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SQsSJD ?KirU ?ttbintf. first to Las!?(be truth: News?l'ditoriiils ? \ihrrtisenien1?. *-xn i.iw t xs ini i iota. l . . ... v.. ,?? ? Keilt. Pit? '. I ? ? ? } ( 5 J il > i - . ' ^ )tl ' Out K (.?a rest , . v i Ml v . ? : . . ,, ? w.i 4 ? r-'c i ?? c i i ? - ? . mi stal :?? - 'ou can purchase merchandise advertised in THE lKim m; with eboolato aofety?foi It dissatisfaction tcsults m any ?ase Taft! Thlbl M', guarantees to PO] yOUl OSOOO] bai * upon request. Ne red tope, no quib bllti;. V e make good prompt l> if the ad? vert?: or ours not. 1916, America Right! On the ranting of a New V?ar there must be for all loyal Americans one hope ?.: aspiration above all dee. them tha first niah will be that ?-.??? ?? their ? ' :?';? r too pi oud I1'? fight i th and the honor are its heritage from the men and en who in other genemtiona have given their lives, their treasure and their happiness that there mipht be in this Western Hemisphere a noble nr.d cndvir ing democracy. One generation after another of Amer? ican men a:.,! women have kept the faith, ha\e played thrir pa* ?mail, bat always honorable, in the reali? sation of the drearns of thoi->e who laid the foundations of the Unit* I :h from Plymouth to Santiago. Tor nearly a century and a I on this the At tic lias eontril i | to the common i fl rl of all mankind and fering and in aacrifice of the i doin and justice. Those who have lived and died as icans, pi%inir all and enduring all, have ? lived and died in vain if the mean, the sordid ana the selfish permanently dom? inate American life or American citizen? ship. They have died in vein and we shall be false to : !? that Ameri meant t.. !.? M and duughb tc the whole world if the .-pint tu parp?se that has ruled and dir< cb I Vi er lean public life ? eontin ? ntrol. Hut every American who love I try and believe.-- in the ideal for it that comes down to US "ruin the past will set in the New Year a pron portunity. It is a fal e thing nit thi policy nnd religion of selfishm ? if comfort; il ii a false docti i ? ther that the- ha? I I us who hav< believed thai ? lollars and prosperity and tared neither for honor nor for the live of our fellow It !.. ? ;, doctrino to 1 ? pleasant policy to pursue, but ?t ha. led ua far away from all that honorable in our past, and it has made the 1 ted States an objeel ? I un, | the natiot a di i] pointment and r to those who loved tl nnd believed to t cau^e of democracy and the la* ('?.?? of civil! . 'I he N '??? 5f< no greati dutj. no raver thought, than that whicl pi. , ,1 in th rei ilution to and the old ; : liberty, un etlfishncs , Baci ificc, in the dt ?? that which each individual can do to i . ? . . the a pii . I nd have lived and died under the fing g thai il and a symbol I ?kl, of tl ?? pati iotiam ;t which meanit g i ? . no value. Cri name, these have eosne to all ti... th;.*. ii rone. In tl n om< p ha 1 ? ?'.cn it 11 that v.. || I : v i i ? ' ' Vi ? I , log ta our sel : et rayai must ? Ameri : ? ! . an failure i ? charged to n fen or to <? have led, millioi i red; the . a no atoi til millions of Amer und n ?men unite in the n . , ?.- and to an] . ? he ideals winch coma b from the Revolution and the Civil V come * out of a noble pa t, tha I ta?-o from men who proved their fait] battlefield, in the wilderness and am Ions of the ruder tin ? They saw. not America fl st, bul An i. .1 right; they dreamed, not of a t . |] men should be prt perous, bu an nge when all men should be free ? a1 n the servant of freet i. Tl written ll : th? " deed! have e* . a gri ai ai . e upon ? a' mat kind throughoul I \r.-iii .. bu had a meaning ? In message beyond the i where y ami injust I Millions uf men have heard of the coun ' and justice, and have joui ney< d igh the - they might come a the land wh those things which were with them dream were, indeed, <?? If America means anything, if ' ? I States at the end of nearly a c tury and a ha I existai means anything, it means what the n of Lexington and Concord ar.d Bunl i. V'alley ] srn, dreamed that it should mei ? not meat d i Ignoble 1 inp and selfish tl . resolve to servi thai cause which was the cause ? o gave all they had hoped to have in the year that ai - that their childre ir childrei children and the children - I might find the world a fairer place to li ; nobler place, of their sacrifice and their If Am? rica, if the I not now mean this, it means nothing. ? month- eant 1 .nans have turned their back- up? ? and enduring in tl . they have failed ii false to a trust, i ta e hou ?ai . 'ha? s ? ? . which is the old spirit, is on? road m the land, ll is the belit ?that this spirit is alivi again, thai til, that gives I day i* real and its only meaning. In the Matter of E. Mercury Housi Respec in 1 whose concern will ? ? Barily be great, Th The ,v in whether it ..' it ei r- it of the most industriou of America title I of Colon? Magna ubjeet b, . ? has m ? e to it the attention it di t such si incliiu proper fon would be Don fami in the c ? I loir,". Regard : for the peculis which th 1er, sen ? hii h rangi ? ai dated but! ? ? ? . rain with e ? of ri ? ' pi and more quit. ? d of the mi: sion ol I ? title . tame whicl ? . whil !.. M ?ca. t the i t lea I of th ? The 1 . to which ma or A wills Jumping the .Sins-le Track. Son ? ??' M *. W . Acuity in k? the track i whicl ' ' ? ' r American !.. One i ' - ' an in terni ? ? ? " . B ? order Ii lf< I Bill ?>f Kighl ;i> that ".' majoi ?tj of thi i ommunil ?m Indubitable, ii alienable and ind< i ble right 1 ?form, alter 01 aboli li 11 | the '??? ' ? t n* ? hall i ? re to the pub .,., ' \\ e applied til I iplc In the . Mexii ?." tlio Pre ildeni dex Ian d, meaning, of courae, thai he had applied il in thore intervala in which he wa ? ring to ?? e Huei la i u1 ol i fftce I ? v hich be finally ucceeded ? or to drive ? arranza out <>f office i in which h Imally railed), Bui it i clear that if the right of revolution ia indubitable, inalien? able and indefeai ib t, ev< | p e mui ' apply that righl according t.. it - oa n juds, nunt and n I use t" be limited according to the judgmenl of ?lien I tribunals, The authors ol the Virginia i Bill of Right i certaii ly n< ' ei contemplated submitting the qu? I ; opi ietj ol ting agaii si political conditions which ? thi |o any high in! lurt. Whei Ri . 1 low? wa ii ' in- wa a? c ? tomed o i moving i to craw solemnly from hi? oal pocket a much worn copy of the < tution of thi Unit St te He could never go rong, he ? aid, so long ;? he charted hia I d?c? il might be well for Mr. Wil i to ! a\e his mcssai t pocket ' The Governor's Opportunity. i ?? fpMpiiatp.ii of Mr. W i iiiiiii- ? the Pul ? ' will evoke p.o ropre'..-. II ? rig there to i rento any atroi ? a de f the He will be mis ? with thi i riratinti of Mr. I ?' ce will g, will give Whit inity -to .. Republic ;' politician on it. So What i ?lifting and P mmis sions law such a ; itment to oil ? ho will exe I ly, alwa) public in? terest before thai ?pportunitj, if he has tht ? "Gone Are the Days." tua i esto Sullivan fixture, the ( hristmas dinner f 207 Bowery, will in all probability 'I here are no more Sul except in name. In all ? fiasl Side cr.n be found no one tt> till the mighty .' a ' mid always say: "Big Tim i my ? rd, I shall not want." And not o? ly i "Bij pu likely successor, but so, largely, is thi the Bhepherd in I ? ?litios. Hi activities ha : ? ? ? , ?i at the point of dial u '?'? -. ?al pirate of polil day who in the mai ? "Big l ' How" can pla ? I a pound and he ha ; tons ol "V ? pi] ? the hi Tim" something ; .?? i 1,1 Bui thai wa bi fore the ? . a, when . line '?II keep up ap] Tim" " . A for the disbursing < . ? ii la ted thi i the c ? ' ? "i . who wai ' pur?e for the u ? . ' will be given 1 ? ? i i i here will ??> take Big! both polil . ly, in the . daj ! av? . For good, perhaps, in anothi . ? too, :. world of I color ? ? A 1916. ? \ ? i i " ?VIM. I \ FRAN! I P" \ I id?.- \ppcnl to Amcrimn Spirit and I raditioa. i., the Editoi al 11 n 1 rib? \ i amber ef yoni resd . pri tl ? '"j'e thai ><>ur editorial "v "? .01.1 Mr. Hard's aamlrable article on "bi.gfa of Prieadly ReIatleaaH will be publiehi ?rote form f< i a ?do d atrlbu tinii. ton i Icon spirit" i enool laag remain donaaal in the fee? ef such stirring appeals v ? tradition. W a ,; s il roa, sir. ?ting that our nation has bo? n given s ? bj ear offiels I be people have been gre s isled. 1 be ppoi ' Ighted lltlcia ? ? ?' "" , , . ... ergo ?" the fate which ? be Igi. the i tie! idealii m arhii h guished oui ? Xhe * la " ' lad I reeootinenl ? ? rap d . 11 ii criminel felly and fool ;,,,. ii '.?i ontii tea hi . . ? . ndlj relationa." 'I he that those " endly rela it. llic eddrea ? I ongre u lull ant avid. I' at the w.-.rfute ? tmei ' am bas apres i from tha , . . ,. bon i ntinued diplomatic exchanges ere erimi lag ?ule of indignai Ion end reaentmenl m this eountry, ami i pe eially in view of the fa.*t tliat official timid ? . . ; temporising may git ? in anothei Be ., Party und an outraged people mu' rep idiate a !? adei ilhip ' hem. ., ., ng ? ? imericai i lojalty t.. An ? ' ?avine "foreign" to Amer , and bonoi ighl ? ara Wt hii gton a itfa ?rit i thai thej are i ? taper *?? ;th which S ? i ir Igi im ? i.? ? : latee ah sad tl a mardi r ??? tmei women aad ehl Idn n se bei ard? d in Con iany, and . de ... . tragos upon civilisation, Mm* v ? ? si tradition ? ewatd< ! '"r pe? ' ? ? ' their liii?!i("--t id?ala in fa o? ?' i. prolonged p pre pei I ? Kai h day the e ?a more Inei itable. Is '?'? gtoi ? ? te the | bj d< ?ling .,' , itic 1-ut un Net ua hope not S. DE LAN* E \ rO\* ' SEND, fork. De Ungrateful for Kultur. ?Tribune Sir: ' li^si ? the til "Viv? i France!" i abso U ? i e value ol l be de ? ., leniei \ ? . ? ' ? ? i where it acema . .'low a I . e of in| lineal toward a coun i the wholi rrorld < es a gi i'ization. I heartily cry "Vive le Franee?" an,; ? Germai to quit Fi ich aoil, 'he land I that ill of all ? ? ed the right of mei But I il ? it I ; Gi ilized, Hu . I ii i eultui snd a ? ? end deetroyed ?'? . : i ' '. ? Militarism muat be hlumed. f i country. ? ? e order posted in ti.'- B< ai g the A - war, Mr. Cham ? ? ? . ? id no) . c immon, ? How do you i ' liza! ? m? I ca ...... ? .- about . ?.- ? tha ent K ir fi oi.railing in the : ' is. I ai lite convinced t Germai I ? | ^ ? world airea . th- whole ? ? ' ' ? i ? ? . .. thoug and that U my haa givei r "' great i.. . Dl i: !" ' \ V i -i ? - ihr absolute rruth. ? ? .-ed. It ? .- ? ' ' ' ? ll i . ? ifraid I ? ? ' ery I ? ? i ' torial . . ? ' ? De Remerciements. ? ; . ' . ? ? ' ' ' ? FERVENTE I El : : \ le 27 1 Those Who Disagree. e Ed ? Permit me 1 in to ? Germai ILBER1 J U ? : T(?v THE RETURN OF THE SPIRIT OF '76 ? ? ? THINGS WORSE THAN WAR Dr. Stewardaon, Late IVsident of Hobart College, Points to Certain Conceptions of Peace \X hi( h Are Wither Noble Nur Useful?Occasions When War May Become a Sacred Duty. i the Edil ' The Tribu? s.r: The respor ss 1 lei tdened m? I ? ? er sppe il to my 1 men, ami the [substance I ? that ?re should I -d Arm n ml re prit h Germany, even If thai break, Ben itorff ii said to ha e threaten? d, me u There are thousands of high-minded citi f ? country wl ? , . ? ? ? ? .: prin eiple the repudiation of that state of peace which, in thrir judgmei t, th? ivlour, the Prince of Peace, died t a thing ? ' and apart from certain special connotations, ? ? : . ling. There are tho pcHco a - face of ; of death anil the ten peace o f a and in han cedness. 1 here ?a al i a peai ?? which i: currender ol moral principle or I ? lice, or by a \> of cr?ai i irely no con either ? ive or main! tin that | of thrsr di - . true Ck . ..... ich peaci ? the peace r iiicl good (oy and per ? '? ? : ' ? an undi ce of tmth lf, tli. tag tory t be. In i - B? rdl Hiui i , . .- ? ageoua ? ? ;? . ? ; i< ? ops given virtu? I ths . ? i irai g ? IT? ? a'i undo . I to the - .- icy of war in 1 rid 1 ? .' it good ma c it ral i] that othei two ? If 1 .- : that wai Lect 1 . . ; ' . I from devouring many i eratu i ? ? i ; territory? but ol . ? ? thai i Li I ? - ? : ? . ? t of ? ? . ? . . n the pul future 1 ted to our | ? Indoed, I am not sure bat thi:- we are r in the nre-ence of that grim alt ? ? now. If - . ? th -re are many worse things than i lit mutely by while the lii : fellow d imocraciea :ir,- in the id 1 ' ?to be a ild be robbt I ?. ? ai earola si I put i me money in our to be content that free England si i republ ?aid suffer . we obtain the opP": eal 1 ' 1 .lie; to be so ii to be satisfied with re? ??lien, at tl ment, the C I tutional liben rid s to be read; to tl I be our det>p damnation in the mural world. see such ea thia and obtained at a ? ? , rial ional chi dei rat ... re thai eipat ? ? ? Ji ii makea ai free. it auch a price i forfeit to bettle for thi ind f that i ublime m the pet ft '?? world ? ?? '' queathed us as a h il trust. Such a peace may bririp u ? am Jenni ???? k'"blen ? lucrati !, bu*. it i. .' which coi ? i- *? ' - ,' . lee. Such a peace may br . bul it will also br.:'!, From acrosa the water will con\c ' preach that Henry of Navan I bang your? Ci or we Arques and you wet I I ra"? - i itches I n our o'a ;; I ? . : :'.. glo ? | I ?" "? ?anders, ai a ? . thi \ It ot : truly affirm that, had I ?? n l rather than have the black l, while ertie mai tro 1 : -sand ? lern! >ra, and glad * ar.dei ... ... For be it remembered thi t when thi of - il'.? r and gold by a : ?. ' o ? ? ? ? ago 1 ? ? ? ! loaded tl"' rial gods id dedicated I ... Ii ? if pear-"! "the wall," and the 'r. ... referrea pcrr to chare 1er pel I izzai ?!om wa neither t r the in ovi rthrow the kingdom of ? ? . rial i stic | Kult ' 1 lie ? f the bourg but il ? ? ? ? t ot tl ' and of thosi I not ? ...... Himself ee terlng in He drovi ? ?? . '' ? made lilt upon l i ted it to I -' ? tianity eon b brougl t to I ? ?pie and for th. r?serva? ... ..;:?? .-.f. hawev? : I ? . all?e ai ia a ild aet ap ia our vi ? ? r their ? ? Kalter It is sri It ? -, ? " Hei -;? of Hohenxoller vit.or.?. graa lag stead pease af. r orr. citizens arc ;ti the plot, and, in the prest B1 sb erg* ' a" piouaiy affirm nativa born rather tha protect our 1 I ts deeecra ? ? ?? ? ry hyphenated Gerasaa trait - the Ian i - h member if aome i I ;..,.? . igainst the machm ationa 01 .? ? v .'.'. yon ? - sacrilege? Rather tl * ?at sfl or be guilty of arlir.? srill you permit 1 ? ar lib? ? ?termine thut. whatevi ? I and at whate\ s it, you It? Will yon have th? trage I examp ? H , -.-o':rj;e of ^nia!! cord?, and will ye i ? ptBg af thievee lay te them l ANGDON < . .-Ii WARDSON. - Dee II, Itl Personal Testimony. e Editor of The Tribune. \ i a i . ? I grat?late a thi *tep yo.i ting tha fake ad-, art ? t; tr' I | advert lelf), th? log-ted i.i rotecting th? I : i l*rhV K'i i tuaatt ite, a< fact t?. af tha tra ? ? WIL1 I ? PARK . - . Lord Htldanc on ( OMcription. i ? ? ? ? ir had ? - ? . ?f tha" . by Lord rtar.i-? ? . I ' "? IRREN', Jr. ? "Keep On.*' s Ed n ,. -tue. i y. Is , ur moi ... I '? >BHAM .New \ ..l !.. [>r,- aoa ?'?I j