair-iocn , w y spbciaXize in Cltte? S'r?lr* ?Vni <i- }?'? I??hen'iir< ? I'ehenlure ? ?'? T.->>,1n Trji- Uehl I T ?-T l'uni * PM I in Ll|l ' A I r?' tion Williams, Troth & Coleman ruh r patata sweiii?? ip?.-?i. ?? Ort ?all M. Phone ,19*0 Hanover. N. T. Intercontinental Rubber Co. Stock lull purl ?, .ilnr? no ap[?llraIlon Hartshorns & Battelle M'tnh?r? N T St*? k Exehang*. 25 BRO*,T> ST. Telephon?? Pro?.I I . ' C. R. Bergmann & Co. /ru r.?tmrut Securities 66 BROADWAY NEW YORK Telephone Btetot 1310-13 il. ?iHAKIfRll) ll?4 Union Trust Co. of NewYork 80 BROADWAY flftBA? A 3|lh St Fifth Av. * ??th St Allow? lDtareat oa Itepaalr?. Jets? (xecBtor. Guardian Trust)?, etc. IIIV1DKM) NOTICES. rouNoeo 180) 225th Consecutive Semi-Annual Dividend THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK . i ? ? 42 ?all BSiesi i>??-?uih?r UK mi : ?? : ' r-'-? M ' ? ? ?tila ?la? (J?larH ? ' ' i???', fr?? nf tai. [????'.?? ? ?.--. .l?ra of ?? al Ih? .-In?? ef Mitlnn? I>"r?TL,h*r ZSth. ?"??i en m um ' .. . 1111 ?n;.Mll\l NATIONAL BUK Of Mill U>Kk Il a m*?UB| ef tk< '? - mi Plwetef? I of Ihl? Bank, held I'er.niber MtMt, th? n 'i?l hl-mon'hly dividend ef ;v,~ ' I a*th*r ?,i?i, *:. extra dividend ef '". ?t? ? ar?d upen th? Capital II >".. to stock holder* of re?**rd at the cl??e of bu?lne?a ? ?r :?;. 191* 1IAI.P1N r... /? . ? ? ??ht-r HKI I ? l \Ki.?i A COMF?NT' Ne? ' - - : - ?rabei .'.t. Il] . [Kiir-1 of I?ir.''"'? '??* to-<1av -1e.-iaiM m ' ar'i'al ?lock ef ?hl? i'ompanv. payable on Januars 1?-*h. 1?1?. , a? ?n? ? ' '? llrnad*?}. ira ef ai i h? <-)0? "f I?-i? Ifll Tr>? ; l ? l??a? ?? ' I ? . . ? 191?. ?tvl oa r* ? ?-. Jaauwrj ITU ill?. . , ?in t* n c M ?. ?KD1NEH -' ? MSSESMMi IIIM-M?iM ANO TKIK.KM'M (ll.MI'IM i lr?e?rp?>ratedi loiefit on Ki'?> ?ni ?i>r r?\ Morts??* I ,\r. J'?' ?'?;' ?MS H-'tt? of th? Vary, ??je 19J7, will be val?! on or af'er January I, HIS, upor. pre..ntat|ori of i-oijpon N? * '" IB? ' atSVSMS Trua? 'orn pary. No M Broadway. New Tork. SJ \ i M B KOXS1 r Treaaurai iaOiT-HKBV OEM. TELETHONE IM? Tr-LKiiBAI*!! KIMP.IM ? ?-?t on TMr'y V??r /'?rat Morl?a?a Kinking l-*iin1 0?M Bor.d? tt ?hi? r.'empanv. du? IM1. wBl Le paid on and after Janu? ary 1, ill*, upon pr???n*l?ik<n of Coupon No. IS to the BBarlara Trua' ( irripany. No i? wan aBiwet .*?*?? tmru, n t It HOXNET. Treaaur?-r THE B?MK Or AMEBICA, s-.w Y'.rk, Parawaa? nth. Ills. Tha Board of Directora has? to-day la . , .- of foorteai (}|| per '?r* fr?? ef ??i. payable January |rd 191*. '? ?t<?ekl???ld<?r? "f r??ord of thla 6???. Th? ?ran?f?r books ?111 remain cl'.aad January ! 1?. 191* W M HKNNKT ? .ahlar I ?II..I "lalea B??lly A l?ripeo?eme?t (a. !? I?ay. .?>??? T'.rlr. \in .rr,l??r 27th. lilt ? u pai.y'a Tw.r,ty ., i...... "ir? ?t M'.ri'l. '1>i' '-'? Jar.'iarv : . Jan'iary Ird upon man?an..-, ? ..? a oil? * l"..,n. .- -r , I. ?I J i.M/JtVS. Tr??aunr. I MARKET NEWS 1 AND COMMENT Steel Rises, Leading Rest of the List in Broad Up? ward Movement. SCALE OF TRADING LARGEST FOR WEEKS Anglo-French Loan at a New Low Sterling Exchange 1 irm ? Money Rates Steady. United State? Steel led the market in a broad movement upward Ootaide purciinsini* order.?, accumulated during the two days that the exchange ha-1 been closed, made opening prices higher. After that there was comnarat ivelv little small commission house buying. The purchasing that sent active i we higher was of the more impressive kma. indicating that large interests were takii.g greater part in aaerl liona than In the last few weeks. Trad en an the abort *-ide eevered commit* ti nod lieiped carry on the I I Piofit takii g toward the dose ea rm important ?etback. Dealing around BSOAOO shares were the Urgl since the middle of November, when war -locks were recovering from thc'i break. Steel opened fractionally higher ami was in good dcmantl eatly in thf r lien. I" the noon hour it ?a- a^-grr alvely purchased, around 7i,000 si are changing hands, large blocks being ab? sorbed without much diflettlty, Soot. after I o'clock it changed hand? at 89'->, up over " points. This was more than a point above its previous bert of tin year and the highest since 190??. Ai eompar.ying this impressive advante were rumors as to dividend resumption at higher rates, gossip that followed raiher than played Hiiy gieat part In the rise, o-er 200,000 shares of Sti were dealt in during the day. Some of the other steel and iron stocks showed considerable strngti. 01 the wonderful activity in the Met' trade there is no question, and much ?ip*e? of its expansion and glowing prospecta had been received without making any particular impression on the market. Yesterday no such news cesse. It was the previous accumula tion of favorable reports that made the advance possible New York Central was also in de rnand and rose more than 8 points to ?bo\e no, aarpoaaing its pre-iou? high (.f the year, and the railroad list IS a whole improved. November earning received during rhc day aided the up? ward movement. Atehifcon. which -bowed such exceptionally good result* in I?14, made as good gains as Union Pacific. Erie's earnings, reported af? ter the close of the market, showed icmarkable expansion over the year preceding. Metal stocks were firm. Anac.nda. on hope of announcement of an in? creased dividend to-day, mad-- n maxi? mum advanc" of I points. The ric ? of copper continuel) to go higher. Some producers are unable to tell for Im -ced?ate delivery, and as high ns eenta a pound waa quoted fei ?-pot topper. Domestic consumers are 00* derateed to be buying for well into th latter half of Isie. Further weakness in the Ang'. ? French notes, which sent them to n new low at PL where they closed, had no depressing influence on atecks. Stea? ling exchange wa.*. (irm, but with the holiday in London no great amo' nt of business WOa done Money rates here made no further advanc*. Cail Kan?. were renewed at Is? per cent and none were msde above 2. Little wei done in time accommodation, and rates were practically unchanged from the c!o - o? Friday. aVBRAOB 01 mi TKIRI KC'S 11ST 4)i nrriKv BAIUL. Oereinber 27, j rstcrrlay'a CBBOO .tSljSIS P-trmlirr 21. I ISAM 4>n?t W?BE n-fo.111 AM line month ago . 119.100 One ?far a*o.MASS High (or \o,Mi)bfr.ISMSI I aw for >oTfml)?*r.Il7ss:i HHIi for October.120 841 low for October.109.423 High for Oplemher.112.910 low lor >eplemher.10*200 High for Ansrotit. IDO. 133 1 ..- for S ng nal. i h:, ?fil HlKh for .lot.v.I05.SM low for .Inly.I0I.91S Hljh for June. . 101.217 I o?t for June.10.V2M High f?ir Mey. IMAM low for May .I0*.S20 Hlab for April.I13.:>0a I.?- for April .101.2?; High for March.I0S.108 I ..? for Mareh.102.36S High for February.10?.7?? Lot? for I'ehniary. 101. IM High for Januar*.in*.92.-1 low for January. 103.307 High, thus far. 191?.12-1.433 low. thus fir, 191?.101.1BI High, full year, 1914.I2S.1B1 low, full year. 1914.102.00S avi;r\i;k ok thk iriri m > LMl or nmn lNoiranuAAa, T>e<emher 27. | raterdaj 'a rloee 96.417 Heccmber 24 . 95.470 44-t? ?*, eck ago . ?,\.|0| One mtinlh ago . 97.2BS fine year ago .70.230 High for V.vrmbei. 97.40? low for November. 93.771 High for October.M.7M low for Oclober.91.441 High for heptember.92.9M low for heptcmber. ?'. v-n High for Augu?l . M 250 low for Aoguat. SS .IM High for July. XR.OM low for July.?0.21* Hgh (or June. ?" i ?? low for June. 71.311 High for May. ?vu.-,? low for May.74.471 High for \i-til. ??, is? lx)W for April.74.344 High for March.75.1SO 1 ow for Man h. 10 004 High for February .73.82* Low for trebrua: >. 09.342 Hlgb for January. 7S.S1S low for January.70.77? High, thus far. 1913. 9*700 Low. tbue far. IBIS. ??.1441 High. fa. -raj-, 1014. BISH 1.jw, full year. 1B1?.tl.ttl American Public Utilities. V V la IM iirr?.| ot Th- financial Worts eoatr1tk_t?-i ? r Site Of l.ra lna'ru<-'l<? r? vletri 1.' our l-*<1lng pulill'- -aervlee . .,. 1-or. ii >*i? II- bas lalt*n up th* Ar trican PoM* LMllltlee ? an.l In hia t tear . jt ? ? ,,?c-a what it ha* Beeomjatlsks?] ?nil th? A?M from whaiva Ha fur? ther ? ran hi moat r*a B'/nia|.ly a?p?rt?.l Send tor Copy The Financial World 1 Broadway New York THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE MONDAT, DBCEMBH -"? '??* Total -al?s of slocks Monda;.. HUH "gainst 648,700 week ?go and 1.10.700 a vear ago. Kri-m Januarv 1 It. date. I |s.:,7J.(>irO a vear ago. High, Low. Final. Jill, M'. |0 P |S2 Pride**, 186,100 a ?,t, 2i?>*>f). against ?i . if? " I -, il V? _?__?_______< I loi mi i, toi lot* r.... 106 106 l- 108 - fl ' a 111 ?,.; j :,,-? Uiv. ^^^ rate sold. Alaska Junrau. 900 _ 1 Adami Express . 200 182 132 Alaska Gold Mines.. '???. Mlia-Chalmeri . 2,400 ?'?-" Allis-Chalmera pr. i 500 M - - i Km. Agr. Chemical.., 1-800 71 .' Am. Beet Sogar. 1,100 70-* 8 Am. Bee* sugar pr.... MO M M Am. Can . 8,600 '''I'? ,''1 7 Am. ' an pr. WO 1111* III* \ Car i Feandrj 2,000 78* 70* v. Car A Foundry pr !00 117 II 7 An'. I Ml Prod i- r ? i \ . Cotton Oil '? " ?' \r- Hide I I.<.tth. .-. I"'' il> II* v . Hide ? Ld atl er rr I ' ' Am. Linseei pr _ IO0 41 . 41 - v m Locomol ivi 6,200 70 71 7 Am. Locomol Ivi pi I An.. Smell og . 7 Am. Smelting pr.. , 3?0 in"- 11 tm. Smell r.g pr A. . ? ? SI - '. Am. Smelting pr B. 10 - Am. Steel Foundry. . ' ' " I 7 Am. Sugar . SCO lit : 7 Am. Sugar pr. ?00 111 i 118* ? Am. Tel. .'. I'd. 1.400 129 12 20 Am. Tohncco . Am. Zinc . ? *,? Bconda . 8 Atchison . 5 Atchison pr. 5 Atlantic ( oaat line . Baldwin Locemotivi ? Imorc t? i il io. timon A Ohio pr. Katopila.-. Mining ? . Bl ! Il he'ii Steel. Brooklyn Rapid Tran.? Brunswick . ? Burns Bros. 80 Hutte i Superior Cop i bI, Petroleum. 4 Cal. Petroleum pr. 10 Cinadian Pacific. 1,000 180* 7 fas?. J. I., pr. ISO ?' h Central of N. .1. 10 2*0 4 i enr?a! Leather. 3.100 68 ? 7 Centra! Leather pr. 108 6 Central & -'... Am. Tel I" 143M Chesapeake * Ohm. . 2,000 . i-reat Western. 280 io'? Chi. Greet Western h . 5 Chi . Mil. * SI Car; 1300 7 Chi., Mil. ?< St. Paul in 340 132 7 Chi. & North Weatern. MM) i In.. R. I i Latir:.-. . 3.0OI) 10* c . c. C. ? St 1. 200 M - , C, ( g St. L. pr... 100 7b 80 Chine Con. Copper. Chile Copper. 3,800 : i'v 4 Cluett Peehedy. 200 78* . < luetl Peehedy pr. I on 1114 i ole. Fuel I Iron. 17.100 ( olo. & Southern. 100 34H 7 ConaoL Gea. 6,908*1 145 5 (ont. Can. 40<? 84 Corn Products. ZfiOC 10 ? ."? i oni Products pr. 500 91 ? ( rucible Stcol. 4,600 74 *, 9 Del. A Hudson. Distilling Securities_ 7.800 18 t ?JO Lome Mme?. 200 'J9 1 Elec. Storage. IM * ? Lrie .' 9AO0 ' Fr?e Is* rr. 2,000 66-1 Fed M. A S. ' 4 Pod M. tS s. m. 100 ' ? || ' 7 UP, 7-'' 11 324 - ', ? i M SO-i IIP, 71 117*1 .400 70* 71 89* '.'1 1 ..un 10, 4 107 -, 176 l"' ? 101* 100 114 Ht III . 120 * I i'-. inn . 500 ' . : no I7C roo i^ ii , M 71 81* 6 7 ', ' 170 -- .im 800 1 ' 4.'.i0ti - Gen. Electric "Co. 1220 ' ?? n. Motor? ' '.en. Motera pi.... Goodrich, !'?. F... . 7 Goodrich, B. I . r,r 7 (it. Northern pr. . . 4 (,t. Nor. (?re. subs. 10 (iuggenheim F.xpl 485 ..-..i 11014 14.900 i.'. 400 IK* 700 1204 28,100 18* 0,600 -? ' -,. Hav. EL P.. L A P. pi. Illinois ( entrai. 6u0 'OK Int. Agricul. 200 " I -", Int. Agricul. pr. Inspiraiion Copper,,. 19.10o Intetborough-Coi. 600 21N Interborough-Con. nr . 100 77* 77,, Int. Harv. t.f N. .1. ;.IOM 111 Int Harv. of X. .1. pr. I"11 HP1? HP :? Int. Her . I oip. 100 80* ho1. inter. Paper. 2.600 12* 12* Inter. Paper pr . . . 60-j 111". 91* - 1 1 I -. 1 t**1-. 129 72* 3.34 64* 1-". 290 54* no : ! 6.1 ' r !.. 132 133 17* 60 .?? 73* 54 84* 146* SB JO 92 , 71 * 153* 60 18 ' - IP . 101 101 '. 111 ?4* - . II . M 71 31* 62 - ? 16 .??.." 111 9l4 66* 62* 111* 118* Iff - 90* 101* 101 . II 1 I - |7< -? 13* M ? 71* S3 64 181* .-;, 290 ..i 110 113* - l- * ? . 94* 132 16* ;.o 17.-. 500 117* 112 ? i ?? i ..I . -.-.r.>!' Gre ne i upper. M.'.nio ;,i 4 ????????????????? ..~~ 64 H ? 111* 13 :?( ? l II 94 19* 91* 71 153* ? 29 ? 42* 50*! 32* 173 !>>.-. MOM 74* 112* '?"'?. .1 ' 1 66 16 '?. . . ? 'I I* il" ? 12* 50 ?,3 15* S3* . 132 L'.:! 174 50 76 .-..-> 'I -, 7:i 111'? 53 -a 14 ? 145* 96 19* - 71'. 153* 18 1 29 96 42 4 . 82* 52* 177. I ? 117* 75* 112* 126* II II* . ? ?OS 23 ? 464 21S 77* til 119*1 80*1 12* rhge. B: i. 9* 134 * 24r? '. 3_r-t. I 84 * 00* 94 60* 111* 7,* * 116* 168* 11 61 ? tl ?* 70* 101* 106* III* PI 81* 62", 115 4 117* 129 4 207 69* 90* 1074 101 '. 1134 ISO '.'. ' 3 ' I 170 17* 12* M 71* 32* WS I HI1-? 88* 290 53* 109* I 13 63 II* "9'? M 1.31 183 H io*| ?9 77) 54* 24 Y 71 110',' 13* 3-1 148* 94 IP3? P'J 7? 113* 18* ?? I 60* 10 174 * 190 116 71* 112* 126* II 81'* 61* - re ! * I* ! * - 4 I* 1* 8* * * 1 4* ; ? 1081 ". 16* 21* A-k 10 11" H 12* 86* 72 4 M *i 112 79 y m 189* 114 52* 42 4 70* 102* 106* 1124 914 86 93 4 111* 119 129* ?nw M 90* 1074 101* 114* 120', 91 '. 86 18* M 71* 32:. 64 181* 87 320 ,-,4 110 1 M 63 4 ! ? ' ? 132 13 1 174 M 77 ? ? 24T? 74 1114 53* 34 4 146 ?-.7 194 924 74* 153* 48* 2'* || 12* 56* 82* 13 17 . 500 118 73* 112:*, 127 II* 814 110 14 ? 40* 21* * 14 110* 111 80 12''a 49* 111' 120 13 12 501 Int. M?ekel. Int. Nickel pr. Ken. Crty South. Lack. Steel. Uxe F.r-e ? W .. .. L. E. * W. pr. Lehigk Val'ey. Loeai 'Vl' ? B. 1st pr Loui?. A Nssh. Manhat El. Mer. Mannt ci' - M-trine ctfs Motoi Motor 1st pr. Metei 2d ur. Dept. Sterei Petrol, pr. . Mer Mh\ Max. M.t\. Ms) M?t Mev S' . 1 ??? . < opper. . M . S. P. A A SI "?: Mo.. K:.:.. X T Miaaour Pai lie r**'s k.a' Bil mil. \i.!. Cloak .'. Suit [fat Knam. A Stg Nat. Knam. ?- Stp. pr Not. Lead. Nat. Lead pr. Nevada Con. Copper . N. *> Air llrr-ke N. V. 1 entra!. \. r? I hi ? St I... V V . \. H ? H N. V.. (Hit. ,v W . Norf. Southern. Nor', ?t- West. S'oi ?' A H eet | - North Ame ca? \'ort hei i- Pacific . 1 rio Silver. Pac rel. <f Tei. Penn. R. R. Pro (?as A 1 . Phila. Co. Pitt-t. ( oai. 1 Pitt*, (oui pr. Pre - ed ?-' Ces. Pullman Palace Car. . Ry. Steel Spring . . . Ray <on. Copper. Rending . R"p. Iron it- S'ecl. . Rep. Iron ? St pr. . . Rock I -land. Rock Nlaiid pr. St. Lo l&l. St I, A S. F. 2d p.-... Seaboard C Line. , -1 ibearii \' r Lire pi ,-rear- Roebuck. Slose-Shefr. St. A L Southern Pacifie . Southern Railway Southern Rallwaj Standard Milling. Stiindari! Milling pr... Studebaker . Tenncs-ei 1 opper. Texas A- Pan lie. Texea Ce . . Third Avenue It. R . . . . I'nion Mag A Paper.. Union Pueilli. I nion Pacific pr. 1 iiited t 'gst 0'' Am . . Lnited t'igar Mfg (nited Dry Good pi tinted Fruit . United R- ? In- est. Lnited Rv. Invest. L. S. 1 . ?. P. I P. L. S < I. P. A F. C. S. Lin. Alcohol V, > Ind. Alcohol pr Rubber . C. S. Rubber Is? pi . I . S Steel . V. S. Steel pr. Ltah ? opper. Va.-? ar. Chemical?... Vr>.-( hr. Chi mica! nr. Virginia Ipm .1 f. 1 Waha-'n . U'.iba-th pi A. a abash pr B. n'eatern Maryland . Westei n 1 ' ilon Tel.. ,\ ? itinghoB 1 H fg. V ooli orth . . Win ehnj* it- Laki l 1 *i Wheel, f. L. E. I si pr. Wheel. A L. B. 2d pr. Willj*i - Ovei ?and Willys-Overland pr.. Wisconsin Central ?.. pr. pr. rr i-hares sold. 400 20 1.200 2,000 600 r.600 ion too 8.100 IIAOO 2.100 600 100 250 3.600 ? 400 |H0 201 25 800 200 200 500 28,100 200 5-100 3 U 200 Lion ? ?00 ;..V"i KM 10 ?o.'.... II o '..'.mi' 70-0 300 500 . ,500 .-.too 12.100 1 .in fun 300 1,600 200 Hill 2.40O ?,000 700 SOI : M 200 |,4M 2.800 300 ?.400 l ,2on too S.-?414, 300 ? 90 ion 100 '.300 200 100 inn 800 5,900 100 ? II o 200 218J*O0 1.'.' " - I.Pi id 100 700 1.300 2,000 IA00 100 roo s.400 son 400 600 200 100 100 100 Quotatio Open. Hi?h 1964 110 314 814 II ? 814 Of, I 2" 130* 19* 7 4 S lf-r-1-; 110 82* II 39 * 12* n Range., I ??. Final. 1954 IP.'*4 no li? 814 is 19* -' 98* 129 130* 20* 76* 77 77* 102* 103 4 .'.6 4 ?2 ? 9**: 38 1 ?5* ?s 124* 6* , 14 121 7"1 ?... Ill II ISO* ? ? 41 73 30* 25 121* P,'4 15 '. 85* 111'. (75 162 , ? 1 *;?* ; 11 - " ?. " 1 !^" 1024 23 4 63 XX 169 10* ' ? 231 61 8* 13-4 13 94' ? ? 71 l 18* 21 81 M 12P II144 66*1 109* 87* 110* 80* i" I 113* 29* 87* 69 . 119* 4* 17 5* 2104 112* 38* 128 64 I 4 4 127 29* 96* I'iti 1II 164 1104 46 4 31 ' 122 4 118 10 12' ?lot-, 109* 46*1 80* 111'? or. 4 III ?I L ."14 88* 60* no II io---. 181 G4 l'C '. 63* 90 85 169 604 16* 61 4 H4 189 - 98* 9 4 71 149 - 21 30 1 19* 130* 104* 55* 1094 89 4 1164 -1 . II - 1134 67 10* 464 30 32 88* 69* 119 ? ' . M 2104 112* 38 4 129 130 4 18* 74 :<?'-, 102 4 -?; lv 62 101* ?i? 344 121 ?. ' 44 127 96 68* 111 II 189 108* II* 7" 30* 82* 15 89* Bl* 98* 129 130 4 194 764 103 50* 62 m ' : ? 128 0* 4 I* 127 794 29* 96 i 66 4 111 164 139 1104 40* 31 25 chge. 4 1* * 122* 83 4 - . 11 - 12* -..*._ 1174 9* 12* 59 4 1094 16* 4.S4 85* 36 111 111 II ?.'.', 166* ISO 45 454 25 4 82 !?54 110 no 6 1tf'-.' .".7 V 187 ? 102* 103 4 23'? 23* *?' H 14 1674 60 16* 230 fi0 4 8 13* 90 85 1674 60 II* 232 60 K 8 138* 189* 83 s ; 1, 94 . ?a. 61 94 ? . 71 71 148* 149* 20* 20* 39 24* 48 129 .'" 24' lO ISO M 16 If , 29 4 82 - 69 4 119 4 4 17 6* 210 11 4 14 t\ 14 - 14 - 2* - 1 4 14 - 14 . 5 4 8 184 39 -. 88 04* P-. 14 4 14 14 14 104 4 104* 61 55 4 109*1 109 4 87* 80 11'i a 1164 80* 814 4P 49 4 113* 118* 61 164 46 4 29* -- - 69 ' * 119 14 17* 2 }li 112' 14 1 i'.i 14 38 4 384 Bid. 180 1084 ?US 81 14 38 81* 128 4 1.30 194 10.3 56 4 11 1074 97* SA* 1244 6* " I* ?24 4 79 4 29 4 91 65 4 111 164 139 1104 46* 76 11 22-1 122* 83* 72* 117* 42* 59 , H-.' 16 36* 110* 61* 1K*? II 25', 82 S 56 109* * * ?? 54 18* 19 '. 187* 64 10.3 4 23 6.3 90 94* 167* 594 114 232 604' 8 139 4 83 4 B H 62* 67 118 4 21 38 4 24 4 19 129* 104 55 109 88 4 116* 814 4P 111 66 4 164 46 ' 294. 32 17* 694 1184 t = 17 54 238 1124 38 1224 m h 73 m 11 11 10 110 ti* M 1104 II* 167 45 4 254 83 56 4 110 J.i 63 130 106 55* 110 89 1164 II* 4P 4 114 H* 164 46 4 29* 32 4 88'.? 69 4 119 5 18 6 240 11.34 39 CURB MARKET TRANSACTION Coppers Active and Higher Industrials I irm Oil Stocks Quieter. In* outside market di.-plavcd con?) ?rable strength In resteraay's e.n 1 ra?l?i-ijr, and ittraaeei ncrca**d durn --ion in many leading ?iaaei. h nrovement win general among: the co pe-?, \? here trailing; ni most ?c.tiv h>nnecott ?is heavily dealt in ar closed 1 v2 points higher. industrial? were active in spot?, \t by Mldval? Steel, whieh enderi nrltn ? advance of 1'-a pom'-. Poolt Engine? lag and Machine .?a liai ICtive an gaincl 10 points Manne conimim, aft! touching L'OS, reacted to clea? h; li?' an advance ef I ?, points on the ?la and the preferred impro' cd 1:< Cam dian Car and Foundry went up (, Kell Springtield Tire ?? and Che- rol'-' Hot? Car 2 points. Trading in the S on a small scale at higher price-. Hi noi? Pipe Line and South I'enn t? gained 4 points each. 1MHSTR1ALS. | Tetal l ?hare*. ? ? - - ' ?>? l.aas Aiaz Tt Ine ? . ?'? . JB ?i a i r ?i i-'-1' i . is< ??". h BB A ?i * v IS. BB. MH no a? pe*f ? ? ' li ? . ? ? m ? o- r/drj ' ?. ??' :. la '.'? i* I .im . "a'n Nal .?-h ' '. Me ?Car l.t ? Pe? i ?at ?? ? | ..? IB) 1 1?9 inn *, , , . ? \ ? . , . , l. i ?:. 11". -.-. So right? I l , . it 14' ? 1 . A . v : " ... ' N ?Hall ?I? pi ?. ?. I ? ? i I. 7t T7 M :; ?.?VW? Ha? a B C w I M Mil!. ?Hot a A Artna I ?Int A E 8 C. .- . |?,?M a|, , \,, - Umr.. ?>"-; 31 ?jo pre! ..;;:'. ? . ? ? ? | NI? k< ' neu r-, tt . ? l7Va l?'a >"?'- 17% COt? Kellj Sp-fi?M T-- N ?' ?Bwl H M :e, ? : ?W !?' l'f - ?? Katl ? i on n . r ? 'l ? m? *K*y?JtOn4 ?ir. |t% I'?" MA? I'll, Be Man rranatl i I . i?, IB BO Mareeni of Ai '. J.rao ?\1 .,..? -.1 mit |] IH', ? , leal. ".:?. IS .""4 .-'i \ ? '. ?; i?-... >.- . I'M p M O m 1 p. n? ? I M. IM 1 MS 111 Hin a h r? , . . , ?M llurr.eK no? H HI .,. ?ooeph !???: ! ". i'-. '"?. - ? R v t ctfa. t<". ?. M . 1 M.MS Irt 1 \ t ?? im ?in rruii r-. ? . ta] ??. ?oi- r?? ? -- ai '. ?. I?aj IM y?o ?i s 1, a 11 ? - . -?v, M mu l?rt Mo ; r.-< ? , 4 , n ? . 4.V) ?Viralr.lan R?r? 3?i 3'. , . 1 a lie? w 1 s . ? : ..'. STANDARD OU. SI ?SIDIARIES. ?s? r 1. "1 i?3 IM Oll l?l I? DT Penn M'? rail ? ? -, .'-. .;. "' 1 .. ? tal ?I " So ,tt, I'enn Oil BH 5< M 0| ?'ai NI ?' "I of lu 1 " * < ? -? . - of S 1 |?| Stan ? I! "f Ml I'M OTHER ML STiM KS. ?. <*? a . o ?it*fi t:., 13 im |] . ?. . M-. PotreMtm ?ftulpulpa O a R IB ? ? ? . ? . 9*9 ?\ entura ?on . Ils, 11% 11'. lit, . ? ! ? , 4 -\ ?..ant? Wertaa |OIO I . | MINIM.. 4 Of* ?? ?fa 'on Mln I? II || 14 ? ?? Atlanta .. . :. .?-?', , ?SB) I'l? I.?"!?? I>?v P. I?, Ji^ 1?, ? paw .i:?, i;', i;', -.. , |7?4 I ?<??' 1 : ' ?t ,'. v i 1 ? ? , ? ?, . ', A NT.. ', j 1?, . ?? alaverea 1 o;, .-?, - - , . ?I ,,'. 'In lu ... ,, 1 '-rt ?' -'?..IH 'or . IB) - ? ? 1 ?.lea) ?m?*? aa I' foi? ... - . , it M IN INI.. ". i'i Mil ? "'i M ', '. . ? . ?> il '.: ? .... ?., iv Ml M II t* H . ?'. . ? . \ y ' < . i ? 'il ? 3 M r I? 1? 1? 1? ?. n lier la Min IB "\ ". "*? i i% ..... ,, | , 1 ? ? ? i . i.. : ? ? , ill . i |? ! \ 17,1 o, ? ', ', . ? . ? a? Ko? . Min.. 1 IMrKln-Dar I Ml .1 ?? ? ? , < ?, ." ? 4 , -' ' I ' 4 "l *? U oro ?.Moti '-? ?- :' ' N" ? :;. iii la ? I ." ? . . r ag? Mplaaln? Min .', ? ". ? . ? !'*!*,non L?V - :-. r? mi -, m '. i. ?????... 'i: : r, ? i ? ? r t.O?* ?Monta F* M <; ?: ? ? ? . Ilearan , ', ', ?a | - ? ?? -i . ?? aj ?t si ?? ? i MO Tonopah >: .? 4 . < ?, 4 4 ' r I Ion 4, J, .| 41 < n ? ? . . | | ? ; ? aj - ? - ? I | " "I RONDS. t.: m ?R J " new M ?i*'-, IM 'i? r ? ?r M..IM 1X1 IM ? / U BB Koaa i ?t la... 81 tX . . ... . , - ?INACTIVE YESTERDAY. ! IM.rsTTIi?lS Bid ? . I ? nrd M I '-, M il Prof - ?? -, ?lo ord ? ? Il '? ?tfj PSM Mf? Il IV ?Lima Ut MININO "t.; . | , re**?* Ml SB ; ???? : a L : ?h ?nv k >-op i<r i% i ?1 4?, B'i.vns M M S'o B?w? Bd M ? >? 18* ? i*-.'a prr ?hart. SHORT TER.-' NOTES. in', i t. Ask. ? l*W ? m T I ? ? ?? v ?? ? No?. 1*17 IDA ISA J ' ? ? . 3 v rtlrh -t'in' !? ? , IM?4 3.T'? ?Bolt A- ' 'i ?7?. J?ne, l:.i: 'i;.-. -, < ,-. June. 1911 |?U( mr. Rh m Kl ? ?> ISM? ?.(? s ' l'an Pooll . ? . . . M \ -, 4 ? hic a- w i la, sept, m; ?h Matt s.M l?i A in, 1 4? Jon? M, !'?: ? , il ??. ? 'a : 3" Erle hall' l I m? Ai - ?, iftf. 3 "? ? , l'.'S 4 ?? II?* kin? Vol .'. Nov. 1117 \r\\-1 |?|J , .. ,M Harraoi ta, K?r, 15. m s.. loiA im*a <'-' t N?. ?i?. May. 1117., ?9^ ?SX ni?' NT. N KB H M May. 1SII IMU IM?a IM I'enn Co ?Va*. J ? :i.. l"l'? Miff I H Southern Itv la. Pi . l'"?1. 2 O? o Rj '?*. Men J. IV -? \ 4 4' ii'nlt*.l Kr'ili *?. Ma>. |S17 li:.| K? . . Irin S*, Ma>. I'll I?\ lOCifi * (4 Foreign (.o* eminent Issues. lis?liai le ?" ? U\ MB m MM N AraontltM h. I)k 1 I ?:? M??' 1Mb t U Arsentloa I Ooe '?' IBIS loiv? l?r i M A roen t loa la. Ma- IS, ISM l?l K?H I * ? i ' boa Cone?* lo, au, m. I?*H ist% ? ? l i ? i . i ' . A| ? . ? ?? . . ? s, Barltiertoi I ta vu--' 1*11 "?: , *iy, & *& .-???/rrlan I ta Mm '. ??'-i I * Hallan r II, IHI '/???, iw < 00 " -r I?. ITII 1" -, mis, Mt U *i II, :?:: a ', 1MB I.M s?*.ti.i'. Vf i?? otatwr. 1*11 . i????, m<% i >? Quiet Dealing;! in Pa?i. Parts, Dec. 27. Trading ?a? oui*t on ?he Paare? to-day. Three per rent -*n'e. ,? i,%n, unehanged at ?.'l franc? 75 centime?. Exchange on London, 27 franc? 73 centlmei. ON THE CONSOLIDATED. Halted State? Steel changed iaa4s II the t ons'iltiia'cd Exchange II high a? MS, tad r i r h * 1 > UJOOO ?bar?? of Steel ehanfel hind.?. Mew Vari < entral's h? ! wa* I IOS. A Urge and ?> ?II ?ii tribute?! business was ??on* in free? tienal lei - l'i?. n." em teed pli<ss in ?e'rnty-1?' " ?lifferent ? ?l<-: The to tal fer the ? s I IM h>. .. Il| I ? - I . . . * A . -1 I ? . . . 11 t? Its, MA I'll? ?. | - . ?? , a Tita I"', . , ?I a v " ? .'. I ? II ? : ? . ? - , ? II'? ?I'? 11'* .1 OS (..?? ?'V' Ul -.??! p 41?, 41', 41 ', 4 "AI.- - 4 ??? , . ??'? . ? till -, ? . I ? ? ' . ?' II, /. " ? . ? . I < -, M Hi . a- . ', ?4ft Butt. A - III . ..'? ? I - . I , . ? ? - . I , ' . 4 | ? i ? ? A " .. . , lit M , Pi, I ? . ft? 1 : Mil A, si- I" 4 . . . -, '.. a i a r . apt? . I . A I .4 ! I ? . ? I ?- . ? ? ? I - , 2J !1 7 M - 11 - - ?v . ?'.:?', ? I'M ',--.- ? . <? . I-", f>', ?ft Iiom? Ml t ... ' ttt Krl. 4 , 4 4 , I , . - . M ? I 4ift (,' North ?"- ? ? , . ?.? 1-? V" !.?)??. hotot II,' ? -, -, ?? -, ; . k. li tptriil? . ? "P Its ?. ? i - 4? i' - r ")? 1 i Mat Mar ? - 1?', ''. .-:? i , .'??' i t.... ?? t l'ai? :.-, 1. . :. , i . ?.'?? -i', '" ?? .IK, -i. ? I'. Bo ?? U . Vail? -, ? . ?1?J ? . 14? Maaoi M . Mu ' I"? 111 ? ift?!. II '. Miami I'eppar ? . ?. < . Vat i..- t |.? \rl, la I ?' an '? I? I? ?- \ . tral ? ? IM ? .??.-,?., A il -, - . S ,11? H.O ?'. ? I? 1" I? I? 1?', I-?- .,-?- , -, ? CI? Ka? ? -pp.r '. ' '?? . ... 1 140 II*, tir? -. . 1 ft'.? Itrp I I - | ... - : | . I (tooth*, ? ?? , It, '? . . . . 10? r"tld*l'i?*r ll*la l"ft', II? : ? ? ? ? . , . '. T.iaa ?a 4? Third Aw ...... I ?;o loron !?? ii ? ?ft I nit.' ? Kr .1- I4IU 14?', 14- . I4?V ? . ' . . < ??--?.. . . ... ..s, aja HI'll ' : :- -". ?1 , I"? la ?'ar t h.m 11 [ i .-, , | i |(M Wabaih ? ? , ? , M to rr-.' A < 4- 4? I ,|.. prof li ... I? W*.'.- . ?? . B7?a ? . ?"'* T41 W?t?h?iua 1 . i'? . ? I , ; r ta! .alea minim;. V i ' ? .' 21 ? llno-h ,M I ??ou Elkton ? '. in. ' . 1 l*M 1 4" i: i i It? Irn Hl'?*.?m I M 4 liabrtla i'1 I" iMtw mi mi 40-1 Jurar?? i ,-.? I 21 111 K<-?a.iai .1 .31 ?'iO Klfil N'.i la 4.' 4.1 ash En 4 10 4 "O 4 :,??i Wr,? Ij 1 .71 .r? ?. aalra U. S. Treasury Finances. \Va?r.!-?'m. I??' 17 T? ?> f , . . . .,. Sx balan?a In | l ? - t ? ? , la. I1.S9I.W1 I*b* ' . ?*?? ? |4t> -..-: I'O uaiiu' a *>?(1t ?>??.?? ?trioalM ? ?( r,..ama < am: ? ?r?j ,i. ? 4.1 II' IBBJ MIIP IMIMl R. R. til. najri ?"iiniu.i ?xd ter misai. Il', i : 11 CENT OOU) BTjNDS Aj pr???>l<*l u? Baotl ? Saw -t A.-'! ? Two M ? - vi :'<??? Miarla? to? i.?ti? m htmSt tii-m ?a, r!t?-l in? m '..r?l?t.?"l. ?? TrtMaa, will ra ,.',?. vi*l pr .pntaia up to I I' M on Jai.uar. ? ?i.? ?al? '" .t ot* ?i b i.H.i. for a ? M tn? Bluklna Int.: a? a ptta Ml (? .??lino 11? nr OJM an'l ?? ? rie-l I .t*r??t. to Hi? ammi t of .;4?'' "ilc ??' ut?'" ttM pa'tn??tv. io las -, t'-.ia ad ??' '? ? .mmr ' "?? .? J?. uax. Int. l?l?. a? pr'.'.l"! i" lha aald Moniao? THE NEW \ '?IK Tin ?T rOMPAXT, fiTtD?r ?< Kat '."?? 04 . ?? r J i r.'.,t ? ."upan,. Truit?.. ? Il W MORUE. "?Kraiarr D?x?o?t? ?w. i?i:. All WALL STREET radt DOW, .ONES BULLETINS & TICKERS Investors read THF WALL STREET JOUR.NAL American Telephone & Telegraph Co. I mir Ter lent fullstersl Trust Bonds pone from the?? Boada r?;able by ? ? tori I, 1911, ?t 'h? enVa r.f the Treasurer In Nett Yo.-k. ?ill 1.? p.ti.1 Bai ?-- . - as.i" 14 vvai! - ? ; D IIILNB, Treei tree ,> OPPORTUMITT IS APPORDED POR the purchase, it an attraetl??? Bftjre, Of '? - -i-- .- - ninufaeturlng , ..- |?|| ?r? #, ,i therein i a'na iv patented machinery. Interview bj ?p 04 PRRCIVAL I ITOODl.V. Ill ? Frankfort Ave., Frankfort ?-: Philadelphia. Pa PINAN4 IM MEETING. URBAN WATER si ITI.l COMPANT JfOTICB OP ANNITA I. MEETING OP ST". KI||-'I.HKR5 Tin: i'.M'.i. MEETING ..f thi ttt> ' ' URBAN WATER SUPPLY ?i OMPANV, a corporation of the flat* of ? - V -.- --';' 1" bold at rh- ofV? of th? , ... || a ill Street, V ? York Hem Tork, ?a ?he nu. day of *fanu .1 11:00 o'clock A M . for tfca ,. .^f electing a Hoard of Direct..r-. I approving thi act? of 'h- officer? ?n di? rector, ' p"" ? ?'? Ina t*ir and th? of nach other biMin**ei me raer nine bofer? lh< Mating PARLE n i.ii.i?krt, Soeretarr. I?.. mher *>Sttn (?II N?W YORK TITLE IN8UBANCE COWrANY. - v i, Meeting of ih? Stockholder? riTLE INSURANCE COK }' \ *. v for ?- --i >i ??' Directora and i, ,p?ctori of Ble tl ??? la ? rvs fer th? * ; k- t. ' ? .-' I ?| 1 il? i iffl.-.' r.f ? he i'. .' So i:'. Broadway, Row Yori, city, op Tuoaday, Ik? III? of Jan?. '?!?. at 1 :?l o'clock in the afternoon. Ti.e ?lock trar.?fer book* of th? Com? pany ?nil be ?'?'?! on December 11 19K>. *? i |- M . and reopened on January 12th. ,' Il A M Dated. New York. P"'mt'.r rt. **? 1 ". FRANK 1. COOKB, fWr-t.ry ANNUAL MEETING OP THE STOCK holder* of No? Ketberland Hank of Sen York for th? ?lection ..f Director? for ruing '?ar ?n^ for Ih? transition ' ? .. ; ? r 1 i'-.' " - .i? m..-. prop?r'\ coiri? hefore *h? meeting will i>? held at ? h.. hanklnc linuac of ?aid aaaoctatlan. 41 V?*??l 14th B1 f N?W Tork m Tooedar. '"'?? e?\ of January, Hi? at four o'clock T M Poll? will ?.. oOOtl fn n row P m te -*? ? p v. Dated, Ne? Tork, Doc-mhor ::*h His .r a'' vMs nn. >WN. Pr*_d?nt <-r-?*Tr^ t BKABD, Puhler TTf T"(H'I 1. - nwi 4iK IHK I ITY op MU 14IKK, *t?:i tand 38.' (mal Sireet. t*?<-e.mher :?. I SI I. *nnu I meeting of th? stockholders of this flank, for th? ?I? Mon of Directora for *h? enailna- I'ar and Inspector? of -i. will he t.a-M at ih? Ranking Mi*?. N' m 113 and 39', I'inti Street, on To?od?r .lanuarv llfh. 1 *? ; ?i. ..t |] o'clock noon Th- r*"?? orlll k? open from II 0 -?ock noon to ; p \t .r. iirv n pttRHTTH Coahler Till-; ANNUAL ELECTION FO|t SK'.'KN til-?.'or? and thrtg In?pe>-tor? of '".lection for The Baf? Depooll ?'-.moony of .\>.? fork for the enei.i *- ftmT will I? held at the ofSi , ?f -h? Company, II? Urnadway. on T'je?.lii\ Jar. tary 11th IBIS, b0tw?oa the hour of i; o'clock r.oon an-1 1 o'clock P M The trtn?fer ?rill t-e rlcaed on the -.[ut d?y of De ??n '.?'.'. and np?n?.1 on the elxtrenrh day of January 111? Per o-d.r 0/1 LU AM J RAMSr.Y Sajcretary 1 \1HF1II.D *?KI IRITY CORPORATION-. The ?ir.'i?: meetlag Of -he kfockholdrr? f PelrSeld Bocarltf I'orporation ?-1,1 h? held at I p i January : ISIS, a? S* Stead wer, v?v? Tork City, for the ?i?c f 'iffir.ra m.l directora and trana a.'|..n of e'i-1, Other htjalnea? aa may h? irought before N ?no rt maI.skt S?*erot?.ry l_.l in,?? National Bonk. V?w York. Iicf-m-.ter II Ml', A rtartlai Dtrarttn ?f tbia hajiit am h? a? ? ? a klag li~i?- Ne. *M dr ?.!??, s, . \ -. ci ni?~1av la 'mi ?1 19K Tila 1.,-mi (ruto : t- t f'clark r M Oto. E. Ull?tS. Caat_t-. A Wide 's coverec^ -V tne Mechanics & Meuts . National Bank in the interests of ?fj I errttory customers. This territory is not con? fined within the borders ?if the LnittJ States; we have direct connectiom with all the principal corranerciaj centers of the world, and give our cus? tomers the benefits of these affiliation The Mechanics & Metals National Bank OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 20 NASSAU STREET Deposits (NoTember 10), $183,400,000. THE KANSAS CITY, MEXICO & ORIE ?T RAILWAY CCMFAfT REORGANIZATION To Holders of Certificates of Deposit of Columbia Trust Company, of Nt* York, and Glyn, Mills. Currie & Co., of London, issu??d under tb. Deposit Agreementdated March_12. 1912, forPiftj-Ycar First Ma? gage Four Per Cent. Gold Bonds of THE KANSAS ?m' AILWAY COMPANY; _ Mori _ ia nontis ?x inr. r\rtr?aAS MEXICO & ORIENT RAI ^^^ To Holders of Bonds of the Railway Company; and To Holder?; of Secured and Unsecured Claims against the Railway Cea pany: Kpfrtrnip to the ibove-mentioned 1 ??-;-?? ? ?-?t- Agreement, ihr \\nderi\r??t* Committee nerebi (fives notici that, parsusnt to the provision? o* paragraph Fifth thereof, it has prepared an?! itjopted a Plan an1 Ab? meal for the Reorganization <.f The Kansas City, Mexico & ''rient Ru'. way Company, and has filed copies thereof tvith ihr I>epo?itaricj of tv. Committee, Colombia lYnn Company, ;?t its office, S ? 60 Rroadwiy \> York City, md Glyn, Mills, Currie. ?V Co., at their office, No. 67 I ?Mrcet. I on don Anv holder of a Certificate of Depoitt ?iiued ander the Deposit Apt* nirnt who shall fall to disvent from auch IM.iti an?! Agreement in the manner therein provided within thirrv ?lavs from the date of the lint pe>. !?cati??n ?f this notice. sha!l he conclusively deemed for all purposei t have, assented to the ?Plan ami A?reement and the terr.i? thereof. Tpon complying with the requirement! of the Plan any hoUr who has not yet deposited hii Hone's arith the Committee will be permirtt?'' to participate in the Reorganization h? depositing his Bonds with oat of the Depositaries not later than JANUARY 15, 1916 Any hohler of * secared ? r nnsecured claim against the Railway Cok ??any will br permitted to participate in the Reorganization on the un? basis as depositing Bondholders bj presenting! his claim, -upported bv affidavit and accompanied by m assignment in blank, in the form apprtm?* by the Committee, and otherwise complying ?nth the conditions of the Plan, not later than JANUARY IS, 1916. The transfer books for Certificates of Deposit shall be closet! at the close of business on January 10. 1916, and shall ? ied until the opening of business on January 31, I9lfi Copies of ihe Plan and ?.greement of Re< rganization may be olBaissI from eithei of the Depositaries, either of the Secretaries of the ' ommittn or at the offices of Chas. H jone? k G . I rnt banker*. No. ?0 Brag Street, New VorV City, or of Messrs. Foster and Friars, London, 1 ? DATED; New York, December 28, 1912 SAMUEL UNTF.RMYER. MONSON. CHjirmar I oinsel CECIL BRAITHWAITI. HARRY HOFFMAN, Reerstarr, HARRY RRONNKP J7 Wall Street, Km? York City. FREDERICK HURDLE I. i ROSI AMI TAYIOR. SecratatJ, WILLIAM T KEMPER. 6? Buhopsfatr. London, E. C. WILLARD V. KING OiPflsiTAPIK?; LEONOR F LOKEE UEPO?.ITAF1KS BENJAMIN NEWGASS I o I I'MR I *, TRI -T t ? iMI"\\Y, HENRY SAN PERSON. M Breedway. Kern Verfc CR?. v.. D. STAIR. GLYN, MILLS. CITRRIE * CO., S DAVIES WARF1ELD t7 Lombard Street, I.ondo*- Comme* INTERNATIONAL MERCANTILE MARINE COMPANY To Holders of Preferred Stock: Announcement is made that 343,994 shares imore than 66"c) of the outstanding preferred stock has been deposited under the Deoosit Agreement of September 21 1915. The Committee has extended the time within which depotitt may be made with CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, the Depositary, at its office. 54 Wall Street, New York City, until the close of business on JANUARY 3, 1916. Dated. New York, December 6. 1915. _ ?,,.,,.,. ...... MMSsj v ?viiiir < aaa-aaa ,,W1lttr-l Raw Terk Clt, ?JgJ JfA?^ ti'i.INK LARKIN A- RATHBONE. IHHUKIM? \\. s< on LOUCKS ?< Al.r.XANt" I < II \ li I I - ||. t?.,H|S. Ceaa?I t omnlii??. SWINGS BANKS. INCORPORATE? 1?-"? THE BROOKLYN SAVINGS BANK PIERREPONT and CLINTON STS.. New Entrance?300 Pulton M. INTEREST AT THE RATE OF 4 Per Geni, Per Annum ?nil k? credited to depositor? January 1, 1911. (parable on and after Jan uary 20tk). ou all lutm entitle?! thereto. Deposit* made on or before Januar, 10th will draw mterr-i frogi Jaaaarf lit. ( RdWKI.I IMIHiEN. Preai.lcnt. I \t Rl-t E. SITTOV ( omptroller. ARTHUR (. HARE. Caahler. (HAS. 1. PUTNAM, Aggt, (omptroller. SEAMEN'S BANK FOR SAVINGS *4 and 1? Wall Street. TBS tri BTEES BATS ORDCSKD THAT INTSH?BT '? paid >., B?p?aKan enut.e.1 ?-??-. ' - - * -il m-jcth? ?",?!','.g I" I .i (grounli Bol ?srwcdkig thro? Ihautaad dollar*- ?I UK rat? of F? R ?'in O.NT p?r artnurr, l*ayab!e on ard after Mej-daT. Ja" IT. I?l4 UAMKL BAR-N'ta. l'r-V.d??.! I1EORUE M HAI>KY. t'ajihter w n.l.l-iTiiS ll BSNED1CT -retar-. .*>?? \jrk I>?.-?nit-r '..-h. ISIS ? NOTK E? Iiepn-i'.? to rtra? toanoM from Jai. !?t cr April '.?*. or Ml 1?t ^r ti i Ut trust t>- n-.a.l? un | r L'ctur? th? l_t day ' ? - ; rwam month. THE BANK FOR SAVINGS IN Till: > ITV <?!-- SKW YttRK. :?0 Fourth Avenue, tie-- ?ti,, i<?i?. I,il> HEMI-AN MAI. |i|\im\|, The Unard of Tr-ia'eca hu? declared an Interest dividen.I for the t>lx Months Dccamher Jlat 1*15. ?t the rate of TIIKKK \M> ONE HAM PER CENT per ?nnon on all ?uma of IS "0 and upward ?rtl ?t.?reto. and p,i>?h1. on and after January j.tth. ill? Th? dividend will le . ;>,|.. i to depoattor? a? principal January lot, 191? l??poalts mad? o? (,r ...for? Jar.uar, ltvth 191*. will draw ' from January lat 191? WAI.TKH TIUM1I1.K. Preai.'.ent I. KW 18 B t.AWTKY. Se retary. JAMES KNOWLCS, Comptroller. IRVING SAVINGS INSTITUTION II? CHAMBERS RT.. N. Y Th? Trust?-, hat. Seeland B dlvld?nd for th? alt month? ?titling Deo. Slat Itll at the rat? of ?... FOUR PER CENT. per annum on all ?um? from t, to f.i ?.>? ?ntltled ther to under (he l.y-!awa. payable .n and af-.r .lai.narv 1 Hb. HU Iiepoaii. i?,d, oa or t.efor? Jan 10th ? I i*"r2.'l'ir*"\ T>m J*''l'?ry lal. 191? II _ J'Tfaldcnt. QKMO? D. UL.NN1NU. ??crtiary. ' ANDREW r Mci ORMA< K Auctlea? uiji.i lar ai ' rioN .'"**; or -ItM h- 1N|> hum?*, Bl IDRI \n h. mi i MR * M>, OPPICK Mi IS WILLIAM St WEDNESDAY, Uli R ??TH. 1111. ai 11:19 o el* * ai ,vie l.v, HAN',;: BALI RR< -?'?R 14 AND 1- VI - v STREI' For Account of Whim 1- Mav ? cncati l ?h? Ne?. Tori . iai ?0 ?he Central Tr il ?ii? Brooklyn Tr;.,. c? "!. ?ha Lavner? Title A TrmoX C?. . " i; Wortklngton p-?f1 , ?or, eh? K'andard tiaa Llghl Ca ?f R ? > ehs t;*rm-i!i Alliance Ine'i-an-? 01 1? ?ii? . ontlnontal insurer.-? ?"?, LIM ?h.? 4'nnaolidat?'i Copear Mm?? ? ?h? Hall Signa' Co r: ". oM ?'"% 121 eh? Alaska T?]?phT- .-.- Te>gri|h_C4 300 sh? Cerman-Amerlcai ?-?jran-a IS 70 ?ha. Kings CoUBty MortgBS* ' ? SAVINGS BANKS. The Bowery Savings Bank IM AND til Bfi-VRRT NEW TORK. De? i?. W ?. ??rtil.annu?l dMdaod ?' ?her*??' THREE and 0*1 -HAI.P P?* f*** p?r ?r.num h?a BOM d-c'.ared ?nd vT 1 . rr?dlt?d to depo?!-o-a on ?:: ?or*-* " th 00 ?nd upward OBd no- c,c??|t*4* || nil which ?hall hav? teen d ?-""-??'"*? ? t least thre" or. the fir** *-*' of J?n'y n?xt. ?nd ?till he p?)?*!* ** id after Mondav. Ja-jary If, WS Money deposited on or before Jaa'T ?? draw Inlere.t fror. Jon'y I. I"** ni:\HY a BCHRNCK, Pr?*"-*"' WILLIAM K KM>\. ( .j-ip-roller. u I3EPH '. i IDDLI ?eretoiy. UNION DIME SAVINGS BANK 40th Street and Sixth Aven? An Interest Meldend HIM c-it-acti'lwl ? been BotfOMd ?: th? fata .< Th*?? *?? 0a?h?lt Pw Cat. per ortOO\ : Jaaoaaj ? IMS. art ?**-**-* or a 1 ?I'cr Thurtsla*. Juin*?** '*? on all .unu er.!|t'.?d t_wet.' 01 >* lb! *' **** \| , ,, deposited v. r*J V"" Ja.-"*-"-' draw? Uit?r??t from Jai.uary L I*'* Alei. T. IV. Rinnan. prea'deeX I ranci? M. I cake. Treasure*. I rank I. Ilaaa-d SeeralBO Maiden Lane Savings Bank 170 Br-oa-Jwav. cor. Mai?**?? I?** 4% PER AMI? l>?*>?elle mad? b?far? {*?? HP ?Irow lnt?r?ot from Jo?*? ?-"A ? lep..?lt? r?c?lv?d f-om 0 *. ? ?.Op M . Inclodtn? i?-? IVallor t?p??U \-?*V ?? -