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A Little Knowledge May Be Dangerous, but the Hotel Astor Is Full of It Work of Defining an Amateur Only Begun Representatives of 19 Or ganizations Tackle the Question <tt Astor. DELEOATI s I>IS( USS MANY SIDED PROBLEM l?a\r \\a\ for Adoption ol Nets i ode Submitted h\ Ibc I t \ A \ \ ? o i ? ? .. . I n? ill . I of the ?. ' v ? n ],.,- the - . pellation pf (he I. I A L A. A It BBS a ? snl In ?tic? in the 1 nitPil Statt s, i i? riewi d ft ?dor" ' en? C"* "i vif-unie to th? >gh ihre* long 1 ?o b? BttOmplished. in fact, it ip i'**red ?? if there greater disorder tlis'i before, because ?, from reell of th? ? ? represvnt? ; and spread oal trivial, though i tea oerples ing, prohlem? that have arisen in the ? ,?ring t lies which ;?!! admitted to he inadi Although little but a plain state? ment u accomplished In the first conference, there whs ai ?he promise that the foundation had hein laid for a reell) serious diseus siai at the meeting? to cum-. Th? ? ?inference adjourned arel] past the din Ber hour to meet again on Thursday fer further discussion, and it is proh? ib?s that then .1 rga I I?? effected, commut?es appointe?! id plan? road? for the adoption and ?uoniulgation of the ? item cod? ?he organisations affe?-' Beery Angle I'laoussed. Every angle of the many cornered -niiateur question was spread te :?. those who have. ????? many jrears of their lives in administering regu ? that have proved to be 1 igh non-enforceable. Gustavus T. . chairman of the graduate ad ? v tommittee of th? I. (.'. A. A hrough whose initiative the confer? ence was called, was named presiding "fficer, and with a few deft touches ..pen the whole Bubjtfet for difl ?ection in all it? minor parts bj ?ere sitting in consultation hita, Howard P. Whitney, represented the tates <?o!f Association; Hob D, Wrenn, the National Lawn ? Association; Justice Hartow S. - . George J. Tumor and Fret!-: W. Rubien, the Amateur Athletic I'nion; I ?r Graeme Hammond, the. Vinateur Fencers' League; I ?r. Reginald arre, the 1'nited State? Revolver '?'? rcelon, Pro Frank W. Nicholson and I'eai. Le Barm'. BrlR?, the Kational Col "K'iate Atv iation; l'avid A. Slayback. the International Skatinc I'nion of America: G. T. Moon, jr., ? ational Association of Amateur Billiard Player?; I>r. W. P. Bowen, Ike Athletic Ite?ear'-' l)r. .Ii.seph E Rajreroft, tie Intercollegiate Baahetball league; E L M l?oug!a? Stewart and Thoma? W. < a hill. the United S'a*- Foot! il ? , Norton II. i'row, the A e I'nion of Canada; i'ook, the Military Athletic I ? l?r. J. H. MeCurdy, Iks Nil jrround* A??ociation; I'r. Paul Phi ?he New England Intcrcollei s W letic A??ociatio' the Allied M. C. A. 1 ;ub?. and Kmil Rath, th? Turn Vereins and Gytaaaalaai i'nion. Comprehensive suggestions for an -imateur et the I. I A. A. A. in feral of a booklet which contained Matear rule phrased to meet the . ??ntingeneies arising In every ? the speaker who real!-. himself to discussing the pre i'osed cotle wa? Justice Week?, speak |.g a? a representative of the Amateur \thle1 ? eks took a ted part in the discussion from und when he came to fill forma! a?ldn^ss at the end . ?- pre?ty well aaderete<sd tl ?rea one of the powci ? committee of tl I I C. A. A v A ehten out * tinfl? of amatr com ? on. The Definition. ? ,-?? Week? "pok' ? '?va! of the !. 1 . A. A \ *. . I !? o ?nurt ?elely f aaaun i.? d to whom i] un an avocntion. This ? who commit a fraud, com pi ' .. roach for r prefeselenil ? proei ??pa ' ?. ? whereby ? man diabarred for all GENUINE MACK1NAWS, $5.00 l<?r , ? Id a - .' Our $5.00 cottar, double-breisted $4 50 OTHER OUTDOOR GOODS ?. . -1 1 -.?> N. Y SPORTING GOODS CO.3 IS ??d 17 Warren St.. IfeeSWaj * at .1 , r. I . | ? ' Millennium via the Amateur Rule leather poaaible arheiac fet put i lag au rni! l?> nil >-ar buhlied i>I? leelerdaj m the roaferencc il lb? Hotel later en aiaateai aiMeii? problems tfajoi Robert B. Coofce, ? f Ike Militan athletic l.eacur. ?a? lui iBtateariiBi Is Ike na Honal guard and ho? geetractite ?' woald be I?' ill militar] order if the line between amateur-, and pro Bis were toe cTomcU drawn. "Win. If ?e Irl a registered ?ma i tut ' amp?ala lo ih<- \. \. I . thai Be waa ordered lo ?iiiiipele in a ?nil scaling coateel against a profes V? here ?mild we be?" he t.?ke?i ii prakaMj ???iiltin'i be long before the IBtBteBN would re faae t?? light with profeeaioaale, and iiien ?hat would beeeate af nil war--?" he ?ontinucd "We" 'Now, Dr. I ??oke,'' broke In l.u? h?rl>?, ?bairman of (he conference, but he got no further because til the roar ni laughter thai ?ItOOh the room. II save fraut! may be reinstated to ami porti oth. i than the on? mi which -lonal l/.ed u'I ipsed. In his introductory remark? Mi -?> ??f working under rule? that fitted condition? in 1874 or 1876, Hi added that instead i beta ??? d pi" that the differ? should be drawn between compete for BBOli : thOBC who te for the sake of lomi "lietter be > ..!," he . led, "'Kill: .,'ciir." Howard Whitney, secretary of the U. 8. G. A., recited the plan that has been followed In the controlling body in golf to stamp out prof' He ?aid thai wideapread publicitj and a campaign of education among the play? er-? thi'inselves wai ' results than any other method. lie said thai tk? golf body sal at a court of equity and judged each : ? wai aaaed by J as to tiie rules of th? .. ?nal baseball | are permitted to lading '. and mad the applicant for reinstatement to am? ?tiding ha?l sho.' I faith . - sionnl within a given period of admitted to play golf. Case of Ward. The case ' John M. Ward. Mr. H oh pains to explain that nei: i i ,.| become ami golfers under the ruli iuBiatenl in probing the golf ? thai . ability bj . goods house. Mr. Whitney intimated that should such a eaas i" brought up ! ?fer would be debarred. Upon .i query by Mr. Kirby, Mr. Whitnej , the golf . m llling to adopt a code it thai Much the ? t'f affairs a? ex? ist? in golf was depicted by Robert I). Wrenn. lie was asked by the ever lu? ll lawn ten? -?'.ho had tl.? - ? ses paid ay in hotel tournament??, and id? I that this WBI ?it, evil which smacked of | naliam, He added ? ? wai win .. h ??"? "mi tk? "Hut," said Mr. Wrenn, "you can have a thousand rules, and .11 al ? ado them. You maka puklic ong enough to prevent without basing the player lose e An inter? t? of alTairs wss revealed in sor, Mockler, who showed that amateurs and professionals compete without restric? tion on the ?ame teams, and that there roving ain.v ?.-.? are ?loitig much to hurt the gam? Hi he could see ? 0 mingle, but ad? mitted the impracticability of admini* .: amateur ru!e> under such comp? tions. He cheered the conference, how? ever, b) saying thai if the proposed rules ? ? . M-iution un W. P, Garet ? ? gra?luate manager of athletics at Harvard, spe.k .?hietic ? "We shouldn't decid? . i Mr. "ii. "We should meet on Thurs? day, ?? r? another meeting a month hence. ! should take tin ? he exceptions i ? - application to that particular ere shoulo '.-il rather ? '. II er w? would gel a ral? These rule? have ? i I out slow the line I ? "mteur und the dut In the summer baseball alono tkers ?re one hundred different inter on? by one hundred different col , Alone at Last or the Curse of a Sleepy Eye By BRIGGS WRENN SAYS HE WILL DROP HELM IN LAWN TENNIS To Retire from Active Work in U. S. Association When Term I:\pires. Robert l1 Wi Init. . . ' ..awn Tennis ation, publicly announced at the i- of repi esental ive -; ? the count***- to diaeui much mooted amateur Question, in the Hotel ' ' eaterdajr, thai he would retire a- an active force in the I ? ii tennis when his present term Of OfflCI Thi- the first official confirmation of a rumor* that has been current m lawn tennis circle .... it will be heard 'vitii regret )>> those who h.t e the Intel port a1 ?Hill ' It ?. ? : ai if .' "rge T. Atlee or Julian S, Mv i ii .. ? aaaor, bul of com -. noth ?? along ; I ?n be more ? rime. *-. tins i- worl ... do. ltt.ii Wrt U. S. N I i \ ..... befori prominen | having heltl the ? ? ? 1894, I -" ai -l 1897. He a ai known as ? ring his reign, and ? ? <.f ? i..- !..i. lur BOBII ion, many of his most importa through hii to place hi? bi " .* ? neos m thi spot red. I'n.i. : U ? . . n hai wielded a greal nee :'"i' good o**ei the /am.' t.f law i, ? ! The trrow ri. of t'ne <)uir\ haa been remarl i the i t ? r - ' r 'he courts of the W< ? Side lawn Ten ,? I ireal Hills, last Septem . . ?. - ? i antl tt renn'i di? al made th.- , George I I those ? . eeeed M r, W i enn, ha" ? t - - ?. . ?ta' ion for Weal Side ? ? name ? ? on thi ? the --'?re. -- | ? - tournament at I ?all. New Solution Offered For Athletic Problems Research Society Suggest! Council to Serve as Arbiter and Straighten Out Infrac? tion of Amateur Rules. of a national fed admin. ?? ???tl by , ? - annual i I Ho te 1 A a central I mit of all r : infrar I U.t ' ? \ pn ? - '? ' ? pi ii ell would comprise ropre* from all I aateur ath ??-.. v anil It won Id fti national . lopt an hoi ? arbi ? and ? , ?. Bl ion of the ama Fur- quee ea m such si .?? e* anil in international \> P Bowi ? ? o' ??' Dr. Henry -?ducal Brown, : a re ? D I vea? the ef* ? of athletic ' ,. ? .? . ? three handling *>> a large conmute*. Football Treat for Polo Grounds Washington. I'enn., Dec. 117.?Of? final announcement ?as made here to-night that the Washington antl .lefTer-on lootball team will play Ratgera at the Net? York Pala i.rounds on nr*t Thnnksgh ing Day. Arrangements bail been made for the home learn to play the I niver sit\ of < liatlanooga on that da\. but this game has been transferred to No\ ember IS. BROWN FOOTBALL , TEAM REACHES COAST Paaadena, Cal., Dee. 27. Accomj ? . ? ? m? players of Brown Unireraity footaell s?iua?l arrived he" 1rs for the gama with ?Veal New \i ,.i 'a Da rh? i . id a? th? tal on !'.. Brown alumni. Th? men will practise each ?la. der the din aad W. I FOOTBALL DATES FOR ARMY ELEVEN Triait] ?">ack OR Schedule After Absence ot Six Years. \\'. -? !'.. ot, V . I le< .'7 !.. ? ? PI i] i? Have?. '.In- Army's nc? ball representa! - - sd the lall schetlui?' for the ca<lt"~ '??< \a il | ext fall, ;.- | . ' , . fioni the Point on th" - Colgate, Georgi be a itenanl Ha ? tbell rep ? aptain i I - M. - - -l . ? ' \ TAFT WILL ADDRESS COLLEGE MEN TO-DAY ?s mi Programme o? National C < ? 11 c ?? i a t e Athletic .V--."cia!iiu. ? N. \ \ ? -. ? ? ? lien, will b? ? ? - ? . at 10 ? .- ' rm< Pn . at the i ?- on amateur mies held at the \ ite Amal \- ? \ it ion ?. of 1 '? ? Intel ici!, en - . ? ? Deal Leba ron R ! ? - ' ? Profi ' . 1 V I .itural ? ge. Met \ ' . ? - L Mai lountain a ; Prof 01 ? ' '? 1 ? Ho ? ? \. " ' ; Pi . '' ? Intel ? Personal Touches Here and There in Boxing _By IGOE _ The welterweight humi 1 to nighl Bl Madison Square ". i . ?. v. ?in- Kit.-hie and Ted Lev.i- meet Ural til vear? that a real a erwelght ci of any pumpl Time waa when the weiten wei ? ? . Q realm \\ ? Noill, liiiiv Smith. Rub? 1 11 Matt; .'?'..' ' ? but w ;th their i. ., ? tin- dil ision. Tl;. claim on the eta ? . lod) Bl ' i w in Sullivan. W hen - ? until the once famous I. ? ght. 'I here ei ?? anj numbei of pn ? .i once Riti I ? .-. .....I- ar.- full of ' .?ni cIbbs. I hat hi ne light? - n paper ? ' ? . ? H ? et ? on the ' ar I . . h. the ha fight and all sort ' leroai ds elaimi d thai I g on h i ni - I ; IcC i ' : ; heaply - .... leff ! ? i ? 'or Dai ' ? \ I '? ? ?'. ircj ? -ure." said I ;?? -.-??.: da) "1'hete isn'l ? .iliout it. D ! ..i ow hi Chip. . ? ? beat w. are to ? ? should? He ? ? . - ? v i Dan aaid that I ? ?!' irnetl in t'ne (?ermont family doctor nn-i report got out tl aid " ?? ",ti..I all : . ' utinui II . great that M . . Mc ? three ? V"ei.rn t the ( 1er V ..r h .m?,. | kaoa . | ?hmif al.out i?. }? urthertnore id that h? ha.m gol t > eel foi flghl Boxing Bouts of the Week TO-NIGHT. gaBlna Sanare Garden ? Willie RU. rie and Ted (.??I! THIUSDW. Pioneer (?Bo ting Club?Jin Savate and Charit? Wfln?.". BATUBDAY. Bro,dia> Sporting Club Brooklyn?Special Shoe. TO-NIGHT Pilate A. C. Yona-r? ? Ceeboy Charl?> Shandi I and Tommy N-l?on Buddy Y?u?| and Chl i-iflo Johnny Daly. I Ihearn. Shorty Raymond, a former .1 .'i of the Zulu, foaaed right up aid that he had gene ahead ami I Zulu for . -ah. "I knew nothing aim ll it." said the Zulu, "until Ii. I Chi 11 i i ing my brother boxers maul my -mpr.-e v.hon I ? that I " -i- "ne of ' ri the main bliging ?hi Aheai a, and they didn't even k'.'->' me 'Merrj ? The commi isionei on their ?i OU 'i and m del ed RaymOl . to Hing Zulu 1126 ..i- f.insider -? ;' barred from every club ?r Som York un'il the money was paid. The I lern.- j the rn..ri>-v is paid. Waltet Mi nor - icial 'all on . ?; that a countsrfe I '?' .. ? r I v ( i ii h by plained ii cture or. the in It. To ?mnoth matters out 'he commissioners ordered the Sharkey ? lub 'o pu' bout between Broe and the mar. who knocked out the apurioui Mr. Bn - Henry Ir p ad He had trrea* of si ????. Montana ? ? two, bul .'? this wire yesterd "I. Bern injured and won't he able ? it the Ana* m ne "ii ( 1.1 itmaa night he -ilver ore. but he i little Durii ? ounter Bens re? ceived I. We ?. ;., JOHN I! M'lN'ToSH." IN m-.. thsl is a bird. Of course, il would never tlo to have this giant back into our old rummy 'own without some? thing to stamp him as a demon. Five foil BWOOP, and with his NAKED lianda! Henry, ho? COULD you ! The ' ng Club ha? lie it '"im antl Johnny at their club on next jTosrt Dav ONE B4LL CLUB MUST MOVE FROM CLEVELAND Ban Johnson Delivers Edict? Toledo .May Get Franchise. ago, Dot 27. The American \ ? from Clevi a ade b) President Johi an League before atsrtii or the Forest Cil ankera I itua* ? ?ii ei icen Long u a ill (rather '?'? edneeday or Thuradsj of the question ? : n the affaira of the major and m ..'.,. of bankers ? ? ? ? I lout of .- Cubi hea tu be ai ialtion frnn chi?e. i of moving it to 1 Pre idi-iit i h.. ? hia prope Id be ,".--. - .- home ii m . ind bank ?.:.. grounds ?se ami plai era' t ont recta to gether, and tha' 1160,. ?ill be ? ked ' fur thorn. LES DARCY WINS IN EIGHT ROUNDS McOoorty !>adly Beaten in Bout. Seconds Throw Up Sponge. Iney, New South Wales. Dec. 87 I.e?> Darcy. the ? T Champion of Australia, sasiiy defeated Eddia HcGoorty, .?? American middle ?h round of their match here to-day. McGoorty wa? puniahed so severely ? . omis threw up I Th? nght was witneaied by 16,00 BURNS TO RUN BIG BOUT ALONE Willard-Fulton Battle to Go On Without a Hitch, He Says. Now Oi lean?, Dec. 27. Tommy Hums, who was a partner '.sith Dominica Tor torich in the negotiation? for the bou* for the heavyweight champion-hip to be held here on March 4. betue?": Il Willard and Fred Fi;u"i., innoum day that he personally would take at I i ainl would )?ut it Dn BS BU independent promoter. Munis <aid lie was in telegraphic eommunical to lay with Tom .lone?, Willard'i manager, and T. B. Andrews, m ChieagO, concerning the match, an?l that ehangei :ri th? details for the tight ' be --ettled when Jones und An? drew? arrived hen? ai Wednesday. A percentage if the receipt?, hi ?ai<l. would be substituted for the 132,500 guerente? to Willard, tria, lose or draw, ;?'.) for in thl original agreement. torieh said to-day h? would have nothing to ?io with a Willird-Pulton bout unless Fulton first fought ami de I the winner of the Moian-Coffev fight, ?rhieh take? place in New York iary T. CklcagO, Doc. 21. The ?ituation in : in the proposetl Willartl-Fulton for the world's championship at Orleans on March 4 next wa-? fur ?her clarified to-day by ?he receipt by Tom .lone?, Willard'i manager, from Tommy Buraa, co-promoter with Domi? nica: Toitorieh of the exhibition, of the g teli gram ; "Tor;or:cii didn't want to go through with the match, so I have tfl over hil :n *?? r?--r. an?l I will go through : Pulton match n We ? ?n new article? when vou arrive. "TOMMY BURN'S." YANKEES PLAN TO MAXE FIGHT FOR A PENNANT Captain ami Colonel Seek to I.ami Archer. I ishcr. Zwilling ami I lack. M I IN AND KNETZQ WOll I) BE WELCOME Deals f"i i ee Magre .md j I raakll i Hah . \ \i. ?*.-in?m B) i i:\nk . : 11 i ? ? I ?-IlkT'ie : ' iT'rt a-, I*, anil ' ' ??tail '.. The " ,; enter,..; I \ s It 11 ! i II I team l ' si Mi I and ( may i-. ' 'lam or ! Have it ? ? ? an I -oulil we? Archer, and i I may i< ?rere in the ami Browns. This matter *;.! ?r> u|? foi rj ? ? :?!' Rupp?r . - i-ur? ? I - eni'd '? .-er???sueJ i'her? ir? ' . ? .ncy, while I ?er. Ho?. ? emploi larged upon A romp?r ? .-oil wi Bob i would 1,0 ?I ? ' . and r*t art ? k' more Bu i h top fot ? ?o ?f :r? ral I.eag.? If?: ? vreelth * li? vaiti? -uperior to tho ? i ? ??' tea ion, Kr.11 i? for '.'' Superb? ' th? man i? to b< taken at ? lu,t n,!< r cunning. the Bl ' II?1 ?*?' son at declared I im to b< 'k' j *' pitcher* of th? Allen had ' l ?I-b w Superbaa H? had ? ':?'? b'fr; all ?i lestion, but freu dom his !" ? it 1 ? ' hiIl'y ? '**'?'" ? I - field; \ ?nd C?.? ? "cher. Bits of Baseball Chatter Heard on Winter Diamond Hv FBANI ONF.II.I.. When 'li?> itory of picturesque char i.e'.eis in baseball i? written. William "I.o?.!" B] run, the National I ? umpire, will be ? i ibjoet of at !ea-<t lapter i:' -. Bl Ige fan were ,'. moire in thi ? obably would ar.-? er, (Clem " H..' if 'ii'- qui "Who is the i ' could be onlj '.ne answe, Hyron. ? ; William, a- known, eame . ? . ai rj ng ts ? [ minor longue repu' it tv sharp-tongue.: player'l wit, . no record of Bill ev er MBB? '" it in an] beet at .-.?. His Ii-** of victim- reach ' the ranks of piaren and man Ogors and include? at b-ast one deb owner. One day last -utnmer Bill umpiiOd a double-header in St. Louis. It was hot that particular dav. so hot -? Louis eomplained The Cards . ? two games, and Hill got in Dutch with t h f fa ? gainst the ' ardi?al the crowd howled itself hof Af'er the game Mn Schuyler Brit ?on waited for Byron, and. mooting him, ', euetera toni ""vit Byron, againat ths Bt Louis Bi ion. who would be anothei I, clicked h - heels together, bowed loa and, doffing hi? hat, replied: "With whom have I the honor of tali. Ulf-?" "I am Mi. Hntton. of St. Louis.' -he saitl. Byron drew himaelf up to ins full height and laid: "Do ye? a-k m? as an officiel or personal!), madam." And he shifted his 1 ! it ?*?"* over hi-t heart ? (Ti ' \ urn ph. i,?, ? K to th.- "on. ?* carried '" icai .ittend? ?wd ?"?j fact these piping ''?p??,g^ age when the do f0?;_* had I:'.- than thst pas' woul?! ! ? -ebsll. Tlie stuff of umpire-, ii the s,:'?Jr/ will be '' . ?' - tile HUtl ? ? ? nil of tk? ' bnnfl Who I'harle) Moran n ;?'. calor on the l'eue, circuit " " . ? mer Hi? application i? n ably, ..n.i m- ma) hi ai the cs?l