Newspaper Page Text
f AR LISTS DRAW JEWISH CROWDS Thousands Fight Police for Chance to Hear News from Refugees. GROANS AND WEEPING INTERRUPT SPEAKERS Sien and Women Surround Bank of l'nit d Mates Building I -til lark Morning. great grief, took poa j>?, M. Slowly the .,?,<?* ai Tewi?h war refugees were aassl bj * I rn*n on the Platform, lie ^ j?M one, the name of a man, si ? ? woman's scream rang out ? *? I ?Pank Go*.'"' ihl erled. "He 1? aliv.-! Re la Rlive!" the ?r-pn ? itreet choked i raping men, woman end children trying * ? : their be 'jot?'I orf* ?nc ren <nrouKri tn? gkaaeai ? S of happiness, her h? r flyir.i?. Bai In the hall the audl |Itt ; ew names, more un;?*. ?>Qa 1 ed the chair? man. There wai no ai sorer. No one I m Cohen: no one cared wheth? : h* was sea I alive, excepting ta? ore ?'?- tne cr< tjlneJ. - know of a beloved husband in Minsk, a t la Dombrovr.. a I I mother, or father Is Oitrov. N?me after n:. the platform rend. Rachel Meyerowitz sa? in Petrogrf.ii waiting to hear from h?r hu?ba: lived at bo and so Cannon Street. Laughter and cries of ]or ?6T?*,t*(* tne calling of one name; asjrnVfSading not.? th?* s .ftly enunei ?ted ram? of a relative or friend who b?d perished or *u in need. Ontude 11 a H??nk of the United State? ? crowd lad gat!?? i I, eal n ited by the ! police ?? ' thousand w ten thouiand persons. They fought th? r?!erv?? *'? elTorts to get Il They *: n protected r>y Un. They curl ?h?!ani of bluecoata that rammed them tack Men an I \\<men >\ all. "Dont b? mad!" a policeman cried. "There art p. You can't get 11 But the eomman Ii of the police were rain. Til cr a ?ire 1 ? >d they rushed : the pelican I a He? hr?* came | -. ?? . ? men , an eea< ta that an | ?eportunr.y arou b? givea each man | tad e ? r lin Information of a or Galicia, Belgium , e France. "?H*?r ail" they cried. "Hear ui, men i ?ad women! The Fire Department does . '. in. Use As Jews we appenl to "r.lted States Build isf had bean loaned to the society for g the me I Th V ? ?. was alto r the purpose. When the door? wen at 6 o'clock last 1 in and filled etery ?<??. i ?, space In the large ?t ? room? il th? ?. .,pened for th? over-' seal was taken, aid with p?nor.s, thi n and men ! E On the i r, Irving P.. I.ip ??ks, ' ? ty, and his aids read tt? r.*?es ol ? ? ne refugee's who ^*r? ??-- and friends in ??? Cn.t -, Canada and other ?art? aj ? ? Wai?r: ?*?? al . aker was 'udfre Uor, Sei ;. ??i tn; ' ; i reach Ute ? names *?W ?? ? am, where they **re ? ? ? :sand? sent <nx stair parti jrope. Crowd Waiting at Midnight. "?? ? ?- ? - ?av" at this - "I take care of "Our afleo i v-> open ontll 10 kers I ? v '? : ? ? ? l"r ?- d th? ren ' ' i **">* * i ',ui?h the audi U? r ?ator of the ?BbL ' * gjarance waa al for an out- , "ir i "''' '?'??*' m ,k" ' ?t? i trag? a./." * " ? ?"> .' i a i ?.... ?ar ? - ? ??eweT ? ?ai tk? -. I ' i'an to A?* *M ?? * V*Xi SMITH ? MICHIGA.'i ?*v - '.?ran || di date. ? - > oi ,i Jr-rtaldexit. I BEATEN IN HOUSE BY ROBBER I ; Ceorgo Weather'ny. Skull Kra-t u-, d. Supposed ft, Hare Surprised Thief. ???ell known in the clothing; tr ? . I - . - In which 1 ' ' och by as ( tht> house, an .-1 noi t 1 to Polyelinic Hoi .vas prone critical. He Is m a fract Kull. It Is supposed Weatherby ? m return? ing from Stf-rn Hrothers' store, he met hii assailant in the hallway. is In the house heanl r.o acalle Weather! showed tha- ?? was raade I ?rce an ee into ?.ne of I nents. W ratherby at one time was a IB . ? 1 J. Benjamin A Co. He yean old. SANTA GIVES WAIFS FIGHTING SOLDIERS Guardsmen Smash lach Other While 1,200 Orphans Watch in Glee. ? "where in Yorkville. More than were capt? ured last night and nobody was hurt r es of fiei ? ? ? . That was hurt . ? pea in the twelve hun failed ;o aettle buck in ? plaeea, causing componed . in, not to mention complet? dn location. - belonged to an nrmy of youngsters from orphan aayluma and i other benevolent inat bulging was eau i rnndly charging each oil ? ?inters and by '?? ? backing of machine guns in 1 stopping ch? it was to the twelve hundred a mail, deliclously terrifying attack on then to aeelng I . . ? ; han - only somewhere in war-torn The particular "somewhere" where this happened last night waa the ar? mory of Squadron A, eavalry, N. 0. N. V., Madison Avenue ntul Ninety fourth Street. It was the second an- ' mial Santa Claus circu? given by the ?quadron for the youngsters whose lot in life does not include homes and Chriatmaa trees. The complet.- capture of the children whet! light! were dimmed and; ?eindeer dashed into tha ? g a float with a lighted ( mas tree on it. piled high around with many gift boxes, and with a Claus and l?verai aaaiatanta to hand; them out. Then the youngsters wcro allowed to come down from tTi-vtr places get their gifts. ? Lieutenant Colonel Mer ritt, II. Smith. Sergeant J. Norrish Thorne had charge of the affair. cers in charge o? the ring were Lieu? tenants Graham Youngs and Latham R. ? charge of Sergeant David Stuart, Cor oral Allan Foal - oral George latthews, Sergf ' and S. Blodget. EXPERTS TO TALK BUSINESS Convention at Hiltmore to Hear Gary, monil. Vaadeellp and Johnson. ' methods of pre ,? a training for businesa men, two hundred of them from vai I a country' will meet at the ? lore for a fi . ? ?-dajr ander tho au- ' '. r Hamilton In- '. Among those who will lei ira Judge Elbert H. Gary, chairman of the consu. or; Frank A. Va 1*1 International Corporation, pnd l'rofessor J' New Y STOCKS WITHOUT PAR AROUSE TREASURY Inquir> to Determine if Shares Were Issued to Dodge Tax. The Treasury Depart . it was learned in financial cir ' ng the re ? of s'.ii a. The pur Irj i? tu learn involved arc Becking by this method war revenue measure passed II ?ax of five cents a share on issues rk with a par value of ir fraction* thereof. ? tho enactment of the B] revenu it is estimate-. ? ek in four big companies alone have been is Bued e ' value, from which no tax can be collected. Among the Corpora* . eh .racter Bl I the In* rpora If it is found 'hat thesr ?.hare ' ,.-.-? ? . the law, I. . ;. ng ? tax on ali ?ues of sr .*. reference to the par value. . W. R. BEACH. LAWYER. LEAD New York Attorney DleS at Mount Ver non Home at Siity-elght. Walt'-r Rog4 rs I! minent at' ? Mr. Bsacl I il ford, t i lacendanl ?e BO* He wa r of Wolf Kappa. Hi ri j or n he ?was a* I ..- Columbia 1 be wa bla wife FRENCH FREE BR00KLYNITE PateSt Tahea Off American HsaaMS I>t?rln<jiirn. Wi.? hi i atea, ? th. ? . ! ? " ' a In I ? v.i.'i re D If, has <. ? ' ' ' ' i ? test Au. i aeteralisettea ynynro. 1 FAMISHED JEWS DYING IN AUSTRIA Letter Paints Distress as Thousands Merc Give Aid to Save Brethren. NEW BELGIAN CRISIS NEAR, SAYS WHITLOCK Salvation Depends on Immediate Help, Minister Appeals?Sails Back To-day. Thousands of Jewish refugee? are dying cf hunger In cltiea throughout the Austrian Empiro, ths American Jewish Relief Committee learn-d ye? in a le'ter from F>r. D ? of the "Oesterrelehlsche Wochen ?chrir A largo ; I ipalatlOfl of the Austrian ! Is in ?lire need of assistance. "Recently there cr.l'.ed upon me a deputation from Kolomea. where thou ? upon thousands of refogeei IN dying of hunger," ?ays Dr. Bloc1 ter. "The same I? true of Lancu . rillow and a jrreat many oth' r cities. All In Vienna need help. Vienna is poverty Strieker. Those that were rich ? l-to-do are go no longer. It i? very sad, and I am writing th;-? with '.nee, for ? do not even know that the censorship will permit this ' 1 be wiat in Galicia la unparalleled, -ituntlon among tho .' tieal that ( hrlatian ef I ed in appeals to Viern A ?atenea from th!a source ? Contributions ranprintr from $1 to ? -'n poarlBg in at the of the American Jewish Relief Committee since the enthusiastic mass meeting in Carnegie Hall last week. Creer Sends Contribulion. Loals Marshall, the chairnv.n, reads ? the following letter, which accompanied a check from Bishop Divid H. Creer, who fpoke at the meeting: "I was ?orrv to have to leave the other evening before tho col Will you be kin?! enough to -eck for $50 to it? I wish 1 con ? BSaay, many times a* much, but 1 want to ?how || ? un I am interest? ed in this attempt to minister to the ? ? ? the trensu: up to ber 27 nre: i : is.? l. - Mra. I i ... . ' ' i ? I \ 1 ?). 1 I ...'!.-. I I ; Sai ' ?. < ? . ? Wil.lam l-?> I N^i.- J. 1 ... .. JlOO; n man r;?r.i'?r. roo, K'ltraid I ? 5 Nal ..... I ? , ? y i ..... Hin II' ?f .. 1 M ? ? ; ? i ?. Arthui ?? ? ? ? ? ? trooci B i o.. I '.???. I. 'i ? . I I lu?! >? e i. -. ?.- m - II .1 I i ? ? I, I I i Mr? N. F1? I . 1 ); Mm. ? . ? ? i J JaSN ? ? ; ' : . I I . Mrrrk. ... I I ' . ? I I'll.?, ?' ? \ . : . ; ! . S ? < \1-? Ma? 1'inilg.r. l'a- Ir! B|>-V' ? ! 1 ? llar??, ti' ' Y... Il DOS, and Mr. a. 1 Mr?. E. . Belgium's Need Pressing. If the work of the Commission for Relief in Belgium should be inter? rupted for one week that country woald ?utTer n calami! rto aa? : ; read v?h t? .1. Heraphill at lb, Ail r:? ? ami clothing had :ntion. Mr. Whltloe? ed a i ado "? ?? ?tribal ? a ,n the country t?> Rotterdam of America Line to - of the committal ap . i., I'm ildent Wilson to eo eommisaion att? ? '?n: Alexander J. II? rnphill, ?. and treaaarer; B. l L i ? . R. Falt?n ? i? car 8. Streue, i- ra Il hn l'.i?ivrr W I froi MA;1 ? enta for the tar day ? . tnhattan to a..l Jewish wnr sof ti.mle r.y the f Dr. 8. Ell of ths tag ?lay eommittee, . ? -, bis tho? indi ?if vol It of instruct;.ins .the fella? li ..? " It -,- one, rieh or poor, arithout .?er no circum-' ? r net gii ' ? ? not make replv to any ? i unpli tu rii! <? I _^_ CAPT. THOMAS, U S A.. TO WED Will M?rr> Mis? Kl.anor B. Marshall, of Conni'llsvllle, I'enn. ? aptala Reher? :;. 'i beaui, if ths Unit. I tatas army, it Uftk Street, . im h'T'i to day to marry Mis? Eleanor B. M?r aball, of ' oniH-iisviiir. Misa Hanhall, arha ? m\m\ Is a mem ? ;, wi-ii an? ? tmm Y oik O? tli" . a i?ti?l . I. II" bIm a gTBd lltl Ol ths EagiBOOr and Mounted l.tivic? atlioola. MASTER DANCERS' CLASS ON ?TALPIN ROOF. CHRISTIAN SCIENTISTS ASSAIL CORONER, Suggest Inquiry Into 5,500 Pneumonia Deaths. Robert S. Ron, of the Christian Sr-i i 'ur.rr.tttee on Publient! for the i.f New York, issued a atatei rt.s of H. Schubert on Christmas morning while be cat M says: "1 l -.vas a Chriatl at, the a detective waa put on the caso, and, according to re? port, has been ordered to undergo an inquest. "In other werde, the- Coroner, whose .1 with cases of foul ?his as he would murder or at ' I arill SI lesvor to hold s lible tho de- i of oae wl ' .in ? a moro i In Ged than in a doctor's pills and in "An annual report of the: State De? partment of Health shows that there deaths by . In greater New York in a single yea: of medical treatment. If coront i it is thell tlgste' occa ci les of 1 ire materia ? is not employed, why do they not act on tl at oc? cur annually where materia medica is ' y ed. "The absurdity and injustice of the situation wi "le.liately appar? ent if the present order were reversed and penalties Inflicted upon thoie io presumptuous as to employ In times of need anything but Christian Science ? CIVIL SERVICE FACES INQUIRY Oeaualasssa Baspeeted of irreg.iiaritic-? in Its Work. Alrary, I'ee. T V ? ,,n of Comn in may be made, it was said here I I ? ttee, ?- : ? of standardizing p...sit uns ami ' atete employee the committee had found conditions which the mem d emed warranted a thorough In? vestigation. I .'? r Horton, chairman of the eom ., wea In Buffalo to-night, but wai expected to reach Albany to-morrow, It waa Bald, hi probably **. ml I ? r>' flraa said then* was m complaint * the pre'- ? : ?;, but luapecti ? .i to b? due to the work of minor ,-,?a. - MAN AUTO HIT IS DYING Tailor Identllli-d by Haughter's Wed? ding Announcement ?n Pocket. ? Samuel Berkowits, ifty, a tailor, of ;ck by an ? antomob ',. at I - IS and I42d Bt ed 'rom in front of a e I Hoipital ?' I tract \ area arm ? ? i hat. i ? Ml : rben - ami her daughter, Ette, wi Is the tonnet Berkewlts was 11 I Sed by mesns of an ann< ' tert wedding, Which was to take place next lay, found In bis pocket. Baby Boy Abandoned In Subway. u * nal i h tire b, n fi I. iv,: . -..1 to the - I d! "I B ill be able to give this , than h? rm receive from lui pnrente." Mr? MeCleliea took tl,.- be| t? Bt John'a UoapiUl. Youkers. BANK ROBBERS SHOT BY MAN THEY BOUND Victim Captures Handits with $4,000. Grant. Okla., Dec. 27. After having b.en thrown into the bank vault with his hands tied by two vouthi who to? day lobbed the Dank of Grant of Cashles Webb aliened out of his ri 'errrpted the bandits and shot Bl -i badly wounded both. The robben, whoie names officers eava as Claude Jones and Arthur McFnrlai.d, were taken to jail ar Hugo to-night. Physi? cians RMiti Jone? prt?bablv would die. A cus'omer. who was ip the bank when the ro*)be**s entered was driven with the cashier into the vault, the door of which the young robbers could not lock. Webb loosened his hands and ai the banuiti left the building, he pushed out the vault door and obtained a shotgun. Talcing a ihort cut to the railroad station, Webb concealed himself behind B rile of ties. As the bandits ap? proached Webb ordered them to put up their hands. Thev failed to obey and the cashier opened fire. The money was recoven-i. F'-rt Smith, Ark., Per. 27. Five men entered the First National Hunk, at Reavener, Okla. late to-day and escaped after robbinr ths cashier of $7,500, according to reports received here. TO FIGHT SNOW ORDER Hallways Appeal to Court from Public Sen-Ice Decree to Clear Footpaths. The New York Consolidated Rail? road Company, controlling twenty-sev? en miles of eleTated tracks In Hrook lyn and Queens County, will not obey without a fight the order of the Pub? lic Service Comminion to remove the snow from the footpaths of its roads. in moving in the Supreme Court .??*? terduy for a writ of certiorari to re i. action of tht commission it was said the Consolidated company was also acting in the interest? of the lnterborough and the Long Island Ball* road. The Consolidated company was noti? fied on November 19 of the Impending order, which was Issued on December I, It is alleged that bl - in opposi? tion in this move were rejected by the comm.ssion. It is contended by the railroad company it is impeai * Bply with the order without en ? i ing the livea oi the ample -es work; that it cannot spare the men from mora important work, Sad that the Public St nice Commis? sion ihowcd no necessity for the w irk. lieiidei, the company contends the or .r is unjuit, unreaionable, unwar? ranted and illegal. CHINESE REBELS FORM "REPUBLIC" Yuan Asks France to Isolate Them In Yunnan. ng, Dec. 27. The revolutionists la Yunnan declare that they are main? taining a republic and that they have aly legal government in China. Tu - last Yuan Shih-Kai has Baked the French minuter to isolate the revolutionise by levering railway, telt.-fc.raph ?nd mail service from in Pu to the iea. He alio ha? Bought permlnion to icnd troops to Yunnan by the French railway. Hia ita have been referred to the Paria government. Dee issued a statement to-day Baying thai the revoluttenlats were HCting or: the m. t. ken belief that Presiden! Vui.n ha.I pro?leeS the rriple Entente Pewers ipssisl privl? t" tin chantre from u republic to a monarch) ?as set sppessd b| thi-m. ii,,- itatemsnt arges the Entente powers tO declare that they he interfered in Chinese Internal atfair? and never have demanded ipecial privil?ges. ? -. --1 A I .'. Maurice teaching new step while country*! experts look OH and take li sert, Professor Louis K^? t low, of Chicago? seventy y?ars old, in one of his most graceful poses. DANCERS' SHINS DEFY BLEAK WTO Way Station Masters Cav Atop iMcAlpin While Shiverii Camera Man Cranks. It's not ev.ry day in thi party of dancers from Pitt, burgh, H falo and wny stations can d ?kill on the roof garden of a hig N York hot?-!. This honor was given the American National Association Maaten of Dancing yeaterday m??rni when they disported atop the McAl under the leadership of Maurke, grillroom pet. What if it wer? th.? dead of winl with a chill wind i weeping tha lo clearing, ami on!;.- a eamsra man hand to watch the r i ffoi 11 . the film tl wa? to hring them fame and gt< when flaBheil on the screen of the eel Opry Bo They daaeed on in spite of goo llesh, while Maurice whistle.l A ,'. : ata) De foi Some, but Not i Me,'' and old Colonel Kretlow, the 01 ?lancing great-grandfethei ever rat? ,n i hicag.i, thanked bis stars that was u.- _- ? ?en socka under 1 dance pumps and that he had ne\ shaved his goatee in threescore yea and ten. Colonel Kretlow, whl after consu ing the public punts yesterday mor ing, found himself fai was not a hit abash? 1. "Yo what you want aboat my rubber c? lar," he ?aid, "but 1 a S thi?, young roller ml bor collars n a lot dreseiei than starch one? ai much more econ?mica'..'' The colea would not discus? ths report that used his dancing pumps, described "thi softelt In the world," for loungii slippers. When Maurice appeared for tl morning lesson he was quite incens? over the stories which R. 0 BlBC burn, B from Pittsburgh, hi toll reporter? th?1 .lay before. BlBS burn claimed that ho had been teac ing MaOl s in the Sooty Ci Ma :::ce mounted a chair and ?ai ?la beat Pai n ihrag: "If am not teaching you anyth there is : i ? . ?? i for me to I time and yours." Later Blackbui came around to say that "Maurice ivy Idas of the finest dancer in tl worlil." That put everybody in goc spirits, particularly Maurice. "i'h, in?,'' he said, magnanimousl "profeaaional ?lancers are not such much. Go to any dance with a lot I Beilege beys and you will see ft doze dancers as good as the IB tilled Pri fessionals." HIS MELD WINS IN COURT Pinochle "Burglar," Ar.u-.ed by Womai (ashes on Twelfth Draw. r'inrp",1. with robbing tho ipartmefl ef Mrs. Mary BaeUey, at h Street, .lames P. Brennai <?f the sai.'' addreaa, asaerted in th Jeffenaa Malta he wa? hoat in a pinocho party at th timo of the burglary and melded twelv laes ??? prove it. After the twelfth estahliahment o Brennan's claim Magistrate Simms r* faied te hear the thirty other mho were Waiting to explain that thei hoat ?vu aal a burglar, but just I pinoehl ? Mrs, Bai ited that I rennai mail have itolei the ?.0 worth o: re aaa she foun? a hat of bil I le?.', it that it wa? anfalr for him tr be reapoi <ihl* for a hat he wa? no wearing, either before or at the time ol or after ':. ? bur :iary. FAIRY PLAY FOR CHILDREN "Peter Rabbit in Dreamland- Coor Christmas Fntertalnment. The rabbit and the bear and the wo'.] and the fox and the asean took poase? aion of the stage of thi Lexington The a're reaterday afternoon. And the?, only a few of the multitude "!' itei Rabbit in Dreamland," a fairj BBipicea ?.I I delightful eut for the kiddie?, partieu larly at thi? i?a.?on of the year. A ? of ?everal hun?ire?l, largely amateur, rmed the pantomime for 'he tirut tin? y?-*'., r .? mad? un principally of children and those wh in they had brought along. "l'tter Babbit" wiil be repeated to? morrow, Thursday, Friday and Satur? day afternoon? and Friday evening, and the profit? of the venture will be given to charity. Six reels of "Alice in WOB< der.and" will nil in the open date? at the Lexington this week. Orders Nine Million Flasks. Wheeling, VT. \ " . HOC. gf, The I Hasel-Atlas cii?-? Compoay, of this ? million sis Inch gl which ail! bs iis ! t" ran i I food lo the British leldJers In the [ treiehea The ablpmeal will rehuir? | one hundred freight cars. DIG TUNNEL UNDER STORE Thievft i,et UBI In Inited Cigars Till ?Fermer Clerk Held. George Taylor, twenty three, sf 21 B, was ar? raigned yesterday in the Cates Avenue Palles Court, ehnrged with being con BOCted with two at the United Cigar Store? Company branch, a' 753 aadAveaae. Taylor wee formerly "mployc-i there as a clerk. He wi? If investigation. When Stanager (" Lazarus opened the safe yeeterduy he found it had bien robbed of |S_1.14, the proceeds of Sunday. Detectives Reddy aid Wackerly four.d that the thievei bad entered a building several doora BWSS and tun neled through the adjoining cellaiS ie cigar at a c The janitor c" r itert told the po? lie he sau throe raen coming from on* of the lUaea anJ they were bruahtng dirt from their clothes. He said he iden1.'';.* i TV. it-cause he knew him when he i ! it the store. The first r | lees several months ago, when MOO was itolen. ? - ROUND OF DINNERS AT WASHINGTON Miss Lillian Hendrick Makes Debut- -Miss Wilson to Preside at Civic Conpress To-day. 'Bj MapafB I BTasIl Bgtei I M tea Margtret ?V | in will pr*?;..'e at the openir* to morrow of th< American Civic Associa? tion's annual convention. Mill Wil? son's chief interest is in the branch ? le\..-ed to the consideration of the leheelhonss as a community centre. feaeph F Thronp en ?<'ies?? at dinner tO-night ii' honor of th.-ir son an.l daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas . ;.p. Mr.i. Stephen B. Elkina also er.tei tainetl a . 0 nicht foi ha? lag sa gaost of hon^r of Mr and Mrs. Montgomery Blair, who will m.ik. her debut this season. Dancing fai? llie dinner. . wart Hsndricb intro? duce. I her younger daughter, Mlaa I lian Williston Hendrica, to society ? a tea thil afternoon at Hauscher'i. Mrs, .tnmes I' Var. * i;uve a large buffet lunehsen to-day for Mrs n ; fe ef Bepieoeeta* tive Dunn, of I. T Mies Kanada M< n am, daughter of Dr, Bird ?.{;*. Hart Merriam, gave h dance to-night for M I M las De?* othy Trout, da ugh te i of Mrs Harry U Trout and the lato Captain Trout, U - A;"-e wilaon, daughter sf Mr. atitl Mn. Jo----pli \V ?Sen. ar .i n o*M Ott th.* President, came te B i h ngtes te day to a?sUt at the debut toa of Mis? Lillian Hendrick, Miaa Wilson and ? attended the tea rii s a?ter noon. The Secretary of State and Mr? Lan sing h-!d i at the Pan Ameriean ' .night for the *atea to the Lai b American Scion* tiflc Congress, in n er. J. Wilson Howe, of BicHaaend. n nephew of the President, is in Wash Ington for a few days and i-i staying a'. ?w Willard Mr-. Howe accom? panied him. > DIED NOT KNOWING THE OTHER WAS NEAR Brothers Thought Lach Was in Another Land. [Bf T-.-?r*4>ti to Th? T-llui-.. 1 Philadelphia, Dec. 27. Lying a few feet apart in the same ward, two broth? ers who had drifted into 'he Philadel? phia General Hospital within a few hours of each other, lulTering from pneumonia, died within two hours yes? terday without knowing that the other was near. Fach brother's dying mes? sage was to the other, who, each said, was "somewhere in Itntish Hondura*." The brothers TheOSOpholui Gentle, twenty-eight years old, and John Gen? tle, twenty-fix told the physicians that they had been wanderers for years. They were slated at the hospital by dif? ferent clerks, and each left the in? formation that in cm?- of death his brother should be notified. Before the ho'pital attendants diecovered the rela? tionship the two were on the verge of death. STEEL TOWNS KILL BABIES Mortality Hate Highest There, Child Bureau Report Shows. Washington, Dec. 27. The death rate m the Halted States among babies of mothers who work their homes far exceods the infant mortality where the mother la not so empl? This is brought out in the annual re port to-day of the Federal ChildieBa Bureau, which is conducting an inquiry into the social and economic ca-.: bahi?s' deaths. The report shows an average infant death rate of 1 it 1 out of ! ?very 1.000 babies in a steel making : and coal mining town, as against a : rate of St on* of i n ry IjOOQ Is a resi? dential suburb. An even greater con? trast is found be'ween the most con ? i section! and the choicest resi ! section in each of these two communities. Commenting upon these findings the report says: "The more favorable the civic and family surroundings and the better the general conditions of life, the more clearly are th? y reflected in a lessened infant mortality." The report adds, however, that it Is Impossible to determine the re Stfvs importance of the high death rate among babies of working mothers un? til it is ascertained how many mothers work in industry. POUCE BEAT HIS CONSCIENCE i Robber, on Way to Surrender Himself, Is Arrested First. (.Bj Te.?|ra;,h M Tbm Z rl! un? ] Ponton, Dec |t, Jetaos Itarnett, of Hyde Park, who pleaded guilty in the Bexhaty I ->urt to-dav to ro'ib.-ry, told Judge Pernns th . ng the for New York, but his conscience bothered him. so he Ii tra.r at Pro-.;.le: MO and was- about to gtvi P when the police arrested him. Hewaschargi I with a I ing John r0n r"M. who | it ? ek to a charge of robbi MePherson, . un attendant at th>- ii. iti I I te HoS of two watches, a diamor. ! and 81. Harr.eit was held in 82.0')0 for the . grand jury. GIFT STOLEN. TAKES POISON Deipondent over the losi of 8100 he received ai a Chriatmaa gift, Robert Tiedemana, forty-iia years old, drank creoaota yesterday In h.\ home. 4?o Humboldt Street, Williamsburg He ! was on his way ?ning ? hen, at I ark Itnw an.l William Xreet, j tw.i men lilackjroketl and robbed him . of thl On his rotura home Tiedemann told, i his wife \*.hat had hai I iai? V.'hilv - the creoaote, ami his groans attracted hi'?' wife, At the Greenpoint Heepit .1 i was taid he would probably die. ' TEUTON MUNITION MAGAZINE FIRED Blaze in Building Housing 3,500,000 Cartridges Put Out by Police. OIL FOUND ON FLOOR; INQUIRY ORDERED Ammunition and Several Thou? sand Firearms Were Destined for Kaiser's Army. lire was eating a path early yeater day morning toward 8.500,000 car? tridges and aeveral thousand pisto'.? and rifle? which were ?tore?! on th? ground floor of 200 West Hou?ton Street when two policemen crashed through the dour 11 ! atopped short the attempt of incendiaries t# destroy the material, which wa? intende?! f??r the German government. Trecaa if I 1 were found neu- | door. If the ftamet had ?pread to the pile? of munition? the litea of many in tenement? near by would have been <s-er. mas War?), watchman in an ad? joining building, discovered the tin?. He called Patrolmen Cheeasaa and raid, of the Mncdougal Street station, and the m?'n hroke threagb a panel of the double door, seized fire pail? and put out the flames, which had apparently just begun. Clarease Koche, the watehmaa of th? Bg, was on the ?econ?' floor, end he joined the men at once. He ?si?! he bad been apetairs far la imur ba fore t?-, '-i ??'1 The ammunition baa been ?tor. the factory since an unsuccessful at? tempt WBI made last Jun?' to ?hip the stuff to Huron?? on a Holland-America Line steamer. It i? ?aid that the ma tenal wa? bought here by H. Tauschet, of Ml Hroadw.v, who is a dealer in gun? anil munitions, but that the Iteamah p ?"used to accept the contract to carry lb? m when it wa? learneil that thl ?Itimate destination of the arn,s wa? 0< ri'ia-'V. A permit for Itoring tbs munition? ? ue.i by ti.?' Burean ??f Fir? Pia veaUon to Robert roi Cliff. Mr. i'aiiscrur ?aid rOD Cliff was ono of his agents. "I r?'a!ly care very little about the whola mattor," ] day when seen at his offlee. "It is no Germaa i i?>t to take guna out of th? country, becauia the Federal govern . ill ab. '.' It. There is no great ImportBBeS to it." Taaacher we? asked if he thought that friends of ths Allies ba I <d to deetrei 'ha cartridge!. Ha said he had no ideas inoB thl BBbjeCt and the Ore Bight have b?-?'n oasi The buibling !? owned by .l??hn l'a' rick, of 50 Kdgeciiiilie A.TOBBO. Ill ; I? -?? rdaj. I ut h'n mother said that she could think o? no BSOtlva for sitting fire to the struct? ure. Hre MHr?hnl I*>nphy said that, a! though the department wae investigat? ing tu SIB ?as absolutely no clew. He said there wa? ondoubtl an eilor of leroOOBe. but he coul?! n? I be ?uio that ell had been use?! to Bet the fire, deopitO thl fa?'t that there were traces of it aroun?i th?' door The niles are of thl Springfield tape ?rid IN of ati old pattern, of th? en are for pistol., and 2,500,000 for ritle?. Indictments Expected in Von Rintclen Case To-day [adietmeata are lapeeted to be re. turv: 1 t" day by the Federal grand jury in the reaiplrecy charges l?vele? lag Ciptaln Frans von Rintelen. David Lamar ami othen til th? organization ?>f Labor's National I'earo Council, which the government contends ?-n. t ari E. uiii'ney. of aoaaael for La? m,ir, retarned from Washington last night. His mission to Washington, he declared, had nothing to do with th? present predicament of the "Wolf of Wall Street" L P. Straabe, sosrstaif of the coun? cil, who ha? given SVtdOBce to the gov err ment concerning the work of the organization, it is oadortteod, has been in no way Conner'. I with any of the charge? of conspiracy. The testimony read before th" grand jury, which will reconvene to-day, covers 32,000 type? written pages. Sama? (?omperi and Frank Marri? ?on, of the American Federation of Lahor, als" la PBS contribu? tor? to the governments fund ?.f knowledge in matten relating te 4h?> oriranization and financing of Labor'? ; ? < ii. Reparts Si yesterday that the ad delayed ?jn'il H. Baowdoi Marahsll re? turt.s to this city nexl week. Hefore h-? departan on Thunday laat Mr Marshr.ll nn?l Roger B. Wood, who also is out of town, intimated that indict? ments would probably be returned to? day. German Employes to Remain, National City Bank Declares G. Edwin Gregory, cashier of the National City Bank, declared yester? day that the bank had no intention of ?iemlaaiag the twelve German em ?loye? row in the lervies of the firm, hree m in ha?l been <\.~< said, including r ? ii. the clerk, who i? now out on ? - i irloining pi. ? u?e I i.erman corspirator, who Is held in $50,000 bail. ' , re mea were l"t go several days ago," he said, "as a safeguard to the boni ind it? depoatton. Information concerning their artivitiea had come to us from the police. There was noth irg In their lrr"gu!arit;?s or vinlatlOBa ? :' the ruV? that would warrant an ac? tion by the state or Fedenl authori tiea. There is nothing new In the aur ? d by the bank. The " ndl haa brought it to pub? lic ?ttt-nti m, ' 'A ? v ive no Intention of ?'.??misaine C?i rrnun employes without cau*e. Some of ti -.? men have h? en with us f.?r twei yean, occa?ion to .??pense with their sen-ice- We have refuse?* '?ven to-make public the name? of the ''l" vho were discharged after Fchlelnll waa arrested, ?o that they would not he handles- getting , future employment. Some of the Uer man? now in .n;r employ are urt nat? uralized and some ar.' i "nan ex traction s? ho were born in this aity." Railroad Earnings The following comparative ladread rport' for November )m\.' been marl* ublic : aa?aa i ,-- ? a sa ? i ?.?'.. i eaaira rr*a>* I '? I", IB? ,t*r i i3: ?iy 1 moo l'a ?. ?-.? ? - t.. II.TSS II. nal ?i . ? .. 1 ? ??' i, m:.?;? KurTa? Il ?< .? ?.r? tOteJil .r.a?. ' ? - ? i III II? Krta k? > '.y>u ?i ?21.???5 Inert? B). a? |:?l.|,,^i'f|', rvv? ll.I3f.tM.