Newspaper Page Text
CARRANZA'SRULE SET UP IN JUAREZ Lower California Rebels Surrender?Deserters Drifting In. HUERTA QUITS JAIL EOR WIFE'S HOME Army Of 10.000 (iathers to Move un Yuqui Britain Advises cessionaires. B Paie, Tex., Dae, 27. Control of of Juarez by the Mexican de facto government begun to-day with the laitaUatlOB of officials, inspection of archives and establish? ment of o'licial bank accounts. Tho mustering out <'f Villa ?oldiers also began. Jos? CMta. brother of Governor Cantu, of Lower California, said to? day that Governor ? untu had turned .?ation to t'. lay. (?ener?is V;?!a, Rodr?guez and Medi ta are the only known leaders in arms in Chihuahua state against tho ?le facto government. General ( ?breg?n said ' nguez's men, desert? ing In trastera Chihuahua, ire pro? ceeding to Juarez, and Medinavieta's men also are coming in. None of the generals, declared out- j laws | has more than a cor ?d of adherents with him according t>? < Ihn | Gobi ral Victoriosa Huerta, held for violation of neutrality laws of the ;!1 and was removed to-duy frota the priion it Pafl Blies ta the home of hii . ,ards remained with him. The : nature of his illness is not stated. Recently it was reported he had re- j covered from a nervous affliction. Carranza Mobilizes 10,000 Men to Conquer Yaqui Douglas, Ariz., Dec. 27. Ten thou- j ?and men, v ? fifty machino gun? and several train loads of ammunition, are beim: centratcd at Hennosillo, Sonora, for a oasnpa it tha Hronoo Yaqnl Indians, now on ' I th southeast g to stat? I made to-day at < . l ? adquarters opposite hi ? - eta in No r, ?ill command. Three thou? sand i aoldiei 'rom Nogales, Sonora, to Naco, to entrain there and travel in territory to Juarez. ? tish gov I ? . a notil .'on to hold?' rhts and concessions 1 while Victoriano Huerta was g ti >'m to ? before January th the require- ; ments of the pr. ,n govern \ ilia Will War and Win. i> riart". Wife at Havana I'.-c ?7. Mrs. I'ranclsco ? Vrxican rebel leader, ? . V ilia, wife of General Villa'? brother. 1 by their and many hi re to day on the kteamer Atenas, from New Orleans. They announced 11 tended to estab ? Francisco Vil1 that 1 ? 1 Hip?lito Villa had any intention of leavirg Ml . unfident o: mined to continue the struggle. ( hattanno^a Off to Join Fled Patrol in Mexico The protected cruis mder : s at the l'uifit Sound navy ? c fleet on patro'. The Chattanooga will ?top at San commercial and FIRE RECORD. 1 VI ti at., Mrs, Jut.-* Bur? irt ?-"??. 8B <1*tn?j?. I ... ? ... . , 1. . I'' A \f ?r O) ; n'TV?. < lurln? Co ; . ? ? ? ? ? . ? ' ? ' . ??:-??'? r%r; n?m. -71 w?4jao of ' I ? ts ?* I. A IT.-.. tftfl . ?>' x I ? - ?.- - ? , JUDGE SWANN SWORN IN Name.? of 53 \ssl?tant District Alt nevs Will He Made Publir F-tda% District Attorney - elect, Kdwi Swann took the oath, of afternoon before Presiding Justice graham of the Suprer.- I Department. Mr. Bwaaa will tak'e ? Year's Day. He expects ? alie the rimnt-s (.f ) ? g that within a f ? i- ado? a fea . until the great ? ? ?ne staff rt ? Taylor, . ? peal bureau. Jami - I. McDona i asan, li .lohn M. M.ut? phew of DeLeaoey .'? Rayai H. Weller, Robert ?ind Jame? 11. 8m I?i-tr.?-t Attornej Perh n i wai I : his suff last night at a di ner at Htaly' . They gave him a di ?After a long vacation, which ith? Mr. Perki II law in New York. CLEARY GETS 3 YEARS; CONVICTED OF FORGER Ex-Boss of Maverstraw Saj Clamor Made Him a Ooat. William V. I learP) former Dem cratic boss of Haverstraw, acquitted killing his son-in-law, but found guil of forgery as town clerk, was sentenc? by Justice A. S Tompkins, in New CI yesterday, to serve from three yeai? six year? and four months. His la\ yer, l.ilward Briggs, moved for a CO i -onable doubt. The con nade the mot tics M. J. Keofh at White I Tuesday, January 7. Cloery back to the New City jail until then. mor made me a goat," ; aa hi w.,s being led . iron which lie walked out a a \"ar ago. Cloary is coal dent the courts will upset the forger verdict. He was convieted of forgin me of Thomas Allison, ? Havei straw aaseaaor, to ? raw, :' the wn Deputy Attorney Gei i ral ? ved the ra>e of Fire Chic Pernard Pox. an assoriato of Clear] ?rho Britaeaaed the murder, to trial. Fo is accuse?! of perjury, in that he user at the coroner's inquest he did 10 know where the murder pun w-as, at; afterward that he had given it to hi .vor to sho\ ?' ..' Fox contradicted himiS various versions of the dl ? gun un?ler oath. Tl ? m ? ; \\ edneadiy. Fea, Demo ? man of Haverstraw, i backed by the same old ring thi courtroom at various Clear; ?.,1 seven Indict Which h a v. not been t ried. ?-'? GIBBONS APPROVES BILLY SUNDAYS WOP? Cardinal Willing That Clergj Cooperate in Campaign. IBy ISBBBfaal I Bj ?re. Do?. - ' Cardini ? ? to tht Sunday campaign movement ir when he B tec that he had no objection wl to the Catholic elergj .ed tc cooperate In the campaign. ? Cardinal ? I by one ol the Sunday committee, of v. h rh thi -:, i'..-tor "I pal church ? man. Dr. Peck submitted this report to his comm it I "I visited the residence of the Car? dinal by appointment r.n.l was gracious. ly reeo.vea II are? my pui : the Cardinal's assent to the ? by tie prayer meeting commit? tee to the Catholic clergy of the city. asking their coop?ration in pray? i .oces? of the Sunday campa Baltimore. "The Cardinal expresse?! much inter Mr. Sunday and !:. he was piad to approve soundness of Mr. Sunday's doctrine in ? -i great truths neglect? modern churches. He had no o! i litter being .sent to his ?Men." STATE GETS BALLOON FOR AERIAL PRACTICE Fund of $2.500 Also Given for Military Aviation Purposes. Albany, Dec. 27. Two gifti to stimu? late aerial nrac : by Adjutant General L \V. ? :??-day. Robert Glendi of New \ork. hi ; tional guard thi ; which won the Pittafleld balloon race in 1914, and Alan R. Hawley, preaident of , the Aero i lub "f Ano : ice, baa I over to the ?tate | half of tho contributed by an unknown donor to be divided i Vork for military .v. purpose-, (?f New Yoik's I to the national guard un?! Rl.250 to 'he naval mill balloon l.'Fc. reuil haa a ?ga? ca 1,000 cut c feel ihr.??? passengers. It is to h as a eaptiva craft for aerial ol :;tary man?uvri ' In ? Fund has contributed |1 ; ' quipment. The funii also stands ? hate 10 , per cent, up to $10,000, of the total of 'gifts received before February 1 next to aid military aviation. $4 a year 20 Vesey St., New York C Never has there been a greater need fora thought?Hjl.even-tempered periodical,free from sensationalism, bitterness and prejudice. Such a periodical is The Nation?a weekly journal of Literature, Drama, Art, Music, Science, Finance and Politics. For over 50 years America's Foremost Critical Review Si-oo e-rlo-K-tl. 10c s ropj $4.00 a rear I p thifl coupon and send with $1.00 iub s.nd THE ?JiATIO\ for ? four in o a I h * ? Mb? i IplL.ti lo 4d?rrH. THK !*?ATIO?l. ?O VO/OOf It?, >r- l.r> 4 lljr HIS INNER VOICE WHISPERED HI9 So Police Defective Labo? ratory Sends Prisoner to Hospital, Not Cell. THIRD DEGREE ROOM LIKE DOCTOR'S OFFI? Woods and Faurot Sure New I xperiment in Criminology Will Lead to Reforms. It was an inner \oice that ordered Fritz Knauff, a, to kill hlm -. the East, -^ide a few nights afro. Ihn same :rii,..r voice told him to bum ehurchee, kill four pcnoni, rob his employer and finally to buy Iodine to end his life. S'o he hae Informed Dr. Hisch, in charge of the labora * Police Headquarter! for dk ? among criminals tal nailer obaervatlon, following I an exciting lesaion at Polio -:bed an amazing m bia n . and, ?rom his pi. began tearing them to Inspector Faurot Another time he interrupted bil atory io point te a Tribune reporter who was near. "That's the man who ordered me to burn down tho churches." h*1 "The ffcod work of I\ liceman Wein? stein," -tor Faurot, in charge t.f the Detective 1'ureau. "brought thia man to us for examination and limpll tit-d things consitleralil\. "Weinstein followed instructions which make every policeman a lay worker in our laboratory for dtaeover in_- the n.entally tlefective. lie noted ho? ' i acted. He paid par attention to the tl if it was connected or rambling, antl erred erbettlet the man ap the naosl run of persona he ha | Then Ii a ?it tailed report I ant Ahrams, BtOH Street sta? tion, ' tion that Dr. Blach examli - mer Woi da, * ho has i tli' fectivei ? iry, is encouraged by bed. "Re alta within the laat two months indicate that ab< ' ara brought to tl -? Hu abnonnal men* mer. "It is not unreaaonable to infer from this f the total daily arrests weald tV made up of abnoi mal ; ? would mean that some thirty Individ?ala re Irre ponaible and sit commit crime if ! ha opporl unity ..r. r ? are daily taken ? .lice." l>r. Bisch and Inspector Faurot have their headquartera on the top floor of Police Headquartera, In a sunny cor? ner of the building. There, surround I few chairs nnd bi n a good pu tun i, a -?mall office Installed. From this oflce everything that ?uggesis police ASKS RECEIVERSHIP FOR TEXAS S PACIFIC Hankers Trust Co. Alleges De? fault in Interest Payment. Dallns, Tex., Dec. I trshlp for the Tt - pany WH B bed in a petition filed here to-da> mpany ? York, through their local attor? neys. Default in payment of interest Bdf is alleged. Hearing was asl ? II, tor the railroad served no ? the re ' -Il ip. The ? which included 'he New ray < asea ft ? oritl n .rially ; - rge J- Gould the 1 rexai f. Arkaa* The road ? line i ? rn New Orleans to Fl ill of the road here aa!d the tiling of the suit was a complete sur to them. plaint allegi -n of funds after the payment of all operat? ing i . . .,, . . - r and a ? forecli "f a]I prop? mder t -? h ich they want payia Nine Tessa ra i ? . . Trinity ?tt DraZO aouri, ' Ukahoma i Gu eat Northern, San Antonio, Uvalde ft Gulf, B fort Wort 'irande and Gulf Ltaes. T. & P. Petition Believed step to Eliminate Gould Yv. w. Green, i I ' ' ' ?lain and t the rights under that mort-fatre. The I waa filed at tl of B. F. Bu & Iron Mountain Railway I ompany, which is tho owner i subject to | 10 and upward of the ! Should the court appoint a receiver ' will mean that ' l will meet of la* . taken out Indep the (io- Ida 1 be Mia* aoarl Peeifl? u no longer eostrolled I ? b ft Ce. and their ai* \ receiver ? rate the i . , ? hau I.. ? family ? ? nova ? ? neat in thi i ' Kahn, Lot ' & < o. to ?limin?t - I 4,<.tj|i| from the < ,ain of railroads one? 1 controlled by him. I PEACE FLEET FOR PACIFIC Shipping Men See Boom in Release of ( anadian Pa? ill. Liners. Vaiiweiai. !'? -" shipping men are jubilant in their expectation of renewed trans-Pa:iftc activities di? rectly, due to the release by the Brit? ish Admiralty of the Canadian Pacific'! Oner.tal fleet, which, until a few month? ?irn, was enframed a? auxiliary to the British navy in the 1*1 Vancouver is ar.t.? pating the early arriva', of the Bsapreae of Japan, which ha? been entirely remodelled and re? nted, making ht r as spick and span a? ?ha ftrsl came from the ?hip sard? SB the Clyde. Close in her wake ne-PaalBl greyhounds Mi ? ' P.ussia and Asia, ships, which have been thor? oughly overhauled at Hong Kong and made as Bl as lew for the return of normal conditions. Awail '.g them are f ' '? M il freight ? 1 for trans-PadoC ports. latly several hundred carload? of Aaterieaa lad Caaadiaa product? con ; to Russian ports arrived in Van? couver, to nwaa the coming of the Canadien Pacific r.mprcs?e?. There are a? many carlo? is of good? and war ? for the Reniai government. ? STREET RAILWAY LITIGATION N. Y. Railway? \cqulre?. (Talma Against H. Y. City Railway Co. rd : ?'. bring to an end the liti? gation arising OBt of the New York tad the Metropolitan : eelverahlpa ths Kew Vorl. ' ompany ha? ao*] I of the principal fM the New Tori | upon the basis of 45 ? the face amount of the N?w York Railways Company ,jire the claims creditor! which hava not !" n scqaired u. lar the p' i of reorgai Itatton of the Metropolitan company upon the basis per cent of the face amount al lowed by tha ?-fo'cial master. Payment ha made on January 15, provided the off?>r is accepted and approved as s gnments and releases executed. The nty Trust Company is iikiag for ?litS. THE WEATHER REPORT Forecasts and Record? of the Fast Twentj-four Hours. Hi '.'nal"?,. DBS. IT.? An ri^r.?;?? 1*11 of 1"? | . ,--? or ?.!.? f. L*w rene? Va ? ? M* Tun. Thi? '?' ? lissasse antoja as k :> i01"?1 "ie,M r.-tf m M BW <?r.?t l.\k-s. t?? mld'11? 111? ?tassi bbS ?- ? : . BBS r?l . U?.:.i ?r. ..... r.i- n.'i rr i Balea Tli? i w??l tt hu ri?? - ? aassa asa ?oJ u.? K?r No-; ?,'. ?? T'lU I4 'IB ?111 ' - i ? ? ?? aal run? I;. Ill \! 1 '> A'l?ntto .talr.. t.'j n: he aal - ? ? ..?.?? i ? potra i 'i - a Un ?bbBsi <4 It? llrrat |?l.n >: ..1c.' \ . . ? - ??.',... \ i - ? ?. . ataw ? ?? - ? : ? ? Win.!- ?t NOMI A' ... . ,-- ?eat li . . Uni i. . . i..;. Mat F?r??c??ti far RnHiI Ltxklltt?*. ? Tir Kaa asesa ? Baal . -? owtl.rm i ralr ?ad ?saisi Tu?? aaj . W?tS e?'ia. ? - - m r I , aadj Tu?w1?j. > N I - : ?/ ..... | - . MM 1" ?oass. Man ... a it i - - a, ?[umu.iH*. baBBBaaa aaf Twi i r>ie. ?.?j. Waaaesaai '?ir Loe?l OSIolaJ Bunerd.-Tt,n SsDSMlB| ?B % ?a "T'i '-.m ism Weatha? BaiSM ?bmsi Hm mum ?-.-??'., . ? . c?mip?i? ? ' las ?Sate ?r um -, i ? ? ? ?' r- n. - .1 ? M lunixTMur? ? ?? - .-?.?14 at.Tafo il?i? I? . ... .ltt? lu?. tltram?trr H'adln??. I a. B... SS.S41 1 0 ^ r r.; SO 12 Humidity. "ir- ? ? r, m ,-0 l?v?.l Fcrixail?Cloudy a"d cold?. t?-d?% .Oh ?rohably lo'Kl MMM?; to-Tier-ew umattlni anS> ?bi> aaCMj niod'rale ?aflabl? wind?. POLICE DEPARTMENT. ' ' ? ? ?-?? ax-l [ ) I -.' isti. ta T?ni|n>rar> Anlinm?nt?. . iU^ A : ? I I?. in - ' ? '. iras ? i" . . .. i p. i I ? ? ? i . ?? ,1?,,' . I -.-on *r l'i'i i | . ? , ? ? . .. ? ? - . - ? ' ' ? ? . Al? ?m??i? A il I ?a M OV? M ? ] , . . : \\ ' " .. . . . , 4 I ?ft? DliMMMl BfTft. ?J1 v ?,, ; I ? . ? - .ni'! ? : P"sor !? 11.?. a Ai ? ? ' .- . - ?i' ? relu? with ? pi? I!?Ul tona. Im?, ir, l?J4. """?"'I DERATE POLITICS AT CITY INQUIRY SenatorWagnerand Chair? man Brown in Wrangle on State Taxes. THREE BOROUGH PRESIDENTS TESTIFY Favor Referendum on Whether Legisl?ture or City Should Fix Employes' Salaries. Politics stole into the afternoon aei sion yeiterday at the City Hall of the Brown legislative committee, which is investigating city financ?e, deiplte the atTort of Senator Elon R. Brown to keep it out. Senitor Robert F. Wagner. one of the three Tammany members of the commi'tee, brought up the subject and a debate ensued as to how well, or how badly, the Democratic or Republl ? rs had art rk'-d for the in ''i rk i Ivy in the past. ? ater Wagner luggested that New York paid about TO per cent of the . and pointed out the get practically no returns from the sums it invested, particularly In stat?: ' BJS, th.? normal and agricultural || and HlS State Department of Health. Chalnaaa Brown took exception to Mr. Wagner's statements, and showed that the measures effecting these proj? ects had been CTOBtod by the Demo - legielatora or passed by Repub? lican lsgisiators at the request of New York representatives in the Legislat? ure. He petate, out that the statt normal schools nad many students from this city, as well as the agricult? ural Bthool, and that the bill Imposing B tax on this city in connection with the State Department of Health bad been passed by a Democratic Legis? lature. I' trough Presidents Marcus M.Marks of Manhattan, Lev. is h. pounds of Brooklyn and Douglas Mstheweon of 'I he Bronx testified at the afternoon Thomas W. Churchill, piesl* the I trd of Fducation, and 1 larenee E Meli \ ociate tendent of khoela, sls educatioaal matters at the ? 1 teas Brown recalled his Btate* ll ;. pr?viens session that, the ;" real e?iate I city were levied not so much ? i sense of - a Sl Is ' CS as the Bnicipal authorities to iae the eitv'a debt limit m ques hs Baked the Borough Presidenta actual value of real a ? K nga County int-r : led as ? : chalnaaa i ad President . I 'hin!? it has," the witness re theffS are many ? utstiea, but on the I do not think we have just rit." "Hi.? the ;ire>ent tax rate In New York dtp reached a point where there is a crNi.? and an emergency calling for drastic relief, either by ? duction of city expenses or by obtain tng lome r.ew loureei of re-enn* asked Senator Brown. Th? witness replied that he thoui such a crisis had been reached a that real eatats was bearing too mu of the burden. He added that he I not see how the city's expenses eel ICed, as they had already be cut nearly to the bone, and they wc bound to increase during the next f year?. Pr. -..lent Pounds defended heron ; the Brookl budget had stead, ly deereal 15 per cent B?BCC 1010, which to if not greater than " any other city departmi nt; He advoci ad, however, ? centralization ot power the Board of Fs'irr.ate to fix the si aries of ail cry antl county employ other than elective offices, a teachers' salaries. He was not su that the Board of Estimate i . aries or ?how a material savii to the city if it had such power, hut ? that body was at present credited m the responsibility for the city's fli BI BN it should have the full power, 1 red. hlymanN. D.Shapiro. ofKi-g wanted to know if the Borough Prea 'ild approve of the re 0 salary of the chief cierk i the Surrogate's Court of that count . John H. M Ceeey/, the Brooklyn Tammany lt-ade Mr. Pounds demurred on an answer b saying that he did not care to go In1 particular case? In answer to Chairman Brown'l que tlons the three Borough Presidents ?!? dared they would be in favor of a re erendum t? ascertain whether the pet pie wanted the Legislature to fix th salaries of city employ?s or wanted done by the local authorities. The agreed, however, that the questio ?hu:!.i not be lubmitted to the peopl at the national election next year, an that it would be a better time at th municipal election in 1917. Dr. Helens* opposed the suggeitio of Mayor Mltchel, Controller Prendoi gast and other city officials for a sma] paid Board of Education. The matte of the proposed new courthouse will b taken up to-day. . $20,000,000 BOND ISSUE FOR ERIE J. P. Morgan & Co. Will Under write the Securities. Directors of the BrtS Railroad, at i meeting yesterday, approved a flnanc ing plan which will involve the issuanc of new convertible general mortgag bonds bearing interest at 4 per cent President F. I?. I'nderwood has asket J. P. Morgan ft Co. to form a syndicat? to underwrite the bonds. The amount of the new Issue will bi slightly under $'_'0,00fi,ooo convertibli into common stock In two years at 60 The bonds Will be offered to tho share holders at 85. The company alreadj has two convertible Issues authorized totalling f.")0,000,000( known as Serie "A" and Serles "B," of which about 121,000.000 is outstanding. The new bends will probably be known a? t "C." More than half the funds derived from the proceeds of the sale of the new bonds Brill be UBSd to pay off the $10,000,000 collateral gold B per cent I which mature Apr.l 1, 1010. An Other maturity that will probably be pn vi,led for la an underlying is?ue of ?0,000 Buffalo, New York ft Brie 7 per ?.- ige, bends, which <i matare June l, The taking up of these two m:t ; turities Will leave about $7,000,000 for other corporate purposes. With t! e freeing of millions for in from the January 1 Interne and dividend disbursements bond deal? er? look for an even greater improve I ment in the demand for railroad bonds. Shipping Information and Marine News of the World MIMAT! RK ALMA ?. ? . t |, BHB r',??,. 11 41 - -. HI.,11 VATS A M I' M ?a-,.!- Hey* . 11 ?9 Il H ? WIRELESS REPORTS. c, i ???? S".?.-.. c ?.r !'? ITtan Ame-1 ? .?.10 mil-. -??? ? f h,- ?t ,t s a m y-iier.Uy. > . . , ' fiar. Tim? ml p,a. r Te* flT?t. El| - ? INCOMING STEAMERS. Ttl PAT I rem filiert ?Nr? V,.rk Um1 -' n?.- Il Bordeaui s ... . ..... I '. ,i- .Dec 1 , i i - I i'. I . De,' 11 i n - .. i ta 1 i Dec 'i nier . tifien 1-e.- s Pan D II ? ?? . - ? -teil.H:-> J? -l-i ' . ' ? re.ltig .r'op-ntiaien . J . - : . D-.- H Pal r?a .Mr?tu . D* s . . .-, FIlTIOl ....... !'?- .1 ' l'oltirabu?.. . -ne l-l . . , Oi .-?? m DK-SDAT. Dl. i MBKB :?. i Pe.- ;-. ? ? 1-enape |. ?; TlirRHPAI K ?? ... I ? - ! r. -i . s- |,i 7.a apa. V , pat .: . ' - . Il t .' E?'l. o? Tt.OINi. STEAMERS. | TO DAT. Mt". \?,wl Fer. -' talla, ? ?:''.?j-i . 4 "-im If M ? i - i . ; ? I ? .1 : : ? poi ' ?, . T #0 ara 9 ne ?m ? lint'? . . - 1 .. .. - ?t n?. dai dbi Dfaa n. M I ,r,.',. 9 ')0 am U no n ? *. I .-? i-m - . H .' . - l ?. ..n r. - - . . Tilt SSDA1 ' :l M, T?r ?- l Unreal I 'aro i: r?. m ?; ? :? ,-i : i ru? 11 .,0 am .1 ?. pa I . . 9 'm am i 2 Ou ra . . .: a I ?.;. I. . 11 Jf) am !. U i-.-n >..--. . - TRANSPAI IMC MAILS. r:r?. N T I CO T Hawaii ? ' . i ? I '? - D?- i ? |.ee ,1 Til "I. Ill ? ?? It! A utralta . ? Malt- Par. 31 ? .... . -.- Dae M II.?ail Jaca. i.?---a ti loa. Philippine '? .-?*'.-? 1 ? : ? Jan 1 .i - L. ?. ? s.. . . ai M" ... Jan 1 IMM. t'or-a. i h::.a. Ptil.rp-rtn? la i: Il ifla Han taacW-ai - Tenyo Man Jan 3 - > !? a la Ami-alla. New i . -? l . ?? ?. - a_a. Jaa 13 I . ? / . i a oMSi ... iMafa/a Jan 14 aaaii i s Brav-,. lt,?tr ? Oualei i- i -, ? ? 1. - ? . . a m ? > :i an.l ?? ? .1 .. I .- -. ? ., i II ml "ran : i C. I) | ; . . ? H*r- il '.a * ? J il Ml ? , t . an*. Mobil, m Bannatt, H ? ii. ?Uli rallr.ia.l 1>. le:- ujUAf , llaanlnftrn t ...irt i l?r ?. Naj.l-s N f IT, Alllara; II an.l Remiela Dae 11. ta Plmjiaoo, Mpatioa Tew?- Bat 4 " W a Ratannah. ?" th? <V??n P* i> m ?. O?, ?nh ?. p m !'-- 11 ?nd .<. ' ?I'l, ma.., , '. .11 I?.'- *, to lh? Hol '? a - i - ? ira.? Vu.?? Br?, lluo.r? IXs" II. to A I> I?x1oui. i I?? ? T. to Ilmj- ??T. WMr A I-. .v l i . ? ? '??la^am 111) A < ?' liar Tan,' . | ' . go to ??-a "i ? , S ? il, Otan ' ? 1' R ' al . ...'.,. -.. : 4 i" - > ? ? ?.-??. art? ?? la? ?<-iar T ID a in I ?.iv'.ion IV.- ii, to Um Ma'.l'.r, am. > . M n ?.1er ratal? Ilr . HotUJ K"ng !*??pt 1?. v chai .. ? ? Kara I?i I'ol :. in . .. Klncap? '" '. ?? 4 Du ?a ui Uao i re* Bai ?t l 30 p m. ?.'? - r a - i ? it, rruT.a-?'! and rajarle IS, Ma}.(u?i if Asuadin? ?and ?1:1 I.v-U.Jir I ? m Uli IE i??. Ill/ at Il M ? ?"urrter. Ouanlea rw IT and ? rua ra itlle M, to H'u wr, v.'-ir ? I? > 1. ?!-.'i awl am?, Bat at a I e'"ii- P^a?. '?e T.?ro I??.- 1' PWI Ltmon IS, frlatobal M tod Haraoa 21 to lh? t r.n*i Frutt ? Lh milis an-1 ma.??. I:..- ? ; ?-. a m ton. N ? ..... ?.i ;; ?: ? i Matura IBi Paramaribo rw IS, P?nwvaja IS, ' ? pins tn.1 . ' ' with trial It ai. 1 m.l?e. lur at liam ? Ote V ??? ?h? U? k -. ? ? v ,?', n , .- i., a ' i m Mon N ? ? ? ?h? Bnutr-.em l'a. 11! ? ? ? i ? .? 7 :?) ? m. BAILED s-MmiTi ?'" ' " - > -.?h; Km ?? Bri, M an-I a?; ? ! ? ! ' ?? i 1 ? Ii TrlnMa/llan. 1 i i ? . anl N.nport BSMB STEAMERS AT FOREIGN PORTS. aaan go tM?d?l? 'llrl. Nm V-rt. . ? . . -, lor. I .in. .ii for Km 1 Ht Saw Tort N'M W? Nm York fa S'M T<M*. 1-? i, Bm ? I .?r? ..;?:.. N-w Tort; IS, . 1 ' M I -? an lUani, .lo. Da?-'.?MM Bf , do t1? ;. an? I?~- I" s"'ira.-ao iRn, Sum Tort a.'. 1 i ? Bal ? i ? An.-?. !>?>? i'., Th.?U rai-l'i 1 IK?T), New T .rk .... eu. SAII.KD. ?I, Dm ST?A ? ??? ? G'.aaf w I??.- I' . u mill II M.?* Tort -...-? ^ .'k. ? I I , i ; - I i ?? * York. II? !??? ' . I . I rt -.?". Nm i Xin? Tort for I.i? Pa ?nitett). Nrw ' .rn \'it Tork). ., ? ????-. : -? i atril New Terk ? file -. ." . ? . . ilm??r?. Port ^-??. 1" -' ????* T"-k <? ? ??Lark? ibr) (from Nr? \ ekl I . If -'.ok. i-As-t:? OU.raltar I??- :? ? ?. ?.-??? [fl ?k?. N?w I rk for I'lr .? -w Y'ir? lar I > I ? Sew 1 '-k for Obn -. I- .' Iiur&am .??'. ?M Tort - I IIIMUd Karl, Nm T rk for 11 ? TO EMBARGOED SHIPPERS -r t fr.'-n l la?lelphl? ?" N-w \ oi * .. :? h !"-? -ArroM Motor . k^ i ?II. ?rite or 'j?li?.n? I.... i??>. I'Mla?1?lpnia CEORCE MINK, 1401 Area St.. Fa.l.dY 25,000 GET MORE NAVY YARD PAY War Brins?*. Advances of 8 to 49 Cents a Day to Workers Here. Tr-r. TT? Tribune Bureau ] Washington. Dec. 27. A general In? crease of wages for the men employed at the New York navy yard was an -..! by Secretary Daniela to-day, witb similar increases for other yarda throughout the country. The New York increases run from 8 to 4S cent! a day, the biggest ilicei going to en? gine tenders and heavy forgers, and the average being 5 cent! an hour for an eight-hour" day. The advances are made neceisary by ?he legal provision that tho rate of I in each yard shall be equal to ihoie of establishments in the neigh? borhood. The demand for machinists to make munitions ha? cauied a gen? eral increase in the wages paid in thoie trades. "In putting the new ichedulea Into effect," says the announcement, "or bave been iisued that where the maximum in any trade has been in? creased, every employe in that trade shall be advanced to the next higher rating. The reaaon for thli is that the maximum i? increased only be? cause, under the law, it has been found that the ratea paid in the vicinity have increased. It is believed that every workman in that trade is entitled, un? der the law, to share in the increase. "In accordance with the recommenda? tions of all the wage hoards, the pay of the supervisory force quartormen nnd leading men which has hereto? fore been fixed at 25 per cent and 10 per ce mum nt, respect ?rely, ?bov? tke JT" pay of the trade, will kT*f'? pay to those mechai iea an.i ir.|* !1 \?h?> ?how their ability ty gct ?_ ***? pervieory eapacil '*? "It is laapeaaihla to ?ie'ermin,-_. exactne?a the average ?moUn? 0f \? increase?," said 5< . m?tL. S may be B te ted, however, that the?. ? a ?J?rn?"* the employe.? at navy yard? ?? '' There .?re ah? at 1^ employed In navy :-'*?ai??? tiens, and the c? ? 0? '*? of them will be ^rn?!., January 1. Tho?e ;? ,. 'r greatest increase this rear did r.ot,?, saiva any lasreeas a - U. S. EXPORTS DOUBLED Shipment? to South American Co?, tries Increase 100 Per Cent in Ye? The foreign tra i ? ? ? .. National City Rank in for the tveek ended Peer that exports from the L'n ted Btaaai South America aro now doub!? t???, of the corresponding period a rer.r i?. October export? were ii i ? ??-< , ? bm OOO.OOil. airav ?t < ?-, ,,_ month in 1014. Export? to Argentina. Rraiil, (*??; 1'ruguay and Colosal ? f? rated the b?I? of the gain, leptefllher alss ?he????;, striking increase, the Bsoyesaoat In ta? month to Argentina diaplaviag ?n ,j vanee of more than ion p0r c-rt, ?? porta to Urazil ahoet M r*r ren? it, thoae to l'ru<?ruav mora than 100 ut cent. Cotton cloth a: I yam? ?j, showing very large IniTlaSSS, ai ,* also manufactures of Iron sad ?t?, leather, tinplate, knit goods, agrieu't ural machii.ery. j -Sctin*?! bra?? and copper, boot? and ahcei ?nd wire. ARMY AND NA VY ORDERS; MOVEMENTS Oh WARSHIPS ' FVtn TM THt une Bureau ] Waahlrtfton. Pere-nlxtr ?T AnMT Ma) lOeEPH T DAVIDSON mired. aa?1?r,?' t.? ?.-.'.-..' Iut| ar.,1 .le'alle.1 ?Ith orgainre.l . f Iowa, Cap! KAI.I'll C t'AI.I'MXI.l.. ?-h Cat., to -? - ... llar'?.'K? ? i: ? .V Drill ?' THOMPSON Jr. r.-aat Art V, A . tr. Ul ? ? ... I aa i, -pat ? r ln.trvid.or f. A . ' i '.uml.ia. [WARD V tiKTuN, St h Olf lo re.i-.itt .* llarr?.-k?. I ? - ... .?-..i- ? 1.1 -.I. asstfret re-1 ? lpt1 MONROE C hF.HTll, \ 111 ES f i ITU!?, ? I In? - r M MIAI H-.ll, >.ih I .' , F .-?? ! - it? i.Mi.N r miller, i7th fa * . rtai i \ A - AMPBKLU : b Inl , JOHN H i 1 ? 1 ' :.! 1(AI l-ll N HAVDF.N. M <'??? to ra . 11: ' II- 11 MAKUV I, KINO, fa?. aiMCfTie-l I Ith I av . ? ' . luty at J.-!* a Va-e of lb? ???lKne.1. fir-'. !.' IAMKB H UII.l.T M PA mi' i-rultlng v - Marra k?, Jan SI, !? Lieu? WALTKB m MX_B?_* ?_ F A ?.'ri-r.t Finit 1 . AM lu U A lll.'K.iK 'th Inf.. da? ta (lu'.f Coaat 1.-1 i -? Mlaa [RI IN I. Ill SPARER, I'.rh Pa? , tul : !. . a?. 1'., -.i ? i- JiHIN E 1IF.MP IIII.I.. 11-h P|?, I I- ?EORGE W HAHRIrl, l?tti Iaf, to -? . ? Barrack? I..-ate? of abaene? t'a-r J..I1V N SIRAAT !??!; , Inf.. . - ? . - ? ? ' ? rri.iu . ? Pti-l Lleui WAI.TKK II ISth ?'ai ?-a'? .,????.. ?MtM. WILLIAM S? *- . rn.m'.ri ar. 1 IM da> BATT, ('apt. E la BTA' l | , ?-! --?uniaM ?-?*. ' U?. If 1>K? Kl 'l I *orti (-?v n* ?t.-ir a: . raft ? ? o .... Ulli ! ?IM J -.-Mharl u? ?ration, (.mat 1,?*?? n ? I ?- , , ,, ? ?!>? V ? ? i.. I.l.nt l 11 ? \v ?; ? -,....., ?? ??-??.!?, Ju, SI. ?ni on boanl >' - D? r *??i Pa" : ?'. !.?. I'i-rr. Pal? jal Da ? . ?? (Hilar, a T ? *'l H? ? ;.. _i , eat?) ?? ????_? u ?, ? D*\ 13?Nm Orl??\na. at U Pu. OS ?? -. ? Ar.fS.iaa. a: '?-.?? at (/uanlayiajiio. Irl? an.! ?:..?' ? *Ai: - Dar. t??Antiapeli?, f i ..... I?.?- >4 < ? ?' ?i Bel | ? | ?. ' r l ?pa la? it?. Sar No Wintry Winds IN FLORIDA ?"2 ' - - i. *?5>A:ja3_J -i.e.aaai^-c .. SNOW AND SLUSH ARE UNSAFE P')v.n South they're enjoying the balmy weather of Summer the fresh. sweet fragrance cf flowers and orange groves. Dont risk a breakdown by staying where the anow and ice and slush may undermine your health. Get away now before it is too late. CLYDE LINE SERVICE NEW YORK TO JACKSONVILLE The moat direct and economical route to Florida and all Southern reaorta. New exclusive "One Claae" Cabin aervicc. Persona! atten? tion to the comfort and pleasure o? passengers, particularly to ladies and children traveling without escort. The low fare ia attractive, too ROUND -J? o ? fin WEDNESDAYS 0 4 O 30 TUESDAYS TRIP $?4 SATURDAYS <p4a) FRIDAYS All farei include meals and ?leeping accommodations. Ash, for illustrated booklets and all information CLYDE STEAMSHIP COMPANY Arthur W Pye,. l'a-Menr-er Traffic Manacer. 1'ler IS, Nor'li Klv.-r *,-? Yor* City Ticket Office?, 290 and 958 Broadway, New Yo*U AMERICAN UNE AMERICAN STEAMERS Under the American Flag N. Y.-Li?crpool?Pier 62. N. R., Noon New lnrl? l?ee. SI M, I.oul? Jnn. S WHITE SI AR UNE N.Y.?Liverpool?Pier 60, N.R . N'n lai'laml I>ee 30 'Wallte.Jan. S \/?>res?(iibraltar?Naples?Cienos < uneiiie J*n. ?. 10 A. M. t relie Teh. 15 orrfCB, 9 uww, 8 ?. nt nm* ?Mater. "The Piihlle I?? Fle??e<l." BOSTON $2.65 ?ik Host and IUII. KOCND TRIP. S5.10. PROVIDENCE n; $1.60 KHI M* IUII'. S3 ?*M> Colonial Line ...... . MTmI ?!.??? ?nd Pun? p M Irosa 1-.. r .i ?, N R . f ,. v, . ?-? lleusl n Kl AU l<i.ont?. ?I.ou lu S.VIM?. Wlrfletw e<jiii|iin?-iit. I p. Broadway ?nd .lu ?t. r.oi .. ?arlM Mitfi. FALL RIVER UNE TO BOSTON $3.03 t.* Pim U. N. R., ft. Pulton Bt. Dally. a? ? 00 I' M FRENCH LINE (?-n->a-rnle Q-jiraie 1 r?na.-.HantU|?? IMITAI BKR1 I? r .,., Sailings for BORDEAUX ROCHAMBEAU. .. . Jan. 4, 3 P J LA TOURAINE.Jen ", 3P-JJ LAFAYETTE. Jan. 15, 3 P. ?? ESPAGNE.Jan. 22,3P.* F'iH IN**OIlMATI N Ml. Y yJ COMPArNTi OFFICE. rU?^j* CUNARD ?IfaoIUAeti I?," EUROPE via LIVERPOOL *CAMF.RONI.-\.S.t.. J.m.H. I0A-NV Ol a gal i v\ ?'A 1.11 . v ? II *? ?? ?Kn Beute ?? P-rmth ?, v -f, t , . i - '?Tl. company a omet. - 2<-;? statc it ? REO "J ' LINE ?,V_2 I..K I i.ltTli KH t> ' I "A' A" A ' , '-*?J AllAi A-, llll.t.Ulll'1"*^ MAIIAl AIP.> la I * J2* MI.IHH. iAI.I-TT S Ol) I>?1 M'7't,^l ~~o-.a lira Pin-)*? ? "?' BRAZIL ?Wh Am?l. a ft? B4W**"*?-'* Ha . n e*?r- Ihn-? ???"? m, ILOYO BRAZILIIRO. 17 fc??l? ??- "? T fl Hire. I M1INK ? T I XMMlll' ' J '* 14. merit D (-) D T | ANl/ Ketlti.e-1 Krtir? VII Poi-il?. I'll-'"' ?;'"" * i \ ? i. ? n kii iMMiir 11**-?* Bermuda, v SOUIHfcRN CRUISi? M.r,i-e- 1 LSf STRAk. .Ml' III KM*? l?l A"** rt'* " Oeirlal A-.-t.ta all I?"? t lUjrfnoad S Uhltrumb C?i..ffi ??a *?-^ ?* oi r? no ??i i Moa una *? ?S r-***? r***.!? ma ?art S???-? *?*?_? aU-AheuMA ?ai- ?a-_-_l--<