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I Who Runs May Not Always Lead aOURNEY WINS FIVE-FIILE RUN OF HARLEM CLUB Liberal Handicap Factor in Victory?Carson Sols i Course Record, ? - ? i - . -. ? M ? ? - - - ? \ ? ? ? ' ? .oo*..r.~ ?? ? ? nai****, ? *a Nis.' u i ? ?* A r .4 ?: . ? * HD STRUGGLE AT TRAPS ka, Men T:r *? - Tearly Tup in Man? ? b traps ? '-;? ?teh . ? ? yg h. f. ? .-. ed the' ?-??.. ? ? ? I ratel . ? ? ?il clay ' Scj?edule for Harvard Relay Team Announced if?, The win .. - <?... ... i ne ?in ' : ' - SPECIAL SALE.USED CARS l HAS i i i i. . ?- KIK-?*? A ( (I I \< MA-lll'tv: ' w *. I u?. ? I C2? ?sTra-r-f l. lBtaW?. Bowling ?it^-wSS1 MECHANICS. '"?at tidit 'lk'J " "'^ ?aikaMM Us,,, >tw vork. L igh f 11 >eigh t Cha mp ion Tells of His Own Class By PRED1E w El sit. I Ightwelght champion nf (In world In summing up Ihe light weight sltaattaa for the year 1?MS one t? placrsl ni a i|iiniulara. not onlv re garding the question of who is to he ?ho In respect to fighting ahil ita. hut we have to ask oursrlte? aa he's ?ho find ?hat's what in re? gard (,. ?righing ability, or. rather, .iMMfv rot to weigh o? rr the llght . '.( llinll. li is a known far? lhat n niun hrr of spleadid tighter? who hmc repatatBBM a? lightweight? rig the laut two or Ihrer year? have eatgroara that clap? to such Bfl extent t h??t tlica tiliil Ihtnisrlars ? ???tiring ?i|??n the new year a* WS(1 ter? eight? and raen middleweight? Of ihe light? rights th:it ?err. .nul ?a ho ran hardly laj claim to lightweight honor?, no?, are Millie R trhle, PacVej Md'arland, Jirrmy Duff*. Ja? k t?ritton. Johnny (inf fiths and T??d leaals All of them have shown wonderful ability as lightweights In the paat. hut It Is doubtful if they ?ill evrr he able i Bsake th? lightweight limit ?>f ?t ?huh Kitchie foujrht Wei? or run ?.".3. the weight at which Ritchie and myself fought. I ightiag at Ihr weights that have suited their convenience, the hoy?? I men!?un have done great thins:?, es peciall) lewis, ?ho ha? aro.m il remarkable feat? at a sort of ?sliding Stale of weight?. He ICCBIS to have sar?-e?sfully elimi DbbTv, Kritfnn and a number af ether good bajrs In an unehra-krsl a?f a I, tories until he ran against a snag In Mike (.lover re i rnlly. Ritchie, after being bested by lit? tle Johnny Itundee, decided to try ich vaith a heavier men in Ed VIi indrewB, the bout renulting in a dr.iva. Eddie Moy. who is one of the best in the rank* of the ne? lightweights, fo'iirht a draw with Dundee and easily defeated McAn drcwa. I ihink that a great fight result if Mo* and Ritchie a? i re matrhrd, and 1 think that the n Irishman would be ?le i the champion of America on the night the contrat takes place. Vil Walgaat had been getting ha prrttv wall until tu- ran inlo thai hard?hlttlag, ever greea I rich < n,"., who Baasaa t<? ?He ?i?h t harlej w int.? for a recan? of knotkouts. Ihr lough little- Dutch? man was the- laut to hate IBS tight ing ?lenii?! ?garais as Ms law, end friends nf i he once rfJcBSBI little Wildcat would br glad lo ?re him retire with the new year. He has rarnrd hi? laurels If ever a fighting man did. Bsnail I eonanl fought hlssaslf up la Ihe first line 1 reaches when he knocked Joe Maadot ??ut here recent!*. Kltrliie Mit.liell, of Mil? waukee, seesas t?> he Ightiag bis ?ay up to the front ranks, nnd ?i-n p?tent iu,lires predict a fut? ure for linn. This year will be hi? t imi' to shine. Last, hut certainly not least, come? 4 hurler White, ?ho ha? Hun? i"?,r>' perhaps In the way of sensa? tional liehtlng than ant other light? weight. White has established him? self tirmla as the lorcnuist aspirant to my title In regard to my posj. lion on ?he boxing ?ar map. I have placed Myself ?'ntirely in the hands of my asaaager, Harr* Pellets. He ?111 do all the signing and arrang? ing and I will do the fighting I told Palla, the nicht I ?on the ?nrld's title In I/onHon. n year ago last Julv, that t would never bar snv man that the public or pro? moters ?anted me to fight, and I ?stand by that resolution n?>?. The result ha? been that during the last year I have fought alwiut fwenty two lights, a frw of ?hi,h wrrr for dreUion? over the twrlvr-round route. I expect this to he my last year of lighting, s? I am going Into the health farm business on long lal? and. I want to give all the boas a chance at the title before I retire That ?ill compel me to fight abeal t?entt-five bouts. I haie (old my manager that four of those ran he t\a enta-round lights to a dedaloa. Personalia 1 ?ant my first faarntv round encounter t?> be ?itli ? harl?-y White. It will in all likelihood be fought within six months' tune. Personal Touches Here and There in Boxing By IGOt ra? pl?yed to a full he i at Pal Hawk.? . cam] I he hie blond ara? ?? I ?d the Wi ? "M-rin when ? i a: .I Bai The br; ? McKir.i - ara? a resrulat Moran ?eemed to r!< nine;, so much so that Hi - Dorcan, his mi . Mon?, sVeele? Lewi? < * Pa on pins and r fear Fome jury would i ??. the Cofi I? ay. "Look out for vour hand?! T^ !" i oared the de. "Iff* feelt ?o Rood a to much faster tl ?hat we are having n hard time ke. ;;t.der wraps." went on Los? "In the - WAS f?t, no Bti tor ?bat you after it ?a? over. . a corner wh I thai fit on top and t' him very plainly that he foueht li . : . ? on ..? h that fir?! rout ?.:? the Ost, I tell you. and ki o?a ?-? have It off. "He couldn't ret out of his own wi 1 at . . in that openl I of th? St 1 ?Ot 11? was riev r In his life than he i? rlpht no ? th? ring- the la?' *:r absolutely out ? wh? h!t? as your hei ? the jrlove ovi I I hare ordered pnemaati? head eu?r ':non arid Madden. Th. ? B been hc*-e yesterday, b ? ? ?? been delayed in ?h'pmer weal '? ? ? ? all tl i on until Friday ni?"i hard heu.) Il ssed in thei - tber? wiH be Pule chance i ? ? handi af-airi ? let him yo on the road th is? hit wind is perfc J . It look at him *.*.',i.jr Hlor ? without taking a deer, hieat ? ? . vv ti?'ht he keeps his lips t - th? ?ur< alen of roi '.on. If ? man's wind wasn ? i y "reise thht Moran is *roii ich would leave his mouth as wi? OUl of water. I nun ? :i feht in hit life, but I'm be' i Ollow* over in my ?listrlct SH Pranh repeats the knocl _ iat a (riant colored fello rabbin*? after the d?r's hat Dan J. Waahlnrte n? has been all over the world e] In ? vaudeville act. "1 hab appeared in all de bes' boni? d," ?aid Paniel J., as h ided the biceps of Moian's trust "I met him in Paris," chipped i - ? b? .Beau Pruinmel r ?lier, tOO. Don't think because Uli bird i? around hero in a fade ter that he lent a dandv. l'a ? . him in his Sunday-go-t-, .- ? id?." ? I was kppea*-inc in dat house dere, '. l VV a- he pointed to a lare od In Italian. "That i ludavllle hoUM in Italy. Se ?re Pan J. Washing-ton printed 01 ?lat eher? sheet? Pat's me. Pat's I'm lh! Ah was a lubblv hit ovuh dere . b do?? folk? u'ed to came to nu IBB* me If Qt.WJtt "Va-hing-ton was i cullud man, too. liar! har! har! Pat'i P, j PID dat. I wa? right in d< ? eb popnlarzashun when de WO? it and ran me homo?ran m? __ U ?.*?? come to Peht that th? eallary rod? can thank .lim t off-y \i . y a. dollar to M'C ? I riday Bight There was an low of thv faithful on the OUT? SIDE I? ' "m.- that couldn't pet in. j Johnston decided t.. charge ?2 a "-alien Friday meht. Jim Cof? ? erd of It and he hpoke right up ?. ?If of aii fr end?, ?I woi 1 fl| i '? charee a dollar . " ha --aid. "A lot of the Bloi ? to root) for me i.n the ?treet railways. They heve ' to lote a day to be present. Wiien you Boxing Bouta of the Week TO-DAY. Olymplo A. C?Jimmy Oufty ind Koh*m* Kll Johnr.y Cllntan and Faddy Burnt Walter ??ein ?m mam\ la*4 Kaaaea. V?nderbllt A. C.-Ch.rlcy Si? It*, and j*. f.ani. Br?ad*ay Sportini Club, Bre-kl>n (metl-.e. Beut?) ?Kid rredfrlo?? and Larry ?ur-.,, V?un| Ka-le- ??j Sammy Meat. Tan thra*. r?>und tryauta. TUESDAY. Br*ad.*ay Pportlna Clu?. Brooklyn - Johnny Dundee and Pell Bloom. Charley Pappa, e-d Paul D*yla, Young Br?oy arrt Battlln| Burke THUalSDAT. Pioneer Sportlni Club?K. 0. Bro?n and Banry Lar? ia. FRIDAY. Madlaon 8?u?r? Garden?frank Mora? im J|fl OaOat, Harlem Sportln? Club?Inaovitton trial?. SATURDAY. Clerm?nt A. C, B*-ookl>n ? .,?w|? Chi? and ?liant Martin. add the lose ai salary to the big- surer dollar they pay ?.t the door j that they ar?- paying as much a can afford. 1 would ratbei . ??' I? - foi my end and feel that I am ; with the hoys ?ho bava stuck since the ?lay 1 Stepped do? , to be a boxer. I'm with tnem." _ What hol Ted Le?is onlj pot a Pi; A .'? ? ? r, Knockout Brai falo on Saturday night, according to .the dispatches t"hat (I i ?ay They BBUBt have handed our own Jimmy ; Johnston something up there, for this i wire came from him late ?-aturday night: ??LARCENY r-'TII.L PREVAILS IN BUFFALO. "JeSM James Johnston." "Moose'' Taussig, once the kinc of 'I i . : ???... ? . , but now a in. i trooped in la: t night with two I a . forma fia tic warrior |i the ; i ? w\] la ,-i ?i a ?quarel** built ? of t?0 hundred pound.-, who Eddie < 'an,pi four years ?fro a? a bun lsn'1 that going up the I Mechan won his last eleven knockouts. He knock? roll ;? ad. AI Reich did the ?ems *hc other nicht in om I ? han holds r.;\ round dedsioi ? Jack Hemple and Charle) '?!. ! latter be ng 1 I " ?I a no w", .p. ; Willard in four round? prior to the (, ;? t., at * ?? th WI lard ' gl ' Eddie Miller was the only American B 1 to ever make th? trip to A ? ' .lehn 'h? Barber ?rill tr** a bol i on the night of January 7, Hi cid?d 'o run in opposition I !oran tight. John stylea I th? "Innovation ??at." John, it WILL ng anyboI ? dodger -ay that the object of : novation is te bring out th? | all classes in a sert? o* ten-round I bout?. John makes no mention i I ! Is to box. but the bill will have to m I dud? .1,.. s "Vil ird ii i I om I ; a bout, if .lawn hop. s to draw the i faithful from th? Garden ont I : tween Francia ? 'harli i seph. _ Buck ('rouse T,as dm tali oa la clean-up tour of tlII r?|ght?. I There isn't uny rea?0l Iwho knocked Georg? Chi? out t?ioe i shouldn't get a little higher up the r H ' ^itf sponslble for I ?11 of I to get to tlii ??ii? rhe d?f< ?(??'- rn on 11, He held .1 o ? ' ? . draw I when Jack Ont?? . ? ? I m by many nourn! ' i-ipion, and he will ? men that c he found for hi'" Bui .?? opportuait- to make good. OVERLAND A BIG CAR AT A LOW PRICE Visums .it the Show Interested Ig Six-Cylinder Auto. Visitors at the ?.rand ?Yntnl Pulse? ..i?? , v laclag latera n is the ils eylla? der lanrlag ear la the Willys Overland ? 'omnan . ' si hlblt Thr low pri?e "f i dirt el result ,,?' the quantity prodaetion methods sen la a; the Ovei lead factory. The ill la produced In Ihe slagls bod? >i? Ign '.a huh nlli,;a? tlu? company sn ; "itunity fur complete llu. exterior ?f the car I? plain and pimple \ Ions, wheel baas of 121 inches the ? ? ?' iiv f,u tlu? which, with ii two extra disappearing seats, r , SdnltS The Imily is of the fall ne ': t???, tvith long, sweeping CUrveS rhe mats have high, comfort - able backs, while the seat cushions are ?i deep eoiled springs. The up I "lit I ; el the nriest , ( !? ither. n< jinwer to weight giVOS ra ; :. u IBfplui "'?'?r that !,?'? for all em? of roa?| drivtna \\ l h ., bot s of ?' ' ? Inehi . lachas tho motor de 'i liaif I he cylinders of the motoi i ST. ALBANS LINKS READY IN SPRING Work Progressing Rapid? ly on New Oolf Course Near Jamaica. P/orh is progressing rapidly, ?!? St. Alb ' l ?u!>. roar Jamaica, an,i it is expected th< for II ? ? '.Ir.ui ? v hue, a thousand and one ... dent to the membership, organ and the like have I, :, ,? to, Inks will bi in Ms ' all the golf tl ' II., making hast? ilowl* has hi ; '.,(,??'? r thai It may a 1'it of the 11, At leas! lwo *a;>T are planned, while another hole I B ?I ?p ra . outside ?,f making uje B ?H lu. left f,.r a ' Although the land is rolling, thr-re arc i ? ? rill be enough rarietj Club in a golf? ' - ' The pi mrden ? .- the . tar will ? iras I ,.?1 It ?m most ... ticulai Ijr ' ?? eated In? to reach the r , f an hour from ? i'her New Yuik )Wn by the fart that I! . the tract. The toi tanca in the links will be i lie ? ?ne of lip li ll?. nt N'"w York and ??ken ?ub ire the fol ,ib. Henry J. Du Hush, ? nlor, -. WEST HUDSONS WIN IN SOCCER CUP TIE Shut Out Yonkers Eleven Easily in Second Round Match. After several unsuccessful atte-mp'? ..." ? " ,; ., team?) reached a d??cinn>n in their cup game :n the second round for the na trephf at 'lie Federal Baseball I'ark, at Harrison, ^?. .t.. The line-up \\ ? i: <*y . 'J. .1* B . Rol ./.. n. I : I H .> '! . . mer i . I i.. . . ? ara or I ! . ; illowar M ' ?? ? a i ,?:: ?.-, 1 fiti-r . r THE WEATHER REPORT. Forecast? snd Records of the Last Twenty-four Hour?. V ..' .- ? ' - ?? . ??at wu , ? Bas BatarBaj ? ?:*. '? :."?? ?p pgrantl] ? ?-? - ,, ? -.ta ??r eg ? "me lalao 1 of ".a ? . ? ? .- i ?>? ? ? ,rt arrrea ?-??? ' Ike Ohio t | - grraier cf tlie lake rast I - ? .*???? 1 ???? ? A .... a ? I gh_| , ?? a I ?.'::. i. '. | p| i wars . - lerabl? al talleri ... . II . i ... ?a ate ? Fan wr. . . : rai'e^a? raat Bl ?' . u ' a-,-.,. - - ? i . , . ? * ? aa' from i ban is? i -? futen Q tebae m-? i t ????. lira ... - ? . . ? . ? . ~ea? a. ... a . a . . v . ?aal ? ' ? ?rat? ??-' ' . I , . fair i ? I .-,. al Ofl-lal Rai-ord T>- ' > . ~ , . . , in th? a m com- I . )?pr S a. m . ? . , . .' ' !> m H I ?i i |, ra -.?.'. - arerasa . .. ? . .. ? -?? Loral f m III ' ". fr?ah . B*romrtrr RpaiUsp?. g a ra -?re?- !l ?I ?-i Parerai? tor Spiel?! LSSaBBfl ' BSHI a fair. ? a. ? , ' ? . ? ? 'p. . ?. - . ? , rare, fair i 1 ? >* 'Si'. FIRE RECORD. A M ? * i . .- , a Millar. tilia - ^ Harrt., ' . a - \ . l ' ? . . . . ,-.?.. U_, -li. Lr_ui^. Motor Car of To-morrow Is Here To-day In the Grand Central Palace There Are $3,000,000 Worth of Mag? nificent 1916 Models to Tempt You. ?"onfrary to the expi-rt*,ti,,ns of New York aatamoblla daalai Iriii of th? annui.l Btttomobll? sh 'he flran.l Central I'isla--e on "Tear*! Bv? ans? a clever stroke < pari v* th? ?Mavagan of the e\hii The crowd was Just |Im light i make in-pert inn of t|in r,,.w rr eomfortable ior all. It was a .' crowd, und many contracts ? igped i-i eai ly dellvei y l he attendanc? oa '?? ???? Year'? ROW to Urg"r proportions, bal I likewise a bu iln. producing a Bo fur ns attendant*? go? ?*, to ?ill prnbal I ? ? ..,;e ' ri? ? ? . >. Thousand! . i d ? .' ?! not ei Nl ? Year's Evi arm New ' ? tit ? fork, will an I a '.. da) Tin- automobile mm . ? an gi ttlng no? New York show, and ?elcomei il Special men are o each factory tu tak? >?? ? ? di alen, '? <->t h at the Palaee and n hotela wher? factor? headquarter eetabll ir has a rich nssortme ? before hi i in the ... ' the Indu >ti;. lu ever had. A'. time i* g ???. hieh bai i beei Blgned to catch the eye of the c? Tue Stud, baker gold chassis, or main ?' ? i t of i rnakir.i' ? ? ., : of the j would he hard, fir a eomp? p.i . this chai ?ol unit due? a platinum l th d ..r earing iby bn hing ? We. ?ave read about the enon ?hipmenta of gold I many ?.f u | ha'. I v. ??: ! r ? bankers could do with ? problem. I' can ?11 be i The Packard I n ".? dition to ;x cha 'W.i Bl ?? ? ,i rare exi The exterior is ii ... Interior i? a,ru\ ri ??( blaak velvet around tl extra aeata and ! door?, 'l h., tlou' ? i out in oarroa pan? bottom? of the doors In ? either .*. Indo -v. ai a t?o I : > i ru.'.lallions in plain (fold fra A Buick ? i .th gray ?a iterj ? ! ? I. i : i !... ? ?, p : i - over by I'. K Bn this -rear i".ihlng th.:? prod limelight, ha- gone in f..r the v ? lei with dr ring i? an unui ? ray cars with interiors of . i'.i'r. i". .'M i. Boor th? visitor finds tr . Tu ? ? sensat-. i \ num, '?:.. t w n i brea. . ?? ??r.i! n< number ?.f , luding perhnps the m "ir'.? ah than thirtv makers exhibit 10 Twe ? are '.n the |60Q I in price has ci? . th? makers and d?ala*~a at [I ? fever for demountable win top - appear? to I m?mense i t? delivery of light town cop-, tr.?* Maxwell type. The Pierce Policy. Th-* I'irrce-Arrow Company was c ??f the :;r?t *.. d '? T-h yea: ? impoli en th? public to ? b? mad? montha rhar.ij - ' tip radical to ?rarrant ? ir. The company t . ; '? f'l ! . ? ? ? i.- ! refli ementa ? . thai '11 ' orth. ma. d ?ml perfected in the Pierc Arrow fac'ory, are constan' But the eompany decline? to make re ? merely for the pu posa of getting a I In remaining loyal to its six-cylind type of motor tha Pierce Arrow Tor pan y has been largely lnllu.i Pierc Arrow cars have frequent from 40,000 to 16,000 mil? * before ove hauling becami- neeeBBar) ?latency of performance protect? tl .'.!. ?ho, having paid a high price f. th? ha? a rlgnl to expect it to 1 .ni a r:]?.??in,un. of the tim sad of piling up bills Mi a repa fchep. Hupp Men "Going Up." J. Waller Drake, president uf th Hupp Motor Cat Company, has jut announced a number at promotion? > the factors* organis?t :. effective Jai uary 1. Lee Anderson, formerly sales an advertising manager, become? commet cl?l managei In charge of - ? ling. ,|. 1 . formerly direr'or o the Hupmobile N'atloaal I oupon and sp?'cial salts repr?sentativ? Bi aali - i iaa ..-er, ??? ith H. E V. . dale as hi? assistant. ' ant advertising manager, ; Kov I> Heurt', forroerlv assistant t. Hi -..nit'? sales proi mana? J. S. Patterson, who has handled th< Hupmobil- tea a?sistan advertising man . .1. l Koi ??rvici ITKrHl'T psrts, itock and a del ?'We ?re adding BO ou" ? our organization." said Mr. lirai;?-* 1" making the announcement. "Th. IBS are ai? the general bu | .aient commercial increase? m oar ?"??Y* specialized have organlsationi both la the fsctory snd in t capable of har. Uli | I B ? ? rars." _ Maxwell Exhibit Sold. A-- ? ? isblv uni--, l? Il art" ? ? .. ' twell Motor Sales Corporation, *. a ? new cara, e?ch of which la '-*? property of a irre a l -. buyer? have consented to a nement of delivery until after ttin-r r car? ? from *r ?tock ? I- wa- not ?n e?-v matter to ?r ra:.k-, ? anagi r D? He?r. of I "In fact, '".niete ... . i . were willing to lei ,tpS!?' luauai-u? it. tuouk'h, ?n? co*.-.der uur loaned exhibit ni possessing an added element of Interest thereby ?*We have slwayi made It a itrict principle to exhibit nothing but cars tak-tn from our r?guler ?lock. This has bees 'he case at all the big- automobile ?hows where Maxwell cars were on ex? hibition. Sometimes we find trouble eonviaeiBB people of our sincerity in this detail. They look at the brilliant finish of the cur?. test the yielding up. holstery and Itiaiat rhat we, like mir,y ? there, have built special cars for th? ?how?. "OBI praSSBl plan will constitute a binding iruarantee that our exhibit ii what we clal'n. It goes without pay? ing that, if wa had any spucinl cars to be shown here ?.hey would be shipped te Philadelphia und the other sho\*g ns ?non a? we were through with thorn here." Production of Aluminum. The Aluminum Company of America will make all the aluminum that America wants to buy, according to A. V. Davis, presialsat Thi? statemenr, at thii time, ha? aroused interest la motordom because of the announcement of the Manaon Automobile ' ompuny that its 1911 output, th? Mannen "14," will have in Its make up enough lynite aluminum replacements of iron prod? ucts to reduce th" weight of the car by 1,000 peases and increase its ern ??iency by o very appreciable percent? age. That there Is an ahuntlance of 'he metal would seem to Indicate that there is a widespread interest In ltd UM In mechanical manufacture. Saxon in Front Row. From an obscure corner on the fourth floor of Grand Central Palace two ? tgo to a promlmnt piece on the main floor at this year's au'omobile show, is the record of the Saxon Mo '.or Car Company, It was two fears SgO tha? the Saxon company entered the automobile In? dustry. Shipments of Saxon cars m the ?ir(-? t twenty mnr.'h? of its exist ''.rnuiihr the Baxon company to the position of sixth among Detroit motor car concerns un?1 ninth smong ' '?bile miir.ufactuit rs of the world in numb? r of ? in built annually. ! i, ? BaXOfl company was assigned Its main floor loeatien St Grand Central Palace by the. Automobile Chamber of Commerce, which allots ?pace at the mobil? shew in proportion to the volume of business done by the vari The ,~axon compan-, has grown so ,- that within the la** atesta it iias been forced to increase its fac I? isii r> two other plants, which practically doublo the rnanufac' i'ics of tho company. This I i'creas? in space made , Ly the Sa\?,n co.npanv within the last jrear. The previous move lncreas-1 the or >?! of the company 600 - nt Evidence of the popularity of light :' low pries Is fousd in tho fact that pv-?n during the ?Hater months of and Decemter. when auto - ordinarily is rather light, the Saxon has shown a remark? able increase. The November busi? ness was 1,000 per cent over that of mber, 1914. and the December husine-i w.i. 1.300 pet cent grea'er buainoSS of the previous De eembar rhe January schedule calls for 2,600 cars. Why Hudson Announced New Car. It was only five or six months ago the idsOB brought out a new model, n ? ear, known BS the Bis 1 '. is the i ipalar Badsea svei pro I, \\ r.iiin ene month the over demand forced the company to stop all ,ir ' th? salei by twl - Hud ,,n records. Hut three ,- ? the tests of the in ?.-.- Super-Six motor, then just diacov ered, showed that the end of the Blx ?' . ! arrived. So the com? '-.- -topped pro?'. Is, losing, they assert, nearly live thousand sale? as a conse? quence during the months of Septem? ber. October, November and December Every Hudson facility from that tim? on has been devoted to the production of the Super-Six It WH-. Inevitable that -vfih this finer, tor old-type sire? would be? come obsol?te; ?o in absolute justice ',? it.-, patroi s the Hudson company at ?topped it? production of the ol?! time a Immediately turned all it? rrierprv toward Betting out the new Super-Six cur, \*hich it fortunately wai enabled to have readv for announce . ment and delivery at this date. Designer Like Publisher. "Designina automobiles is a good deal like publishing newspapers." sa>? Richard II. Scott, vice-ore.-ident and al manager of the Reo Motor Car Company. "i if' course, I don't know much about Publishing new-papers, but somewhere I have read that the secret of success? ful publishing is not what the editor pius into the paper, but what he leave out. "There is an awful lot of news mat? ter muile every day that ii not pub? lished by the most successful papers not worth publishing. "Similarly then are countless idea? 'and inventions for improvement of 1 automobiles which, If they were all ap would soon put the strong-,'. ? irn out of business. ??v tell me publishers age rapidlv . under tho ktrain of trying to decide 'which is and which isn't' what BOWS to print and what to throw into tau iva.',, basket. "1 think we run them a pretty clo-.e second in our efforts to keep things out ears that should not go in. "From cut viewpoint it looks as :f n ' good many automobile makers, like a many editors, try to put in every? imes to them. "Or i?-rha|>s I should put It another r*ay. share ire two classes of automo? ist ai there are sa ,-' newspaper publishers. The I is always looking for th ing out of which be can make b'g scareheuds and {pictures The other in more I for world news and 's of vital importance to his ' "Ws have 'yellow journalisti' In the too. They are the ones who bob up about every lix th a new model, flaming .... wmo iseoBseoaes? or proclsimiii" s new ipeed devil. "The--? ?re like the yellow joimsl Ita \sho pay more attention to things that will make an external showing than those in which sen-ice is Inher? ent, In some eases, too, they irain greater 'circulation' a lot of money has been made by selling shoddy auto IBT SI men have got very rich by .smearing big tvpe and reu ink on cheap p.iper. 'However, the parallel holds al?to m another direction, The more seaserva iher iac'.s longer and has a stroBSOf hold Bpoa his readers. I think I can sav hi a rasait Of the Keo ? -s that the ?'une poiicy in the ir of automobiles result? In a loval clientele and in the long run a more substantial auccess'' "Much WateT7 for Over lands. e are i artesian ? i ? as the property owned kg the Wi..-,-?-Uv?r.aad , Company, ?ach pumpin? an average of j 1,000 gallon? an hour Th? water i? uied for the big boilers of the he?t ; ing plant, the motor test room?, for ? drinking purpose? ?nd for the big re ! serve tank that is kept In readlnei? in . cai? of tire. ; Overland First?3 Years, For the last three year? ?he Over . land exhibit has been the first to ' greet visitors st the sutomobile show. Th.? Il du? to the fact that the volume 1 of business done In the lest year by I the Toledo concern ha? been greater : than that of ?ny other manufacturer exhibiting. Space ?t the Grand Cen? tral Palace is ?Hotted by the National Automobile Chamber ot Commerce on the order of volume of business. The manufacture doing the biegest bu?i ness has first choice of space. Apperson a Pioneer. Elmer Apperson I? truly a pioneer, not only in the common understanding | of the term, hut a? one of the men who I helped to build the first crudo mod? 1 ? back in the days of 1393-'SU. H? was the trat *o see the wisdom of 1 a double opposed motor, the use of a i side door au'.omobile body, th? ef clency of the float feed carburetor and the benefits to be derived by the use of , electric ignition. A motor he built w?3 the finit to win an award in thi? coun tor. He early saw the trend in multiple ? cylinders, and his company built a j four-cylinder type a? fer hark ?s 1903. i This is likewise true when it came to the introduction of sixes, for the rec ? ords prove that the Apperson company ? started making them In 1907. With the appearance of eisrht-cylin der motors In this country the ?atoran ' maker gave the new der-iirn exha . I . and personally inspected and in? vestigated the efficiency and construe tion of this type both in F.urope and , America. An 1 so It is only natural to auppoea '. that when Elmor Apperson decided to build an eieht-cylinder motor It should be an eight that possessed the accu? mulated knowledge of hie long experi? ence. The Apperson line for the current year consists of sixet? and eights, with a varying number of body designs. Looks of Car Important. If one were to summarize tho dom? inant "talking points" of this year'-* newest ?nd best motor car?, it would undoubtedly portray the improvemen* made in multi-cylinder engines. Talk at the Automobile Show centres largely around four, six, eight and twelve cyl? inder construction. This is especially true of men motorists, but the women, who nre an ever increasing factor to be reconciled with by progressive car builders, lay greater stress than ev *r I efor? upon the style of this year' Oeorge M. Dickson, general man?g-r of the National Comp?ny, says: "Th* looks of a car has ?a much to do ?rit I :ts popularity a? the efficiency of It.-: en-fine, ard thlfl i? ?? i* ?hnijid l>?, fer car at graceful l.nes than i* a e!um?y ard '. | on? nvcste the pr f a | mobile ').< y em ont tli d toi ?t try, but tn? b? look?. "The women, who, as a mu* - ' Coure?, mi' [it tno late* ? ap parai, an appear la publia I ?nd ? : mots r ??..? " One-Man-Top an Anomaly. Th* baa almost ? ? " it t are row dr . ? the top up. sayi C T Silver, P?er|eit distributer ir New York. Tl m one-man ty| ?? of -? which nato? ? ? - row?, ... t ? ? /er-i an u view from the rar Because ?I ?ods are now || lloi when the paise . tpiril of a partie ?i fon casionally a? a protection ... or vorm. lo th? carafe I a llae? of fh" top have therefore h imnor'nnt. ' ?re that has elsed to be* a tl a aontear of completo harmonj w.'.'n *h** II body propar ?i of th* n< ?.hi? part of the M I ' that they are in harmony ?g cur.;? ehareeteriatl? of I'-?r ? ??> The Buyer a Factor. "The automobile hu?lr.ess ?tar'e.J off as a manufacturer'? proposition with the dealer tikin< whaUv-r the manufacturer pro.lue?.!," ?a;.? ' Willson, ri< III? I I isles ard ad ertillng of t . -ed a nior?3 e I . th.- types of car he whs be?t I ? on a dua 11 ? collaborating In the pro'.u.'tion < . "Gradually a 'hird merrve: worked h il way the Combinat! ?'" OU B?! I: ? \i become I more insistent on a recognition i] viewpoint ar. 1 h:s desire, un*. over?hadow-, "The ataeceaaful company, today the one in which pa: of manufa emphasize..! to ti ? perforro an obligation which he owes to b. '.ers. "The mar,u"'.-ic*'jrer must | ? up in the proper way. That product not rnpe tal bails, but ?a? to I owner ? ? . will bo a M 11 I i ?.ne dealer. The ma:. *oo, mutt previ I? ?n ... ? that ' tured of b*- | a < rdeai ?i and the I con* . - the part> lltj ?. the ear. ? to the cotnnany, and a belief . . permanence of both m?r r the ei in th? u?e of hla car ing proper attention to el? cation, cooling ?nd ?very i?-te!] M driving. Shipping Information and Marine News of the World Vessels Arriving at and De? parting from Port of New York. MlVIATntE tSSUOt??. Bm.rU'. '.?, N_Bt, ??'? ??? ?"* '" m n.JOIi'l 1*?. ?" a. m . n.o?>ii'i ?*?? _ n run watt.-. ? *r a SSI.. A M- ?,", ? ?, I It a luana . ... ? j4 ? >. incoming si tamers. TO-DAY Vaassl S5? K "\ Patria . C!S~ ......... fr?! '.**;?? . ' T --r-?*r-_-t? . '* ' ? i .__rTi..::. .Kit i .R._ fgaleghlree . a.-.Viri.i' . C*?rlUa . ArrtiaMSt ... *???'?'??'?. ?:;.::: ?. ?? Bau??tlssi .. ?? ?? -.. Omtt Tl ?BAT JAM AKY ? ?sas?,. sata-v.-.v.-.v.-?S 33? ."?"???:.&?- ?- :::::E[? "* ??? ? ?:? ".I'-'-iJ i.K ' BBDBSBPAT lAW AttY S h.radrta ?V ..... Sir*? . lu _ "?laissas j, ? ? ? . . ?. Ve? ? -? a ?>- H II ..... . ja-a- rula !. ?i? Baa "-.?au. OlTl.OINT, STF.AMKKS. N I'AY Mai:? v....' y ? .a , t'nt'?"1 StsBa I - laUsMSI 1 ? i Inai Uli I ? ... CaUfemlaa itariiado. . 1 o" pin P inia - 1? "0 01 PA ?? Arg?r,Una. 11 0? am Uauil'.taNi, Norfoia ! 01 ym IDA1 JAM AH? a BaKbsiatieei Bordeaux .. liftai i "i pm -, ,. igtielrao. N'ap ?- f> ??, ? Tuna. Hacerle I 1? am I . I' I 9 ?-a ' - . ' -? . '.) ru di ? - ' pm ! . . . ? ?'Ut of M< ? a ?-' -nar.naJ, ? *' ? .. ?? ttTl'N -. ? ? ISt ? H'-1iit K "?t "am | . ?? a . , ? ... ? s. lu?n i.Maai ?'..'. .... Hut'. . i ? - ?mi .? .? ?? .?? ?. .. -..,,,..> . ? -j TRANSPA. 1IIC MAUS. *I*-*atl. j?;*?r.. . r-? . r?a ?ai i'? ? ? ? ? ? ? . ? ? - ? ? ? (I A>: ? -. . ? a ?V*tt "ao l? Hawaii. Samean I -.-;,. ni Jui II I 11* rt? ' V Har? "in 14 ..: ? -i i y::.:. -.? I- tadl M? --a-i i- : ? Jan :?J J?D?n t'ir-a I ? Mam Jas 1? Et? .'?ta;-. . - a bland? ;?o IT r. i . i ? ? . 'i ? . J?n 11 ? ... ? ? ' , ' . ' , v.< ? . ? I Ba? sa 10. Rio d? JanaJi? 13. Palca !> art Bar*-a/tn? ft. ? I'. . .1 II- B-'*?n Per '? ?1? BfWl'a 3), te ; H "Vil ha?'- * . ? ,. ' - . ; , "? i.? ?? ? a i ? n 14 II. '. . . - I ? m . . ? ' -r 1?, ? . ? import l p m ???ancaf ?? a*>r |*r? Ball* a. I ? ? -. , 1 .<* a ra . ? . _ . -,,? j^ I 1 ??' P, . a I . : T r ?.- I ? "l- < - . ? < .... ? . ? #. ? ? ? ? Si I .... ... Qsiir, ? t : 'AV R ? ' ? * .. B?'?rtl ."? STEAMEIfl \l i mm l ,\ POBTB. "The l'ut.lle He l'l?-???*.! " BOSTON !? 2.6; ?us Bunt and Kail. K(il'M) TKIP. ?3.1. PROVIDENCE $1.61 BOCMP TKll*. SSoov Colonial Line pr>, ri?, an le? ?Yeah ?era *nI tan dara s< '?' N Item rt-** ? '? B foot ?BrsMl Hoast n ?I All Uut?irle R.ioin? ?1.IN) la ??.00. IVirele?? e?anl-.,iiieD?. I y r.iwn OO ?. Broil?*/ and aid Bb Ml. FALLRIVERLINE TO BOSTON $3.03 1_? PM'P. H. M R. "*- Fuiron at-. Dally tt ? 00 F M N?s? london (1Sors, Ich. I Ine i I.r Pl*r 40. N ?: f: il .?tou oi , ???* ?*,?>? ?air, 6 si r m r?, t R.. tt ?, *id st. S-M P. M. ?jr w.'T.tiiTia e-.?ii,.c. ?i...-, |i M ^<" |?n i*-ihk ?tATraooM?, si a?. I?.lb. Inrlmiffg Similar. Vofl p m. I PrSBB Pif II | ? >*,?.., i-i.i H-wauau I r*"? Tl<-l?r' iiffle. un H-.?u1*?ir N T ? __1^_1_J1jj1_L^* R ?n a 1 .M St I FRENCH LINE Um;, i,n ' ?.. lUTieie ? run* >lU?il ..tua PllsT M M-.Kt I? r Sailings for BORDEAUX ROCHAMBEAU. .J.n 4.1P.M. LA TOURAINE.Jan. 8.3 P.M. LAFAYETTE. .Jan. 15, .1 P. M. ESPAGNE.Jan. 2.1. I P M. F' ?? IN", ?i mat: N .?. PL? C0MPAi.'*i OFF.::, ?C ',; ) \ CUNARD .'.-,-..b.i?s<a n?) EUROPE via LIVERPOOL v( .\MrRONI.\.V>'e,i.|,n 12.10 MM IAT.. JAM. if, IS ?V M v \1 \ _l ? K?>l M> I UK ttliKI l> roll? r COMPANY 8 OFflCt. ? 1 ."I 8TATI ST.. ? 1 RFil ?'.)" I IMF neu u Line > ? a . a *??*?. I ?* a a M a a v. . . . - . BRAZIL iLLuru IRAXlLf . ?taB IV. a, t. c.rj.