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MASKED MARVEL I BOWS TO ABERG AFTERLONGBOUT World's Champion Inflicts Terrible Punishment on ??rnknowiT Wrestler. .??ander Aber*, world's ?hamrion ! ? wre.tMr.g. demon -Lead IB imrrr??lve manner at the f!__. Over. Heaaa laet night that ?na-'r'-^!'r'b'for'Mm;t v.?. strie of the gran ling game. It: ?ids mor* ?*?? ?? ^nr "d ? ha!; V" ,sc. aaaUhlaa work he pinned ' ' v,,-' ;rrs al iV* M^-'^oni VaiVid Vsrvel to th. mat 1 | It wa? ?el tir.ti'. the Martel had Bed la eaal ?a atebabl, the M. craer.'.ng BeaiehsBBB, a man ever ?astead on ?*? ?r? ??.'.'.*_? mal that the ____P1 BBBI IbbIIJ BBBh back, his B0W? ,'rV ihou'.Je-s both fattened, while ?pite aal agalB on the almost aaeea> ,.,ja> nan heaoath hlBV a ?u s ahaBoarj ?rid tasada arm u-\ Hat aetai ?rained the fal a seventeen lalaa he'd ?jawty, earn Ingly, eruellj punished his erg can. Wrenc ?a spaaVed maa*l neck from side to theat Russian then starte ' , M ? ssBsaeal 'fr'!' !(,w" ! sted Isied ' the , _.-? . ? ? y to wear teca I ajtag, aeiT r.rvel as a . . rrey for three minutei., K:erj. pj | thaer, the referee, la Germar: "Ich babe euch:" ?"! have >B did not correctly ?t::rr.?t? I - ponei t'a powers of re i to en ends t ? ? . a? s of . qss i ? i i bark he went ? > r for or.e ? and. Mai sa and he drcppp : tails ? - could - . e a - - I leer M I - ' him . . jpor. the half conscious form] Columbia Interprets New Athletic Eligibility Code Rute Bnrrinj- Graduatea of Other Colleges Will Not Affect Athlet eg En? rolled in 1914-'15. I'nofTiolal announcement wna made at Columbia I'niversity yesterday that en foreoment of the regulation in the new eligibility eoda adopted last spring, hav? ing roferonae bo thu barring of gradu? atea c? other coll?ges from Colombia teams, would not affect inch athletes as were enrolled In the university in the academic year of 1614 '1,V Tl.'a fact came to light when Captain W. \V lawyer, captain of the Colombia basketball team, and Harry Fisher, oosch of the live, said that Jack Laird, the old Princeton outtie'.der, who is being tried ont on the Blue and White squad, would, probably be eligible to rlay this season. Laird, who is a second year law stu? dent, :s one of the nun whoee cases were brought ipi to the atten? tion of the aoiversity committee on athletics. He ?si a member of the Colombia boaeball sajaad ail lait ipring. but was Ineligible to play because or the one-year residence rule. Levinson, former i C N. Y WotOI polo player, and a men 1er of t) ,> I olumbia water pole team laat winter, was another who was barre.'. I y the BOW regulation, as wai Merosteio, a former Dartmouth man. who played en the 'varsity nine in several games. In its enactment the regulation wai retroactive and barred every man with i roe of another college fron Co lumbia teams, making no exception in the cases of rnen who werr a registered or who had even played for bia. Them facts were brought ! op to tb" university committee when It met la ths fail by Robert w. Watt, SOptoin of the boaeboll teatn, and It is andentood that he pointed out the un falrnen? of tlm rule in so far ss it af? fected men who weie already In Colum? bia when it \?n?. passed. No formal announcement baa been made by 1i>e committee of Its stand on the matter, bal the faeVthat Fisher Is using Laird on the basketball turn and his statement that he would prob? ably be eligible, together with a state? : v Dwyei that he was eligible, Is tOkOO SO **t "d proof Ihat the rule is to be applied onlj tO those gradu?tes of other colleges entering Colt mbia after July 1. 1911 Another OUlttor that Is perplexing the committee is the freshman rule as applied to baseball. Lack of facilities for playing baseball at Columbia prao ticsUy makes Impoeelblo the orgenlee tion of s fieshman nine atid its tiatn ing ai a separate organisation, it is the contention of tlie baseball authori? ties that because of the lack Of play? ing ground? it would be futile to at? tempt to develop a franhman teatn, as ?,'?. j".ti,'?n of a nit.e f, t first year men Woald be defeated through ths physical inallllltj to trnin these men for 'varsity material. It is believed by tho?e in charge of baeeball that tin- freshmen of promise would got more htnetiti if they WOTC te be members of the 'var s ty sj.ia.i es et present. This I? the thai I ' lam? la has folios sd with indifferent success la all its sports save g. ar.d although ?t has not been Conducive to the development of large baseball squads the baeeball manage? ment feels that It Is the only feasible plan to follow In that sport. Thi? proposition will probably be thrashed OOt more fully at tho January meeting of the com:.;, pi and pounding the Marvel's shoulder riowr- a Aral terrific ? " ?' So infuriated was the Russian, the Rothner had to pull him away bv ma: force. Aben rose to his feet and him bered to tho footlights. The ma?ke< man slowly rolled over on his side and then, too weak te riie wlthou ass.stance, took Bothners hand oru staggered to a standing position. The audience, that had been cheer sdly for the Masked Marvel a! tl I boat, d.d not r*s rletory srith any great show ot ira, Tl e Russian had ra-s rte.! to unfair methods upon more than on? occasion, and tho crow was quick tc ? .: and howling thront? . rion. rhe unknown wrestler was led to his chair, while Pollard, hii manager, v orked rnr; over hir.i to bring him I Aberg received a mingling of cheers and hi?ses as he kept - in frc- ? ? stage. But the audi? ence demanded that the mar. in the black mask corr.e forward, and when I, supported on either aida b) every man and woman arose from their seats and a deafening ? | | ause swept from ? ry. Five minutes later Joe Humpl announced that the Marvel admitted Abern had prove.1 hmi-c!f the man at ?man style, and as long as his -th lasted. lur the men wv ll one and then the other ? e work. Aberg, ? ? tal lack of t rea, proved he was a master of sircasm when he anked they strained 01 you do for a II The man In the mask replied, but r.o bis ai iwer. lier L? will wrestle at Graeco-Roman style to h, the mai | promptly lech. WUST SEEK OUT NEW GOLF LINKS Marine and Field Club to Lose Its Course on July I. The Marine and Field Club, of Bath Beach, will soon find it necessary to seek new links, for it became known yesterday that a big technical school will be constructed on the property Aa it happens, the club OOvei BOS owned its land, and the lease has ex? pired. All bat the ground used in the fifth, sixth and seventh holes will bs required for the purposes of th? i July 1 ia the date set for the building operations to begin. Great hopes were entertained a ?."ar rr Og members of the Marine and Field he or ,ion could be de\ eloped further, tut the question of room became more acute as do* sl< ? . section. ' ? Iginal ? tl *> Marine nad insert circuit, and for sev? eral si "irig a full eighteen-ho ? id a work? ing ac ? , ,ning property. The arrangement, hot was not po; u!nr, and it was | ? Fro- ? n the limits of greater fork i-4 at such a premium at present thai It is all bat Imp? ? club 'o obtain such a handy lo? cation, so that It would not be surpris? ing if a new tract were sought In the ANNUAL AUTO SHOW OPENS AT PALACE Continued frem page 1 ?arieui cor.'?- ? look so prosperous ii-.d aaateatt . rhere is not] ng so BseeiBBj as ? the < ?r.tenance cf t man m BspBaehUe. ;:? n ay be a little cold ?? to the a SI ? of his car when h? beg?r.s, bal -na chance and be will gros . g right enough. Vou w ? _n thinks ,r, and that he ?fids Bree ii --luragemei.t to tl camps would do te bear in I ? automobile re for the Baal ?-? , . " c - .?man has 'T?ry emotion at his command. He t?r. be merry or sad, fc- war JiEts. He car. Indulge In flights of '?' or ipeai a customer with a aaiated fact. And, arove all, he Is ?ver t:oquer.t_ ? the automobile sales that be dots not in the least ob Jtet te dpi s merits of hla car Baa who has no intention of buy '?'?%? V,, . ? . ? ? cd it. And. by the way, we wi [ntt BO ' - -pht In a saaey y ....t. If it had been we t ase* '-. ;aded to buy a fan o: ? ,wers 0rTa.P8-' " is a n .? ? roua shoe at the Grand entrai Pelsee, to the moneyed man *nd R * ? one to the pen* v.rre is probably fiscirt' ? ?-?.? Standard Buys Plant. The Standard ?teel Car Company, of "ttaba rs of the Standard '-?" have taken over the Pitts bwgh Mode! Eagtae Company, with Plants In Pittsburgh and Fern, Ind., * B rner being a new one of most '?"P-to-date construction. Thia action on the part of the Stand ?r4 company Is in line with their Poliey of tecomlng factors not only in ?J?? manufacture of automobiles, but in ?e "ifking of automot ile motors and Pfci-tia, asll Th? ? k-:ne Com? panys assets la property, buildingeaBd ? ">?ch:nery, when taken over, exceeded iLQve, ? Maxwell Men Here. Kecognlzing the educational value of -? ralaCe ?h"w. even to a staff of au ??mobil? experts, Walter E. Flanders, **?<* of the Maxwell Motor Company, **? hu sien to it that virtually all h* besdi of Maxwell departments P' their wash's work to includo 5 ltut two or three days la York. ' Mr Flanders will himself be Bf! ??? of the week. |a will Kx.cutivo As!???!tt" ' Ul?-n John C Jay. jr., ?ak_7 V QtT">r^ Managa-r Orlando F. ( u "? ???BPtroller Welter M. Anthony, Ser*? _*?????? Ra> Harrour mte M^:r Charles J. Gould. APPerton Plant Enlarged. orird?fraApp,r*1 ' ireaa arr??.m p???on ?iros 41 L" *?? York for th? nounced that further additions to the I Arperso-. factory In Kokomo have made necessary - greatly increased demand 'or Apperson cars. It ws | "tei the anounce- , ment of the new eight cylinder Apper the Inadequacy of -aetory SS then existing was npprei ? r extensions were required to take care of orders on hand, and rew rgs have been erec'ed. The dally capacity of the Apperson plants has been Inci - factory force ll working fall -, orders, Heinze Exhibit. Arrong the new iccessory exh who appear at the Automobile? Show for the first time is the John O. Heinze Company of Springfield, Ohio, manu? facturers of electric starting, lighting and ignition systems. The electrical expert of this company, from whom it takes its name, is John 0. Heinze. for years an electrical Inventor and manufacturer of national reputation ai.d for the last five years chief engi- ? r.eer of the big Northway motor plant of the General Motors Company, lo- i cated' at Detroit. The Heinse appa rotas, which is on exhibition at the ] Grand Central Palace, is paid by ex- ] perts to offer unusual advantages in : the w-ay of simplicity, compactness and I economy of manufacture and installa- ! tion on' motor car-.. Mr. Hein/.' and William I'flum, pri and general I ? er of the company, have arrived in New York for the show. Overland Sales Co. Willys-Overland, Inc., haa been #r ganiied under the laws of Virginia with a capital of $500,000. This will be a subsidiary of the Willys fiver land Company of Toledo. The new company will take over the sties de? partment and handle the sales of the entire product of the parent company. All stock of Willys-Overland. Inc., will be owned by the Willys-Overland Com? pany and all officers and directors of the new corporation are from the nffl cnl stuff of the Willys-Overland Com* pany. John N. Willys is president; IL T. Dunn, II L. Shenler and C. A. Far!, vice-presidents; Walter Stewart, treas? urer, and B. B. Scott, secretary. Show Has Wide Influence. "The influence of the annual na? tional automobile Rhowi it farther reaching than is commonly believed or evoa admitted throughout the Indus? try," says A O, Deiborltng, Genersl Managet of The Haynes Automobile Company, Kokomo, Ind., In answer to the inquiry of why the automobile and accessory manufacturers go to the enormous eapoaaa of exhibiting and supporting the national show? held In York and Chicago each year. "The individual dealer is affected as much as is the single destfrner and manu? facturer, in a general way, the two shows are a veritable clearing house for designers. Tho ahows have a very . decided tendenry to dictate the do* j slims for tho comir.g Season, and they I are accepted in authoritative even as jure the cieu' OOS of ths PorislOB de "The. comparison of the sarious j models ' n sxhibit means, much to the ; for ? Ig) ted eng eer. it tokos but llt the fall atice of the prevailing undercurrent. The of ?he Industry 1a to? ward g'andardization of | Its In so far a? aetoal measurements Kre concerned, with sum standard.zntion, there is ample room for individual designing, as is evidenced in the 001ward appear ?nee of motors and bodies." Stearna Exhibit. Prominent among the multiple cyl? inder cars exhibited at this year's big ehows is the Steams-Knight Eight, built by the F. B. Steams Company, Cleveland, Ohio. The motor is a "V" type power plant with a 8V. inch bore and 5 inch etroke, developing fi? horsepower, and is re? markably smooth and silent in opera tion. A distinctive feature of this en-' gine is that the sleeve valve mechanism employed in its construction permits a design requiring two-thirds les* pt?rts than any mul'iple cylinder engine in existence to-day. The chassis is a Steams standard chassis with a wheel base of 123 Inches.; It is too we'l known for descriptive i comment. The body designs express unusual craf'smanship in design and finish, fol lowing very closely the most advanced styles of the : nest foreign practice. ' Polished metal is almost entirely ab? sent, and replaced by artis'ic appoint? ment! of wiilniit and leather in the open c?r modele. The Inclosed models are masterpieces of the coach builder's art, offering new and distioetivc foal tires in bronze and silver hardware, with mounting of French Inlaid walnut, further enhanced by upholstering of imported fabrics. Hupp Service Facts. In connection with its nation-wide I service plan, the Hupp Motor Car Cor? poration has issuod a booklet entitled "Hupmubile Servie? Facts for the Owaer. It explains tl.? benefits de? I rived from the llupmobi'e service plan. King at the Astor. The King Motor Car Company, of De ! troit, have established their headquar ! ters at the Astor Hotel. Amone the pany'a oi rials here .'or the show {are: President, Artemas Ward, Jr.; vice pr?s.dent and general manager, F. A. Vollbrecht; assistant general man? ager, J. B. Siegfried; chief engineer, T. P. Chase; sales manager, B P. ! Bishop; assistant sales manager, 1. B. ? Meers; technical expert, I. D. Bocap, 1 and li. C Bradtield. Cadillac Cut-Out Engine. Tho Cadillac cut-open rhaas.s at the ! auto show is a counterpart of tho one diaplayed at the San Praooiaeo I tion, where the company was awarded the medal of honor, the Cadillac being the only car exhibited with a V-typo motor. The chassis proved one of the most attractive features of the automobile division. It was widely commended be ? nf the unui ? il s locational value, Ing, as 11 ? ?ht into the internal mechanism and Us workings - something which the average motorist I seldom has the opportunity to see so i -learly demonstrated, Briscoe's "Red Queen." One of the much admired features ?of the show w:is the "red queen" in the Briecoe eohll it. Tbl le < ' ; the show models of the BriSOOl " 1 0*00? Ity-four." t'pholstery, painting an.i all hTc :n crimson, and the cur is t things to strike the eye aa one enters the show. suburban ?Bstriet Definite pit Hi? future have nut been armour Apparently there is ?tait? a etio?i Imttveen a "dog leg." "elb "ini'i" bi.|?, and the authority itatemea! la no less s person t W Tililnchaat dealgaef of manj Possibly this differeaea never h? lefia? I, I ut the nrfliileot, for h PBtpeeea. make? the distinction In both installes, BO saya, th leg, or elbow, oeae?ata of aeeaa I projecting from on? side or the in the fairway and BBBttlBg < green which lies at an angle I : ometlmea a courageous drive r a plafei to carry elOBf over this i trouble, tho flight of th<? ball di iii?r a hvt'"theiuis? of the anirl thus giving ? murk?.I advantage certainly a straight Une Is the si dlstanes between two points. "I cull this an elbow hole," shj llnghast, "and probably one of th oxamplea of this type Is th? te?nth at old St. Andrews, wh? light hand course is played. Thi is the famous station masters', ai drive which carries well the of the feaea and Korean's shops 1 rewarded. "tin the dog-leg hole wo find ? ilar condition, except that the an beyond tho reach of the a-olfer's t rodJgtoaa effort, but he must d on a verv long shot to got heyon obstruction In order thst he ma lb.' gra? n Opea up to his next sh. fine example of the dog-leg hole ! first at l'ino Valley. "There is still a third vnrlatb an obstructed Une to the green. Is ral'nd the Vape.' Here we fir iehi eat ea te the fairway close to the gr^en. and usually th? of a hill or a huge mou> d provide obatraetiPB, Ob the eaaa hole very necessarv 'o plaoe the drive, greet s" iracy that the gr?-<u opened at ill Maybe thero I n great i. -.' of difference between ;?g and aape bolea, but in the I Instance th? angle is close by the i nad has 'o b? negotiated at the i rather than at the beginning ol shot. Poesihly this attemptad ele cation of the three terasa may bi BBW? ',.-.>?".(? to those who have been Sl.'d." EXPORT DEMAND STEADIES COTTI Musinoss Orows Quiet After I crpool Closes?Kven-up Chi Loral Activity. Reports of an improving export mand and foreign buying of months gave the cotton market a erally steady tone yesterday, althl oarly advances were not fully m March runtracts sold ui, during the early trading, 01 aboi e 1 hursday's c[r ? and aleeed at j.:.4>, with the gen .. a] an advance < to 19 points. Business was fairly tive at the Start, but became ? fter the elees of Liverpool, the r- ? ? , high b ling for ot 1 ? '.i 'a ad ".irnment. All i led to-day, but ?ill reopen business Monday morning. January notices .'.op reported circulation at tho opening, but amoi ed te OB I 000 bales, and evidei caused little or BO I QUidatiOB, ai 1 .gher. I erpool ras a moderate seller of | months, but was again an active bu of near positions, while there wai good deal of scattered covering. : loi 'hs soid 12 to 14 pointa end of the firat he or 7 pointa follow le mon? th&n a dis fits following an vanee of about $2 a bale from roc ? els, and to area up comn for over the turn of the yeai es again reported belter export demand. This is a-tr ?.i*hing supply of r oad, Bl ? the idea tl importers must soon find way to ?? stocks of raw c tin was OBCOU raged by reports of ci n Manchester. 8c, ocean tool ige ai J ths hi freight ratea are against ths BBtl pated eat >n the expi movement, but the higher rate of at' ,.ng exchaage favors the fon , In some quarters it is felt that Ki liah Imporl rt are likely to be assist by the British government in getti freight accommodations, should t demand for raw bee : pressing. Exports so far this seas have been only about 1400,01 I bal? while local statisticians figure th stocks of American OOttOB abroad the visible points bars been reduc by nearly 1,000,000 bales since the h ginning of tho season. Consumptii is proceeding r.t a rate eonsidernb ??? ol importation abroad, ai .ation is working toward an i readjustment Exports ? | -?ero 20,131 hale ? the '*?? r. again 101,771 last year. A better feelil ever the Anror.a affair contributed I the early advance. 'the weekly movement flgurea of tl New York Cotton r.xrhango follov. Port receipt-,, 100,100 bales, again ???0,fifi2 last year; overland to mills an Canada, 17420, against 10,191 lai year; {Southern mil.e takings, estima cd. 110,000, against 80,000 last veai gain of stocks at Interior towns, 9,4b against 161 last year: brought int sight for tho week. 337,77':!, agami 459,228 last year. Total crop mov? ment: Port receipts, 4,106,754, agairu 4,720,831 last year; overland to mill and Canada. 570,500, against ???2.1b la it yoar; Southern mill taking "00, again.-t 1,447,887 last seal stock at Interior towns in excess o August 1. 919,703, against 1,072.20 last yean brought Into sight thus fa for season, 7^51,657. against 7,723 ' lit year. Kai.K? "f price?: Y?st?r Open. Hleh. Ixys?. Close. daj Jsn. 12.1? 12.24 12.18 H2?'2l2.2t 18.1 Feb.. ? ? ? 1-.". BU 18J Mar, 1244 1252 12.41 12.le? 12.49 12.8 Apr. 18.68 II ? 0 18.68 12 M I'll II 4 May, 12 67 12.75 ? ? 1.' 0 It ?? June. It.7? Bid IM .Tu!r. 18.88 13 s* 12-?2 12-fi'(ji2>7 12.7, .79 12.79 12.79 Sept. - - I2.47?12.49 12.? ::<' 12M 12.45 12.t-fil2.49 12.3s The local mark?! for spot sottea Wat pfendy and 10 point? M?t-rr at 12 '0 for ml I dllng upland; ?ale?, 1.100 balas i delivered 01 sontraet 1,500. Baeetptl ?t port? and Interior roln?? r*? terdsy and for th? weak, compared with th? of last week and pf tv la week la-d Y??t*T- TM? Last Last day Week. Week. Tear. Galv??tun ... laUMM U.SSl 00,106 111411 New Orleans, f- 201 4:..HIT 11,777 67.2!>l MobOa . ?sa 4.0-0 I444 ?avannsh .... 1.748 IS."JO IP.?11 ?;,?? ? 'on ... 1.0.13 6.884 5.145 14.707 wiii in^u.n .. 2'o 1.222 ?.sea Norfolk . l.T'.K 12,4 2:? IB.eil 18.6*1 re ... 1.P7S 1.678 1.781 4.177 New York ... 223 1.X10 92". 145 . 445 8,111 8,1 ' I.T7I phla.. 9 Ri? 210 I.8M ? ... H.8.58 85.819 88.141 80481 Tots!? . 51.2?e 186.168 122.881 In-?;lor 1 V.Kuat* . BM 1.061 ??.i"! 11.?.42 la . 4.--".'2 S2.I-8 10.511 19.-94 St Louts _ 1.618 11227 22.161 IS.Ill llo'i?t..n . 1.20 < S6.4BS 76,?'j8 ?>4.S7I l.l\-?rpool WMklv report : Thi a tj,?t Last Week Week Y?nr. Sales all kinds K'..000 10.004 16,601 II R.;...' .\e ?r 8S.I 11.006 84 "it Sales, speaj'I'on 1.600 - 1.000 Sales, for sxpt I I * 111 1,060 1'orwarded II ? 10.606 88.606 81,606 I- ??? nil kinds 87.000 00 ?i-"?0 161 ImpU. Amer. 61.P? I 41 . VMal iinirti 4 OOO 4.000 10 CO -.001 Rtl all kind ?? - 100.006 162 00.) Bl ,rk \ ' Mil ?til kind Afloat. Aaser.lS4.0Oa 20- <? <-eclnl I Iven o? rab?? 1 ? . ae: sale? 16 tassrWaa T"h? ? >tal Inel ' >e reateratay Importa 11 O?O. bom Am?rlcHn Mlt'r Inn.l. " .-'I K'it iras oren?! '"irm. Bt 6 to I I ?int? ?.Ivan -r ; -!i?,l sa>**t. tut ata>?dv, I SS ? poli >? I l|jh?r . J?n-F?h. - TS?A ; Mai ? Am. 7.8O1 Oet-Nov, 7.11 ' Y?rn?j h? i-, . . ? ..>th*. a Urs? ? ' ? dolns. PRODUCE AND GRAIN PRICES Wheat and Corn Markets Decline Sharply Under Heavy Liquidation. GENRRAL MARKET REPORT. New Yurk. December 81. |91l. WIIKAT. Wheat was very narvnm during the early operallona, and Bfiass a.lvan, a.| 1*4* to 6Hs ?m es yerme oa the part of abort*, who were apprehaneive of bullish development* |n the ! ua.'.i..ur PealtJea, u. Isiahaleal ?ondi. -asas, Aa th? eoy irsqieasi?, bais-os-ai .?,! nothing of a actuation.' fhamrt^r developed Jong, began to llnuldate, end late In th? ? "'**??? *?? ?lUtlnrtlr weak, eloelng ; with net loeaea SB 1U te i\ka\ The market closed at noon. The eaah r,\ri-r? ,?".?*? I No 1 durum yuoted at' lias**! f/?b -??!! Yorl" No ? N"r 1>ulllt>'. ???,**"* No * Nor Ma?li?la, iLSiU ? i f Huff alo. " (OKN. Corn ara* domin?t?! largely by the anttlon i ,** I**"1 "fl'r ?""?''"g nrmiie*. early arteea broke sharply slsee? at about the lowest, with i,at I,,.* ...? |( to 2^0. H.a -e*h market on N? 2 yellou oorn was quoted at i.i??o. pseSOS?] ahiiimaut. O A'IS. The oat? market followed the lame eoura? aa wheat ai ?! erara, although pri.-e change* were confined within a narrower rargo. Ciualng quotation? ?ere t? to \o nut uwar Tl.? I...-. I ?.-U _--.._ _"!_/? Ko I whl'? quoted at 4lV3'.?49Ulei No 4 S7H?*M6*4j?| fane, "- MS, ami or.lii ni ??Wt Va?. ?11 elevator. .JHOeaWsi tones clipped* whlTaV ?i'-'y*' l?/f** *.'"" . ""'''' ?"*"" el'Hlx-d ?hite? 4- , ; RTF.. o I W NEW YORK PRICKS. Market quiet, No t Weetern. 11.06. e t f New Yurk. Wheat i Open. High. U,i. Cloaa. day. ?'?*". ? 1.85 l.-.U. CHICAGO PRICKS. Wheat i Open. High, Low. Cloae. ""lav! Per erabas. Ltsu X2;u i g,^ rj!0u , 24< y*y. ? -' s Uli 1 16? Jvi?>'. 1-1?V? 1.20 1.16*4 1.17% ?M"y."H 48., .47*^ 47-U .47% PLOI ? AND MEAL /laatOateS waa practioally alian.loned yeeter OU owing to the N- * Year. oe.,brat..,n M tt.e n.?ir of the |,,ca. exchange, ani . wire i,.,minai,y unchanged. BUCKWHEAT J LOI U Market du I at H.SI pan 100 H\ g FI.Ol.K- Dull ; fair to g a ? 66j76j choice to tanejr, $'.804f--.;..-, ., ?U il. vSt*?dy: kiln dried, <? ' DAO MEAL Bt*asdy| fine white and yehow, ' aearae. U.66 I BED City quiet ? bran, 'm.., m.Se| 106 lb sru-ka, ?24; heavy IS, do, 124 . " ii mi'id.inga, |S1 60; ?<- flour, 110 lb sael - I Wea-.-n quiet; bran. 100 lb sack, f EMIS J atar.d ard mi Id Ings, do, ? - '23 i flour roid d.ings, do, 126.80; red d / ft., ir. 140 11. "il mrai, I40.76Q641.28. PBOVUIONa The market tst : g prod ;rt* waa firm early oa a continua'i, ? if I >.ur?d*y'e buy ah waa ae,d t? le due tu Stnsllsi r., ... hoga. I.'.oa. i ng ? u-i'a aaid that the run of gras? hoga waa n. ? o eurn buga have not begun to move freoiy, and thia r,' irary ofl movement- J'ackers ao.j on tlio ad van- ? late In the day the nurirtt ?vu? wrak. lte r-.p'a ,f hoga at Chicago were 20,000; ea kimsted f',i M,ti,U>, .',",.000; Kans.t? ."..-00 and Omaha 1,0"0 Pi Kirm; m?^a. |l9?f? 19.?0; fa'r.l'y, |2igi ir...? olear, 818.6O??t822.60. BFV I Steady : mesa, $1 ' uni ? 118*] I18S0; pseket, II <i\~'<), extra India m?, 627*3827.50 DRESSED Hie,S -Firm; bacons. P'^c; 180 lb, ?S?: 1?0 lb, 111 lb. 6*??c; piga, lOSc CUT M Pickled s- ? : Id lb, U?*si 12 lb, 14 tb, 11*4?, Plekled harr? ?teadv : TALLO '. 1*41 ? I,ARD - Steady; mldd e West, Clt"* lavd atrady ; quoted at t lard ' ntinent, 16.68? l I Anifrtc?, lip: Rri.'l'. kets, lie. Compound steady ; quofd . 9't,o. City lard ateanne, : CHICAGO PROVISIONS. Yeater I.erdi Open. -H'gh. tow. Noon. day. January ....19 97 110 00 66.66 1967 10.92 May _|6J1 10-ij 10.12 10.15 10.':. R1?? : Jar,' AT7 ....10.27 10 80 10.22 10 22 10.82 M,iy .16.66 lo.-'" 10.-5 M.61 10.67 ''ork i January ...1?90 18 97 1*.'* 1**5 1S.*5 May .19 05 19.17 16.81 19.01 19.15 BUOAB FITI KKS. FuMirea ha--e been MSSI and featureless it ?? ? <l..y Tba ? ? M aanai 2 pointa I'-";- "' 4 points lower, tut .a-'r !n . arises ra.;u-,l a UtttS OB lUPporl of Janinry l y CubSM Interests, ?.r.d tbs rrarket s fer the day. l."'0 ton?. Range - galas tot urn ?W, I4?a totas I of pricee. \ eeter Oren. HlgS. Low. n.we. day. January ...8.68 ?.78 8.89 J.6? "> Februsur ..?<? S-4? ? 4i ?'?' ; March .8.S7 8 37 8.87 8.3S April .44 8-i? May .8 50 8 f.0 8.49 8.49 f? ".}0 8.4i J'ine I 8.51 Ju'y .8.58 8.'.5 8.65 : August .... ? - ? - 8.57'33.88 8.57 September.. - - - 8.'" >:>..;i 8.?0 - - .. ? I 8.62 ?.,.,.? _ _ 81 8.64 COFFEE. Coffee araa Inactive, wt'h o;eraMon* large? ly of an evening up character. The selling api-eared to be n Httls more aggreeelve than tl .? I .lying, ??pecial y In ?M n?ar poeltlona, tad at tbs sloes si the day saloaa *-ers ? red to ? pointa lower. Total salas were 15.000 bags. Condition? in Brail were not notleeab.y changed, and coat and freight ofTerj sratrs ?bawl unchanged from IbosS of Thursday : modaraU ?nie? betr.s reported of Baatos is at ?V i"'1 " ' Ul? '" wre off-r"! nt 7 10c. American orrdita. The spot market wes nomnal. with traderi apa ?.etio. I..kb1 a|K)t prices were nominally un? changed, at 7"ie for Rio No 7. Range o! prices: Yester Operv aVSBO. Lo^?*. Clase. day. January.. - ~ 6 I. * , . ^ebruary- ? ? ? 6.53'?6.56 8.5, Mareb. .. 8?5 6.65 6.65 6 ' I ? April. - - ' ? ??;? M,iy. 6.75 8.75 6.T' ? ;, 6.75 Ju'y. 6.86 6.86 6.89 6.82^*1.88 6 84 August... .September 6.*S 6.P? Ml ----- 6.95.1 ?V96 6.96 ?r. ? ? ? 6.9-'.."' ?9 7.00 ?,.r. - p- ? IM?flM COTTONSF.KD OIL r'ofonaeed oil waa Inactive. (Ifferlnga ?ere not large, and the market ibawad a Arm undertone, reflecting bolUsb ?antlnunt, T'.lal tales for tbs peal ."oar on tue I.?-al exchange were 4.4'. 7,400 barrels, against 3 060.7Of laat year. Range of pries*I Yaster Open. High. Low. Close. Spot. ? ? ? Ma?J ? 6J6 Jaanaiy.. 8.6i 8.61 8.58 S.?O' - . February.. ? ? L'S^SSO 8.51 March.... 8.60 8.60 8.57 8.66 ?S.53 8.54 April .... - - - 8.f ; 4 - t May. 8.69 8.70 8.68 8.6 "?8.69 6.84 june. ? ? ? 8.7 IM s.74 8.65 Julv. 6.T9 8.T9 6.71 8.7' .-.?."S 8.75 ? Aut-ust... 6J6 6JS 1.66 6.81 ?8.88 8.79 MET?IS. (.p;er was Arm. ?i'h electrolytlo M tad at 2.;.'/2?e. fu trie N'es? York Metal change tin waa lUtHsO. srllb ":"t In t loU quoted at 4 j lie, and >? I I ,,,-,-1 a' " (of N- ? t rrb spot The gssubee -? sltina sad i pany advanced tr? price of ihipsnamt lead from 8.461 to I.IOl In .'0-ton lots. In Lots dnn the me'al BSM ?? i M foBaMTSI , r spot, I "rsa, 666 elcrtr.'i'.ti,-. 6108, with salas reporvt of 166 tot., ?tot and f>0 tons f'.ture? Tin, ?pot, f ? ?id future?, a".'')' Srttb 'die? at n0 tons 'Hire?. Leal ?pot. ??O 2i 6s. and a : ( OCNTRV PROHUCE MARKETS. New Y. rk. December 81. 1915. ill 1 U.R. Receipt? t" a kagee Creamery, ?xtras I higher leos-ii <. . , lecunda, . thirds, -4 '-'4 f-. creamery, bald. extra? - ' ' Is, 24 "e'-J . . state dairy, fi'.eat. 'sic ; good to prime, - fair. 2Ki?:'iic: renovate?!, extras. . . to; lower gradea. 20 t22c ; m L-rei.'iierr. firaU, ladlaa, irrent make, ft? ? |, grvli-v ?tuck. June maiav ?na. liWt?i^i curren! m?W?, fine, l'j^o, No 2, 1SH_H??I ? ? ??. ,(lgc. CHEKBE. ?oaflM to-day. Hi boxes, Rat?, milk. Ii.ld, fists ,,,e. Imp. 17l^i3l7\c, ?S? fancy, 1 ,'titl 7 ",?c , ourr?nt rusk?. ? psolala. l70lT?A?j av?r?g?, I Inlai; twins, specials, ?."vr(i. >?_a ; d sneelale, 17%?l all ?tyl??. SllllsiBlailSS. 16? ? Wlseonsla, whole miik. fanoy. ill ?7M,gi7jtcj t*|r?, ;;i.4^17U,o? ahm 17V?'i,i,' Cn Yonne Ameritas. 18^ ?Uta, ?kirn?, hold. specials. 16Q16?A< r?nt make, special?. Ul?a | frwih. r l.T'v'rtUo; fair lo g.*,d. i2'.! 13c i con titilo. eg?;?. Receipt? to-day, 1401 i-anea. | reah ?r?d. extra IIn?, per di flr?U, l4ia84'<,o? fir?l?, 68oi seconds, 32o: third? and poorer, 27V,-'1: ? dlrti? I. i?'??ic.; No 2 and poorer. - ch?ok?, goed to cholc?, dry, ??jr ; Wastes, IS'rtlVo; refrigerator, ?pedal m lancr, 25? ; ilrata. 14ffj24V4ej ???? lula. j , third? or poorer, lB(_,22V*c; dl I8U20o, ?Uta, r?nn _,,] i ??rby, he white? fin? to fancy, l((?_46e: ordinal good. >l5'(/.44aj| guthvred white?, ordh.? fine, l??'.lai small wbl'e?. as-ai'iu; \ ?rri, father?.! whit??, |.1'.,40e; ?tata, and n??rhy, h?nr,?ry hroavn?, Mc2?0e ! i ?r?d brown ?ml rmsed I dor?, ?. ?/,66c : i by. r?frig?r?tor white?, 2 | HAY AND 81UAW. Th? market at moat harbor points I firm on Urge halad timothy hay, and bl ?Uaaly to w*ak on th? ?mall bale?. ?) on Nn 1, which U ?rare?. Fair call better ports of light clover mixatd ; ei tlonei aalea uf alalk? mixed, making u ?24. Alfalfa not wanUd. Ry? ?traw. HAY, ...i,? baled, timothy, No 1, tier 124^125; No 8 to No 2. i;ir_,|2J; ?hlpi 11.Ulli; fancy light ?lov?r mlx?d, 88861 (Small bales about I. under larawi. 6TRAW, No 1. 1144)118. 1KI1SII FRUITS. APPI.KS. Rpiu?nberg, bbl, 11.75-1111 Jonathan, 124314.261 York ?????rial. 11 884?| WealUiy. ? 1.7C'_,?a ?5 ; Win?s?p. ' Uypxae wlnesaa, I.(??is 161 Tw? Ounoe, 11.604)82.60; Twenty-Ounce Pt| I TaJlman hwwt, 62(283.60 mix?.!. 11.60'ii 12.iy ? (;r??ni:is. 886)81 King, 61.60tjt63.26 ? Northern Spy. ?1404] Baldwin, |1.60<_tf8.60; HubbariUon, li. 18; I.?i, Davis, |l.B0'_|2.25i Gano, il 12.60; Dslicious, Western, box, ll.tiOriila 3piU?r.b?rg. li.76l388.7B| Uom? T??, t. ni; Newtown Pippin, |1.26??|1 Jonathan, |1.2A(r |1.*0| Suymsn Wir., I. 2i_.ll.60; V.inasap |1.26s262l U Twia, Western, boa. |l.26<_41.60 ; Wl l'?armaln, ll.25',t|! 801 lten Davis, IL: 11.40; Mack lien and Gano, |!.2S'((!1 Grime's (,old?n, 11^,11.85; Golden Or ?2'tf8240j Ark Jbk. K. |1.60a_}|2| I'V.A Kie:'?r, bl.1, |1.5n't;l^.50. ba?ket, 606)1 I RANBEKRIES, Cap? Cod. late ?or'n, ?'.1 ; pur N Y rraU. ? Karly Hiack, bbl. 67??18.50; crate, ll.' . Jersey lluwa. bbl, |;i,t|10.60; Ei Hiack. I6.60i_46.60 ; native, It...u.?t?. li rd erat?, l-'??i2."5; ordinary ?.. 12 | I/o.g talanal 'ate sort*, bbl. < 111: early aorta. |0.7.r._ll?. ; crate, 11.1 12.26 ? .STHAWHERKIKS. Kla, qt, 606)1 KUMQUATS, Pia, qt, It_;i2e; TA?O! INES. Kla, ?trap. 124t$o.?0; Porto il 12.26; MANDARINS, T?a, ?ti 11(881.761 SATSUMAB, Fia. strap, 11.6 ORANGES. Hu, box. finll; P' '??? . r t|l 161 Jumulca, |1(_ |i.26l < ? ' ? Am, box. $2 ?/ 12 ll?li.SOi GRAPEFRUIT, ! ... bos. t 0 Cuban. $. . Porto Rico, IK312.7C l'OTATOLd AND VEGETABLES. I OTAiOJ S B. moda. No I, bu. | $6.60; No 2, I i(U|6.60; No 1, . . Maine, bulk, IrO Qt, S8| 181 ?- K>! Long I? and, ino II, 18.25 ? ?Ule. i ' . Mich, bi ISO lh. tt.86_l|3; 168 ib bag. 1 Mich and Minn, l'.O lb bag, |2.30'<r$2. Jersey. 168 Ib bait. 12.26 _,I2.76 ; Va and ? ':.. or bag. Il.60@82.76; SWEETS, Jem . basket, I6e<9ll ; iiuket, 7Sc(|i; i,i?. 11(312: ARTICHOK1 ('??., Frenen drum, ISiflll; box, ' ??lartiy, J? rasait ni, bbl, I?012; Jenawaea, |li_,81.sO? ANISE, New ( f; 60(982; BRUSS1 LS B 'ROUTS. * Uing Island, quart, I tNS, K.a. wax, bosket, 886J) g-een. |3?(1I6.60; BESTS, Marby, bbl, S - : 25 ?11.60 ; New I ? banshee, 13: CARROTS, nearby, 100 ,b b; ,11 '.n'i;$2 ; unwashed, $1 61.261 100 bunches, II.25_ ll..".0 ; New ( ban?, 100 bunches, $? 50 : CUCUMBE1 Fla, b??ket, 121984; CABBAG1 S?ed, ton. 17428111 dome?-. bbl, 75c ill ; Savoy, 75c; red, 130: bbl, 61466181.601 CAULIPLOWEI ,md. ikoTt But, bbl, 12 (i $5.50; lo cut, $1_42; crate. 116(81.881 ^'a . I and ? 'V. New Or.'..'.?, bbl, ? I i EXERY, Cal, eaae, I ard case, $3'^$4.'.0 ; CELERY KNOBS, b. k?t. li ?ROLE, :?'? f 10; EGGP1 \v. PB, ' a, b <. : I'liian, 616188.60; GARLIC, Itall? . Chii as ?.)?e. S^ti RADISH, I"0 Ib. I" KALE, Va, bbl, ?Oti^oc; KOHLRABI. X . 100 bunches, ?{'-li?; LIM? BEA> lis, half 1?ix. Ill Fa. basket or era 0; Cuban, crate, |1.75'<l 12.50 ; C a. ? LEEKS, nearby, bunches, f 1 60 ; LETTUCE. Fta. biuket, 1 ??2; T. XU-?, Bostoa, 81 'd~$1.25 I New ? I, 12; bsaket, 60cO60e; MUSTAR New Or.ean^, bbl, 11.60^12: ONION whit?, crate or baaket, ?t.iO'.-14.50 ; Coi Valley, yellow, b?*, $2'??2.75: s-at? ni B/eat?rn, red. bag. I1???2.50; ye! w. S . Onu es C inty, red. brvg, ?: ? *. ye?ow |lfi$2; Bermuda, ?rate, 12.60; V tela, ?as?, 12 i" ,88 25; I all ease, 11.85 a-e, 60*981.25: OKRA, Fia. ca rier. 111713; bu-VKet, 11982.76: Cuban, ca rier $1'.?I3: eraU, ' i OY8TE ;2.50-fl5; PEA! ' ?? ?.-- ??? RSNIPS. bl 11.25'i?6l.50? PARSLEY. N?w Or'.ean curly, bbl. I5t?$4: piain, 64 I I ??'. eprt ' "? ",rt'' ? '"' ?".";,L -, ?'IRS Fia. i ? 12981 '???'-??. 12 Cuban, box, ??w Ol o; ROMAINE, Fla, ba ket Si ? ?2 ; New ?)r!.'in?, bh.. t ? 0 ssaa, bbl, I I liird, bbl. il.601Z81.7S: narrow 12 uw, ??hite, box, lili $2: bask ( aeek, r?trs, 61<l|1.76 ? Cubar white. 619(2 1 TURNIPS. \>w Orleaiu white, bbl, $160^12: o!d, white bbl, tC -utat^ga. bbl or ba?. 11981.87; TC MATOE3, F!a, carrier, Il98t-76l Cubar IS; WATERCRESS, 100 bunches, HI HOTHOU8E PBODTJOTO- OssMaskses, del 11.60) StlOS, box, |2'o;$4; !et?'iee, doi ???? ; m!n% <i"t bunches. ?0975c: mush , -, white. I Ik basket. 11911 J?; brown butt RS, 75Cff 11 ; radish-?, 10 as, li.6O082.6Oi tomatoes, !b. 11 ? ? - LIVESTO? K MARKET. New Y rri Pe.-*mb*r II, 1615. ?KKVES. Rerelpr?, 2.158 head: 21 ears cm sal? ?In light ?up: lr and firm l bull? an Stsadf to firm; pome ?ale? of I ?Und? higher. Th? yard? were clear?.'. Ste?? sold ut ?S 25 to ??50 per '00 lb? ?i ?5 to $150; a few littl? yearling' al it to 14.?5: cow?, at $8 to 16.60; 1 estri cow. at 17 ; tallend?. at |2.'5. Dressed bee! slow and unchanged in prie?. CALVES. receipts, 411 ht?d : 2-<> read on ?ale. Th? market was activ? and ?trong and t??1? 25 g 60s nlgber, with a prompt clenrance of th? pen?. Common to prim? vea!? ?old at 68.50 | | ;er 100 lb; eulla, at |T.50??88: barn? yard calve?, at $5.50^16.25: yeailln/?. at ?I C .'.:e?-ed v?uln wer? Bl ?i!.a:te.l. tBei StllUSUj dressed II 8HF.EP AND I.A.MH8. Receipt?. 2.1 .1 ! eu.! . ' cara on sal?. S>i?en In \eiv limited ?upply and firm. Lan-1 .. 2V higher than Wednesday. Th? p?:.? el?ar?d Con-mon to gooj sl.eev ?old at ?? r-er 100 Ib; ordinary to -rim? 'amb?. OK8J816.60 Preased suttttow firm ?t ??'".'? c; dr??a?d lsmbs. lUr??lfte. '. lKi,c. Country dressed hotho-u? . at $"(? 1 per caress?. HOGS. Ra-??ipts, 4,629 head ; barely half a oar on aale. ?? and llpht to heavy hog* ?pioted ?t I6.9(V?87.25 100 lb; rouw'h? at 58. Country .ireia??<i hog? ?t??dy lit per lb: roajting pig?, at 146)16?, THE WOOL MARKET. 11/ Te.tfr?us t? Th? _BBBM?] Phllsdelpbla. Dec 31.?For this Bese of the year there has baten eorutderah!? activity d? playcd In the local wool market Th* mili? nre consuming a larger BOSatlty ol verhap? t an StrSB ksfeee, and .?rule th.-y ...; , i.rally disposed to operate froelr dur? ing '.tie holktsf ?eaaori UsS I PSSSBl reijuire meats conn el th?m to rom? into th? r.,?;'n?t for con?id*r?bl? quantUiea. Th? vol . ?ale? during the w?ek ha? t^en surprisingly large, and the value? of all grade-, .re maintained Medium unv.a..:rd fleee.-j are In 'y rind r..ild?ra want I6S Of tnree ? snd 37c for quarter? of choke qual n: rjaoUtioas are: ar.i Miskiaaa 0eeees?-*f1aa '. - - i -; S. 87'ij,88c; \, 844j}7?| \, % and Ing - V : commo'i and b-al I. Pennsylvania and Ohio il??c?? .? wash?d 64H086tat?. Ittye ; fln? unm?rc! ?ntabie. ? ? 2 c 1 comblr.g ?llx-iic; -?. ' ' :; delaine, onwaahed ' 1 ?" .:c; fln?, common ?nd braid ' ;? -AIoppo aasksd i'^-so.' Angora, tOtcftl?: Pokhara. i China, eoreblng Wi\ 0-; China No Nort - ?rn. ?rUkrared :-l-'T?29c; Mor.. 37e: Dontkoi, ordinary. 87918c ; Dona \ Ba? ? i ppsBfodj II ? s? Kanda ?r l| Karadl, whit?. 87^8??; Kb?rassan, 6 ' tp. K- _t0?i Khorai.aa. secoaa o.ip. sdOBOBa Shipping Information and Matine News of the World Vessels Arrivin-- nt and De? parting from Port of New York. *a*wia*r***aa ??*?*?***. Si. -,??. rill ? III, aw?, rlaea, * II a m : inoon a aga. Hi ".'',.1 WAILIl A M P.?! Handy Hook . 144 4.? '.""in.t'i Island . ill 4. H?.I i .au .|;Sf ? . . WIRELESS REPORT!. k Barsasaf>ard Staeaa aii-Aasasiesej .'.-rie. s*e> na. .-d raeterday; uass aau ,i uu. a da *.??a. Lx .? S*. Byi . a . . aj. Lias, V,0 nL.aa ea?i of Band? Has* ai i...... -asta-daf. **ip*-?xl t., ! - I to u.y INCOMING STEAMERS. TO DA? . ??I r'r.m. S.'Vd "'???lara . Fa..: .u'.U. Leo J| ??SiUi. U?arpoax1 .Dec M !*'? .firwia . alpes- .un ? tar . !?? IT '.H:. .-.?-rpoo, . _ "??"'" .Pol Woo . Tn.h'm? kfaro..I..*, |.,n .Deo II *"?**-* .Ji-rry .Dee if AK**-'?-.J* ?son?IS* .Deo ?I anal, m ?61 ?saslj.Ut.rpool .^^...,Deo 14 ,'? - Ksrd . ;. r.. ?. nal.Olbrauaf .pea 1 Tiaubira* . .,?,, .Davit r-4-IMI? .<>rar, .Dae H Kaaatlanl .?:*,. .Dec 1? ?'?i.aaua .?raa .D-*l? }/??"?-' .i,l.'.rallar .LV J: i.taJi?e.lne.Birx*i* .La-- I] Jlo.VDAT. JANUal I. ?Finland.las-afsa .Deo 13 Car.?a.Ar. ;,. ?el .Deo i? 1- ??<? .. A.-.ia;.?ei ........ DeolT L.o.lenaaH.Q.bral'ai _. Pa 14 L?1 ? -. .'..--..'.at .Da?; 17 i a ij.?i?e.Oslos .... tsaadwyk.Bolte/diam . La;,..j.a.Baa ueii .Deo V* (. jr .1 MotUr'icary.Mava.'...a?.Deo Jo 'hrjigM mall. OUTOODfO atTsU*apa*ML TO-DAY ?al* Taaaal Vaseel For ;?*, ae'ia. Pa?' ?as Har?-.? . ? }-i la II 00 01 Manvla?".::*. Ja-nal* . # i ' au la O'J m a<ie? . 4 4 I! ;.? DM ,a . ',? ?? atas .? ' (H/ A M Louli. Satannah .. - Huron. Ja a?of.?.:la . > - .an*. - Li lid. Oaltaaiaa .- U ia ai nday. ;;akt v Stoetcholio. Q U ?. ?> < 4 ?J SBJ I *fl aaa MONDAT JAMART t. t'-ttad Btn'.e.. i '..-:,tlaaiand .UOOam |:?4 pea loaonlna. M ?eu* . .. .. ...\i iU pm I W'jm . . I ? . i oo pro 8 oo pm i: . - 1.00 na 11 00 m J les i Ipa 100 pe gj TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. Japan. Core* China (t?a Seett.a'- ?"hl'-ago (tars "aa I Hawaii, Japan, ('"-?a. '"t-T? I inda i Ban '-? Mara Jaa I i China, F .ivn* Iilar.da (via HeatUe Akl Mara Hawaii itla Kan I - V.,J.tlmtne ..-??- ..',-. s . -, ? .v Ze? . | - . . loi isaa Jan 13 i Zealand Amtra !'.? irla ' ? ? .a. U C.I? Niagara Jaa 14 ; . , res, (tuna. Philippin? Islands (ela i . Jaa 13 ?u i raa, , Una Iris Beati * Ca? ada Jan 1? Hawaii. Japan, ?-rae. China. I'?.'., '? 'ra Saa Id , . Jaa IT ? ? Zaa Ixnd, A u ral a ? a Baa l'r. Jaa IS finara. Philippine Islenda (fla San fran la-cl Jan II lBBI~r~*D. , g 7. n?c 24 and Han fax. KB, l*< Itb paaaenfir?, m I??. 11?.- at S p ? Klnsf.? 1 '?? to J H er O Co lieft Quarantine a- ; '3 a m. ??. to M A Oslan? . ? m Imperita! IE: . Halifax Dea ti, to Daald T Warden. liar at 10 '.', p m. SO'.n. I o the Arn?rtcan-ne wa'.'.an f? Line ?juaranttrie at 3 47 p u?. Madia - i and Norfolk, vo the r?'.d ?lth I 1>- guaran'::.a 2 "f, p ro I' Arenaa Oct " r->-ral U, ? ? Ta's'. ? .?> H lira,? a i ?. sttth mdae I ra. ? ' ? M, Nap'.oa ?J. Ca'.an-? illar I. to 8 .'. wlih mdaa. Har .' Inca, '? CO .with ?a a ? Ilemi II -J to the Quebeo .- . . malla and eadaa I'ar at * a r-, ? 6*B Ocean -, . ? . i " a ra. V ?'. Rio dS Janelrn N'o? 22 Rii'o* I], lo t .i Batat?n V - - ' ? Itar at : H a DJ M ir?n, Cha/laaton Qjuarantln? at 3 49 a ra n Pee IS sad !'? ?u-n II, ta i-.- lent I Son Bal si r ion Norfeil Dec !9 to maa'er. Left I at 12.48 p as., !'.-'? ? it- Perl Rr-aJn P?. !l. ?ef Per Ambos Zw.dy Hool at I 10 p a F- I.a ". : ? I>aj :< la J "V Bai at T p ra. ar.d Key W.?t J?, to ry .--? lo. w,..?i mdi?. Quarantine at 1. !?*.: lar. V-w Orleana *">?* 14. wl'J? Bdsav Quarantlna at 9 .'? p ? ?A?.F.P L?-paJ'.t* (fr'. IS '. A !?**-.any Vewport N?w?; Wl^lara O'Brtan, Ja.'ts ,..?:..a. H!?:.:ar.d Prt--.ce Ifl-i nitr. rare fia Ne-f'/k. N-w Tort. N?-rptv|; ' ?' a M? , tL-ar Mp*. M aerie ? 7... i.v Inici.,, jL>tt*e as ' Nearpar* -."wo; i Kr) \f?/t>l * Saratoga, fla't. a. '? it--..? k,o h-?,, .i a Br). rT.ire; ? ' San /?.ai. Daraaa, -. ' --?-.. liri ??. - .: .1 l lateej I? ? t - : i. -?,... Ma/atal 'M/-. ?*rr-a,,. , > ,.r.,e hm, 1 . ?'-?-o ' ? k) J'.raM*. I ..a a. ..!. '.a.. Ma. . ? t a. II? I'^fl STEAMEK3 AT FOREIGN PORT!*. ARK. i .. Itrni BteHSsSB a A. a 'H&*/.). rtasr T'W? ?la I ad ? '? lUla iBri^ '.re Toc? ?la l?a.!'*?. *. ? w Tor? l Du lea; 'a. '??? reel Hi. .. I*- 40--<'e|-,t.) (Brl. New Tnfk el? :t'l**T*. K?.'?. .' ' ? .e i~, .I., :.?m l'.a :<,r {'? ' Da 8 ?? ? ?? ???? i ?? ? ? Tne\. .*.?*? T'a"* r.* H aUfas. SArMTD;?e>: r >ee 20 A '-la'lc il?r). ?Jew Toe.' .' ape* Dal 21 -Aj . u, .a. e. V ra. Port SataJ. I-e<- ,. ?< li?:. t-i if/wei Roaag Ko?.?" SV i. I - 'a . ... Vwt, lyy..!-*.. a; -Lai a . ? ? ? Tort, I'if. .S*ta,, I>*e ?* -I. 1 ad?.. I'l New Trfk THE "W?^THEB~R?P0RT. ForevasU and Recorda of the Last Twenty-four Hoars. WaaMngtnn. Deo. 31 ?The ?ua-rt uem On S?ejth aaas raa ^T?i?.e1 the Jlocr.j Hmin'l'na. ac.1t ? : l'a ca.-.'.ra au otar SouU,ea>l*m New wl.enoe It *ti: adrano? :a an ?aa' n-TV.cea-. , - baa bean au? lad lu the M m kslppi Taiiaf fanaaaaea ?. e ard ??irti i. a :.?* and w.ow ?. 1 ?? a a . . Fa .- ?... I *c Hau '? T* leaper-.'u.-a : a* -i*?u .? i '...a Vu '?' ??...*?ai. a u. n..r. r? .. i below ".* anaoaal ttt-ag- la '.at r?,. i .? itarei ..*?> a ? rtaea a the crtx- ? ? ?. i. tl. I-T ?.-1 Uu ? . ? sut** Cold ??? w 1 lo lay u N-? ri.a.acl 'ha ,o-*?at raad at set-Uix? tai.if 14 ??free* be.ow taro at NortaSeid v r , tlcai ir.a a.-? 0 a' L*-.a South weetai ?fess ...a ?.'Mettle** wife and fenara. ran? Bat '..a i.'?.: ataiea. "Vtr. -a?-* a-.' '? a. r. ar 1 ?air.a an : in,,? la the regk of t?? ' real r.a?-? The f-t? of saasWIad ??a.'..- aal rain? ?tl : oswrj; read -i? A'.vr.t - ?tatas 1*1 '.ay M Hur-lay M^!e-*te temperature* ?:.. p-eaaJJi Urota*t ut t*as Xacarn h*.f ?; ?:? ??mi-t tirtoaf the ?.ail forty-etg.'it hour?. i.'c ier ?m.her ?". iterar, read UM SuuttTesuro State? Betir'.'j ?.: Bunday W - ti ' r Saturday a.-.d Sonday Worth A Jar. . moderet* tartab.a. hacrmtng at-jth rrj Idle Alia. aaoderate aoutt.eaat and aouth, axith At ant. - x arata a*at aa* - ar t *r*sn earn aw it heart i *e?t I ' - a stl upt>*r .a*.a re . ?rata ?ouLtt and ac'i'.?a*t| .cn>w jaaaa, model ? aouth. Foeeoeata for Special LeoaJ1t-?e Saeta? I Be? Yart aad Nornar* '< ?? Caglaait, al*?4y aas warmv to-day. ico'ai'j railowad k> rail ar ?saw tB night aad to-n-orrow. Ka?rn Paccar.iu.ia, New Jareas, ffia-isa ?fa.-).?:.d. Tirgin ?, Um Wima of rol-ims?*. Be-it*. ? ltd ?- ithem New Ct.? and. -. o?y ana ?rarmat Is-das, tail ?.'. ; ri? .. saiBai r*?a is '.: ? -: ? '/??orCa. Wat-am rer.nay'ran'.v **-*?tara ***? Tori ?xd Wert Virginia, pmbat,^ rain W-d*f and U)-EOOTTOW. A-kanaa*. Teaaaeae?, Kponetry. tvtiaiia. Ala? ? Iflsetaelnpi. unstalana and faatocj Taaa*. rain 'o-day: c.aarlng and -older to-m- rr?w. N'erth Ca-ollaa, - r. :? ? 'ay. prooaijr nata to ? , - - ? Leeal OtTlolal Beoord. -Tt.a foUjertng oOclal seaost fpm the WeaUer Bsrea i > rm% Um et^ia? la tha ter..yer*-. re *M it.? aj- ' boMr? In etan - ;ih the eorraatw ; lias 1*.* at* U?t year: :?..* . ?j:4. IMS. lam. If . ? p m.. .) 26 ? a m. !1 1- ? p m. It II 3 a. a.. M ! ': r n. 1} II I 12 m.. 2' .4 12 p. to.. ?pa. H M ?sassl temperature r-arterday. Il daareai a? I p m . .owaat, l* H fa. Sa, I atera?* Hi ater ?? ? i' . ateraaa f >r ci,.-re?po:.dlj g dale a*? (JsirO-fJuaS r?*ra. ?i. Bare-set??' Raadlasa, I a. a_03:81 I I p. m 30.4? il a ta. 80 41 Hur-iljity. la rr . SB I 1 p. ..i . . 44 ' I p. m . IT Lacal Feeaeait.?[ncra ? . a* end t. :., ?-?el toy ralo, rala a Slth ? :. la Swimming News and Notes F-t:.k MeGill, the crack fa ?print swimmer, who Is now an i in the Br narrow escape irhile a* ' - ?' couple of "reeks ago. He aad a : cer were domir scout duty elevation of over 1,000 feet, when their machine was disabled aad pluags them precip.tou-ily to earth I com r.o t-ria*' injury than a broken arm. Billy O'Sullivan, of Ds W!?t ^I'nton, the lecal lot ? 120-jrard cham pion of 1016, arill find a I of his mettle when he defen this season. Leo Giebel, of .Stuyvesant, is going the distance fait em URh to make the Issus of ths roOS rnoit nn eertaio. WEST INDIES CALIFORNIA *'?*'?'"' ALL COASTV,*rSoRTS?SAN HAVANA?PANAMA-JAMAICA, FRANCISCO ? LOS ANGELES ? ?ANTiAfO COSTARICA CRAND CANYON - ?APACHE SANTIAGO-CUMA KICA trai^cOLORADO ROCKIES S?mi-pr1rat? party ?rUb eacort NEW ORLEANS, ETC via < Frequent d?partur?s r"r??dcrra ef trees??. Or??t artitt? Fleet of Unit?? fruit ?7?. UflrMOl III II Under American Flag. H U H U L U L U aup.rt0, to all oth?r cr,t-sa WLO ? saTLAUEA VOLCANO-M Loos??- ?top?; hor?l? provided at ?-?try PARMTVAl FTP port and other advantagea V-rtl\.> 1 Vrtl_, ClU LEISURE! LUXURY I C0MF0RT1 32 Day8, leaving FEB. 241k In oonnet:o-i With Ind?p?n4?fil or ! -? :/. rnla travel. FLORIDA r-JS* all mjala r^A^T OJQ yx+J COAST-TROl^ $330.00 Via rail or steamer. Inrt?peniT.? tra/rel erran??.! ?Off Individu aua, ooverlng:? ANY ROUTE ANY TIME ANY PLACE Transportation t1ok?'s via all lln??. Including n?i taenry P a 1 state-room r???r. atlon? ALL INQUIRIES GIVEN OUR CAREFUL ATTENTION 8?r.d for fr?? bookl.ta. FRANK TOURIST COMPANY 39S llroad>vav, New York. 'Phone 4S30 Franklin. r.stiN.ihc-,1 1SM "HSS l'ut'lio B? Pleaeeai."* BOSTON S 2.65 ?SB Moat ami Kail. rUJCNT? TRll\ 60.10, PROVIDENCE .??". *1.60 Hlll'MI 1RIH, 66.000 Colonial Line - .--???? ,^:*, ?'\rVT 61 All out.lit? Room?. Sl ?, ,,, >, ni. Wlrrlr?.? SWaBSBViaa. L'U .troaUvvsy and *Ji ?t- Phone, hj,iir.g-!l4lll. FALLRlVEPiLINE TO BOSTON 53.3) 1, I'lKR 14. N. K-. ft- Fulton ut. Dell?, a?. : 00 t M .\rw 1 ou.Ion (Norwich) Llaei I.v pt?r |0 -, .1 f' Houston St. ?r?d '!?>? ill I- M . i lei v K Ik, It i~ 880 Bi, I 0 l* il._ aT'r |?.?< ?-??ali?rse? (l|r??l. I' ,r ^S I I -II?! M \ I KROOMH, 81.00. Pally Inrlnd'.nj |_a__j IrOB ii tn. I rrci? l"?r 1? r R Tseai 1766 R*?iuan. I ? :?? Ticy.., o??? ?a),-? i ? ,riw,T v V '?> . Ti? omcs h ..a, a- 1 ISd St I neu j ki.ic ' l kt Ija. ? ' ' A la. ? ? IB Ja?. It -;a . I TT S .r, Phon? UTO II? ? a : u ?,, B?r??t. ??I Ii DOBTINIOM MM. ""i ? I ? ? ? ??? I Bsan w??a .,,. ?i_!_P -' T -4. a II' THE III liM.N BCNDA1 Keasparsa B??i a mju. |l !>? a m ? Waan IM Bi, |j)a.lC tal. ?<r? ??raullkw AMERICA.?! LIKE AMERICAN STEAMERS Under the American Flag Ft. T.?Liverpool?Pier ?2, N. R.. Nooa OS. Ixml?, Jan. I I'fitlaaUlylil.i. Tito. 11 WHITE SI Art ll.1t S V- Liverpool?I'i.-r '.O, \M Vn Ballls Im ? tdrlatlr Jan. 11 A/ores??? bra I tar? S a pie*?<i -no a (anople J.ui. 9. il a. ?I Cretlc i . i, |j or Pit K. ? II ?t If, > ? Lei j FRENCH Li NE (odi;iu|n!'' I.riirrai? T r_Aaa| null . .? POSTAI, i-KKi l< | Sailim-s for BORDEAUX ROCHAMBEAU. J ... 1.1 P. M. LA TOURaINE.Jan. 8. 3 P M. LAFAYETTE..Jan. 15, J? I? at ESPAGNE.Jan. 22, 3 P.M. V' K IN?? it. M ATI IN APPL? CQMPA-iri off::-, , !?& CUNARD Ettabii?k*d 1846 EUROPE via LIVERPOOL *C.\Mr.R()Nl\.\lVd.Jan. 12.10 AM OHPINA .BAT. JAN 15 11 A kt ? i [A BAT, JAN. :i. 16 A- 81 scaLIF? ?-MA .T I, 16 A. kt ? ROI M> llll t\il>.I |l Till Kt. T" ? . ? ?wld f.-tfAHV? UMiCl. ? 1144 STAU ST, B. V. and in? last Ca>aal <f BRAZIL . rU ltarSe? . . ? ?? ? LLOYD BRAZILSlHO. 7 Stats 64_ B. V.