Newspaper Page Text
Jhe Conning To%ver | FootKjthi Motifs Gaby Doofc/s i '..ok: i?*.ten:" Th) ? the 1 'P.. hold men m it ' :re Thy form and features, thy teeth ati.l hair* To Others may seem a ? T know of a thousand maids as fair, ast. Of pirpant n lon'l know what, Of ? ? and wit. ? Tint \ ' ' ' >\v, I never But I limply c?n'l ?-(e. my dear, where thou Get'st oft. "We are all laugh Ford," says William Marion Reedy, "and will continue t.. do so. And yet c<>inea the thought - l little more of something might not be so much to dis Brown betereen the Joks tinguish I- ? th* tw I aid, .livide? the Wordsworth aro i(. ; m would .- t Hubbard plus genuii mipht heve Tl tin. "I tha k my fri. mtes H\n Mary Ann O/Brn . tervliet, N. Y., whom Tower eontrtbs did not for pt this Christmas either. "I hope you and them feels as Happy U I do." And then Miss O'Byrr.e says in part: The money you pent me Come in answer to my Prayer For trials and disnpointments I in ahundenee share From my heart I S und my New York Fricnda Many istmas and Happy New Year Lives That Death for them will have no fear I composed th sftOT I retired After M to me did phone In whirl: -ne the pool news before my ret . I respectfully Man Ann O-tTBNB. One of the Health Department'? admonitory posters of pro? phylaxis ahi wa s Ing and has beneath it: "Cover up ep."h cough 01 n't you'll spri ad disease." We srisl the m crowded cars cards which might be handed Such as, frexamp: "Please ?*. p . from the Bridge to Astor Place." Ir. response to A. M. Botaford's of recent date, inquiring ns to whether Ar tl " Byron talla "The Boomerang* audiences that he vu beaten "four down," Mr. Wlnchell Smith replies that every? thing about Mr. Botsf sll right except that, in ''The Boomtrar.g,'' Arthur Byron r.ever said any such thing. HERE'S SOME B-PT COLD STYLE, THOMAS "IN ?-? ? | a ?' r, ? lay) el am anxious to swipe t title will look, "In Cold Type." - -u prir.t this your army of readers I'll j y01 - ? r. HOYNE The 4-cylinder peace plan has no chance of success, we main? tain. It ? BUM Forddoomed to failure.-The Tower. Nov. 29. -This lack of democracy, Mrs. Roissevain tad the peaee to failure.?The Tribune, Dec. 27. Thanks for th?*- ad, Inez. THE SKLPTIC Yes, ' that Old King Cole : had ftdd ? That he Basel ? d his bowl In their soci' I I I Mieve the ids ? ? ,--.... i trae That fairies w ?hat their tears are dew. : every hundred ? - In flame--then I I'm COB*. so) r rom his own pyre doth * what I cannot i'Tis wicked of km ) ? - shall achieve through pn Lee Wilson Dood. ihi. diary or oi r OWN SAM1 I I PEPYS. Doeombor 25.?Lay late, and then for a game at pocket ???lierds with A. Thor St Is his skill nought to rais* Home to dinner, white were W. vio re the | ;!vT* tne singer; **d we had a fairish dinner, and talk of this and that. In the I LI itca I" and en* jfl-jrwi ? y's I'ff-.rts. But H. F? I . sad Dizon as adroitly -re? I w. In the playhouse I <; he is not writing harli f-Bad*a of this it, m? thinks, than is ?ay su te- all day, ir I ' "- the Trail llarly the ones that toltl ?f the days when he was S-BUifjj ?M Hume newspap-r that ?htse wards i i i in. ft| arid l< I I* luncheon, to..; of ?--*--**'-? .*-? at work Bat- ? ?t. wr from O mal ???rj plras W? a:.-: a* ? ? s of **?** v rk, l >'. -. u **P* ts read? " ?F Band -;,;. g of grand o*.*-., i r Post I "y" I ,t the v-'Brusd ?State? a mt* " ? v, mar. . i think ?hat T. R. ??I not er.-: ? ' ' -?? Um Bubjeel .- ? K'iar a that ? is time . *? '----? Was ; ?---?g-Muui. we should have said. i\ J'. A. DANCE GIVEN FOR MISS ADEE Debutante Introduced by Her Grandmother at Sherry's. MISS BROWNING IS PRESENTED Mrs. Albert Francke F.ntertains for Her Niece. Miss Mary I. Franeke. Mrs. I Bl = I tag? lid ' ' ' Tl. rtj ???? entl la?t nig ? ?laugh?? r. Miss I ? f fth Stl A number of dinners pi ?iance, among th lira, ciarmce Ma;?- M teholl, of Far 11.Ms, N. J., at the ( olnny <!ub. for re given by I Blood I ?- . ? The ; ? 10, in? cluded moat of the debataates of ths season, some of th? young women ??? I have come out in the la?t few yeuis, c few young marrie?! couples and the usual dar.cng raOB. Among the mar-ied eOBBles were Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Aator, Mr. and Mr?. CO Wing, Mr. an?l Mrs. W. White? aright Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis ll and Mr?. StaB? and Mr. Bn?l Mr?. Henry K !'?? ?vr-.'iig gave a dance last : . rgB bl '.'.room ? t? r. M rning. the tiOBS W< . fern? and Christ i ? re was ghout I ? mi ?night. An..-' - rere Mr. sad Mrs. Mr. aad Mr?. i and Mrs. Goo and Mrs. Harold . Miss Ethel II. Simmons, M ehards, ? I illian Pal '' Madge '??;, ljil lor.I. Browning, . I - I - Marmii . Jordan. M . ? and Adelina Hatch. Bl iwniag, Charles Q a in ton : ner I >a>. I erkort. Hi . atei doeed . It Shi-rr; ? t Prend i . ? bate?te was .. ing by M. \ ? ' .- - D ? t Baher, Madeleine ? : .. run. Edward W. : i y the .: d ths go il ce. The first of the Colony Punces for this season \vu.? i eho will I.? ? ?? patre ??? -? i srs 1er, lin. H. ? Rham, Mrs. Winthrop Hurr, Mrs. II.. Talmadge, Mrs. Il? nry H. i i Walter B James, P Eluntingtoi ley. Mme. Ma' . Mme. Margarete . ??eton and i tha artista at Albert Morns Bagby'a moi cal mora* ; f-Astoria. the au 1 Led;, uni Blair, Mi il "r L H.air, Misa Edith Blair i . , W. Watt Ji?:,< " .: . Alexen ?' Ml I Barrel! Hoffman, Mrs. or, M r?. Wi ' i ?am Low? Rice, Mr-. .1. Horace Hard rg, Mi \ ? y Young, Mrs. Corn- . 1? r. Mi , Mra. Jai McK? : ielano, M< i Channeey M. Depew hi.?l Geaeral Hor lart night at the J. -, and Mi. a? ? I! Announr ? i ? -. n made ? ' irran, the late , tt Cur? t Por? ti h, son of Mr. a. . Mia Herman !-on-the-Jl lowai d will give a dln r.g for ? Howard. Mr?. Frank Bel give ? dar.' - Mario 1). Jordan. 1 . ?:'? an? nual ? a re ai i.< r lease, -J? ? inte ?I "i' i Aaai i . thi? ??' f Mia. Ci orge I i - .1 age, und b] at hei home, la Barker. Bill give a ' ?ron ?s H aimed at th?i [kiu LaiUoj, yssierdajr? ' WILL BE JUXE BRIDE Miss Cora Young, whose engagement to Leo Bashinsky, of Troy, Ala., will he announced at a dinner-dance to-night at her home, 15.'? River* side I ?rive NEWS OF PLAYS AND PLAYERS "David Garrick" Is Moved Forward in Sothern Repertory. E H. Bothern'a first appeirania it "Davi 'ier of his fath? er's fai ? ally announced The i ?. .tinl the eatre will thi - .1 for ? hen ? otfei the "Devi i Carnck" revival. Hippodrome's r x of- i flee took :i. r-.vee-i terday morning, and the management is said ? loa. Modffe Kennedy rejoined "Fair and farmer" at the Eltinj-e Theutre laat ;.n absence of about a The management of "The Princes* Pat" i of its shew will liHve *o he givi the i ? ? take he disiipj" ika nnd Yansri Iiolly ma.le their ?ranee at the 7. ? I g ul.out th.- time lhat ' t to presa. I Tcllegen. the distingu;*hed ar' ? r, '' I >'? r arid ?upper, r of Miss Grace Field at a ?? eal at the Claridca on . Percy Burton, i tiealar bus' ness 11 ,- of Sir Her ..... ... ?. ?.n thla city. Mr. ? I en I -, but retains his af vitl Sir Job it a Pa '-on. per .;. ad stHrt la announc, d for to-day ut f:S0 o'-Iock. rill | nent ? "h- "Thb Little noy ; liai - ' ? Hin ? a next .-'-..?? -star. B. Iden Payne, who staged "Hob l to the Carnegie Ineti ? ' : to ridbox on the "' mol on Hroad I ?.t he was about to in ? NEIGHBORHOOD THEATRES Margiret N'ii-lin a? Hie Standard in MBeverle~*fl Halanre." ? ..'.re hou--e,l an hed star last nitrht, '-. I m ? week iri "Hi \ erle . ' ? Bal - The plaj it :? rhtful com ?.han delightful;;. eeua* ? . . . - | tifx A rie i '' which ffmn? the ol ? ? Bronx ? >i?? ict that Jasper, the dog ' ' ib. COLUMBIA AND YORKVILLE Trunk linnr*.. --tar of lli.slonian Bur leoaaere, ai Columbia. 1 ? Hurles,hi- ? ' ' ? . Florence M il, W alt* r J. : ? v ? forkville Theatre the pr?sent* Girla, -nil a BudevUle ?>? WIAT is QOHNI OH TII-D-.Y. ? ' Saig .1 t . . ' I- - - ' a ... ! . l-a - i ,- . - A I I ? tlar' baluia ... .'i. -luM.'.ua-k, IMS* m KITTY CHEATHAM PLEASES Lives rharacterlatie Programme in Recital at Lyceum Theatre. Mil am, who alwaya . ' ? '.' 'I heatrs st hei terday. Of eoura? tha stage was d"co u i ..f cour?? " Plora MacDoaald played the acconii in i mi I The programr ?? -h excerpts from : ? hildren at Beth? lehem," arranged by M.?? Chisel followed by a group of i hr There aere ? croup if ;r?e the negro sot.g* hildrea'i ditties, is . I- her (irai ? ?. AEPIAL STUNTS IN TRIANGLE BILL "D?7/y Helghtl and Daring Hearts" Proves Exciting. "I".r QeizOtO," ?Vith De Wolf Hop? per. Is held over in the motion picture programme at the Knickorbocker Tliea ' i iervantes ?s excellant lilr.. material, inasmuch a? it ai' i m unities for gorgeous Itory if th?' NI knight lacks cumulative interest. At un\ ral '. doe?, and one becomi ? " 'i.' '? af ??; before I I and 1'aring Hearts," the K> tare of the wc?.k, is a marvelloai stunt picture. It combines exciting and amu?mg feature? in a . rting manner. Air?hips are loop, turn turtle, walk or. their hind !<??? and do all th? I sand an?l one tricks incapable of Be ? :.? exe,-; t '. ? ..1 ? | the t ver ?o m.'iry thing? . an -,r -i.- i . tare i? the ,: u[? i'f a fa tary building, in ' dliag ill extent ich an act . i!. ighti aad Daiing Heart ? ? . i. better than the recent "Submarine :Mrd film play on the bill !? "Th'i Conqueror," ? n'urcs Wil Muck. The ?torv is ?low r and unconvincing, us t?. Bxeellettt ad? .?f, hi sp-te of the inept.tude of \\ I SI ?Gl MENT. ? 'clr?:r, X. I . I. '?l Mr-: Fred? erick M. Wheeler, ???' ?. merlv 'd the laoghter, hi ? \\"r ?" liougla? Md. Mr?. Wheeler, ? tor home is at ' rC i Bad, was a resi ? . this tOB n, for munv y?-'irs. Tl will tHk. ? .'umn. MR. JONES WAKES THE KISSES COUNT "Cock o' the Walk" Rests Upon a Harmless Intrigue. OTIS SKINNER IN WELL DEVISED PART Humor and Qood Acting Serve to Savor a Somewhat Un? convincing Play. ??( ock n' ?.*?? Walk," a eemedy by trthur Joaee, at the '.'..rare II, Cihan Theatre. With IM - Presented hy the Charle* Ktohman ras i a*t I lib -an-a- u'la HUanar Sir AiriMiia ''my?r? V--.,,?. &???.[ ? 1. . ??..I - - - u? ?r wir?,? fir j.,r,n Oa.--. By-atari . M .'.?.al-i Th? Rt H? Ui? I.-?1 IHitw d Ka-um. K<" I ? Muaarri,, TBa Rt B*? the ljar1 Rtah.-?> tt Bi-wi MM Jihn Reg?.*, ~*a Rt Rt-? et? T/w-1 Plat-o if M?, m*?Nir Ham Pr.11 -1 ? R* R?, *ha T??r.1 niah?. rs* Bliche.'" - Ur Bridle Rad- aid Ha . i- - ? . Mar- N li ? : i. i; . - i ?? B] RE? WOOD BROI V Henry A i ontenda thai m - ? fi ri, thaag da it ever BO d?acreetly, at lea? three persons will see him. In the second ' act the news hai spread to twenty or more, and by the time the third act is roeehed the matter has become Inter- i national. With no more material than ?M mere squeezing of a hand, Mr. Jones can make aa much trouble for a character as the average dramatist eould heap upon one of hia folk with a bountiful brood of illegitimate chil? dren "lock o' the Walk," uhich was pro doeod at the Cohan Theatre last night, much resembles "The Liare" in the manner in which the playwright has devised complications from a simple source. Such a method tends to toa* Bey B sense of artificiality, but it may not be denied that it it technically sound. "Othello," which is woven into the text of the present play, required i,o more than h handkerchief to bring about the death of DaedOBBOBO, bat Shakespeare aheolved himself from the burden of causing the complications by creating a consummate villain. Since 'here i? no lago in ''('ock o' the Walk," Mr. .'ones la sftOS overburdeiie.1 by the aeaoasity of making things un - pleasant for the gentleman who biased the lad I ,s it. In so far aa it is a comedy of in? trigue 'Cock o' the Walk" is much less skilful than "The Liars," because the dramatist practically has left hia chief character out of the first two acts sf the play. Antony l.i-llchamber must be the chief character. Not only is he played by Otis Skinner, but he is by far the best drawn character and im? measurably the most interesting. It ia true that Hellrhamber comes on early In the first act and hat a good deal to interesting matter at that*, and much to do, but he is not in the least concerned with the kisses which set the play to moving. He neither fives nor receives them. He merely se. them. Late in tho play Bellehauiaier does make the matter his business by ap? pearing as a witness for the kisser and clearing him from the natural censure due a m.-.n for such a deed. Eventually it is discovered that the kisses and the eomplieatieaa which grew out of them were merely the ingredients la the sub? plot. The real story concerns the man? ner in which Bellchamhrr, a broken down actor, came to play the part of Otl ello la the great Shakespearian re? vival. Briefly, Sir Auiaatua Cenyers, a dis? tinguished Knglish actor-manai'er, a matinee firi, Br-'? i-'*'1* into no end of trouble about it. B from ? through the etforts of Helichamber, arho lies in his behalf and is accordingly rewarded by being sd to ?day I Ithello. H e think that "(ock o' the Walk" is one of the least ? h el Henry Ar thur Jones has written In recent years. And yet It is an interesting play. I ? all ill-plotted plays, it has its dull ...-.? v '.rrie of them are minutes hut it has other periods when it is de? lightful. These delights come from'wo sources. In Antony He?chamber Mr. Jones has devised a character of rare dramatic charm, and that part falls to Otis Skinner, who piny? It with great f-kil!. Mr Skinner depends on the air for more than breath. He can fondle it to g'.od purpose with ou'stretehed and gesticulating hand. He car. fashion it i also into rare sounds. Here is an actor who is able to make an audience love a line for Its own sake without regard to ! the question of whether or no it speeds the play upon its way. We would rather RETURNS TO STACK AFTER LXLNESS. >!i?;. ,,,,;?.,!,. ?ka rejoined Um casa of "Fair nn.i Wanaar" si the Eltinga laat night, alter a month's absence. hear Otis Skinner rant 'han hear the ' (Ines) the world fall from the lip? of almost any o'her Amcr ,a actor. And. a? a matter of fact, h? rant a little, for in "Cock o' the Walk" he is an actor of the day when Shake spear? wa? played to be hear?!. Sir Augustus Ceayera, beset I ?candal which has fallen upon him through his injudicious meeting with ? flapper, exclaims: "Hut 1 can't Weep 'he-e girls Oat I ( the theatre." "Ci\ ? them a t-.?>.: ala) G ? Bellchamber. "th.r.'ll keep tl all the IT'- 01 ; . the -?s at th?' hotel, who lays she is certain ?th af her - and explains: "I'm use,! t?> temptation. Only last week I wa? m s . Sir Augustu?, well played by Vernou Steel, Is also a good character. He i? sires to play Hamlet because the Pnnc? of I'enmark was a gentleman, and h? is sure that he can improve the play by putting in a tableau showing Ophelia drowned. Quite a little of the play is devote?! to satire of English theatrical conditions. In fact, the four actor-manager? introduce.! may be identified with member? of the pro'.-? Englud. It wa? Coemo Remit? ? s". actor manager ?a? a m?-? ?ho d:<! nor know ga about acting to 101 OS ab??ut .,? iiK- g i manage? The theatrical satire of Ml - t, but it i.? po??ible that American a ; Hence? may justly feel that it la a bit too local to claim their mtere?t. Wa like the fourth act of the play best of all. though it I? little more than an exercise in virtuosity. In the ?pace of some fifteen minute? I I ? Skinner Is permitted to be drunk, to I?.? angry, to be reminiscent and to make leVO. He ?!oe? justice B'ld more to each condition and me Small par's in the play are well taken ' ?? u Regeri aad !lnrr\ I>od'l ".?mg in the chief fem : ?i eel e' th?. v l ..tier good fun, hut Heary Arthur JoMOB OBghl to gl ?* out of taking ki??e? ?o ser.. CLEVER PLAYLET ON PALACE BILL Henrietta Crosman In "Cousin Eleanor" -.Miss Bayes Makes Usual Hit. Henrietta Crosman i? at the Palace Theatre tli's ?reih w th the wittiest Blotch that vaudeville ha.? seen in si a son?. Nora Beyes is al?o there, achieving her customary ?ucees?, hut Mils Crosman'i playlet is entitled ta prior consideration, lor the success of Miss Bay?? was te ha-. pelted and the brilliance of "Coaiil r.Uanor" was not. I'sing no fresher dramatic material than a baby and a package of ll inating letters, In? ? Norilstrom, author of "Cousin Eleanor," soi uted to the entertainment a truly sparkling quarter of an hour, country!" cried Miss Crosman. ."All that I ever want t?> see of tha country again Is a combination ?alad." And no on. Th?. sketch wa? also well played, particularly by tha star, Judged from an excellent vantage point in the eighth row of st?nde??, Mill Crosman didn't look a day alder. Ths pi furthermore, i? not without it! li| canee lor Newapepei Row ll monstrated that ' Verb Even? ing Telegram" circulate? in California. Ti'ora Haye?, ?ho u: loubtedl] more than BBJ B del lingi? influence to set th? styles in American songs, was aneq tl populur hit of th? bill. Adele d? and H ighes. on their petei I eoll tour, began a week, somebody or other, \ slsl Dala I i' i Bella Blanc '?riag a ?enes of greatly rarl na m which tha' of Mme. Nsaimovi stood eat. Mortal and Moore; Ward. Be!'? and Ward; B?VeB Hotiey Hoys; Steele and Parks and Arnold atui Ethyl Graaer were others on a bill tha* Walter Kingaley admit? to be thi that the Palace has seen thi* year. "Th? Fores. Fire," a too mellow melodrama with one smashing big ? ; - the bill at the I ?i g the others are and -, m "Beta ??? ? l "a so? ", Frei k North i Co., ill "Hack to V. ' ' . and his ero ? ? A i Haydn, Borden and Haydn. At the A'.hambra the headline act? are Hc.ry LeoriS and his "Vaudeville Cocktail," Fred Bowere'l song revue and Marie S'ordetrom "Bits of Act? ing" The Royal heedliners are Ilarrv Cooper. Beeete Wynn, Lout? Bimea ? Co. and Williams and Wolfus. Phyllis N'eilson Terry ia the princi? pal at! Brooalya veudeville, topring the bill at tue Orpheum. Harry Green and "The I berry I a i nghl sketch, are also on the Alexander Carr ll it I ? I . ielt in "An April - bill i? headed by Vanderbilt and Moore. OBITUARY. DAVID BROWN BUBSELL. David Brown Buss- -unday afternoon from pneuasoa lome rothei. Chief J Isaac 1 ra ? in B Court of Special res at 422 QaseSM Brooklyn. H? ? in hours. Mr. ?;-i- .'ii in I'atchoeue, L I , ia 1864. Por th" ... year? he srai head of a department in the Jamaica bread Title Guar? antee and Trust Company. A year and a half ago he married Mis? Jean of Poaghheepeie, who survive? l.irn. He ill ? fear brothers and s aietei Mi was s raemb. r if ? he Creaeenl ' Gab ami the Sea Cliff Vecht ? lu ? ? w-i!l be held at Justice Russell's hom- . .ng. JOHN !1. PARKBUB8T. Verona. N. J., Dee. 27. John II hurst, iev|i i reteraa >( the . ght ut his iiome. Mount Avenue, Livii .? after an lines? ( tare ?veeka. As a Bagii ? . '-Ir. Parkh arat saw I ne ?? ghtine and was in the battle of Predi II- aas chairman of the Livingston Towaship Committee for He leaves a ?on. George H. Parkhur I Lhringstea, and ?? Mia. Sarah Van Duyn?, of and Mr?. ?? Hanover. MM BAB Ml B. ( \\\o\. N J.. Dee. 27. it ? m of Coloai 8 Birdlea, ?? Trentaa las: light Bhi had gone 1 er home here to spend the a nter in Trenton. She wa? an aunt of Hi lie, of Newark. GIOBGI F. HARD1M.. ? h'cago. Dec. '?'. George Fraaklin Harding, aiajhtjr-tWa vears old. aa anraten of thi ( hica>" ??ii ? Vuincy Railroad, died at hi? hers ?" day. Hi? estate la ? ! al : CAPTAIN IXTHONi GALLAGHER. < in.- ?.-. Das \ Gallagher, a m ?a th? ? died Bl H ? ?among the I lAlkB I?> bHng a ?tramboal into Chicago MRS. EDDY'S SON DEAD (??.?orge W. I.lo? er Lav-'? A?a> at Hi* Home in the Black Hills. |tv Tr .?rt j?*>.| s ;?. De? w. r, l?vent) - of Mrs. Mary Baker Glover I founder of the Christian Science I, died to-day .it hie home in th? bore, Mr. (iiover bad years '. i ? . i-..rt af his 11a a^ i, ed upward of 1260,000 after her ?K-.tth. He v\a? not a Chliatian S MRS. FOLSOM FERRINE DEAD Mother of Mrs. G rover Cle*.elnn*i We? Seventy.?i?. Year* Old. Mrs. Emma Foi? -, ?r\enty* lit. mother ?f Mrs Preston, uho WH ? r th?* After hi ?? Pail IM spent much tinv? with her there during Mr CleveUnd'a Pn - tial terms. MR. DAVID W. CHEVIB. Hoston. Dec. 27. Dr David W, Cl ?-?ver, for more thai DM of th? leadiii- | hi?, (inns and ??s m Neu a :.!?''? .!?. a errltei ' - . set .f the Anietiran Surgical it ion. MARY I.AIDLIE Ml Mar? I^ldlie Dey, ninety two years old, died yesterday at her home, M West Eighty-eighth Street. She ??it a sister of R c'.ard Varick Dey, the agPtl California millionaire, who cam?? here lait June to testify in the dia position of the estate of the late Charles L. Fair. The funeral will b? held ut the Marble Collegiate Chursh?, Fifth Avenue and Twenty ninth Street. Thursday mon rg. HKNJAMIN g. HYATT. IB? Mapai Greeaeieh, Ceas, Dee, 17. Benjs? min F. Hyatt died at his home bore rday, In hi? rtghty-eixth year. He was well known in We tcheeter sud Fan del I eotti tiea, ha . can didate for Senator on ticket from I et, He was jus? tice of the | Two daughters Mi*. I . ix.of (,;. avilie, aad I i ? itt, ?f Mine?le, Long I mi. e COLONEL EDWARD J \\ 41 LIA p ? ? iburgh. Dee. '"? Colonel a hi .1 Jay friend mher tirst Bt ?in home here last n - ? the only BUI ef th? IM th reai lylvanl ? ? ? ??? MRS. DOLMAN T. WARUKN. Mr*?. IU'i Warren, taken I ome, IM Weal band, Dorm.-. ,-or'S, Howapr i ? Ralph Warm, si . sur? vive her. > ? JAME. H. ,f gl tN. . ex-ma a mt " ? the 1 ter a 1< ? the ? na with ex ! DIED. Rarrv P J. W Lev. Mary L. Town ici 1, Robert. Benjamin F. \> i| B4 r?DeessBB* P I w hitmen Ben ? - DAVIS At lennie - 1 p. m. Intermei-' ' DEY On Mond.-; at i- ' at?, -.. be . ? ' ? 10 a. m. Kindly om.t ?om ?irivate. EDWARDS William si ? . W. '. a . . r M> a' ' r'lcins ; ,t?l. Baltifl long illness. Fur i ? chapel, and i. terme at (ireenwood Ceeaiery, Brooklyn, S'. Y.. on Tuesday, December 28, l'Jl5, at 11 a. m. CuariOSta i W. Vs.; papers ploaes copy. HYATT- At OTenville. Cor.n., on Sun? day, December M, 1915, Benjamin F. Hyatt. Funeral service at his late '.'?nee, on V. -".'* h inst., it fl g, Bt of the family. SAHLER On Sei . i.min I . ? ? ? r J*. a( J ?' private. It is ? STOt'T a- hi. after, a -isan - m to a ?. Fu? ?era, .are resi? dence, . o'j Frank in ?t., Dei at 3 p. m. Tniis leave New York, D? I., i W. R. K., at 1:10 p. m. TOWXSFND Derember |T, LI at . Robert Tee Sand dith Karle a'id .m tr .i h. Bay, L ! neral hsfVS WALl'.LN Dl Moi ds :. De? cember 2~, i.-;."i, Hai ' Dorm?n T. Warren, ears. Funeral aerviee at her Uta re*.deuce, 170 Went f.Oth st., on Wedneeday, December 29, at 1 :?0 p. m. WIGGIN Suddenly, at Waehiagtea, D. C . DeceeUierM, i Ilk, I iau, daugh? ter o? Henry and -lane Mohon eta. Senrieee a- .?. <,f 1. r brother. Joseph Y V. . I lodd -1 . coi ner Midland at . .'. N J I mbei I p m. i I MITI Kll B, lili ' i w> n 4 ? MRTKK1 '-- IS Bl it .-.,. rr?ll Lola - ? . . mi? umce. M __si IN su, N. X.