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A New England munitions man? ufacturer sent to New York for Detective Garth, who left a? once and landed in a plot of unusual thrills and mystery. "Through the Dark" is a tale of spies spied upon, by Charles W. Camp, in this week's Colliers TUB NATIONAL WEEK LT though It I? realized that if Austria continues her policy another I which American- are Involved may arise at uny mon.?tit. It increasingly clear that th? (?erman aromies :ti the Arabic case ? to her awn ^n:ps, and tha' rlne ?ampalgn will be ;n all irs except those surrounding Fng lan?) until lorn? ing Austria. Merlin Peniea Hlame. At ' to-day It wa? Stated thai an far as i? known ? .it the Dardanelles ha> to the Uiack Sea. This ??> taken to mean that Germany wail ee her ha? di ol 'he Mediterranean caiei and thai United Btal ? pend on wb may hor?el! do with Au?tria for | tion of her cit!. ? Meanwhile, although official r to-diiI reports that tl hhks Nlaru had been sunk without in? 6 ether W. J, Leigh, . ported to be an American, was really one The Department hai been unable to find any record nlni This would not prevent action by thi? (ro\eri,tn?'i.t if hii eitisMship wai proved, but II that no action will bo taken ui.til some ?uch proof is iurniihed. Tl..- State Deiertmen! to-day in? structed Edward Lyell Briatow, con? sular ?Rent at Port Said, to interview Leigh and attempt to ? aether he !? an American citizen. Prell dis? patches have Indiea! born la China of American parciitsatnl wb.? on his way from Fngland to China aboard the Yasaka Mara. If th? port? prove true. State Depertmei cials said, and Leigh hns I nounce hi? citizen ihip he ha? lost his right to claim , i the I'nited States govern The report of Mr. BriltOW that th" Yn?aka Mara was torpedoed without warning and made no attoi cape alao stated that nothing was known a? to the nationality of the sub? marine. The aaderaea bent, ha suid, whs Bot s? en until after the ship WBI OOd, lad then only her periscope was visible. This, of course, would give no grounds for protest to any one power, though official? are convinced that the vessel n.u.-t havs trian or German. Until something definite is known both as to the nation? ality of the war boat and the ita Leigh, no representations are possible by thi? government. The early report? that there were no American? on the Ville de la C'iotat will, If confirmed, make It imp for th!? government to act in the.: either. The ca?e, however, will be care? fully niveatigated by American i at Malta. The incident ha? served to emphasize the importance of an immediate un? derstanding with Austria a? t?> the right of a belligerent warship to sink an enemy merchantman w-ithout wani? ng and without providing for thi ty of passenger? and erew. Yasaka Was Not Warned, Reports to Tokio State Tokio, Dec. 27. Detailed advices re? ceived here to-dav from pi cerning the ?inking of the Yasaka Maru corroborate previous statements th'it the steamship was t? I thoat warn? ing. It i? said she wa? attacked at 2:8B p. m. by a IBBBsai ?nee had not been or ? . , flag was l isible Shortly after the torpedo was eharKi?d two periscopes, one lonqr and in? ehort, appeared above the ?rotor vuthin 400 feet of the steamship, moved to a position otT the stern, on J ad? vices relate, a? though ready ' charge a second torpedo if neo After thi Taaaka Muru sank I ning tower was visible for a brief time at a point ab?'u! ? mile awav. The reaorl ? the manner in which all on b. tered the b accomplished within ten minutes of the time the torpedo wa- , . The captain caused ? be tied t" ? ordance with a ?.usly by wireless, . wa? taken. This was held until n.idnight, when I . .-.boar. which rescv and crew J?heXftnDoir? ?rib?nr li/JxjUl ?IM-Tmlhi V?*< l?J.?o,w?. ' -i \.Im.iImi,?'|.i. r -TRAD,: MARKS or branda .irr placed upon good?, to identify them and fix thr respon? sibility. So Tke Tribune'? trade mark, while identi fying. signifie? also the acceptanre of Oka r?sajpoiV ?ibihty for all th..? Ihr Tribune prinls ?The (Tribune Firnt to 1 mit -the Truth Sewti I.tutorial*? Ad\eriiscmints OSBORNE SPURNS AFFIDAVIT OFFER - i Ex-Convict Had Accusing Secret Papers for Sale, Battle Tells Weeks. WARDEN'S WITNESS LEST PARED BY JURY Hears Four and Then Reverses Itself by Refusing to Hear Further Testimony. ?riet Attorney Weeks, of Wool 1 cheater County, who has been conduct? ing the investigaron into Warden <i? borne'e conduct a? an individual and I lea of Sing Sing, was notified ... bj QeergB Gordon Hattle and Huntington W, Merchant, counsel for the warden, that one of the ex-convlct? active In the work against Oshorne had been trying to ?ell the warden th? l-raiid Jury minutes. This man elan offered to procure fof the warden any papers he might wish in connection with the case and as an evidente of hi? ability to produce the , for sale exhibited whut appeared a copy of an affidavit by Sidney Welsh, a convi t witness against the v. ar dt ? "I had the original lor an hour last night," he told the warden. "I ran get you the minutes or anything else you want." I want nothing obtained in that way," the warden told the visitor; "you :on Hattle if you have any more propositiona of this kind. But before you do it, remember it is a crime to ?s'en! such papers." According to the itory turned over to Mr. Weeki by Mr. Hattle in a let snd by Mr Merchant orally, the ex-conviet, who bod worked for tue Dis* trict Attornej Bf f?i bach as ths Ken? nedy investigation wh'.cn resulted in then warden of notiheti him one day last iiim on iin At tiie war.ion's order his secretary, ? plied that the warden ! adviaed him to ? . touch with Mr. Hattle. The an -wii ? - that counsel had ad hia seeing the warden and that y then, ? I that Mr. Hattle had told him ? the prison. Weeks Denies Leak. At the prison this conuct produced two document?, one the Welch ai'r in which the warden was charged with This is the affidavit ? At1 rney lallnn pro? duced In court a? proof that witnesses ?? aflda rita warden. He alao had on ule by one (ioldman. Hoth were acknowledged before a notary at i ison. ? the warden had refused to ac pers or have anything to do I .'or asked for a loan I, Haying he WM about to be -.1. This was refused, and he asked for $'Jr., which he also : He oral told not to visit the prison again anil warned of the likelihood that he would be in serious trouble if he had anything to do with removal of such papers or in peddling them. District Attorney Weeks told Mr ? ,i>- that he did not be? came from his office. He Wi ad, he said, that there was no leak, and he was positive that the ma - .ts had not had a? papen In h'..- office. He did not indicate what action he ? .plated taking. r County (irand Jury, which rest gal rig condi? tion? In Sing Stag, reversed itself again refused to hear addi t.unal for Warden Osborne. - nnouneed after a ? list of former inmates of Sing Sing , and men now in the prison had been submitted to District Attorney Fred* ? a tm-n, if called, \ ' have contradicted the testimony ! I f the convicts whom : tornsy Weeks has had be Jury and upon I testimony the charges against Warden Thorn. : orno reit. Hearing Searing End. At f on to hear no more witnesses wa? interpreted as meaning that the Jury wa.s ready to re It w o u 1 tl not 8i. mends of Warden Osborne If indict : st him were given to-day. be] ave, mnj include ? persona! immorality. Persons elo Dlati ict AttOl ? d to think tint le^s serious ehl : I preferred, deal? ing with ir..- .i ; - n omissions as war and ] "s.sibly with ? K- ? ? ? ?.'%, a guard who has ? 1 that he !ost his place through ? ? i .-:??-? mony. Should ir. . r to found District for an imme-i Any programme of delay, however, will be fought by the ? ?.itnesio? were heard : ray. They were l'harles F. Kat tubaru Pi Ison, where en ? ; was born: the in, of the Jewish Theo? logie!.1 'Tord B. Harmon leh L Dorner, for twenty vears an attach? of the prison und now- principal keeper. I'nxterulor Invites Charge. Warden Kattigan was the star wit He ?aid tea Osboens lystem wa? the only ?ystem. antl defended the warden against all the charges made i. t him. ^?rar.d Jury or any number said he, "can block ' of prison reform in this "l>o yes mean to say that this grand ?g to block prison reform?" a member demand "No, at ail," replied the witness. "I am m?kln;* ; a charg?e." ? is trying to pu' an end to mi"" asked A?sistant Dis I alien. ? I .?o : ? eure to make any charges ' against ar ?king ?tate ments of that sort. You ?hould give ? if you ? on the ? tard named." :" : of im i 1'iincipal i ln.rn.r told of rond lion? a? This : rongest put ' ' re'fare s\s I WOB better, ?nt the ? .i and would be As to ahn'?.- in the prison, ?.< a resilient of 'A . -i 04 ?? r : a ? B an interest : mi ?ni".!ai lioei . .i > I. Bold I "? . : id i-i i n approach! d with .. t th? war Others had told dim ?, > that was '?t the anti c ii . i,: ? '.,, .J do any thing to "get"^ th? ward.ii. BIG GEM MAY TRAP THIEF 12-(aral Diamond In $30 00? Loot from Kaat Orange Home. East Orange, N. J., Dec H * twelve-carat diamond, the pendant of a 1 lavaliiere, may lead to the ar -?.rked the 'residence of Mr. and Mil ilH "? ? ? tasa? Night, it will be , difficult for him ? of the because of Its unusual size. S only clew- to the identity of the robhaS .escfcpi.l from a stfcond -tory window ?uhen llaraaed by the return of Mr. and Mrs. Kagle from an aotei ride. 'He wa? about the luckiest rob ' ber that aver apera.? Orange," aaid Chief of Pol I tO-day "Me ?tumbled across the . : the police aaaal been BOtJfled that the h?use WIS temporarily empty." Ail the jewel? '.'.ken. valued at rn uniler a [ dre-s. It had he? l| ai ?! placed lia a trunk in a : n t ? dreem. BOY-ED SAILS TODAY WITH COL. HOUSE Recalled Kultur Advocate Will Also Have Whitlock as Fellow Voyager. Brand Whitlock, Colonel i:*M House and Captain Karl Boy-rM will sail for Ian t?i day on the Holland America liner Rotterdam. It is a curious coincidence which | ther a? fellow passengers the man who has won aaiveraal admira? tion by his efforts as '?' 0 Bel? gium to alleviate the that country of (icrman Kultur; the friend of the President who i? going over to t how matter? Stand at pr? II and the officer recalled from the Ger? man Kmbassy because of hi? alleged - to propagate that Same brand of Kultur in this country. Boj Ed BBent the entire day at his office in Room ")<?, it 11 Broad? way, attending to vusiness affail rent ment. Shortly before leaving ?r surrounded him and While this taking was in progress in t! ? several reporters entered and tala. Bo] Ed, who im hi? baeh te ths door, suddenly turned around and eaa? Itors Asked place wai thi ' ?' ?'? "f ' aj tain Boy-Ed, rmer nava sd: '"?'???, What do yon 'van'. ?" He ?*?- saki d if hs had deeid make any statement previous to his de? parture, and hs replied? "I am very ? ou, but I have nothing at all to ?ay." The captain's stern manner was not in keeping With his diplomatic rejoin? der, and, us-lr.g the door a? a means of ejection, he pushed the reporters out - hall. Tares minutes later another reporter was informed In Boom >>o;i that Captain I s is not in; had no! been In all day. and was not expected again at the once. ? MRS. BELMONT WRITES A SUFFRAGE OPERETTA It's Heroless, and Marie Dressier Will Play Principal Role. ? Mr?. O. H. P. Belmont has written an operetta. It is for suffrage and it has no hero, though various men ' marchers In a suffrage parade fill minor parts. The plot deals with the eight daugh? ter? of one Mrs. l'epj" r, of Oshkosh 'I hey are all taltnted except one, wl. is a suffragist. She is the family black sheep, so when mother ha? a hundredth birth.lav or something ihs neglects to invite Melinda. The seven wicked sis? ters dance in with their frlenda ar tiata, n;'inrian% dancing men and four Other varieties of geniuses. But Me? linda comes any way. without an inv! . and brings with her a whole ?:?? ; Blade. Then, und then ?in?? Me l'epper fee her m:-t Meliaaa and the parade to ber Mis Belsaeat ?aid yesterday that she expected "Melinda and 11m ters" would be produced all over the country and would make 11,000,000 for the lause. Its premiere will be at the Waldorf-Astoria on February Ifl underatood Mrs. Belmont hit-.:: .? i itt? B a!! the iync. while the I ? n the contribution of ' MlZWeli, author of the marching song which is known at stand m London. Mill Mane Dreasler Will play the I art af Mr?, l'epper. B. R. T. FACES FULL-CAR RULE Emerson Determined (u llave More Tn.ins Pal Inlo Operation. The "full car" edict will soon !>" ap- : plied to every lias of tue Brooklyn Transit, according to Health laaioner Emeraon reaterday. He e Ji?d asked ( hairriari Mr. the Public Sen... Com? .'.ion. "There is no reason why the B. R T ihouldnt run more cars on its' crowed," ?aid i lemml "While, eongi ition on the Brooklyn Bridge cannot be Inert the ii. K. T. can run more short I from the Brooklyn end of the I for local tra'' ( ".some pereOBa complain that wa for ears beeass of the 'ull-car causes then t.. take cold. Bra apera have taken this up ai ? the R I: , keeping this phase before the public. i tal ta l?. pe? tn p overcrowding <?n 111 run on an eight-minute TH0RNE SOUGHT AS FORGER Mining Broker Accused of Obtaining ?aalt] loan by raise Pape'?. I* was announced at Pol id Seed quarters yesterday that ? , charge examinai Richard Vu:. .- . forgery. Thome eoadected buaineea a: IM Broadwa-,, and was reported mi?? mg about two Wl - alarm for his arre.-t has been ?ent out The complainant is Gilbert II. Moi. B law>e?. ?if ;,. Wall Street I hon e is accus?.! ai ? :?:.. ail a .. "' c Broadway, ner !??'., 1914, I I i.e police deecriptioa of i state? that he i? fort., six year, aid ( live feet ten inches tall, weigj pound?, i? smooth shaved, has .Un. brown hair and eye- an I h nv.?> ??? hi i l?'f' rh?'i k near his aai i with a Southern accent Missing Man in Potter s Field. By ?aaaai of a pi relativ? l :.'l .i? ad ? B West I Mark 8 Karr, who had !,\, | .,- u . , Fuit.n Avenue, The Bronx. Thi ?. was |nir:eil in the I' | aadei thi name of "J Powers," j had I - j will be buried in the family plot. 'LIAR!' CRIES LADY AT HEATH INQUIRY Also, One Leaguer Threat? ens to Choke Another, Who Says, "Try It." MIL HEATH'S WHISKERS FIGURE IN TESTIMONY Attempt to Persuade .Members to Patch Up Differences Meets Failure. I >'.ike voices crying "She'? a!" freely expressed offer by an irate woma- ? '?-.low hou groti . I ihncy to the hearing rdsy of the troubles of the Houei .gue and Mrs. Julian Broedway. Everything went wreeg with the em . - ter.lay. In the ?'.ret place, several lug food manufact? uring concerns refused to obey the ?ubpu Bty Attorney General Juiius Obenaeyer. This up*et the hearing, and caused an adjournment lait night untii Tuesday . ? -. . Then some unidentified Heath sym? pathiser apeke right out in court, and in the middle of the testimony of Scribner Herd, to eell 'hat lady a liar at the top of her lung?. Added to thi? was ths "ffvr of Mrs. Nsllis Van Sllil gsrlond, a Heath adherent, to choke Mrs. Chnuncey M. Marsh, president of ?he Montdeir branch of the league, and the sad tale of Mr Heath, who could And no place to ?have in the home of rhe founder of the HoUSOU ivei' League. In this drear eommenr on the ?tate of American husbands Mrs. Heath ln . the testimony of Mrs. Mar.h. "Mrs. Heath laid," the latter an? nounced on the atand, "that at the time of the founding of the league, her hou?e was ?o crowded that Mr. Heath had no room in which to ?have." "I hat Is true; that is true," Mrs. Heath broke in, ?haking her head mournfully. "The place wa? io crowd? ed with women that the poor dear man actually couldn't lad ? jnace to ?have himself." Whether Mr. Heath -till wear? whis ? ? ??? as a memorial of the league'? lir'h Is not known. Mrs Hard wa? testifying to the re? lations between Mrs. Heath and the Beechnut Company when the shorten and uglier word ->_? thrown into the t our!. Mrs Heath, according to the witne??, had gone to the Beel ?aid product * I b>- tuberculous smployee. The certificates tiCS to disprove this, and -, r advertiaod In the league magazine, ? lied by Mr?. Heath, and placed a rn the headquarter?. Jl. ?? tina, Mr-, teatifi? I, a month. At this point some one shouted that Mrs, Herd was a liar, but the woman Bmlled and went "n with her tei timor.y. At th" conclusion of the day'? ses? sion M ai iand bore u? on like a proud galleon "I ! hol? lowly. ? . ? sly motiona with her ths b throat ! all this." ?-.-'.art with me, Mr?. Van Slinger land," Mrs. Marai volaateered, i flinchii i "(i Mrs. Msrsh," Mrs. Van Slingor ng i-ud ?"illy from ter* "how could it? Why. you ?at there end '? after l:e af'er !io ntt.-r lie" "Thanh you <o much, dear Mr ?''and." Mrs. Mnrsh interrupted, ? i tly. During the acedos Krank C. H ?' - ? anti-Heath made severa: i-'T Mrs. He i'h to take the stead. ThU ahs refused to do. If Aient Mairin Uppnaen, > er, addrc .-od tl .urgen*? impassionedly, urgtug ? ?? . with? in inat publi. murmured thm it wai ? 01 Mrs. Heath w< ? tfully. DRANK, PLAYED POKER, HAD GIRL; WAS WOMAN Autopsy Reveals Sex of Negro Waiter with German Name. An autopsy pi i fanned yeaterd : ...--.'. of Brooklj. . r. real? d the ai that "Rudolph Weinkopf," worked as a wa be o .aiding Portland Avenue :<>t ?very man, was really a woman. Markel, who conducts the I.! red of an \ment agency in Kingston. N. V. Ha was always willing, and did the al work about the house. She '. arlth him ' was that he WO? -t little late with the other negro boys, and ?? ri the Hud? son A men there thought a great deal of him. with them freely, ?molted. : . terdaj I th a colored girl v. bom *ake to thi and mi ?? ing plctui Mrs. Merkel fount! the waiter lying on the kitchen floor on Chi: I ?'?a* aich :.: d . mee Ha i i to Brook ? ? ' eccou- ? -, an.I Ku OUSTED DOCTORS MEET Plfty-eeves of Hospital Muff. Asked to Kesign, to Take CeSS to Maynr. ? ? ? .- I of rhe ? nmberlend Street tal, Brooklyn, whs were ?sked to l'y ? hur.* c i ommii ?.ded a mi f Di Herb i ? D Bi klyn. g, which ' ? . immediate!) tteaded i te s brought h i it IL added tl ill he placed : ilae. foui of the ! board had been n ? ad eoi misaieoei up to ast i He denied that he had ap ? lorj committee to dia ;tion of other staff?. Chummy Car a four passen? ger Apperson Roadster will be the newest thing at the Motor Show Six and Eight $1550 $1850 for tale by DIMOND-APP^RSON MOTOR < i?Mi" IM. r.r..i,,,?.i> ni ?Miii ItroeS. MISS WILSON'S TRIP HERE TO BE BRIEF Will Not Remain in New York for Rest of Winter. l?r Ts.ear?, at?Ik* 11 kSSM 1 Washington, Dec. IT. A ?tory that Miss Margaret Wilson and her cousin, Miss Helen Woodrow Bone?, would go to New York this winter to devote their timo to social setUeSBBBt work, was contradicted to a certain extent at the While House to-day. Miss Wilson has devot? dl of her time to school settlement -?"? for some year-., and ?lie probably will con? tinue to work along that line. Thi? Bill cause her ubsence from the White Hoase from time to tima this winter, just as it ha? i:, the last two raen M ?s Bones have joined the | dancing class at the New Willard, of which Mrs I haries Mit bord :s chairman, and have ac ?tveral dinner Invitations 'I be in the Biue Boom at the tI rat White House rec? i ; January 7, aad Mn. MeA?oe will staad :n thi -, ig line, third from the new mista i or the V Mr. ami Mrs. SHyre will reme i here until I Day, bat It li not they will stay much lun>rer, as they left their infant ?on, Prancii Wood iras it' Wl ? WILSON'S PHYSICIAN COMING Dr. Grayaaa, Prealdkat'a Friend, t?> Da Raaaarch Work at Peiycltaie. Dr. ? arj ? Orayaon, U. s. N , Pr< il dent \\ 'a ;?.-'.-? aad friend, is .; to New 101 K thCl w. ? ? I gage in research work a: thi til. It ?B I.' line? h s r - a*. Dr G raj son bai I ? sa in lai ??asti fr.. nd of -dr. v. begin niag ' ' u. of ;? the one i y in touch witfc the pei ? Pi ?idem LUCKY JOHNNIE! HE BROKE HIS LEG Tumulty Consoles Mini White Hou^e Car Bringt Smiles. '?' ' ' . This wai I mo? mentous day for J?rn, i? thi. '?id, mar WaihlBgton Ha broke his right leg in three places, was con Rolfl by J P. Tumultj rency Hospital in one o? the big White House automobiles. Johnnie was hart l-y falling over ens of nis rh His lather him to Washington <.? ,- car I !.?? parei ? bt can i, and when Seei . imulty g along in fro.-.t of the Whit?. Ho,se with Johnnie II I : - arm -. Mr. lun,.. . ?f ?i)t .. ? ..i..i ? ;. I limousine a' ? -, bat a White II,?. . soon appean i and ? big pol Johnnie ai -.. ,t. 1 '?' ' ? ; ri?le, smiled ? i that he did ?vc-n whimper when tl-.e broken bone was, set. 6 YEARS FOR MODEST THIEF stole l'air of Treason frasa Hunt After ITeoing Jail on Biker's. < from a n ? tor boat, v. rraody. ?vith ? ?it to in ?!:?? '..' . ? ? arded owned by forme ? "f Long I land < ? : ? '' ?,'icing tecon'l FILM ?DRUNKS" STIR UNION l.lassaorkers I'rotes; VgrM-ist Depicting Workmen la >J!..oti l-.ii'c?. ? ? -. ca? i ? (at ??..?.-?? \v ark* mala? tains. It ha? adapted i - pro Bg workmen in motion picture scenes of drunkenness baaehery. Ition will he sent to all the pistara produe? rs aad ? ten i' paiats out that it la unjust to | kctan a mason >lr pping a brick mi ' a passerby just to get a laugh, and It il I .w a Bg the exp. ? te a I climax. Court Enjoins Ferry Rate Cut. Juo,-. ' the FadenI I ourt la tempo? . tonnt) Baa fonii the Tort ! .. '. I Kerry i to ?barge only three for ..era ami to sell two cent ?. T ' >rg . I aa an i.u.'.i loai of 14,1 ? Carries His Dead Baby in Street. ra of Polyi aa? Jacobe, ? old, whose father had run ? sdieal aid. I he father. I BO I lb] ill in his home, Street, and ta a time picked n in ip and raahed te the hospital. He ? the baby's dead body homo for burial. THEORIES BUSTED, GRIP GERM SAFE Thawing Weather Idea Exploded, but Microbe's Deadly Work Goes On. DO AND DONT LISTS CONTINUE TO GROW Beware of Sneezes and Crowds. Doctors Say?If You Get It. Just Be Miserable. Don't blame the weather, blame your neighbor, if you have the grip. Don't worry abuut it; |eot be wretch sdly miserable, and burn with a tsver, and cough, and turn up your no?e at alleged tempting dish, and know that , well if? like being ?eaiick unlesi something else sets in. Bal have a care if pneumoaia I along, ?'r, if you are aged or an in? fant, be wary, for the cowardly grip germ ?trikes a peculiarly deadly blow at the very young and the very old. This is the advice that half a doren physicians, hospital ?uperintenden's and health authorities gOTS yesterday. One and all, they exploded the theory that it is the thawing weather that the grip. "it is not the weather," ?aid Dr. (liarles F., director of health education; "it is the way wo dress, then the people we meet On a warm, thawing morning we wear the same I.?svy elo bee, get overhi . ? truck by a gust of U Three good sneezes are enough to sen? ?te a whole aubwoj car. It is the rapidity of ils extension that makes grip dungerouh." lhen he turned to Dr. Osier's defini? tion of la gripper "A pandemic dis? ease, appearing at Irregular lutti characterized by extraordinary rapidit> of ex' i the large numi.. r peoj .'? a :.,,- -. \\ ith reyerta coming in from West? ern eitiea of the extent sf the gr.p within their boun.iui iee. Neu liara fast how much grip it ha- It '; know, but it r. a a s It ha? it. Crip is not a discase reportable to the ?. Deportment, and the death cer? tificates rarely say Just "gup" Pri* ? i ? rnrelv (.'or a case until nothing else, yet each rta that the gi ill thi the atoa*. Bolleras says that the only straight grip it gets are lodging ? ms and Bowery di The city dispensaries -ay tnO) are do 1 little better than the regular holiday rush business. New York's grip la not the high-fever kind, but It BOBty, It's the kind you have on your day off, and make? you feel disagreeable the rest of the week. It is the lou ItUffed-UP-head kind, that feel? as -. you had been hit on the back of the head by a ball club. N'ew York. p going in crow da," ?ays Phila? delphia. "Stop kissing," ?ays Milwaukee. Whin the young man heanl the lat? ter ho went Beware 01 Kissing. Greenwich Grip Warning [By NasN| wa 1 Greenwich, Conn., Dec. 27.-A public warning was Issued to-night by Dr. Alvin W. Klein, head of the Depart? ment of Puhlic Health, against unnec . - i.ry osculation, and rules as )?:? tepa to check ; read of grip and pneumonia m thi? vicinity. Ooa hundred cases of grip am! ^pvcw ..f pneumonia bava been rej in Greenwich during the last Preventive meaaurea Include wen >p away from air currents, not to mix in crowds and trolley curs antl to check colds in their rir-= t Grip Taking New Hold, Philadelphia Needs Nurses i. . Philsdelphis, Dec. JT. Cold, clear ? wed the early yeatei would have checked the grip epidemic, ?uel *?? Dixon, The mow I 'ht air, killing grip and pneu -..?. ami the brisk wind r lots of ozone in it? wake, ozone - of tbe icrip mi A return of warm, aoggy conditions, foga rri the early morning and ram let IVO grin S . life. Mere than a hundred sf grip and aixty-tu . . a wi n : ? ported by local hoe pilais ir. ths last twenty-four hours. ? heavy death columns. ! Ac I are of the ? ? nurse-. There ?s no liou'ut, physicians say, that a number of deaths have ; to inability to obtain qualified nurses. 100.000 Victims in Detroit; Grip's Spread Appals City Detroit, Dec 87 Detroit li r tiie grip ??.-.- . . of a century BgO, I I I . ? . greater Detroit ar,.. ill with iefiaenxa and a ?es. ?The num!" death? this mou'ii ihOWl B great In 1*1 1 out of all te ths growth in pe t...n Nur si ? the main lid that the ipread of ihe diaeaae in ths lest few weeks was iag ? WHO'LL BE A $35,000 HEIE? John CsjrlS- $1.576. a it h Intereat, to Ga to City I'nless ( laimed. Before John Coj l< u I sway I in 1-M he pat *1."7>' :ri the Provident ? .tion for Savings in Jersey City. i ?n the voyage he wa? dfeweod claimants appeared for the money in Otts years, and it has grown to . Gel appointed administra? tor of tl ? te, hu? begOS | rn the Supreme f'ourt for th.* dial nient of B, and unless a lawful heir >.. rill SO tO Jersey i :ty. ? Bka Coyls was his an ii invited to call at the savings ' itlon Washington and Grand ! ihow why he should have the money. The hank, or Mr. Norris, or Jersey Cltv will eadeavor to ?how arhj he shoo Woman Leaves 164 Descendants. Mra. Bridget McLean, t igat] old, who dud yeeterdei at her home in Hunter's Point, QaeSBS, leaves Dit ?Ir nini- children, fifty grantl I ?? greet grandchll ' .inn and IOS gr. at-great-grandchiltireti Mrs. McLean m boni in Ireland '??! IB QSM Bight \?ars. ? ?1er husband, Patrick '*-l.?| j,,.,| eighteen jear? ago. Biltmore Ice Gardens: (BILTMORE HOTEL) OPEN AIR SKATING OPFN TO thf: public for three sessions daily Daily (Except Tue?day and Thunday Afternoon? Saturday Morning? and Sundav.) GLASS ENCLOSED TEA ROOMS DWBCJjBf In the (?lass Room After IO-.AO P. Ij Admission?Morn.Session 9: 3? to I 2:30.$ I ?Aft. Session 2 : ?0 to 6:30. . $2 Usenaatli ?Eve. Session 8: .'-Oto I I :00.. $2 ^jr WgRE ALFRED and SIGRID NAESS ? Nat?'? Mu?le 1'omp.rtenl In.trurt, cur nord lioldinq-their SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE o? Sortis Qttups ?5J?iy Croats Lo/ohses lOetiacr?dvdlues in~ ^Ip/j?ret oftliehuj liest character at reductions ONE-FOL'RTII TO ONE-IULF ? Ole?ronte oflMllnm/ ? FOR MO I ( H< ST?SSl i l<AV EJJNG- -S?Ml-LM?tSS AND DRESS (X i AS10W $5 $|0 M5 Formerly $18 to $45 PARTIClflARLY EMPHASiVIN?. CCI D AM) SILVER LAO. HATS Af $ I C DSTR1CH TRIMMED IIA.S AND MAUNE EFFECTS Al*U tyursy ready reduced $900 Motr? Bab?/ Caracul <\\C\ M2? end $4V) foet? m P?by Coe4. 1 ???p* Foi ! rimming " (?;? HuJmmi Seal Mol?. $2V; ?od Nutria. $*<95 Huxisocae Mole?kin ?.iQZ .,-. _ ? . . Coat. London Fox Trimming.? *lyJ ?* ??**? ? Hadass. Seel, *w (?ra/?J ?ad Mo?e. ?? MM Handsome Fla.! Caracul' ^ ^ ^ m ?^ ?^ . Co... 8,a.hor..SkunkorFoa. ^ C.4??!. ?Leoj-rd and l*,U. ? *? $W*> Original Bernard Im- $195 HuwUoa !>aJ and Cat* ported Hu?i?on Seal Coel. <? $400 Cal (oat?, with or w.thoal ? $145 K"lm?ky Tnm. Trimminp ...._... f Jii?khj??Sdo' $1200 Natural Silver Fox ?f?Q ||95 Dved Blue ro? Sel $|25 $?50 Handln* Nitural Blue ?7: |I95 Feshioaebk Cub Bear ^ FosSel.I *J'J ?* . $495 Taupe Silvered Fox <295 ?l?2 M?'' ^ '''? ^ ** $75 $325 Ntfmal Rsaas la.... ,$225 ?,/?, .'?. ,^..?! $50 CHARGE PURCHASES BILLED FEB. 14 NO RESERVATIONS, EXCHAArGES, CREDITS OR APPROVALS COOK WOULD GO EXPLORING ?hi- lime It's GerSBoay?Hut He <an't a United States Passport, Copenhagen, Dee, 11 Dr. Frederick A, Coo .. be exploi .-i. sn . tarj Dr. F. P, Thompson, tailed ?? ? - American L ration here. expressed much disappointment eau-e the legation would not give them or? - into G i many. Dr. Cook and .. iry may ap ?o the Washington government it tho decision not to lupply them With the pa .r Dr. Thompson has In Germany, it Is ?aid. Menean Minister i? holding to hi on. . PEACE' TOOK WRONG BOAT Heine Wild Tale About Big French Tainting living Stolen. tl by In foot painting which vanishsd from the French LtttS pier, will reappear on the pier to-mor? row afternoon, according to an an ? ? last night by Franck I the ?luseum of Frei ? ? "oblong box like three coffiiM placed end to sad which must tu-en i>u-iied into the Hudson lost week?" if Mr. P. II announcement could have been due to arrive to-morrow ? l.ochunibea'i. Mr. Car s simp ? got t: alxed. As I Heumaen, of the Second Branch Pe? rec', ive Bureen, ?aid last Wednesday '.he night of Mr. I'aris'a dis r announcement "It Iooki phonsj Bo, after all the paint.tig may be X^Vos*2<lP <THE Kir* Or?-^TABl??W?B? , . bit I? aasen? ELKS SANTA FOR 2.000 *O0 More ( hildren thi I WSIS E-P***1 ed Made Happ*. M Udge ( lubhoaet For a time it looked M though Sa?? Claus would run abort B. Fr***t,,J No. !? the Elks, al ?*? -'?r*HjJ Street, was thrown open for 1 **** dren for a ( 'rie Ptny.Z? Rabbis, ; ? -i ??'?: in th.- lodgt A ihorUge of I " "M,/ ? ? ? entertainment ' ;? \_Vf Half an beul *?" , ?1 puUtion el - ? ' r'n?' aOVOd , .- nM vti (if the amount expenued ?5*t*J_3 rai?ed bj from ?l | terieg tr. e at M ? c*" tur -_^ist-_-_se/>. E^GAmEtCO P/a?inUmsmit?s\ fopHiTHAVEl M^L A NEW YEARS SUGGLSiiON inve<st your Money *. .ut in some jewel ?rom the C?.ittle collection. It will possess enduring v_lue,and serve duly a? a grace:ul remin_j: ot the occasion. Opptsitt Si. Patruk'i CAHiif?ra,