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OrARANTET ,i am Itoaty kWd Ti You Want It. />7V' 3 7 ftrilnmi WEATHER. Rain To-day and Tomorrow, Moderate South Wind?. ruli Report on fi?7? 1 First to Last the Truth: News ? Editorials ? Advertisements y ! \W V 25,248. Th# TrOmrw A?*'n. t SATURDAY, JANUARY 1. 1916. * * ay | ? ? I Wf \'rr In '"??? X'trU fltT. S>v??rk. Jrrwt ' Kj .NI, I. 1j*> 1 .?.l ir.>,..!.?? Mwiwho? 1?? (mit. Ancona Crisis Past; Berlin Mooes to End Disputes TOWN ADOPTS TINY BABY YEAR Streets Shake ? 1th Deafening Welcome lulo Arrives. LAW'S LID BANQS QOODNIQHTSONd Revellers, Hoarse but Oay, Routed from Crowded tfes at 3 A. M. tapped to Year wa'ted eagrly M -xed on ?ared rd gUnce Bed prate ?t from a - -, ? ? Dottbt imme ? ? max? .: bellowed - ? bar ItcXI and the Ter l anJ agor.y alone ac " ii ^arming. I - ? i ?? B?m?d ar.d -1 a pack of . ? ? ? ran - d their i - irdi ? ? - - tion of It ca tl - ? - ? Park ^y ich had what appeared if] welled up ? ?" '? Breaker. York inrnsssed 1 1 he ? | ? a' aound - | car's n their own i ? ? I ? . ,??.. tmoti ? ? ?? ? - ? ? flying I ?i ?pliMd Battle* Early. ? ? Thirty-thii .. ?? ? .... ? a ei an wai con ... ,i ? rl ? Baa??eel ou ??a* ?>. cal? * Auto Show Gives Dodging Public its- Annual Vacation at Palace _ Cars. Shorn <>< Menace to Pedestrians, Pun and Sing Siren Songi as Buyers, W ould-Be, Amateur and \ rtri.m. Swarm Exhibit. By BITWOOD BBOUN. They nil it ta? M ? matter ?f '. ?. pedestrian pul which ha? [Tie eommon ptopl? ma Pala< merry honk ?r screech or v,' ? ? horn wttl and to regard each and every make i rar ,;? ? rahn I than hastily and angril] ahoulder In tue mMdie of a life-savir leap. Tarnen ar.n -.\eM mannered are th cara at th< ? I a] Palac?. bv though they nre motionless it take practically do . . whatever t vianalise auch litha and nftiio eraatnre I ? It it i k . long roads at midn-.jrht, pisto'. ? ut least o ? i ? nture. Thi ?. of ol< romance, bu*. ever, in a fictional manne.? it ha* been outatnpped by tha auto ? which make-? the moi iai ?- <? Hu: theee ara fancies Thar? are the 1 at the iira;:.i ( ? ?ee. This ia America's ???, that making car* ware represented In thai exhibition and ? B1 cars ai i manta or. the fl?or of Madiaon Square Garden then ? build a and ihow the cars in mol I . some. ? .? it the abilitj '? of eon II I? from thoa? tiat drawi for the ? ai I , | .? ? but craw s , The ? i v h i e h \ . ?round thetn, ligl r co ? Central Palacr. But, ? it. an aut. ? it always lomething i ? ? . [ht tan, i models one eann >l coi Anal product ?anted '' smile . The automob which never admit? thnt ???? I ? cars h : rain ai illy ever)'' ? ma'ii cars. be clia' Pro? .. autonv ? The ? ( anttaued ,10 i HING GEORGE WOVNJ FROM CLOUD AMD* Bomb, Not Horse. Hurt R Says Englishman. nan flyen ?en1 King I :.\g the w ? cplainad at n of the el reason?, [ ? ! France learned - I ? ? Georg. ? route would ! coast. which attack erery automobile that pass np's machine, V rear a ri ??? his i i . . according to t ? ? ? ?? not ... apt i the royal fan HUGE CATSKILL SIPHO] OPEN TO QUENCH CIT F.vcnt Marks Completion ol Sc ond Bore Under Hudson. ? n i gri fy New Yorkers ? - the wat< to lea th the aid a:, additional ? i I 10,<MX . ? .r>*-'l Into tl ? ?? , read-. ? -. I ? p. I M. ? known until lai : when William T. Brush, deputy rhif engineer of the Burea-i of Water Sui 5'ly, announced that it waa bring u?a ? r< m the I mains In the upper Bl Mr. Bn.ish's announcement me;. succe??ful completion of the ? ? ?.ii under tl between Storm K niic and Bn now flow inj; , through the tunnel will be abut ofl B a few daj . that the effect oi ! Uie high pi' ?? ? :'? c eonereto nay be noted bj n t Opening. . \\bci. the ? bal i ad been thought rod ?bou ih? -haft was ' -. rem child mm SAVE THIEF FROM JAI Sentenced to Hospita Moron Brings First Vic tory to Doctors. ? i ? i ? know that he waa, '? didn't know the I ? .. ? d. Hut a ph; He a ? I to the i ? I Biai I In ;. the aid ol raa th aix ;. ? child-minde lid h;i'. ? .?..?Id \ - * ? ? ; . ce are ?-.i do wonders ? i ' CITY'S DEATH RATE LOWER LAST YEAR Cancer Claimed 186 More than in 1914. Tuberculosis 94 ? ( 1 .--?il; . compiled by tin lit irtment ? i i ' I 00 di ? ? ? atinf thi' thaae ' two '? there war* . n 000 cases of I I mflu ? ar. I hei i were I ? from i tuberc ? uieua Aiaii^uu. ' \ OSBORNE STI1 RULES PRISI On Leave :i> Ward Says Whitman,Co tradicting Riley REFORMS STANI KIRCHWEY'SVO Ousted K;i Will Slay I Despite Superintended i >'??! lor Them. w. v rdei tten : ng priion n ? ?mot of ' authorit pen ndictm ? ' itual ^ ? irt and hoiu .1 tun I , -., .1 i.i,,,.,,,. i,, (.'?-turn. ? Whitman i it ? thai Prisons Rib ' ?? .... ? . .. ' i ' rrant I r. Oabol '?' i ' ' ? i all. ? i I K ehwey' anent. ... out ?hat i , ?s th ?[ ha i ..... ?Mli." i.?.\ era h t phoJda W erden. . ?. nieiif ? to th* I ? I id faith tier and I ? '; inir.t n page i < i.iiiii.M ' , TEUTONS BEG G?LICIAN DM Seek to Divert U sian Attack ii Bukow ina. GREECE iVIAK ?EW PROTE Disputes Alii? s1 S( Germa i Consuls at Sal?nica. London, D ' ml ? ? the el? Gukowina, I regain befon ? ? ! menace ire ta I \ . . :' tho pi I mops Ns it '< Ir.ii i r.mi -? If th? ? Tile >?!-?? ? ? ere ia litt 1 % ra i ? . ? ? ? ? \ . i I them con p I ? i Like Attack m Sept em I ? I Ii' I ?' Ml: V I ? I'll "I I; '?' lia Fflanier and I \ . ? I ? . ? bee i ? upon ' ? to a i (jreeci the ?r ? . ? ter' I < oui .un. ?I km li?ar :, : Frank M. Simonas I lir Germ?n advance upon Sur/, taya Frank 11 Simonda ?n lus notable weekly war article to morrow, ii .1 gambling venture undertaken in rate forlorn nope o! triking ?? d? ieive blow al Great Britain. Ihr K.Msrr must operate at the end ol a long single track railroad with <> desert before kin ??and what must hr face) Read ^;j'v, the Exposed Heel ol the British Ai billes." Vou JL it surely if you apeak to your newt dealei aboul nS( tin- Sunday tribune and speak to day. M ?ty afim?atj ?rilrottr Fint to /.<-/ iiMirmii: NfMs?fr.ditor'm\*? \d\ertisemcHt?. PLEDGE TO SAFEGUARD LIFE AT SEA GIVEN BY VIENNA IN ANCONA NOTE Th? text o? thf Austrian teplv to the American note in the Ancona case?>;ivcn out it Vienna last night?is, in its essential points, aub atd-iti.tllv the g| th? lectioni quottd '" Heuter despatches from VientM or Thursday. It announ? c that the submarine COfMliaCldaV ha I bean puntahed iffera indemnity tor the American lives lost, pledges the ..i ' y ol lives .it lea and <? prei ,i I de "f tot heavier relations with the liniteii State-.. , i ecure lire ?<<? 11 ! ?pa nrhJ '' ae ihotn to be torpi d cd aya: ' . rrial and Royal Government can substantially concur in le c>l?res-e'i in :':e very esteemed note, that private *hips, in io fai hey do Bet or otter reetotance, may not he destroyed without the iboard beir.f, brought into ^aie'.y." The tubmarine com lander area punished, Vienna states. because ? lu had oni It take adequately into i .:.sider?tion the panic that had broken out among the paasengera , . and the spirit regulation 111 H Imperial and Royal marine officers shall fail in giving help to nobody in need, not even to an enemy." A neona Watt traiumiU ,.,,/ "n Pagt 2.) W. W. ASTOR MADE A BARON Ex-American Gets Place i-i King George's New Year's Honors. honori ir, Lord ton ? bury. Cortoi Puke ai Knights 0f ti,, ' rhil? Lord ? . ! apart fr< I -. throogh the .i I I ;ime an ex \ te, which i - her . .h. <.r Wul. '?1 r. ? i ' Incurred Edward's Diapleaaure. v . to tha aune led hr : ? I by ai nil n ? n T .i him Kit i I . i . I o om he \ been held a hi) ?? - : ? I .. known in I 1 ? member VVhon i. tatted Job. ? John" ever would ? ? I Hen-lord !?>?- to I onim. am the if and ? ? Lords ? .nl oppom ? 1 which v. ? ? ' l ? ' and 1 r i exclusive of all Bi I a rtually - cartai ia boa tfeUtka, EXPLOSION SINKS BRITISH CRUISER WO Lost When Natal Is Blown I fp in Port ? Plot Suspected. British ar ? of the rea? ? ? ? ? May, a hur.dr ... In accop. .'?. ?? indi ? it [mpoaaible t" pub:: ? ? ? Brit beer. uniph ? though . . . - ? i ? litelaw i ? KING GEORGE NAME5 CZAR FIELD MARSHAL Sends Greetings to Potacare and French Nation. King re ha? ? annul nc< '..Liioias a'.i niialoni of . '?? Regiment of the (loyal Scois . admiral >?:" the Bi Kii. <? following ?? ?' near ?. of Trance, '..-day: "At the ? jrssi hope-; Our two are ? ? .? -. -?;, and M : our gallant ? ble. [ beg n' on behalf o' . ? ??< i.a' .?>?. over v.hich you preside, and a. rat;on foi i ? ?? ? la ad hi ?eh have heen in ? ? ma 1 - tarantee ?( ?? K'". B. I" BELGIAN KING THANKS U. S. ^eiiiis Neu Near? Meaaage to Wilaofl Expr?salas; <?. .titude. \ I .e Bel . to-day at Pa 11 m ? acera wieset and he '.ve fare of your country, ? - ? ? , : ? ret." Prussia Holds Medical Books. ! vu aituicai aub^ecla, CAPITAL SEES FULL CONCORD WITH TEUTONS Vienna Concessions Fill Washington With Delight VON BERNSTORFF VISITS LANSING Reopens Lusitania Case Austrian Move Was Not Expected. 1 i Teutonic ? ? eted in a Fhort time in '?? ton ! Thi>- I ; |y In I I I ' I ' ' ' noto ? ' ?i. with tl i t.i ap . ni I - ? Lansing Ilol<S I p text. hi note lia? part ?-'.luns during the day aiui ia ?ioi plate. It ? . ! have arrived I r. orni . ? at th?- decoding will b* ao early tomorrow. It will ha carefully itudJad by Bee? Lanaing and probably sub I to the Preaidt I I l< ton brink* Lanalllg to ? at bo made Junday. The official .-..??ii oat by the Austrian; government, waa cabled to-night 1'roni Vienna. The call of Aribansador von Bern 'etary Lanajeg- this morning has greatlj inrrea.-ed hopes ol a eompleta lettlaeaant While neitlior would dlaeUM the vi?it fur .. t th I ?i-.tani'. ?on, it was learned tha' co ? pro^ .? an ling woo lor iliti nut k'4? PI l ' reposition, but sug goated term? which Germany miifht be arilUng I win expreaatsf her at taaerissa live?. It was unofficially Stated after ?h.' e '' '.ii?lii mata sn ? ? tan1 but : rai com pi' ling a for ' miila which non. | mmMJ to pul loth countries. Berlin Cannot Ditavow. ras I rat ha linee ih ember. proposal' ? at no ??pri?a!i t/1 UTS ?any cannot meet the Am.i i for * disavowal of the - M ''a? taWen the |>o- tie? thai her wai: ? ? h r from all blame it i ?ta ; I ? t injure.- u> .\y caasj *??> ? *s- ?-?