Newspaper Page Text
$3,000,000 Packard Motor Car Company 7% Cumulative Preferred Stock Preferred n? to both assets nnd dividend?. Dividend? paynble quarterly. March, June, September and December 15. Previouslv Outstanding $5,000.000 Present Issue - - - - 5,000.000 Total Authoria-ed - - $8,000,000 CallnNe at ?nv time on 00 daw' notice, at $110 an-1 arcain' <11 ?*?*<* e-nd l er ?hure, arut ?ubjcvt to r?demption at par on Allou?t 30. 19"<* The t'oHoictnt $tatemenh art based upon official reports: Net Current A**?*ta on Au*-u?t 51, I0!1?, over and above a" iial'ihtifs. nearly .$10,000,000 Total Tangible Assets, after very liberal d?ductions for det-rc?ation, over .$21,100,000 Net Income 6 times Dividend?t In the last fiicsl year net earnings available lor preferred stock dividends, after depreciation reserves of over $1.300,000. $2,265,926 Investment of Siirplu?*: In the past *> years investment in the property of surplus profits and reserve-, ovrr . $13,090,000 Price, subject to change, 104 and accrued dividend. Sfee?d circular %pon application Wm. A. Read & Co. Nassau and Cedar Streets, New York Chlc-ago Philadelphia Boston London Wl SUMMARY OF BOND SALES OS THE STOCK EXCHANGE fable shows the ?alfa? highest, lowest, final price- and net rbsnge?. of all bond? traded In or. tlie Ne? York S -..-hange for the week ended Friday, December II. Aleo the highest and lowest prices for the reara lu!4 an.! I (he ?eck, $34,063.000, against $33.791,000 a week ago and l.">.29S,0?0 a >ear age. I?.l?l nales from . . M. against $461,975,000 In ISM. -*>t . . M ? IM .'?**. "H - -a \'H *. ' '< . i "** -^H ' * '. . . Si*? . - *. - . ? ? - ? 8 ? -* . i . ; : il ? s . a ?111 ? ? . - ?' '? ? , -, - s - i I ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 ? S 1 - ? < * '? ' B?. . ? a ' ' '* . ? . ? ? '. i ? , ? S* \ 110 . ' ? Z ai 115*4 ! ? ." ? ' ? ~ Lai.'.* i . - . :, Lu.-? > . ? . ? N.t lu s' 1114 . ? . . ? . a Hj.. liland r. , i~ liai L..;%1 la - ? . ? ? '-. ? ? - ? ?. . a -Il K?T(. ,.; .. I . ' a ? . \! || . ? lo 41 SI I. S C till ? A I . .' il ? - a I I < . I - Put II ' 14 ' iro "a . ' , I ? . ? A , I : ' i ' I :? a ? ? - t 1,- M - ... - ? ? t ' ' ' ? an ? ? ; i:. . t \ ? I ? a . -.1 - -? ? ? Ut ? ? < T ? ? : ri B ? . -.n 4a s . ? ? ; ? ? . . . - a 74 < ?I I ? ,.?. , ? ? - ? ? a - - ? ? - . ? . ?,' . - - - ?. ? ? i II . ?? ? ' s llul ' '- i r ? : I ? ? l'Tl I I 1 ' '? ;U Ka A 1 a ?? I ? I 1 . ? a , ' ' . ? I ' r ? ? ? ? B (lo ?a !<?? ? ? irai san U .. a ? . RUBBER ENLIVENS LONDON MARKET Despite Increasing Yield Demand Apparently Overtakes Supply. MONEY PLENTIFUL FOR INVESTMENT Amount Causes Surprise and Is Attributed to the Savings Of War Profits. Rr FRANCIS W. HIRST. Ftlltor of "The l.< i.n-inil?t," London. "i*r c?m* in tu Maas***-,] Iiondon, Jan. '.!. The stock market* have batm ??n?vened ?.y quit?, a i.'i.nn In rubber nhnies, and dtsipita ?.'?r.'Hsit,^ yield of the younj-er cotnpaniaa the demand fur robber appear? t?*Tni>..rai tly to liav.. over- ' taken th.* rappljr. Wh.-thor the purchaae? now aril] ! ok arel] i-i one, tara henea i another matter, which doesn't trouble the 1 ?tors. Tli?? amount of monssy availabla for investment m attractive bargain? is qoita 101 ? '.lav !.<? n* trlboted to the of war profit?. The strength of Ihn er changea, easistod by the* roccess of the great French loan and by Um ?more lihernl gold policy of the French government. Is evidenced In the Hank of France return The Rus-ilaii nibla suffers from an ex -es-ive ii-rne of paper currencT. Transactions in it have been quieter to flay. Our Cabinet 1? eame**tly dlsrnisstn-f tbo military policy end finance. In view of the trade unionist and Iriuh hostility t.. ct'cription tho hesita ea ly Intelligible. The rliffa presa reporta ihoold he. Vrgoraent? " izin?-* our rpFource?, ?nil tig ex] still win r c Tha "Bankers" tistica exhibit ?' t that flic I ondon S'ock Exchange securities havo fallet; in 1915 than in 1 114, ?lthotijTh war loans at" onortr last dispatch there have been ? .nancial develop Our exiliantes have Im f < iermnny and ! tted. The ?? Mock ex I Icon shown I v the nil'ber boom. The peace - ? tter under nit peace I man] ? i. WAR HITS 191 fi CROPS I ?rmers to Gd little Fertiliser, iii.-iitiiv itepori Btatea. hi. Jan. 2. A ploorny riew ot fir' ,' ne>t year*? tat? : ? - by the , war "iltiei ; ? -phate potash im- : I,. many will help, the ' ? ilim .* the American fnrm?r . ? ? -iimII part of the fertilising ? ? '1 he ? B pot ? ? ' lies shown four aenri i -one imnie : available. The?e are th< ? ? ? . - i : ? .- mud of Searlea Luke, I ? Manufacture from feldspar ha? found i ? opnu ? ? : Bearlea Lai ? dilfleultlea, I ? Manufactura ? ? ?riment i ha ' kelp, and | will !"? ??? | ? ? ?mental ???> Pro.- for a ?onf ? demand foi *ed in the 1 ' e? ?rill be available irsl purpose?. PERKINS LEAVES 78?) CASES (.???lit-s Office with 1 ???at Action? Pend? ing- in i .?nut*-'- History. ? i ? rkins, retli Attor ? -?or that has ever t"'en re \ corded in the history of ' Mr. Perkini reduced the number of "action? pending" frorn 1.22* in 1 ? 11 7*9. The calendar bequeathed to him by Whitman In 18 ? tho hl?tory of the county. Disti Attor. ihorte.-t calendar on r .* : \ y ei In I . . ? . Among l *unt convictions were i : Ian, ler.ten. I m leenri . '^i-azie: ? . r .. | ' . r. :', wire tap ? year and ' Mn.rr.o an I ? ? ' ' not less than six and moro than ?ara. * Railroad E?trnings. The .?' '-ymparative railroad have been mad? N.I', *?>?? n,.-- ? II,-'-I <;???? IS. ?SI -, . ? i ? - 11 ... i ? . ? .'.*... - . * ?? > . . - r - ?' ?; ?-? lCT?-.?? I I I. I. I OFFERINGS IN THE SALESROOMS Parceli To Be Sold Under the Hammer 1 his Week. Paresis U Ibj BOM at auction In the Yese* at. and Hr>,nx salesrooms this week follow: Tt) t>AT Al 1? V._.T pt. H? S?mni?l M.r, i?TH ST, n a. lr. ? > ? . u, a IM.IalSI u> ?"HU M i ni ??< s-n r .-, i la ..-o etti a?, a y ' 111 II?. laaa ? if. Ill lilil? II ?'? t. I.-, ?..-ii:.!.' A ?, .,1). J ? fa. rail, ra/; du.. |i;i ITl.Il; 141 , -j.ll. Hr lassas ?- Dai lUTM ST -, ? . a, in ? m ?, UtiW 111 ? ?'r Bal . I? ' M rao a . I an., 'jr.. ??'. tj'iai. .. ?-. al; H tart * II ..',. It H _tltr?n M I "' I ? i ... ta,... M |l( , ?ll M -i .? Il? Jan ?a .1 r? n'.tan. NUIITH ST ? . - ? ..... MBlMj ?acantt ' - '? m , ii .- .,- . |(a li.-. v. , ., . I art Blank, a") Il K Ua? I? ill?4| . - 1 i" Boaaow a? u ?,,?, ?t Mr ' paaS r 1'?? .'?jTm ST. at, If.ll . i -. , , . ? ; I- II Km? sr, .. . . Usjss si ? . I . A ? . * I.. ?? >. ' . . I I i ... ?? i ? CHI HHY ST. 4 . ... U a ' ?TH Si ' . ?it al; , II. , a ! '. dim. J ? lu Bryaa I ' ' - ? ? i ? ? 1 . ? I '. ;? a I. V - J - ' I . ..-. . II r.> Baaij I a IITH PT lit /'a-- i. .. : ?A? B. BBSS. I *J O.i, Ii I J?. A .?a t -i . a,-, n j Kaai tj ? o ?? aj Ha i S-a.'.n. .-<> . |] , li ..?utmr?, rat lut |14 I? ? ?..,.-?. a I . ?> a- - ; ? J ?, B Jopaph P. Dsy. PFIOSPICT AV. Ill ?? a. 111 ? UlSl it. ?O??*, I it? frama t.ou.a. M F V.:. ?i'.r if. Anis?is '.. ,. : ?; a, ; A I.aj.a. ?" : S Booth, ra?. d,. 11,1 It? >. taxea. - ?, It ?? WASHINGTON AV. lUf ? ? ? I'l.t r. 18.11 s 1?5, I ?M fra . - ? a l.iaia ?:> Ht | J.. It, i.-?/ i pt a n. : Swain, ait?; A I : '? -. ' - '.< ' -<i?a. ?ta, I WASHINGTON AV. ?4L a, p. Mil o .t, , . . - ? .,;... t, Cort> ag?. ladm <? - . - I? i? ? ? lata? *-. . ? CARriNTlR A., ?tl - .. |M B tilth B? I4.IS a Ifl ? ?? - II.w p- a. '. due, ' 1 .. Ii. TOWNSEND AV. - ? > ? I \ E AV ? a . I ,', 6 llxlM -? tana attr I ' GRANO BOULlVAK.i Ha? - ? ?a" 111! . J ? II Mam WESTCHESTER AV i a. . ? , ... lira. < ? . . I. H .. - l ....... i , i lataa J >. WEBSTER AV. . i . a . . . Bids and Loan i PROSPECT AV. ? t l<: . Garder) ?t, P? ? ? ? -, a , ar st al, V,' ? .a ? 1 (ii . dut. I ? i ? El At .... i . ..-? - ? DB1 SDAl a. i > -.., ,? Ht Beef! I - HTM st ....?? ?. * ? ? i , ' .... ?? :iD ST . a> BltH I ? "' .. ' J ,. . ; " . .. ? . ?' . ?? a a ; a ' ? . I 111; taxi I I Rj i ttph f Dsi IIST BT. IBS W. a ? 1414 a Is? ? ???'. - , ? ??.-.- I II ? ? MOUNT MOPC PL A ' . ,|t M J l'rl i ' A I . - - ? 1 ' I I ' ' Al 1? at H> J ?t>s P Pa? ISO ST. tt B, a i I? e Harts ? ? . - ?? . i " i t , ? GREAT JOMf -' ... . 7TM AV ? . apt: 1 ... ' I n III an IPITH |T, ? I ....", i - ? .'. ? lap ?It B I Il ... a COTTON GOODS ACTIVE Holidays and laTsatatiaa Have Llttl Effect on I rading. Fall I! v.i, M ? irketi ? bus; ni . time nre having s ,.i . r ? ? SI for request ? f< i manafaet .. ? ? i ? ,- | In th.' ? for | yarn ? i mmle In Manofaetur I cov - four .. ? ? ?' print cloth nieces, of 1 pieeei ?;rc ?pots. on bids ?ml a ? i it a ? | ;jota linal; ? , ?? i . ' inch, ? ? ?ach, ' ? ? TRIP FOR N Y EMPLOYES t ,t\ and Coaatj rVorkara ta Ta.'. I li rie l?a> Jaunt South. i of 1 rraa -nmond and ? ? sat ? ? pl.iae? will dej>it for Was? I . - ht at 10:1 I i train ? Frederick Pierce Promoted. IK Ha sales rr.anaper of the I the firm, witk heada, ,.nurs in this city. COTTON MILL WORKERS ASK 10 PER CENT RAISE Tell Manufacturer?' Association They Expect Reply Wednesday. Full Hiver, Msii, Jan. 2. - Repre ?oritntlvei of *?<',<>00 mill operativ??, f< raalag tb? Pall River T?xtii* Council, have voted ta ?ah tb? Cotteo Manu? facturer?' Asseeietiea for a i?r> per c?n? advance In w,--|je?. In-*).i.led ?mOBg the milla is the Fall River Iron Work? Company, own?d and operated by M. ('. D. Horden A Tom, of New York. It is desired to ritiv? th? advance go Into ?ffoct on January 10. A reply b?fore W?dne?day evening* i? requested. Thomai Taylor, necretary of th? Textile Council, in his le'ter to Cl?ronc? Hathaway, ??cretary of th? Cotton Manufacturers' Anocla tlon, ?aid: "A meeting; of the Fall River Textile Conn.*! I win held la?t evt-nln?;, at which the reported incre?-? in wan-o? of tex? tile operativ?? in eitle? In Northern New Kn-rland wo? diioui.ed. It w?a dulv voted that the ?eor?Ur; commu '. ?rita th? letton Manufacturera' iatlon and re?*ne?t an advance in ? of 10 per cent for the textil? of tin? city, to take effect Monday, January lo, and to requeit an ii ?at oa by ??? fi." A aimilar eommunieatioa ha? basa *?? Howai 1 S, border, of N?? '.un-ni-1 of th 3 Fall River Iron Secretary Taylor'? unieatioa wa?. received too late . by the Cotton Manu facturei I .? n, bat th? asatter ?rill be dieeaaBod early next ?eeh REAL ESTATE FOR 8ALEOR TO I FT. M.U ?ORB ?I \ II. ? oa BALI 111 a*-?*?, is attm from N?w i m. w ?! ? fruta ? flu fib fcallreid ? - . i --?; .lint? r. ? . '??.* f.,/ ,?_,- ..] | ,. | , ,a/ ali'irei.a? ?J.? ! ? . ?. _ni.4.111.1 .? fl*DD, t'i'-Uraoa, N. T. (dlMllt rh?H'KHTT. BEST 1"TXAN< IAJ. PLAN ?"OR Pl*B<-HA?? O? mmaan M?? ae-Naii -'. In \*n? o'us? Mi?? atra Co? Mima I-aa*-"? No ?0 UM Md "* !>??*?_ ft?N. T. I TAama 9M" Mad- H* SITIATION WANTED. I '*rr-.ale DnrtSSMAKER. ?ra?*'.ri| Franih ar.d Baaatan: ptr fact on tallar mail? suit* a ! e - .!.-.| ?DSSBI 1? - Th. ?:.?? .:?)-.- llrrar. DOMESTIC SITI tTIOXS WANTFD Male. lu n c> ., I Female. ? > OR I.'t Nfur,.- ? Il M v. ? A| , Knell? V , Mi?? II ? . a 1.1.1 , 17 M ?rat data . a. _ I la ' ? ? Ai . -? ?.,. - Ma? ? ? l li ' ' I ... .?v ? ., ? ii? ir w. ?*i .v : ? - . IIP" ? - ii . . V I i \< I ' ? ?- a - ?' - ? 1 . ? . ... ! . A . Old (I - A. ? * I I L*htl*l I *, ? . ... :?!. * I . I -a.-laTl. . ?. ' ' ? ! ? S. - I II- > ' - ??* ? ?. ? u ? l 8TOR \-.l". NOTICES. HARLEM storage WAREHOUSE CO., INC. ?II-1 . I \-l 101.1 || --I p II wri IOA " U.l.ARn [. A. PatUri -n. K ; iri t. I ? i * . mey, Il lia ? . ? I I : . ... ? ????? ... ? (acor .i or in )our . ' .. ! at pnhlt. ? ? * mad?) ? I A. M ? ?? tii<> ?am. I ? : , ?? i . ' ?K CO. IX? ? LINCOLN HAH 111 POSI I < ?iMI'ANY. ? 1,1 -I.. 4.-1 SS E*Ml SUt -I . RK CUT ? - M II ? Haj ? ? it - \ ? ! that th?? ?I . : r upon the g e\ ? . '.. . nl.l ran- ? per ta and --..rag? at public a , , It tta .-, Thura " i ? PANT. WILLIAM I Mt ' ??r ( il VM.F OF N .ME. I ? ? ?? .u- roRK ?? thai R?* KEN* ? rallan, hiving ir? prln nattaa ? I i*s? . ? - '? ; : - ' . - ?a ?o..r. th?. r.1?r ? . ? , ata um., ta v. ii . , | ? -..-. rerk December lltl I II CENNEDY, INCORPOR v I : : BARB1 At) f r 1 ? - . I ? I I .. I; Mr*??. M .10 it.'i o? :.!.:, _I_I_?J_ MEETINGS. it? g?r? of th? n?w -? I of E action ? - ?ii.I k in the after'.nor, of ? ? lay, Jau. s, ; i k t?o, t'tc. RESORTS. ?rNORTs ??C ^^r>'. Blue BinJs^unshijier^'i^? HappineSsf ~ on the7 Florida East Coast y f 500 miles of wonderful seashore, forests of palm:;, gardens of bloom, clear days, warm, perfumed air, Bluebirds, Sunshine, Happiness on the East Coast of Florida The Smartest Life of the continent at great, gorgeous 1 I or less exacting, but just as delightful retreats, if you j It's the only place to spend the winter Outdoor Sports and Paatimes, every known form, In per? fection ? Golf, Tennis. Surf Bathing, Yachting, Hunting, Fishing, Idling in the Sun, Flirting under the Faims. Splendid b?tela of the Florida Raat Coast Company: Ponce de Leon and Alcasar, St. Aufoednej Onsond, Ormond ; The Braekers and Royal P'iinciana. Palm Beach; Royal Palm, Miami; Th* Colonial ant Royal Victoria, Nassau-Behamaa; Long Key PI shins? Camp, Lone Kay. Aah rapar tiobat ageat ter letallal le/ortnatlos ar ?arrtta for Tha B ?? Bird Boskl?, ?apt la.uad. a cha?-rrrlfla;,iriuatrata4 narrativa af tha abo?-? b?tala and thla wonder Sal aaaatry?frae. FLORIDA BAST COAST COMPANY Plagier System 243 Fifth A ?reine, New York 1SS Weal Madison Street, Cnlca.t, T.AROBST riUKPROOr RttORT MOTEL IN THF. WOULD NKWYORKBOaMlK.! OFF1CK ->|?TI?--La ItL0<j| |,?WI, TlWM fnc-f,r ?Alt* J M MOTT t, ? ? TS HOTEL CHAMBERLiN ^m sta * san a ?., ?? _f ?_> 111 X OtO. r. IDIMI. Ml>,|.r \A*_\7 Porten a?m.o.. V.. ?-???-? .?" ? GALEN HALL, K. T. 4M PINEHUKST, ATLANTIC < 1TV. s .1. t?KI'.M Ils? II. 1.1. l'A. ???n Oaeai. A,,. a___j aajj m,i s, - ORTH ? AH"! ."-A ?. us ?,.t of Hour THE IfADIM, KISORI liorti Of Ilii v, | id QDanwro#*mniiV?n ATI. A N I I < ? I I *a ... J )?ai"n r pjanancMCNr jOSlArl WHITE A SONS COMPANY SURROGATE*? NOTICES. -.AN' E ' ? ' \>av T all porporia I Iris els ma against Ids I ?? of tr Hi-tins- nuahieae, namely, ,t ? " B Butch? " i?rh of Mi' of Net* \ork. on 01 b?f,,re ill? llth ,1? ? ?: jn-h Say of FREDBRtCX li rlLOHMAN ' . EserutOI DP? IBD, BOVEE S I ' , pya for | -1; ?.-11 ' ore 1 Ml 'i .relish of Mai i ? ?? - ? CRIOGS, A IRVINO?IN Pi RS ? a.f SO SrdtM ' Si IS J'hn P halan. ? f the V. rk, N? ?TICE Is ireby | ? io a.I | ? ? A Ir-^ ?;r!i;p;. ' ^f'Y ? vlth rou ? ?. at :! ? <?-au S-r ? ? .. tha Ird ??a? ef i . - Executor i MARION BESCHER, Executrti . s T', - Attorney for E<i?eu'o-?. SI Naai ??? ? ? Bol -ugh el Manhattan, N ? ?.s ORDER 0? Hi ? - .- gala of ? flvn in ?ill per?' ? of th? ' ' New 1 ? ?- ' . i ... s' - In th? Bi ? "\ "i H. r.rsr ,'.y> ,,f Va . nagt I>kt?*l, .N??e Terk, the 15th ,lay of Oel b??r. . KATIE P. I NAN Bz? . i BALDWIN FISHER A POTTER, At-uin?>? I? I New fork Cltjr, New Y CON A NT. CHARLES A -IN PVBB1 ano? of an , :? f Hoi oreble John Cohalan. ;, Burrogete ? - ?its t I f Net foi It, la, i .->? s*n.?, with rourfcers there? I ...... the | i day of Jui DERICK 11 P ::. CRQSUY, Ex? utore Hawkins?. D*LA:-"ir-:t.ii .v i.-'Niirni LOW At- - ? r - ?tecutore. RTANHOPI - IN PURS? < '? r . Sari sate ?I th? - ?i i ? , -. -i. ? in h >r?by a?ia?n io a naauiir rlalina ..gain? - I t Lima, P?n ie< .1 1.1 pr???i,t the muh witn ?-?? th r-of 'o the ?u! p. r' ar h:p ,,.a -, s ' II ? - I I ' <v Uaddox, So II William Btrael (Man I ' ? ? I ?rk, on ai ? ? 'jf Ff l.ruary next I>8- : ? I WaT, thl 3r.l ,lny of Au suai, 1116. KANNia TATLOH. Ancillary Administr?t ,i c. t. a. LLOl '? ? VADDOX. A" ' I . n.'.r.iatrator. ? i '.'. ?'r.ai_ IN Pi I BCANCB OF AN ORnp-R Ol Hon r..l la J )hn P ?' a H .rrogat nf th? ? an ?? of N? ? York. g ? s to al! p?reoi,e having ' ? '?'? : - r . . I Besei j-r,?. leeeae? . MnM eltl :.r : ? t the aube rlh?r ar pa ? of trai. IS - - '? "...?,?) ,f Nee 'iiTm. iii or before th? firat day ji ?xt I'at?! N?w Tork, tha :id day of Octo. ber ! ' I.KVI 6 TENNEY Executor JOHN B. ' OLKlfAN, Attuiner for Ex. ? itof -f> Libert) Straft, Boro ?gh ?I Manhattan, Men '. I <? City ? S AN ORDER OF HON. B F ? ? - .-r gat? ? .??iinty of N?w Vnk NOTICE la . i to all per.ona having a laabell Ar.n Chameerlali ', -. seed to ore eent I stieSers th?r?.,f te ? SI a- !? . ?<? .f !-.. ..a. ir.g bual .. r. om i ooi. No 32 Liberty Street In '. : .. un or before lb. Z til day f Jan i?-y ?.&%? Uated. N?w Tork, th? 2ltl> day of Joly HERBERT riATTON ruAM? H P. LAIN. A?minlstrator' Tar? ? f P. R HOWARD Att> _ N I rt'DITH CARTEB.?IN PVM? i of an ?rder of Hon John P Co a .- irrogeta ; ? ? ? s-w Y ik. nitiii ia berebj g %-n to all i-<!raojia having ?-.aim? aga' Judith ?.'art?r '-U' .'? .,f Ihn it of N,a* Y-.r* ai.^ of I ? Frg:.'..,??,, ? p:,,. ?re thereof, te the aub It hlaj I ?acting bual ? daaay. New y ,r? rr. it of January Ills! Data JAMES D B CL'TT?NQ Fx?,-utor CHARLES .- ARONSTAM. A'tomey fo, U' "tur. IH Bruaiaaaj. Ne ,, YjriL C1,y* INSTRl ( HON. m ?im an .*?? n???)ia. PREPARENOW mee th* b?neftta of **? a i ? * ? l ??? ? T^rttr ?s?t* r , thla I sr* ? .'mil \? i.rl.?ra ? ? -i ? 1,11.1V? hew, ' '. *. at the ,-' - i -air? has > I ? . Aa a * i ? ? al ?M - ;?' t PACKARD sL < ?IMMI l<( I IX M II"'>l , I rilngt.n As. ?and S.'ib IN -LOUIS H. CHALIF Graduate Russian Imperial 8a'let S:tiool. fataam??Hi I? .? i.-*- lesn-a?*?*? ?i . ?se li-ur?, -ni ', belle, r*. ml anil ,.?; ....Mi .i.... . aad vvreVly culi--. ?. Hi.>. bun : i\?*?i 4??i ?t., v. T. SCHOOL AGEN* us Amerlrari am; I ir?*.|i It- i. ?ire. \,-rn?y._ BuBpll?? I'ri f?*??oi ? a Qoverneaaea - ? - l ?*?mllt--a Apj. > J VOL'NO* PULTON 23 I'aloa Bauer? ?-.US1NESS CAR?S. Il " 1 . ? ' * . ?Tt i ri ' * i i vvrATlifitl ll,,:' ? ? B-oodwa? ir...ultab:. I ? . ?? ? . T S u laa? t.?-i FINF* RI 'US WOVEN ri??M ? ? I - -., i ? V*?*ai ??*li It BI RatAJGA" ?'?5 .NO l I? r.S HADDEN. Hi of ?n i-r 1 - .haian. a I ' - . a. ? ? ??talma ililiut liar ; | n - ? I . I -a at th* M*??ri Strong A 'At..uh?-.l .No at V. all Btr**t . . n or -??*?-.? *. r.-?t l'*t*d N'?w Vor,?, th? U'h d*y of October, lili HaI'.UI.Ij r HADDEN. JH . UAVI? . tor*. Dl EH BTRONO A WillTEIl? Atlor?- itor?. . .'. j- ? Manhattaa. ' pur? ' * < ? ? i - a - a t?" La v> r?n? let? ? *?rn* ?v Ith . :.? t? thar*of ? at t'.?:' ; . . I ? I . - a ? tv? offl-e of Rert ? ? Ha ?t? K.f-h Avenu the B ?? - ? ? ' >r? ? - . d?r of D* it if ? >!A' V I- ??'? ?-. v - HERBERT I *. ? . . r i- . ? - ? 5Ji Klf'li A>?*au?. N?w T.fh CUT ?ACTION BALES III ? ll'.r 1 - IX CHATTIJ- v HT 1*4?, Ja. ij ?,? ?.-.- A . . ? ? 1' M i ' - - ' * A O ? lu .' ? i - . . : i .*--.. ?f *tt :. - ? i I -? ^ . ' ? Btamp? ? II - I _ LEG \l. Null? I ?* THE KXCIIAN-J * II HANK OP st?r*i H?***aT*T*T*T*ia^?*?*??l^***T?*l^^??B^^?*^^HI It.*, If ?ij. ?x? Ur?l * i..*if .. , _, i i v*?_? -*n - ?? * I a* .