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O O Ei S A w ?s, D AUX! 77 K V LITERARY CRITICISM AND BOOK NEWS Charles B. Towns's Book on Drugs: A I load long Crusader?A Handbook of I leraldry Reminiscences ol a Referee. DRUGS. ?. n , ? .i . n i sir. Town? I this S clev< vert?a? 'hat -a inp ! the rxpe: ? l'ew liberal readers v>','.l he so . il and eat ness aro apparent enough on page, yet it ma* ? he recretti ?i t'i at he .has c the simplest course te such mlegivinga. Ths little pu the v recant s ? ional legislation against I hablt-fonnti - Is largely a utab'.e to I . that in thin lime he "sun-? op his experience," warnii g tho ] ?.in?' even ?bo-. tors,' es a ptacti mode of cuii." >?'? were onlj r and definite Mr Towns'? t some measure disarr think perhaps that he cxajccmti-' merits of his cure, but t':. eay that he had failed to fair ,. ; ; rtofl ' ' put it to a test In a word, Mr. Tovvi.ii '? j-.u? ticular enough la the account '..? ? of hie work. It may bo ml wit -njustlce that even the pr Mne is want!:.*. ".Ve may. ir.c gather a general idet? of the cours ?er.r he a| proves, h I have been inf.: ??? etter to de B whole chapter to a description of ?-on M, . in if it were I cite a con it andeubt? clear ? ? ' bio root ne. ' a recon - ? ? h ? ; ho n: ? ? ? ... reneralil ? der ar; of 1 ? ' - put t ... ? lasjll hoi, a alcohol is thi t?mate ? of tobaco. ' . ? " ? .-ical and r?guler ser ? means that th ir cour in persons ti posed to the goes further. He , ? bacco "prepare tl ?? ??? ij diseases of all ki:,,' too, it eoasaaonly the Rrat at tion, and ourh', thei by ell a- aomi mlachief; 'o say that to his thinking "i moking ing humanity to-da" " l quit . ? ? :to arnokir blinded the deed It la h ? many aie | regarding I at k ^ ? mplete oque bile a: pressin .c ata ' at I borroneo of opium smol It is unrei ?.able, I , that tl on of opium cui;h' to be extended t bacco. is nc ? ry moc Hte in tl. SI ? Dae opium only i the pipe, and i exl modera it is certain, ; csaployera In CI na basa tolerated th i, .. the justice of Mr. Ton ? neloaloi ? nined in tl cause th* le to look with , I a dm; ? - own." la It no' Me ihn: ? - In realitj sed by Ita experiei ee of op I at home" Joetifying abhorrence of to - arguments tl Si ? I powers of \ ' nia | >yer he ',. ataoke h' t1.* age of :w Ii bea How man; nia ] lyera an,l gai s have mads th?. ? begii ? ng tj : ge - \ great billiai ? who doea i ,. | ,. <r re of a ? g when ppoi I 01 ' ' I U French 1 ? ih bill \ . ?.s r,ere ihr greatest playera of thrlr ?' ? lliard plnyrr who boosted to Mi i.-, er talkir ? not pitiful that Mr. Towns should '? ?? to r <D I It may easily be f these instar .'?? s> It ?ill snrpi a no ???". therefore, ta i learn he la ene i ? he he I lieve that ino^t bays who po there b; c garettes. They begin bj smoking on the sly, an 1 thus Irai ii . ? 1 hen the te pay far thai i ttes, and nu.v "resort to obtain ? " t Itimately they may meet other naughty bo>s of their kind, em ? ?.>? b" led to pool roo n gambling, te plac? even to place ?' | I cf bol h sexei " I n "the boy he smoking ol ? i . ? -, ? wonderful how many eontrive to i this . . , tenes of erents, : ,: fluei i of the drnp. 1 ? - .. the more powerful "r. To? n? holds t are mainly n haee tel - It oui by a recent at the PI ll wheie - of i lli caaes it wa ha patientr 1 nd acquji I v m doctoi ' IS. No general conclusion can be drawn from :? l short a se ? . but before accej Mr. Tot lemnation of ?v.-- ? ..??'. ' would h? well ? icnce. His wild cone'.' I tobacco show him W> he a I: r, and, 1 '-ides, ni lucky in th.> doctors he has met. In Edinburgh he found an i nolle In the ! who a] '?' n the drink. .hat thi'i ? of Berlin bet -? hee: -sein :.! and HERALDRY i Its Hfsl R lam and Deco? rative Value-*.. I . ? ! icracy ecome ? - than uston \ ? ? i . milj. l< ofii irge ? ?' i raldry, he .? ? . ? gendary ? i tcrpre cha r gi > gives ? ? ? . her paintit me or a pro , ?. excel eing repro . THE MANLY ART Prizefights, l?ri/ot?^htcrs. Ama. leurs and Patrons. I IHK I I ?? K BOJ ' I a an introduction ?? name , ?a e\??? -n In this ithor. Mr. ' !!?? ,s, nat ? : . a mo ? ' : . ? IB] dearly great pride i : ' , In the form ^f resented to . as a memento of the ? ? at Smith battl essor of a ite Tom ?: the ? noblemen to ? -, re much la? ' ? we had sl ways .... . . .. ,. ;.? ? > ' tad States ,,*.d a head not woolly ! ' have nu/zle luded. Has . that I We be? term, Mr. John I Itssiro ? l ??.? . if them ? i same way as ? ? ? ? tted ni<>. i Kultur have i : nlariza ? - ? ink and file for t Lord Hobertl tnd ? hich are a i turn : ... .'der. ?M-??????""_?I-.l?-.*_-. >'^ky<?u_M__<--i______________FI-_.-_ i i ?N I Rl errette! rheii i (cepl*. i v as eyes and ht arl an i i Im ? y??ungesl N ear il - circle spin I he Old< l of 1 if? '< O imediei begins. i ?. far." j?.i ? . I. JI !??? /,?.'?,-?? i>v etsaaea ? THE BRONTES AS POETS: A DEFINITIVE REVIEW The Collected \ e ol ' : rlotte, i mil . Anne >>vd Branwell lirontf?Emily the Only True Poel -Hranwrl!'.'?? I niiilfilled Promis ? Undar the title ef Mr. Arthur ('. Henson Iiri ed ted lection from the poe" Emily, Anne ?'.,1 ?Irai.well Br ? ? (?. P. Putnam's Sons. Part ? s i review of the book : i the I. ndon Men" ave given ht in his introduc hit vol M-, Benaon aayai "it ma* ? ted that t'ne inte;? ii- entirely centred o;, the i!y. If it had not been foi ?. di?t'] the pot-iry of th? , 1er thiee w have l! tin ? nearl 1 be g i ' ' ? ? . " ? ? : geniui i have -o oi -? ??) be pr.'re.'i., ol Irr relations. And t ? ? ? : unq is ,? .. la Of Bi ?? -. ? ? ? .,n . ,? i b :? of both i karlotte ?? ? ; ? ' tact .- tha ihey were ? ? hi ?? i ?? has s i enough i.f ? ? acter .,f two a/omen who ? ?! worn ' e. For ' ? eai i to thoae ..... . t r re ' ng u ii ? i winch the only <? 'ne pa? lev?te i . v , '..... kable a 16, in -y." iind .!'? ii ?tel; mark re ] ????- ite i teen lines. M as Ch ?tte's work ? i ':*? been ? ' Il B i II ? ' lected poetr) .i 1910, i ed ail ? Mr. Benson give ?ny authori ? evidence it if Mr. ] ? ike ?"'"l i hi lotte's ,i he es f her a moni? ' i ? AH th ? ?? ay to detn fron, the fine gil that i e ae me niable <..tributii e Engli novel, i>'..t merelj l i t ? (lauget evident froi volume? aa the one bet - of aiio ?ng the e gil activil ?? authoi '> tl a' ? ach i et ment 'h'? s not wan Mist. Un kii and ? jrle made a ve poor job of their attempts to wri poetry wt pewei and we ca? g-a-e " il for "Jane ? ' A' ? ? * already mentioned, for pi | .r If,tie !'?? of the emotional preaaure I "self into rhyth patti ' ? < t ion, no t rai e ol snd ordering "f void- tin! me tl i.'.ete imaginative exp< rience, nor ha? i' even any ?hsr. , ? v ? ,. 11 i . , . , ga\ e v., min h i , to Of ? the higher ehs anly - ?? es us the eaaure ? ng expert a h iff there is an Ol fsin^'.T charming i? rsre, and her claim ?<, poetr; a III - ?<a. n Charlotte's, (if a g:ea*. deal i ? erse very mud - . . be said aa of tha ?? rs. 1 bean tha stamp ' aaiacter a? , - ? and her charar'" !'. .' (lo.l g thil it live without facta which have b-i ' every ??. rd that has b? lier from the t ters. Again, "f ha minds rlei r as te our de preasiva and heroic cl aractei of in e?:im?bi? value in tbe world's 1 usi ? i- .. : ? ? | v mora ;,?ar witne ? moner thing thai '? ? We jay hard';., linca t ??? poorest work, an bat iv. - stinct for rhythi .... , we t tify Mr. " rente I to a i , ? ? . ? ? . of En ? ? ?not g to tl : ? . . ' mic " end ! practice ?f pack ?? .. ? m i ? of co rice ? a for the I of I ; o .... g . aciiiei And yi'' Mr. Benaon, as t1. fute him elf at any ee l Inee hai ? ? lapaai I ? ? itement s the technical Intereat of Em ? CUrli ? ? ? us ?a footnotes -1 r- u<ed "heini," ?'"> "playing Hables, tl . ? 11 e p r, ?. ng hei nical skill ? i . 1 led to - ... ? ? **e quaii A, ? ? ? ? ' I of I ? over agaii fused . - ?magerj ' ? - - . . tself for mi ? ? i ' tional exprs s rathe sy well have dei ? the less? f Gray. The i arer. h 1843 insurance ' ? \ that poet r be any d n yeai ? ? have "A : ' - .. f, rm certait " I ? ?? own The far as we < t, 'i from the ? I ." with ? . ?' r ?i have a ] ... . schien the noti linst make but a ? n all gatl i i ?five to the author of one of the m ? \i ? highei '. nction of ha ? - . . ?mains to bi r ' i Mr. Be ... < ? twent 1)1 an v. ? characte it was f elf and the ball ? i wasti ? : ? , gedj a its last b ? ? ' ? faeti Th ipite of ? to no i . . ? ? ? there . n ts a t r* ? . .. l! Ml Komi- \\|> PREPAREDNESS. \ i of B " ?? King i he pro ? i ? thi to t ? i Nat t the first ? r _ Germai ? ? ? ? ! by the i -, ? I the beginning i ? > indai : ? I Germs i ; V ? ? .;. wai : ind it lea wii REPELS COTTON BUGS.BUT-WHEW! Harding'sAsaf?tidal Plant Also Frightens His Neighbors Away. WEEVILS DECLINE DINNER INVITATION Spend Summer Elsewhere When rest li Needed Harding We garded as a Burbank. Tl* Trtbiir.? Buril . ilagtaBi Dee. II. "People inj gtaa regard W. P. G. Harding) Reeerva Hoard, as a linar I i.d an Alabama cotton planter era to-night, "but dov.n mould Blrmiag am we think ha is a second i.uther Burbank. He has propagated a eel ton plant which smells so strong of tida that ? avoid it as though il ware i plague, and yel I It apparently n?1 chsngid i I ?i thi slightest degree, Wt ara hoping that he liai - . ad ' I boll weevil problem by depriving of his only food." ; ? ? ? ? thi planter, Mr. 1 e d t h e idea ol . ng t rev il. He 11 ut other i those whii I ? i rage person could not tell from ?ottoti m the aai would not iched hy the weevil, which howevei I can plant' ?ht. section < ? kyard ? it rminirham, Mr. Harding et eut a lew cotton plai i m the >arli tly anoint ???! them 'A ban 'he budi sp I he iprinkled them erlth the nut:, so with the blossom, and ? ton. At ihe end of the preeei ed thi .I ? ii the ring-. That ? ? I'hile ? ? ? ? : ? ? precio iv? I hm ?ware," said the plant have i ' ? ' i i l h a vi at t NEW INCOME TAX PLAN tasociation Headed by J. J. Hopper Send?. Memorial to Wilson. in has receive,i .?ion for an Equitable Fed? eral 1 ? IRce * ut. :tuu i ... lividual in< Hur ? aims particulai obtain a ra ? ax on ? pecially on ired from 1,0 ' me. It is planned b) I i., : i gresa. John J Hoppe Among ot ire A ? I I . ! ' r| ot, Calvi Pi mkl i, Fn Howe, Professoi John Dewey, the Rev. ? - '.!. BUSINESS TROUBLES ? " i ? ? i i . lo.11 h i M \ CompclMsn Csnrlrmid. I ? ? flU ' . .- |lii 1 I" . ? Bankrupt.'? aefeelll l?XK I - I I ? ? 1 - ? .. . | ,i - ' > It: 4SD 1 ? ? ? ? IUl| ! S I FLATIRON PROPERTY SOLD l'an el Ha? lt?-en 0?n?l In Same I am Hy for Neerrj .? Cantorjr. i, .1. Phillips A I " have sold an "natiron" an Broadway, which la 0f the triangular block bounded bi Broadway, fifth si MM An terdam av, II is located al the [unction of these; three "rets, directly oppr>?>te the inch, which was former! ? , the Drake estate, this <irch known as Prake? Polly. H i within oni block of the lifth si Uon of th? I The proper* v 10g feet on Broadway Hnd le i ii .t on Amsterdam av The estate of William B. Ishem. the i eller, has owned 'he property for nearly B eentury. The purchaser H i i ..,,?. Davies, who bought it rot ? ment. PARK AV. BUILDING PROJECT |7Se,eSt l?>an for the BfOCtioa Of Tall iportsnant. II-,. ?.- ?? York Central H through its subsidiary, ths Nee lark .- tat? Realty snd Terminal < on borrowed 17*0,000 from tin- Metr?poli ten Uf ineurane? ( onapony wtta which to finance the enction of u twelve atory apartment hooae, to coat ?500,000 on 'he northweet eom< ?ar? ar. and ,*i4th st. The loan : ,n 1926, an I la to be at 54 and B per fl Pollerton-Weavor recently I the ?,-??? l ' ind will < red portaient _ MANY BUSINESS PLACES LEASED Demand for Loft Space in Buildings on Hast and West Sides. \ ert B. Aahforth, Inc.. leared a tiuor at 10 Ea ?t, te Kos Gotthelf; .-pun- at 106 Ea I IStk si , to the Frirce?^ Kmbroulery ?'ompany; at 452 rifth av., with Coin & < o., to l?oc tora Samuel Doekow and William ht. Addleoton; with the Croes A Brown Company, offlo 6S6-671 Fifth av., corner 53d it, to Alice I). Millar, Ba? it rno ' Cyril F. Pack and A. Acker, Mer ? ? \ ? ' vit ? ? . -, ? X. I' ? '? '?' ?' I !.. 1 incklyn ' ' - i Green ? expired tel m ase, thi ? \\ ? ? Peter Ka ' ts in 11 Ea ? * t st., to ? Com . ? , it ? it . for a ? ' : ' ? ' : to the . . ,. ?'. tern i Spring t. and 1 irth av., I , Il lof) . I 391-93 1 Mayer ? ? '?:? . a ?-..'. - rented the ? ? -? . ?? the Fuhr Wall Pa] ? i tern of ? ? ..? ,.cre-it? West 271 renl to Kaufman Br< , Hacker Pie ' " .: i ' S64 Bi for 1 lacComh Mot? I Coi I ? ?lei .1 ' ? v. i ? p ? ?. -, ; a/eat , to H. J r Walter J. '?' ? ? I2d . Wi ? I2d ' . ? ,v, to ? Brooklyn Sales. 'i ? ?... r Joi L ? '? S Co., teai ? . -, ? Hill i . E. 1 itoi ?, ,. corner for I t Hills Ii ? Saies in Auction Rooms. ? ii- t i ?:o st. . . . - . - ' '? Sl I ' MAOISlI* AV ? ' - ... I New ?'.iilfhuer Plans, i 3 The Kronx. D*lY A. ... \ ^ . . ( 1? PAPK EA>: I ' Mteratioue. FR ROAD. ? I UM! \ FORT 8CMUYIER Hull) ?III. I . j (.LEKl AV ? ? i : I - ? , ? I t. Books Bou?ht ? ; ks aosssstSj w.nt*?. s ? M..TI .a it to thoir ^e ?<> , ommui Icate witn us be? fore dlepoelng ot - -oiiec i ? - *? , . - - ... ' r< moval HENRY M.M.K \.\ ? .. reel < ? ? - feL Broad ,. 4 ? I -Ol r-OI -PatINI -BOOKS'' ? , - -r - - ? m i luejeet ? ? ? ? * ... \ 1 ? I I ?in ":AUTOGRAPH LETTERS is \ i ? i li K ? : i \ . ? m i s Hi \f- V v. , ,,, BANKER BUYS BIG APARTMENT Emerson McMlllin Invests in West H6th Street Structure. The i.oton H. Blawaea Ceaapaay has) ?old for the F.ighty-slxth Street and! West Knd Avenue Company (Mi.likenl a Moeller) the new twelve story apart ' ment hotise at Bf We?- fJtl at., on! plot 72x100 fe?', between West Bad ! gad Riverside I>rn< '1 he btiyer is Krner.'on McM;i!!r . ' ' . who in part payment, h is , saea, at the northeast corner of ? i lids Drive and 104"i st. It is a four story dwelling with a two,Story , extension, on a plot fronting '?'?? feet I I>nve nnd 100 feet on lOvbAat I'lhr. Kfith U. apartment is one I ty> similar structures erected st thst poirV i last year by thefe builders. They re-I plai ? d a groap af iwatliags which were ' assembled by the Realty I oes pan) of America, Krankim Pettit, president. Henry Matl has purchased from It. ?? Doraett the plo? of four lot*. 100] ''"? ????et, on the north side af -OTth st., Ill) feet west of l'ont av., for im? provement with apartment bottMB. The properly is located ?bout, 300 :'? | | ?f?' of the . r)7th st. subway station and la directly opposite two bur apartment structures owned by thr. Bernia i i i irj o ration. i t .",r. if ? ST. Tl s Empire City Mort ga'fe sad Coraaanj Barkia f resold to P Manu for eaah 'IV and ?l'.' We ' ISStb '., a five story apartment house, on p!< 10x100 feet. ? SB Broadway and Amsterdam av. PULTON AV. 'Alexander S. Kelkm has sold for James P. Barry 134ft Ful? ton av., a two story frame dwelling, on lot 26x107 feet, between 169tii and lToth fits. The buyer \* Gustave A. B? ckman, who owns the similar hanse nt 1346, adjoining, and now controls n front.ajre of ."0 feet, ?4TH ST. The Vary A. Clarke es 1 tote koa dwelling 21 I feet ., ? h a buy. r i? ?aid to be i JEROME AV. end McLornoa Br< Hobar' J. Hoici-rr.l. * ? ? i lo> of /erais e*. IS7 ' East lS4th st I ? ? ' ? RIFT IN LUTE OF MOTORS CC New Directors Circt.lari/c tfi Stockholders in Attempt t<. Pom Voting Trust. A circular has been leas? '? ' ?toefcholderi af thi Q sn i i,p[ , eral of the new d, .-, etOfl fleet. ?<. at tl g setting forth their a ?ng* th. pr- ; ' ? .. ntajoritj of thi of the ( f.. violet Motor While not openly I per wi'h tha ' STTt Si ' ompany. th?. General Motors directors ha-e . the compon] '? stock loider to their stock witl consistins: of Ummont He: Pent, J J i ? ? ? i ha? ? i H and Albert If " puny an.i Mr. U . lent of < ?iha? Motional B ? I It was <??>:..., e of I (iencmi Motors d n eton ??? ??? ea their det - l iteehhelewra ar- -?? .' there might Is remaining ? ?ri" pinns af W. C. Dai the company and ais i ? he ' ha? role! son? .-ur,','.i idea that t eonti Motora be takei tere ? - dominant . ? rpoi which he ? ??? ' There i s a ict banking director- . I OBsOany to reta.-: the me ihe hands of J. A W and Ia-?-, Blggtnaou ' which saved the pr< ; ruptcy six year> hgr the road to pmir. It waa learned that pfnctfc new directors *?ho too? C , last annual Bieollea ? ?. ' the solicitation of Mr RESORTS. Rf>ofrrv '^?Clhc?nvht Stor^sSeosbore Resorts" :?^V Start the New Ye?.r Rj ? _a ____r fi : i ?um ? perl - THE LEADING HO'JStS SUC ? . PEN Ar.- ' ' . ? ' rale?, et y i? M.irlhrtfo-jyh Blenheim Mo ?I ?tl i ->;?'?M Mjrlhoroj?h Blenheim ' y^.' ?vq 11 r ?u r . -,??>; $..& P SI ? ? o?iaii White a I ? Motel Dennis On : ? 0 < an Frei Walter J I f V. H Of M I he She!: urne . . J V. ? Galen Mall ? Mo|.| Sf. Cbertaa Hote'fir tapator ira Onth?< i ? 1 ? i . i '/^^V, dolt Hire? hiun from Ni? l'.rl i In .1 ? . <VN^ ..f S J.iirl'IWI ?RAYMOKfc. .' ^5tT| Saw 'i rk i< 1 4tn lim.'? li:<l?. l'hoir r.r>unt r.'JS / ? I alii'nn.ii. VI ? ? ? l. SlAM.KNRKiti. UfT 1MK II?? \ : H'I.S'TI L3i UJDA PRINCESS HOTE v..\V ni f IfADING ?M)fif r.'Hf 1)1 lu: h ht.. ?Willi^H^uliiiufl All.A.M'K < i I \ . .. ., owNteSMie Mtsiaimn ? JOli?H WHITE 4 SON j COMPANY REAL EST '.'Ii: FOR BALE OR TO t-KT. KEtt VOSS SIXTH 1-AltM 1 - ? ' ' . . ? ? ? ? ffiawjta ?''?Pan. ' mi wt?t FKoraaiTT. ... . ' ? ? . - - is wen . i ' ?? - m* Mad ag_ H KIT* WANTED. Male. i swot standard svit ... ll ?re 1111 : ' lim I ' I ? BM, ?' 1 I . * l - ?> ,1-t? I. ? ? . ' p ; ; . ecu < ti.-?-,. ... ? i . WORK w \n r ?/:. Female ' ? | ,- * H iv'. i? DOMESTIC BITL'ATIONS WANTED., I ensate. ? * ? i ?.- Krase; win ? t ? ? -* - ? M . ... I ?eruo . i i. ; ' .-i ,i hrMoa laifl Hartem IMSSOI.l TION NOTICE. Hiss, ,. Ol fOPART! I i H ; ? ? ? ? . ? .- i ?h D?e, Mr. 1. h?r 1 A ? * - ? ? ? ., . ? ? ' . ? ' i s i ? KI'H.VKJ) II HA LSI ? ., hoi m a Ron ran I K' LE 1 ? ? ? ' H ' Halst ? - ... - ! "MM: r n !.., .? ? - .... ... - r v? i ?il is this i ? e.r-n nt V. Ices at No. I ? r ? ? - Mr ft . ? -? ?-.-.'. ...... - . . WILLIAM t r * HI.M'.V rit?, I S*? Yerl . MEETINGS. * ? on I ? i th? aft?i '?'? ? Uni . . ?i. . . |1 ( TION S\!.K?. ..- . . . . - . ' ,..i ? ? . INSTRU? l ION Nh ?". ?'OstK?Maoh i usa SPANISH NEW CLASSES STARTING JAN. 3. r\i K IKI) ? iiMMi ;;< t i -< HOOI i eilagtoa io , .' il h M ffae Bcrlitz Scbor ri I. ?n>;u*?<??, t 28-jn *ist 'i ? irai t I ... [ A?? + Br Brsi PN vi-.pi. ?. isui a - , ? n\ >i im,. _L0U1S H. CHAL!F_ I Graduate Russian !mper?a! Bai;et S:liool. Irerson 41] tea? aes ? ? "'? irurii. lateri tire, ei rorlal im iall-i.,.111 .lint m _? ii la Cuu'?r? Mr.? hu I Real Mu ?t.. SI *". M US H \l. lv STBI ? nos INSTI II T?: of Ml SICAL AKI nr Uss ? itr af Me? \ y ? ? . ?? ? i ? ?aatesasy, aWa tta, iaa < kweaai al '?? N * SCHOOL tGENI IBS. Xtnrrl.itn an? I .,r. ?i |e_l I I - \? Baptillee !?? ? r- ? - ? ? M - r ? ' - . .J rt'I.T- >\ | I r M -.. ,?:? BUSINESS CARDS. ? !.? .1 I k ?I'll J. ?vi.ATt:: ?:i'..iu> iv . R r ?'? l'i . ?' Ki m: t < < ii PUBLIC XOTICEJs -l \ l l m si M IOKK i ><\ l KOl I ' I I m i |( . i Plea?? ti ' ' . ? 'o ' LOST. KOl s:? vsM II