Newspaper Page Text
Bank Stocks For January Investment 100 National Bank of Commerce 250 National City Bank 12 First National Bank 25 Chase National Bank 100 Hanover National Bank 50 Mechanics & Metals Bank 100 Corn Exchange Bank 100 Merchants National Bank 25 Chatham & Ph?nix Nati. Bank 35 Fast River National Bank 50 German American Bank 75 Importers & Traders Nati. Bank 30 Bank of Metropolis 40 New Netheriand Bank 25 Public Bank 50 Union Exchange Nati. Bank 100 Butchers & Drovers Nat). Bank 100 Bankers Trust Co. 35 Columbia Trust Co. 75 Equitable Truit Co. Gilbert Eliott & Co. Dent?n In Bonk Stocks H IWaSl,, N. V. Tel. John 6210 nn\l> - ?LES ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE MONDAY, D? BMBI R 21. 1*15. i?,ii,n on ike S*m ?erli Stach Bxeaaage Mestaaj amounted to ,:.,M,?i prida '? ? weea age aad ?i..,ii.omo u ,?r?|.? I row January 1 ta Bete, S?t3??,t?M agafauR ?.rViM.UOS in lt>14. (,|i\ I l.'NMI M 1!<?M?>. fc Sn 4i . M ? i. ' . M .100 P C ? .V HI I. 4V . 5a '.'; : : . i .. IMS Ha? . MS ? Raadln? ml 4? -ra I? Ml mi IPAL BONDS. 1MB ? ' a . . Tttt M) MISCELLANEOUS i i - . ., 4a Raji A' ?* Ar I *J 1 n . ? !.. - . . - ?' I ' I - - ? , . ? - ' 111** ... ? \ ? -, ....MB I?*.'" ?war 6a s 1 ItV ' BIM ":. ? . ? . i . . It?. , " ?i ?a S* ?ii . - > rnu k fi ? ? \ .. i. i. n .-. . ? *"<H ? ? ' i . | f 4. 4 '. I I ? 4? ? . - J. ' ? ? .- '. 1 . ?' I . v. - '? ? ' ?.' ? ' t 4* 1 ' GOVERNM1 M BONDS A ??.-'? . 1 in ? ? 5 ?WE. AND EXCHANGE. ? r.lghwt ' '. t pi hi k i m rev sk< immn ? a L ' T : * t H > II ' ? 1 . 1 ? ' . I 1! 4 4 -, H ? : ' o ? i.\i; > QIFOftTI AM? kwoicis. ? ?*en ? ? ? n i. TOPICS OF DAI IN WALL STRI Steel Common at Hiu Price It Has Touched Over Six Years. PASSES 1915 RECOI IN EARLY TIMI) Railroad Earnings Phenon Lrie's November Net ii Over 195 Per Cent. In only one other jresr of the ? than th? tour; -. of the ? ? ? J h, little ? 1916, | little ? 'liny impo ' ? later in its n "tit than : Surpluses Piling I ?>. portiii ? ? ern Pacific in Mov? mber, I . turns. :? gtril . ain in txo 26\t ] the beul ? - ? ? ? with ? ? ? mallo ind Hi net | Venn be i and $1> i ; .i. h Bondi lu?!,-. ; the bet * ritins cnunti' There I houffh, t ? the f" from the 1 ? i-iit. ids H itata the Boslsesa Cana main * a lnrt'" ' oaelbla by * Britial - R. H. 1 tiona, -be . . Ilready i ? ? he erei munitio ?? propo! ? that the l ' ' ? i contrae t-xelu-qu I New York Centrara BtrsRfth, ?-fore t ? Btrsl rss . all be i - of only ? , -, .-ii be .? I cent Bi rows l'u( on the Bborts. ?hort of the railroa ia thing;, Im ? ? thirl ' '. 1 thi ' rring the! ? ? ; i ? ion 01 .1 Lin . ' ? ? ' l.t|iiiliis Mut h l.arfi t Invi ' 111 appareil I Iholr pai . I pel S and I .rail* ? .mull's. If : the m. - .?mili I ? climb on i' 1 not becau?e they ere too hierri or be than thev ? but beeaase the ! money or becau?*? thee ur? ?-ough to repon?! to the appeal to a? I the exchanges. Bettirassati Balarte?!. Erie's Meveiaber pamint?, ??'lblii- ur.ti! aft? eh merket, ?rere fall? predicted .-.?; th? eain hi i I I tag, or ? -.- l Erie's I ''iitlar gain in fi ' 2.665, or 9M ? ? ? net I '? I? in net might ? a suspicion that not suffi ipriatieas ?rere being .-nade f??r maintenant?'. except far two i- ! D, Uaderweee :?? preaidjBBt t| i -????' rn <>riI v re i ? . ?, satei sirs plan of impro nclading double ? Tex?? & Pacific Now. tie of ? ? eh ha? not bees, in a ? any longer, ime thing rhe Miat * out i ad | I ? Iroi Moan ta ?. ; ;. per ha? BB?) to 1 a iltMicu after charge? ever) lorai read ii ? ?i -. fi ? . the United Btatet operating under a Federal charter. It incorporated b* act of Confreei in >d us charter through : - ? STOCKS IN OTHER CITIES boston sto( ks. minino Uix?n. High be* i.a" ? ? , -, . ?S .... H% v? ft ?:?, I Boraah . : , - ;>? ?. -. ? ? ' ! . . I* A Scott ? v Bal ,.. I 3 i '. ? i" l< ? ft... ?.i-, f., , . St. t?. I'. ? ?.-??? It ? Helvetia i ' i - ana .... I t th I . ? . | M II t ?. a 114 . ? .. ? . .4 ? n M.i N ? . \.'n .. II 'l . . Butt* ? . . '?? 1% ?i.i Domlnloi 1TB "-k .... 1? ? >. . I 3?. 4 ' ? I , , ' . .6.* N , :"s tt% ? . ? ? * . ?. i'% 4 . ". i: v ,i ROADI I ? ? M I. 41 .. .? ' AM. a?? 4 . M M l'I li rit? h'/jr? ir 71 :s 71 i su ??.?> us till .' s !"' IB 101 2 Jl W . i . .<? ru :44 :t4 I? ' > Il M . i"? i--1. ? |4 Mniv,,. Han?, i M a B *m. ISM I M tau U\k all?? Rh l*r 5? ? . -, SET Ttrn fa Ha ' ? ? 76 :s N ' HI '!.' ?: I BM A**. |t?\ Si ??as " ? Metal? I . .. ? ? ? . ? '? ? PHILADEl i'lll\ STO, KS n i(i i ... . ? MH ii'i nil 14?, 5 '. 10 f. Val Tr |.i.. I* liSV ?? M?. ? ? Iffl M St St St ? ?S .'"i . . o (r~? it I!? B) ;? - - ? . ? . ? . ..'?? ' Phlla H Tr t ? i . '. ?.? I'r? ? . 4 ?Hj 4 4'.'? II? I nil ?'.???? Imi? .. B) B) .-? In ? urnlrk I A H. 1 -V? 1' '?? : ?'? bj I 1 ?l 'I 24 14 BONDS - m ?'.at * !.: ? | I \ **\ 61 f.? '-. 101*? I'?!-, : i ?'.-.-. . BALT1MOBI SToi K-. Sal**. ' I.?at II ?'l 3 ?? --. i ow?r ....111 |U So 1 lis ? s Bank ' S? I'. 3 ? A M Trans- tj ?7 ,' < ? , IS fl ? M ' I 'ib Rir? J 1 . BONOS BJ.BB ! ? . ? . 19*? i 1.(00 al -????'. . ? '. . * s eta ? t? i ? . , a PRT8BUBG BTOCia, aaJet Oaea. High i.o? i.a-: I BU Am W HI M- ? . . a .!??* 3.'. in a* n %HI Bow?! I'll? 1 M l< !a i ? -- . Ill 111 t- ' .n-' Kr. Qaa Kit ? ? li^ oes ?it i-' iMt . ? rtnrlaa 170 U II I ?-.-.? < - ne :.'? i.i, ;. ? i.?, n n ?. .t . ? . > ' ",i . i ual Oil . . . \ >PIIU Br?i . 1% II . S Obsta ti WesthM Air ?' ? , . , ( UK IGO'STOI ks. ' - un Paeu Tool. T7 '77 !:? ? Ml ? ?> . Kan C . . . ' ? .'.?t'l . ..ii:?, ' ; lint HI v. i ft a ?o . . . -. V. ? ? ' ?? ? I ' - BONOS t ? ' .. . I. , ... ..., ?U4j DIVIDENDS 'OKLABBD. : T?iin lit. i.a - Dati Ptnn Sa ? '?if? '. 11 ft ? i No II q r. . ? ?* - ? ? i ?' i '. i _ r?| . lea i ? i .ti. i ? ? .ti i ? . ... Ian I 1 n i 'I r, ''I- . ' . I ? ! ,j ? 11 Al'v * ? ? ' . I < l' 'J l'a*'a J?n I 0*? II 3,000,000 WASSEB FOR FRENCH LOAI People's Patriotism Show ill Great Number of Subscriptions. EXCHANGE HOUSES WAIVE MORATORIUM Business Debtors of Paris Nr Waiting Compulsion to Pay Obligations. Rv YVKS (?I vor t?-MisiitK pi Publia Wor.,. Elit?r L Aj?s Eeonemlqu? ?4 flnaselir*. ' I'., i . Pans. Dee, 27. -How magnifie? is the effort represented by til 14,500,000.000 francs subscribed I the loan can only bs realized ?rhs one considers if is really due to th patriotism of the msisss ths fit urea will doubtless show 8,0 .?riljers--and that a fTSSil man persons were prevented from su! eribing more owing to ths mon torium Mid i,f rt'tii due. Ths rsnl question is pen dilBeolt, a.s man) rents bare ri ?Mined entirely unpaid sines th beginning of the oral owing to th mobilization o? tenants, which thu deprives landlords of sums tha otherwise would have been efaiipbl for the loan. Regardm?* the moratorium, th situation is somewhat lieUer, In. cause business debtors - espi as concerns (he Stock EzebangS have not waited ontil compelled t disehargs ?it leasl part of their obli gationa* thus releasing considerabl BOflSS which they nii|*ht ha\e it tained. The Hank o? Francs ore? ment shows how great have bee: such payments. On January 2i 11)14, the total of bills renewed WS just over 9,000,000,000 fraies, whil in the last account the corre tag Bgurs is only 1^45,000,000. The question S? -u,.;ar priCSS si tracts aLtentiuii. particularly in vies o? the recent i The Minister O? Commerce pro feseed to And the pries o? I No. ;? white supar over hiph Oi eecount o? ipeculatory mancsuvres and threatened to eloas the Supa Kxchanpe unless the price ft-ll. It r4-ally seems as if certain mini ben of the Socialist party wen -ant nf the laws ,.?' supply am tiemand Tin- Commerce llinistei declares that 70 francs a hundrs kilos is the normal pries for ? ?now quoted about lus, includta| '.'.". francs duty. A hundred kilos ol raw bet-trout cost OU francs, which only allows 25 francs margin foi manufacture, although working ex pei mi sre greatl; - ?? seed. Certainly 108 frai - ? ithoul duty is hif-h, compared with tht prices o? 1908, 1909 und 1918, $92, in times o? peace pri?es varied from 106 t., 106. Naturally the whole thing ? i question o? suppl] snd demand while the French market flueneed also by prices elsewhere At the outbreak of the war it wai realized that BUgar sticks WON short. Secondly, government buy? ing sent up prices. 1 hir.lly, a larj*' section of France being invaded, the available beet root crop fell . two-thirds, reducing the production of French supar frrm 70(1.000 or, toi - to 800,000. Finally, no Silgar has been exported from Russia, Austria <>r Germany, which also elevated price--. As regarda American sugar, high freights and increased insurance charges con? to i sise its -irice. The government departments con* .! would be more likely to ppt satisfactory results if they sought the reason for high prices in the disorganised condition <>f internal transport, especially on the State railroad, instead of in sp?culation. Coal as well as sugar has mounted enormously owing to ths lack of ade? quate transportation, which appears to he due to wanl O? cooperation ho tween the various railroads, thus ::?,* ?arpe numbers of idle truck-, of Which there are too few already, owing tq the failure to buy them when wanted. The authorities assert they have a stock of 120,000 tor,.- of mgar. which they are pn pared to put on the market if prices do not fall. Let them du so. and they will see it BOOfl absorbed ithoul causil B more than a temporary fall, for the demand is greater that, they realise. Leather risen for sim* ilar reasons increased eonsump tion, redoced production ami diffl* culties of importation. Kven in normal times leathe is BUbJod I considerable fluctuations. Now cattle --tucks have been reduced, many Kuropean countries forbid exporta? tion and freight is hiph. Labor [| dearer aleo,ni well ?Is coals, oils and interest on money. Finally, army requirements u mimen ?? quantities. Stil] the pries i much lower than the German fixed rut.-. No Ffnherge on exportation will in ths presen! condition! be likely to lower it. PRODUCE AND GRAIN PRICES Wheat Turns Weak After Reaching New Records Corn Resists Decline. GENERAL MARKET EEPOBT. - - *H[?T i . . .- ' f-e? ?e, . ??? - a ? f ra- r? ? >? ?? 1 at th? T* - " . , i - > . i that Qrtal Britain ar.1 t i . - * ' CORN. i - OATS. T-. r-.arV-- ... ? I I Pli? 1 . I ?'.-?-. M :..-? ? . RYE. ?? | w.-etem, ir " If Km NEW YORK PRICES. . t . 1 ' . ?I . CHICAGO PRICE9. I .- || .-'. I . I : ? , - - ?. - . t m. -ru. i ti , i *. * . < . 4-'* . < . ? < . FLOUR AND MEAL. ? ."-.1 1n tr.? IMI . Hi I'KWHI IT i l "i K Ma ? liv K Kl.tii it Kin . (?Ir to i ? -? iihv. I | -,( Im -, M ' ? I l l ? 124. flout v . - - I -a ? I ' 13 IHM PH0VISI0N8. ? . ? in . . . ? ... i t > t 1'iiltK Klrm. IllD . < I ? I - I . 1 ? ? ? HtKSSKD in OS I ? . ? ... ITT MFATR ? II ' ' ? ' ITKi . CHICAGO PROVISIONS. I.anl ? . Ma* Itai COFfEE. i - i in . - . ? . - Hra?I a ? ? -' ! ? t. II - .' "??-.?? I ? ? ? I ? ? ? ? 1 ? ? , I I SUOAB FUTURES. ? : - ? i dulneai "i- lllfh. Low < - . ? ? t I su .1 .* ii* .i . 1 ? f i t. ,, si ? COTTONSEEO OIL ? . ;.-- ' ? . i ?? ? ? ?I ? . ! ? '? ' .; Spot II v 4 . ? - - ' - 4 < *'J I.5? ISO ? ' ' ? VI a 41 i. - n - t ? t? -i VI..- !. 1.19 ? - l -?--t- - i I -t Mi ? - . METALS. ? : ? ? . 1 I r -:?? -.- a hall i o? MTE1 PRODUCE MARKETS. Uta | al Daaaa Bai M BUTTER. t. t i ? ? ? * '? ? . CHEESE. - make, lia -. Llalu - - . ' ? ? ? M | ? IS IS 1 ! . :. . ? ... t . . .1 la't. . i an ai.,1 , HAY AND SIM?.* ? ... ' ' . FRESH FRUITS. APPl ? - - >? It - gr ATM . r am ??rip 1 ?I ' POTATOES I --ilUES. nVTAT) < ? . J. I ' - ?I. J I .1 : I . - I v . . I ' I .,'11 i \ . . I ."III li.j'.-i.. ?,.Mil.I ?, I IMA HI 4 ' - ?1 1.1 '. - II ,W; 1 > i > ... i v.? I? I ??arrl.r 11'?' rrat?, $ i ' .. | , . ? ' . - ' ? KLM %>? Drli ' 11?'M Al . - ?l'A I.I.10 I v , 11.75; ? I ' ?. I ? HOTHOUSE PH0HUCT8. I ? ? ? ? . ? i. TV'S I ? . LIVE8T04 K MABKBT. I -- IT, ISt! Kl 1 I? El QUOTATIONS i" ' ' . , 4 I - BEC . ' I ? ? CALVls. fcHttr? ANU LAMBS. ? HOGS. ' . . luir) . ' -?i-,? INACTIVE Yx.SI?RDAY. -.using tor stocks v.r..en not dealt ia on ii,' Moailay: .tilted. I .. 1*0 la) ? - . ? - , j ? ??'a ?.)? i - 5 . a*. ? UM I i i r .... la . . . ' . i . ? i.. . . . > .. ? . - ? ? - - . - i - I ? i.i a a ... . ? it? ?a ... :. I. a '? --? ... ? ? ?, M o ? i . lian ? . ' . - v. ': Dl . . a u Si . ... RAILROAD EQI IPMENT BONBf j ? ?- i . M i ' ? . ? ? i ? l ? 4 4. - ' < ? 4 , | I 4 | , ? v - ? ? I.I Hi la? i . , ? i > . I s Y i ia*a ? SI |. I ?, I ? ? I'll. ? , Irjln, ?, i COTTON COVERING MARKET'S FEATURE Prices Firm at a Gain on Bullish Trade Goods News?South? ern Spots Steady. ha i 1 ? 'uit* is thS COttee marke' unlay following the issuance and * Bteppt-g Bf a t'* January no* [| bed been pr-. BU I thet the January SS?SSB Broald amount t.i near* 'ni hules. Instead, the notlcea actually issued veis against only 3.600 ,.' the market, h considerable scattering | un* ? -.s higher, sad -; :.ry contracts sold up to 11-'-* durin? the dav. or H points ahov? last 11 ? lav's eloatni Hterdenv una of fiow IS te is ..... i were iliffht.*/ . rt kl*?J?fj ???? at a net Rain or' from tl to ? v? l :?. rrpool ?rsa eloaod. t1 i re ?ere tones aentiment I.? rSi ranee arai Armaesa In the ?took market. I >n W"."ls tra.i-i ill Mtion. Private ?'res from . m that market amounted le ? : ..- | '-r-iik of about 11 | i bj ? ihars rsll) of 20 pointa. ?a had been export Intereeta. 1-ocally ? bought January riifiuriMl sales of later months, .mid the differ? and March nur ; ,, nts tit th.- (-'.'-se of t to j olnta at the prompt atopplng ,.f the - 'I the amall number -. | to the premi?me : later d'.ll"/* trie?, ard \vhi*h hit! led te a shifting the loeel itseh from ? M ireh. March h ? g, with that delivery pointa sedes Muy a? the close. in ,i - these features the innrke*. was influenced by the steadi noea of -southern spot holdere, It hud been ant elpstod earlier In the month .-a of spot eotton would In? before the holldejrs, but there. ? n nothing in tl. ? -n the South or Is th" action of Southern spot markets to Indleste such a tie The failuri' ..f tne South to weaken ander the weight of tho enormous available luppllee, and at ?? time when futurea were more or less donee In the I of h ilders, . d largely for tht urn . saliera. Kxports yesterday were 8,-150 bales, making ?.'J I7,.'.i>4 so f.?r tl B Spot I baagod to IS Lht-i 11ati?-o of WtoM " ? i- ? . m Ttiemr Januar? Il 15 11 ?J ? i | 11 rr] mi it? l. t 14 I IIS2 12*1 1*4? 1. June It IS 11 M 12 I AufU?4 i er 11 ' ? ? - ? -?? ./ . . lui. ut? I.aat I ? i '" ? ' . t , . Ill I:i . . i a.- i 4 t 41, .? 174 4 I.I ? ? ? ir- lJ ! " . ! in im ? ? t t lIuuKvn ......... 1,1 BUSINESS TROUBLES Bankruptcy P.title*. BJ ' ? ? ' v I . - , 1 1 . . -. ? , a I ?Mr-.. I 4 V I . ? . | ( v . ^?. ? II v Of Ml U'al 57(ll ?'. ? ? ; . 4 I . C?r--Million, Conflrnnd. I.IJi.V IAI II ' ' : I ? . ? i , l . ! I mini MA I I h ih v.. ... 1 - . : ? ?. m ' - AulinmenU. .vin.T'iv .1 ti i : ; ?. ' .--' -' r- a' _ ?>! I. ? | i KAin and rniMMiNii ? ai.'l Nathan Courunan. dali.i Irnlan, v m? I',-,: i , i 'i- ... ' ...'. - i -<.iwl ami 11 .rris I,,e WON TnKI'KKR. jeweller. *307 Se-v,-? A 1 ia CO.VKSU. era-Mr, at les) Eau iiTm ?lew. :?! l'r'.-r J. t,a.:u-_ bcHedule?. ? .t ? S I i: ... . in v.?. i i ? Ol.chartr*. frara Binkrustcy. . - i I i . I I i - . i. 441 Kraik Ufa] s v ' m l - i ?. If . ? V. - ,. v j ? Horn II VV I ,?r. . -;,,?! , ? . 11 Hala r run H alea) 1. '--? P B? *?"* I ' - ? ?- ? 'treat I .. ?'? ?' ' A-Ire-l I. ' *? .-.'??? am *-???., ;? . . : ? ,. . . t i? w * ???> ? ??. Hal lili 1??' NRW YOKK OTT BONDS. Bid. v ..... id . ??:. i'..-. it?-,? - * . ? ? ? - . t "... ' - i ,' ' ' ' . . f.cU.