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GUARANTEE ?ur M^ney Back If You Want It . , laa-an . IXtm^mik ?<*7 O' '*&** (Eribtine WEATHER. Fair To-day anrl To-morrow; Fresh Northwest Wind?.. ' First to Last the Truth: News - Editorials - Advertisements Vol. LXXV X? 25.250. |l nparlghl I ?II?. - Hi? I'lllum? Awn 1 MONDAY, JANUARY 3, 1916. ? * ONK CENT is?TJZ In Nraa \ or|< I il . N? I .. I?r.?? f ilr No Warning to Persia; 272Drown in 5 Minutes; U. S. Consul. Many Women and Children Lost; "Adjustment" Predicted by Austria's Charge FORD, BACK, PLANS A NEW PEACE DRIVE Sends for Bryan and Holds ?Secret Confer? ence at Waldorf. \\\Y GO ABROAD AGAIN, HE SANS Halting of War Single Day Sooner Will Richly Repay Him for Everything. "?"*' thi Bar in en ? c the :- th? De had a gll . ? .??'.v' "?'?d ? nethods to tare. unaer | . reumventing th? ? 1 ;am Je ' .* and Colo ? t? add te . of the peace! for another drive that could he ; . ? been spi I T'a., nrr ?' ? Waldorf in *?lr. Ford placed a guard re ce on the plan? tho pnl < * a corp? of Urtjrtie for Rryan. . the . cot?-ir- hi il ?wered the first . id. Then, ? i that I ..d planned .ary 4 ?is a - ? fs ? that you ' I ire to ? re noa *" vsi i ;? nion that rere right ? ? ? ? 1 do not ex all." - ? ?alk I .roatic ? s party had . ?. [ started peace, an,i I i. ? ? ?? other r th? . will con II \e and ' - peopl? W? want to I ord Traselled Inco?. ... "-(?union of '*"**- rami -ver to *?0?ltion coiuer- , . con- ', ?auen ___**? ? ?urce it wai lea ""'ward trip fi on the B? ? : name. - . . p that le ? trial 'V** ??* h",, ? Wal l ? .und rsraily and clos? associates. i. - . ing? when i. All kf_-, I - had - 'or I ' ? ,d to Mi Vork and! al all like . ed, when ?s-.2 ror'"1o- Held a prei gent and I held a read set the moat! Cam ' '"" broach. ? ''bl* par; .. i reerach ? ? the Mi Lochner. ,, u ? ' ? i ? f the real **r* ?'l'** ,n:iy ' ' '" "? f"nrr #??'n by a mm. rf>m ""?-'??? ?? i, Uibeid, Ihe tuuiiuu?-* un i**?; 14, lulunm 1 VILLA RETORTED KILLE F.l Pa?ao Heur* Ho Wn? Slain b? af Hl? t.enrral?. n T?pp. .inn : \ nconflnned porte reached hero to day thai Gci i \r-' op? commanded h> generals, Edward Oecrransa, In S erra Mn Ire Monate ns, near C Grandes. -rport? eo ild not be eonflr hy Carranra officials, who deci they hi heard th? ran known, however, ?hat Oearran a Villa ,' '.c, ? mcerning -he re, attack or Apua Prie! that 0 ?rvTl? overruled. HUERTA MAY NOT RECOVI r\-Prer.idcnt ?>f Mexico ia Bertoaa ? ?lition. Physician Say?. El Paso, Tex., Jar-, 2. General 1 toriano R Provisional Pr dmt of Mexico, who underwet I ai , rat ? ?.-.-? in a serions condttior .- ? ? ? lelan, Pr. M P. Shnetei ?General Huerta, who has been ill some tune with what tl ?cribe- perated ?need af the ope- -iHr.s fo: ?ymptomi or s more eom| rated ?BM and to-day ?xpreseed fear for ? MRS. EDISON ARRESTED ON AUTO TAG DA Inventor's Wife Neglected Displax a 1916 License. 'R? ft . N J., Jan Thomas A. 1 rolice statioi the Aral time hf this afternoon. She, her i>on, Thom -on. and two of the latte ? re arre ?ted h Policeman ng ? Mi Edil carried on'.v s It required to trail the Doliccma' I lockup. Mrs. Edison explained to I I lief Doj iband ordered a tar. t was late in a oled for a R? corder ( irrer t,, ? Rob I Be I I . ? irty Form? r x age Pr? dent Ira A H . ? ? GREEK KING DENIES FAVORING GERMAN^ But Wants England He Will V Abandon Neutrality. Ix'i.don, Jan. 8 -T??g Athens corn epond? fail" has ha an interview with King Constantin, whom he credits with perfect honest m hi? deaire to pene- Hellenic, nc Cerman. lnt< eeti and not to be draw into the European conflict, wl wishes to avoid a quarrel with Gei many, eeii to be ai .o Beeret underatandin with Bulgaria. The K ; ? . l ? ? ? cor re spondent. t,a d; as never an reaeen for the ? ? ? were treated. LTnfortUl a namber tut res ' ? a complet? lerata ne wltl the Allies. XX e ha? e no d? . ? ? - l . Il a re suit of the ham ; Great Britain, hul will ? I um eonvineei ? , si arc best ? WIGGLES FINGERS: SAVES 4 Deaf Mute Spell?? Alarm and Polin Kind Famil? Dyiag frum (.as. A deaf mute's handicaps nearlj eoel the 'uve- of Samuel Cohen, hi? wife and two children, when their n Myrtle \ i ? ? Brooklyn, wai HI ? |bi < estei daj moi ning Samuel I'm do, who lived in the hou?e, returned home shortly ?frer a?ht and sn el ed gai Purde, '?ho I the gae te Cohen's room He poanded on their ,i, hoping to fciou-e the ?hildren. the Janitor, but could akc tha* peraon underetaad the tiOB. A neighbor who could read gn language called the po ice and n ? famil] ??? i ?? YUAN SITS ON THE THRONE Xnnmirued U "Ma Mal?.?la ' at New Yeara ptewea?Uaa in Peking. P?kll g. 'an 1 kai, Pres ..r i . Ina, ?I ? ''?! ? I ? - . ? rown on "re |U?st" of vs e ne ...,-, ? >,. pe 'i?-< I? the Imperial I Chair, ?at on the throne, and ?ah- announced >'J "His In ? the New Year'? Day reeep , . for Chil '??"? ??'rlcials. H, i aln ady addreesed aa En although the f smony hai no! taken _.-a "\kw rosa a ri.oiunt ar? Ul . Mt l all W F.'.ril? K??'? - r ??' Uli' .. ' ' ? - , cat u -?? * 2,Ji ?*?*"? _4v_ LOVE FOR BO_ TAKES CONVH BACK TO CE Tree, with Money Pocket. He Hee< Tom Brown Plea COMING HOME, HE TELEPHON Urged by Ex-Inmates This City, Fugitive X turns to Sing Sinn. Man ? elothi - . pn rout ?r Volaaky, Warden Thorns?. " ? ? feels ;, ? - v ?nid. "Doi "He doc?. Vou ought to -*-o hark ? he want mi "He sure .?,,r? " I ? I ?r. " * ? ? ??> ? ii tro bnck " Heady to Go Hark. the Brooklyn Bl i Vols left h'm to n ? ? ? arda and sevi on Mai explaii ; what "Whi "Toan Bi ??.er Kavc me n square deal. a fa*!.i r to me. I'll gt :o to to the chair '? "I suppose I was u fool, but when lead in the papers thai I Mr, Oeborni com? to th? prison ?gain I quit. - ' ?d - t to thi that a lor of do| - ir,k? cou maki ' | ? I- . i ? d him. "I: - all rii*ht. Mr. Osboi e ai ? ?d to i. m ' After Richardi left to t< . me In Aubur n mor? of 1 on y's old ' I are ex-cor. ? i. Vork called ' n him hin-, bj ? ? - stand '? s of fame. I | I onvict? Trite Surrender. "Bofon l m ;." laid i i ? . ? laadei. "i nos ? ?v? u hand in tending back, nut. : !o do, It'? up to y : K"' J*OU can make it clean. Hut i I you'll go 1 mean? i ? y. sni you " ean to thi ? - U hei i the n?i m? t' ockot ?? roll of i ! u.a.? th? |160 some had given him 1 tool Wes ? for? Volasky had ai i , . i ill i . ne.-d this just row But I'm ' ?1 f- .I to y".i " ? ? ? 1.1 ? . ,-.,.??? ? ilutus ? ' M, ?i I ma ? oc! t.. te . and n i them call) ?,f these wanted him ? , givei I ?? tthleti? i lub, i.t is Bowonr. "Nothing doing,! ?aid Toi -, " f we do th?t w? will - "Then let u.? have a drink," >a.d an othi r ??\, th ng doii i.-." ??? ? ? on.-r. m | When I ie't. I would like to talk to the d. i A t?l?phona call ???? ?i I he Sing Sing, and Dr. Kirehwey ? mnnnl to the air? "Hallo, prof? Thi? i? Tony. I ?rn coming ha. 1 t.juiUiutij ?s i,.??? ?, celuiuo & WILSONS ENJOY MOUNTAIN CLIMB Ilot Bpriaga, V*a_ Jaa. 2.?Visitors takiag ?aaaatha on the plaesas of ih<> Homestead Hotel leal before Inn? lii'on a;ia? .1 prett) little inri ?'(?iit, when Mr a. vVilaoa, <>n h? r re? in re .? h h i in i 'ra ?Ideal i ram a climb up iiei.itii hi Trail, laaaaed from a --lieht but abrupt (errare to the driae iu-t hefore the hotel 4oOt and th?- Preeideal raaghl her in hh arm*. It was the hrsf mountain rlimh Mr, and Xlrs. Wilson had tnlaen Blare their arri?.?I at Hot Spring?, ?bra rarried stoat sticks and 'ace oui lor t??o hour?. The trail lends t?> the lop of xx arm Hprlaga Meaa. lain, where the alea? rn?ei? ?be Blec Ridge MouBtaiaa .?"?l the XX inn Hpriaga Xallea, where ?omr of the skirmishes ol the ?iail were fought, xfter laacheea the , "in le I If .i I.-n_r iri.tor ride. President and Mra vYilaoe intend to lea? i for x\ ashiagtoa in time f"r Ihe Pan tmericaa reception al Ihe llhltc House ,,,, Jaaaarj 7. ??hi? h marks the openinf ?>t Ihe wluter Bocial -" -on m Washington. M'NEELYS MOTHER NOT TOLD OF DEATH She i les ?it Potnl of Death Through Paralysig Stroke. .' .. for ? \ N and intcrna ... ..... ? ..- ? ? >f the father-, XX'. ? ? ? ;ti the ? 1 ? ticen ?. the : rig tena ? ? - ? ? Don , ? . , ? ' ? :- W edne . tieal. \\. ? s father, ia a < rederate vet? ng S'o govi officii : f en ' thuni;-. ppoint ? - i.mina ; ,. ng cherisl n. In the fall of I '? nari succeaafnlly an examination 'or . appointment, ; ne raeaaej t the time. 8enete ? need a? hi? I id , Eael appealed strong); eely. When the danger lp te mini-' i added that he would " !""K *? any? thing ? ? iSoel STARVING. KEEP BEACON LIT i ner Saves Pamiehed keepir?. lor gotten ba Suppl? Ship. Pial "Wl sre starv X'ucatan coast in the c.ulf <??? ? two days before Car?ate ma?. fron? the Ward Hner M ? -voir.en. two men ai?I tnree ? dj n-g Th? un ad "g room. A f? w i ss ha? ell ? ? from four ? on? and I DECLARES AN MISDEED WIl BE DISAVOW] Zwiedinek Ask-, I T Americans Defei Judgment. VIENNA PLEDGE HELD BETRAYI Bui Lack of Evidence M Avert Another Crisis with Vienna. rtMi !? I*. :i Itii . ? ??.. Jai .... thi- \ . ; Vncoi t" Wash il gtor to ?!:,; in poi l? ??!' the ikii . With them i ame, too, ind .?' lack ? ' may p ? Vienna mark i r g time. formation. I "? leatrtH d, that sunk by a v i? . without warning, without a chai for thp li*' of the asi majority the 100 i 01 combatai p i ?i to t v. in... lettei s i of tl \ te. But the r an* ? 01 I ii ive proof ; to the natJonalitj of the submarine time officials wei much gratiiied at the indi entai i . m Baron Erick Zwii dinek, charg? of the Austro-Hui irai Ian Embs thn1 tr Vieni to "snl e mntti lop thai ?m Austria submarine com? id disobeyi ?natructiona in ? pai wnger-cs rrjrln* il warning. ?\\ Ithhold ledgmtat. ' ".ludj-mont should be withheli pending the of the real fact turroundii nking of tin rrteamship Pi Zwiedinek. Il may hs e ha] in many ways. In the first place, i riarlni sank the Persia. If it ?ras nr lubmarine, 11 must termined whether the eireun were anch aa * i ?rnrrnnl the action taken. " I am col "'ii-:.'. I I hope, thai the flnnl ? m will he tory. If the corn? ier of tho rabmarlne di? his instru I feel a erament will not be ate < it the ma''.i i rot the anawer toade to the. ? be V ? i'ona alone, it is ,|n te e* '?'.??h' 'hat the "iustro-Hnn garian a*ove**nment ? te nance any ad which i- irrong. Complete co Is in Teutonic diplomate on Austrii ; ii.?.* warning I nntlnn*-t nn pace ?. rnlnma 1 Finance An AUthorit.iti\r rf.iew of tlie general financial Httutkm, With article* b) unter? "? note, \aill ,i|i|, m I he I riLiin?* t,. raorrow, In addition lo ahlr summaries hy American Btuncial men there will lu* artulrs from Ixmdon hy I' ran? i? W llir?t. editor of " 1 lie London FlIIBIBB?iI** 1 from Pan? hy i ves Guyot. former Mini?ter "1 I'uhli? Works of France and || present editor of "L'Agence l.conomique ft Financi?re," and from Berlin hy .? proninenl German authority. ^1 ou will want this uiue for permanent reference and for immediate u?e. $hc ?Tribune first c? last?the Truth: New s?Lditnrials?Ad\ ertl*ement*. TOLL OF PERSIA'S U-BOAT VICTIMS. Two hundred and seventy-two persons were lost with the 1'ersia. according to the latest figures from London. Of the 430 persons on hoard, 158 have been landed at Alexandria. Of the 160 passengers, 59 were saved. Of the 101 loft many were women, while more than ten were children. Sev? enteen women and ten military officers were rescued. Of the 270 members of the crew. 99 were ;aved, among them 21 seamen and 63 Lascars, 2 officers and 7 engineers. The captain went down with his ship. Robert N, McNeely, American Consul at Aden. Arabia, is among those still missing. His death is thought almost cer? tain. His brother, Dowd McNeely, at first reported with him. was not on the Persia. Charles H. Grant, of Boston, was among those saved. This accounts for all the Americans be? lieved to have been on the Persia. HUGE OUTRAGE SENATOR STON, CALLS S?NKI? Time for Notes Has N< Passed, Ivepresenta tives Declare. Intense h _- forth some which would , r-p , tl . I thi IWa of* every "? ;."ir ;. ? , ;ilk on the ait ' | th? hono, howc ?osa a b* ?that the tltuatiOB hat long ?ince pa? '.iL'e where th? Writing I no matt ireefal, would do ? good. If l *ht of ? -olutron o aid? of ' plomatie >ar wo ipidly 1 nt it out. Foreign I i tiiat t I of ' Pi rsio, if i-"**-. ii lubmarine without warning die to d cnew I '?! '. ? outrage will have :.. apologize or ma m. ndi 'i .? ili Se? ? ras i . sad had t u .n,'. without rhi? cou dent will demand th? ?per*. Senator Salisbury, of Delaware. einher of the Foreign R 1 a rather mo hopeful ? "If it \ ibmarinc a a i. "which, i ret, 1 eanm ' :.. ak 111 an immed No ?el ? could wi ' . ' ? Bell of thi Kind rithoul Lu'! ng ?n ? ?tori an Repn ? . n Repal Relation l oui!'' ' .. 'i : "It i subms I the Pei I ' hull' v.iir ? . ii tha ' ? ? ?? nail*? pn I Senator ul?o ex; the ihouli ? ? ted in would no? be dii ? ? I 'ion. admitting . loo|re< ? erii,',-, Senatoi Sul 1 tah ember ! tig ! - ' Comi ' ' ? ,o;ne. Loi McCumber in holding tl mm.t ??I ? ? | be .. reign H : . an I end ni: eontro* I lid have a he car. . -? CHARLES F GRANT SAVED Muatnn \| h n un the ?>r?i? I ahlea Word ?if His Rearne. Medford. Ma-?. .Ian. ?*. A cable gram announcing I '.arle? A ?an ! ? r' thi? Th? ? Grant ?\ ? ? i and " u\ ed -* BROTHER NOT WITH MNEELY Paaail* BO) I OOOaP? Serr?*tar> Did Not Boll on the I'eraia. Jai 2. I.ober ? it Ad? ? ; Persia, wai ?her. C. D '?' .. ord ? g itatami A let! ecived from him, ?iat?U December - ,? ????a, Flo. ' MEDITERR?NEA? U-BOATS KILLEl 5,000 IN 6 WEEK 34 Merchantmen and Transports Sunk, Is Vienna Estimate A - i 'ranean eight troop twenty-flve tran?p-,r-- ? . thirty-f ntmen, with a total tonnage hhmjt 226,825, in the last 'wo we.>ki October and the month of Noveml i au made 1?re. The ? - -,, i ave been very heavy in ra?e of troop ?hip?, and the estimnto made that it amount,? to at ?east 5.< men. The ?arce?- af ' which, ??rted, ha? been sur.? ransylvania, of l4.n tona, loaded. i list ane?e steamer, the X *. ikui than 5,000 ton?. Thirl | Italian, two Rui in, - ?reek, o ; an and one Jap. tannage of the I transpon was abonl 21 s mi ? net load to The following -; o-.a - I charact. ported French. Admira He ship; ?? i |os, 8,000 ' PBhip; 51 French eoloi I \ ?rt; eon .try. Dairla. 5,600 tona, tra porl. coal -, 1,026 - known. ort? eoa - ? ? coal. St. Ma.'gui MM) I aim-. British. Tara. 1,862 ton-. ? . i se, 6.228 ' ? lopshlp Marquette, f,050 tons, ti te troops stoorina, 5,000 teas troopship; Eng ? Etamaxan, 3.477 ton?, I r?? ??? Indian troops. Tii- I ? ? ? ? . . '. ? transport Bui SI I IB, 'ra:i?pnrt ; armj snppl ? Burrsfleld, 4,037 ton?, transport; coa -? . >es. Caris 2 tons, t ransperl : ? i ?''.an SfaeAlister, 4,835 tons, ?ran? port ; coal. Craigston, 2,611 tons, transport: coa! Hal ? ? ? coal Heridla 1,944 t i transi C. H. H? 19 tone. I . Linkt tons, transport ? ni trai Searoby, 3,656 'on?, ?rar. - u ? ? ? Silve I *ons; transport; sup? plies. ^:r Richard Awdry, 2,214 tors, trena? pert; aakaown; aras escorted Th, : 1,184 tons, ?ransper? : eeal. Wool 184 toBB, traa - : trucks and i Kama uni i ammunition. ; .... ? ? argei Japanese. Yaenkuai. 6,11t I i, trai road Baaterial, oil and ammuniil Russian. rasaeheroB, 1,006 tons, tank; 1,006 ?, ? ,,?1. MERCHANTMF.N. Japan?*?,*. ' . ? ter; sufrar French. v geriaa, l,To6 I i, freighter; a ra, .,121 tona, fre rhter; ten a, 4SS tona, freight?! < ounuueal on liase *, colunia ? WARSHIP PICKS UP FOUR BOATS, SAYS SURVIVOR I=Boat Crew Qavc No Aid, Declares Col. Bigham. GRAVE CRISIS SEEN IN LONDON \o Heed for Life Shown, British \ iiM.i 0f i a-efs '??i Sinking. ? i ? ' riran ha\e I P , ship i : . el C. ' Bighm ? "thi "\ ? :.? ? -mirk the ihip fin th*? th? south of the ea Mo ' i It mpossibli ? ' - . list? the (? 1 \n I'anii' on H ? i I I . | up > '?' nip-" V ? - ? aasisting ? ? 'raid ?' \ ? ' brin?-* / .? ; . t ? ? . ? ? ing or opporl ? ? ? moat I a ? I'-'k li ??? th? - : rly i- *-,-. ? ?i the numb.f of person? ?ho - four boats which were put * ?a? larger than was f?a ? ? -?- --ilar entai Company, which owned the .. IOC) ? . ?? irning th?t \ i-iin* ' ?\en engineer?, ? l.a? car? , .-r? * ? number m.? ??? ap "' ''.' pits?*n^er?. of whom i.' ?ra i ? ; ?? ?? -v" -i of the rr- I Th? ? ten military officer? and eight I ? I British labjecta **>truck ?ooMoh , - "The ? ?? ? ?*. itraek ? : ? ?a. *h.? port ?.!,. nr , . ' BOya 1 i : ? 1 "S'inivor? i?y It w?. . --,* ?jVm of.