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Here's to 1916 and Here's to All Those Who Love Snorts and the Great Outdoors Binzen Wins Junior Lawn Tennis Title Defeats Weber After Four Sets in National In? door Tourney. - COURT GENERALSHIP FACTOR IN VICTORY Chicago Boy Ucks Much of the Dash in Final Test He Showed Earlier in the Week. By FRED n AWTHORNT. Elliott Bl*soan, ?*-(. seventeen-ye : old Sil rHhaa Vnlvors?ty. wo the notional I ?or junior lawn tenn i char.: | t'vtei* Suites yes terday by OOfootlag James Weber. ?. Chicago ur,I At.llevar Acndemy, on the board courts of the 7th Regiment Armory. Bituen won by a score o? : " a, ?? t. - in the nature ;rprii-e to thoei who gathered in the armory to ariti ? :irnl round ?natch that ?raa to bring *Vo V.< it against tht- West, the Fordbam you'.i , won by stcilir.g play. As a court] strategist he outgeneralled Weber, he ! was fully as fast in getting about the court and he hammered per?t?ter.tly at his opponent's weak pointi until Weber faltered and beg*ar. to lose control of atroke and Judgment of distance. To those who watched Wcber'i de feet. It aeemed that the Western youth was utterly off his usual hard-hitting, forceful game. But it we? Binsen' earning in steadily attacking hla op- ? ponentA rulnerable points and rarely allowing Weber an opportunity to get Into position for a "till" that causea the letter to fall off in Ma play. In the third set Weber gave his fol? lowers hope of better things to come? rle took trie first game at iove on his 0*va service, crashing the ball into Bir. -<?n's court so swiftly that the Ford hoa* student had acea scored ag 1 im twice. The games then alternated j op to S?all, and then Weber, forsaking \ caution and g&ir-ing temporary control of his drlvata Rr.rl h'-avy nmashos, fairly ! bombarded his way to victory, taking | the 'tst three games of th, Thu Chicago boy held the lerid et 2 pames to 1 In the lnst set. and fer a time It looked as though ht, might pull the nates out, but he -va? unable to ? hold his winning ptr^ak. and Binzen I won the last four gomes in a row play? ing with equal cleverness from all over ; the court, and this gave him the 6et, j match and championship. Where he had been strongest In his ; playing on Thursday, ar.d on the earli? er days of the tournament, Weber was I wofuliy weak yesterday. His severe ; service was running wild, and eleven I times in the first set he made double-1 faults, an Indication of thi whleh he tossed away valuable points, j Instead of serving bia second ball with j more caution and makinp certain of the ' delivery, the Chicago boy put every? thing ho had ir.'c the ?hot, with the ? result that the ball cither larvM a foot ontside of the service court or I fell Into the net. Blnien did not make fhe mistake o? offering his opponent short lobs, but played these shots very deep, so that Weber either had to remain anchorr-i on his base line or else, being caught unawares at the net. was compelled to race back and to make the re? turn when drawn "ut of position. Occusionally the Andovr ?*ar got his racquet or. these lobs* at Jj3t the right angle and sent the ball crashing back te n'.s opponent. Binzen refused to be fl?steren, however, and kept lobbing with great eteadlneaa and remarkable. precision, until finally Wob? r broke tinder the strain und lo'it the points with wild smashes King Smith sat in the umpire's eha.r when the match hojar., and William t', Ptv.'i? Tup match referee, j presided ai ehief linesman. Binzen be- \ gan the service, and took the first game , aftor device had been called once. | Weber won the eeeond came or. I service, and tl s bojrs fought along evenly up to 2?all. Then Binden started playing his drives deep, (on log Weber back from the net, and vent b into the lead at 4?2 on games. The ? [| ''hicago player took the seventh game, 9 but Ma opponent broke through his service in the next, end won trie last | game on his our. delivery, giving him ? the set at 8?8. A long deuce game opened the sec? ond set, with Binden ftoally winning, I but th?-n Weber began an T.petuous , Attack from midcourt, and won the next j three gamos in a row, Bti only I The Fordhoni bey did not permit this t? nipornry ?elhaok to : alter hit? plan of campaign, however, and kept shooting his drives to Weber's bnekhund, which he found was a vul- ? nerable point. They were even again ! at 8? all, at 4 -all and at "? all, and' then Binron broke through Weber'e service in the eleventh game and won the lust on hii own soirie* at love, i acoring boontifal jilacement aces mi two pi his With defeat imminent, Weber showed his couruge by coing back after the rest period with increased vigor in the third set. By nn etfort, he got his smashing service under leash, and followed in to the Into 'he net quickly to finish tho points. The gun,..- at ternaU'd up to It all. and then Wobei let out an extra hut<t of ??peed and Jan out the set a' ?'? 6, ?lnzcn woa the t-.r.-t game of the last ret at love, on his service, and then two ?ooperately fought deuce i rames were won by Weber, who was ! ghting hard in the laet trench It -.ras his final effort and Binden closed v;ith a rush, winning the last five gaines with a bewildering series of passing drive? und alashlag ?hots ' the fore court. While according full credit to Bin- ! : en for Che manner in which bo gained bia victory yesterday, it' be ?aid fot Weber that board lloors are new to htm. and that his slaving arm was painfully strained earlier in the week and must have him troubl?. durit.g the cham? pionship match. Both, boys, hov-iver, rave 4-vid nee of greater things on the i'ourts in the near future, and both ;>re n cred't to *r.r game, viewed a? ; players aid sportsmen of the best type. l The polr* I the mutch loi Ian : if ' l-omm ?444-41? 4-?-'. v,,r?r < ( "M> mi ? ? ? 4 I 4 | f i 4 4 S 4 ? ' ' ' 4 | ? ? l!nia-i , 4 4 ; 1 4 .4 S ?.'fl-rr . ?,, , . . I I 4 S 4 S 4 4 4 4 I 1 ? - I Totala? Fin,.",. S -? ? Dotats Wrt?r. 1 ?? ?. MADISON SQUARE GARDEN I HIP II .1 \\ ,,l, COFFEY vs. MORAN It.,? IMSV ? N.,?? I IBM i, I.I.-I.I...1. UaO. sv 5cna, ? TROOP B WINS IN EXTRA PERIOD MATCH McKee Defeats Freebootera to Fast Match of Indoor Polo. Red Bank. X. J., Pec. 81.?rt took an extra period to deeloe the Indoor polo frame at the Armory here last night, in which Troop B Anally defeated tho Freebooters by the acor* of 7 goals to 6. "McKee made the winning point with a clever backhand stroke. Thli waa the first game between these two 'i>?mi of the Moiirr.outh Po'o League the J. Lester Eisner Cip. Members ?bese tenms harp ioir?d the Indoor Association. nn<l will bo seen ht on with Xrw York team.? within thi ? fow week's. Features of the "?me included a line :'ive three-quarters the lenrfh ef the "f:eld" for a goal bv Rober? IfaaOB, enptain of the Troop trio, who later was hit la the DOM by a hard driveti br.ll; the playing ef Plej/d Rush, waoae two poals iti the final period breecht his team or over. t< rail " Itfa the Free -' ir- nt A fi. nnd ike back and mal? let work of Randall Kcutor. One of thi Troop's fronls was made by the pony of A. S. H. Jones, of the opposing team The line-np follows: Tnonr | ftOKBOOtttBt 1?Rrt>?rt M?pam. ' 1?A B. H .Tncif?. ??Lao Mi-Jta* ' Thoma? S F.elal Baa??Floyd Rush. | Back?RandaJ K??tor Ooais? Trcnp B: MeK?r (SI. Roth Si, Maaoc. Jon??'? pony toUL 7. r>w*ax<Ur?; rtjld III, .va? II) Kealor: loet on MB] aSAlntt PAe'.d. 1; t*uX I, "flm? or t?m??T'nir S-a-iclnaU BafSeda: t?e and tnr??-quart?? mlr.ut?, play?jd whan ?in i.ins SO?vl ?u nt????Captal-i R V. R H Stoajt. Rifare??tVSJllam O Btaxiebrtip? N. Y. YACHT CLUB OFFICERS NAMED Corn. Baker Appoints Fleet Cap? tain and Fleet Surgeon. Commodore George F, Bnker, jr., of the New York Yacht Club, In his gen? eral order No. 1, issued as of January 1, 1P16, makes the following New Year's appointments: Gren ville Kane, to b? fleet captain; Samuel A. Brown, M. D., to be fleet surgeon. Both of these are reBppoir.tmcT,:- Mr. Kane also served as fleet captain from 1006 to 1008, und Dr. Brown as fleet surgeon from 1907 to 1908. I ivo 40-foot motor yachts from the deeign of A. Loring Swasey are under course of construction for members of a volunteer eoast patrol squadron. The boat? are to be equipped with small wireless outfits and with 183 horsepower engines that are calculated to <!r;ve thera at twenty-four miles an hour. Stuart Davis, of Southampton, Long Island, is said to be the prime mover In the enterprise. Many boats of this type are to be built, the owners agreeing to keep together for a month each summer and train with the ves? sels of the aavy in the r< nceuvres. The promoter? of the BBOl race from New York to Miami, l'lu., say that the race will be started at a date In January to be telected by the ownei? of the boats entere! entry wr? thi Lady Baltimore, by Ha'.l & Solly, ?f Baltimore. This boat was built especially for t ( from New York through the 1'anama t'annl to San Francisco last summer. That race was called otT foi lack I I entries. Captain Thomas ftemini is to have charge of the Laciy Balti? more In her race to Floridt?. Rubien Picks All-American Track and Field Teams Frederick W. Rubien. secretary-treasorer ?if the ?imatenr Athletic Union, who succeeded James E. Sullivan In that position, has announced his selection?! for the mythical all-America track and field team for the 1916 edition of the Spaldlng official athletic almanac. Fie also has chosen an all-American college team. Ted Meredith, who wear? the silks of the Mradowbrook A. C. in open competition and the red and blue of the I nivrrnity of rennst lvanla on col? lege fields, won hi* phice on both teams. He has been assigned to the quarter-mile run. Le Ruy Campbell, of the Chicago A. A. and the University of Chicago, also ?on double honors. He was crowned king of th? hall-niilers, ??hile Arlie Mucks, of the University of Wisconsin, was named on both le.ims in the weights. All-America Team on Track and Field 100-Yard Run? Standing Rroad Jump J. LOOMIS W. H. TAYLOR Chicago A A. Illinois A. C. 220-Yard Run Running Broad Jurnn R. F. MORSE h p. WOBTHINGTON Salem-t rescent A. C. Boston A. A. 440-Yard Kurv Standing Hiph Jump J. E. ("Ted") MKHLDITH W.H.TAYLOR S,eado\vhrniik A. ( ?i- ?? . .. ??? ,, , r. Illinois A. ( . 880-Yard Run n n ? . , I- CAMPBELL Running High Jump ?Bieeraity ef Chicago. W. M. OLiiER, JR. 1 Mile Run- ??? Volk A l If. 8. TABEB Three Standing Broad Jumps Boston A. A. P. ADAMS Hun N'p* York A. C. J. RAY Throwing the DlaCBI Illinois A. C. v w. Ml ( KS (?Mils Ban University of Wisconsin H. KOLEHMALNEN Running Hop, Step and Jump Iriih-American AC. ?. , ,?,,?. ? .... ~ D. J. AHKARN 10-Mile Run Illinois A. C. H. KOLEHMAINEN D , .. ? Insh-Amsrieaa A. 0. Po1? VauU ?Cross-Country s- B.VL,AH ? ? , r H. KOI.EHMAINEN Multnomah A. A. C Dish-American A. C. Putting lfi-lb. Shot 120-Yard Hurdles P. J- M'DONALD F. w. KELLY Wafc-Amerleaa A. C. Los Angeles A. C 66-lb. Weight for Diatance 220-Yard Hurdles M. bTGBATH 1 MURRAY Irish-American A. C Olympic Club. Thro,.jng Hammer 440-Yards Hurdles ,. u\a\ W. II. MLAMX Inl. American A. C. Boston A. A _, , Walktns- i niov. ?ng the Javelin LOW. HINZ '?? A- BRONDER. JR. . Mohawk A. C hih-Amer,csn A. C Marathon Decathlon ? H. HONOHAN A. W. RICHARDS New Yoi A I Intermountain Association All-America College Track and Field Team 100-Yard Run 2jr>-Yard Hurdles H. L. HMHII I Ml'BBA? University of Michi_aM Stanfoid University 220-Yard Run Running Hi_h Jump A. F. WARD W. M. OLEB. JR. Ualveralty of Chicago xale tJi hrereity 440-YaTd Run Running Broad Jump J. E. ("Ted") MEREDITH H. T. WORTHING I ON rsrty of Pennsylvania Dartmouth College 880-Yard Run jf,;^ Vault L. CAMPBELL F. h. FOSS ITniveraity of Chicago i : all University ??Mile Run Putting 16-lb. Shot I D. MACKENZIE A. \\. MUCKS Princeton Universit?' [Jaieereitg ef Wiaeeeurla 2-Mile Run Throwing 16-lb. Hammer 1?. 1. 1'OTTEK H. P. BAILEY Cornell University 1 nitreraity of Maine 120-Yard Hurdles '(ro.'s Countr\ I . W. KELL, J. W. OVKKTON i av?rait?; of Southern i aiiforn..' Yal< \J\ rerait? Heres to a Long Straight Drive By BRIGGS Personal Touches Here and There in Boxing _ By KX)E _ "YOUNG AHl'ARN WILL MAKE ; I r/E EFFORT THIS AFTER NOON TO KNOCK OUT AL If'CO' ?VND WIN THF. MkDDLEWEIGH' CHAMPIONSHIP op THF. WORLD. Qooas who sent that startling bl of press bait. Jacques Ciirley, thu TIOER MAR ROW FAT man? Nope. Kewunee's keen kutter, Tom Jones? Nosir. Jectns Johnston, the Garden man? Ah, no. Old BobOTSfoOS, Ike Dorgar. ? '?? eold. M?ge, the Fort Washlnertor : potato planter" Again NO. D uak Dan Morgan, made famous b; 0 Brown ? s again, ?y Twyfort!, the man to'j can' blame for trying? You're getting warm, .lawn Patricio Dunn* Why, of course. Isr.t that like tht old (?pi'llhinder? Isn't it character!? tic of the only man In the world whc ; can invtate Souss's Band without th? aid of the band! Johr Packey prom j ?ses ? thrill at the Broadway Sporting i Club, and his reatly typed dodger the above, brave lino toree, Jobo P. knows that McCoy ? to be knochad out and thai Joke Is MOI in the knockout class. However, McCoy has promised Jawn Faddy that there will be a whole bos rworki rowded h:? effort? eften A regular loui-n of ! July eel piece, a? it were. As a natter o' ?"act, it is Ah earn who .- to i ?? ap and rot .y to put ?his an Should McCoy by any *i ha Bull's boy uncon get that Lou; sritfe ' Pi ul, and what a ', ! would be to little lunule in . globe trotter, Legi. n of Honor nan end prospective redolent . | it St. Paul. . (?eorge < nip held poit-sider ? cheaply an 1 he nicked lim on the i Wlien Chip rame to b? was on 1 the flat of hi? back and a Thi thru: b WS I to ltting: ?tyie, Georrjir, /'- r toen ' ? ing, H7mt n tin-ell world thi* would btt, ? Mc('oys WOTO all trOMOfX ?? . \i>rthrrn ."?..'." It t.. ? .u. then, Jake \hearn, land \ou, Daniel Boone McKetriek, to bav< . . ?? . . I >M BIN ED < Al Lippe sands a communication to t that JeS? b ? ?-? Les out in rive rounds an.1, ho una the only man to accomplit-:, that all importaol fool Aa ????> reo the report?, Al, they said that Smith | deliberately fouled l'arry to eve hita .-el:' from a e-i: oat. There :.ave boon ' g about the A .-? raliar. fans .and critics bv the ears, because Smith was tir.merci/ully fu^ed after the bout, anil, further, his end of the was held up unit toroed hate the -ar turn!. Th. t- m ia1 have l.een a good reason i for do::.g that, because SOOW] BaKer's rapatation r* a -.|.:are aportsaaoa La L ape 1 liter sgaiaet aaists that Dare* I , lb bl tht pan. Btrai . ? liai raj. be has :i Kangaroo Land and ?ho Wl ? ' OOl by DoTCy, s'-eaV : :.i of the setisational i -ht. If Smith de ?berat.'ly ( ;. to save biOUOlf, eg of business to 'hat J. Smith scored a knockout I over the r,. At that we may , have to i. v t'. i-otning before true fact? of the case. If he doc COSM to America a New Year's Cheer for Boxing Fans (Afternoon) Broadway Sporting Club, Brooklvn?Young AhtArn and Al McCoy, Allie Nnck and Young Shaw, Kddle Smith and Young Clin? ton. I airmont A. C?Wild Burt Kenny and Jark Drlscoll, \\ alter Brooks and Jack Heed, laBBBJ BBBSell and Barney Sn>der. ( lennont A. ( .?l.eorgr- Thompson snd Terry Martin. Terry Mltchel and Walter Mohr, Bushy f.raham and Hughle Hodden. Olympic Athletic ( luh?Mike Mc Tigue and Frankie pYa_SBB, hui (ihetti? and Johnnie Drummie. Jotinn? Hajrea M,,d Young Sieger. lh'ee special lour-round Beats, Sharket A. C.?Sailor Jack Curry snd (hick tjuinn. All star show. Jetf Smith-Lea Darcy bout would be a banner vrtrd. There is tslk bob ef mal Dillon and Fred Fulton, i n If Fred ?u worth a thiii heavyweight contender, th? n Dillon will ,'.nd it out for the faithful. Fulton would have to 1" off t!ie smaller i . rathei lint m the matter of giant ki.l :ng of late, simply beCBBBe ' ; red ap te th? Ir name^. j;reen, pf l lid be bound ?? outdo him la the n ?" ling'" if'. Fulti n has c ai i of Dillon's speed; In faet, it is doubt lul if h? ever saw one line him tion. Superior. Wie., and !....?:?? ms bidding for *h* bout. Billy Roche was a mad, mad man when A tchie bulked ?i* hi Ted Lewis at the Gardei n?_ht H l'y seemed te ? ?touule brewing fer ha steed be hind the scribes in the famoes " - . ' .? . I: ? ? km i, ?.'jar." i with ' L Le be able to hold clinches. Wait unt'l I. perk ander that bathrobe. more than all the Ritchie! in the world and the '11 aever be ? S crease gaff or: hin lalihie. Look at his Beck the bathrobe '.s >?)>? i.'t you fel the oil ihining m I? V.'a.t unt'.l be tal off, that'.? all." trai . Lewis didnt object to anything-, but all a? ??? i : te :i howl __ ? ' hand banana'?, end still >i>wli:.(? when Lei m to in nice little boy i and ran i eat their eraeki - I an Mena fron i levelase. Jack Britton foughi J I ?rifltl - b few nl ts . ad to say: "All the papers said that the i erra 'hing except one, and that gave the shade te G i, ai the story that I ??ret: Ideace -v.*t Jac:. wear, sal II lack ???i?. mereli trj ng out hi? riirht hai oen in hock fur ti ' ? ?? iv s of a kaaekle, Sap, I ?tel the law down of i .; ? Th? y lead John ? all over the ri:,,- pj ?av| > a tire whipping ohn'toti never n> BtlOBCd thai - r> tara, iaa*l it ! Not Hasr. ? - ree welterw? ight title when Bf I Laaia in New Yoik, N<?? i 1 ?ook '- ? in Dayton and Mika I that slashing, .hitii;. smashing tighter in Boetoal He tight either of them. ... I J 'hnstur won't dare deny that he ha? I dot? n otTers for return bouta ?? thre>: that ? mi i.-.toned.'' ??EATH OF "P. J." A LUG LOSS TO BOWLING WORLD Riddell Was Prominently Identified with Sport for Many Years. The death of Paris J. Riddell re? tro m howling one of its BSO Intereetiog ligures. "Big P, J.," as he was colled by his fricada, iva< a tour ?iipetitor for many years. endona in physique, the 16 ed like a toy in his hands, and ho was probably the bast o? any of thin ths lost decade. "P. .1 " earn? i a reputation for him? self a.4 a member of ths Bportoa Bowl? ing Club, but. aside from -hat, he was II - in the country. El ? ?!' all the ... ? ; by 'he No? tional Bowling Association since the founding of that organization in IfoiT, .' deal to do wi*h the specially built alleys of other associa? tions, lii mtnently identified with the Uni I Bowling Clubs of New fork a-:d was a member of half a g organiza* mi?. The Rid lei I fai ? SO B ? i tei ns ?re eon? ate Mrs. R ore 1 leioo, won i. a Thum I ,?d many achieve . Glenn I . the late Pai la ?' . aw ? ? boa '.< rs la !he eoootry, and wa former ' rcity cham? pion. He also nos one of the uvo-man winch won the national champion? "P, J.'s" mo?* notable success, how ? ? .?. on and dire s t. an of ,'j-;ern pin ki wop. the world'a title in Pitte Bra :k live il Boa f A I year i-i, and In onged ? si ' ? he ; inadian Bowling A ras t ' ? or? ? ? I ? Jimmy Smith, the "peerless." and , V. Dui >nr, both of whom abaodoned -, i edult ?? rn< ho '.'? According to " ginally aira: ft capable p Ir would not ha. until the middle of tlOXt month Ap porentl**, they had a strong deeire to ' I ir point of tton ?? the trip - ' rf If ' 600 h* Spu? lt would not be surprising if ? toar ?rere attempted in the the pr?sent, however. Smith is : CMaera a*, the Grand Cen tral, Brooklyn, inking on four men each I . are rolled in each ?', pins counting. He eon? iverages dose to the ^oo mark. Two or three times bowlers have caught ' - . r,\t a?, , Victor Vega si i Ubei I nan. Several prominent men in some o? the ".?'" K-aguea have taken to heart the suggestion recently made in the columns of The lr:v ?.... thai s rias . - . .tiners of '.-? - ? uta. Iri ? il informal ? ad? it . fi ths at - - ill be OU . 10 man has I wilingnea etTi cham '?:" the NOW York Bowling Aeoociation will b . .; the matter before any formal : taps up: oikeo. I Moran Accepts Terms for Bout Nr?v Orleans. Dec. .11.? I ommy Burns the fight promoter, received n Iclt-grum here to-day from Frank Moran, In New Yi?rk ( ity, accept? ing turni? Burn* offered him for a twenly-round h??avywcl|fht rham pini'ship bout with Jess Wlllard, in Ntrw Orlejar?, on March 4 or fi. Ailer the promolersj and Willards manager Bfl Wednesday declsred that tho Willard-Fulton ronteaat, ar? rangeai fur this, ?if? on ?larch 4, was ?iff, Burn? wired M ran offering h.m 47,500 flat for a BBstCB ?* Ith the champion, pro.ided Moran defeat? Jim Coffey ..! their bout in No? York on January 7. ATHLETICS IN CANADA AT A STANDSTILL War Responsible for Conditions, Says A. A. U. Secretary. The enlistment ef mo.?t of the a*h lete? for ser i the Brltiah flag in the European i.onaible for athletiei being nt a standstill in Can? ada, d ? rtea H. Crew, ?cere etle 1 ? >un( fy, yeetei Mr. Crow has been at-er.ding the ath B tola city, and stopped at the local A. A. U. headquarters be? fore his return homo to discuss the stl lotie situation in the Dominion with Frederick W. Rubien, secretary-treas? urer of the Amateur Athletic Union of the United States. Track and field sports hata been ao hard hit by the wsr, said Mr. Crow, that no championship meeting? were likely to be held In Canada this rear. The only group of Canadian athletes, ac? cording to Mr. Crow, that will visit this country will be the Hamilton Tigere, who will meet the basketball team of the Crescent Athletic Club in a game in the Id -Signal Corps armory, Dean Str ret and Waahlngton Avenue, Brook i-morrew night. This five :.*? the best in Ca? I TIP" O'NEIL, FAMOUS BASEBALL STAR, DEAD MoBtreel, Dec. IL "Tip" IVNeU, famous oldtime baseball player, died lUddenljr from ha-art ill s ease on a BtrSXSt car here to??? Chicago. Dec. IL- "Tip" O'N'ei!, who died suddenly in Montreal to-day, wa? a member of the famous Bt Louis Browns' outfield, com? rising Welch, ??hy and 0*NelI. He was the I al "Tip." He joined the St Leuis - as a piti:!.or under Charles A. BOW owner of the Chicago Son. Mr. Coic.iskey said O'Xe'.l was a won? derful ball player in his day. He re? ared from the gamo in 18M. He was about fifty-eight years old. HOLIDAY SOCCER GAME ON CARD New York State and National League Teams to Meet. The afternoon of New Year's Day will be fittingly celebrated by the fol? lowers of soccer football with the an? nual match between representative elevens of the New York State Foot? ball Leapue and the National Football League of New lereep, this being the fourth of the series, which at pre?ent ? ef New York. a- .-r breakiaa aren in the first two matches New York WOB the ?h:rd at Harrises by 4 goals te 2 last year. To? morrow's match will be played at Lenox Oval, in this city, the kick-off being scheduled for 2:45 p. m. The following are the player? select ;*ii te i the two league?: \ i prl Btaia iragTi?--v r.ft. Teafcen: K?Uy. I. H. T. I lonkers; Young. I. Il T. Btn ?.-? Hay?, l ? Stuart, i. n Oaoper, Oat ?: ?1 I#a?ue? T.??-. ?. A'>- riir-4 Naplar. Bes esek k B'l as: It?? ? ? i . .?. stark. Srottial. ?marteaos: Klynn A..?r Bern .T?rtr? A i I ? I. I ? Brot M.h Im?! - ' I Bajpl Kl ?. H- > ? ?? ? i -? Carlisle Basketball Five Plays To-night The Carlisle Indians will mee' ?he ? ball team of the Bt Christopher Club, of this city, at Manhattan Casino this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Thi- St. topher Club team is made up of former ni^'h school and College play? er-, and has lort only one game in two reara. The Indians have as fait a basket ? un as they have had football Uame. Hermaa, the crack halfback of the eleven, is playiag, and so are Crane Bad i-'iooii, thi' ;. '? ,? ..?? -back-, and Uhi?e, the halfback. Whit the team. HAGUE BUREAU AIDS VICTIMS OF DRINK People Journey from All Over Country to Comal. Specialist. "If you :irr> a Victim ef alcohol erre ar.l talk it over with us at the con sultatioB bureau ht [?e Hague IM In Ulis helpful spirit, say? "The Chicago sffort is being made by the Du* h au | rombal the ore ndulgi ice in ii ? of the Netherlands i lei and eren il man and othi-r helper- er ??- ,r ? ' iaed y advi? s si ? work tor men an.i women ad licted to intern o lad them - "ually outcast owing to th ??? ?t?nate Many men and women attend these iltatloi ... ,.? aii !"*rt8 eounti rally, it must be said, at the . : 'well and expert spe? cialist in charge ef the bureau. N'o lermoB U read t.. the rietiau of the rhe applicaat is aaked in a kindly way about h:i or her occupa- ! tion and mod.- nt Ufe In ? as -.i th.- cause ,.?' his pr her lack of occupation. Phillies Trade Martin. Philadel'.'. i pluu National League Baseball Club announced here to-day thai It had I Jack Martia, i >p, for Rhoadea, a pitcher, of the Uilwaukeel American Aasociatlon team. BBUtiB played with the Bt Paul team laai seaaoB, and waa recalled by the Philadelphia club. Rl right-handed pitcher. He Joined th? | Milwaukee team leal saaaoa, prior to' which ha played in the HeitBOIB 1 League. ' BASBALL TAKES A NAP AS NEW YEAR WAKES UP Not Even a Rumor Able to Exist Along the Old Rialto of Sport. ONLY J. B. FOSTER IN TALKING MOOD Giants' Secretary "Sick and Tired" of Denyint* That Team Is on the .Market. By FRANK OMUL. Y' ? kr.ow the old . night before ? gh the house? ''. I - was tho day before N ,nd all through the town there si, ??able rumor. Harry BlaeUif hadn't bought the Q ???'?, I was not elected president of an* and by and i a hard night along the B But newa was r.ot the only ? missing. There wai a lor./ goat which answers to the M John B. Foiter. When last SOCO It *>? running westward, bleating- "The Giants havs not sold." "aha ?ays t> .1 1 he has contracted aors throat, laryn? gitis and kindred ailments from deny? ing that the Hempstenl Interests had paned into the contr.l of .Sinclair. "I'm sick and tired of denying the reports that the Giants have been sold , and are going to bo I . !." -aid Foster. "When the Feds were alive it wai nat? ural for them to get after i publicity by buying the .'.*?*? y. ? tional League club ever." other day or so, but now that pen-, and we have a<=sur?>d ev? ?? elnb is r.ot for sale I can't ? itand it. Bat you ca: author.fy that tl ISO WOT sold, and that's all. ?1 and wish the fans a happy Ne for me." He closed ? ruptly. In the absence of Captain Til H\ I and Colonel .'.tcob Rapport, Harry Spam ? tile pi of the I . colty in 111] telj nothing ? . Harry pla; ? Bp la an argunu'nt. time to breatiie a word f about the coming season, r- | peeially to the corps of yo Sparrow is cer'ain that out cf the nine or ten youngster the trip to Ma?on, a the team and be of assurance t.> Caldwell, Fisher and Shawkey la not a solitary one of the whr la leaa than s'x feet ? Silas Love, who -rand? 6 feet on the hoof, is the giant of tl Dazzy Vanee, Q Markte and Allan Rusaell ar, - boye. BaaeeH attracted attention by his ?lever work witl < olooels. He is a right-handed ?pi*baL pitcher, who has everything i:i th-? w./rld to recommend him to the I Morgrldge worked the \ fall, and made a f ivore sion. i har?as W. BOOJOfO, owner *nd Indian?, ha? relinquished control of the club. The bank- t boodle 1 i. -i affairs doeidod tat I baseball Interests coal I moot ca? ed, and they ordered the sale o' lb to satisf Every effort was m. I Somers in the game. Several club own SI?, including Cap Huston ani I Rapport, ottered to loon h - o? money to riout tl for another season, b it It was i i that such a coarse of i be rjetrlmi to the terests of Mr. Somers. -Mr. Somers has been one of ths larg of the American League. In the e. r!y days of the war with the Nationa. League ho baried bia raillions lato th? and n*os loi -? - imenUl la making the Johnson circuit that grea* ? ' ? to-ds ? Jumped, the team money real ed at i te was >ufficie:i*. to pay eld i tly I the American I ? Somehow er the boys jus ?top pickiag on Jack Coombs. A playei ? ..,, a-| f with saying that I - r.d will not la?* another ? lack ta have "shown fla | ?' ,rm, but b', and large | . ?g ?? It . able, from our knowledge ef 'ja.a Coombe. that be modi gros gtmee. Maes the ho .? P t Mo in. < I ? . contri toi m through 191 let the raM>!:: ; fans , -? a - SPALDINGS ATHLETIC ALMANAC A MINE . . ? -f*s "Atklatta A!**- ?? 1! trie track a: . records that have boon sooept? I :r Athletic Union at. ! ? collegiate A. A. A. A , aoosnuries of fhe principal chara ship and other event world during the la-' -?? - 1 h<- diagrams, pub!: tisse last vear, showing the im| ? | ? ?a timo and J. ' I ? .ii Ion - itoodord erecta oeen brought eg ? ? balance of toe ? ? ' ? a great un.iiuti' follow 01 The illaatratioaa, as leue very interesting feature of ?e pietorea ' nOOt athletes and SOSOOS a' ei i , ? ,- mi eta. SPECIAL SALE- -USED CARS , ' -; ? ! ' li . h i ...-:?? . i h v- ? aitWM a ? i? in? i sa iH.ii \i..\ w ::t ro? HI?O i AS IN Al v ? lk,s St. TV" ma oa -^e??""""-"-?-"--?, Bowlin?-A.:ay Blllle.- * a ?'?*>i ^"asssSaaKSnf Tab,? llepalra _ g ? ? O Supplia Mar? ft:..a { Jtr*7 w~ ? m SO Unlou biauara. V^Va*