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PEACE PILGRIMS BALK AT MINES Don't Want to Pay $50,000 to Run Risks of \'o> ago to The Hague. HOPF TO ARRANGE FOR TRIP BY RAIL If Germany Ni'fi-t-cs Permission Probably Hall of Parly Will Decline to Sail. n? 1 ? \ POCKM \v ibla t? *-**? fi Cop. mshlp ter of ? ?hip to c . ? take - ? ' ? ? ? .' ? ? party. ? ? a of ' - I ?I ? ? FORD. BACK, PLANS NEW PEACE DRIVE Contlnnesl from pa?e 1 ?.. . ? repare?! ? - l.ikod I'ubliclls. i n lavish I, hi ] ? B shl] "I dl ? ' ' ? ' - ?nent ? - AOVERTlSpil - ? |n \\'AR | Ql'R T),MB pRlEHDS J F.ACIT. ? * ? A ? ? ' pLIE C; { iND - -.* ? ?U I i ? > I ?1? It. 7 M s i T T!.? 'I . ? I 10 ?UN 1 ' m i-i" si r ? ? ?? ?- h?, r*?**, Maar York I . iii. r.? ?. _ i . . - i RETURNED PACIFIST AT PIER. . -,, Detroit banker, and Mr. Kr>rrl nr-oard Revenue ctitUr P. A I . I N" \\ ir oa ii-car II. "N'ot exactly from . e the c - - ? ? - )unt tc ? ;. The Brj an to Staj H< ra ? - ? I to sail for Th ? : ? i ? I > ? ? ? M.i* ?.,, ?broad ?gain. ? ? party . iA-'nlit sportars a ind the ? - ? ' ' 1 hm?; that's, "I 1, ? . .. rinnt. ' Reslly. I went with th? d show how far I wns willing to *.* e h er pan Go t<> Waldorf "hut rieht now I'\ [ want to g al ?-*!> the- end o' the intervies* - throat a: I ? whic ??el er marsnalli Mr. Kord, they ?en and i ? : ?oo?e fror * facts??a e?ta. ? ??? ? i sfte ? ? ?*arlie ? his em ? Mr. Ford reach-d the \V?:dorf hy wir 1 iuide and an au ?i him anc Morwegiao ird as ?h? . , ' Strett ? ?t th. f West 1 tot, Man tter had ht ? ?,,?>, -,,. ? ? ' Marqui?, Eda?l For. ? | rhe trip or had heen temporario It 1 ? d th' ?.arter . change c r" . ? t?< h floor had beer The bellhop?, flevato** operator? inr1 ? ? n rath ' again. They ? m rr.l?nt remind it had tend? to leave for t ? ' : II ?ailed. ''.o Hiltmore of ? told that the ted, alt tenc? if th? $!.iiu i ? "Too Bad It's Raining;1 Ford Comment at Pier A? the Bergenafjord slipped quietly Brooklyn pier i ot ? i wa? on hnnd . returning pi! trop!rip i Quarantine on ?i tp? then tl - ? ? -. ? ,.,?-, ? made through leeretar- of the Qtjar ? ??> ir?, and hurry pi tal. Th? ? 'Ti ?n? granted, it win N'o farther explana! on ?aa for*h ?? it aeeorded privilegei of the i laerved . governm? I ord, who had ???!. Mr?. M . rolt 1 inker ? / ? ? lard launch per ni'ii ?.t.* Inl ? | allowed aboard although Mr. Fluhrer nd effect . ? ? '?'? il !'iL*ton. The COast S Ittl r ' a.umef left m? offl hour in * ? I .??it. Having bellowed throrrh a megaphone made ?ho.-, and found the . Mr. Pord was ? ?T the rsi! ? - ran along-side. He greetings to the reportera. "\\ ? "" was his flr?t ? ?ueation. I Ir* appear? 1 around the , ?' the B< ? ft ivlng their ? the Pi Ited ?tate? look to ?.*d Ut) ? . ? lifferent 1 ? any other count r - ?lithont apparent enthusiasm. ? I at ?a? ml?e i ? ? - 'rum the cotter, end*Mr, Ford, a- perilonelv e moment unsupported on the rail, . ? " "Will yol? ? , , ? . * ? ' ? hi ? gra] hen an*t it. tor hv ?nd That wa? the Ol'.lj nn?wer Mr ' which had kloBg?id? thu cutter. I TWO P. S. BOARDS IDEA OPPOSED Thompson Favor? Single Commission, with the Chairman Referee. WOULD REPRESENT CITY AND STATE Wood's Mother, Still III, Cannot ? leslify Witnesses Flee to Other Slates. Senator (?eorf" I paOB, chair nan of the legislate eomaslttoe In r?atigatin_ 'no l*ublle Service Consiis. lion, ins i,pinion as Merten E Lea ,e< , ?? '? I eeoranit-i tee, in liai '.mi. Senator rhompaoa la*f iilirht ile ?'.l ? bat It eras I ? belief that a - .1 foi the satire stats sh.nii.l supplant the pr?sent two Pol BBMSlS? ?ions. "1 believe," '??! lenator Thompson, "m a single eonnis ion tor tin- ? ? it? v ? m? nbers. M i i -M - - ?? ;. s ' "??.an ? 'urls i i, (ru?, electricity and \ il i ...... r at ... ? ? I.? chosen from Ms ? foi h I tat?, and the seventh, I il? rr r part of thi state "I beliere that the Mew York Ci?? raenbers should constitute a horn- w th over all pul ? s ut> over th? ? ' p s to ,-> rpors i on if ..?? full - ? the v?-r ? <cve'i the enrpors t'.on WOuld h:.*i to | ' ' insti? gating eoni ' ' rK 't Bill i-et together on the quest. . -. ? thing constructiv.. to thi . .ore. . ? pen unable. ..... || . , nas in other stat? . ' ? have 1 if tH? ? at_)r Thoni as of bodies legal >f the ' i of I srhere i??n' - The char.-,'?, against Robert ? ? - ?on eonnlttee tlntsl, lay it will s.t in executive IS tl tends ( .. It onnissioner: The handbooks of i .-.rnm>?ion?r Wood rand nil brother, P Erskins Wood, and his mother 1 . ; i :a. Ti.? i aisbi letvrn if the*e hooks vail! shed BBS light on the mysterious paj tl 1450 tod nade every two week? since ? .im to the TuMic Service Commission. When*a EU SI issued fo Wood ihi ad inability to a pi ? um u month ago. Sinee then her red. ? Institute for Nrgrroes to Meet. A di meeting for the ? irr,"'? ?rill be held Frl I l the Dr Rob ert M, Pa ton. ppecial re| -? tote will t< srrted on hy the Episcopal ? ? it? ? ?' \ ?? industrial schl SO 1 and a training Hishop G~e? r, prei MOTORCYCLE COP SPEEDING TO FAME Howard D. Smith, Brooklyn Po? liceman. Mas Lye on Career in (irand Opera. Mew Tori ' even thousand rr rnen refuse to be out-farunoed by Patereon, and Howard D. Smith, a motorc . man they look im J <iuard. of th? Mel ?ii ? ipora, heard of than B year u^o, when opern ?? . id In tho 1 Academ; "He ... for a i " laid \i r. Guard In-? night "He had been m. ?he Brooklyn house. " 'I - . no of my fr.end? My 1 haie u jfond voice. Where ?hou!,. i*o to lee Dr. Frank 'i. I>ns??rt'? name vrs? sag* ? Dr. Di ert I taai ? 'he policeman called , . tereatad as soon as bs m?,| heai , palator slag h p. palar air. Thi? was ? r of a transl ?-om a plain, ordinary cop to an i t oi culture, iin That ?on while Smith t\as einging he : ' Arc, ?uireil ? . under her cha ? : $20-1 - -?-ins. lir. Dossert pred.h has ties ii tore for him. ???i., | s ? ? eery I ?? sato? ? ? I -ay-, "It Is a tenor of rare quality. < upon hi? intellectuality and hin environmi-n* and the amount of tine that he whither he develop? i tine." !? wi'hout any ' club oi - Tori cop - s tin been lingina ? H.,:(.r. tainnents. Oi rite rotes Is 1 ? in "Pagliaeei." Smith 11ms a' UM Hedford Avenue with his wife and two ?mall children. He has cnrr.ed off Brs. prizes at mar. y motorcycle race neat? und ha? r roc ord of a nil? ia 4 ? ? ? Beta ad? in4 who roamed Long slai ? , ago. ft 14th Street, near Fourth Avenue. I i'HU?STMAS OVF.R. TAT IS RAD Angora thai Hud Ire?. Ml II? <?*"* light?. Then Alt-irk? MUlre??. A pet Aagora eat, h? d In auel high Mteem bj Ita owi ? i Ports, of . I??ark, N .1.. thai tl ?? ?? I up a Chi fur it, turned 01 bei ? ? iterdar. I' t....k two d"i tor I n. Bl I] ' ? B hours t,, ban lag? hoi ? oui ? 6? ea "" ,"'r ? mibro?, din k Bad heed needed ?titeh?? ?nd "any around? aere eeaterised. While Mr*. Port eitainlng ? eallei ?he '.mi startled '",? a eomme lion on her porch, ?here she ' i i <*. pel for an ?Irin* found tl." A- gor? and ?. ti?>? ?.? eat rolling armi?o in a f u r:>.u . I By p.'iirlni; hot ?at?! "'' th? pair "hu finally aaparated 'hem Whi it ? ? nlcki-d *ii? 1er pet t.. takl honae the animal go? a' her. The Angora baa been leaahed on the porch for ?evnral day?' oh creation aad then It will he chloroformed .? PROMISED BIG TIM NOT TO WED; SUES Airs. .Mnhr, in Action Against Es? tate, Says She Is Mother of Sullivan's Daughter. Mr?. ?THUMB Mehr, '".h.! for many year? u?e.| th.? nnms of Mrs. Sarah Q. 8 iliivaa, ha? ?aad th? ??tat? of I ? ?. I?. Belli*an, i ? ? ? and that M ?ho da ugh i ? - 'I m. ? i ? I her. \ i I that M i " ? : ? on hla death. She furl Dr Herman I.. Bel?, a In the Pire Dei rything po?. girl. ad on an ?1 agreement I .. . ? ? , . . ? " ? ? <? was then t man ? ir? old. R ?ay? IB p.i I bl ' ? ''Ill of th? prom ii amount wai In ad ftllowa' late Repreaei tativi her Urs. Uohr add of her Albany he i i I? ., one-tl.. M. br ? and her daugh In ea ex? amination before tl ... .-i promise her i the J :.' Mr? Rohr woi sly to the eh I ? teen. In ??kir-g 'he cour* to I a? bole ,'.. f.-'.dnr ? '.' . ... . - ander tl . th? ? - ?ma a likellhoo?: ' the ? T. R. To Be at Defence Dinner. A land ""ri will he | board of I Hotel i ? Wednesday. Theodoi ?r of the board, will attend. . a full r . ort of the w.irk ?>? will be made to 1 t> tect GRIFENHAGENHA i A $112,000 TERP I Sheriffs Office Should Pa $15,000 and No Tees, He Reiterates. PERSONAL LIABILITY "MUCH EXAGGERATED Use Auto Vans to Prevent Fs capes, Says Report, First to Reveal Finances to Public. Mm " ',r fanhagen, in his report fo to Qeveraor Wr ? man, write, that in ISH ha rece | ! |?S his sslary o ? ,. ? II? 1916 fa s wll the sani< Thi? tin? In history that baa St public know jus how much has h^en paid for servie penaatloa also take? into ae count tho ] 'y of th However, this personal liability, at K to Mr ?''?'., has huei . ernted, and he reiterates that, th ?han $l?,0D '? It beini i ? - ? h rout: I Mon. "Befon | *he duties of m: ' the rep"", s'j.'e., "t had as It the compensation was com neasaratO with and not ?n excess o' the ser.-'ce rendered by the Sheriff and the responsibility of the orT.ce. Earl) in my administration I found that th? | claim of personal liability of the Sherifl had been largely exaiorerared, and that much, if not all, of ,l " pera? aal roa? "My experience has cot - ... ibility of the ? D en empelled to pay anount by way of dam \ n ony ?"Tub a!?o flg",ir?s in the ? recommends hreed ' ' |a to pay all should it in jail," th "Men who ai? or ? ild be sen* ?nt for debt i'crl." Is that '.te will : . Ludlowl jail. A-? r<> -in. criminal resnon?ibilitv and ? ?: "If r a 'h no I I, - more ; when con- ? lered v ? ? If ire con funetions ; ? In thi- connection Mi Grifeahages point? out that thera 1? no worlr o a erlmlnnl character for th? Sheriff'? office. R.igardlng the tranaferrlng of pr1?on?r? to Sing Hing and othar In atltutloaa It la suggested that amia mobil? ran? be aaad laatead of ral rond?. The present method enable? convicted men to m?et friend? and ?c oo>np?re? ?t the rnilroa'l atatlon. In two year? the Sheriff's staff has h?ndleri ?i*,100 prlaoner?. In the rnat'er of appointing ?peelal deputy ?herlffr there wa? a!?o a d* dded ehang? Mr >,r ' ? ? ? ? ? ? . deerisnr in office named 8,706 of 1 M tpoclala. In the adm.n. ?'ra' Dl |a?t Bt ded ther? ?era only 1 ? ' they were M?lgn?d *o actual work ?) n private prop?rtl?? which ? are not eovered by ?he police. Th? total amount of money ?ell? ted on Judgment? by way of Meant ?I ? and turned over to judgment rr?d ton or standing to th?*ir ere?lt, laa? atata-. totry fee?, I? 11,0 ' Plays and Players of the Film Worldl Mold your collective breath? alt tight for there'? ?n aw'ul abroad In the film world Mr. and Mr?. Sidney Drew . uncle and aunt of nteoe, Cthel Barrymore, et al.) are ?aid 'o he contemplating a change from the V'.'agraph to lom? other prod company. Fewi? B BtOtt?, appearing in "Bunny." !? the 'ero in "Honor's Altar," ? anglo-fnce feature, in which Retsie Barr?scala is another ?hining l'gh*. Eva Stan Pram . formerly ?tar In ? Ke-,? to ('.?i dpete," i? go'- .- ? picture? a? ?uppor* to Mary : the F.jultable route. "Madame X," Henry W. Sv.age's con? tribution to the film?, ?rill ?how Doro thy Donnelly In her original part, the myatcriea? "X." "A P?ri?ian Romance," a Man-field ?tarring vehicle, is being filmed by Fox, with if. ?ooper Cliff? In the rol? at Haron ('hevrial. Laaky and Paramour*: haTe r--"H -o ' . ? ?t??, that the p-. ! rr en might have more thinking room. Mary Mile? Hinter will make her ? ??? ?i-reen ? ;n "Roie of the V ?y," a Metro underworld play. Th? drat of Jules Eckert Ooodman*? ?? ' a dm i for photopla - t? "The F'oint of View." no? timed in Fort, N. J., oppos;'? "Street, Manhattan. The Republic Theatre 1? hein. to-night to film a theatr? York." a I'athe-A. II. Woods pro? duction. The N'ational Hoard of Censorship, fat? hung in d financial grip or lack of it live for another year, for the producer.? : - ' ? ? ? ? nance. in (ourtenay ha? Bat?eme ? iph -."ar. Hi? Aral ?ppearaaee a in "The Island of Surpriae Dr t yraa Townsend Rrady. The convention of the Motion F tut ? ? ' League of -he ( ri ted inada will be held In 8an Fran? cisco July IS to 16 inclusive. Truer? is to appear in a flirr. ver?ion of George Adc's "Artie," being produced by Vitagraph. Arthur Stringer's Sim play, "The Se? cret Agent," with Robert T. Haines in the leading far-*, ?rill he re!-a.seri Janu ury 11 by the Mutual. METROPOLITAN To-nlfht a: ? Msplf Plsfc ! -a . Wfl . t- j. ? I at...-,-a Thun. i? a Manon Lfacai.i ? ?"am??. T>? hi;. S-i . I Frl. .-. - i I!.- . - a. - Sit. a: Horn Goduno? ? ? - a ? Sasui ? B? .a ? Sat. a'. ? loll.) Trovaton Rappnld Mala? I mata. 1 ? .. Net Mr-, Prince Ipor. ? ? Am?-..,, I Ida. Sal ?,-!'. _ HABPMt CENTURY T,,EATRF-,. SERGE DE D1AGHILEFFS BALLET RUSSE TWO WEEKS ONLY COMMINCINO. MNi AI?Y I7TH I9H. ?Sice NOW OPEN FRENCH FLOTILLA BENEFIT GALA CONCERT ,t METROPOLITAN Opera House TO-MORROW EV^'ING. AT 8:45 ?.a?i ? a KH'n' . an. ,,v.. ,.; a . i . ^ , a III IMIill II IlK ** AUl.U'H I \ l..a - ' ale at Th? I . i artera, St - ?-? i - * . a - . .1 . H I I'.O to $1^5 IOam NOw^-Tl?vOPEN IQ-30P? AsrsiMioKSo* ^4JL-**^ Asm ? .,..'.?? LtXIWGTOM AvENUt 4-6-47TK.St?rrr? Maxine Elliott's Theatre ^".'./J; sGUILBERT I (?'morrow (lues.) \ft. at 3 ? "a at Box I ? - .no. tl CAT H amlrk-anROOF;-.'-'!;1 .-.A, I M , l.u.. I 16. Isifa h-a.^r I Singer'sMidgets I OTHER ACTS ?. ? F?-I.a~l ?M?.t-d?Cnmfortabl?. BROADWAY p , ? ...,' U , .. . | a_ || GERALDINE FARRAR "TFMPTATIflN" pabavoi s r M?**nrsi ? ?-'"? i rt I ?Val PART ""?S* iPHIIICESS PAT MLS1'AL HIT. I ? ? FIEANOR PAISTE?. STANDARD ! :...... . S'-Ta?sT10" i ? - -Mar,. Mil?, ' un. Tiiea \rt., i,n i. _t ^. FANNING FRANCES ?aTARR Mari. Moiitv ii mi . tmsm m., ?lau s. Ht B. ? CECIL . . ? n IMar.o \l.?)l I \N II \l I . Mil* \ri r IlSi.llV ,at ? MMK. PETSCHNIKOFF ma ' ? .: Rudolph Oui. ? - - .. Plan?. SCHELUNCkffl ) a L, 111A N MALI MONOAV ??_ Af T J..N i Ara _? ai ???. ? %A SEATS NOW 1 .ajo i PHILHARMONIC BOCIKT? "F N JO-I I - . i. t\*-hl ? ilMH < KlR. Nul Frl. AftariMI at 1 .iO?CAHN11,1 E HALL ?oui?-1 Pli y v t? M WIM II! N * ? Sj *Tj ?j B***. Prftfrar: '*?"*? WORLO" SYMPHONY. Ni-?t Batorday t ?s il I !'? **nm?M*a Hall. r;1,;:1;1 grainger I i il IIKOtl -I*.". ORI1 ?. PHOOH ?M I I ' fil ' < L T.. ?-"adi,?i? ? ? i I el " IIT?NEE ?A.l?.". /sToO ?*ik f to us? > HIP-HiP HOORAY QOIl?;* ouiOAnaNi ,. L H. Bonulit* Wlaff^? PAVLOWA X>Kl\7v " ELSIE JANIS ? Al.ALI: ..?.,., a COLONIAL ? ? . ..'1 A Il y. .4? ?. ?? BONNIE GLASS. A s - . .? , H Mi. t I GARDEN , . -,"\ THF* WEAVERS Punch A Judy ? "y?HTM, TREASURE ISLAND BuNPfiox , .?. I A?. Platal B* I <"? iv^?il::'iio:E'c,?^Y^i AL. 10MI.I? IML tVtlCT NkiMT. IL. I M. VERY GOOD EDDIE 48TH ST. -.' ,. T: '..' LAS I 2 WEEKS JULIA ARTHUR THE ETERNAL MAGDALENE MTK *~ ? -? ? '?'-?? ?'?? I ft Bet., i ?' THE UNCH?sihr?t?) WOMAN MANHATTAN \ J TO-NIGHT RETURN MATCH AT TO A FINISH. ?' ? i ? i late** DU DT fill REGULAR D U 11 I U 11 WINTER HOLMES S",ES s SUND. FA'S. ?-M) CARNEGIE HALL 5 M( IND. MATS, at 3 CANPLF.R 1HEA. Florida . a D',.ri In OlilP. Gra"d Canyon "a. iflo Enffoi'n I - . COURSE SALE ?-. Wed. Ian. 5 DsSfSS ' ??? 13. ?' t? aad 1. SYMPHONY 1 o r U . S ?OIOSS or ?? e ?? ??ark. \t \l UK IllMKOM H ioiiihi I.... N?tI M A't. Jpn 7?N??t Sup A't Jan. I ?OLOIST i Kir/. Kreisler ???a-a ?t n?i ?Tfl.-a Mal R--n ISN Aac'tan HaT,. Madison Square Garden Poultry Show pfs-^mfx-r SU?, .lanuflrr I??. 2nd. Sr<t, llh. Ma, n \. >i to r. >i. Poultry Pigeona Rare Wild Birda U. S. Got'I Eiaibit Educational Prorrata Aalmtaatoa s'1'? ChllSraa . ONLY I i>AVH If? i'1 VITAGRAPH jjjjg ? GreenStocfcings"...: "; ? COLUMBIA UBI ?;??li?".i. l/'Ki ;ili.!.c, . r. 44TH ST. B.p. - II Mat* Vta.l A Sa- 1 1} A^, h.:t;. t KATINKA ! M.aln. lluatt , .ai. Mala. Wed A?al : LOU-TELLEGEN WARE CASE OPENING TUESDAY, JAN. 11, HILLI?RD M a vr-v ?*__! THE PRIDE OF RACE a - . ? a M CASINO r.'H S " Bat? Bed A M? THE BLUE PARAULSt L^.;L playhouse ?fi. 5,-3 i?..-?? y: GRACE .. MAJOR GEORGE %3j BARBARA ?HUBERT En t l| aim Bad t Hi ) ? ALONE AT LAST ;;:... . I OBI D V. E?|i I M '?'. ' ?? I if r ? I 1 - ? :.?e \\ rl.t I DO YOU KNOW THAT ABLE POTASH MAWRUSS PERLMUTTER AH? ?AOt IN NIW YORK AT *TM*E LYRIC THEATRE ?^^J*+m*'V*HW?a'WLt* (-?-AY ? ??*A. 1SI POTASH-PERLMUTTER ABE MAWRUSS FIRE PERIL FOUND IN CYCLE GARAGES Oil-Soaked Floori and Raring Torches in Shop Under Tenements, PREVENTION BUREAU INSPECTION n-r-GED .--? W'allstein Asks NUyoi to Slff??i Action by Aldermen Reco??. I mends Permit f ] An araeadiaent to th? ? .... ] to ?limlnat? the f" ? ? . ,. I fi'im storing mo1 ?i I premise? i? urged by . I If?) - " tlea of s.x'yseven '.?a-?-, i cycl ?i?- -, . . ? I 'In Chi< ? ?? aam I 'i ?? I -, I -'?at?*. I that a cony o? i ? ? '? in co ? I r!ub ?i rapair of *?r- ? i meei I l?t '. I the pen j pol - . "? <: I . I f I ' ' I ? fas I I -*.-*. ?I ???I '? "I Three the . ??? ? hall. A . -. ? t- ?. ; .' . m: s i i Mus,, in i i.i*. 1 NEW U)AM ! THE in TH? GALA 83d Tl With a Bon Voya?-* I Pleasure Seeker? Emba;' on the Meal F.i?. initin? I That His Ever Made I I M I ? ? i ? ven. KL"-* s. E?*L->-. F l.a 3 IBATI C?L COMCOV KNOW s ro t*-. ITA THE OLD YEAR'S DELIGHT MAKES THE NEW YEAR BRIGHT! I 8*sl, r- . I *? ?i^fei* GAIETY SADIE LOVE "5? COHANS Orib Sr\I S SE.H ? "Cock 0* Ihr Wil'l LIBERTY '' THE BLUE PIERrtOTS liberty JULIA SANDERSO? ntxtTRE DONALD BRIAN Monday, JOSEPH CAWrHOM*"! si ip.?. SYBIL --?.i mur?. ? EMPIRE MAUDE ADAMs "PETER PA.T N-vt V LYCFUM " ' (ETHEL BAKRYM?.-.. ' * -OLR MHS HARRIS THE GEVIL'S GARDEN HUDSON Il I , i s ? IN ? ' M "BUNNY" With LEWIS S. SI ONE. FULTON R-Ur-H H.hZ m R? BLES I B?H?? BOOMERANG 4 Sr. la ' ? ??* LONGACRE LEODITRI TEL ASTOR HIT-THE-TRAI! *: ? ? ?DAI CANDLER THE HOUSE OF GU . MAT? ? ELTINCE REPUBLIC K-LaliL-i; GLOBE GABY D E SL Y S Prp] THEATRE FRAN?AIS ?ON I, ? V O R "rj TVEATRI W ANDRE \|/ AND I SON HOMME n ? >i i m \ i ? to. dm ?CHEAT H A trand1 S ' f.*aV -AIL il*.. '? ? ' *"* -*** '