The Conning Toivet *~~~ entered for the l<-lr> (told Watch Th;.? BOCffl h.t5 noi punch tun- ?'(>\vr* it's rather muddled up and mixed, e'er Though m.'???.tig bettet m The Towe Hasx'' appealed in i'>' I* has gees ?? frightful and dnrk year, and one of it? Mack? ??ed* as I ?' w- Painta OOt, is '.he undoubtedly terrible punis ^-t infaVted upon the eoensaandlet af the \usir>an gnhsnuTfl trhich *?**-k the Itteoaa. Still, things might be arana, ?i^ \ sh -vaid to .Inphetii. The N< \mr't es ' VT LAST Mb' PJpsj sa, 0 (Gilbert did '.' ago) B)ow ble*- '""?? ,Hi D1AR* 01 Ot R OWN SAMUEI PEPYS. Pe*-*esal ; rise a* ell. '| ., * ? f job and that. With s. Wii .i,f - 1 ' tad headache, ret di vf |h i ? ? thrust at repart? an ,- | bit* d ai all; ? ly , (?gerat s: be is a give me. In the eves In Mistress Margan McCoy, s d a plea? too, i aapeeiall with Mil .-,,. :- I have me: i g tan - 81?1 paring no expena er, even to pome ligh . nj task to do. To sssahet ?? '' Taylor, but 1 begrudge, I mom ' ' : ell the da* s d into th' eht, when hot - u 'Hals. [re? i ' Old Heywood Broui ' \ [ | frenen bis own ' Hut at thi game time end him ' '. ? ? go threuph the , a* the Collet altos.? sure that ? n of his works. Seing publi-ibin** ? .. ? the book m "Puck" and ? ,,ut a defh ? Bunner's books were an 1 ?"!. and .-.". illustrated ... ? ? r the mello** ? ?m ds But as -' torj a riti ?" There wss'Tht M ? longer tules of ?ji load ? ? and tha flavor of the Mea ' others, 1 A. D. H. s. .'ir: Tot an right There be Bunnerinna, but not enough sf them. Yel a wh ?? can be made merry by the reading f hi he Tenor." 1 have seen it done. Also. the 1 r Matthews's tn i eaaaya abouti.:;*:. ggpeciaU) "Tl ns of H. C. Runner," with ha The : MM paper it eras thi - tl Spartan Tribune, Which wa -.une of Laocoon; And ha'; . | nip. who"- down the two sides Rsr. * s ryatidea. 'Twas a very fine ahm , i half-page of locale, Done yle by J I -de?. And so on. JAftrp BlAN, One ha*oc * ren o1 e any of the joy from life, hut ha? ir oc? curred to; ing thai the class of 1020 agi m*.*- ? Utttr Recei\cd b) FREDDIE from Fixher? & Fo\bcra, tho u. k. Cznul Strtct lawyer*. 1 , ..Vr'tV; Liabll LaWYOtfl *. r Reliable PRICKS' 21 t iNV S rBEET. My dear Mr. Sel s To-do* . | ra ?? - tha Mew Yorker Tribune ve corr.e opoi which it refer? a shorter and afflargontlemaa r 1 el t dreek Dorr Schmiel. Would thy this ?a a pros? and insulting liabel and we are ready to do busing da you in ridicule and con tenipit,?the mowindow says plain as the nose on your fare You ?re a Liar' We leaked this faDex Sehmiel op ? y Bradstreet and while he has abeoktely no rating whatever to --peak of, we will take a chance thii time of the year. The wi ?? can tret a coupl would kof pictures fi - tha office. We a- i we pot g ? and you are a sucker when yon dor.'t .- ?.<. V rs truly, Die AF !.. Fin?an & Foxbkrg. With Alvin Silver to help you, ? y? He it pie. pudding or cake. He' ? ' .ice think of The kitid 1 used to make. For wrtti | ? poem Miss Ruby M. Hal! of Cherokee, la., 1?' ? priai , -' from the Alvin Manufacturing **, and Bhiepencil justly thinks that in giving Smeed only a pold ?steh we ar him. iMOROVS RONDEAU. Take it from me, .?rar boea, if thou bul ! new? est with what pious Mal I worship you? 'I should say "thee," but "thee" and "knew" dont mate) ? I make so bold as to a That stuff of mine thou'dst ne'er again taboo. And ?Mb affecti ? . sir, is honest, true; Aye, true as that the well-known sky is blue Or that the thoughts are few in Bryan'a pate? H "rein me. ?eat mighty mas',., ihn, I eau? Tlfuliy rsppHrtj . . ;, i , 5UCh a?: few, Etccpt, perhaps, obi Austin might create, And that th ? indsrstandst how groat M*" love fot thee I thai permit thee to Takt- it from me! Kpaji. SICK BEMPER. Sir:?From the newspapt ra, I glean the fact that "Storm Has '?T m Grip," Invejg-tigmfjon of health eonditiona in Philadelphia ???I lead one to believe that "Storm hai irrijipe in city." Rta?. RESPONSE to I?. B.'S PLAINTIVE a. Mow, # upon you, spineless kicker, You hoe no harder c than I; Rut, though your woe- seem s nothing, limas may be ? by and by! MOREMAC tewe?r th* henffit f,f thoslf' "ho may not have seen *rsarta?day*g ? we are reprirtirp, by aeclarnatkm, a paragraph. V B?Ppy New Year I ?. P. A. SOCIETY DANCE GREETING TO ?9 Bi>> Entertainment Qh for Miss Stettinitts ti Four Hundred (hiest? MANY DINNERS PRECEDE BA Mis. John V.unro HOftCSI Debutante Daughter at Net Neat's Party. Ne? Wst'? was welcomed in bj ? " . in ery gaj and liael) mar 'vitli dances and supper pan es .??? ? .???' i em? , it ? i -. ? ih? sud enable hotels I restaurants, which were cr ? . by Mr. ' | R. m t Shi tant lujrhter, Mi?s ? 'tcttinlui ? the sec ii her tli . the i r.*in tha ;a pool evera er? r< be hoe te . "? taita 1 who ha? I Miss Mi ? . Rowers, baskets, -i '\ i-- s ci ? tinj ele ? ... short s few n Inutes before "lit. ami iu irdt. Among the young women prese ' si ?nns '? ? Ruth Cut i Anita i Miss Iti? ?? Bla r, Miei '? A ? I . ! D ? d Gersdor tudn HofTmi lohnson, Ml i, Miss h ns Lamont, .Up- ; Mi Mitchell, ? ? ?? Marko Margaret Montgoi ? i ?.. M \ riffan Dorothy : n.-inr, M i Kathei ne and "?'ii ?ladt eli s Dah liss Hill French, ."?' ? ? ; Miii Hi tahi rni . M?as Pi ga in t I.UC". ? Edith Mi - Kal [?SS Hc!r; i I.- Brun Parse Misi Lang] Kn h M u Geraldine ' ? l? ne, kf is Vera Ci uva- h, MU ?? . Mil Margar? : ! ' Graee W M>~ ilope W illiami \ ? ' -. Si'ilK I Wood. M 1st ' s Sorchan, Miss 1 and ?" liss < Peabodv, ?' - Kathleen Mary, Mi* R) h ia 1!" Margaret Bron Mario! ? ? -\i- ?? Winchester, Mil lis? Hoadle: rth of Boaton ? a Graf Sullivan, of Phil sdelol Among the men present ware I u i i inrton S1 i rederlek h ? ? andre, Jeaae Hoyt, L Stuart Wing, jr ?i Dick, Seth barton Frenck ! Charles t utting, Joseph I". Stillman ?jr.. Livingston Paraoi Edmund W Peaali - Pryor, Gerald Ona William E. 81 6] herd, jr., ("lar ence Mitchel . Georgo ?Iorton Millei jr., H ? ? - *?? Edwai d A Le Ro) rd 1. II. Talmage, David V\ I son, Henr) i riinjr, 1-rank Watrous Casimir de Rham, Hugh t'otton, Fred ??it. Manry H B, Paul, Ed ward Rutter, Richard Bahcoek, Kdwan I Burrill, ?r., Joi eph L Bank -. I: ib ,.rt Cai '? '?? i'oubleday, Bruc? Percy F: Pyne, Jr., II. Rii i . ?'vue. Leatei Armour. Herber! Pu ?'/im. James .; Larkin, Rudolph Kiesel Shepherd Krech, Aymai Johnson, Ire vor Hogg, Caes Gilbert, F. Sh? ifa in? i'ii v. Hamilton I r, Sh?'l?loii Hoadley, Donn Morrison . Archibald ?^erling, Edward M Mcllvaine, Winalow B. Pierce, Kdjrai Allan Poe, Gerald Philbin, George E Turnure, Tailer Towcaend, Vi-rnon Brown, William G Rockefeller, Louis L Stanton, Gaillard Thomas and Ar thar l'ope. Mr?. lohn Munro, i 'est Sev enty-fotrth Street, gave b dance at ght for her debutante ter, I i Mary w. Mu un,. The ??irse ballroom was aaed for the danc ling and the reception room ndJoinin?" i for tl c supper, during which their was 'Il.c guest I Mr. anil Mra. Joaeph I?. Hedle. Mi snd ii - Alfred 1' Bell, Mr. an ! Mr*. Charles Low. Mi and Mrs. Fran? cia j lisi Margaret I Misa I liai s Richards, H las Amy gs, Miss Diana Richards, Miss ??r Horter, Miaa Florence Rogers, a- . Gilbert, Mil i Isabel Balrd, Miss Katherine V*. R Olt itt, Miaa Madeleine Pearson. Misi Prances Bal lard, Miss Elise Sage, Miaa I?ah,-lle Warn n, M Rit B ? i M ? Eleanor Brown, M '?' ? 5 Lewie, Miai rvG< rmai , aiabel Alki-r, i bristles I -l er, Otis Gu< Backus, i inc ? Ishara, Gal? b Ward. Seyi .rth, Irving Fisher. Cortlandt ;, |y, Charlei Moeller, Marahall Stu ar-, Lane Poor, 0 Davey, ''?'? ? Kenneth Flsk? , ' ill raith Ward, i ; :iniHn anil W.. i lard l'lacs. i BOSTON (?IIU. WHO W Ml, BE BRIDK M ? Dorothj M. Jordan, sr_ i ? gement to Monroe Doagtaa Robtaw ? lirw of Roosevelt, Is announced. MISS JORDAN TO 1 ROBINSON BRI I ngagi mem of Rooset Nephew arvi Boston ?f i ? ? Ii ?.nnounced. i ? I A'iriu ? ? I to M v h yin. Do ? i the youni set < known for her remarl ... York ehi She has also 1 '. ? the I ' ? -i i* fond of ' ? ? nnis pli . ,. ? her own at We iham, i father from M is Ii 11 i ? M. Jei ? nd 'i he Ro about twi sars oltj If B and nephi s-Pres Roosevelt, whe is a bro? mo'I or. Munroe IiouitIk? 1: ion hns I ? ;n the ? from 1 vard. Previo to 1 cord, N. I!., ? Mr. 1: i adquarl i he returned I He is ta ? It waa aaid al ?hat the will t j> ! ;? ? e wil though no da MADAME BUTTERFLY' AND 'PARSIrAL' PLEAS Contrast Presented in Douh Rill at the Metropolitan. "Pal 1 !';:'" ?s a double bill pr? contr:. I ble qui "Paraifa t. ? New 'Si-. . ; wii ? Satt da) Suni ere ia n?)> i a; Satui da), becau ular sul W aj;: ? ? ? ?Val pi. requit i pi . t ? ? Mr, Sembach, tl Matxenauer and t j . ':. i itehill. Mr. Sembaeh' , ? anee wai moving and ncere, Mm ? a, Mr. W hit? i Mr. i' I wit rare 1 ? ? on ne golden regarda. the I ? ? made up ? ? ? . sei i losition Mr. de i i capable if ui dlstingui ?i? d ii acter, Mr. Polaceo conducted with good deal ol ? ? FAMILY OF FIVE NEEDS HEL1 Braaklya Charities Baraaa Aaka fa Fund of $100. The Brooklyn Bureau of Charit;?" b.? ? i ? a Si reet, Brooklyn, ap : . be Simmon in argent need. Th' bureau .-?? - "Mrs. Mmmons's experience, in beim both mother and athei began long be fon' her husband's death, for his hear trouble nuda h m a belpli valid for a number of yt-ar?. Hut la Bl factory work l ad strength, and' after yeai ? ? ? s ? tr?gale ? Idowhood atui a - ... ? arrived a: the samt time. The doctora have dec! operation n< ? "There ar<- fo n children, lha young? est a boy af ? t?'ht year?. Ul are in good health. except I. Emily, who ; with the trouble that killed her fathi r. She am i .1 und i? reeeiring 1 of care. "The Brooklyn Bur? ether un? ite! 3 of Si.i pro?. Id? I allowance for foul, i. I er nee lea. larj. . ! i ontribu i tioas a ill Ik ould be It'i ?!.* bui Street, Brooklyn, marked "for 0^60 TR." INEWS OF PLAYS AND PLAYERS no More Oeorge M. Cohaa Playi Will Presently Conn Up for Air. Another Cohai ? -? vue will be -i New Vork this monrh. ? : be a and I"-*: I ? thai the agile (?eorgo will act in it. The piece i? h? | ? . -. ?bow Ml ? tber bstid to prepare n play f..r Channcoy Oleott, i Sealed the priv II Beptemher. It ?'I'l'.l out ..f town in March The a- - n it that the piece ..s ? ilagte Irish song Ml 0 ett, end 11 Is ex itioa wll carry I p the star ander conl i ter Vii i advised I ?? eding , womai n V tt'a product ef "The ' Love, now in "The Ware h ; Euget ?? Vfoltei 's new ew York. 'Hi.-. '," bi Amelle RI' es, ?**. ?II ? : n Boaton next I'l I thi ? be Albert Witt C. Jennings, Harri 'irr. I.uc?e ? ? ? ? . Rlch ? ? - i', i i ? Bat. Thei s wai i iuot traent on fe I ? :.,' Ii Ippod lay, chiefly to give rh? .... nee before I -, i; H. Bui vet oed the ? -.' midnight last :. incement was male a* r ee fheatre that (iara Zoru's rears old. "The I nrhaste;, ri Woman" will at ? ? ifnrmance at the Th r ty-nititb Street rheatro to nijht. !? has been leurre.I that the real name of I Igen, the versatile ithoe. Mme. Btrlndberg, wHnw of the mi thor, i - ' pn eat a number of . band'a playa in Mew York he. ? : ,?*. The first of them. ? ?-," will be prmluced in February ?he auepici a/ill am Conrtenny, who collaborated Joffre aa the aavlog of Pari?, i? about to become a Aim aetor. - "Town Topics," minus a te-* o' |te ? - Injone end tbinr/-, !?-,ir. ned In Hartford . Boston. Lydia Lo| OVO, of the *.Y<>?? snnounced yesterday that, it bad n re ed . ..-.- . itloi i amounting I to si,;,:,, h luring ths reel foi I | Eurapeaa War Relief Kurd. 1 stal I tributleas to ,\?> n n ? I ? .i - ? ? -, ? . | ? ? : r ' ' I . ? j ' . i- - ? . i ? ? I , i ? ? ? I < p? kid ? I ? | - ? \ ! p I ? ? . ? i. . v ? . II ? J ?^-.- i ? I ? A K? ? ? ? ? ? K p V.. ? ? ? . ? | i I | . .. ; , . f ;.? . A'.'H -ri". ? . in k Co.. ?... . . -, $i,in. \n ... .-1 i ? ? ? < i a . >fU i .. NTTItfOfU? l.'J,.''> IK) K - - ? - i Knapp balan ? ' l ' ? ? ??-. ti *??.> 1 u i. - nr.ei ? '?..-? :?.?-' '? * ? ' ?' ? I - " ? _j . ? rt Pip*riM 1?5 s? r ~? .?? COS 13 ... pi ? ? -- ? >',- - ;? ? | ..-'?? \l\Ci r.i , ?I-. ? I> I! . >r a.. ? . ? A ? t' P..i ? Un ' Ha. ra? ? ?-.-. i I'hlldrtl a Lc_|U? ' Wyo . -. ) J on ? friv?'' ? a' - - I . - Wittl 2 ni? i'*?h J...', M BTSf . ', T. Ml D? aaaw si. tin.m i ontributiona to the fund l sent to The Tr bune Fresh Air Fund. The Tribune, Nea PERSON M.. BORN Cathai ; s Se Mr. ai.d Mr?. \V. r.. Marble, tireer ?ic?, Conn., December ?l. DR. ANNA SHAW RECOVERING? Strong lonsl'fiitinn Aids Suffrage leader to Overcome (?rip. (fir tsssssseS "i t... Massas l Philadelphia. Dec. IL The EOT. Dr. Anna Unwind Bhow, ex-president i f the National Suffrage Association of th* , ' .1 Btates and Indi fattgoble rhera plon of WOOMO's rights, who hn? been ill with the nip at I "r home in May Inn. I'enn., fast outside of tins city, eioec December M, was improved to dor. Dr. Shaw, who is sixty-eight years old. baa bean ander the car? of a' inore ?ban n ?, efe Hl r "troI " constitution, which has crir ... many "atom* Ii i?' camp;...- . .oof opiiinst tno ra of grip and pneumonia tha* baa the last twe week?,. taking iienvy toll of life and llling the ithoay has been with Dr. Shaw constantly dSrlog her ill? ness. The retenta sutTragi-;*. expects be aboat agal ... i Saya PRESIDENTTO GIVE RECEPTION TO-DAY Virginia Folk Will Meet Wilson ami Bride it Firs! Official New Vear*g Oie?tration. r ? - !!"? . , Va., Doe, IL The Br I -,Lull to be held by .n bla cop g van by hi." M re. tVilaon to-morrow at The Kome i hi Prealdent expressed his ila ? a of the way. Word of t ho reeept en went forth t miles around ?re the Hot Springs win n\.i hands v.'itli the CI ?? und h's wife. v.'ar* ago tiie Proeident 'pent, day ?ea on in Pase Chri i in, ? : laal year there woe no Mew ? at tiie Whits Hoaee. .' I and bla wit'e i . before a largo gi i . automob le trido < a new oiountain roHd. Later Mr. Hi,on ?pent - ? work, reading and i ing many letters, lb- ? ? " follow anee ta the fami? ly of tiie late Governor Hammond of ? >ta : "Mr. Charlea M. AndrS*. ?ecretarv to r, 81 Paul, Minn.i convey te ?overnor ' ? .and pul?, c'y express are re death" I fin: sure tins must be enttment of the whole country an.i of ?H who knew h ? ling eharaeti Mrs. Julian James held her annual Mew Tear' -,'ion this after? noon at her rum.' in Twentieth Street, Mr. and Mra. Joeeph i.e.ter gavs a ball to-night at their eoantn place in ? r for Misa Franc? ? E. W lliama, Mrs. Letter's ading the dance. T'r. and Mrs. 1 ' and others enter : dinner parties ;.nd took their by motor to Virginia. # BALL OPENS WINTER SEASON AT TUXEDO Many Debutantes Attend Kancy Dress New Year's Dance. n . -. Tuxedo Park, N Y.. Hoc. SI. w*o ire than the aeual numb, - made the annual Tuxedo I'lub -. All the | were in fancy CO -turne. Mary dinner parties pre ? -i 1 lard. jr.. enterte .; pari . Among I : gueata [r. and Mr-. W.Averell Harriman, Mr. n rlea C. Auchini i " I ?? ? Sp tuer .Morris, Mr. and Mra. .1. Inaley Blair, Miaa A ? ? in, Mr.?. P Barbey, Mr. ?'id Mre. c. 8. bee. Mr. and Mra. H. L Mi Mr. ai ?:. Betts d 1.orillan!. Mi; Mary I ? ? . I ? rra Lorillard ar,i ? i anooo. Vira. le., helafield entertained Miaa Metehei. id Mra lerold ( d. I1,nners weia Henr* ilorgan '.' Mr. and Mra. M. G. Barnwell, !' Whitman, Mr. ?? tmor j ? if r. and Mra. Willard S. Brown, Mr. ami Mrs C. Van ? Heckacher, Mr. and Mrs Frederic Foa .1. Maupui. \ ? g those ?? I their eot - ? I Mrs. tman, Mrs. Piles Collier, Mr. an i Mi B I'ulton Cutting, Mrs. S Carhart, Mr. and Mrs. Henry and Mr?. Kben Ii end Mrs. charles Henr* Ci ter. v. hat is GOING ON TO-DAI | hin tn ftii Iswrl >-. M u- iss ' **1 ? . Vi i uidt Pi I . ' - | e. , , "i ? -, ? ?. - ? H. Harris s t . ? ., : ? ? ??<. . N>i'. y?. ? ? . ' ? - a -? ? > ASKS MRS. V. ASTOR TO PROMOTE UNIONS F. P. Walsh Senda Appeal to Americanization Committee. Frank P. Walsh, formerly ehferm-w ot the Committee on Industrial Rale? tions, has sent an appeal to Mrs. Vin? cent Astor to b?V orjraijlie labor unions, on the gTOund that they would facilit?te tho objen December IL Jeoeph Murphy, of "Kerry Gow" l Rho< ?' Beloved huaba Mary Firmier. Servicea ' l*HE 1*1 RAL CHI RCH," Ml rVeet 2Sd St. Pre a pbell B il diog Mooday morning, 10 o'clock. Flk?' service, S o'clock Monday i.vening at the Elka' Home. **. Bt. All membere ef B. P a.-e copy. ( I MKTKKir*. Tin: wooni *.*.? \ < i MSrnDBT, ?? 1 <- H> 1!,.i M l.u'.s ot tma sise fas orne, ..-?.. ? n t LINCOLN TRUST Company ?04 Fifth Avenue Member of the New York Hearing Hause Aaeodatien an*NCHJDa. Breadwav at Leonard 8t Broadway al TCd 5*. orrtCEM Ai.lXA^nKS a WEBB, Fr ??)*??? ABKAM M ?ITATT. Vlc?.Fr??M?ot OT* L.%.' WARD, Vlo?.Pr??rt?lMa? mobace r l t> ? visa-gres a tesas Frederic r pav?a s* Ci.?oka. 9o.tia.Ta ? . ." la-id .is.-t. . Tim? i.oit.i ?n Collateral. )?..,:? Pur haSaC .. . ? Markst Valus. * Market va BeaCa aa4 Moi'tiifi. BiUldtnf. I?I : 1 f ? H A?? ?M Isa '? s* uoesaMM im pro??m?-' . . a. .?u laieeeat r.?s?lv ?Ml. nc::s. Min w n aitarwiN <.- >.. a aaaaea a boi.d? ?vujjam o COsnT-lll : geai ?. fien WD UAII r?i_?:Nl?KK H r? M'.?f?t < !. kitmavn DIKI.CTORS kbbkiki aawrn rr>-.\ ?rd w iii'vrBBXTB aeram m haatt 4H". .r i : r :.:.v ? ? r n am-aar w D8 lancet liuvMTna I 1.1 A _ 'UN P M' VM, M. B r r m'spht IRVI-Tl K MtVOMi a V, .'?? S ? ? / t :->lAC > .iMJI?MAJI i owe sTxp.v '???? 1 S?KAl"S OWCM ?VAKt? ALex?M i.? s weaa C M,?U.-i>.N v\RU>i?f W ILIUM H WH?"S1?JCB.