Newspaper Page Text
T?ie Conducted by Samuel Hopkins Adam?. Ihi? department ha* entered the second ?tage of servier to Tribune reade.?. Primarily it wa? intended merely to ??parata the ?heep of advertiting from the geM? -and hang a bell on the goats. But now it goes beyond mere identification. It embrace* * human nature ?tudy of both ?heep and goals. You are invited to assist For every letter printed in this department ce?rrib ing experience??pleaiant or unpleasant?wilh advertisers of merchandise, excepting only patent medicine*. The tribune 'v;l! ? end $2.00, payable in any merchsndi?e of any Tribune adver? tiser. For the most important letter each month ? special prue of $50.00, payable similarly, will be awarded. Name printed or withheld?aa you prefer, but must be signed or we will not know where to ?end the priie order. Addre??: The Ac!-Vi*or. The Trib? une, New York. ? heading for The Tribune's ll"t<- !? rectory ?a>s: "A? such i. e., a? advertiser? in The New York Tl offer to thr;r guest? protection from undesirable surrounding?, since satisfact.on in accommodation? and service i? fully guarantee?! " l>oe? not the above call for the application of your houserlcanit.g h room ? l?t The Trihune composer'? loge i? either intentionally or unin? tentional!) mialeading, for how doe? k-uhih- bc eonuaodal ? enrice" protect guests from undesirable aorronnd Sd I? not The Trihune assuming a responsible I? when it a??ur< ?! pi guest* in all district? enumerated ? Fourth Avenue to Broedway dietricti containing the wall knowi sections, often not onlj wil or to >? even a 8d Ha? The Trihune investigated the m?diat? . rhood ?if and u?thin each of the hotels in the lii ?an guarantee" the protect"" advert ? "EXAGGERATED SUPERLATIVE " The difficulty appears to be "no of definition. If the writer under? stands "surroundings" to include a googl aphical area O? indetinite extent, h? is giving the v.-??rd too broad an interpretation. The Tribune's adver tiatananl of any hotel does not pua ramee tha (tieii at that hotel against being bald up by a strong-arm gang three blocks away, nor again-? in? haling ell from the Jersey plue factories ?Than the ?rind comas from ' ? ' The nie-e fad that the hotel accommodatituis offered through The Tribune lie within the limita <>? New York City does not ii i'i a guarantee oi Hell's Kitchen. Mr. Poporitchi'a well-a-nl r.-ivi'iat'ly known Anarchist restaurant, the Brooklyn Bridge, the American .Museum of Natural History, the Statue ??f Liberty, or ?he Ganara] Poal (Milco. Che Tribune-protected hotel puest divests himself ?f Tribune protection when he visits Ul0M or any other places outside the limits of his hotel. But when my correspondent charges thai vicious cono ions exist "even within the very hotels listed." lie challenges the puarantec direct. Not one of the hotel-; ha- been lifted without a full knowledge of its character and standing. If the writer ?if the letter will present specific charges they ?rill l?e followed up immediately and to a finish ??u occurred several month? ago. hut I ms that you might like to credit ..our most interesting column. a Friday 1 bought .. blue kul pumps from Franklin Sinn: lny v. ore them into the country, where I went for the week end I thought 1 was getting the pumps too large, hut the clerk ???ured me that they wer?' a pr??per fit. However, within th ny? thev stretch?'?) eat of a'l proportion, ?o upon my return to 1 'ook them to the manager of Franklin Simon'? shoe department I to!?l him the shoe? were too large nnd that 1 had protested 01 ? when buying them. The manager ?imply calle?! a elerh and requested him to tit me to another pair of pumps, which he did. ar.,1 I left feeling thoroughly mi' hu? almo?t aahamed I t by m generous a pel cy. i' seem? I " the customer every advantage and a privilege which might he so aaailj akased Since then. I scarcely need add, I have made my purcha = > - upon every possibl? ??cession. D. M That this policy is abused at times II one of its drawback-. Store manager-, however, get to be fairly acute judges of human nature, and while in the high", t class of stores the customer gets the benefit of the doubt, it [j probabU that a patron who deliberately traded upon a firm's fairness and liberality would soon be detected, and reijuested to shop elsewhere. D. M.'s experience, of course, involved a money loss to the ?tore. But it ma?!c for "character," and there is no more valuable asset in commerce. _ I have been a regular reader "f The Tribune ?nice 'ne Ail \ wa? established, hu*. ! have yet to see any comment or eri1 "f men ail , advertising h, putting 'hemselve? in the lime :no-e free advertising 'han a ?Treat many large tirm? pay for. Nov. thai he doe? not want to he kept ou* of the public'? eye he - er of hie, thii 'harte: mg ef tl i? so 'h?t peace may 1 do not believe that the the r-'gh' vom opinion? C, (?. Mr. Ford is not advertiaing. 11<- is nea \ the advertising appro? priations in America lumped together could not, of themselves, gain for bin s placa in ths BOWS columns of The Tribune. But as long a hi rontinues to v?e interesting The Tribune, and presumably the ether paper-, will publish new . 'inns. Whether or not this publicity helps t" el] his car The Ad-Vigor's own ??pinion, since it is i of thi- kind of publicity. evening. "Shu ? .? - ' r< beer? lead e friend to i ? -am." ami ' ? ? jitney m a - BBOi ? ' e shift*. A ?lui?- .;i ? weird yell te'.erliera' notli ng. >et t?, the I . el ,'.,i c: ear. Rusk out exchange? ins jitnej al wuxtry, ho--." is the explanation when no chang. il 'orthcotn ? ?r tne u-ual saffron sheet, the u.-uhi ?car? hind-, written from .- nation. Nothing special nothing "wuxtry." Bac perk ?he bum? .i ? ? I iiitch Johnny ? enough bo* good at." ? ? CARL BRANDT The Ad-Vi-"r ha- often wondered at the origin of the re : The Evening Telegram's" "wuxtry" howlers. Mr. Brandt'? eluci? dation t?f the j?; evidauce of being drawn direct from ? ? -itry-nui.-e order of th? Police Depart ti 'hi- nuisance. 11 is ? curious thing that the ?>ne lone survivi hould have fallen t?> such ass ? advertising literature i??ued by the (uti of Brooklyn D? >?'J consider this an example B?gt In your opinion, does the Cutiaol present th? g the I'utiso! pr?par?t ?he BB?W*1 I he Tribune. I am. HENRY J. GILMORI ?,, | | ipprovaJ to ths advert?tmnonts of a proprittary ..'.most startling to the Ad-Visor himself. Vet. ... ;. nans i ed by Mr. Gilmora, there is epai ?tions. The ingredients u ptycified, th- ? preparations (offered irmli ? i according to direction! with their literature is, as H statte*, "a good' ire ?-h.iuld he ? radica; changa in advartiiing policy, the < ? -i al < ompany certainly aril] ? dl ? -i-.-e the public in hny r<- . ? OTO ??" example of strictly rarrcd a?l\er 1|?ll:g ;r ?' 'lelti. ? al ggeal t if I "retun thia 1 .-.irding their offer. NOW. 1 t ? : o he postal i' 1 ?i?> not care the boot in. Try. ? ? ? , pn ference a? I ? .' ' ?ted " B| ?i'i?e an ad li no' a?. aadi i pe? the pi ??tomen, but to a"ra-'. th? ? attention ?u tltal ?on.e point ?n cos ? a?t may be ?ecured A CONGREGATIONAL < I.KRf.VMAN Thare la an inter*?stinir and valuable distinction in my oorrsspondent'i fraaJ dtrflnitton. Methods of exploitation which entail upon the prn ?rjoctlve customer annoyance and patty peraecutions, auch aa are cited in ?j^ cause, tro both a detriment and a discredit Ho the business of adver - tiling in genaraL 4 DAYS TO LICK 7,000,000 STAMPS 250 Men of Health Staff Begin Enforcing Drug Labelling Code. SECRET FORMULAS ARE ORDERED FILED Propriet?r) It r:st% Declare ih-?*. Will I ?ghl f Irsl Casf ccutctl. 1 . -'?-.. -alt h label ". MMMM : ttloa Bl I package "' pstenl medicine? la four da;, rt '.' confronted i .an? and nurses that went forth feetordo) inoriin-* with 7,000,000 labola bearing th?- inscription, Dec SI, 1915, D H., N. V. <'." . ? . a i ? Now ',' hi ? be all nnis?l ird of Health's ' inter ? the Sanitary after being once postponed, ha? wltil* Stood ". the patent rue men to gi ad postp men. nt. It tannery I. This order requires thai the ingred - f ever* patent medicine sold i.i the ntv after Doeet all either he stamped in, plain an the label or filed with the Board of Health. drug atores aro ?ot : ?tod bv ?la ire to diet . . eines now in . ata res ?tered, end .I that e nook* BgOl Of ; ? '? 'he hand? of druggiata who might use 'hem Bl a I '? Patent medicine firmi ami manafacturen from all over the world nre scrambling In a last minute gel then- goods regeiatered 'he Health Department befor? .lanuarv 1. - drug-fiats are ai! tak ne the which the stomping ?| ? *- them with good nature und. ai one || lid, "they are helping ua with their c are oui I never get this done by the New Year." tami ifj of patent mcdici c- ?fl Biker & Hegeman'a, at 200 Broa will be no email task, for about 12.000 hav e tn be placet!. That this action of the Hoard of Health will precipitate a war betwet I apartmonl and the patent medicin? men is frankly admitted by all. The fight Will be watehet! by r-verv depar" if health in the lnited Statee, ft i it is the Ural real show.1.' m in a forty reara' tiltht for formols di elosero. Louisiana ha? a law somewhat sim. . the New York ? itv law, which ..? t'i t*o into effect September 13, 1915, but an it] ? November 18, and then allowed to become a deal letter. A prominent arbol?enle drug: dealer yesterday unlocked a drawer and drew from of lettei i from druggiata, patent medicine men an I proprietary aaaoeiatlona "From those yoil will see." he BO id, "that tue pre prietary men will rieht this order ef the Board of Health to the last .shrap? nel. The services of counsel are re? tained and funds are- sufficient. Al soon as there la a fair case in whici a retail drugs: st il prosecuted bv th" Board of Health for selling an article ? ? baa it- ngredicnts labelled m English on the bottle, nor registered with the department, the propneturv interest.- will make a 'est of the t-a-c. "The fight will be mode oi eon at il r onal ty, the right of air. legii ? on to deprive anv pi opei ty rights II ths purpose to obtoit . temporary injunr* which, if made permanent, will I order up In the court* ? if-'.al dmggiat, meanwhile, will half-heartedl be "Btrletly neutral." but this will be a difficult task, faul SB*! druggi (Ht, when it la remem that 53 pei eenl of our be ? dicinOB, that some ie that sell for $1 are WOltl than a 2 Cl Bl pOBlage stamp." Plays and Players of the Film World Mab* Normend and Boeco? h I id i left Loa Angi I ort I ? "? whi re they will take op their ? ? ? ncc r,t \t week I o produce p ? I i Triangle Kej ton? i - Mary Anderaon tie Navarro will ?ail England at the < >ruai - countrj for the purpo .- Sii Henry Beorhohm Tree ? ion pi - m ? industr; Mai y ..: rhe Vitagraph, pri ? ? her I ?'-...? ne, "'' the . S.' 'm ' h ? . 76(9 . ? ? fhl h a i. il . und to em* : eech, but there i? in ; : its ult .mate i SCO ? The Mutual ant re, entitled "Powder,1 ? ,. ? > and Arthui ' ? are featured. "Powdi '? of embattled nations seeking munitions in a r,cutral eountn The well known play? u leading role. Ir- ' a member of the boar ton of films. of a photoplay version of . liiin." i. the uplift pA regener?te iiu>??. rl.e man announce? that i wear a fur coat costing 13,500 In "The Cru. ? . of Philip Strong." ?lark was an interested spec bocker Theatre, watCB Bg Wil'.ard Mack il '"The i onquerer." Mi Mack esproceed concerning the ar' | Willard Mock I Crone ? nr.u A pi ? ' - M islcadmg ? ami Henry H M man. v. 'll be be ? at the V oit h l I ? . ! i mil ennium is at hand. The traue papa-i* r ? I ' n paj'e BOTVOrtiM mi a producing com pony on thi 1o be ad' ? rt i?. ? ? I atid in. - - Il t? run Hal? aonooooeoi ?; ice i pectaele based i ? ? anapalui .oliliCal leauu ol lue "'.h ?cuate Vit Babyl Long Island ?pen gi ? ? , ? . - . irles Keel and '? n- tk? lead?. Mi '? < '?' - ib*. ? - ? .- ad) ef Has feathers. "The Ligfct !v..i- !?'?.> i.' ? ei'h? production, is Hearing completion The e being f med along the ?and dunes ef 'he South Carolina eoisl '?Isry Chirleaoi . for ?tar. ?. ble, e $500.r01 P.AIST. ON PULLMANS Coadertnr led Porters Let ??alary 'n- rease of 10 Per I . t ; ?la I ? 191? I ?? ..f the Parti ? cm I .. ? ef it go io ?;. ? ii - u 'i portera and th? rest l rieui agen'- They num I of 27.000 ? mploye?. Work er-i in manuf?cturng and repuir plan'.i are not included The ad- anee ;?? ?aid to be sbo-it 10 per cent f dacters an?l more than At the cemmiai hearings it ?a? t< I 1*1 conduct ? ??? |7t) a month, ar? ' ' -.ear and tllai |l line pur'er ?Bid hal I * received M a month an I idl "78 in tip? 01 illy re GIRL STRIKERS HURL KIND WORDS AT FOE Hunts and Scowls Displaced in i i ii ht of Straw Workers for Minimum Wage. rel Suasion far ?trite breaker? ? the issue at =?t:tke In th? el08?Bg nour? .. millinen strike. Far four . spring mmiiiery ha? languished tockrooma ot the Ka?t B d? ?hile 700 "?trae u : rl" picket* stuck out li?t it tongue? ami hooted at those v ho ?rere niiir.K their place.-. "Mother Rioor" introduced the ??lo? gan, "Speak kindly to the ?cab?. They .-. ?? h ?t the-. Jo." "Mother Hlour" Klla Reeve) l? tue sociallst ?uffragist trude njnionifll who ha.' led ?rav. cri? in their winter cam ?fains; the ho?-e-. She ha? watched over the line? i.f girl picket? during the long, ?U.-courasjini; week?. "Mother HI??or is ri^ht," ?ai?i one ef th? girls last night. "We ?meat all born learned 1 'i??-i *'? he a ?cub my ?elf. These American girls never heard about trade n.iion-, ?o they don't know what it mean? when they take s striker'? jod. I.a.-t nigh' I met two X rl ?cab?. an?l instea?! of Balling them name? I took them by the ;?r:n and walked along, explaining about the union. They began to cry. The nevt thing I had them up in the rooms and they ha?! joined the union." The straw girls are .-.triking for * minimum wage of 70 cents an hour, in the gooil old days at; ?vper? itfBW worker coulil make a? much a? |60 ? week, but the wage- have- been falling off for the Inst two years. No? till experts cannot earn more than $s or $10. A meeting ?ias held last night at Beethoven Hal!, 210 Fifth Stree'. tl listen to the peace proposition of the bosses *n?l to formulate a policy for ?he proper behavior of girl straw workers toward the ?tr. e breaker?. 20.000 Waist Makers Vote to Strike for Higher Wage Twenty thousand men ?nil women are prepared to strike if the waist manu i'acturer? do not grant their demand? lor a wage increa?e and a decrease of two hours ? week in working time. The rat? for the strike wa? taken !a?t night at a meeting of the Ladies' Wai?t and Dn BsSkere' Union, Local '_'.*>, in Hee thovea Hall an?! Cooper I'nion. One of the official? of the union ?aid the organization was in pi-rfeet condi? tion for ?- Strike, lad he expected to include Bboul l '.. workers in simi lai industries ii th? meaafsetarera ?lid ?? ? Then were akotfl 18,000 at the mee: .iig-?, and the strike vote wa? unanirnoii? Aetion mav be expected within a few Bronx Y. M. C. A. Home Opened. The new |4S5,000 home of the Bronx i i.ion Branch of the V. M. C. A., at Washington Avenue ?nd irtlst Street, wa- opened for inspection yesterday ? the supervision of the secretary, Blake A. H??o\.i Tie Be? building, be .. features, contains * ? ?hop, reataaraal an?l swimming i Botioi sietars toriam. 'I h? de.i ? >-.e bailding .'. ill tjil-.e pleei Deal Sunday. Oui ?"Forefath^is Cloth" is a hit It's a faithful reproduction ol the cloth worn by (he sturdy pioneers of 1620. Woven of wool front the same county in Kngl.tnd that produced it in the 17th century Dyed in the same- rich primitn e tones butternut brown, olive green and grey. They're among th?' handsomest of our men's suits thi? season. *"$cotcl. Mists" defy both cold and wet. Rainproofed overcoats of handsome Scotch ' heviots. lots of them made with ragl?n shoulders. I.\erything men and bovs wear. ?'?? ? - . - RoGEM I' CoMFANi Broadway Broadway atl.UhSt I he at J4th St. Four Broadway Corners" Fifth A' e ? t Warren at41?t St SANTA REVERSES DIVORCE ENGLISH Parted for Sake of Chil dren. Aldriches Meet for Same Reason. TO MAKE KIDDIES HAPPY ON CHRISTMAS What's a Court Decree Betweei Parent*'?* Fay Diva and Engi? neer, \VhO Celebrate. * barring 'he evidence of the csl endnr. is a ChrlstflBSa story. Il tant ? I krlataaea story In the ?cn?i that Santa il to be found in the drama til person?, or that any one concernei g-,'?s any concrete present to any ont e.*e Morel; ' hobs up before the ''":'-. I bells of the ClnUfl equ-pag- hai died away and. although the big han nenings were over ? couple of month' a pair of groom .,, tWC IflBOll i- ' lid have a number of m There .1 ? * "oui pi -, Una Ma ike Aid drlch, who sines in the opera. The BCC Bed ia J. Frank Aldrich. who used to b, Bepreoentotive from 'he is: Congroa sional District of Illinois until he -*av< up his seat to JeSBSS B. .Munr, and vvht is now a civil engineer. Principal No I is Meeka Aldrich. who ?s twelve year old and Occupied ?ith the "three B'b' and the ru-1 mentar- social graces in i, o] at Momnronock. And la-* - Meeka'? brother, I- red. who gOOS to school at (,reat Bsrriiigton, Mis?. The poinr of the storj portakt largely of who! i eolloooiollj termed reverse English." Thouaondi ol parents remain together for the sake of -.he children. That . - Bit " d theme. 1' s for 'he -ake of their children, con? versely, tha' .1. Prank Aldrich ond If mo. Martaka Aldrich are divorced. What Is a Divorce at < hristma*;? Una* brought the story up ?a- a well authenticated report '-hat Mr. Aldrich and Mme. Aldl?ch, though the lours of Irrovorenl man had put them asunder, had spent Chriatmai Day to ? in Mr. Aldrich'a apartment, a* 1780 Broadway. Mr. Aldrich ?,. host; Mme. Aldrich sang and was guest of honor the reel of the time, and the children were deluged with pri And what made the story seem to con? form even more elOBlly to the conven tlo s of "news" was Mr. Aldrich's ?uinewha? nettled remark, when a re? porter appeared at the door, that mee' ::i;i vi'ii madame WorS not unusual for him. divorce regem I | plot 0? the ?ton, s= it comes frOfl BB ohl friend of the family, is built ' int of the divorce kftei sight years of married trate, madame went abroad to s'.nj- m the Berlin opera. She could not give Up her career, When she re? turned five ? r she discovered ?hut she and her husbar id, who was twenty-eight years older than she at the time of then marriage, and who had not grown younger in the period or separation, no longer had the same tastes. Illustrating further the plot, 'he Aldriches, becoming aware they couldn't be happy in the same house, began to think about dividing then, selves between two houses. Rut the realization of their personal incom patahility didn't keep them from see,ru? tile situation from the children's i So lout* as they lived together, they agreed, the r home could not he bb for Meeka and Kred. "i it ., onventionol be eve- ,,.- the children. I ?o Heads Worked Out Plain. Twi ? . a ie better than one particularly v.h.-n ana ?s the imo| tive bead of .t diva and ti. pi act ical engineei \l r. Aldi ni-, ?.in modomo, amieobly work* ? ? ' 'i ?? r problem, both full of love for 'iie -'i Idron, figured out a plan. Madame wont to Missouri and BStal !.. ? ~iiieii,-e She go' a di ? oii'c la-r Hi teber ?\ an proiind.? that wouldn't liave gone for a minute in New Vora .ticumputiib: li'v i,- tem? perament, non , rt ?on. Bei hu -i.m .; , dn't l< So bou comea th i isn't neoi ?. Meeka and I- ' - na . m bal two .Sert bon,, othe end ? ?uvenil? ?- ?? ?f' tkeir fathe ,paab anythm. .. Bff?etion for tl air r"?;h'r, find meet ef the time wkea thi - ::i.e ?- Fred and Meeaa will BB together. ?or Mr. Al?Vtek ia madame, although they haven t th? 11 itentiln of all ove: -covered their mutua love for the kiddies la ? biggrer kno ., any divorce eoarl eai e I ?n? . arby the; eaal gi -' ' tnou , , raes i afeeka and FreeV a Id riioutu to hav. ? em know I ?? a 0 ? the farm'.; PLAYS 'POSSUM TO FOIL GANGSTERS Watchman Feigns Death as Bullet?. Fly Gang Fights Send Three to Hospitals. Gaagaters went on * tamnaire ye?ter day. Three men are in hospitals wttl ?el "ii? revolver wound? and a fourth .1 injury by feigning death arkes three ?hot.? were fired at him by un .int?. Jaw | ? laeeba, i tailor, .. tpril, and Abraham Roth I trial. Some ? li ai ?? a be opiri ion I i i *J vYatalaky, of 18 Eldrtdgc street, a nigkl watchman, had given the police Infor million that led te Rotkmen'? arreet and ba says b? has Slaes received sev? eral invitation? to leave town, with deetb as th.- alternative. A' Twelfth Street and Second Avenu? patrolling his privat?. day morning was "hot at by two men. A? the first shot was fne.l he dropped to the sidewalk and rolled ?he ?utter. The aeealtant?, after I ???.,, other shot?, disappeared. When the pol C? arrived tka watchman red them thel the fall was for the purpose of scaring off hi? assailants. Frank Cal'etti. a bricklayer, ha?! a Aghl early yesterday in the hallway of hie home, ~ Goerei street, and was ? ?., ? c, k and abdomen He wai taken to Gouverneur Hospital in a A ?hoit tim? later I'., - ?., ' S. , ;,. of tk? lams ad.iress. went to Bellevue Heapital to be treat ad foi a revolver wound thai had - < tared hii kneecap, !!?? said his injury ?raS received as he entered hi.? home. He and the three men who accompanied him ?rer* bed pending an investigation by the police. H ehael Robinson, twent\ 'wo. wa? called Intl the back room of rhe saloon In which he la a bartender, at Thirty? fi ret Street and Ninth Avenue, venter day, ami ?hot in the abdomen. The a? SB ?lent c?cape?i. Robinson 1? in a dying Condition lit Bellevue Hospital. Some time ago Robinson refused to serve a number of gangsters in the saloon, and the\ swore vengeance. ASKS MORE NAVY ENGINEERS Rear \dmiral Stanford Wants Strength ol Corps Doubled. Washington. I'ee. '-'". Increase of the navy corps of eivil angineer? to more than double it? present strength is recommended in the annual report of Hear Admiral ?I R Stan ford, chief of the Bureau of Yards and Iiock?. The report iiv- addition? to the navy building programme have pro? vided more work than can be handled by the forty engineers now in the corps and suggest? that forty to sixty more be ad?led at the rate of 5 per cent a year. Liberalisation of the present law governing promotion of assistant civil engineers i? advocated. Promotion now i? by vacancy only. Baby Drowns in Bathtub. Sarah Sk bi r, n i monthi old, daughter of Mr and Mre. William Skinn? ;- Mount Hope Avenue, . wa- drowned in the bath? tub In her irdaj vThen her ? t inn B ring . doorbell the child wai Heating face deeraward in the water. ? f ?if Shirts (( Trr Collars CARL S. W/i-SOf\ SYMPHONY ?...iielt of \e? lorU. vv v i i ; i. n \ v|i:,.,t h, i eaduciar VEIT Bt'NDAI M T if Beethoven Program MESSIAH Bjtap ? ... and Kr.glti II Kympiioi ? \ *??? < a It i . - . A? It, Mi ' fmTKr^iJr OHAiOillO ?'"?" "**? * S, aty ol N V. neo-n u -I ig --- -a? ?? ?. ^ ,ii|> . I, r-.|. 4 enn*, n'?- -....e? r.-n teil? W..U?e.# 0. I IQ b , Mui-?h? 1 ?ta.? .??n-l. ? ne ?? -v m sees Mu.ine Elllall'S I lie? . .IB-it, -t . nr H'w;?-. GU?LBEK? I H I - irTBSHOOK \ T S. 1 ? Ir) Afta lie.- ! , -?i. .i. i I. at 1:1 v - - ? .i, [gi . at I i leks iffl i - P . Hin ? -i'e.-i ' ATHKHIN . " |AN Min I w HALL, nu. sfurucea ai i. ?. GAg.ilLLW.ratH i arlli ? ? Col IMBIA. i S 1:11 I'm I 4 Bo.tom.? Bin? qu.r f ..... PRINCESS VERY GOOD EDDIE PLAYHOUSE GRACE GEORGE MATINEE 10 0*1 AT ': 1 THE NEW YORK IDEA TO Ml,NT ATI'S MAJOR BARBARA f?. bernas:> shaw. ?.;;;?;,? THE LIARS CASINO . t Hi *j_r 1I1E BLUE PARADlfE ?^ MANHATTAN ,,Vv. WRESTLINC TO-NICHT 'Masked Marvel*?sTofalos McGR?TH? ZBYSZKO TO A ? INISH in morrow -? i-r.t Aomi. ? strani, 11? LEWIS MASKED MARvri ? IflHN SON BOTH TO A riNISH '??? eu? ,\,u lew I til. I I M la -? _. M CENTUR?'"LATRE.. SERGE DE DIAGHILEFF'S BALLET KUSSE TV/0 WEEKS ONLY t II VI M IM (M. I IM \K*> KHI. 191? OFFICE BiM NOW OFEN METRO POLIT AN SSSSS v,.? , . Walkuir*. Maire * :?i Nuit, I - ? i Prln- ? l|0' A la IV- ,1. ? B?tti - . ' i ?Ita-ea ;? ? || |, 'la'.' ii . t ?'. ,n - Slir ? bst. Mat il Oallo in 44*?rr,?r, ? , - -i ? ? ? I ? te M). La Bon?*-,?. A.U. . r laiea, UM ?? l'ont] Bavag N-at Min. a' ! Miilc Flute. Da-Alan. Il-mi-r'.. ' '? - ?? Bel - ' I.. S -luiiliv HAKtiMA.N l'IAMi l si H GARDEN . nui m?H Ami-rleu _ S ? - ? ? i mi uni ni. t ?.IV 'U * ? . * v ANOBOX " f. .A. I , ? ? Bl. Su V[,. ALL l .1 fc I- D Y LILL EV ERY Ml,HT 44 T H SI El I. SI A"..-5??" , , KATINKA 39TH ST. I - ... Il M EMILY STEVENS THE UNCHASTENED WOMAN IM U BS ST, Bis. S : 1 Mi ? $ ? ALONEATLAST ? ;.?u' 4.8TH ST. J? .'?;;*; ?" ?g THE ETERNAL MAGDALENE Witt II LIA ARTHUR I ?-?? mi i>- I, Mttrtiel .... t ? V . m.?m. Eiu?tt?. Km ? :? Mai t.. ?-.-. Ifil LOli- ITlLEGEN WARE CASE LYRIC - .. , , ABE POTASH & M^WR?SS" PERLMUTTER ?PUTASH and PERLMUTTER' ABE and MAWRUSS BOOTH I ?s _ nu u\ < NOBIABV SOTHERIM n"? ROBS LOAN SHARK OF FIREMAN PREY Wall Street Broker, Senior Buff. Starts Fund in War on Money Lenders. ' MOVE INDORSED BY COMMISSIONER li Plan Proves Successful It Will Be Fxtended to Help Police and White \\ ings. The loan ?hark will become an ex? tinct monster in the habit?t of New York tiremen if the plans for his ex? termination worked out by the Fire De? partment's senior buff prove as deadly as hoped. The smoke-eater seems fo be as heiples? in money matter? ss a man overboard in shark infested ra, to be ?wallowed by the first. man-eat nig nioney-letuler to come along. de n te all the laws and court decisions | thrown out te save him. .James It. Leopold, a wealthy broker I Wall Street, who ha? made fire?.; remen ami Wremea*! live? hi? chief hobby and ?tudy for thirty-rive yesrs, h.i^ a plan to drive the ?harks away. I'e calla the plan the New York Fire? men's Kmergency Fund. In it? s m ?erm?. It is a duly incorporated institution for the purpose of lending money to tiremen at 4 per rent annual interest, in loan? not exceeding $100 or running longer than e'ght months Adamson Indorse* Flan. The loan sharks have been u?ed 'I getting as much as $_>00 interest on a * 100 loan. So -aid Commissioner Rob ; union yesterday, and that i? why ? dorse? Leopold's plan. He told 'his story of a loan shark victim that ciinie to his special attention re i -n'lv: "We had a man who had been nine. teen year? in the department, one of the bravest and most capable men we had. with never a charge against hi? name. He had eleven children, | , , among loan ? liar.. Hilt th?t after t'-ie m . .. ,,i M ?gains? '..:? 1116 talar? had be?? ^ he was getting on!-. $* ,,r ?.^ * himself He got discounted, dropp* , out of the service and we h?i to t charge him for being absent ??!?)? lea? a." and Lewi? I. Clarke, | re? dent if?j* American Kxchange Natioail Bal which will hardie thi fund. Th?1".'' corporators ?re Mr ( larke, Mr C pold, Herbert \ Armstrong, <Vo!i N. B. Thuratoo, of al rj" "* and William Brace Br ? *? "The p!?n couldn't be ?irgpler" v. Leopold ?aid. "\\ row and. accord ?? rvf ?!! ?ei\e? director? iThi i* an oft, . e Fue Depart? ?aaiaiiener sdameee, tw? Cemmiaaioeera W w,.?, ,., Richar?! H. Laimbeer, Fire Chief Jaaj Kenlon and Deputy ? hief Ta??Z loans at I Per i>ni. "Suppose Fireman Saail money. H* till as of our ?a?T ration blank? \\ ? ? h\% ?T tain. If the cap' ? ?'..,.? ;0 -' him a moral ?. ??. r#/,r , to Chief Kev ???.., .' ( develop thai make the ?atlortM ? .?? h? ha,? gruilge again?' "Bal aeaietimi ,- tiec?uu the applies!.'. - playing the ra i home ami aeek ? g I rro* i evil purpose?. W e but even the- ? ? . , we can help .-.,- ,,??y that man. put hin . ', ? ?id ?r, him ?tarted "There m?> be best, ?r| we may lo?e ?veil lad I, utr| up too fa?- 'hi? and tha scheme look? as tl I wi|j te J failure, we ?rill ?im ? ? up, 4... tribut* tKe remaii ? mon tk? aakieriberi and no i ^???b?,, done "Bai am |N ? te tail ?, expect it to help the f-reme ually ?nd to of the department V that, if it proi ? .? - firemen we an i h? p'si to tak" ?nd all city emj W1 w?rn i, make the ?val inhabitable ?? ,? kf ,?,,.,. ing him out throug rtititi ?! a lew rute '?' The 4 per cent m the clerical work coi netted ??th t-? fund, and tl 1 .?.?hied :, the principal to help a ,-, depreciati?. Style standard as high as the most exclusive tailors' ?puces deadrdly lower, with the additional advantage o? time-savinf Evening Clothes Iailor-made garments ready low ear. EiftK AveBuilding* Broadway Cor.24ithS< KKW lORK'S LEADING THKITKI.-* tMi -t ( i i**-?i EMPIRE I 40S- Mi ? Ti liv We,) r. irT-v-a* MAUDE ADAMS, "Peter Pan" Mi-.* The ? I i t; - '-ma fl*? s., . ^, | t n? ... COHANS .. riPST MATINEE TOMOPRGW OTIS SKIN \ ER NEW AMSTERDAM * I] M lr I ' ,.,::. : :. 'Cock 6 ii? w.n - ____t__L~ Hudson .:, "ffi 'ay ?vtffi BM?Ei??* ? ._ i ... THE BIRTH Of THE Slw VEAI * J L I kJ_??^ ?Jxl ^ ' "'|lA^ Oilrrr -l-f. W AII0M 'AMU?. l_T?__;iiii?-n?Mi--j SAHIF I f)VF HUDSON, \ NEXT MON. *T __________ ?LV/Yij SEAT f.ALE OPENS THUBSDAY. "~"BUNNY" .Vr'/.'s;' HARRIS T?-ifATiiVs HHBuSTWE? thf vviM.iAM* %?,I?*e*" Last Timi SunO-j*fic?t DEVIL'S SK" - ? uArc?Eftl ?J.;,0'? liberty s julia sandf.rson mats tomobsow ? Saturday. THEATRE DONAII) BRIAN ELTINGE ';/,",:/'; '. ? ' I MnNf y JOSEPH CAVVTHOW ffi/Sb jaw i?.?: ! ' SYBIL !ilail??;::::dr bel asco SPECIAL MATiNffC I *-*V**S-f^**rTT'.T'-? MET-_? vffl ? - 1L?* ?tftv.lBL OatlNIl ' - ?* " afTi?lN?" THE BOOMERANG is tor n-r-i? 4- v Hamtltcn Revelle vStm^waSLv - HITTHETRAI1 maw soi bt_n i ? -a a iMic. ...i lONGACRE '?'?;? ' [" FUL ON .; ? LE0 DITKICHSTEIiN RALPH HERZ in RUGGLES of REO GAP Si o"r ... GLObi r. 2?V K. ?j Republic FIRST MATINEE TO-MORROW GABY DESLYS ta**T.TSf?A?-D* l?_____*_a__??3 LEXINGTON HSri??T ?V? * BIG XMAS EXTRAVAGANZA * To-MOR'w ?;,?.,"* ??ai iruZfi?: PETER RABBIT m DHEAMLAND 'DO P?.0PLE an? RRflinw?? STAR1. S3- al Na? Y?ar-, ??? Parlermanra i M Ba??i ?- ". ?I l!?, n?v? \| |;.. , . I' ? ? ?? > ' Bl ? ?' AiH.-le. FOUR PERFORMANCES FOB BENEFIT .YDENHAM AND FLOWER HOSPITALS. A| HPK 1 H M.W Y.iIlK ?,I.ii|;i ALL DAY TO-DAY:,', E . ALICF. IN WONDERLAND I , i,... v. pi.- Peal .-. ' prices ii? *? s<v BBBBIBBB, IS? L 21*. BROADWAY T??ffZZ *Tx4t" ST1" 'T l?A> GERALDINE FARRAR A-, i--- ? . ? M - ?;?.?! miAM?'1 ".T ri< r an at -i i -t ? ?. I ASM r F.ATI KK ri-A\ ? o "TEMPTATION" THEATRE FRAN?AIS i- ?? ? n ? ? MS l ?, I "Ullian* gr??z? "L Ami rettt" an.I 'EaalUli Srkeal ' Punch AJudy,:,*, f. V //? ' ? TREASURE ISLAND Loew's American Root J ,,*' ?*? ",'' ?*" ai Finns ' '? " *' ***J* ?BS?? riBilaUa , .. ,,,,, ... "|.,e., ' ' i ?I il,ai?1 i.Ka'rU." IS? J. -v SIEGS ^W MATIN:t OU? . ?,; HIP HIP H O A? SO USA V SUNDAY a r Km - MELAA PALACE ??.???& u a ??> ir m mut ai?s D? I] Mat . || *F % ?' t ?" * ["fr 2 PERFORMANT IS NI* v???!?"" fOLONIAL ^ ' * : ? 1.1 .' PERFORM.'NII?. Hi* ?FA? S ? ^rm TRIANCLE PL*^8 V? agf ni woLi ^Jr uro *? i ' '??'*?? KallCKIRBOCKER TMlAtlf Or . I . . C?HJjHfPR|||CESSPAT HERBERT I " "" ... ? MUSICAL MIT. | ? III???'? '" STANDARD "'' ?Tit ? a? Tndaj ?asas i ?""'"' ,Bj ITAGRAPH 'V .' ! .. ? The Crown Print's Ccui?'?'. p..*???' V STRAND n a?j Arm 11 aa. B< \ ii W k Mao Pl'k'ar? >??" ft