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The Church That Is In New York Unity and Missions, Basis of Church's Right to Live Master'** Urgent Advice to Disciples During Last Days Seen as Most Needed Teaching for New York Congregations in New Year*. Work. Ht CHARLES W. WELCH. The new year brines to "The Church that Is In New York" Its own peculiar crises and sen jus problems for hcolo analysis and ournj-tous solution. Tha world al. o beyond tha Orange Mountains and the Atlantic Ocean in .veiy turns to tha religious forces centred here lor direction in its re? ligious Journey across tha next twelve months. How well the Church hers will meet these responsibilities, without certain chantrci ar.d readjustments, is seen in the way the composite Church of the city failed at certai crucial periods during the year whic;, has just closed. While the world ha? been standing it at the co'oss.-il ?ire to which the Europnin war ! as gn 0*0, and while ? very-.vhe-e I.ave been moved to think more deeply of the onuses of each ur.res'rainod carnape ar.d blood? shed, the people in every walk of New York's life hove been prepared as never before to hear the to ee of r? united Church crying out for the consecra; on to God of all the best and Strongest, a? well as the qraokoat, ft <??? found in men. This briaga mo to tainl* of the orijr lnal twofold task of the Church, which ha? lern voiced anew in a recunt book, "Unity and MlaaloBB." If "the ?'hureh that il IB KoW Yolk" hn? nny rlmm to perpetaatioB it must( In the fast analy? sis, be baaed apon its minion to the peoplo of the city, of whatever con? dition, color or class. If it Is to reach .1 BI nn BBOBl of Cod it must be :-ioro enined in ?t? prayers and iron, solidified In its miniatrlea Tl r BOthor of "I' and Missions," thovKev, Arthur J. Brown, saya; "Amid the Boleroaities of the eloeiBf sreeka al the Pfe of our Lord on earth, two de I siros for Ria d taod pi aOral rent unity find missions, Man?/ other wer-1 left to by developed from His teachiago, but th<v?e two were ? seiflcalll emphasized. Bat while His immediate followers seterized by unity aad mis sueeessors soon lost both. ! It is significant that with this loss came ?' spiritual power. Kow I the followers of Christ are turning asjain to unity Bad missions. Pome ex ee in missionary adratntstratioa ras convinceil me that the two subjects are ii ?"? ~'r-' eted A the Church becomes a missionary, so It fee!? the BOed of unity, for it Is futile to e-tpect a divided Church to eOBB? the world." Dr. Brown continues. "'That they may all be one' was a part of our Lord's supreme prayer for His disciples. Th? Solemnity of the circumstan. which that prayer aras offered, almo. ander tha shadow oi the erase, n. wo sa the scope and ms?jeoty of the prays . ?rarraat aa la belle-ring that i expreeeed the deepest yearning ef th of Man f?ir thooc whom Ho we iil-cni' to leave in the world. On might have supposed that whatever di \isions existed before trould bave bee) healed at etico, ntui trat throagl ">ir .tl Babseaaent times th.* tendemees o that appeal WOOld have stilled th voice of dioeord and lad a'; trc lowers of our Lord to srok DI faith and 'ove. If ire concede tha such unity \?as too much to .'vp.?et In mediatel] ef a human aatarc which though regenerate?*, eras not yet foil] Baactifled, %".,? mast at least rccognlzi that the prayer of Jesus ladieat 4 . goal which believers in all aires am lands should steadfastly endeavor to at tain. When ire rlee above the turmoil of mnr'nl Infirmity nriil eeclceiastica! Mrifo to the spiritual altitude ?eher? our Saviour dwelt when He po red oui Hi? heart to the Father of us all? wo cannot but feel that the Church li days hi - ? ? ths de ire ef bei Lord in this respect, whatever maj have been her obedience to His will la other directions." Rut there have been notable advances mnde in the Church life of the eity through it? mission societies, its church sxtension committees and crgaoisatioua which hove looght to pal into practiee the parabolic command mont of the Head of the Church He said that the Chureh should ge Into the byways and hedges and compel men to come to the feast which hi Spread for the weary, the sir.-burdened Bad hunted children o* earth. What riT.nins for a happy solution of the Church's problem is not that there should be less searching out of the deep things of God. but that there should be also a deepening; of the so? cial fellowship between denominations aad sects which will go far toward tinch.?i' nil of us the meaning i ?plritnal dvnamie which will eome Im WHERE TO GO TO CHURCH TO-MORROW FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH BJpaatSWay and "9tli Street. PASTORI.M.HALDEMANr.D. 11 \ M ?"A M\N IN HI.WIN toi run? \\ i i h \ ri! i in?; of ?nit ?NI 1B.M1 I IF>. s I' M. - \ NI?.HT IN THE WONIiK.K Fl I. I AM? or EOYPTj ?>?l. HKMlli ?if THE DOOR POM! 111. cm? -Wl\?. IIIIV?, BE I ta I I N ?. \S \N|I HIS DOOM." rniDAi night, jan. :t:i. i?ih. ? O'O.otXK, dr. ii vi in m w Hii.i. i.un 1 111 Ml VNI M, ill I HI 1.1?.Ill nis PENraATIONS <M I II I BIBLE. THE ri.KI I < 1 KKl '.HTII lUlllli TOOI'IN IHI. >? lilil? Kl - INTELLIGENTLY. ??traiiKers eorallall] Invited MADISON AVENUE BAPTIST CHUS ' iB C. A. EATON, D. D., Paator, vrt.l prss<b Cntnn !? ' ?> ( F. Hail. f.?a.>r CHBJBT1 \N M il M f_ I SSI ' I CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES BuaCays. M AM anj 8 P.M. Wtftne.iU??. 8 P.M. Fir?! Church rentrai 1 'h Bt 3?r?Bd Cfean Th rd Chur Fourth Cl i.-" It?, arid i'^th B*. Flfth Cr-urcr. Slitn C-ii - ? . ? a . i ( liM.IM l. WHIN \l. Broadway Tabernacle BROADWAY ANi> 66TM STREET. : LB . - ? DIM III 1^ nil BTJOOT. CENTRAL CHURCH " : r'.,t St i naa, D. p.. P_ ? Intta' -? fth. I IV M. I I III? \l < 1 I ?I III. 1 THE SOCIETY FOR ETHICAL CULTURE. llesuni ?? ? ? ? M DR. DAVID S. MUZZf -? 'ngth." BETH-EL TEMPLE," IN I "THt :?* a R0NMENT LlTUI HAN. CHURCH OF THE ADVENT It?, v ? ii HODlffl i PI? OB M MADISOi AVENUE CHURCH S!XT:| Ue?. Worth II rippy, I?. I)., Pastor. ? i . k i ST. PAUL'S KETHuDIST CHURCH CHARLES L. G0?DELL, D.D., Pastor IP M CALVARY METHODIST Rev. W. H. MORGAN, D. D. OLD JOHN STREET CHURCH w??. el Prs - M. i r i ? Pie L 1 IS A. B - ABK AVENUE CHURCH GHAl I . ? - n F. ? M ? I IHK ?.II I AT APF M Y HALL. Ill V. lpt1 St THE NEW THOUGHT CHURCH ? ?i . r w I'KIU I ?1 \M ll'IM OPAL. H?aa-aU? 'I1TI' A\ BN1 8 0C CUSI? 11 ?NO ?TB I SB?. B?. FKKC1 11 Mori . i i :. J Bat Da ? ' < A CALVARY CHURCH* A?^r Ba?. Till i ? _ ST. JAMES' CHURCH M. v II ?I Hila l ? I'.l.hap Courtnry; II.- v CHURCH ?f lb? TRANSI K.UHATION, ; I HH HUI ?BT H i ii\l?r LM?) ? I>1 W Ji'.l.i.i .. : ? ) .I -M . : - - a . UK?'" ALL ?NOELS' CHURCH. v?..| Cad A?. a?d Slat. It?. - ', p K? t r ? I , a , _ tuAi'li ni THl INTERCESSION. ., ? ? IJA1 ? a . . ?.RACE IHURCH. Broadway aad 10th Bt Ri?. Cha-lr. Lnala Blatt . D i> B I ? ' . - 17." STEPHEN 8. < Si near Broad???. Or SI A'.I I ? -i II ? I 4 , .2. a: I raoTFSTAvr rrisrop.*.-.. CKURfeBELOVED DISCIPLE Et>t 19th St.. n-sr Madison Avs. .. M *Ua*UU>T-*V D D., nr< tor. 7jo a. M.. n.j. Commuai r*. to a. at.. Mora Ir? Prayer ?I A. M. Sermon r ?.. i' 1' Parkei . ? ' . ??! I an 1" rsatei a at] ? " ?1U . 4 P. ?I.. Popular Veaoera. Andante" rrmamer "?an Old ChrlsUai S os " I' C mer ! ?J a R-^a" . Hraetoi us I ? \- t.- Baetof 8 P. **.. E??n,ong, . I I/arh. Ph. D. ?' -resaj . ? CATHEDRAL OF ST. JOHN THE DIVIN1?*. e.r.1 Ultfe atUsst I A. >' ' . '. 'n, ?u 'Italian), -?.?.er. 11 A. St. . Or, W O Ttejer. i i I'tV.- ahlrman. I'aily -- r M imraj 4 .-.'.?'I ra ._ Church of Zion and St. Timothy .... .? ? El K. I) ' I. ... 11. il. ? ra' I J A. M '. 1 A M ? ...... 7 10 P M. s r. M $.. 6ecW$ Church : ?- la . is. Tha Rf?. I NO. Reeter. ' a i-Kr.M*' n i.i ?v PARK AVENUE Presbyterian Church AT 85th STREET THE REV. CHAS. W. WELCH, Minister. SERVICES j ? .9:30 a.m.1 Mort?as V irship.11 o clock Young rro'>le ? Drvotional Scrvice.7 :00 p. m. Kveninp Worship.8 o clock MidweeB ^cr\ i' -, \\ ednrsday.8 p. m. AN INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO ALL PEOPLE. FIFTH AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. J. H. JOWETT, D.D.. Pastor. ' M I ? - ' - I A M . .? CPNTDAI PRES.'ilTERIAN CHURCH. *""" ' ,v *?? v llaea ???nur and ,/tn Street. Id-. Wilton Merli .Smith, !? ?? i* v 'I Hu|l m? I at 4 ? r M ? i LMOn WEEK 01 PRAYER SERVICES. I ' - I- M In t>e and Jtih THE BRICKCHURCH l ?? ?.. . : : i aeaei ll - -t | \'l H RILL " "' I RANK iJtTl ?ll:i !AM WA" l> U Killt I LI. i . ? at 11 and 4 a M , . . . . lav at ? 1J I* M. N ?"'? - ' K\ I,..,.'. MADISON $Q. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 4 REV. C. H. PARKHURNT. D. 0.. Paster. I ? 4 "".?> Pastos .'. M al s t M .r M B ROADWAY PRFNBYTIRIAN CHURCH. [i. r, an Bu '?nan. 0. tlroad?ay and 73J St. | ANIEL RUSSELL. D. D.. Pealar. ?? P M tu?riPLESHIP." ??v??'l'lr.Dir Rev' GEORCEWELLS ARMS fltW TUr(r\ ,.?." it and Seeeatl *>r Ft. Washingloo Presbyterian Church, St.. at (?'(.?d??? Rrv. O. HUM MAN MARTIN. 0. D. Partee. '?I _ WEST PARK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. M. end An,?ter.lam A?f. Re* ANrHONY H. EVANS O. ?. I . He*. ANSON P. ATT'HBLKV D 0. J v 4 II |>- | i \ ,- ... ? P M University Place Presbyterian (hurck. ?aTAIi'll "I'!-HYTERIAN CHURCH. ."hl as ?-.H .i, KRf-ORMCD. Hamilton Grange ! I ?,4>,h8 i ? L BKIRRMT II IMi.v R H I) M Mas IN TH! MNLIOHT a 1' il * YIS OR NO. REFORM FI?. THE Minni.E (OLI.r.riATF fHIRtB, . : .V.? ?: . R?t IOHJ? i. PAOU. I' M WtnUtrr ii?t r^t?,?-! i. w ?* !1 A M R-? a ?-'? '? I' B THF, MAKBI.E ( OU.EC.IATE ( HFK? B, 5:r. A, ? a I ." :. St. FU-v DAVID JAB in BRELl, i> p. MlaBtsr. ? < .- ... ''.o P' " - )? > ? a .a? " THE roiJET.IXTE (11115(11 OF VT. Nil HOLAS, 5th Arc ?.. I lita Bt, r.?a. MALCOLM JA . -.: A Me? T*ar " 1 1 M ?"Thr?? -?. re al 1 r-n " I! A. M. pTBOT BXD rou.E4.iATi: ( hirch. '.v.- i . ? Av? 81 L>r BENBY EVERTS ? M f '? ' if. a At i -n ;? ??> . - ? ?- Wn." _? ' ' <_ REFORMED CHURCH OF HARLEM, tai '1 Ar? ajp| IBM Bt. Re? KT>GAH TTLTON, If., D l> . MB?BW. : 1 A- M a-. ISP M r?esi Y???"? Sarnie. ?!.? Pastel ? , ? ' . ;.?4-vt MM I Al I^i BRYANT HALL M . 6m ?I HI Bt, ftMa-PI, I 30 lar.uar? t. ' \V.:\ <. ? Re??'?.. -i ? '___ SU( II I ? "I ? MI..NDB. RELICIOUS SOCIETY OF F R?ENOS.- M?r< c? Irr ??'.y. 11 s m.. ?: 3-1 I??'- Uta f M?3 kattsn. aii I Ill - l Rf'.lslou? Sotlety o( Trlindi lOrth?' ? pra-/ Park. Ti-rk. i?- . i.? ,.-??.-' i,. . Wsshtagtoa ???? sllHITI aXIBT. FIRST GFPMAN SPIRITUALIBT CHURCM. s r> ? Hun.Hr?. I P. M. ... . .i jipr.?*r?t;nru. ]? ? - i 're'? Spiritual and Etrl'ai Society. ? W T t FU DOlda f ?n.l Payct?e. . . ... In i _ I Nil All? W CHURCH r% MESSIAH kVM'S?. JOHN IIAYNKS HOLMES, Minister, - , pru a at 11 A i . - "Gains and Ixi?-?-s al the spirit: V Now 'War's Sprmnn." - m Misal Ba ? ????.? .-:??? ' -'? ? Hon. FrsrM- Noll-on. M I'. Sri England', Pr?b!?"i. Mta at Be? I)? T it si [UEB. '?: ? ?? v. ? I LA 111 I Lilt AN A--~--?-? Mr. S : ? OOD'a f LEAH ' ? . ? W YEAR'S BERMO ?1er? al '. A M ?.'o r? - '?? rrfular ? :_ LENOX AVI.MI. INITAKUS CllirKCH . , --.ret Harvt i ?? I nan TH] ISM \M? ''i WANISM." He? Merl? SI <>? .? U - ? . p '??? I .-.r I M\ BBSAI 1^1 THE CHURCH OF THE DIVINE PATERNITY, Csatral Park VV(?t and 7f>th St. R?t Frank OlUrr Hrli. H I> Pi ? preaches al . ? U ' Faring lit?. ' si I .: I I .'? M "V.aklnij a Nr* ? . ?* ? ' ? i. M. ( . A. DR. BARBOUR AND PRINCE ILMA AN "II a.T. HI B) I | II Pi . A KIM; AM'im. ,I si.i.Ks W?.t Sid? Y. M. CA.- St. a d - ? A? I p pa ?1D ST. V. M. C. A ..'.'- . "VUlliiti Llf? . ?? r.\ ARTHIR K PECK. ? M.R1 II I>. BIBLE COHFEREKGEliTTHE HOLY SPIRIT > Hall. National Rlhle Inarjtut? Bulging. 214 Wet SMh Strw., IKi.NDAl JANT'AKY ! ? h Spirit s? s '???? ? Per Frost, Horn? T>1r< : . i ? ? I Brnoklrn; I P m , for rorrtc*." Be? rill. It in.l.: ? Winter Icrm National Bible Institute's School lor Christian Workers Jan ? Dar a . i I i ?? a" i ' ?; ? ;.' ? lian m-" - I. ? a .? ? I Irrap lion a , Mid-Week Bible Study ? .? ,. t - tartar I I- M t>? REV. JOSEPH W. KEMP, CALVARY BAPTIST (HURCH. ?ta Ars . Beer te 6 I '? unti-is. Mid-Week Bible Study 4 NEW TEAR BESOLUTIOM. rift?.,. . ... the RESCUE SOCIETY, Old Chin??- Th?atr. ?' ?:. .- *?: ? ... ; - M. T J.N THl UNION THEOLOf.lCAL SEMINARY. I. 4?I.4. ?? l-l R ' ? BKI* n ?\ TIIHTT.HT . --i?, i ii: mil a ? Al-Miritl ?'. . ara ?. 4 '??.?? ? Til UBIOB THEOLOl ICAL SEMINARY. ?? . J,"f. I ??r?t? 1 r?4i?. Ii Ti . Tl.e a- ? ? - . .... DLRINl.'THE WEEK OF PRAYF.' : ? a ? ?? ? ? i i i ? PEL TABERNACLE CHURCH. I ? ? Pi AM ' ? | Si-nl ? ?; M*? Ut. _^r?r Bill pr? 'j mediately; Into the church and Its . i ? hi-ti .til alike aad lit-Bjethor found thi-ir -ray/ to the proaeoea of 11 . i ho is tho Charch*a M.-mi. psycholofl ef the hour, as nro bj .?..i!,I conflicts and the dls rithin Individual live-;, ao> mends thai nothing loos than the ab? solut?' surrender of ths entire Church to it?. Christ should be th? order of tha dsv. SERMON TOPICS TO-MORROW Paptlsl. Calvary. Hni 57th at, tha Rer. Dr. Joa?-ph "V. Kemp. 11 ?. m., "Rrtrospee tion and Outlook '; H p. m., "The Begin nlnir of Da-fa," Mid week Hihle study, lay evening; subject, "How to Study the Hook of T/evlticu?." Central, tho Rev. Dr. Frank M. Cood child, Il a. Da., "A New Year'* Renodic tlon' ; S p ni., "A Ne*B Vrai'- * OOI mand." i',i-t. Broadway aad Ttth ?t., the Rer. Dr. I. M. Haldotaaa, ll ?. m.. "A i... lehed with a Fool mi,' ef < ? m- Infirnities"; h p, m., "A \iirh* In the Wonderful Land of Egypt; or. Blood on the Door Post the Only Sarin?- Thine Between Mnn ami ll lioom." Ifadieon Avenue, i-oTi?r list St., the H.-.. Dr. Charlea A. Eaton will conduct both sen l< Christian Science. Tho labjoei of tho lesson senaon In all ehuhchei IsvinorToor will he "God," and th?- Golden Text i Isaiah 62:1(1 . "All the end- of the earth shall pee the salvation of our Cod." EpIseopoL All Angels', West Eod av ;uid llStBt, 4 p. m., h Chrl ittnas cantata, "The Man? j*er Throne," will be sans*. Beloved Disciple, K!Uh -t., near Madi? son ?v., 11 a. m., the Rov. Dr. George W. Douglas; 4 p. ra., popolar ve?oers, ths Rot Dr. Henry M. Barboar; I p. re , the Kev. Dr, Plojrd 9 Leach. Special music ut all w**-ficoa. rar** Poorth av. and 21 nt it, th? Rev. Dr. rheodora Srdj-wirk ?rill preach at both services. Holy Commanloa, Sixth av. and 2t'th : st., 11 a. in., tho Re.'. Dr. Henry Mot-, tet; B t'. m. Rev. W. L. Kinsolvin*-. Interceeeion Chopal, Broadway and lR?th st., 4 p. m., the Rev. Dr Gates, "Foreshadowings of Heaven in tnei Apocrypha"; raoeie by Pool Lonay.1 violinist, and Ceo Riggs, orsjantat* s p, m . choral evening service). St. John the Dim ne, Broadway snd I 110th it, h a. ra., the Rev. Dr. W. G: Thayer, bond master of Bt Mark'.? School; ? p. m., tho R?v. Dr. Herbert Shipmnn, reetoi of tho Church of tho Haas enl i s- Stephi n'.?, West UPtri ?*., 11 a. m., the Rev, Dr. Magic, "Remember and Forget"* ?! p. m., the Rev. Dr. Cy/rai "1 ne New Year." Bt Matthew's, Mth st., nenr Central Park West' H p rt"., special musical profrrnmme, including Horatio W, Tark er's cantata, "The Shepherd's Vi-don." Th? Ascension, Fifth av. Bnd 10th st., 11 a. ni., the Rev. Dr. Grant; 4 p. m., nnisirsl serviea. laeludlng the Christ i . ? ? ?? "The M.'siinh"; s p. m., F. Murphy, city oMcistrate, and Hnrnln" Content, Assistant T'nite.l Sta'e? Attorney, on "The Woman's N''.f"ht i our'?.'' Ethical Culture. Mooting Hoaso, Cantral Porn West and 64th Bt, 11 ?. OU, Dr. David B. " : , The Renewal of Moral th." eitiy of Masle. Brooklyn. 11 a. rn., Professor Nathaniel C. Schmidt on "Mohammedi lation, Post and, )'.-? s. rt." Theatre Franeal . Weol 44th st.. il a. m., Henry Krank on "Are You a Free- j man; or, Free Will and '.he. Will To Bol Free"" Methodist. ' , BJT, 7th av. i.r.d 120th st., Rev. ? Dr, William H. Mor|-an, 11 a. m., "Our i - p. m., "Our Armor." Grace, West 10?tl? ut., beginning of. annual revival service?; 11 a. ni., tho! Rev, Dr. Relener, "How Jeans Helps! ?In" 7:l"i p. m., "Lot's Wife, the Backs) Madison ."???.. at 60th si , 11 s. m.. the| Rev. 1 M. Tippy; H p. m., the R '?' Hi ;;>ith. Pat'- ? Mth St, 10 a. m.. I.i Franklin Rossell, Chi? Justice. Coort of Spei 'ms, "Christianity and War"; 11 a. m. and 8 p. m., Rev. Dr., Arthur Jamis St Andrew'*., West 76th st., the Rev.! Winslow Adams, Il a. m., "The! Crimson Role"* u p. m., "L<>ve Stories' of the rtible Solomon ?id Bhulamite)." I ' Pool'e, West Fnd av. and Mith st., ' th? Rot. Dt. Goode'.l, 8 n. m., "Hilly ? Sunday and Conversion. rreaebor next Sunday, Mori ? i nherd, U. S. Senator ft on. TeXM New Thoo-'ht. ?\oademy Hail, 110 Weat 7?>th st.. Ill a. m.. Ur. Sears on 'The Law of Cause ?ml Effect." Dr. Bears claim? that I ocean as the result of acci 1 irk or chuno-, bat comes to us alt of natural lav.. '.'?1 of the Ilealinr- Christ, Hotel ; I a, m., Dr. W. .lohn Murray on "A Fresh Start" Special mania. ?. Brooklyn, 11 a. m., ilia F. Page, leader; Dr. Charle? O, Sahler, oi Kingston, .'.'. Y., on "The Development of the Will." ? oi of the Buildeis, 4 p. m. ser ibject "Cod, the Mystery: Man the Magician." ' Presbyterian. Brick. 6th av. and S7th st., the Rer Dr. Merri I will preach at both ser b] raoaic Broadway, ll a. m., the Rev. Dr ' ni on "What Will the New Year i.'i". Mean to You?"; 8 p. m.f "Some Non real Thooghts." ?*' both morriina; and after I the Christma? music will s repeated. Rarlem-Now fork, 7th a", and 128th t., 11 a. m., the Rfv. George W. Arm? in "V* hence B In::,er?"; 8 p. m., "Co'. ! tinsr nearly for the New Year." Ser vices will sll be held In this building every Sunday ii.'il the summer vaca ; tlun. OM First. 8U nv. and llrh ?t., 11 a. ; m . the linv. George A. Pitch, of Shang? hai, China. Dr. Fitch was Dr. Dv? i Hold's assistant ?oine year? ago. At 9 p. m.-Dr. DuftVId will preach on "Tha | Advene? Guard." Retajara, H roadway and 73d *t, the 1 Rev. lir. Raaeell OB "The Church in Philadelphia"; J p. m., "Dlsclple-ship." : This la the Bret of a series ef talki on , "i!etaradeahip alta Christ." SYotch, Central Park West and !<?th st., the Rov. I?r. Robert Watson 11 .-? ni., "God's Guarantee for the New Yr-ar"; R p. m., "Only a H?y." There I will he fin organ recital at 3 ?in p. m. hv T. Scot? Huhrman, P. A. (i. O. West Bad, 'he Itov. I?r. A. EOwifl KelfWta Brill pi? ach two New Year'? ? OBB. The subject at 8 p. m. will in- "Sweariag <>,r " Special saasie Re-formed. Hnni: 1 ton Gl_Bfe, tha Raw. Dr. l'aul S. Leinbach, M ...m, "in tho Saallght": s p. ? , "i'-r. er No to Jesus." Special m sale. Marble. Fifth av. and 29th at., the Rev. Dr. Hurrell. 11 a. in., "The Year? (i? Hy"; t p. m.. "The Shadows Plea a i raj " Christmas rnuslc will bo re? peat? d. St. Nicholas, Fifth av. and 4?th at, tho Rar. Dr. MacLeod, il ?. m., "A Happy New Yr-ur"; H p. m., "Three ? ears Tsars aad l'en." VVesl End, rVes! Bad t?v ?nd "th ?t., the Rar. Dr. <nbi> at. beta, ear abject at 1:80 p. m., 'The Uatredden U ;,..." S??crl enborglan. Now Charch, Beet 3nth it- tho Rev. Julian K. Smyth, 11 a. m., "Living tut Fear." Th?> full Chriaimas musical service will be repeated. Chil? dren's aer let rr 10 a, as. Cuitar?an. All Seals', th.' Rov. William L. Baill? ai | ? ] 1 a. in. OB "God's I l?'Sr Cali a New Year'., Sermon." Lanoi .i'.. II a. m., the Rev. Merle St. Croix Wright on "Theism Human? ism." Messiah, Part r?v. and fUth st., the Rar, Dr. Huhnes on "Gaina and losses Of the Spirit.'' a New Year's sermon, at II a. in.; S:16 p. m., the Hon. Frur.cis N'eilsoa, M. P., on "England's Prob !i in." inlversaliat. I ? iv ins Patcrait*/, ti-n'.ral Park West and .'. h lt.. the Lev. Iir. Hall, 11 a. m., "Pacing Life"; 4:00 p. m., "Making a New S1 ? I ; riatmaa rauaic will be 'i etion of J. War . ? .'?? drewa. Miscellaneous. Free Synagoge?, Carnegie Hall, 11 a. m., installation servie? tor Rabbi tbraham ? ronbach, assistant Ad? I be made by Dr. Wine, Dr. a, E. Goldstein, Dr. L K. Frankel and ?I. U'h ton. Radeon Theatre, West 44th st, s p. m., frofeseor Kverson on "The Rock and th Keys; or. Did Christ Found Hi? t nutch loon St. Peler." Thurs? day night Professor F.verson will lect? ure at Floral Hull, i!>ith it. and Broad? way, on "Will tha Jews Return to pal? SStina and Establish Their National Existeae? Again '.'" Tetaplf HetVEl, Fifth av. and 7>Uh st., 11 a. ni., Dr. S. Schulman on "The Jew anil Hi* Knviror.ment." Young Men's Christian Association, ?feet 83d at, ladies' day. 3:46 p. m., Arthur K. Peek on "Yillsge Life in ObereBUBergBB.1 Young Hen - Chriatiaa Association, \\i it 87th ?t., 4 p. m., Dr. I lai \. Darbour, of Roehostei rheological Sommai v. OB "First Thing? Pirat ? < p. ri., W inter Russell on "How I BB tho I i ?? .1 States Defend Itselt' : ' Young Men's Christian Association, p7?Sl IZath st., 4 |). m., Q, E. Tnieman, of Nagasaki, Japan, on "Will Thore Ho \\ur Between Japan and the United S'.i'a>s?" PEACE ON EARTH, GIBBONS'S DESIRE Cardinal Calls On All to Unite in Prayer for It. ;itt Tc.?.-riph to TTi? Tribun?. ] Baltimore, Dec. ?1. "'Peace on earth, pood will to men' is what I pray for as tho new year dawns," aaid Car? dinal Gibbons, primate of the Catholic i hurch in America, in his annual greet? ing to thu American people this even? ing. "Say for me," the Cardinal continued, "that I wish the world a happy new year; that I pray for the restoration of peace on earth and good will to men, and that my prayer? will always be offerari for that purpose. As the n?w year dawns and we ?eo F.urope still In the throes of tho ??esp?rate struggle, It Is our duty -o BBtta *- tha prayer for peace, so that the hearts and heads of the warring nation? may be moved b\ Divina power and bring to an end this horrible condition that ?? raging in tho Did Country. "To all, a mo?t happy New Year, and with this gO"s my blessing." believe war would invade this country, and he thought the Austrian disputo soon would be settled. City Wins Fair's Health Prize. The Health Department won the grand prize awarded at the Panama Pacific Exposition for its work and records in nealth and sanitation. Word of the award na? received at the de parttnent yesterday. Thu is the third timo tho aepartmeat has been bo : oa ored. At the < hicago World's Fair 1*. won the chief award for health work and sanitation ar..i guincd the grand prias from the St. Louis Purchase Ex? position. CAFE BOULEVARD ; ?-?? * ?J . ?& JARPm vs. PlftiXTlr' TRANSFORMED New York's most extraordinary rendezvous des bon vivants is the re horn NEW YORK THEATRE ROOF. Finer, Bigger, Everything New. Here, in an atmosphere oi Oriental splendor, is dancing, and entertainment of most alluring ex? cellence. Admission to the Roof $1.00 Broadway- -I4th?45di Street. a, Il 'M. '.OU 'A?\ '/?i. i?. 'Ar '. SK. -*V -*Jr:'**??-? Annual Sale ai lr><*. '/Va'/** War* DURING the entire month of January, commencing Monday, we shall offer as usual large lines of Household Linenf, Lingerie, etc., at 10% Discount It has heen somewhat of a merchandising feat to secure supplies in the usual volume necessary for this annual event, but we are happily able to announce that the stocks will be found as varied and ample as usual, and the display is in every way worthy of "The Linen Store's" tradi? tions. Table Cloths and Napkins? Ii-nlu'linf* a number of our F'.x clusive Designs. fancy Table Linens?Doylies, Scarf?, Centerpieces, etc. Towels and Towellnqs. Bed Linens and lied Coverings. Ladles' Hosiery. Ladies' Underwear?Including very recent Parisian Linjs-erio importations. Infants' and Children's Wear* ?Ei?tZ^fmf? . ; rast? ?? 'Q&Jg&rag Ron .id Scalloped I 'loth, T2 In. dam. 16.50 1916 Wash Fabrics We begin on Monday also our display of white and colored Dress Cot? tons, Dress Linens, etc., for Spring and Summer of 1916. The collection includes the newest foreign productions, as well as the choicest Ameri? can-made fabrics. Fifth Avenue, 34th & 33d Streets Shirts Collars CARL S. vV/?-SOA, METROPOLITAN S?5jf T?-tlav MM. ?'. - Ball? In Maicera. KW III ?r. .Canjeo A? l'ul?--?-.? To-nlgil *' " II Ml La Bo.i'-nr. A 1a. Cajaii!. H ? De 1 ? Wdui l Bata? Next Men. ?r I Majlo Flut'. 1 >- Ian, ilrrr.p?.l. Ilaa-.o. 1'rlu?, llr. n. ? Beta* I H ?l?i, ?>-.?. Wad., at |:ll Tuca. I ?? Ml lilt, I ?alai?-'?, II. ,?. I i r Tlur?. at I Manon Lescaut. Aida, Perini; ?. i . D? Ui ? I - la ' ' Basai Pit, at 7 M Mflit'i-ilneer. Has . Si-mbaab. i. - . -. . | ? i S,t. el . Borl? GoJuno*. Otsar; 1 - A '.houe*. Fl '. lar Sarun ?* Basil O S?t. at I. (Tie to IS.SS.) Trove'or?. UewH. M .?. ?r.v.-r. Martlnelll. Ama'o. K-jti-lar lisasia THIS SUN. EVf. CARL EhlEOBERf* , We to 11 M) 1 ti ir-h - MARGARETE OBER. ? I . PAUL ALTHOUSE. _??. ULDMAN i .'AN" ' si:*' FRENCH FLUTsLL? HhNEFiT ga:? zmm sl METROPOUTAN Opera House TUESDAY EVENIN-, MNUAM 4TH, AT 8:45 S.,[.l!-TS M-n*i> calve ivette otnutntT katr [.?.I N' I'M 11 ,i" 'i 4 ,.-*.,::.I via: "l'A MM. ' II fon HAI HI I. ' ARLOH SALZE DO, "HMIi'IH DE "VAHUOH, ?VE8 NAT. GEORGE Il ABBE RI ->???? % ge ?ala a'. The Fl Ulla Haa,tiniart*rs, "A Hid all I '-'' *" M A.30 at "a. I)| rra H ? I'RICEB ?'<?,. I ? .A f^r.. J?n i* i',A" PHILHARMONIC SOCIr-TY Of NBTW YORK. .10?4F.K STK-iNSKY, (ONDITTOR. I IKXEOIR II \ I I To-?orrov4 (??unil.M- \lirrnoon at li. ALL WAGNER TRIANCLE PLAYS DE WOLF HOPPER. In "Pon Qali eta ?? ? m " arttl wil LARO MACK. :>'..'?> Helgl.U and ??? ? / i lea ? " Mala, at ". Kra a: i. Dal?j ".I??' M If*. iu:.l 30c. ET?nir,|S 2?-. Mi f. A tew 4t I?. KNICKERBOCKER THt-?TRE. ]ln?ii??j a- *tb Blreet _ Vlaxine Elliott's Theatre tf%?~ ?h?GUILBERT To-morrow (Sun.) Evq. at H:30 TtekaHa at Ho:; Offlo* Knabe Tlano Direction CATHKRIXB A BAM M AN ".AHNE?II HALL. THIS AFTERNOON AT 1 00. 11 ?-t "I i-ta. te I., ?o?-? 14>i M Oax Offlca. direction i' A K ? H'.el-i-viay Plano ?Tee<i COLUMBIA. "T : - I,?!'. . :? ? a ?j :? a ->" H il A. ?--i Uujtonljn Burleinuerv prtew, mi? - . i - r -, . -, AI a .UVI. KREISLEB princess vv;;,v!.r.rr?;wr;:p VERY GOOD EDDIE COMEDY. Bru ? [J M-- .-. . || , HOBSONS CHOICE 48TH ST J """ ! "f B'*H ??*?*??*? ??o? n as. Matioeai ft .??? a Thar? ?< THE ETERNAL MAGDALENE ??" JILIA ARTMI.R ?-1 ?<-.. f-" ?!r.| ir??' rut '? WHetsalL se Ba I - - .- i i i. ? . - ?r, Oalre I , A ,, II r- ,| i :,. H, - Tar-.-. :-r i YRir ?o u ' ' ? ?:,,v ??*??*. * *?? SYMPHONY beriet/ of Now Turk. M \I.TrK DtMKO?i H, Conductor. To-morrow iSundavi Afternoon at 8. Beethoven Program -,?:* un ?a.1? at B"i '?Tin?. A?cl:?a Hall. Madison Square Garden Poultry Show Docomrier 31?t. Jamiarv 1st, 'in<i, 3rd, 4th, 5th. S A. M. to* 10.-30 1" M. Poultry Pigeons Rare Wild Birds U. S. Gov'l Exhibit Educational Prograra AJmlsslo:. 50.- Chlldron ? "-* OPKV TOKORHOW. ?l&ffVhi NEW YEAR'S FESTIVAL ll'NDAY .: lOSITrVBLT LAST nML nils SO U S A a ! BIB HAST?. a??ts N . Reedp. MELBA XlATinV \I WINTFR EXHIB'TION ISrllllllllllj Nnw OPEN?Adm. FREE ACADEMY : OF DESIGN I 1a&WiiVu* CLOSEU TO-NIGHT (NEW YEARS NIUMT). 44TH ST. lap? ' 13. Mat? To 4.7 k W. ! 2 10 A^r^.niiii^ i% KAT1NKA PLAYHOUSE;.; \ \':7'v/' HOLIDAY MATINEE TO-DAY, .' IS. GRACE i? MAJOR GEORGE Bs'h?:r' BARBARA BOOTH. f?:.'r> i I! Matte*? ft ..... ?. jUItltKIa D0NDH1ABY. Iti N rm a Dstl t Osrrtak, J?n. I SSTH ST. E?Bi I IS BaU fb 1? a \VM . 1.18. EMILY STEVENb 1. THE UNCHASTENED WOMAN ?HLBESr. ??. Ill Mats r InlPaJ . [| ALONEATLAST ;;:;:,,:' Maxln. rillst,'?. I.? ?a ? " Bat? T lal * * '?? '? LOUTELLEGEN ?WARE CASE CAjINO. 1.'?- ? Il Ma'? T lai V W? VcaY TO-NIGHTMA^II*NTO-NIGHT ? j "MASKED MARVEL" vs. McGRATHm. ABERGv3."STRANGLER LEWIS''^ RETURN MATCH TO A FINISH *'* W. 42 St. E.a 8 >" p ie?s 3 it Bryant Matins? TO-OAY A W.d. ?! i U. (LAW ?V ESLANGER PRESENT NKW VOIIK1 LKAIIINO THKATKr?? AM) BlCCES-tES FMPIBF 6 end Mta Bt, Frr? ?t ? CltirilXE. a.w, ?? ,,... T , , a _ MAUDE ADAMS "PETER PAN" Jsn. II, "THE LITTLE MINISTER." ' I VrrilM '?'? '"' I?" ? ?? lt I 86 i.1 ?.E.UB1 Mi, ,.,, I? i?a? ? rnue., a 20 ? ETHEL BARRYMCRE ?'OUR MRS. McCHESNEY." GEO. r? n U A li'C T ITBg !'?'?? 4.1 "t m. ?UnABJ \,, -, p. DAvevvw . OTIS Ki ,N?R "Cock o' the Walk" ma NEW AMSTERDAM Matins? TO-OAY A Book or C M S 8?at? 6?lllrj I W ?lu In Advtni?. ?if rL* v.:,'rr_?i?.'?^ .."?;"?"? LIBERTY ? Phs6S si^^tac:? PESFJ.H WES TO-DAY 10 10 A.M.. 2 15 ?t IMS P.M. Kf AI. '. ft :i! HUM A -> ' S TO M B'W 'SI .N 1 . 1 a Ja.i .i IwfcM U?.. ? - . . The Blue rierrofs I I \'r?l PP ?*??! ?-'! aUSSS Braut 4.111 t. '.. i\ it a * THE HOUSE OF GLASS .MAilY HVA.N A -..-.? <i-?i'. A". Arr.?r..-ai < ??: L'incrtM TirEATiir: weht ?i stuckt nUj.iU.I -,,, pay . IS T.' SIUHT.I IS MARICnif HAMUEAU. WEST 4] ST ? r??s Til l'A Y ?- ! B"?d ? ' 3 . LAST 2 TIMES TO-DAY UNDER FIRE GREATEST WAR PLAY I EVEM PRODUCED. I -. i '? . .'i Bt KBJBT ?: t 16. "bLNNY" PRICF.I? ? to 12. 8.-?*? New. ?<?.- LI W :i S. HTONE G4.IPTV B'wa? ?Cd 4* SI a. /VIL. I I S?IIE I?VE HARRIS T- DEVIL'S GiW?Li BELASCO ES V'Vav.-" THE BODMERANtJ LONGACRE L"ft.5sTs*w? ! LEO D1Ta?ICHSTEII\ i- i? Masas TH? gri:at lover.' KM 11 OrV r '*"* w' ' ' m * " RALPH HERZ in RUGGLES o? REO G?? ELTINGE HIT-THE-TRAIL HOLLIDAY an-i H'.KI? MU!.O an BII.LY Hi i!I.10A T.? I.I ( Iks' B 'a; "t? ?5 St ,:"' ' i? UL.UUL. mj!:.?,s Tu HAY tod Wed | |s GABYDESLYS ' T^?"1 I???? !?? ' (S ? V l'A Y ? w? : WITH THIS ... ? A>T Madge Kscaedy Janet Brecher Josa luuoerUn?! Kalpk Morgaa Olive M?7 rlamJton Reselle ; ; | ai r. ?t I !? T'I IiAl i \?-1 . .* REPUBLIC ____fii_a______i_a aaaJ'JllaJllMJJ S* HIP, HIP HOORAY ?35? Day Her.sari - al l-e 11a 1er i.ARTH'S GREATKST U?0*V'- t.nWTST Pill'a Sunday a |h itis.Da?. 41a? Sa. i-?ra?.m?,^4K. ?*" .-faaa_i. _lasky^ ?****?_?? _:,. Mslba BROADWAY ,:l!?VJ?,:?a R? JESSE L. LASKY ? ?sepia GERALDINE FARRAR ma I'AiiAMotNT r..-n'Rj; "TEMPTATION" ? on Bate at 0-? OOm I_nu ADVANCE ?\ r; a 4^-h M'. l-.r ? B-. 4- En ? " T . ? I Ue-1 C,SH!PRIIiCESSPAT MUSICAL MIT. I ?ntlJ ELEANOR PAINT? ? STANDARD1"-?^^..?Van s' Mat r '.*} tie I H-.?'i.. ? Balarce. ' Next ?'eeh, franra? Starr ' "Marta r.aila. ' NOw/fTrK OPEN 'Oan. ? /B ? 3 STA .1030-aaaJ AdhiM-onS?? ^eLiw^?'^ "-HiS-ioai50? Lexington Averaue 4.6-4*7T?tSr?--eTa THE WEAVERS THEIM FRINC-IS M A T S E ? ' LILLIAN GREUZE ?L'ami mi GARDEN f?f? -,,,,, VITAGRAPH 44t ' ." i'W' The Crown Prince's Double' IB V KKITi, s a- RA HATES DAI A r* F aotiAi di i M?SBta ?--'i**4 -_,/*-?-w L. MORTON 4 Mi 0?! * BH4?. 4' sT VIOLET DALC, .J ? Dal -Jfs .-' I NENRlf TTA Cl ?>"? IRVING FLACE THEATRE ? ,4'i | . "? j Punch & Judy TREASURE I ?LAND T? r. I lieS I - Q ANO BOX. i .4 ? A' ' . ' > ? I H? ALL COMEDY bILL IV?77y**I***MT< Lot-w's American Root '?Mk* "J/S AL. FIELDS * ; VvVo IC STRAND ?u.''T???|Gs:,'ii',:ut.B j rva-eri-? j ? 'l,dl. UM??' .? ' Vat a ? M?r> Kl.alef? U ' Th? IM??1???