Newspaper Page Text
S3 RING WEDDED ROCKEFELLERS Value Fixed in Appraising Estate of Oil Man's Wife. SHF LEFT TOTAI 'OF $1,490,371 Bequest nf 1438,593 to Founda? tion Fxempicd from Taxation Statr to Make Tctl (ase. Tkrot - ' a the velue plei i ... irai ifer tai appraiser i ? ?tddi-'g Bg left by Mrs Laura 8. Rjcke' ? - '- ' ?' I ? D H'.-k. '. ? re es***** was an .... : , and amoni . ? Mr? Rockefeller the .,, ..? tem i the i g whiel ?-* ooM ?ig1 'er ? .. ? -?s to Til appraiser? i .... ve've. They have nttinsic values. Mrs bond of gold, with sy valus of IS. to John D. recel od ? ring, valued at t ? cash. The I snd ruby ring. I I ? ?. . te phi I band I - ? W Ml 4 reate a l're?-?-dent. mit ed by the US .a pieci ? ? t*ou ? ?nda? me. tes' l'ourt, where - appraiser, mal ?. W ra? bat th? i ?? . was ? I that .. ;. I oundation carries out mal work - ? ate agencies and doe? ,?; ,)o It directly. Appraiser Sner.rer ruled that the ? the ?nstru ? . - mployi i determina feller corpor ide by Mrs. . ? exei . ? ? . is of n uitutior.s, with - executor? to exclude from .- rjr mention? by her. Ks Reesee Given for Bxclessoo. - ? - power rhe BXSCttb H Euclid Avenue Haptist ??veland; Baptist Home of I; Baptist Now York and iry, Atlanta, lia. No ex ' on of this action was given by lb* ess Rockefc ka and bonds, valued ? I None of ? tmeata propel ? ? er boqu?ete by Mrs leckefi Ute 1 kef el - i -.amond?, $750; watch ormick, dl amond watch - ? ' - larga ?I ring. $500; Mrs. -law, - - ? ?rrings, ? ? alued at ? it valuable articles o: . ?*r* a muff, valus J. **.** oui ten trii ?aaSst I .tas placed m sevei PATROLMAN OUTRUNS MOTORCYCLE THIEF Schoolgirls Give Alarm When Prisoner Takes Machine. ? ? ? Pati ? ?rank, at je, ?he lool t half a i_?i! ?s a ? ? ? ? K r; ...... tola. ' WSmmo r,?rr. ?,.,. ' ' p-?? Gets T.rr Peat. ., who V. el, who ? . IIEXRY FORD AND HIS VOUXGEST PACIFISTS. ip of college students on board thi Oscar II. FORD DESERTER HAS TALE OF WO I ontinnril from page I ? ? rjftands. From Ki ? ? Mr. Ford aenl hundreds of do'li worth . gitatioi air. tin, . ?? i h' nina diffi an rulers. the mission ?01 terni! d cord and lack "f a definite p?mi. if < Bei mann beaought ? ? i kwall h wm bi Move ' by B< B, the officer al'ow fr?im ?er shin -, - Danes (iat> Ford Peace Pilgrims; (iov. Hanna I Copenhagen, D?rc. 2" Denmark wi nnlt members of the 1 on to hold meetings h ? ' : ?on of 1 wa? ? let no fore.; he? pernitti I ira on the war ? the be gerei On hi? arrival to-dnv Gorernor L 1 ? Foro piti iuiTi ring fro? sBia. Ford Only Slightly III: Cable Message Reassures Tamil .-? Del Vixiety of the farr ? ..?? of Hear Ford hai ? ? I I da mei .Kholm. Addrei rh hi. ie on to Del? oit He wa the measaj ? I, ha\ ? "t Mi of h: Liebold, Mi Ford' I that thf Korwe ? Herffensfjord whs out o - and that it wa nble to commun.?ate with Ml : ? Mr Ford ?aid time end apain tha is chartered merely t< pea : Bi cause "th. ? ? ? h ia t< Ford in ? - ry. I ?ird to Back Permanent Peace Board with $2.000.001 a London , Dee. 2f what they described a? I reception in Swodei '.he member? of the Henry For.: ? lidered rol ?if reneining ai . whan a permanent peace ? forme?!. ? Stoekl ? . ai nay ? ? that they would ? I ba Hag i airee At The Hagae ? will ?.. and this bod i. ? ? of ?. pe? raanei I board, v. ? finite!) . In Stork r. ? pet? i em the steam? ng ' ? I ? ' i anei I ?ward ? ad l< ? tool <?f ? ? an of Dnveens Not m Hearst Suit ? , that ? ?'* ? ? s ... ?i an li Ifearsl CALLS TO LINER UNANSWERED I'efir? Fell for Theeaolooiihi. I ?I Heard from Week \g?i. Fear for the safety of the Thessa loniki. of th?' Greek Line, wai irogaed last night when it became known that the liner (rave no answer to the alls Rent out fro*m s? . ec lfi?t Wednesday, when the The.? lacngei board, called for help, nothil . heard from her. boj rfolk. W'm: : ? tampalia, of ? i ?? V ? ? the Greel ? ?en pump? ?I out and The ? The Thevsalon.k: was expected here Sunday. It is possibl?- that bei .: paratni was carried away bl ti;? stoim or that it is too w< anewera to message? inquiring . ifot] SAY FOOD EMBARGO VOIDS NEUTRALITY Teuton Sympathisers Demand ?. S. Help Get Milk to Austria i and Herman Babies. Preaidanl W hittei rality proclaman?,.i in hit.', ne ta? ? elf to aes that ? ? h and Germai ? ? lympatl ? ? ? i nal loi 1 made in I ? ? B Austria and Hungary for la ? Mr. von Mach dilates upon this in his "\\ e ? er?' . used," he w "to hear ?if si >;d or. main? taining neutrality In internatiot I I '.rk. ?'The practica! embarco ;? almi."- for the Ni American Red Ci la fi to carry on ?>ur hoiaai ? pel to Wai help ... ? ? B Hungary, an.; 'Htes parcel ? "Unless thil is done all ri ' with one set of the heiligere . thesii ' ? ? ? itral ity jon ba al heart "We un- tal i libei tin? telegram to th? pre??. : ? il may i alp to hr?>a.?. ? ,iti<ajial benevolence." 36 JOBS IN CORRECTIONS Su posilion? \lso lO He Made b> ( ommJHsioner Darla, Thirty-six new pel tiom ? I and six prom idl in . Department uary 1. Commissioner ??avis anaonneed Robert Bai .1 Brei . BBI at a salary of 11 I ?rgeret A .v i E Whittakei ami '.?a? O'D N'ally will becosas bead matron ??f $1,020 each. Tweaty new b< tendent of conal ractlon, ' ?-er?, an hi ii .'??? ' and 'I r;? tore ferai .rned. SAILORS NAP ENDS IN RIVER ssui? off Swath Street Pier?With Reacaor, i rie? tgwla le Boopltat \ igu?? Nelsoi South Si rei I this morning He' a petii teer Hospital i v ? Di ?. ? ' r*iiden out of the river. I "BEST CHRISTMAS' ENDS IN SUICIE While Eddie Shadboll 6, l'l? and Chatters of Serna, lathe Kills Himself. "La -' 'in - .-i i aan'l i ear as this." said s . Shad!" ? ' ?? .n in fr of bia home, -?'( i Why. I mister Did ? me sturdy leg fonneo . . a reg'lar 11 prat iny an' ev'rythin', an' it poin She shoots caps - ?', do she. Teddy '" "His pa ? to ' -n." said Ted. 'Me an' me kid brother r. SI ? ? ? Meanwhile Eddie Shndbolt's fat! ?ay dead, with a bullet woui :nple. ? ,. to pla... '?'?? ? gives 'em lometh in' i eat. Mo? re me ice crea .t n thia mornii km grabbed me ? . t. i from another sli " n ? eg rhis is I ? ? . ta | iti rewt -? i left horn '? nlay morrim . Hron.i Btrei half an hour la a of the cleri When he returned he found Shadbo s real I: had a revolver In his nan.; ? ? wounded ma ? M at 2:80, w thout - employe) ? I er." EXPECTS CHEMISTRY TO FIND LIFE CAUSE Biolt gists Sanguine i I Oreo Discoveries, Says Dr. Eliot. ? i \ m to humai ? and thi sent n ? 'ed to by Dr. Chai pr?s; dent ?. ' . r Ami - ? ? ' ? ? ,. bee ii . . be pre itive for main func ? ? f the ?| ? ? ???. pi enrrlei . . I he biolOf | eaker ? ? in and will com4 ? ?? and art of medicine a- Btt* ? . the vit ? ' i die ? ? .. ? ? ? ? ? - . ? lerei ? the ;?? ilefe. ts whirl ? ? I 'i ? realdent. .were ? n. Im .'? 'i d l?i I ( Mm.;. ? ... . , | I .State I : ? BURGLARC0ME1 a $700 S?CCE Five Masked Men Tr Up Theatre Attendant and Blow Safe. JANITOR DOES SPR1N CLAD IN NIGHTSHI Police Find Three Others Bo with Picture Wire "Have Good Time." Robbers Said 1 ' "r'' M ? -r ?-? . vlded with mask?, "gets," gum? ?nd steaithy manners. sftCl ths ? - of theif pr.,**M. 'o. | TV nK', H|( ?. ,, ,h, g-ji, x ?re. ?? i? .-- trenne and | treet - ? ? <? .--.--,- naming Btei tip-toed out sc ? ?- . . , e ? ? ' . ? identit? s* rh?a*r-- I. si -.-??? ?h?? watchman, 'no jan *,,,. hi? ?nd the strubwoman nea'U ? rat t turs ?ir? n ' gagge ; swathed ??? .. mfortoblei Kleli tl watchman, inakmg h , ro'iMij. v | ,'rlork. w he quinte* approaebed him and beg .-. n-, *o keep very. ? r .(.if after one BtSrtled lool I brou| '" bear upon 1 Klein i ? ? ised earn??' ? ? VI . ? .i I a-?or a ? ? the d behind ? hieh \hraham !' - vife wei s I lars knock?-: tl and then Kl . to come o 11 lb was i " pO ' ?red before horoughly awakened. His ? was'ehoked until ?h. lost a yell, for the police Then, aftei BBS hunt for rop-\ the pictu were rippeil from the walls and tr .re wa? used in trussing un ths While they wen lerubwoi ois Simons, of I6M Lexington Aven rapped ?* the theatr*? ?loor ? :..?? lier ??. "I'oresky and Klein a; upstairs." he said "Come When Mr? Simons entered I her she also vas wrapped up like Phristmai [arcel anil '.ani on the b Ilein ami ir,*... r.. m her. and was wired to a chair inste? "We want you to feel at horn*," c of the burglar* professe 1. t? opened a coverlid ?nil spread fully over I'oresky. bil arife and ! ?rrubwoman "Ann wa dOtt'l think of jour taking cold. ?luve good tiase; ? say no we'll come back and blov ?' Then .. ?o mo | v ? hear of st -? ? . ?on .?ar.tis : : BO, I ' ? and ungngged ami unbou himself. He neves waited to help I sufferers, but left thi thea -e.i*. b of thi ? a' hign spe I rt. I'atrolma.i Haust, o' the Last 104 Stre.t station, met him skipping ov the chill pavements like a respectab middle-aged faun Thev harried he to the theatre and relea?ed the .the In the office the door had been pri Off the safe, which h?d held 'lie r '-eipi, for Saturday and Si. formaneea, but now was empty. Tl sould hav? go' more thi the manugemen- of the theat ?xplsined yesterday? had It not bet that the actors, orchi Slid ushe ? i night, Deteeti* es iron: ths in rd Bran Bureau were lummona ?inning 'he released o..K Klein to thi ? foi farthi Bterrogation He was later releaat WILLIAMSRESIGNS FROM P. S. BOARI i ontlntinl from BOS* ' mission 'he ? iirb;1. ? ? s.r.ce the signing of *he tlual eon tract ! wish ? real mv hearrf *utle. Towel -no liave erit; beiti no ill will. I shall aiway feel proud of the part that I | T.jj about t> the great transit improve' are BOW being carried to completion the Ottlj" great improvement Mr. has bee ? tS ge* for year-, and B| parently the only one she will , ;. eats to come. "No one has chafed over the ? the conatruetion noi ?no th. ! 'hi ?. --,.-(.-- ior " III " ai ..-rarvd jury inquiries am and ? pei be commission, foi realize th*r offieiala an ? SI ?' e then be a free fi nveatig But ? mean he heltl rousts ' I ; Liperi? lo i lear I p I,as (ase. ileaamieaiotti i \> ai ? ? a* .. - ad a;i> thing to m ? al out the ?. aa County Lighting Company torn which h.? fixing of i for gas had hi < by the Thompson comn " 'Nothing, except that I etas ?lear it up before I go." sa - - aner. "Tha' - > i easons I am r . ? l Joaoory ? un up ever ??>' I ?" I . ? -. ?-ed the o| nion 'ha* there ? ? v. a ne mix as hod bi ' formel -, McCarroll. ? .,: Williams wa : i..ti . i. lpt2, ?>' u term of I ? yeai ? ll> I ? \ ;, 1912, Ri William McCarroll !;. n. Pi Of '" bil appointti,. coumel to the State Co ? rVSt ' 1er (?overnor Hix Williams Acted Wisely, Sa\s Senator rhompsoa . if the legislative | ? ?.-.,?-, .111 -.- n bei ? led of ( lorn I "No charges el ??? ? Will ami ? "but I 1 d,tl w -i i resigns! iter Thompson ss amp?ete the investigation Public Sen i ? ? en missions and leport witb ths l-'k ' laarj ?? * PERSONAL. - .. - S i ? I - . ? - ? ? ? . ? - ????-?- -. . , 44 BIG FOUR" FIGHT IN G. 0. P. BEGUN Whitman-Barnes Confer? ence Starts Scramble Among leaders. rhers w?s e- ?dene? thai ..???at.? al Repu Bot be ehoi imong the lea?ier?. nesr - | ? I . ? ? <\r><\ i two of the on the "Ffl ? ? ? ? will, fi| n - ?. n to ?he ?. two | Mes, D promises to he a sers " ?mall propnr Thus far I lepubli ho think they ?re entitled to repn Repal ? ? ? - kg \entio -.- and there ? I - Horn. ? Mui . ? ? ? ,rrier 'the "Big Four." If he should he imoked Presidential cyclone, ?teller, it .: that, r President, be could ?o the w ? ? the Go srnor .-?? rare the rhar.o gthened, a? both coma from ? ? elimi am Harne?, jr., i? equally in ? ?'the "Big Four "Il il ood he ha? iincated thil aspiration to G ernor Whitman and certain other Re ?* prominence in a way that ild look upon a? ;m ? re. Neither Governor Whitman (witl Prei lantial ambition ?helved i nor Mr Hart?? ?rill be able to count upon his a movement to both of them, which was ?1 | ?: akes much ? ? Ie re? ?r and Mr. ? - the ' ? - ? ? .hair man. I agree, and .wee res ? ason for this, it il ka;d, was the ? vemor to discus? I. - . How ? . fact tha* the Governor the ?'??rnier state chairman were raused a deal ? f gossip in Uepubhcan ranks throughout ? I .110-1 liberal n?-wspaper. . State Committee will ? g?- ''or tha ? tended I .Senator '??mporary chair;-. >oni ' ? regarded as certain thai committee will ? a h. o ihonld - 1 our.-' DOCTOR S WIFE HAS APHASIA M re, U. K. Kupp. ?>f l.chighlon. I'enn.. ['ound Wandering in Street-.. \ ?.':I drt ? ?"! to R, R ii pp. o" a Peni . wai ? 1:30 thii morning al Fourtl fcvi nus an.I She wai unable to give any further ? ation abo th .tl wa? Fri m tha manager ol I Washington Hotel, In Easl 'I ?? ? anted that i'.-i| p freojUl 1 there on Mond.i U. S. INSPECTS 7.553 VESSELS 4 Mg PaaeeWgBTI | ,r Ever] Ufa Leal Bays Repart. Washington, Dec 21 ? ? - ? vessels and barge?, aggregating - I i : i.??. i groas I ?aa, were 1 i,412 officers of all grades WON rasai ere granted ..pproval o:' ? and other operating ma srnment veaaels wer? lilcrs in ' rnrai t stes i . I ? ? - ? . : aaaengeri were car -?? ?. i i e ; ? ? -? g 1 . 107, the U>ul number of - ! ui paiaeagera carried for ital number -?Vrom all cause?, pa ? NEW BILLS JAM CONGRESS t,"*! hitrodui-eil During I ir?t SueH? Da?? of Present Session. ?/ashing clerks .i r? still worl ? ti e ha i?'.' rece??, reporte ?? a' .T *h. Sixty-fourtd I an doublet the nuin a similar period at ? I Cm days of the I bills were Ii. the ^ame length of time ?hii 11 ~?i billa were besidei 1H resolutions. ?>aka $c (Enmpany Fr,<ai{-;ia'i at 84th Streei Chane GreelfU Men's Genuine Austrian Velour Hats, $3.95 Formerly $5 to $8 CONSIDERING the scarcity of Austrian * Velour Hats and the demand for then at present, ire feel justified m railing this an unusual naif Softer, richer, inore re^al looking huts have seldom, it' ever, crowned a head. Sires range from i?"? t,< fR. I otORS Pari, Blue, tiren, Hr,.-, ?? v-7, ral tkrndft of (ire.-?; // ?o in li'.j. ?> \' tins prie?*, Stich lilt? will in.?\<? in H'?ul?'r ?itiii'k tinv \\",ii ii"..inp.'iiitni?'ii! Si mslving an ?*Hrl\ t ill Men? Hal Shop. Fir?! Floor, 33d St. PENSION'S WHOA! STOPS TOW'S CAF Fifty one Years on Mors< Line. Donovan Gets His Last Bell. Old Tom Donovan patted -he flank of his horse- He threw 'he harnes sr their steaming nee*? and f'-xed th. bits. For a few minutes he rested hi head on the neck of the neare BSl, while men cursing, wheel : rig and horses neighing tilled thi arn with ita mornini d n. "Hey, Tom!" cried the atortef Waki d man ' " The old man jumped rheumaticall.i the tir.vers platform The conduc tor gave him the belt. Honovar whipped the two horse? into a walk and 'he car slid out into 'he frosty air o! arly morning. When, early yes'erday forenoon. Ton Donovan's morning up and lush-flanked ira."?.? of Madison Street were done he linger"d I ar barn. Then he sou. Park, which tl a anew and ice ha ?ire.I into a fairyland, fantastic and ai t. i lid T..m Doi ? r om boom deep ? ? tha' anima i tend l"o tha iquirrel ha remarked: "So ; ou'ie g.jin' *o be m? new friend ? ar. eh ""' Ruahtail wrestled with 'he peanut anil lei it go at that. The old i - .?;,ft watered a? he watched the frantic efforts of the animal. His face. weather tanned ?yeara of . with laughter. "Them hoaaea ia feel in' pretty bad ?ne hnv n' V leave 'em," he con But the squirrel had rushed awav ??11 for ins ? il Tom Donovan watched him -campe" ng the machines *na* whirled around the [fie of -at'ety at ire. -. eye? 1 m sleep as ?oon as he touched in; We?* Pifty-eixth Street. Hi? daughter banked his cold chest antl weatera and old coats. \ few mis ?'? ; later old Tom rubbed ? ? | Foal I thai a newspaper man hail leai Bi luck He let - nned, itretehed ami affrme.i ?'.? rumor that he : ad a pension : .- ? ? ..n the bom Yor'<. "I'm the ? ? ?"." he ? ? . .-- He -a' g gra and mud ?tained l torj of Ton "I '?"'?!. and I or ' Mqio tosm? in a t><*un4. nOMW4 o? ? ? a cup." Mansion Coffee Bett ii? ?4c '' ri,uni' lateRSaai aoe?setr*twe <-upa> Money Hack on Request Fire Pounds Delivered Free AUCG FOOTE MACDOLOAl.l. ?Th* Onty IPesaea Cie*ee inpotttr" >hn nil 138 Front Street. four ' sft. I'm ?till Itm her i.r . n e> ?av I ain't much ?t '. . nr ::'. but I kin tell the bell everv time." "Father's ?event) one year? old," ?aid Donovan'i daughter, Ague?. "Ha - I a able to ?land takin' thing? ?a?y " "Y'beteha I want," affirmed her la'her, with a ?ha?l?.?A of dimtrttss lurk in? in In? ? It's me life work. I v. hat I'll be doin' when I leave them hoaaea, sxei p' Koin' to the animale." \ Vis'tie? "Vou ? .-???.? GREEKS HERE URGE KING TO JOIN ALLIES Say Practical Refaits and Ideals Demand Oi-claration. V a Sleeting if New York lire.'k?. helii under the au?pir?s of "The Ml tional Herald" a' M ?Voot Thirtieth Sunday afternoon, resolutions Wgrs ?)as??'d calling unon K.nir Cea stantina af (.r<.separate with ex Premier Venisoloe, arul ?leclantii/ that tl iTor of thi Allies. It WBI I "I 'i ' ran?mit to h l if ?'..? il?'i!.'ne.? tiie ill ' ??? Greek? ii v.?- ? I ?? may fnd means an?! way? at ' the able?. rs, tO*wit, 'he coopera . . . . ' the sympathiei of tha Greek people for ? ; ru..-' ..Vi, ? ? -. . ? same and Stre** which M rnanv thousand? . . : Russian i n\ e s?r taking a? ? ir eoantry fron. inemy, we declare our?eh > fai "r of tha Allie?; " Sea ' Greeks will ? ?? te a Pan-Hellenic ei ' L^iw7^7^^ Give HER a Necklace of fecla Pearls In olden time? it \\.-,<? believed that Marls pos? -??-.seil therapeutic pr,>(*i-rti<-- and would li?'.il human ills. Thi- ?dea ha*. of course* been exploded. -Vnd jrel what l>?-lter metln-ine for a uronsan'i he-art than a gift of Tecla Pearls? To what treatment will she mon* reatiilv re?pond F H hat gift 1o hot thi-. New Year rit) radiate* f-urh nappines* a? a necklace* of Tecla Pearl*. grhOM ttttj <>rl# radiate* the ?oui of an <?riental sumin-cr? TECLA PEARLS ?o perfettlv resemble r?*;?I jiejrl- aromen ut fashion f>it two continents wear them con* tinuallv. lometimes .1- duplicates ol ? <,-tIx gem?, oftener m affording tne magnificence of real peurl* v*ith non?* of the ri-k. Copy of a S1000 pairI neck luce in Teclti perns. $?.rt Copy of a $2000 pearl necklace in Tecla gems, $125 M Fifth \venue ?^^^^k^^^^^^/^^^^/^jg^j