Newspaper Page Text
What Our 1915 Statement Means OU want soie title insurnitco?n aadfe bnnk nnd n safe I tr?ete? under your Will when yoa are gone. A Company whh o c-?pital of $5,000,000?? surplus of ?11 000,000 aavexl from its earning* nnd undivided profits of t?rV* 254_o? shown by the following statement is one that ?tve a e*ood account of its stewardship when the test comes. Statement nt the Close of Businesa Deeemlxsr 31, 1915 MSOURCD UAJeUTeB r K Skala - Neo *ie-k CsaSml . $S.O0O.000.00 ?IV $W.IW.OO Surplui (all eajaoa-d). IIA?.000.00 a??xk.'and Be i k6fJB.872.0o I adrvtdeJ Pioaai. 669.254.87 ?v - ' \? V-r-sa^. . II.>6**.<*M.I7 fsaoaaatDaeDmiiataii.... 33J20.I76.I6 i*! I7.4W3? Ceit.fietl Checks. 265J3IJ2 CAL''-: -? sltoe. Orb.?.. Check.. I.070.7\S.II R.Ja'vt- Jamataa an.? Rr.etved fee Tase.. 9S.300jOO p , l.OOp.W-ai Accrued Intere.l.... 51.908 ?Tr,, 1. ? ..-- 4I8.437.9S A.-cn.f.? Fsren.e, . 31,362.73 . e .... EeeUaa. ' * ^Si" laaaaeaj Ueaa on CoHaieral 4.732,973.93 S^HaasiaadiaBaBk. I1.l67.603.4fl SU?"**"!?*'. Totm| _ $51607.28194 Total .$51.607.291.94 Added to undivided profits out of the year's business after paying $1.000.000 in dividends . $562,432.82 TiTlE GUARANTEEaTRUSTO* OFFICES % '.76 B'^adwaN Rtaobattoa 175 Rennen Strafet, Brooklyn IM Falt?n Si eot, Jasaeice 196 Montague Street. R'klyn .'atkson Avenue, Lone Island City B0\D SALES ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE FRIDAY, DECEMBER Ka, 181B. Tradins In r-otid? on the New York Stock Exchange Friday anvonntad to HIM.OOO, against s*,"21,C*4>0 Thuraday, $5,426,000 a week ag-o and holidajr a rest- ago. From Januar-* 1 to dal?, $96S.244.0*00, os-aln-t 6461,976,000 In 1914. rUIVVKWrM BONDS V*"3 . H,4 "??-aSo T?t "? lrU "' l3, <3c u :**- Lase.,..,,*?? . C S-fana-a a? m .Ja-? e.?OO. ?t*4 r-aunay-aria we, at?, ^a*# *4W 10 COO. MU . 10?S ^?. . H v.-, LaJf Shot? aa 1I?? t??S <?- i- ---,? ' . . ?4H . 10CV t?W - . .U> 4a ?'? i -'-,. . . l.ltCO . ,t .aa IHl :. . -. .-*. '? ' St L ,? Bar A ??V? *?'l '*? ? ? - '' l . M ISte -,4 lust- J x' --. -. Po-a I 001 ....Its KT4TK Rt I?. ?. V ' BONDS . , ?^h,, .. .. ? Tfit-4V?, ?.???' vv . )**. . ' . leu ?? ,1 . . :.?>* *T\ K"* :~~" ? . .... 190W .,' v? LA N i ?? 1?: ??"E ... 10? Wo Ora da Waat-n 0 4t> *'** **' ?*1 ** SAU? O' oND MISi El ?.O-E0US. .; %* *"" Veos * " !?.. it? a??. T,- ? MH L A N-Sl l.ouU a? do 4 TV?? A 0 ._ i.. . ^ ? ' " ? - A ' ' ?"I ' .,.-., ?*??'? . II .i*"1? M4 . ?. M*? ? ? ... , aB??. ??> ... ei r, ????? . ? U. . B . v-i asiH -? . . . - . . M ?. Bi T?ila Ja rt '.. .. ?0 do 4 s .. ::::::: gH ,l4, M if i .. T Sa -, ?'s* - - . ? -r, V , . .... 41 ?i I ' ' ?i? " ? .'ar 4a .... i'S 4?". t ?' ' . 4. .. Bon: . ??S " - ? " !5^ . . .....-"* 70*4 ? B4 - . ?rai - i-, ' ?-- ? A 6tM laaa? at?. " . " ? ,. ^Jfa-r York fWiUa. ds) la mS S?U ?0 ? .* . . . i ;..* ... . > c ... , - . . , .?14 T*ni H i U ' ..MS ?5?a 4 . us -. ; .'* MU Tt.a.. A ! IS an'la ?*- ' * ** T? . - vlj 5a Sat-'. - 1 8-0' - .... ? ' I- '? Bex ? ?-. Ill S" " S *V*" ..,, . " ' ?su 1.00- - ? . 4. -, . ii ? so** I ,'-r-'.t - i" 4. C... VrSH,.r, ? .VJ?-???$.???,4,,i ; ' ? ?- s SI :. ist 4. . IM \\% .loi -? ?m * I"" col 5a ?? ' - , . v .l? ? r* '??? '' i ?4U ",lr?,r;-;irt> '* M, v t k ii a. it'-^'s. ^ ?n2 SOT? N T S II * H en Sa . et ?? [IP ?Mals**... . 114H _ 21?''-i?p'^'??" '? Caa> a , -, i Bt'?.? K O ? ?'-?a iPSi 1.000 . >1H " L * -^ :s Waia,;. lat da I02U *??-? V-K A rutriaJD 4. .103H 01 . ?1 ' < ? -_*"T ?hi! .'"r<-t,r4 %8^-sS?**8 1 * ?.,S ^'l.rth. 1*4 Bas ' ? " . ? *'* - ?- ? , ' Tnift rt/. .}ny '.4 . ? l'? '. : * - . T,;ephona 4H, c cU? f? ITU I- ". .-, ... 88?? in, Tr dep 4 ?** res **sH ' >'?'*?? e?* 4V*? . ;^ Si t, . ^^ '; o.nfr. f|3 ? Wsst? Elarttto 81 aajCgsn^tt'eii-i.^* Tit 1 CM ....... M?WcsVr; Marrlaod 4s I . Tr.S 2 oot) . I5S ff NT a Penn Ul '? *** "? Bar-.? It *-???'? A , ' N '" " ,T Of? Ht * S'af 4a do i fa & ::::?lV.,:^Dion-4U.- ^ I 111 *i"-r..V2H 8.001 .-i.'94^ ??I--41?, " * . (?."-? It-.?rf|?. Waa'.' was I f BS ? WO H!. . | -?2V 1,000 .104*. ?00?.. '"? . J ' <>r W Ii t A S aa ?.OO?.. * 1.1*4 . M ?? 13> 10.00. . *,3 Partfle tout tJ WTa- 6a??-?i4l *????-. ? ? : ? <?* - ??B? lit;, 4 ? OOVEa?,MKXT BONDS. Ye.terday. Thursday. *"<"-? lo-. , traita ?O reff ?SSS.... SStt ? K??^ ? ?M . fJS?a coup 1880... nil - 99 - -?ss.4-fc,',-* ? * :::::: m?,8b re? ms....?oi?4 - 101% ? *??b4s'i?s* ??' ?"*- . ! ISIS...101H - 101? ? V ? K* ' '. i* rerr 1826....109?i 110-4 10?4 110? HL1 4 44 COUp 1925...110 ? 110 ? 4a??, ?- Mk?. p>.,, "t" re?r t?K ? 98 ? Oui -, r ??S 2s Pan 'S S reg. 9? ? 98 ? - jlw """ tH\. ' ' ' *: ?? ? Hs Pan '?1 reg.1014 -- 101? - rV-OaPlar.4. . M S. Pan *?1 cnuD.101 ? - 101? - DE AGTJERO OPTIMISTIC ? Uoks for a '?eethlng Stork Market TMa Year. ?i??look ,or a ?eethlng market In ??"l ?SI th? u,-r,i M l A* krr^mm *ad ., . , 1er,v'r''???' ' Jch si U ?urp_..,i.e b,g dfcy* ot m6 w . -The market during 1916." he added, "gave every appearance of a grow ? investment and speculative Jemand that evidence?! the underlying atri and vitality of th? Aaaerieaa ???????? life The Increased demand for odd ots'was the rair-on ?WfBfM-ttj;e ?g Uteaee of the Consolidated StocK JEb change, where the only free nnd t>pen SSSt far odd lata <a "^.feg uninterruptedly m-"?-.* ?I thirty r Darlag the aaal . sharea changed bande en the hoard," an increase of 6,?i*0,040 sliart? over 1914. TOPICS OF DAY IN WALL STREET Year's last Stock Market Session Etldl in Real Blaze of (ilory. AVERAGE OF PRICES AT NliW HIGH LEVEL Resumo of Austrian Note Taken .is Proof That There Will Be No More Trouble. Be far a? the atoek market is cor.- ' ci?r;ierl ths year elot-ed In a h!a7? of j glory . wrtarday ??? all bul a mill- ? ion-share, day, and. what la more, the market touched the higheat general level it ren,-he.| In ?h? year. The gains made by the active stock?, taken as a j whole, were larger than they have heen at any time unco the early week* . ? I sa ths areat of the fall advance was raaehed. In a number of lual casea St. Paul and Mexican : B| tie BlOSi conspicuous , example* Baw high record? for th? i yeai ?rare raaehed. The atmosphere ' larroai tradiag war. thai el a hull in: . ippli raeated i v the I itreel i and? ra with iraa. It ! ? , | thai ?? wai entht liasns, Austrian Note Pleases. The eon.plete surprise in the Ani trlaa note, or v.hat wa? taken to be an ' authentic reaum? of It, sent the shorts flying to shelter and produced such striking spectacles a? that of Steel's opening, vvith 12,OC>0 share* grouped at fi' to t-:'vi the latter figure marking not only a gain of 2 points over night, ! al implicating the year's best price. On examination tha report of what ii believed to be In the Austrian com? munication revealed concessions snort of what whs demanded by the Wash? ington administration, bat the evidence that Austria was B01 ? pro-' voke a break with the I'nited States i Body. ? >n the face I from the v? all Street r?was accept Tl h' was ?''.' an] Central's Rrilliant Showing. ? irna for Novaai hnve been enthni nnd some of them have been regarded aa no less thai ia i loni p a yea : .is the prise wini i rs. i lew Y k Centra re? - wonders ver? ou i ?ody in the financial dl ' fig rea raster gross, > tuber. 1 a gain in net of ages, IBS? gross ? per cent increase ? ? ? ? at trie, . i J i s. ? entrai, lat ion. Mexican "il Cii'-he* Higher. . which ai lately ' hnve been sr i ? i, vi ...... a : . losing ?.?n within a point and ah the top ?or tho day. I here was I a reports about the ? .. : more to ss pany'i busi I that has been so .anng t de] ability of tl Erie and Other Honda Strong. Erie's new co: 'ids, selling on a "when issued ' basis on the Curb, touch-, ? ? end eloeed at the top. < I BJ 0, litter touch 1rans ? rjny aim . ? | ',0,000, tuco value, ai 0 "rights" changed beads at prices varying iroin % to -. I ,.!? general bond market, ths counter and on the Stock rong, prices II through the li.?t, Hond a are looking forward to the great confi? are going to ha-. tina dec I he Plethora of Money. Call money lates ->n the inst day of ?4 per :id ns low I I ? while th? re ai east. As for tima money, the figures were ac'u ally reduced to IM and L'ha p? r celt toi aixi ? iritii ap to six months. Six months' n\'< , uotcd at 3 ? at The n- '?-ment showed a dsereaaa in surplus reservo of neariy 116,000,000, which wus due both to an increase in loans and a tle <? la ensh, hut i.i the actunl state H sri.;.. increase la - i that the <"lcar.n?r House institutions ended the rear with re? serves nearl; 01 0 la excess of requirements. Dry good s Industry Flourishe*. It .- ? that Marshall Field & Co. have to report in their weekly review of the important dry goods Industn 'Carrent wholeaele 1 ution of dryi'oods," they sa'., "is normal, as compared with the eorre ng period of a \ear ago. Read sales for immediate and spring <hl.v ; ery show a considerable gain over a year ago, arid the number of custom? ers visiting th,- market shows a slight increase. ('ejections are normal; ? firm." The last aent?-nce is a short one, lut te many It will mean more than the other two put together. Yield of Anglo-French 5's. Doubtless It will be some ?Mle tim<? before ?he open market surplus of I Anglo-French bonds bai been absorbed by investor?. The rail] that occurred hi thn ! ? terdag, how**, er, j roves thai thej can move in moro than one direction. In connection with the Still low level of the securities, . ma !e !i\ John Muir 4 Co. in their "Odd Lot Review" is worth printing. "At 91." it it remarked, "tho per cent. At I would per cent. At M they i would | per cent. Every d? 1 cline of a fa point a'! M .<?', to the investment yi ??? , Winchester Arms Head Resigns. New Hv.i"., lonri., Dec IL The rea? i b of Georgs E. Hodsoa, president i and treaaurer el th? vYiaeheatei Rt I nesting Arms Company, because of ill Health, a as ai ni i iy. He will h,, succeed, ?: by W,i,,-l enter Hennttt. first vice-president. Mr. Hodson en tared the plaat forty four years ago as I wa i lectt d pr? and treaaurer in February, It'll. I RESERVE BANKS BUYING run-has? and Dipriinnt of Hills In? crease 11,000,000 in Week. Washington, D?e. HI Hill? dis? counted snd bought by Federal Re? se?e banks during the last we?k In? creased about 11,000,000 over the pre? vious week The weekli statameet of the Federal Reeerve Baara, showing th" banks' coiidltbin December HO, fol? le? ? : BTPXiraCBB OoM ?*'. and iwruf., il?? In ?tutt.ins eis neo Bold Mtr,r:n?,l fin) . ............. tf '.'?t. 000 Oold Pdi ip?en fiiiil with Dkasi Mesa TVrtial pi>'.l I_fl_l M i. I TKal warn . .. |?..i? ?va 000 atUaB t'iniftsiTi) ABT? BOUOBT SratvtUa? Wlttilr. II ila>,. M.IST.SN rpi.i II tn 10 ,l?,v, . . 11 rom ?1 lo ?0 i?r? . !?' rom ?1 lo PO all?? . r?r PO da/? . a Total .. !.',;..?.Il 100 rXVlSTTVIKSfTB rnl??1 ? ? ,. Nm MuntdptLl w,--?i i, r?aari Be*? r? aataa, n?t. UM '[?>? , 1 ? t??l Iti??r-? banks. r?t All other r?Bour?ai . Ilh.t?' ?M \? T.f i)09 . : T i?l rr?niri?M .MSMII oo? I Unit IT1KM. r?;.ft?l ?ir..? rialil i-i . IM.S15.SM ? ? _ . K?i-:i? . - . . 40 ?V1"r?.l H^?n. niHM. DM."0 e ttsMintsi.. r.en.etd Tv?i?i iitjitiKif? .Nat.iie.sei r?r e?mt rio-i r-K-r? p?-?!n?t ??t NaMltUtPJ. I | C,.ii r?mw ??-'at i'?t lUM'IM?.17* . VU? ?fUS ???lilil? t?_ta II DM . '?? tflil.t .-?? . Raat \t i ??-? li. U . H ? STOCKS IN OTHER CITIES. BOSTON BTOCK9. Ml mm; Osas, I a i* ICH I? '??? * ! ?: ni : N i H . S? ?a ."' ? v h <".vir? A mr?k . .... m ... ?. . ? i ?.. . | I A Ml . . ... | - ?umet a Hea.le| mCeatennUI .'.'<?? l(.>t COppei Baavaa.? *??? . ? . al? .v.? . i<4 lt* e*?? n in? .... il _TH Fmnkltn _ M ? -. M ?n.l? .__ | f?'i Mus Oon ???46 :H 1st? Roral? ..- ?M? 4?.' K?w??ru??r . I M ? Lake Copase ... ira t.f M?*on Vallar .- It? I: I V.?.* i on _.11 ? M?;r<??r . 4 (? Ml i lann . I?* ?? M ? awa. M nn New Ar e.dlsjl .. 1" -?? tdrle . IM ' I ' ? '. - SBf . J?4 ilnles ... Ittaj I M < a ? aiinon _- ?'. ni i ea? ts Mar s :--.l ?' * ? < I ??* Trinltv .. I? iltlni Is PI , -a -, . . * ;.?. Wolverine BAILHO?,' <a f. p^ton a A;b ..i-. ?. . i A Main? '. I .' i ? ? X ?. a ' 10 Arnotkata. .??'??? M 44 I? Bf 1% - I . ? ? ? ? ? a , . ?. . i Land ? nisi i n*? ata ? I ? I tai ? ? . ,. -, "?--., i : II ' - ????,? . Metals. It Hip-n. I i ? : : IMS tea ? if1? ?v? D ? 114 M M t'a lOV ? 11 t '? K II ?' ? :|l 17 ? ? il<* ?I I/?. j ? .? 14 ?a . . 10 BM I ten : , I 4 1?! ?s 1 H ? as a t ' a Lan ? ? m 5 - - ? . M ? ? IB * -. ?ft i 111 m KV? 6 ? If I M I ? ' 12'? a a -? ? > .?'? t I in ' . > Fllil.ADl.l.l'HU STOCKS. ?i a Opan. I5_f 1. Ixm H ?ta '.ap M t... un ? Ai M a ? v . I M t ?H ? ?[>? it\ . al Trau ? : r . n S>'??1 : . a , M . i k.C - ??. ?L'a -?? Imp.. I.MI U 11 Bteel f. - I -, H-f^ Am Om ? . v ta Mil i ?? i.oooi pt a -?"i ' ? .. 1 tu 111 '<?? U . ' i . ? . , ??? Phlla >.o Un ? ? ? , i km de ? .lus icai a Iron - I sil Hv? lnv 6a .?Vk ?Bx dlrldend. ' ? a . ? a M ? le ?i ? i ' . a? ? : : . ? H Ml I -? : . t I . i ^ ? 7SV, . ?. H i ?0 1 ?> ?fla I5AI.TIMOKK STOCKS. Htii?. M.h. Lev, 4 AUbtma Co _. M 1? tS do 1st r>r. ? ?'I do !d K. ...... M 31 B Com < s ? ,7. \',6 ?s s . n? Fo*?r . l'.4 :t2 Ml ? \ ? ut Ml..? ? .0 do Dr . 13 i"J .'S Powei . ;. ; i . ' Bk. 2? M H N. r . ? ?i 81 - , ?4 I 17 000 BaJt l> Doek IB.1M 100 100 1 MO Cons rwr 4^? ? iVa M?_ F.MeCtmi <"oal I? IM 104 l ??'. I. 1.000 0 'i- il Qaa 4H* t ?? i t -) I il ?? M ?-- 1 i '? t"i t 000 Elkl orn Fu-' " ? 2 ? SO M*'"' M " c S ' v. ? : ' -? rj ?i .v i ta* '? | ? ? ' . li M 1.000 W. B?i- t A ??> ' . PITTSBURGH BTOCbU. ' Sal??. (>[<rn. Hlfti. 1/tw. M 1 Aro TV Ol M?rh M? fi 34>4 il _f> i.r.'.:?' Ifl 1 100 Am Be wer Pli I 7." Am W 'lias? : IM 1.? ai.e% HU 'lau, MB * TS I '. ^'Cfln? i-? . -:? m Mi H ? . alt . . Hiarb A WAlHf r M le rr 17". Ir.,1 rtrawlnr ... J'i I ? ? . ?rn I.t * Hl -, I ? f. H IM Nat 1 ?rpproof.ns; 12', Ut? U? ; i .... t H', a m . <, Oklahi ma "?? -7? "4 ; IttS Hrewins." ? ? J 4 V*, W l.f.7 Purs "?i. ?- i l? ? ? an Ti.v . :i U . it?.?i im ' i ni'vps $100) Tel Oui H t? 71 71 71 La.' I M 111 Ml ? a' - * ? : . ??? : : ? ? 7' 10-) 4 . e ?. H? . > 7' ? I -? 1? ? I'M ? HICAGO STOCKS. e?i?? l'Kt?. 77? Q It Tneu Tool. ?a v> i'i?:.: Rri ser 1. Il u . Ilion UM) Maiel ....? < W lui Il.triut? Muck - ',< ' Il ? I. Btfil - rih a IM l'nlon (.'?rt.lV ! ? 1 " ?*. Ii,,\ IH.0"" CMo CltT Rt 1? MB M? ?? K ?- ? ? i 1 h i ?.?? : ? .- ? ; ? . ', . t ' ??? --1 ?- > I -a. MB ". 14? ? **? ? -'a Usa im 144 ? ' 7m WHOLESALE TRADE UNUSUALLY BUSY Spring Orders Already L-trft) ? I allures fewer. Th? commercial atr?nries ist that while wholesale trails Is otileter at the year end, bustnen eontinusi better than usual at 'Ins time. Orders for spring are large and stockt of mar chants ara still low. ('ommerclsl fnll uras reported for th? we.?k ars ahout 88 per cent under thoss of tha ?ama period "f ls?t year. "Dun's Review" lays: "Instead of di? minishing, ai Is customary at this time, dftnand? In several important de? partments show a continued inrresse and rarely, if ever, havs manufactur? ing forces been so largely covered by contracts at this period. This Insures full employment well into the new year. In rno-u industriel It Is not a question o' finding buvars, but of how to ninks specified deliveries on previous orders. "< 'ominareis! failures In the United States, an reported, are 686, against 891 last week, IS] the preceding w-uk and 1^1 the corresponding week last year. Of these, 188 were in the Kast, 122 in th? South. 71 In the Weat ?nd 3o in th? Pacific atatee, sod 150 reported lininli t\nj, of $5,000 or more, against 136 last "BradatioetV ha? th? following: "While avholeeele tradors have experi eiu-,-1 ,i eomporathreli qolet weak, due to the taklttg of ir.ven'orie?, the ?ea sonal pause Is lsss mark'.d than in ethaf years. On tho other hand, indis try, too busy to take account of holl , prose a as to higher groood, holi liuv trade at manv r"'nt- was of rec? ord proportions, orders a'i'ady bcokod ring delivery are heavy, gto ks in ira i rs ss rept anally low. To ?he forecoinflr budget 01 favorable tidings rr.uit be added Ihe fact that mail erdet houses report record trade, that jobhsrs hare !?cu ved relatively large filling in or? ders at a period of the year tha* usual? ly affords a respita? from prsvlous ao tivitlss." ON THE CONSOLIDATED. The opening on the fonsoltdsted En change ahowed nrlcei sharply id Tsnced all throngn tho list, United ?tates Steel opened at fiS"4, Its lowest, and It sftorward touched ?6?. Ana? conda dipped to Hti\ and then rois to 61?, Siserican Smelting advanced to IOS, Mexinin Petroleaai in the early' afternoon got up to 124'?. St I'h il's hest wok 101, STOCKS. Salaa " ; Lew. 1 ??' ? 4 ? ? ' N . . . ?'. . ... ? ? ? . ? . ? m Car . . Hid? * I .. \ i - ft* - . 1.34? Am , . ? ? . kS F . " IMS ? ' ? i 114 i. .?? " ?? ?: - r. r . ? , ' . <?- ? ' 41 , . - . , ? ? ' ? -, I N I -' ? I ? i'. i . ?i*? . ' i . " ? ? . .?.*'. M* 14? I .1 144 - . " . 4-'. 4- .' I . II ' . ?? '. 4 ' . .... ' . ' . ? . I . 1 - . - . ' . ? ' . '. I I -, 4 . . . 1'.. s . a ' '. I - . ? '. ? ? ' . ' ! *- ? . ,11 . ' - ? ? . ? 1'" . ? - '; ? ' ' 4 :? .. ? . ?n . - ?. ? ? , M . . . r? I-,. ? < , I'? 4?'-? '?' 4 ' , ?? V . ? I [ si 'i ?? Ts la? l?H IIS ? : , i i ?S'a (1 . f? MIMVO. . ..<* "JH im :j?4j ,. .11 it [i ranos. II '1 ' a '.' 4 ' , i a i - 1 : - , . . ? <i a) u .at . : ,? . 4 -, . ? ona.ri? .to '?Hal ?a!?.. INACTIVE YESTERDAY. The following table gives the closing bid and salted pneu l'or stocus which are 1 sere not dealt la on the Stock Exchange Friday: ii i ask. A A< ' . < .?.?.. 1 . , \ ... i: .... - I I . ', ?? ???? 1 ?' , . . ?A ' * "? I ' v ' . ?, a . ? . . tfanhal Basel ah. Man v! m In at p a 1 i- .'?> i M Usas :* 11 .. I i ' 1*4 .. \t\ l| I -, BlaAltt.. Hi 1J3 . l-i I ? 1 p '..') .-1 A uni P pr II 1 1*4 Nil Lead pr. .12 111 i .as n .. ?- Uut. ? TO m pr. .43 II - , I ? . A -, A . i> . J 141 ' . \ . 0.11? '. 140 H VJ Pi t a r ?.i , i ?: dj pr . r sa i . . .'. || 1 ... 141, . 4 -, to p 4 l ??''?* l-t st .. 1 - ? ? ' . lat pr H'? a . 4 St* I] -,..:, 4*. i . . > . ? vr !-"? 10? ' i.V? 63*? i I - n ?4'a .1 LOW? I 111 III i li II ., mi . . ? : i --i r> -? rl ...iff in G W 1- . Rj tp? Pf ? if du pr . : J : ? ' SOT?P pr. 4?>4 51 . A.!ey 110 V 8 FJ?..... 4-, 41) lAa .114 ? ,! S Rio * t If -SU I I .r ". I . Bit ?'? P' i , , I liar fp:. ,. } 60 i X a Car I h pt ?11 I 4 ? . I I k (J M I |il ? I " ' '. ' 10 I SS pr . . ?3 40 '?'- a l'.ra-o II] !"il I 11 M I Waal M'l pr ' : i.- ri'aoM lat TI H S ! ? . - , . - ? AD? < - j 113 Il .- , -, ttftaua Un. ? ? 1 < - fa PI a I I. .?t pr l',_ l{ '??e? i'., i r ' 0 : .< .'. M prill . pr i:i Ilia '1j w ps . 4?, ju I1S4 NIW rOKI ( ITY BONDS. V?' rlty. Bid. A-k. ?6.. .--..I . I'll-?- ! '-'"? -*a pt.. 11*17. 14041 1-3'k I ' ? .. 1*1". ?, - .3 a ? ?4 ,- - ' ????. 4-'-") - I ?4',. ' ? ' ?-. ?I-.-. ? ' . 1.1* 4 . .4 ? 4JS . : -a > . ISta 1- S ttet.-W4 ?4'-,. '. 19*4 .~r-i' . a?U| Bep, iM, . 1 . ail*. '.. .!?'-? S ? . . . ' ?.~.. : ? . . 3 M .. ?Il: s ? ' . ; ? ? N . * * 4-W.-. ? - . '.? '.> ?* .~ * * " ?"? ? tu? lWU-'40.-. 4 11 4.3 I . 1 \n - .- "'y - a-aaaaaaaatk rar?*a-?t ?* aaagae tcijnpo? :i'.-a ' DITIDENDS DECLARED. Record Term H?ta I syshla. Data M..h??'k Min ... - J'"- ! J?n ? ran Jan II Jan ' ' ?o4\'" "V ?.a.n '?i, Nat I , ..,?.. Q | -a. ivt,. T Jan 11 i CHANGES IN STOCK EXCHANGE FIRMS Year End Shows Many Broker? age Dissolutions and New Partnerships. Many year-end ehanges were an? nounced yeitorday hy brokerage Arms, Including partnership dissolutions, new partnerships, changei In firms, new ad? dresses and branch offices. The weekly Stock Kxchange bulletin show? the fol? lowing chang?e: Dissolution of Partnerships. f>ori? v c,? a Co. D,,.,mt*r II. 197.3 1. W Inn. A, Co .bt-?jnl,?r II. lllj H?..i?d A It-!,?.IWemb? ?1. 1?:) I! I Mm. FUh A Co.lM-.nitiar ?I ?''.1 <?rt?r VMMsr A Co. . . ?iacmt)?r II. Ill} Van An'vr.rp, nt?rV/D k 1*1. I" ?aew l!. ill M??,r??l A Co .January I, Uli ?'?ri*?).)? k laSClaaJS Dl ??robar II. 1115 New Partnerships. ""'??. Paret k ixi. Jai SSM I Hi? 74 Broa 1-aray '?i.iK.r?? V. Cim. KoUrr I. Par? ?1 i WUllaia ? 1 ? ? B ShellP?P A Co. Jarvis/y 1. l?l?, ClnMrnttl l'Iran F W>.ih,?im?r ail E'irr-.? T w?,'.h?lm-' ???,rir?|a>i. I'-alT.ri A \VMi?er?'l. Januar. . 12 itr.>?.i.?4-, F.Ut.ri\ W Oonial??, ?William F S'arT'.r.l a- ! M*?M K, WT.U?Ii??di J W inn, A 1 ,) . January 1. jplA 111 Br->?1 Mf (A IV BoMltar, ?William B PotU. W K. Baut sad hp ?p i, Bpdiip] I . >. 11 dea * t". i?r.'i?TT 1, m?, u W| Street l*i_ .ry O. HodfM ?nd ?S/iOrt W I... ?, IhillUiKr. BaimM A Co. D,<m>>? II. 191S. 17 Ti? Htr~- ?i fra><rbriajr It lllpur. T MordPAM BtmM ? ,1 1. s' r <\ m 1 sa 1 ??, irte ? Ot /?attan 1. lili, BJ Wall atsasl M.|?ll Frr-Wli* M Ttg' ?ni ?Edwin ?1 1 ?rterj. V?n A .? ???1. 11 ? n A FUh. Jaruary I. 19M. IS 1i-' i' ? ;?;n C Vu, Antwerp, rr?o rt? V Ua op ?Hi- ,1 [. Ft,h. CUrla? L '! ? m?i and M[i *A,Urt R F'.atv. M.'i?ri.l A r5 January 8. 111?. S8 Pie? M'r~' ??B > C Mi-r.rpr:. rrank h Krwin. Mi. ha?' I MurT.hy, C f>at?r Coornha. i?'.?}.|_o B Btrattaa. Clar?oc? W Hrvan. C;.ar:?a S Jon?? an 1 Hy. It?hi. O M?f?rgcli. M ' .?r. A 1 . . fi.v^ro'xr II. 1115. VI r.i"hanp> Plar? lAiti-r M''?a?. 'Haasoe R I'u?,. n?nry d? ? H ' ..-. - ?? Qtffej I II. Md'all - ', ?I ' - it ?r - 1 hanges in Firms. r.?.?..?? fan, a 0*. Menem DeBtr, a.imitt*t : V I. UertM A 'o., FrM Seymour a liMlted, ' < -? A ftsal A Co. Tali** Joe.?? TajLOT. Jr.. ?drr.lfj.l A Mryward M>A.ntn r*nr?d I, F n.*i_o!iLd k Co.. ?ir-rli.1 0 Sruix. ad ?tttfd ?Lit?. Watal k Co, Aloia/idar M. Wal??, r? ?tm\. ft. T. W-hll?, ?<lml"^d. QUtart 0 Brown?. admltttd. CMrtU A Sar.fw, Rrlward Ht To?roj|?n4 a/1ciltu?l ft.: ?J Fair?!] k C*.. fr?xl?rluk C. Alirl'ih. r* ?. L BuAtra A Ox. WaiMr Wataoo. rattrad. > ?; r .?7 a &>.. /?u-, X. WalW?. jr.. ?d BBmsd I. ?-? ri R Andarpan A Ca.. Otrew ?. Aad?r ?0?. tulrnlttert Tirlur, A:.thac? A C?.. Wtl?U? C ruUoci. ad ?Mud ." -.' A ran. *7t??111? 0, MKfcua. rrUnd; Ns> ?nl?l Ti MrC7?av1/. r?tlrrd. W?.* H S>?tea, Jr. a.lmlrted: r,r,fton it. Pro?. aatmlu?d| ?Oaort? B. Post. Jr ?Itnlttaxl. J N Ba. ; * A Co . Sol Wnlaw, ?drnttted : Wank J MtUPhj atr-.l"?.! Walktr Brotrwn, A Rer??nl MnA'.pL-i. ad ml?, tad. F P BlsUna A (... . * Ska A. I U,a'.. tdmlU?dl .-.0??. rtioo A Co.. Robairt loar r!?rr?9or.l, ad 1 , ?? I rit-r'f?. It. k Co, Thoin?? D Smith, ?.-1.?: '"*?'. 1 1 ? C?., Bvka J, T"x. wttr?1 ? .?, , , Renn Bl?UsoeaV, r".-?d; *;??? ,.'?-' '.4' :i A Co.. Irrlxs J. Fot. ?J ml'i-t Ii?;'? a stuittu. sratiiar J. Hal'.?. ?thsWied fa . .t. S?a-a A Co. Eitward P Maj. r-".-?1 i- I Chapla A 10. BeBes B BeBi a-. - ?arh Irj(4,h?'.niar A Co.. 0?iar R. IJ-t.-?n ..,, , 1 ?K'.,.? m?rnh?>r? New Addresses. I*l-?-h lim-tMl A CO., II Ur"id??? )1 9 c, ,.?? ,t Drafei Bras p-oh?wpj. Nithan I' M-n?.?n. ?t il t?. I^?-.:?rl A ? : Bi ???!-?? (U .? M Wiktor, al < arla?r A Co. 15 ?VSll S'artlle Q lllftiam. al Poat A F!?? M ?v?:i >;.1??rd A M-C'iuwilh. ?t ArooTT O Hodu-i A r\, : ? ??. ?. ii ? V^-i I ' ? --at Tallar A "tob'rjon, 11 I . . ? ~l at Van Antw?rp. r'aboo A FUh. I Bnei Hranrh Offices. E r ni"- m Plasa ff'*?i. Bes V- ? ? ' 4??r '.\\--r t. ? ?? . K??-er?vw:i. MI . A 1 y lall ? : manas?* ?w i, Ka???n. Par.n , . r.ian??;?r. A 1 ? (aew). Oaltland. C?l. W ? - a Co. (r?w). A?3fll?,?. c,?.. ?. - ? sewl, lt Eut FortT-frih ? , -I. Oblo, dlaron T P BJltl ? A < ? laSWl 17 Hroa/1 ?<???. ? . ? ? , ? < ? ??>! Araonl?. Ne? Tor?. ? 0 ? ? ?: ?? ?? ?s-, ''b'iaj?. FI , :? '- ? ? 1 I H Is?? A Co.. ria?a Hr>ul I?-?w Tnrk ! I r 'i ?'.. A Cf . San Zv.t Ca! dti-on ? a Weld A Co n ittale, N. T . dUT-". , A. Noble and Theodore C. Car ? formed a co-partner?h'.p to be known a< Noble 1 Corwin, and will d.'a! n bank and trust company stocks , 1 ???-'.i_-e S. Crap and John K Honatrater formed s new partrer thip known as GsorgB S. Crap & Co. Fstabrook & Co. announce that Ar? thur Sinclair, jr, S Howard Martin and Richard Pigeon have beer, adm tted to partnership. The firm of Loir; A Brvan has admitted Jamei T. H.y.ui ai I George A. Wegener. Railroad Earnings. The following comparative railroad ! reports for November have been made public: v.. \ ?fj ,?-?-?? gsnread Orees I 1 Inerraps f ? . I . S al ? ? ?* i ' -> ' er-?..- 15.71 ? \ ? - <;row ll.S4l.4SI .1 t 1 a ? a.'tf r 1.1 ?? ?;,? C- 'rai Or <a M 191 ". t " 1 .. 1 1 -,,<..??? ? :. nrt ." ?!?$?. -.- . < 1 ? ? ' ? , . ? . > I k IJ7I I , iiat aiur Uim T-74 ltd I ? ? ? 'ili-?|o A B' I.011U ?.ri?- Il IM, ???":. net ?.'fer tans? $i:S,?;5 tn t M 3*7. ,?-.. III! -i -, ? a ?t aft,r t??ei 11?,- I 11 1 ?-'" ' 1 u?sh k I.?l? EH? '?--? H '(l I"' ' ifti r ni? Il :. MU Ml \ .- Central'? t ??.. ail lire??Cm?? 12? , ? 1 SM - I - ta?-? lli) ? ? V ? - U.?'? '45 a red v --a>? ? ? I ' , ? li r-?? .'. ' ? ? * ? .. ? . . ,. I Wabjli Plttaburah Twml al < 1 M II! ? |n ' menas? a t -t. ' 1**2 si? . t, < 'vraase j r Uses 11 ? ' ? New Wabash Directors Chosen. At a meet'ng of the directors of the Reilwa* Company ID-nry B. Jay, of the Packard Autom"1' le Com? riany, and John N If UfS, of the Wil yo. Overland Automobile Companv, v,.r,> elrctf-d direc'ors, *n SBaeea Campbell and Samuel Armstrong, who woro appointed to ?erve t"rr.porarily. All WALL STREET reada CCW, IONES BULLETINS & TICKERS Inveitors read THE WALL STREET JOURNAL _FINANCIAL MEETINGS. _ SuTI' t ? Hi.1.i ?M i.iVKN TU >T a of the I ? , I . i'TZ A KM AN will t,? hi - Bice of . ? .. No. Ill Wili'.am htr?*'. B I ; Mai.ha'tan. '"tty pf New Tork. B ? of January. 1111 at 4 S ? P M.. for tke purpose of ?lection of . t. r? a rs ol Bleetloia, to ??.-v? at th? peal Annual Mpetl__ it? for th? tranpacrt'.n of s-n-li oth-r h ISlPSSI ?a m?r prupfrly rum? lafor? ,urh moetlns 1915. _Il'iHtlKT O RA8QI IN, Be? rctary. ? nr. I'nii'i 1. *. it w ol liiriiTYOF M.\t rogue, 3ft* end BN < mal ??treet. ?bee 14, ills. Th? anu? i m??tlns of th? Rteckl a < f tt is Bank, f * ?h? stoetloa of i>:r?. ? r? fj. th? ?t..a t'.UL y??r, ?nj inppar-.or? of Election, will b? I.?Id at tin, Hanking .'< p III ant III ?'anal titr??t, on Tuesday, J?nu?rv ? 1 . '!h? poll? win b? open from 11 <i 1 ? l i- M J'.'HN B rOBBTT-t, resalar. UNTTTO .STATES Moraa(z?iTKiJOT?MPAi^ B'way at 73rd St. 55 Cedar St. 125th St. at 8th Ave. Statement of Condition December 31, 1915 Assets New York City and State Bonds. $ 3,310 Securities due, one to five yeara. 4,710 Other Bonds and Stocke. 9.64S Time Loans. 13,381, Bills. Not?e and Acceptances Purchased. . 8,967 Demand Loans and Loans due in thirty days 14,206 Cssh on Hand and in Bsnk. 23,135, Clearing House Exchanges. 7,024 Foreign Exchange. 678, Advances to Tru6t?.. 3, Mortgages. 8.846, Renl Estate . 20, Accrued Interest Receivable. 630, ,964.77 ,985.30 ,899.36 600.04 ,584.16 916.96 887.32 620.97 842 99 594.76 067,77 758.81 837.57 $94,564,550.78 Liabiliti? Capital . .$ 2,000,000.00 Surplus . 4,000,000.00 Undivided Profits. 241,608.11 Reserve for Taxes, etc.. 278,736.53 Deposits . 76,786,034.58 Treasurer's Checks. 3,084,767.87 Mortgage Trust Bonds . 7,977,500.00 Accrued Interest Payable. 195,913.69 $94^64,560.78 vicnoLAS t-n*-nin mARLKS a BRO-Vlf BITINS D CALX)Wnx LEWIS I. CLAJUIB thomas nrwiTT c-rtxra CHAULES D DICK"**" ! AI.LEN B rORBES DONALD O attiDSB i*rrnj*CTO na H~s*4rBT a icxTuncncn W-TXJ.ULM A. JAMieOM Lona c. -tRALTHorr rt*Lxv8 Khvmcaxm BOBr.RT OLTPHA.VT MOBTTMMl L. ?.CHUT elbbidoe o snow "le.vbt tatnal*, I"*".'* B TTITOItAS JAMES rtMPBO-f OUT a TRXF-* ARTHT-R n?-iru Corn cura v a v*.-nth u/r OaW)ROEO WARD wiixjam a wnj lOJtN W. PLAnXM otticerb jrrrr-? W rUtTTM...._?.**Ttari<l?n? (ARL O aajarOS.*4"Vr?j-Pr??lilaril JOSEPH ADAMS .Traaanrar HLN11T L aov?se .Aaa't TVatairar IIAKIt'i O HADI.rT Am t TT?aau.-ar CHAC.VI K.T SJ. MUaraSI . Aaa't Traaa. CALIIB'I BRir?rTt" ..__?/Va SVaaMant FRANK J I?A-*S^NS _Vl^-r?w?Vnatrt ALEIAXDirR PH1M/W ?-Tatary T. W. B. MIDrjI.rT'iN.?*-"t **tsui -VlUJAil T lal*** . Aa?*? H^rMir, RALJ?H L. CEFlrJtO. A . ? s. r.'an Member Now York Clearing House Association KingsCountyTrustCompany BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN 842. 344 nnd 346 FULTON STREET Capital,.$500,000.00 Surplus,.$2,000,000.00 Undivided Profits - $635,213.82 JFLIAN D. FAIRCHIIJ), President. iri.lAN r. I UBCHIXO I'll on*,*) BLAKE . _S?rr*<?ry Wlll.IXM IIARKNESS ... Pr..|H.-a. HO" * Kn D ">"**l Aaat "rcrvtmry It. \\. M.-Hll.iMMi ?.ii-a-ireainrnta,, \oK.M \N ' VKI'INTI'.R Tr.i.i . irrl.-.r nil ? Mil I. U \*M?.N. Jr. OKOKGE \ Blimil.K.Ce-un,r| STATEMENT At the Close of Business on December It. 10! 5. Resources Cssh on Hand.??.... $ 1 Cash in Bank?. 3 Nrw "lotit City and Brooklyn Bondi.. I, Olher Mocks and Bondi. 8 B mis And Mortgsgei. . I Loans on Collateral, Demand and 1 ime. 6 Bill? Purchased. I Ogka Building. Interest and Ac? crued. Liabilities .391.506.77 Capital. $500.0<* ,723,523.IP Surplui. Undivided Profits (net). 635.213.92 502,332.51 Due Depositors. 21,728.43544 ,450.396.07 Checks Certihed. 29.058.0 ? ,040.800.00 Rebste on Loans and Bills Purchased. 15*332.24 866.122.31 Taxes and Expensas Ac ,577.374.64 rrued. 22.950.00 210,000.00 Trust Checks Out-leading... 737.50 169.371.54 124,931,427.03 624,931,427.03 THE Kings County Trust Company Transacts a General Trast Bssioess. Receives Deposits Subject to Check st Si|kL Allows Interest on Daily Balances. Issues Certificates of Deposit at Special Rates of Interest. Procures Letters of Credit Payable in Any Part of the World. Before Making Yo'-'r Will the Kings County Trur-t Company Would Be Glad to Ccnsult with You and Have You Name It as Either Your Executor or Trustee The Charges are Fixed by the Court and Cost N More Than in the Case of an Individual Acting in Such Capacity, t'ic Advantage In Favor of the Kings County Trust Conmany Being That of A'., luto Scanty. --/ALTER g B 'DELL ? ? ;, ?: OEO '? .MOBD . A IH?M'AU ? |"A1R' iin.;) S P rAIRCHIUJ ? TRUSTEES -V.'I.I ? 4 M 'I IRK .VCSts I WHITMAN V. ft'-VTON 11 w ? ? \ i ; : :.?. " s HENRY A METER CHARL1 a , NOHirS CHARLES E ! FtKINg D!.:: ? RAJC8AT i> n gCHAR*4 isa-s? al i ? ' : ;< H i t?. ?'. ooo " M VAN A t WILLIAMS LLBWELLTM a uha?. Benin ruai New Year by Opening an Account with th- Kin*i County Tru?t Company >A'1:M!A. ,,h 11! gtNZU KAM 'lA'.nii ?ITIt s .? A l-A 1. I DIVIDF.ND NOTICES. 225th Consecutive Semi-Aunual Dividend THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK ?T Um ?l'y if N?w Tort 42 ?.a.! Btrest D?w?saaw lira, tau TT.? Biard of Dtrac or? 1.4* , . < -1 ? ; I roar set - ?. '--? ' uj. . . ? January Ird. '.1*14. to ?to?kiiold?re uf a', u.? i-Iim* cl ' ^li.a?? I ??camber ?lib, MIS, -..!,.. .. .-I 1TIK H.LMK'AI. NATIONAL Kt.NK Or" Nr.U VIIKK. _ l At a rn??tins of tt.? Hoard of n.r? r? of th!? Par.'?. h.-!.l 1 * tmber II u ual sd-monthl) dividend ol IB >i tber ? U B an estra il ., ,'... ared apea tus . i I thia Bank, payaoir January 3, ll'.i, to ? h<ild?re of re.ior.l at th? clu?? of busiuoaa l.ieoember IS, lull rstasfcta litoambtr 21. llii CaeBBBa THK B\NK or AMERICA, ? geek, Peeetber i7th, ins. Th? of Directors have to-day de i (Mar. 1 a ?i-nil -ur.iiual dividend .f fourteen ! (lti per ceriL, (Me ef tax. pa>ah'.<> January Ird, till, '?? ?tookholder? ef r? ard ef tba ! date. The tre is will reavsla eleood until '*f"**l !i. 1?14 I _ V. M BENNET. CsAthieV < Ht'., r ut Tb? I ult?d illa* I, .,.r arm?,,t f o. N W Corner Broad an.i Arii Str??ta ? '.115 Th? Directors h?\?i tin? day isolend ? quarterly ,11 I ? , j p ?ha:* pa ? Ja -, ?teck tt | istness i'?c II, lili ka will be l. M MOBBia ii.?,..-,r HAVINGS n.WKS. UNION DIME SAVINGS BANK 40th Street and Sixth Avenue Aa li.tatart Dtrldend (?ISt/a eat??ruu??j baa ?It .a -at? jt* Tftrse atitt Una-nail frr CsiL par annuav i a'.'. | .la. .1-1 1 111? pa;a?U an a: .1 eOS* T' ?? ,1?, Ja. ia.-, ,o in?, an a!i suru r- '.:'.-'. -...?rato I !-r -.... li, l^tmt. M ?:.?/ ' ? tf'T, J?i.u?r? II dr.-. I laSSSl . .am 1. lili. Sien, H. IT. Kinnaui. Prea?dant Frauda M. Irak?, ?'reaa-.-ar. 1 rank F, .-<? rr-tary. THE FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK Corner Ht h \\enue <* 4Jd St. ll'Hh eons* i asn innsjal d .Man,?, [,4a : f-n da ? ? ? I Thr.- ar.4 Oas-taa (I ? m a. i'imi :n |i to li )j-, payabla on and after Janjary 1?, 1111. Depimlt* nitule on or SOgBCO tb? 19th art Ja.:uiir? ?alii 11 r mar Inter?-?! from the lat. Amount due ilepoaltora *.'.".S"<l,4SI 00 Sorplos, markrt taluda $ 1.9S7.WS SS WILLIAM O i'NKIIV F?r?al,l?nt. J EDOAR LEAY HAKT Treaaurar II. W S, IRDELL, btcratavrr. DIVIDEND NOTICES. NATION W lit oui? r roMPANT ?vos- DIVIDEND N" I" A Dlvl ? t r ? l*oaa Stoelt if thia < .p.'.psny haa this day b*an d? i iA . -ith nest to all ; anuary ' It W 1 v IRIDOC. Tr-aaura?. Doooaafee? 3 ut. i?i?.