Newspaper Page Text
??Y MAY QUIT IF CABINET VOTES FOR COMPULSION pofeign Minister Has L0nU Been Opposed to Draft. lopONENTS UNITE ro FIOHT BILL i ?Vrc than 100 Member.? Pledged i COsTMOSS Irish May Stir Trouble. ?, AKTHt I - DRAPE! p- cal s a?Tas T"" * tw< honte to? , Cal ' "*"?? ? A1* '* <h#t n m ??si ?es'.irr.ationa. 1 learn . ol state IS rot %et er. waters, although H -vas a day arten tl s antl j?sf>i .-v.r. . . ? ?vidence that ? , ? wtt, lab *. is understood 'e in hold iar. Regi ? f the Ex an, pros ,r and Sir John Hoae ?-ecretar--, are inclined to ?st, they are ptleo '-nder any MB? ? and ?fpscisi.y so when they -V of th?1r depart - Snreil ?Il Edward the "Var Secretary. Ear'. er, are -.loo r.--itior.eJ In cen? ?es la the s with got i mascot _>n. ? he ? - ? .- alwaya n and has ?ar ? .s made or. ? ? I ? - ? , their that op : ulaory ' ' . j ? their ? I ' ? ene WHITMAN URGES AID ? POLISH SUFFERERS Im n Asking for . e U ar Hardships. i pi pant ? ? * da I I ? ' r Tvant I , of poop I ' ? - a tha n ? ? merci TERRIER AIDS FRENCH AIRMEN TO ESCAPE ?K' Makes (iuard Believe Sol? 's Arc Civilians. - si 4. I ,?. 31.?Two int ??eorges - d ht /mich, escaped i ..i.n, on ' :i Of Loi -'-.t?rm f the f whei terned Ac Started out, accompa terrler, which later - The ? ? any ruse, led - according to ? Beck, a Idler oo sick ? ..viators .;;an clothes ? ? I and bun rnpe.1 ? 0 by, or. : Berne ami Tri rkrd in an -, led Oil tries gendarme, ? rrleriedhim In the hoat reneh ? ... o> SERBS OUTNUMBERED 6 TO 1 1 ? I roes Worker, * Wooooed Were Left Banlad. , , ii i,. ,. ? , ... ? ? Ware, i" .. in ?pic. British Aero Expert Holds England Up as a Warning l S. Musi Build Naval An Service, bul Should Avoid Britain's Comic Optra in Mishandling ol Personnel and Material. 1 le Says. atj G G. GREY. Kdttor of "The Aeroplane." London, Pec. 13. Wl ea Araeilca doe have a first class war it is hound ti start as a ses >vav, e\ en if It ??tend ? Bfl s land war ai'tciward A tat with Canada ? hardly withii humar, aeaathilit] America's apatea o? "per.oeiul paaetratlanM In Canada \ welding tha <\ro people? Inte one, rsel ally. If not politically. WgOttn Amert can farmers, having exhausted then aera land? by getting all tho whe? re- .hi? out of thain and neglect Int propa* misti?n o? crops, are p?acefulli repeating the process hi Canada Bualaaaa mon from the Baatara StAtei ?ml Middle Weit are ranniag factonei In Canada ?r branches of their owr businesses The two peoples speak 'he same Ian F'l.'iKe, with the same daviatlaai iron i ? ^ ?h. It even comes about that ' sr. offlaera In the Brttiap. Plpiai Service? have difficult) in showing thi pr?cit? de';it,on between then American and I anadian nal ? I alltj and seem to ha eithei ? neithoi et erl Assuming, in the event of war. that the United States Navv me I itrihe thf first blow, that seems Bufflciont reason for Aaaeiice to hs\e a? big a fleet ai any BaUoa in the world, and thnt being ' bo it atands to roa?on thut ?he must have as big a naval air aervice. England and Germany Lxamples. Now, for practieal purposes, there are two naval air services in the world from which America can ?earn anything?the German and the British. 1'rom the Gerrr.srs ?-he can 1-arn much shout the i:-es of airships, nnd a little, about aeaplanea. From Er.glar. 1 >^e ran lc-irr. a lot about the use and n;isu?e of seaplane.-, and still more about the hand?ng and mishand* the personnel. The Inte Sir W. S. Gilbert's comle Pinafore" e 'uld be ??en quite eaailj ? i? aer vice comedy," with n 0 ? "ruler of the Qut- * 1 up the handle of the big fre hi adviaed all and sun tight 'o your seat! und never k'o to i ? . 'U'il all )> I ? ? Queen's t avee," could hi ? ho have i ? toi and wh Bti ? i millions of pounds. glad of B coupic- of pounds a v.eek as auto? mobil- equally humbli ' ;>re r.ow. without ? ven having 1er '?? trotting- arou tl . ? ??? ? . planea ' United States Shoald Train Men. Kavy Depai I . . ip a naval air ? , let it ? ? beginning; by air ion ici ivy, the san i ibmarine ? equally? in.?er the .-on.niete command of tin enlor naval oAcer ef tha ,ln.'riot. it will be neoeeeaii. ef conree, U starl In ami eduente a lot el th- senlet ?-i n t,. flu. n?,.i of -.emplanes, ani to I . - i the service should h* taffed i ? .".n,; ai..' i nargetlc na* ?> ?r i no eivlllans ahonld bi taken ? the; hove sei-red e. yea ?* i- end r?galai t.?val traiaioi ? The day e M coate when every ?"*! ol ? ii- shove the else of a small cruise! will carr; i ? ?aple ei aer?atenos ei board, foi an ' sconte f"1' shot', dis tai ? reconnoli lance con be made tc take np very little atore mom than i torpedo, ei I '' ? can be loonehed *"r?" a kind of catapult srar. r method whlel hm actually been oaed ob h Unite? Sta'e? ahlp. 1* IS. of' course, eol] rarianl of tl c original Wright laoneh Ing rail. Alrhost Rig as Destroyer In time, as the machines ' iarpor and larger, are shell no douh produce a flying hont h? hip as s mad en, destroyer, a deb will cruise on Itl own fa ? ompanj with ths flei I ? i-, whan on the watei and oiuj ext g them a hen I nonti to hnrry. )? ? ' t] . United State? N'?-. ft v. Ill he ths t unnini ? ? itatlom ??' henci v,? pati led ? Ipplng arrivini by air or aea Theos ? ' ?" ? sheal? be aader the command of the lace ,'. commai ding tha sea defence ol :. of eoi si ?? ?' o ild not bs m p?rate commande Al?o they shoal i I r arranged in croups, each station holding a "flight' or a "squadron," according to its nite the consecutivo siations along th? coast, which constitute a groOO, being under u wing commander America Is la thu happy position of heir.g able to ?tait with a fairly well developed science of navnl aviation, so her polltieiana will have no excuse if hor coast defence grows up In the ?ta'e of mud,i ? prevalent lu Europe. Study (?crinan Airships. ? ventare I -est further that helenging to the itea Navy should he made affali of the marinea, e a tlmi defence i \ erate ? it!, the, an ig the .tul in I more thru ' liera 1 1 . thai ? ? \ America than fron ? i ..... . .i ? ? rind cl \ .?..?. ? ? . ? ., . . , ? ? . mark and : her with such por i . - ? ? . ? ? ? torpi done urines ? all round, they TEUTONS BEGIN GALICIAN DRIVE (ont limed from pine I of Berlin also state that the Greek ; t tant has made a secoi d | ? ? ? foi ? ? r the Alliei of the territory surrounding 1'ari? "Job ??? Avlona, Albania, sei lowing r lia'e < if 1 hurad "The Italian itrong ive sent s ? ? ? ' Duraxao. sill thi ? ti into ? r garrisoi are , I Cut they Bli ? -.r ? g ? march toanrd Macedoi ctive blow could ho ? at the badly equipped Bu,, i army, which c"iid be taken on thi i flunk. "I: is re; ? Provisional President of Albania i hai Austria and B . He- has 20,00 l i.rm d men, Bil . ?? confirmed) will be of n al :. ? ? I ? ? ?? A lies." A rfpor? thai British troops have Gn ? C'M'.St m <?! Kavala was given out in Berlin to-day s Oversea) Agi ??? ? . ?hit its information v.-as obtained from the "S?celo," of Milan. Kavala l9 on the northern cia I : gean Sea, near the Bulgarian border. It la about thirty m.h ? f Orfano, at which poin', it was re : ??? d from London laal night, the h have landed troops sent from Balonica. N ten! <?'? those opera? I tions presumabl) i< to checkmate aay . acroa , the Bulgn ?an lh i Aeait Teutona at Sal?nica. Jhe situation at Sal?nica as General Kaouard Castelnau, chief of the Gaa eral Htaff of the Kreuch arrny, 13 said to view it after visiting thi? Entente foret s at that place, is glean by the Home correspondent of the Palia ; "Journal" as follows: "A person who dit-cusfed the situa? tion at Sal?nica with General Castelnau informs mo that the general ?aid: "'VVe are at Sal?nica and have no ta? ten! >n of leaving. We are waiting for them to attack uh, for that they have made up their mud? to great sucrillcc? 1 am more than satisfied. I am enthu? aiastlc ut the defences prepared.' "A member of the general's suite de? clared: "'An offen?.ve a* Sal?nica would cost ?he Invaders 160,000 men. Auglo . ranch troops continue to land.' " D< '.1 al <<f tl 1 Serbians, who soparen! I been reinforced by Italians, 'after a three-day buttle in Central Al bania ia reported bj the Overseas agency, of Berlin, which nays it re ceived its information from French and 1 oarci ?. Tl 1 batt la ii mid to sken placa between El Baaaan and M i rat I he Serbia) ; were ^?-*? 11 pro . with ammunition and fond sup ad ob 1 ligl ? artillery! but 1 ? guns, *"!-'or thro?, days," the news agency sas 1, "fightini ' led violently. According t<, Italian report:., the Serb ? I, I he Bul? garians continue to advance." '11 ?? r;,| tui ? ? era by 1 ? nent :n the : Sanjak in wl oui ced m rment re? I Ib I ?ara bj tue Au.auaiis. BRITISH HOLD OWN IN TIGRIS ATTACK lurks Compelled to Seek Armis lice to Bury Dead, Sa\s (ienerai Towoshend. ? . ? ? then ? : cl-Aniarn. on 1 compelled tl ,, bury ; the dead and remove their wounded, ling t . if (ii . ? Bureau to-night ? I hi avily ng their rditig to the ? ?ementa ? ? . . pua . ' ? ' ? eleagui ? ? ? enl n on I right j of t ? i, p?sito Knt-el-Aman I i by u- as n d?te ned i t, had eeted t.. a heavy tire nn the two ' BO no other tiring. ' ? that the enem I for tour noun ' U tice ? their wi ront af 11 ? ristma 'hnt ... the i . ' era! Too ? re< ? on K ?? i tur tote luring the I men Killed, . . ?. three offleer , one i and ? ? ded. Rein emeni ? .-r t- lei ?'.(' the iolumn an - il up the line. War Office to-nipr'nt . ? n.c?t: In the ftghtii . lured 138 I CANADA WILL RAISE HALF MILLION TROOPS Resolved to Seek Victory and Abiding Peace. Says Premier. Ottawa, lice. 81 ' ana le i brate the roininj* of the New "Car hv increesing the number of men author ?,r overseas service from . to half s th.!',.'.'.. |'p -i Ii r Hoidi n en nounced to do; ?Vi terday," the Premier aoid, "the authorized forces of Canada aombered 250,000 ?t, ; th. numl i cnl sted was rapidly ap] ? 'hat limit I ? of the i ew yiar our author !"? 600^. The an i nouncement ia made in tok- n ai < aa Ii o i" croo n the . , of our ci ory and ? The * iml ti of mi i thus far < 212,690, mh 118,9 . ? . ! ? . : ? ... ? ?< Idii ' Cam the At t ti.. ? BRITAIN UPHOLDS I PARCEL SEIZURES All Packages Containing (Contraband Banned. Officials Hold. WILL NOT DISTURB LFTTFR POST AT SPA l it<?I Haglf Rule In Defence Mails at F.nglish Ports Will Be Censored. I andan, Dl I .11 According to off! elal Information, the British garant? tient tak? thi stand ths' anv pnreel? lei ' bj mini, no matn.r what class of paataga Is psid on fi.em. ore liable seirure If *h?; contain goods which, un? der thr ('rders-n-Cmincil, may not be i to 01 from Germany 01 her all e, First class, netusl postsl correspond? ence, according to this stand. Is invio? lable m veaaeli ?topped on the high sea? Mall mi ships calling voluntarily ut British ports, however, will be sub? let to municipal law, which means that under the pros, nt war conditions ths geveramei I i.sserf?. th? right to extend the censorship to su^h mail. Great Britain takes her stund ?qiiare The ilnuge aoaveation af 190 , which, aaeording to th* Britiah eaatea? fton. gives no protection to parcels, m> msttor ur.i.ev what rlas? of postago they may bi> carried. Ths resolution pa??ed dartag thst convention, printed in French, explicitly itates that the only farm of rnsil no? l.sble to ?eir.ure Is 'correspondence postsl?." German I'rged Clause. 1 ne r?solu Ion, according to the ree ords. Has moved by a German deleget?, who, OB an interpellation from an Ital? ian delegate, stated that Immunity wa? to appli tu lettei po'-t alone. This vli be rigidly upn-'ld by the ?: government, which doe?. n"t ad? mit ths 't Interfered arlth any Aral ? ? Bal according te s except nail wall t, the govei will not ke tat to se h I : ostaga Tl not inel ? . ! ? r the . \ .... 1 Disturb Mail ?. are eonei rned to that I tei pos? I ? : pi ? ? . to a bell . ti nternatloi ? ? boa 1 3 ? .?? , i may ha I l! Amei ? - ?? regularly at Pal bjecti : ? ? : Viilk Condition1, in Germany Are Worse, Says von Mach cond ? groa n ? ?1 Gi and the .. ? the 1 stoppai American eott sed ? , ' Dr. I ' as leeuthre Ci ti tens' Committee its, said this ;. ? tel on, coramei ting on Great Rritaii American eondi 1 led ? llh pro.In. ' :' >r G> ? Hungary. ? from our inten than ! gage in s controversy 1 . .1 poa 1 rs " ?aid !'r. von "' Hir 1 rt : ? efl " Bl :.'?< di d ; ment 1 ?' ? ?es that the "I wat only after incontrovertible, ? i?bI milk condi ? tra! Empires I ad hi ? n made to Mr. Lai .* ' t he ( ? ambaaaadoi I 1 I Kranci Di ted so ' ' ? ? : agi -11,1 m t< bar 12, 1016, It ?? ss eatl .? t i 1 re wa? enough milk p to iur years of age. ' of peace the mill plied to children up to nir.e and to ta? ll f of all the milk need by the co "A ? er milk tickets were ran op ta one year af age. Thev were to receive a quart. |Ot ! ? men! tra ?? read t?hel wem bec-f me mi there a ould ra? the last three month 1 af thi .1 pregnancy the same amount a? I under t .vu ? ' ..r1- of age." Taft and Spring-Rice Agree on Shipments for Red Cross Washington, He,-, tl. 1/-President Taft, a Bad of fl e executive counc.l Red I 'ros -, hag had a eonfei Sir Cecil Spring-Rice, lor, respecting the ? ??? : m- v and Auati I America) pita] supplier intended ? 1. rgai \ irsl nding was reached on the general lines governing such shipments, ami it is expected the lied Cross will soon i'sue a statement ng the claaa of hospital supplies that bu] go forward to the FRENCH SUBMARINE SUNK BY AUSTRIANS E-Boaf Sent Down Off Dura/./n, Vienna Reports. Berlin by wireless to Sayville , I1* .?i An official Auatrian report re? ?? ed here to-day from Vienne Bays ? the Preneh submarine Uongi ?.ink on Wedneaday by it': tuati Bn n the ? itlc, off Durasse, Albania. The ta tern? "An tustro-Hungariaa flotilla, con .? 0 tl ?? cru 1er Helgoland and ?troy< r . ei the morning of I '? destroyed the Preneh sub? ?: .r ? ?? ..?? g? rae second oflleer and ? I Tha Ifi ? ??? irai built la 1 ?" ? ? fed long and of 392 toi ??1 iif> complt ment * 1 ?. four men. I AIRCRAFTMAKERS AIM TO AID NAVY I Builders Throughout the Country Called Together by Consulting Board. MOVi: IN DIRECTION OF PREPAREDNESS Plans Proposed for standardiz? ing Aeroplane Industry Mili tary Engineers to Assisl. riant, for etoodard '.mil the aero plane industry were talked over by rep resentatives of all the aircraft manu facturlng interests in ?his country at. i Meeting soaSardaiy la the Bagiaeertai Building. The aeroplane makers wen brought together by the Naval Consult ing Board, of which Thomas A F.dis'.r is choirutao. Howard E. Cofflo, b mem bei af the bOSre*, declared that Rl , kit stOf had been taken in th' ! direction af military prenerodncea Ii | this country than this meeting. In a Stutomenl is?ued at the close o the meeting Thomas "tobins, secretar of the Naval Consnltlag Board, -aid: "8 epe were token looking toward th ipoi ? is pari ef the Soeieti of ten nautical Engineers through the forma ?ion af committees erlth n that loeiet; It i? eropoaed thai these fhall at ?nee eooaidei the many prol ?.?m.- of nomenclatore and ?tandardisi tion which confronts the industry. 1 i !s proposed al?o theee eommittea ? null work in close bormooy with th engineers of the irmv and navy. Thi insures cooperative -vork Htnong tli manufacturers who must supply th t ghtmg aircraft of our army an navy." As a result of ths meeting, said M Robins, the engineer i af the varioi MroplatOO concerns will work togeth? to solve common problems and thus standardization of materia and method"; of specification and te. will be brought about. To dat,\ ne pointed out. a. roplar bollders have boon working ndepem ? ntly and v. ith litt I. ? ; .? i ng c ? Dei it on He hupe- trat 'i i ?? profil t,;. ' mobil? ptil .??<!? . , i , ? 1 ? Chi Mer i a agi lea - ne Ci any, 1 a m, M. \ , H. ? ' ' ? Norwich, Conn.; A- R. Ka the Wright Aeroplane Compon] \, ro] iai ?lompai ? Reword Hani ?ir*? ? r.. .,' t? : n A. re raft I Mbert Heim a Plan? ? \ iee prea lent oi A>-r ' Compon] Elmer h Rnerry, pre?? | tl ? o, - i ? -., ipe Compeny | ? I c mei bel of !? Kevof <~onsul'ir,g I; Thomas Robins, uieeiden' al the Robins Roll Conveying Company! sod secretary o? the Naval rnns'imng (lourd; Coker 1' ''lark-ion, general', manager of the Sor'eiy of Automobile "engineers: Henry woedheose. gov | of the Aero Club of Atnericu und of the American Society oil \ i lautieal Eogioeera. Mr. Coffin, I Ided, besides " ? ?? i r. k * member I ef * . '. ?val l eneultli % Roord, Is vice president of 'he Hud?.in Motor t nr < ?ompany ?.-? POLKS OET IRON CROSSES hniscr Decorales Man* Officer?) and So'dier? of Volunteer l/-esrlon. Berlin, Dee. 81 ej wireless to Fny y i Emperoi v" llliem has conferred in? Iron ClMS on a large nuriber of nfTicur? and soldiers of O^e Legion ef 1'oiish Volunteer?. General Uurski, eemosonder of the legion, has issued sn ordiir of the day, in vhleh h? ?ay? th.? Emperor's action is in re egnitlon of th* bravery of the Pe I ah volunteer,,, eddlogl "The tr;\d ' fame of the r*0 " ?i riora la ths hell loom ef soi I race We <hsil carry out colors torlously for the pride end glor* ef the Pollen fatherland." 18,549 British Lost in a Month. London, Dec. 81 British casualties recorded In Hate published during the month of December amount to 1,001 otr.eers and 17,648 men. These are the retui i fre ronte. CITY KEEPS FLOWERS BAIL St?rrs Suit to Recover 5J0.000 Bonf* Falls. Th? estate of Mn. Cornells Starte, was for many . Controller, failed yesterday In ?n sppl cat on :,,.,. t. | fro.'. tan gs ?? this amour" : tor I)r Riel '?' I Y io ver. who lied to I idi indar indict In 1S04 Mrs, Storr ndictmeata found again-1 p 7<-n years iH'er rated la Tarante Ba returned, and i r aw serving t ? ?r >a Blai I Island. Mr?. Stem brought an sctio the return of the 1x0,000 bail I I I'la'zek decided againit t. I plleatien yesterday, "aying ?he [ailed *o prove iier cor.'en?lon tha' ' lateras! of the people did not sut' by reason of D ? ? r*a '^.g aha America's Leading Restaurant The Most Wonderful New Years Dinner SERVED IN THE BEAUTIFUL BALL ROOM DE LUXE TO-NIGHT, 6 to 9 $1.50 a Cover tf * Special Entertainment and Dance Music \ The Finest Dancing Floor in the City \A succession of tempting surprises? each course an epicurean de? light?and served in the charac? teristic Perfection of Rector's. Phone 3200 Bryant for Reservation"; Broadway |^ 48th Street > 7th A vt. i yQS? <?ak?M?i Vi&c&j( &?m ^asSr?nis?t,? .,?, ?-?-SS? May We Send You Our Oraer tor ??2.00? 1 l.tven't yon oiien come home after a day's shopping simply bubbling over with B Jtory to tell about the way you wi re ti tted by this advertiser or that one? Sometimes a clerk goes out of his way to be particularly nice. Sometimes il seem as if a special effort is made to be disagreeable. We tire interested in hearing the experience that you have with advertisers?particularly retail store-. I ell us. Put them in u letter, and if we can print it we shall take pleasure in sending you $2.00. pay? able in an ord.,-r on any Tribune advertiser. Your name will be withhold, if you prefer, but we must know it to be able to send our orders to those whose letters ar^ printed. Here are a few of the Iribune advertisers from whom you can choose any article to the value of our order, or who will honor the order on a pun hase of greater value: s - ? Cd ?. - . ii i Il V 4 I. M 'I - - ? ? ? ? i ' - ' ? ? ? I 1' ? I I ? ? Bales i ? . I . .? I n. '? ? Co I t'o. i . 1:. r , t ? , Il .. I . u ?, I, ? I ? 111 I ' I ? - , ? II I I. I. . M . I. ti'im ni ? Bru H- ? . "> . * i Car Ce ' A. J BurU. - - i' llthtBl <'o. n V 11 ' ?' Ki asas* ? i i i.-, m? -? ? ! .>?? " U i ?,.;' a ' '. i .. . _ .s ? i ??.?.nr? I . I , ? ? a ? ' ' , j ? . . ,i I . . ? H i 1 , ?? r Co ? , i ? Kn 1. ? - ? ??-.*' > i- I t I - . '. j. ? r? n n. i II. ! ' .' ? ?per ? '??ni? ? V sit?* Msrk. ' VV II. I r I .-ri * - ? I ? . - ? || - i - i l'irt? I A !?? i I ? -t ?? ' '?-.- A . ? 1, ?e.. -i A '?. - . I i o ... . ? ? . .r | > ? . ? I H |. 1 .' - ? '? .V I ??. ,r * > ? P ! * U ' ? r i ? . < v, \ it' Brlt?ii' '? ? r?"S ' Ml | . ?' ' T ? T I .-> I o. I I I 0. I ? l ? . - .. ' . . ' ? Car l'a I i ? lin . ? I ? ? ? ' ? h tl ? ?ilklng M il .- i ? ? ... I ? , i ? i . ^ ; | o. -i I . - i lo - 1 I ? II 1 l !.. r. Il.<ll?n,1 * < ? a i M M " VI 'i . . ? - ? i ? ' ? ? ? : ' I- ? .? ?- i irl ?M? shop . * i ?x ? .?' a. H >n l. F. Ji inueu t A I ? > M R ?Uv 0? i ? i a K?iiu \ i i i ' |M ? I a ' !< K -v ? . ' I ' ? I I -? i '.r. I Bl . ? I , . i- . t a r? .1. .i rial Ct \ l l A. I O pear. i ? ? ? '?? . ? . ii I i <i . ., ,? p ; i .1 . k IA ! : - ? | ? ' I P- > A- Co i - ' ? ? .V ' ? I i?m Mtala ?Ve?f i ? A I -??ni ' lise k i 1 : r Hrw c ' 'i \ [I \- UM III ? ' < ?. I i M -Clur? 4 I 'I . ? I , . | - -i I -? - i i '??, I lr..p i .. ? 'i itl Howe M?'!.u..' , * - Piso ? >'o \'i ? 'U'<, pti? i H Muren . " >Ut I i H Mm i il Ml - A i ? II ra " - \ ? ' ? ? | : - I I ? ir .. . 3 . Ca, : -, .-. ,-, i . a. i. ? a a i p Sartl ? ?.- lUf'.Or <"? a o ? - . . .? I'O - -, ? MsrfcM M#n i . ? }. ? i' ?. I A i ? ? ' ?r ' 1 ? .t > ? ? a ' ?> K'Ku?itl - ai / M < Ar i > -. ? a M'i r?. ? ?? ? ? - ,i ii.j Pip? A Bbaa ; ? Hiriera : .r a T?l i : : . ." ' ? '. ?Silos I ? . ? I II ,p ? i ir i ? I v ? '?! ' i: Cu I! I'M. ? .i ' M ' i. I- r . n ? - a i ? ? .v 14." < i irrtaei Ca ? ? i .? .. - i :- ? -? ?'? - a . ' II I i ? . M . ,- i . .? ? ? _.^-r i - . < i . P. I l:?r*7 ; . i ? I '. ? M I ii'"1-. ? i /. ? . b .-.'.< i ?? ca Hi g i.,- i .% I ,. i i . I ? ? A - '. I O. - .-? I' I I ? ? ? A " !? I.'fl-? ? 1 ? n a i ?. ' ? .- A SxX! ? . . - ? ? ? a Ce Hrm. ? ? A .- Co SI 1)11? A. IC raft Shoi ? n In, a i?. u a j stssM - I Ma i * Si < \V I I .... . - .1- r ?,' I ??? A <? BpiMtnc At H- ?-? ,. rj>p(] e_ . . ??:.:? Finn? - indard Buja Cit C? a ; ?111 I - i '.?.r ; Oil Co Hr- ? ? i. ? r - p staam i r I. H'l-n In - ? . * K ' Ha.? . A - ? < ttitxhjrs ( I || - j (A ? A i"i A ? tc ? ? I ' I Co ? i 1. T ;? i :'.;?? ? t?.- ' I ' J.r - ar OSt ?r O?. I ?i T- i PiJr . . ?. . . ? \ Vl ? .? ? i , M I ? - I Tc .'. a t ? ? \H ISSI "A I' w? M ? a- : T. ?. I < i a i a I Miry Ar. Itl I. It ?i- -1 w ? - r e Hrtlbi oaf ?V?sd i n?:r. 1 N t'o n Wto?m it? Auto c*. ? ? ?i r to " ? ? ? ^; . ! i? I c a ?o. ?? . ., i ? ; 'I . ? ?<- ? ? Ge ? ? > ? i -%'? l'A, II? ? ? 1 Brevas, re. A Special Order for $50.00 will be awarded each month to the writer of the most signi^cant letter on a store's relations with its customers. This contest is open until notice of its close i* published in The New York Tribune. Any one can write to us and any one person may write as many letters as he or she likes. If you have ever left a store thinking "peo? ple ought to know how nice they are here," or "don't 1 wish I could shout this from the housetops!"?Now is your opportunity. \T rite your first letter to-day. .Address the Ad-Visor. NwtJ thirk tXrilmnr ?a**1 fin? to last?fAi?? truth: V#u |?tiditorials_ ?\d\ ertisvments I ' ? ?'! 'i " / le /1 (frame , - ? .