Newspaper Page Text
Boys Now Raising Racquets in Armory BOYS IN BATTLE FOR TITLE ON ARMORY CC TS first National Junior l-awn Tennis Tourney Attracts Sixty Entries. BfPRISES MARK FIRST DAY'S PLAY Forster Bows to Guilcr. While Rind Stiffen Defeat at the Hand?. Of 0. Zabrlskie. By FKFl) HAWTHORN*: ?Tl? flrst ? ?t.inal junior indoor ?Bwn mt\t tournament ever held In this mornini- in ,.,Tth K- ' s: ' orv* Bt ' ' ' ' ? lay for I im bo)? ve''??' ?** hl work - i.rrlTors "' Thc ?,?l,lM ? : begin to-day. 1er. of Pratt Institute. Brtxrklyn, reached the fourth round m" was tlM ?jrthest advanced toward Among the favorites who . | ? Zabrisai? and G. A. Zabriskie. hi? Irother, r chool; F. It. Logfhmsr-, "' hool; James ., E. L. Hop I ? tute; Hei .... n, of tin Borouj Maxwell Hanks, of H?ri' f Yonkere, run ' w, ' the wal eliminated ?? rstei nee preat difficulty imory an.: . f the ball ? ? is judgmei I . i jrt shots . fa* minated W. N" iiotchkiss ?ked upon I ? s hard battle for th.- honora, Vettern youth, playing with ?'????.. . taking a match at I - -sacs Di Rev? r.- ? ? aped L s. bracket a out i fer C*rs!d Donaldson, whose little "??k*r i old, was oef*?:. .- his bro'.t ? shed Paul ??AUx v. Louder by a acore of ? Json's drives to the I *?* ea trmed and placed, a fMcfct I.auder out of poi ioently. ,^B* I ' of the da. }?*) defeat of R. C. Rand, of Harvard ? the ??*ore ? I, S?-4, Rend, ? mber, has been promt* ***> ht . of tournan ? ? ? held the upper hand, MV?v? ll ' re succun. feating y r. gar? ' r - ? a, t . ? of the ? ?eisied sartaln "killi ?' **t t.-id , "' "saks, a . ?n the first - ?7 i Men English Golf Pros to Stay at Home I ondon, DOC. 1!".?GSB*n*rS Duncan, the fatnouH professional golfer of the Hanger Hill ( ?ub, eke toured Ihe '1 nited State? a few aeaaBM akr?i,,annouiired hero to-tlay that lu? did not intend arranging another American tour during the coining season for the purpose of turning the net receipt? over to benefit the war relief funds. Duncan aU<? said that It |a very unlikely Harry V?idas?, <?f Smith iKttv. J. H. Taylor (Mld-Surre> ), Edward Kay (Qabay Lane?, or Jaasaa Krai?! (Walton Heatk) win n? ? ept eaj tniig?niiBti to plaj ??* hibitioa games outside of l.reat Britain until the ear ?Ja oras*. runner up lait year in ti.?? junior la? ? ' ' ' ? marked him aa on< I con? tend? i ta. His fore? hand drives car- - BO accurately th was often caught out of '?on. ? summarie? fol! I 'i. Irai - ?,?, .. A S llur.l ilr 1. I i ? | I W II ' fr-'lii III ? A II VV ? ? 1 \ i . '- ' . - i ? ? ? I .' t : : < ii. B ?i?fealifd liovfllng, S? 8. S??. ? SOME SHOTS OFF THE FIRST TEE George Low, professional of the Hal tusro: . win? recently recov planning a tour of the South with his family. "Geordie" will leer? to-mor Th? trip "1ms been arranged : ilar "j r?>" back into tl of health art ind. James B, NasaarBJ Harry . of Tuxi". H'-pburn, lam?, of i'iping Rock, will gin irtmeat atoiera indoor durtn-.; tk? winter. They uve green? when the summer months come. Indoor gclf is getting to be "quite the ti lb has ar? ranged for this sport in its new build? ing. C'hanning Floyd, home-bred, ha? ro? il of the - takah Colntry I'lub. No annour.r has beer, made as to hi? successor. Hereafter it will be "Professor" Tom low. The man who bus laid out ijuills on a porcupine II in golf in I Hunt luction. merely a? a mat' - principles." H. W. Thomas, according to from England, en up - i-nd his artificial limbs have him - ni. In fact, T' self again, li.' ha isually successful de h : s handicap. a Crescent A. C. Five Faces Busy Week The ' raeei ?-? Athli tic Clak basket ball team will be I I 'his week To-ni; ' nd Signal I Armory. Washington Avenue sad - ohlya, th?- ' : fie? will I com tackle the Dartmoutii Murray I I inner Columbia . tel year, f the | playera who will the Brook, Butler, of Cornell; ! Ty Heath, It's high time for you lo ?indJOWt? You'll m jo}; " yours" whether it tfattma or .some otlwr good one -but he :ure it's SENSIBLE.. GAMES IN SWEDEN AIM OF HJERTBERG Trainer Here to Arrange for Meet Abroad Next Year. tain Karl Silfeeretelpa, aide-de eamp to Cl '"v "laf of Sweden ai?! un OaBci t II tkl la, arrived yesterday morn.- llBir Stock? holm. With him -ere Ernie HJertberg. ol ? iish athletes; Henry SkaJltse, financinl ?gent of the Swedish Weld? '? i?r Swahn. correspondent of the Stockholm "Dagblatt," and Gar? nnr Widholen, the ar' Captain Silfval ' th tk? ret :? tk? Waldorf? aa -paper tkat he was on any governmental mission. ' ! of a r.uml or of : time lonel on tr' I ?var. only partially n he, "bal I I mach that is nearly of Sweden is dec i.ntain ??t. All the amen? and their parties have given the goverti thli regard." Erais Hjertberf ii making plan? for ai ?! plans to Ajnei cu after? ward He aaserted that contest? hel?i , would ? stimulate interest In the Olym] . mea MASKED MARVEL AND ABERG DRAW MATCH Wrestle More than Two Hours at Manhattan Opera House. The Mysterious Masked Marvel and Aiex AI? rir. world's champion, wrestled two hours and twenty-one minutes to a draw at the Manhattan Opera House last night. The bout was schedule?! to go to a Anlab, nr.d the mana?."' 'Ahnt it thought was Btnpli time. However, the two wore out for blood, although neb had tl . . imber of time?, both ??led in, staring ??ff n deciaion un ? topped IUir ing the contest the Ma ? had a shade the advantage, but not I erg'a shoulders to the - : tournament turned oui for the t.vtiit? In ? r bouta Ivan Lii rj Kail Vogel in fourteen minutes by n .."Non, Stl ??? Larich I t! draw, npaa won fron arm and crotch hold, Jack M( i of Albert 1 . . . a wi.-i an? HAYSER HIGH GUN AT LAKEWOOD TRAPS Keen Coittestl at Opening of the I aurel House Club Tourney. 1 nder Ideal condition? fourteen nim lacod the traps of the I Hous-e Gun Club at Lake Manetta, d. N ?' . | H t?t day It tkl ing of the threi , of thai ?.-luh. It wa? a target pracl si steh und t' ? ? .rf'S of arhieh la to be divided between ib- r the three days. Ths handicap shimpionshi] . , - | ol l" mi I r" .i and "ii \\ I The scores follow ? IB .! l-.?T"-r Il M 1 ?>i U ' H"'.1 A. C Kim . . . ' . i i' ? ? . . . ' W R. |i II fl I! r ii j w ?.'i ?.: -.? run TRADING IN NEW TERSE? Dean?. Arls Apartment in Newerk UaaSBg tkl >a!o?. - Impi . : .. mi tor] lim? re, i ? ? pi I ? ? . i ' i ind G ? n ? : ? -. ' ty._ Battling Davis Outpoints Cohen George B . ' ? round In th? emi-l nal > oung \ I 1?; ? i ? . d sew . ihe loagl i Tufts Football Schedule Announced The 1 aa ? euneed ? . Ii*t. including Indiann 1'rtiver ' , Pi iow?: ? II Lewis Wins Ht Billiards. i i . seal I y ?I? footed ? ? i Lewia kept ? ..s not ? higl ? gsth? i ' Oi'l'e !' ; i':|ll?l,e !:?, ?? i?ident T II Mum ..i? of tl ? . I . sd tl in Mini *V guiori lion. CORNELL TAKES LEAD AT START OF CHESS TILT First Round of 17th An? nual Tourney Played at Cafe Monopol. Cornell's chess team took the honors in the il tournament of the 1 ? I ? ie, which, with ' ? ? . : Penn? sylvania on four boon In fa? vor of the It to 1 '.. Bef ??re alightlj tea, because 'if the fact that ? wer?- members of the team ? 1 orrifcll a year ago, a men from up tee state had only one veteran. II. Herman and S. Wilson won Shell pames for Cornell, while J. II. . Harn K irded aa the mi ' fa . man, form- letting S With Brown i ? Penni te bsI the Bi - to morro** ? Tht . i do] a .t?> fi r I he third trophy donated by the lat? Isaac I. Rico. The player- wire the guest Ira Rise at luncheon. pairings, opening Its of the '?? ' i'.low: l'l KKBTLVAmi COVIXU. Una-. Ii Bou-1? 1 I, Oraasmu 0 . i l? H H. B i i. - " Usen 1 i'? t.-,. BBylvasis had the arl ? i odd numbi 11 d be ird i. The 1, Ruf Lopez; 2, Giuoco , 8, Buy Lopes; i. I fence. hi the second round, to be given this morning, the pel i i aa fol . Winkelman vs. Grosm . D? va. Wilson and .Ir.rk.-on Bo inn ?-" i m t i ? ?II: R \\ HIT] K in ? ; . : '. l'ornell ; 11 . UP-KI K .' * t . ?. - - '? P '.'4 . . -?' I r, 1 v I- KtxKP .' i '.' K'xK' I Kt-K'.t I: II R K I'?Q4 II. 11 K- K*X KB H4 -? It 11 IIP?Kl ? i . ? . 11 Kt?Kl 1 ? Pel KM ir Kt-IM 1<\1' i:k k i.i v : '. WHITE. HI.Ai K U HI ! i: ?LACK i r of i 1 1 K4 P?Kl K r." Kl '.? : i ? ' H3 Kl -1 Kl II Kl '.? . Kl : jxHP Kl .-:, Kt Kl . r i I 1:1-1' ; ? Kl k i: Kit t ISPaP 1 ??!? ?in* R Rl BIG SPACE FOR JAPANESE FIRM Morimura Brothers Lease Part of Building Planned for 23d Street -? i -nrough Prod l leneed a torj arect M- of the ' Woet I ' hi ough ? 24th at Plai i ? the architect, William ' ? October I, 1914 Mi rrlll Company an ! Herb? rt t ? ' Charles F. .V ny ,easod ?lours of _ 1 r. - J17 ( .i ? ' Hark Mm. . - Com ?' - . 0th Bl to I .man ?i Hit ner, and apaet ail st mes !.. Tallan. men have leased th" 2 Jones Lena to Ih I Vat: *;? Wilson ilding bein ' , to the v\ allack ? ' M .v I . i ' Fourth itv ? ' .i st , : Schlieper, M.trk-i & St rouse; junctii ? ? i Ellrodt, lue. R Bond i- ' to Wir man Sheinbaum : Aral l"ft 17th ? ' ' berg Prei 114-116 Fit i -i , a flooi i ' Arzoi; ' ? ;n I I - We it. to Bi ming ( lompai flotir m ' W< * ""'? L to 1 I ? in 122 !-"' Irving Pi ? : | Fifth av. to MnttewAn Manufacl and In eo l 8 ton .'? - ? Mark V .i ? ,' i berp ' o . Inc Short Bout Rule at Olympic Ciuh ng i.. an) mess ? ad< I abrui I , , lohnt "ill k ' ? - - ? ? D iff) outpoi ? ' ? ? ? . lufa I I ? for ten rounds, und ?in id nu' tht i Ifl ' m fiaras. DWELLINGS IN 70TH ST. SOLD Houses Will Be Replaced with a Nine Stofy Apartment. ACTIVE DAY IN REALTY MARKET Big Price Given for West End Avenue Corner - Buildings for "New York Times." Julius Tishman & .Sons have pur .gh Frederick Zitte'.l I - .- im irtment, ? ?s, ar _ ady for ?>er. ropre g a cliei : ? m auction ; !i P. Day. Dr. ? purchased ? of Weal End av, and 74th H ? ? . story apartm ? - have - ihout ', Th< thron. ! ? . i i,m pany. 231 to ? ? ? ' itoi.? An . 'he property at 1201 M i Strnnsky ?i- Co. hav? ?old for ? ?'. m C. Tru?. ? ; La?. ta on the , el tending .. . at (140,01 ? ? build " d f"r ? ? block front on the east aide . The ; | urcl . I - ? three nt houses. ST.?Th? t Eighty-second A Horcog, in '- . ed . ? Elliman A ? I inch he will ?erect a nine te i-onthin ING ST Daniel H. J ?f P. B. Clai - - - feet The - ling Cemp i ? .? Bi and. ? hen S. Johnson sold v dwellingi, on plot ? V AV. William A. White bweel cor? . ie. for which will improve it with ' ' o?. CREST?N AV.' The Level I. Com? any I I one of a : - ;? iton av.. ? ,i client of ? I. A I Co. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PI RP08ES 14 Cents Insurance On Contents ?Tken a print. , of |)iihli-her Hill Building ii?* .. esa i ?i eon H II Baildlag he ktweH r.?!?.- of aaj l.uii lieg m Ni* >erb CItj ? ? Hill Itui! | I ?reight 1 Hiram a i truck ? . ? ' ?i and ic [ier Kilowatt ? The Hill Buildiag ?ai built and in ? COB? ' ill n ?? ?llti . . ? . the '? the are ? One thmr h ft for rent. mi I. I'l 111 l-IIIM. < o . l"t! ? ? 16th St. i ??( REAL . r.tTE. ? <?i *. i ?:-. ri.'.ri.urY. ? 4. ? ?SF OS wa*? ? -'. ..J .-.I , : .- i SI MMONS. i Utomajr ?? T.. tl, ridant : TB* f'.ri? I . ' ? ? '.' ? LttST. i "i M? AM? REWARDS. ? . PARTTTIO'. BALA ATI OF . BRILL an i Satkea tiff I .gaunt I I'arker and Hat.? '?'. ary Park?r. * I -.-< : I'.a: - :.-. J l'ark?r. Jr. Ji.?ep.-...r.a Forbes larker ''atherlne ? - BO as ..-.Can of i'ather i - Hei rieaey t *'? Mary ? - . Testan ent of Elit -? -.?? 1. ? . i? Tit Utn I *>?.? -, .-nl-.'.p i< Kr.iuih . ? i ? ? , ' Wolff - A.;;:.?:.? H* . 01 -* il H*rry I. ai y end Herbert i'nckihaw Defendant?. la aara - i utory *udf m?nt i | , - end ?a!? duly made ait entered in the above entitled action, and bearlnt date the 2nd day of Juna, 111?. -? amended br ar. ,.rj. r dalr male and e-nten <? ' , r ?-..- lag lata Ihe eth da>- .-? I-, en.i ?i : - t that -h? aramlaea -'? the : h-rei:. . .. 'a - . ? . ? on tl. . ? to ike j - .--???menti . | tt.e a?.. I. Till-: INDERSIGNED ?111 ie it ...... . v I I tl city in.i State of i aa th? nth - b| Joi?pn I' .. ? seer, the land and mt?r i.-'iiei.t aJi.,1 thrr-ln de.. All. - . \ (|) rertaln plot?, ptei-e? r.r |.H ' ||| bl ' ' I f New 1 ' -. ? of Propn \ Croas O ? of ... r ?.. i . -, i the 27th di and ?hlch. taken lofetbar ?ie ' - to wii in.iUN* Mtei - t ?h.aat '. PI i Ko s. and ?t i:i- Nertberlj llae 'if '?4 ? ; -.,.. ?? 1 -a " m i :ii et ? f.. -t I I a pro* I Htreet u* ;.. : ? Koe 1 an.I I thr..- linn,ire.1 feel .. ? ? t. Dtha . J i ..f ? fool t.. -h? W nil r ' South? ? ? lie 1*1.1 Weeti ? ? ' ? . nln*-. .^?1 to I dat . .d re* , n : ef th i : ? ?fl niui h of said | 'aW-n ? I'll? ef Nee fork for trie ..penlnf and -. . - . tvenae (fer* or Aqueduc! h ii if eaid promisee it. ma> b- taken by 'he ?aid ri m w pendtaa to ??' ?? ?' from Aquedu-t ? I || NORTON, Reft The!n? Ins I? a dlaa-ram of the . ? rtv to t.e eold The property la vacant nber. J?.0I 1711 * ~ IS.BI 3" I? i _ *?n 4* ? lakea fmm deed i - . _ Be aeul ? ? : ?? follows To the ?t?te ef fa-t* shown on a ?urvey then ( ?? ? ' iHertth. PI .,/ ? 1. ? h ? an l.e MM at the Odlee of |.,alntlff?' at tottie>H tnd. To all I ? sale? - I ? I ?.? In | L'ounl Weit - ? ' . ? . ? ? AL4IERNON B NORTI tree GOLDSMITH. COHEN ' igh ..: Man? i S Y Attorney for il ? - 1 .Hat ' .'Y DELAHl.'NTY, en Mary aa Ex* ? ' - ?illy. reel ? ? Y BANTIAOO P ' AHM.! ' l i l'..rk?-r, - lanl sttsn, -. Y l ? trdlan -.f said ? . Manhattan, N T NASH * I' ? .- r Muere M T ROLAN! fi PALM Rolaad Halt, .?i m. i I V. ll.l.I *?M 1 ? t N Y L?MAR HARDI ? --,.. ie i' : || ' ' - Itl -.Y DOMESTIC SITI kTtONS u \\T( I? Maie. ??gin.1 .-? ?... * i finale A A ' I " *. ? ? a ? ? , ' ? . t ... 4 1 ... Il M .:-a, ill.. I ut I ' " - ? - ' ? . f ? - - . -.! A. t v. . ? ? a atriilf ?:.'. ->? m Lthui Il llirteni 17 vi. . KORECLOSl KE SALES. St PREME I'NTT OF NEW ? . RK HARD B INDT, Plain ttC ?<????: IAMBI A LYNCH 4 Ora. In pureuanc? of a Judamentf of fore ? ? ?ur? ?r. I i. a, duly irntr and ?ntaraJ In th? ?' r* M and beartn?; Jat? the lS'h lei of D?c*mb*r. Ill?, I. THE CNDERSIONED the R?fere? In eatd .<udg merit asm? I - a' pel It? auction, S ?. H and th? H.T"u?h of alBti stt? - York, en th? ISth day .?f January. Ill?, at M k -, on n? ;hat !la>, by I. I Phillipe m ?v auc ; r- .'.ara directed by aal.l ? rtaJa lot?, placee or par- ele ??In? m th* . \ - *. - ! and .l??-n!-.| aa folUw? UK '.'NMNii at a Mint ?? the K?'rriy al? -act one hundred dill - rth?r!y from Ih* o-ner f irntj t'y th? Inter??? tl'in of til? N.-rthariy ?i4? f ? Ai?nu? with th? ?aid Ka?t?rly ' Broadway! runntn? than-a N nh ??riy. alone th? Eaeuriy ?i3? of Broadway, on? h f??t. thane? F.aat-r'.y at right ansie? to th? ?aid Ea?t?ri> ?id? of H ? hundrad ?. 100 ) f-et. parallel with th? tast . I ,?.,. ne hundred ?100) feet, thenc? \\"iat?rly. a?aln at raffet angle? ?t?rl* aid? of Hroadway. ndred l**i to th* Baatsely ' Br*ea*rer. at the point or pi- ? I n? ? I New fork, December J?th 1115 \- NON S Si iRTl N Kef' . ? ? - . ' r 1' alntlffa, ? 1' ?h of Manha tan. N-iv Yuk I'lly N Y Tha foil? . - ,i llaeram ?>f th? prop ?rtj !? t.. ? : i p., property 1? vacant ?-..I haa no elraet numhr ? 2 3 ? Th? ?ppi f th? lien .?r if il;, il tl I | | '. ?old :? I - ?sambar I . , . | ?Hi ??r... from i i -is. together with tha es tal? I premisa? i to th? 11? - m ' ? t'?ea i?*??sm*at* aow aaa****4 aa?ia?i ???a premia ?a .... o r \ n? l a - ? 11.17? II .. ; i h On fill II Aral halt f tea?? f.? M '- May 1 1915. at T% p-r annum, en l.til 0' aecond r im?, f..i llll fr-'m No ? . - ?' ' , m . on ae???Mnetit for ?" iT'i I ?? a tun '. i. real fmiii .?lay |, till, at :.n-im ? a York I??.-, -".her luth. lilt. ?XOERNON s NORTON, liefer?? SUPREME COURT. COUNTT O? NKW 1 a?alnsi v LYNCH it "r?. i ??fondant? In pu ' ? of I ne. tad 1 '.t'Te'l ! ' earlnat Ih .i?? "f 1>? a m bar I IIS, f R8IONED, tha Kefrr? ? In ?aid ?nl r.Mtn?.1. will ?ell, at pabll? .??? 11 ".in. N 'a 1 t B ? mil ?t Usahattan, <-it>- of New rork, "ii t; f January, 1911. at II ''clock DOO? .- day, bj i. i i' - ? aur tiotieer?. the preml??? llr.-. 'h,i I.y .,i,l . ..?i VI.I. th 'a? certain lot? pi???? r parcela ? I In th? : \.-w York. I? 1 and .1.?' rtbad a? follow? Bl ' ' l a' a i?"int ? n th? Heitei . adwey, dlataai three ii ?i n ?? i ?-1 feet J ? |h? corner formad by f th? Northerl] ? I? ? ? i? ?aid i. ? ? ? ? - ? I ? North f Broadway, ? . ?a to the Mid Broadway, ' ISS] f??t, th?n<? ; .1 ?11*1 w II U Ih? I-:??'.-r: a!.'.? "f Hr . ladrad feet - ?rly, ???In ?| rl?hl ar.aTlea I" ?-..? ?:ai?t?rly ?Id? "f Bro*dWB| On? hun ald? "f I? ay at th? p"ln' <.r place f b?gin . ???-?? i l'?-?mh?r :4th. 1?15. AlaOERNON s NORTl IN ; '-r-'? GOLDSMITH, COHEN COLB ?. WEIM , ? " id ?i :.. ' Manhattan. ? Y Th? fetlowlaa t.? a diagram ?4 the m p t ? a? ! Th? property i? m-ini and haa no ?tract nuiuUr a 1. KalrvleW Th? approilmat? amount of the li?n or which Ih? ? with Intereal theraon from Dectmbar l ? . ? ...... amount ? li lei ?t from HIS, late ..... ? i tax?? " - ! I ' . _ f m It?I 0'.. Amt - ' ? for II at 7% p?-r annu.. ISSS.SI second I of id\e? fo' vemher 1 'ins a tun ? from 1 II lili Al... . MORTON Refer*? SUPREME '?' 'i R NKW VOR! BELIO and I.II.I.IK SKLIfl Plalnl ?? kSl JA1IK.S A. , ? Judemei t ??f fore . ? ^: . ? .'?'? HI. I TUB UK I t t h* E i ? ? . !.. I,> I. I P) !:p? i fo . jiii ?.1 by aald th^teln d^^ ALL tli"?e certain Iota ! .teces er pap? ? i ? -Ina; In the ??i In th? Clt? "f N?w York, ?'?'1 ' un fel ' ' ? th? Kaaterly ?Id- "f Northerly. ? - ?a : . -. I? "f Broa ,i ' mi f ?? theae? Ka?t?r:> ? , . ? Raat?rty ?i?ie of .? hundred (U'ji feet, then<-? wnh ih. l->aterly ?Id? - i en** rtherly ' '?li .... rtherlj ai.i- I " ? ? le tk? p- lat I ferk, l??'ett;l"-r 14th ISIS. AI.OERNI IN S - - aa] ?MITH ' r p ?Intlffa. sttan Clti N \ ' ? e pr p 1 h. property 1? va? *nt _ i?: 9? Paurete? approiiinat? amount of the Hen or , .the al,o\? d*. : t.,r- i?ri> I? t" b? ?.1.1 1? fJ3..17 1 .?. tarea! ?? from lien m bar 1, ?wanee, u , i ? t -r-th r w hi It? ?a? ? n? of ? ? - . i ? .. ? , ... ...,.? ? .. .? * ? ? ! half ? ? for Itll I, lili, at 7*; p?r aniiu.ii. "" t7 Ii0, a? ? a i?um ?tr??i from Ma> ? 1111, at 7'V (.er in ??nber 74th Itll A I.?.kit VN I NOR*BBN. Ref?ree RESORTS. ?=NEW OCKLAWAHA=?l ^ EUSTIS, FLA. A modern and Jelljhtful home hotel In the heart of the famoui florida Lake Country. Rooms with bath, ? a e. en a te.espes ? adapted to lanulv requirement?. Woaderfa! sang ihoetlsc. "?dbaaaflirmig. t'.o.f. t?r.: ?.. i g an : boat *( b\?o?U*' .1 7#ft ?. ii ?r^Tsopics NASSAU BAHAMAS TUE min win nu ni-..ii MUST BERMUDA PRINCESS HOTEL NOW OPEN H??t Ux-all.'B ?'*?.. i lb? ,.ti 1 M >.l*m if.? .? '. .in-tan. ut t. i r>. -i ?'. r-1 i.Unr.l' | ,-?? ariT.a, ,?,1,1..? n.lii t mil iiaali .. ? II.i 4? . N?-> V iK - K y ?'?. s k t ,t Hi ?!-?. v V v ri-:. h vi.,. r i?lia. Highland Park Hott! ?,1kl V g i BOU i'l'l SI KIC *iN PLAN New II i? al Model lili, polo dr'iing li. I ? , ' i J J H?> t IMI 11,1 AIK . -? ?lllttinr.?V* liilri.ii r Inn la... I'Ihi.iI nif if -di?o -vtsosr rtnrr or im w rid _3aittcraistt-BKp,iuifli A II.A.M'K t I I > JOSIAH WHIT? 4 SONS CO M PA NV^ ft ARTLETTINN MOTIL. MUUlHATt PMICSS I unit it? ?.-.?KLO 1 * VKl?*- I ?TK?T44IUKL " iSXl n?vy York llookng t irn. ? I 410 Tun?? lll.lq Ihm? Hi. HHI*. f lakrvrcd. N. J. Not. ,1 f r lia ).. nt-M'KC attnuphere , f . - r. B BPANUKMSSM vt< UnT I rDCC<? PASADENA nul L caufobma I . r- 1 ..,1.??.? tien I Mg- N Y Ren all A Bpur T-iv." Bureau. P - M 11 II I PARiRlDaE!M\i:.H;;^A t-.,t,ptry Clab Two || 11 ..? Half ' imreeo T'iini?. Bt lea with rtnth?. l*ilvai? \ ?randa? N V Offl I W 4 1 .' ' Phon 1 llrjaat *??!? INSTRUCTION. SEW lOKU ?.MtailliHitan. LANGUAGLSri,mV,l..N.?Hu*ii Ml rr" OMl < ?- ISlS e It ??'a I'ri.-Ucal Llngulitn '. ?'?>?? ? ?? 1 '-* ' ' * ' BfM I.h 1. nna:. BsOBsB Italian Tea tee ?.a? ; r -tu TaUrlno Ml "I "* ? ? ? Ml. IHK I VN4.I \(.l PH4IN1 MMIIOI' I i|- ,; 1 |g . Ill - Ml I A.e . ue beriiti bchoo' -if t.ant-u*-*et, I, -310 WEBT 3411 BTHEET. >,*, Tl'nl.- 1. Hi' . I A?-t,ll? I ? ilyu Hi?., n til J1 I l.irtngan ? 0 I'ltllililil a Int.'- *? . fl <??'.. it Ht, H dg I il?-... a .1 l'.-'t?ti Lis son? Dat and Basal 1 Ml SK'AL INSTRUCTION. INSTITUTE Of MtaiCAL AHT. Box 213. 120 Clanmint A??., Niw Yerlt City. SCHOOL AGENCUHL ?.nierli-an urn. F.>rel?r. Teacher?' Agenry?. Supplie? 1'ri.feeaon. T leakers lut ore, t, el ?>- 0 ' '"? ? n*? H h n I? and f ?? ? Vr? U J Yol NO* PULTON !1 t't.lon rt.juare BUSINESS CARDS. . . 77l. iAlll'1-T ilKAMNtJ ID f-. . . uij,!*?*"-.l ?lr ? .am liaiil ..r 00 fl.* 1 I .'.a-. 411 Ef-M ?l"U ?t 4<iE A BRANDI T ' ? Ml 1.1' 1(2 RAJ 't Tl 1-1 '.Vl'.ITTI S I.KTTEKB Il M I,HI II 711. IOC-no I? t.Ki) R. Hl.ATIIHll-'iilIll 1.0 ltru?.l-a? lE.ultaL.? liili Room MM ll-i-ior IMS vtvv v ; ?atRPKT C?.FANIJM1 tVOBKS f? let Lsnrast, M -' V-1-rn riNB Kt ue wuvts ?TiuM n n i A* in? ert. *. R ? ? 1 Bend rot ri*. ult rel 44?'.' 4-- I'ailit 4Ji IM ?-04 4Mb L FORECLOSURE SALES. BtrPRBME ' - 'i RT Ci I?NTT ' IP ttiKK l.i' H Aitli f HUNDT tv Hi. 1AM B WEISS and JOSKI --, f -'.H I.,? ' 'I I || I . avalmt JAMK.-i A LTNCH S 1? D ? ' t?. [n PUrgUS I I ll .?-lie: ' of fore ,.n ! lale . lion, and t'?arli k date iba '.nth da) of D ? THE CNDERf . ? lid II Vm ? the I 1 k noon on 4hai 0? by 1. .1 Phil 'j.? ?* r*o au the pren ? .d and there laecr ALL ' ?? -?? .-1'?In lata piece? ?r paree!? 1 Boroueh of' Manhal ? v ? 1: BE ? . ? the corner form? * . if Broad WO) . running tl ? ? Baetei ? - .1?. . ' I . '? -. hundred i lie ? ?K*'.n at rlRlit aai tl * Ka? '.- Bl .'? - I t.. II.. Broadway si tue potal er plat I Dated. N- 1 ? ALOBRNl H> fere? D8MITI1 ' OHEN ? ? ?T ? A1torn?v? for I'l ? Bi ead war. Tlorough of Mar). New York Clt| N 1 'I'l.? following I? a SI?ffTi ? t-e h' d 1 >i? pi ; ? a' a ? ami ??aa no street number. 10a 100 111 x 1 ? ^ PoJi The apprwi mate a I - - w hit n ike ? ? ? '!'!-..l fl lili. lO| 1111.71 ? f the sali 1 neld sebji ' i la th-- llei * and ooeeaament? no? a . * . I 1nter.-?t a? followa <'n t''.;i i; flr?' half of taie? for lili .ley 1. ?'?>'" ' till.II. eat 00.1 half - f taxe? foi ' I HI ' "' p?r ?nnt. |7,4',o. oaaoaemeai for ronatractlao ? lao* net ?'?? ' -m. ?. IS t ? .niiiiin Dated Nea ! -? i eeember Hth itl ai. IERNON s KOKT Kef. .,. -.-__-? BURROGATTB NOTICES. IN ri it- vmv: 1 >F a-: ORD n , ? ' Uaaerable .lohn P . ... of the i'uunt) of N. t\ York. NtjT: !.. reby gi ? ta > having claims 0?alnat Martita 14 VV '. - !at- ,.f I be t'ounty of Ne* Yor? -? le prraenl th? ?am? with ?ub?i-rlli. r?, at their i 1 btiataeae at th? ofBc? of ' B it ? .. In Tl.. CHy ef N-? York on ?r before th? l?t da> of luv UM?. iimI Dai. d. Neu York th- . ". Lai . Dili 'ii \- 11 Tr. PRRDERIi lv VI V IIITHM v\ 1111 RIDGK lil'TI ? '. v 1 II vv .v ,-t v.-.? rork ' ? vn-Tivi.., w. MEETINGS. An ?leetlea ef twenty M onagre*-* ef tha New Tork Inotltate tor Uta Education <*f the Bltnd, and of three Inapeetara ef Lleetleti will be held at the Inatltuto, |t> Are. 14th St.. at I 1 WadaoMhov. Imo. 1 three Insaeetera of Lleetlaa : the Inetltata, |t> A va, ood .1_iTill.ll_&_SSSv2