Newspaper Page Text
POI??B WELCOMES ?MB OF im Gift, Delivered by Boy, Wrecks Flats and Injures Two. OLD YEAR MAKES A VIOLENT KXIT Saloonkeeper Killed,Two Police. men Shot, Ambulances Have Busy Hour?. Ne?* Year's Clime thr Imrt-i - vinieses thi mpaaiei the I'SKftriK of at arrived on ached*..'? time this t From e\try :-.r-i?-s ca? rta of ir\v. hi burglary to attempted murder. The wnald-be , . awaii the itrol ? for h.? crime. It ? t.1- I bio? 11 . bells erelcoTt knocked en the ? thruit a packai Camille, s ho opet - a \ e m \ bor, : - s.r? Camille wall v here h boarder, wen ? ? ? ' : va? - expended ? ? result . . ah i A great hole ? floor, however. ... ef Lu:k': Mattare, on the floor ? ? ? alii nrlea to Matts . -o:;. The in nartly . prac ? Pete - hnck ? celebrant aloon. tee bullets. ? - ? Bt 1 ? rtie. ? Brooklyi OUllded. ft I.U knocked hie hat from I a sraaa I ed. Dr. 1 ? FAKE MUSIC CO. BARRED FROM MAILS Gol $72,000 from Hopeful Poets by Royaky Promises. ?flOD) " ... The i.oldMnith Company, of Washington, an alleged music publishing houst, I pcr.-nns to trom May. 1918, to Septi 1PU,, ? ed $72,197, ;7 from the pul the publication of Hong poems, and out in royalties, exclu? r :ails to-day by a fra Harry B. Goldsmith, pr. ? .ent and tt? i Aer, which maili : ?i* such. . no rovait.. ? I vised plan for dolnj turned down in fraud . CHINESE SOLDIERS AID MISSIONARIES Save Scandinavians from Ban? dits?I.ishun Defies Yuan. Peeing Dec II Chinese troops heve : ? ' r? of the Srnmll ? .-,: i belong, el the ?ei led by San De? Genei . . overn ment t roi ps in i K .n >? r.. he ,l : r ?x-ror, d here ? eti n ?' the ? hineae Republl v social 2,000 SEE SANTA'S CIRCUS AT 'CHANGE (lifts lor Every BO) and (iirl at Produce Brokers' Neu Year's Celebration. ta C?a ' ' ? ? ' ? nap. Wh( ? ? ? Earl y in the i - ? - ? ? Two thotisat kiddii nched his bi the ? ? ? ipplause. t ? i ?Mi ? the latest ' ? then nroci ? ? 1 I . : ? ? 1 ?liber': of fv" r* ? ? ? irk box. Lach boy reci ? ? les, crack. ? mes. : . And then, with a whoop and a [an! ?? URGES MORE PAY FOR BANK CLERKS Controller of Currencj (alls Salar es ol Many Scanty. gton, Dec. 31. A reeommen ? ? I a fund which could 1er ol M r. . . . ... ? roller ther I when have been . have they ? ... | . ... . I er the paymi ? "It is desirable that 1 nm ? ? c !" "Beautiful Objects Eeautifully Displayed." At the American Art Galleries V m\i>i-i>\ acrVAUE aoi m. msu \<>kk TO-DAY "NEW YEAR'S" ON FREE VIEW FROM 9 A. M. UNTIL 6 P. M. Continuing Daily (Sunday excepted) until th? Date of Ihe Unrestricted Public Sale Mr. Thomas B. Clarke's Private Collection of Beautiful Old Textiles And His Remarkable Gathering of Antique Plates of Many Nations To Be Sold on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday Afternoons, Next January 5, 6, 7, and 8, at 2:30 o'clock ???Descriptive catalogue bj Dana H Carroll, ir.ited by < ihr lais ?ni ?>e ?aadaeteS >?> Mi THOMAX : KIRB1 Mini iii? nesMaal Mi IHIe u.I, et AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Managers ' T^l '* DEFENCE BLAST STARTLES GRE1 (iuartl I entiers at Knick borker Reunion Chai lenge Indifference. DANGER IS SERIOUS O'RYAN DECLAR Tells Young Men of Wealth I ample Is Needed by Youth! of the Street. .... ? : ? !,..-. 1 ? . eral O'Ryan, '- <. N asked 1 ' the ithful ^ e Kl ? Kerho< krr I terday -;?d lur ??it Armory. led. "th ? ?? ? ? i programn e ., .- \ o-,. been i 1 ? m.litH' I'hej drill ? : : ' . . . ? liasbi li i I h > i and for guard, a only ? ' '. i i ? ? It It your chi ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 of ye ? ? I ? ? ? ? .: \\ ,? 125 members of the .'el : I feller, ir., i ? . . . . . ;. ' '1 he gut ? - ibert M< l.t un. toi ter; M ; D 11 ? Ada m son, F re ' ? '? . r George 1 I ' ? Following the luncheon, th ? ? I ra? CACKLE AND QUACK AT POULTRY SHOW ' verythii g, from Prize Egg Lay ? i Coats, Exhibited at Madison Square Garden. quaeka, honks, squeal . . enth annua . ? (iar den P der the auspice: ??-.'. lay. ? b -i Queen, t. ? 4 .pound '?' ? I tracted almost n> muci famoui ?rati ii ?.-. ? '. Lady Eg ? consecut ? irtificii repp? w'iiirV ry variety <>i chicken ! end' . ? m 6,000 ei ? 113. A rum ? CI ? \ Y : ? l.i: l.? Hor ? ? ? ? ?? IV, F. Ha <?., : 11 o ii. ' : ? ? . N.J.; .' . ? . V ^ . ired by tnimal 1 of 1 \ ? ides led ? - DR AKED REPORTED ILL Voted < lotgyaana with i <>rd Pnrtj sold tu gnve ? iiiiap??-d. Lend? lai ' v disante* te the "Dal?) i i' from < open'iingen, i irles P. Aked. i ,i i.. ii ,v i rb entes, is nt I holm ' ? n?rveos col a The other special dispatches, hnw?rer. de ii"' m. i tioi Di iked. 1915 A BANKRUPT YEAR More than 1.700 Petition? I Oed?HA1 Dlnrliargid. ruptey mill ef the I ? '' Cauri for the Be rh.-i'. District bad mor? friat to grind There ' ?.?:,' , ? ? . , i i, iren?r ol twentj leven over the -? -, ear 1914 ? Man ,. >.? ei d and Weetc ' ? er, 0 s ..-? Dutcl ? is, Bull! i ountii a. may he f it the aval *ire ntinuul inereaea foi the five pre ceding ite of about ibei of petit W i I, la .? So - ! 100 persons hi ? ? ? I nr I im< I a- ?! o:u- has i ? I ! ? ? | m - . 1916. DENIES EXPORTS RAISE OIL PRICE Government rinds That Oaso? ; 'ne Production Is "Pur? posely Retarded." on ?"'v ... on of crude ? ? ? ? : g i . ? . - purpoi 'ht . the coun i. and ei e, i" which the 1-, t.?fll u* . rta during d ' the i ?? I \ stement iasu ' the 1916 production m bar - In 1914. , . ' ? ? : ? ?-.?,-.., m T' ? ? rice level ? tpi II, end until A ig .-? I amainad i I f"r erke! standard. The;, the | ? ? ar, and ei h il ,. - al ement, the price sr rd ? ? ? . - . ? i.leiirn - . , i 10,000 ban - 0,000 bsrrrls. be ..... . ., , ... .r. ? ? ' f 19 ? ? . I |. far 1 " ! ? 1914, a , ? | below 10U. . ? . ten month?, et I ? ' ' I S ?t.- . agi.I 110 . ?m period m 1914 ai 191 i. ?"amiliar with the ?nid : t the 1 ment chemist a n m' " ar cent more ? thods probably would hn\>- .-i beai iction and pnce before yeai bad possed. Several eompaniea ;tl ready hnve started produi I ? itput, I I -o be start, d, it wai s.ild. would b<- felt eoon un the market. WANTS MILITARY TRAINING FOR BOYS Cadet League Organized to Equip High Schools for Drill. ' ' The N mal Cadet Corps League woa organised here to? day to equip 1 igh school, college and univei "f the co\ -.try for a ry training. A bill will be draf'ed for presenta ag the v7ar apa t to furnish arm? and ammu na, to < I liurrinon. Set War. ws? c>ctr.) honorary areeidenl <.f eague. The o*her ofli -? ere Henry Sherman ? . , secretary; Dai l ,-er. W. W W II It! . K. L ? re ap a nominate vice tht various states. ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS; MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS ? ? : . i -., t- ? ?.-.--., , I :. f-i ? -? ? t ?? - ? ? ? - A ? ' ? ...,1 II, ' - II - || ' V . - . ? - . . ? ? ' . -' " - . ?. t Hutp r iu A . . ' - . -All . i * ' ? ' - ? ? fn?n - JOHN D.'S UPLIFT PLAN A SUCCESS Head of Colorado Com pany Reports Betterment of All Conditions. $119,471 SPENT FOR EMPLOYES Model Villages. Clubs. Bath Houses and Hospitals Increase the Comfort of Miners, ror, Pe, It, K statement of ? ,. I ?o.l .id.i I uel and i l ? any'a industrial r..|ire i ? plan ?? pi?? anted to .1 ? ffelbarn, i re i del af the corporation, te the i olerado eaal enni ion appointed bj President Wilson, iting af Beth Lear, Charles W. Mills and Pat riel (??da; I ? indue trial i ras pul into empli during t be to ' oloiado ? "i' John D. ? ... ir. I he statement ii ert ion 1916 the corporation aapended in remo\ ing object ionabla ngi and en :ln'K!. . ? ? . and |SJ2,9" I in con treating elubhoueee and bathhouaea, witl * ? .. |24,000 S3 ;.'i ' :re nino.ped mpleting clu s ow In of i onstiu ???! el 5119, Mr, Well o? alea ai eed a policy ? ,- a the npi of the empany. He said ? ? ? ,.- P i aere In proc Bg b?en do 'i Ro kefofler, Jr. i oaimleeien Peataraa Adopted, ntained h del lenta ?'.on plan i d s sration 1 let the ided feal are .'? 11 d hi ll i-ornii' ission, us '.coll ? i, i a ?" antht dent Wileon ns app! i-il. ?? t.. conditions in < olorado. ired if to he the pur i siarayi ? "The company ?vas fortunate," *he ? rom John 1 R : me to a p >raoi ? ?? the company's ??? and to compati ?'? ? ??'" iali the emp tativei g the indus tattoi the agree g and trorkin. coi the to ?he . ?on ring '?s ? ? by Pr?s I dent U'.l ion thai ? ? Ml onslon si t., in,, a adapted in ' oloraee three fit ingi of "ho anthracite strlka comm lion on? which provided fat ? ho? ,.f re?. illntiea on ahieh miners ? opt i atoi hoald hi real.nted, r> :? hi. h ecured to tho owners the ri( to tlierk Wrights of <<>hI nnd one vhi guaranteed that there iho ild hi i ? i crimination or. account of memberat or nan membei tup in labor orgnnh I ion ? ho statement reelti ons of the R industri eh, it ' lain <??> are dlreet , ,.? . ril Pn lent'i reeoi ni?ndn' ? ? ? mipemi ion ?lili Hoard. Mi. Welbara aaated fram n let! Mat the compariv by 'hi- com soon iiftrr H aras appointed, - rg coop?ration in preparing a plan < ? , lediatie He teld of a cat I fereaae i .. the eoreml ?miifrs -n N'e ', ,i. i 1916, at a kick "I ae comed suggestioi i from thi- eon m i ? it night I well to consider ti subeeojuenl dovela] nenti of 1 in." ! ' .<? welfat v.-orlv ol thi Company in 1916, theatafa neat said: "An effort m being nade 'o give i , i i- 'ii<? i ppearance ?f mod? villages, ?a have bee srei ? .-.i. and eamps th conpany hi .... ? ? ' ? ?;..;?.. - insanitary i tdequat ???? continue' " i o encou mploj ? ? to ,...'. | . K.. idopted s off 'ne g, of eh irge, i ach house lo ? .i ? ? ' i g its policy o( bathhouses and - playea." In the latter eonm itr Welbon 'Oft] I ???! . V. M. ( A. v.oil to I . - i.A. hi?d .'..? i < queel ed I ige of eonn ?rork ii i'?. Of the pt ' j emergenej Mr. Welborn said : "Tn addi ? ?npa .' 's hosmtsl at Puebla, -Mon tt ;. ' ? com pany emergency hosp ts ? as need for sams appan ni the different i .llilps." Welborn declared that the eom pany's polit s interference. "Whera officers or am? - of the company participate political ? atters," ho added, "ft must citizens only, und nal as h i ( bringing ce Huenet ei r? to hour." BOAEDMAH NOW A CATHOLIC I'arlner of M. J. O'Hrlen Kecaived Into < hurih by I ardi?al. Cardinal Farley, on Christmas Eva, rorri'-od into 'he Roman ? atholic I ilbert B. Hoardman. a lawyer, who until recently "as a vestryman in St. Thomaa'a Proteatant Kpiscopai Church. Former Juatice Morgan .1. 11'Bi ien, his las r, was his Mr. Boardman'i heme Is al 4<? Weal ? Thom ? I ! . || CUTS IN FREIGHT TME ALLOWED Interstate Board's Ruling May Relieve Congestion at This Port. ram: increases found justified Higher Charge! on Southeastern Roads Permitted Decision on Anthracite Rates Postponed. v. eeh >.t ?.?r, I?.-!-. ?,i The lataratate Commerce * omnussion declined to-da) to smnend oehedoleo of th? Pe vania. New York (entrai and o'iei trunk lin? railroads w,..ih provide for a redoetiea from thirty ta fiftoen dsys la the allowance of f-ee ?:me on ex? port freight. Thl? mean? ?hat the commis, on has approved the trttt timo allowance r? ii beginning to-morrox. It may in.prove congealed freight conditions at ?he Por? of Nsw York. The re duetlona ipply also ta frtngh* sn.pped t.* P.oHtun, Philadelphia. Baltimore, Norfolk and Newpor? News Rate increases ranging frotn tara ta Ave cents a BOH ?red pounds from Loo isiana and Ar.tanSas ta Baltimore, I' a lolphia, New York, Boston and o'her Kastern points WOW found |os ? Sad hv the cor-mnsion, [ncraoeaa ef ? ats a hundred pounds on ?urn - her in cariosds from pointa II Mil louri and Arkansas, to Milwaukee snd coin's immediately sorth aieo were ?i lowed. S'sw clarifications of freight en th?i v'rj-heastern railroads, which will re : bu'.t in inereaaed fieigh' charg?e, ef ? to-morrow, wer? allowed by the 'commission, but new c'??s?? freight - ouid ha-e reeolted In general ?ncrooaOS in rates on grmn snd grain products and various o'her coni moditien between the Atlantic seaboard and the Miaoiooipgi River were disap? proved. The revision of elaoeifleotions g ???tern roads will reaoll : | eral increases on ?'.! c!as?e? ef f I [f ??lowed to ?tard rnallv the change will probably increase their rev?r:'i>-? mnnf hundreds ef thousands of dollar* a ye?r. Reductions in rate? on an'brac -e ^rorn the Pennsylvania f-e!ds to I lantic seaboard were again postponed bi the eommieeion Thej will b effective on April 1. inatcad at to mor row. The comnvs?non want? tog coal road-- time to worx out tru * ? tr.:.- icbadulas thaj have been . to mak?. I MOOSE OUST UTAH MAJT Call Heiner Out of r->mpathy wit* Party?In dor?? Rooewvelt. lake | ,-y, Dec. Il^-The Fr" graaalvS BSSta I ommltte? to-day by * rota ' t H to ? deposed Moroni H?.ne mesabas al kl i Progresses Nations CammlttOO foi C'sh, ard elected i - v Bfaon. Kormsl charge -Arre ? ?(,'ner was out of sysr patl srif. ?tat? committee passed f P.nosev? Crovomor Hirsm Johnson of < *1 I -I second choicea fer ? , Preeidency rhej alaa voted ? maintain thalt per?) organisation ar . put Progtreaarra t.eke't :n th? la - ..i* fall. ? ? - GOLD-SEEKINO YACHT SOLD All Kicept Four of haOOOWOft (>?? Died of Yellow r>\er. Panama. Do*. II. The ? K- Icndon f v?s ?"Id her? as ? BOA to a local shipping eoncerr ? ? ,ably writ?? the f.ns! ShOI ,. sgory af tha rra as of ?>-. mr, which rtartod 'ron. Im i rat . "a?t June on a p!ac?r gold mir ir.g adrontsjra In the wilds of Terra d? under the sru'.danc? <-f ( art*. T ome? Oven Only four m?mber? of f g aal ere- ne 'he Acade- ?.. ? e tha others having died 'rom >? ., .-,.., t rha ? - aire ? o ? raton -, , the - smas la Bon Freaeteoe Hiev say 'he teat *f i g*?4 . -is ,' if MOTS TtOOOtkO) 'I here is nne old fasheOMS] wish lo food thai it has stood rrr>*t* I ? ,r uneonatod '? eeri?the Happj Son Year W Bloorolngdeles' take? tl* lib ? ?? i?! tlntanea to ? ou in the m ?f i'ordlal and intim?t.- way Imaginable - A Happy New Yonr? / o hegin our New V?er ser i ice fittingly . our Jam sry m hite m/s Jan'} ,f. / hwcrit:. linen*?economy ! The leading article in THE LITERARY DIGEST for January 1st, 1916, deals with the alleged German plotters against munition plants in this country, and gives the gist of newspaper opinion both for and against their machinations. The fact that the German Government itself emphatically repudiates all responsi? bility for the plots against our domestic peace is endorsed by many American newspapers as being the correct position to take. This article is illustrated with a photograph and cartoons. Another feature that will make interesting reading sums up public opinion of Prof. Hugo Munsterberg's article in which he remarks that "it may happen that Roosevelt will be carried into the White House on Ger? man-American shoulders." Some of the other features that go to make up an unusually attractive number of the DIGEST are The Teutonic Sweep Through Servia Beins; a Comprehensive Summing-Up of the Whole Campaign in Servi?, with Translated Comment. from Influential Newapapera Why America Drinks Less Japan's Naval Plans and Ours Villa's "First-Aid" to Washington Austria's Offense Fighting in the Garden of Eden Wireless Amateurs to the Rescue A "Movie" Hint for Better Concrete 1 The Plumber's Wealth a Myth Women Workers on French Railwayi How Not to Teach Science "Treasure Island" on the Stage \ A New Sense of International Duty ? The President's Rap at Church Over-Or ganization Many Striking Illustrations and Helpful Mapa Why Not Commence the New Year Right??A Suggestion There has scarcely ever bet?re been a year fraught with more critical possibilities to the American people than the year 1916. The dominant issue, of course, which is confronting the present Congress is the question of military preparedness; and the various arguments from all quarters that are being made for and ??gainst the President's program should be studied by every patriotic American citizen. Behind this immediate problem looms the Presidential Election and the game of politics in all its varied aspects will be played out to a finish. There is no other maga? zine published in the world that so clearly reflects public opinion everywhere as does THE LIT? ERARY DIGEST. I he one policy of its editors is to give all sides of all great questions without fear or favor If you are not already a reader of THE LITERARY DIGEST may we not suggest that there is no better way of commencing the New Year than going to your news-dealer to-day and getting the issue of January 1st? It will only take you a very few moments to learn the par? ticularly helpful character of this magazine in giving to men and women who have no time to spend in useless reading a clear, all-sided reflex of the real news of the world. Get the January 1st, 1916 Number from Your News-Dealer To-Day?10c. ej^TdijDi?est FL'I -tCNALLS COMPANY (Publishers of the Famous NEW Standard Dictionary). NEW YORK