Newspaper Page Text
n miracle i ne a? *? ' . ? ? beats "Th.- i drowi ? c. nfte liner I lace." i Ov\ ? ? \ ? - . int ha? land? r\,\ rec ? Mard Ross day. In eonaect bmarin v twenty Pi sobma - the loe? ef sixty-S? k hy mines, the'. ?__ ?a will disavow any misde: Conllninvl frntn ras-? 1 will ho disavowed prom] reparation made fa^r Americans and tho aul - ,'ommai avtreri ? ihed lt i* andentood that Raron 7. v. . call upon Seen rpoee oi formally com? ; -intr to pain understand Ul ' : Si ?' for tho . 0? 1 Snnk XXithotit ^X'arning. That tho liner was Fur.k xvitr warning" and xvit!i tho loss of "orioan life xvas cf li?hed by a report from tho Am at Alexandria, Garr?is. Tho Stute Departir made public the following i of his report : "Persia ? ink nOO miles northv a at 1:0l noon o? ' -? -".er si in five n vino ^ l - on the Pi ? live out ?nd ci were landed at Alexandria Janui 1. (hurles H. G vi\- - . ri wat? ? .' ? ? ? gove nan 1 tl led wl To 1 ::ie te nical lao ? hen p tally eonvin fur- . the whole Am both at home and abro ami the chai.- t is deal::.?; wholly , fr?en ... ? der and ' Hoi Kerall llea-perian Cas*. In connection wi call? stances ? two v ? peri an ? - ?lor von Bernatorfl 1 s ?witr- ng was i bmi i.nd there was the:., as r,' ? . ? I call ?luest'.oT: ? the h ador. But the Btat? rtment 1 - . cal Baa ? all r. ' nou: <?:.! ? ? I ? ? here, t popular > i ? full fai .- ? Pro' ? . ' ; to ha ? ? ? fiai!. liner for . ' la - ?echn ^w ^k Ut ^?er, ^P oth? W f During >d fait aa si b .. I arent'y that. an> ' rma marii how, . d the statement so that || a - only a 1 Hut -trian 5uC . ? h.-e ?i know; :or months. >unk in Payliirlit. taken fot h tr . .\e ha? ? he aaa? torpedoed In broad day . when her character wa? < .,b!e. and C er decks n ? the Mibmi ? anil ? ne X Ule de la < iotat, !?,-. . , ? ii ? the lje ? made ? One will ? rnsany'e com-,- ?n this - ca?e ami disavow ind a| ? he act wa? ? ? tude in German ore." is when the Ai that . In the Arabic ca?e I ment ?? I ? i? view ; diaavewed 1 ? [ended th? aebaaarlM coaaaaaBijer. IS CUP YET FULL. LONDON ASKS U. S. Press Denounces Sinking of Persia as Outrage of Nations' I aw. SCOFFS AT PLEDGE GIVEN BY VIENNA "No Room for Hollow 1 \ planations to Amuse Washington." London, "en 8- lie London morn? ing pnr?v? in ?d ' the ?inkinj; Penis denounc? the act in ?cathing terms, and nsk whether the cur of Teutonic enormity, ?s fai as America ii concerned, il y, t fall. "The Pont" say?: "We lung ago r?' lmquii-hed nil expectation that ? - - . . . (factually I rapi ? . . 'aw It is naturally u ma" their OS BCienee, 1 it ?1 the name m? it thi with to th? Allied bel? ts that t! ? trade with the er ? "The Time?'?' assuming ? muy possibly ha ?erman or a Turkit-h fubma: :lag is attained by thii ?reih outrage there i? no room for leal ex V'ienns **o\.. amuse Wh-hingt II cannot I tended that the Persia w-ns torpcdi.ed ;n such a ? on thai ' h?T? been save ! bul the culpable ? cpligejpre of the Ct - ?] di] ??:? ?"> nee of ins In the Ancono ras,. Kven ? I c nicism can nutei ' "Thi 1 ? ? in hie I ? il "Thi ? ? ? ? nit. . . na the pot ning Berlin and Vienna. The . ? '? "The Chronicle" says: "I of thi? appalling re thi The form. ? ng the 1 sent to Wi ? . si mull Muru, the Ville de 11 could i con tempt r ? le "ill ? :de." These Shoes NOT on Sale Until Tuesday f tanklin Simon a Co Fifth Avenue Merfs Shoe: ?Shop I West -38th St.?Store Floor Separate Shop, a step from Fifth Avenue Anniial Sale Tuesday These Shoes are our regular stoel^ and not bought for sale purposes Men's Banister Shoes Fifty Styles including Cloth or Buckskin tops Mahogany, Dark Tan <<\ Black Russia Calfskin? with top-* of same; I aupe, 1 .m 01 Blai k Bu< kskin. Importer! F',itent ( alfskin with tops <,f Dull Mai Kidskin, ' loth or raupe Buckskin, laced oi button styles. .5.50 Heretofore $7.00 Men's "Franklin" Shoes Forty styles in Novelty or Conservative Lasts Of ?-dec ted leathers, in button and la< e shoe? I an Russia -kin. Dull Gun Metal Calfskin. Patent ( oltskin. with tops of saine or cloth, al*?o Tan Box ( alfakin Golf .Shoes. 4.00 Heretofore l5.00 and $6.00 Thomas Cori Shoes Bench Made, Hand Sewed Of Black or Tan Imported Calfskin, also Imported Patent Calfskin. 7.50 Heretofore $9.50 Biltmore Ice Gardens (BILTMORE HOTEL I OPEN AIR SKATING OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FOR THREE SESSIONS?DAILY lairpt Inetda? and Inundar Aiterneeni, Saturday Moronga and soadari. GLASS ENCLOSED TEA ROOMS. n.mcing in the Class Ro?i\ after 10.10 P. M. ?JJB MORNING SESSION tt? 1 ~? 9:30 to 12t30 ?P * AFTERNOON SESSION ?O inci,.dinf 2:30 to 6i30 *?P'?? Aftornoon Ttxa EVENING SESSION fro including 8:30 to 11 <?** BuiM Su pp?T ?Or Exhibition Skatini Ft OF f by ALFRED & SIGRID NAESS THE HIPPODROME j__ ?"^ya, Nalay'a Muaic Conipatent Imtructor? ? I b) the fat? of t!... I Amor can pa ? i h? l1 ..i. Nee ? " should like tu believe for thi ? not, i n 11 w |. . - right to ehoi It complaint or cr de i- uniuali?ed i ed." WILSON LUCKY, GERMAN VIE\ Austria Let Him Escap from Blind Alley in Ancona ('ase. Jan. 2. The "l?amburg ? " t o 11 i vnvv of the tenor i the ; that ... ? . * American sun**>! i ? ria Elungai ? t givi , pn '? ? '? ? art d desire to present ? I . ? ?: will hav< ' ? tl "( an t Be As-iinud." . ? enc? o. ? menta in Am? rica ca? ? rspsper say? that Vienna ? mad? '? illegal was ill c natmueh as ? "*A hethi r Pi acknowledge ?**ro at preaent fi ? does not ? ll show the principle ? . consideration in tin? ? ? ? ? ti .n not? in iti introduc? ir! ly, but ?? "If ? h? "**ill not i limit, but ? tent ktus n i.i ry, w i t h SpS will be able to im i i ?i A?iei ieani ? redits taetrlaa Coaeillatlaa. If th? matt etlled, "Ti Frankfurter Z?MtungM i, it ?-?? 11 I i due t" IV. :??: ? V. .Ison'? man ??r ,,t' handling it. hut rather to th, itory | of 1 I ? tral '.aid neutral "Ti. ' X,:k? Eeitung" *ay? "Thi- I ? i more ?? the lofty, ele^aiit and Ml ? , BBcl advantag i .-i<* paper ;.t i if th? Th. ry attitude of Austria "The Volks Zeitung^ says, "probabl? will make it very eaey for Pre ! fron, the blind . i . . . GREEK KING CALLS DOCTORS laao Teuton Professor* Arrive al Athens to Attend ? onstanllne. I endon, .Tan. L'. A Heuler ?liapatch from Athens, filed on Friday, pa' Profcaaor Friderich Krau.-, of Berlin, ? erg, of x who attended Kini,' Constantin? durin ; ? ;>rinfr. have retur the wound left hy ? ration perfo.riied in June, which The wound ;- giving the K ible, although his ? elberg perform? which con- 'he re th rib. The I 1 ted to ? on a illght ? WAIT THE FACTS WARN EDITOI "Wanton Murder" if Li Ancona, Says "The World." WILSON VICTORY CALLED MOCKEK Hidden Purpose Seon in t Revival of U-Boti Otitraggf. "The World." Painful a? is the imprOMloa creat In tin? cnuntrv hy the de?t rm-r ,,,n th? steamship IVrs a, presumably I an Austrian submarine, what mu?t I th? feeling in the Pereign OtBca Vienna 1 In the Ancona nota Austria sal serihed ?new to the law? which ho ? tl "'he ?acred commandments of hi inanity UlttSt he ?bMITod In War." eond?mn?d th? conduct af th? lubmi rino eommandcr ia thai natane? an i i red hi that he had been "punish? for ?????ding In? instruction?." It ei praaaad ragrat for the occurrence, al f. ?. ! t., |.,? |ndi mi .'v In th? ri,?? i American sufferers and pledg? : not to destinv | : .'? hip -. ??1 tai ing or etfer ng raaiataaea. without vint ine all mi boat d in -.ifety. The lead faith of a groat nation i Involved '.'? thi? militer, and we mus ir, decency await the communient mri? profoundly apologetic parhaps, whiel ?.. (rannet fail to believe it will mak haste to prooonl If the undersea commander had no received iaatTUCttana in harmony ?ritl the principle? net for'h in 'lie Anconi ?...??,:?. ? ?: i ? ? ??? i ed, di i *-?? tr.i i d?i murder which no government not committed U laragery can n?gl?et '.> disavow ni ?hie. I rieaaneaa boa been common ??ruiiiC'h In this war. hut that*? id ? h ing ? ?rs? than lawlei ? i We m? ? : * ' ? -'?? in the downright ni except m der con? vincing pp derate, ible. "The Sun." rh? reati king of I ? imshin Persia ? ill not he ? r ?rill th> .- ? ? v 11 n - leroga ted State* to withhold * ? nu rit nntil they have ? ? the eireutn <* hand, the government nmv he depended upon to take whatever ?tap? Mhnll be nereaasry to fur'ber the eies to which It la com.| fed, have received ?? notable indei ' from patriotic citizen? in all BBI mtry. XX'i eoneelve the present morn be highly inauapieioae foi ladal baaed ob partie ports and for the enunciation of In the terminology of I th,. mischief breeding conjunction playi an important part. Ihe "Staats-Zeitung." Jt is a'lniltted that, tho Persia in fact a transport She had at ?'mnny soldiors," though "ail were I rIIinjr; a? private citizen?," airor "*o Admiralty annoaneeasent,* The Germaa and Austro Hung? govern ment I have stated "thai the ??red eommandi ir 11 ef humanity r he oh -ei ' c! ?No in war " IVe mast wait until we have the facts of the eaaa at head hefere ? ?lemning Xust ria-Hurigarv or Cern? for the sinking: of the Pera la ? hut ?he meantime we can wl! ask o ^e?aes If it Is r,r,t Bitbin the light I duties of 'he ('ni irrem t? inteies' '?*? In the elucidation of eertaln QBeetl? repeatedly brought to the fore by li Incidente, "The Philadelphia Inquirer." Ar the detail? of this latest r-ri against International law and every ?: i?rr of humanity come in, the b bant'/ of the Persia'? submarine Mutant becomes as sickening a.a it HOpall ing The President has seat scholai words across the Mean XX'e have eeived scholarly words and beautil platitudes in reply, Words without dc,-!s are worthla And that Is what i the matter wi the government of the United Stal ai represented by Woodrow Wilson The Philadelphia Pabllc I.ealger." tail is lacking to ?mpl brutal atrocity of the sinking ef tl Persia Mum there be a debate abe the facts before tome decisive ;.,- i taken 1 Whet German er Anetriaa, Turkish or Hu ganan, ?loes not matter. This barbarity was all a part of policy for which the Teutonic now," and their alli?e are ind vidually ar coller' ... respoi hie. There i on! oie effective .aav of protesting again it, and that is n?>t by writing BOtei HOW long, how long, shall the cour s"ls of fearful hesitation preva 1 I Ho much greater a toll shall human'" pa before thi- great republic stand? bold ? , call the ?loers of such in account? "The Boston Traveler" Is h ier the capable g . anee of her German guardiaa, playinr, at th s time a double role for a purpose? Is perucopic piracy to con on the Mediterranean as it sal continued .-<;:.,-e the administration de? ? ? ,| its ultimatum to Austria, even It nation deniee, disavow?, com? n lies the ttory v 'ii which some of :.. ? ? apere blos?onied '.' W< ha-. ? seen whal ire capabln of doing in a friendly e? .: try to whieh they are accredited. Why should we expect better thj .'? " ng iu , our demands that the Teu? ti ? ref >rm their naval methods in the liljhting /one? \\'ord-i are the c. ? lale that nal o i ??? war employ, "Ihe Beaton ll?-rald." 1' indicates that the Teutonic powers This Clothing NOT on Sale Until Tuesday franhltn 5imcn & Co. Fifth Avenue ?7er-\s Cloihw? Shop S West .Wth St.?Store I loor Separate Shop, a Step from Fifth Avenue TUESDAY Annual Seile Men's Suits This is our regular stock ar]d no/ merchandise bought for sale purposes Men's Hand Tailored Suits 33 to 46 Chest Our regular stock of two, three* or four button models of the newest Invisible Overplaids, Overplaids combined with Stripes, Pencil or Combination Stripes, Checked Velour, Oxford Vienna, English Tweed or Blue Serge. Approved custom tailored models. 15.00 Heretofore $21.50 and $24.50 Men's Custom Tailored Suits 33 to 46 Chest Hand Tailored Read} to wear Suits, tailored throughout in our own shops according to the highest standards; trousers with reverse waistband and many other details of workmanship only to be found in the best custom tailors' products. Invisible Plaids, Stripes, Checks, Lnglish Tweed or Blue Serge in this season's newest weaves and colorings. .Many with silk lined sleeves. 20.00 Heretofore $27.50 to $35.00 Men's Custom Tailored Suits Newest imported Fabrics 33 to 46 Chest These Suits are made of Imported Fabrics, purchased from the leading English mills, including stripes, tweeds, herringbone combined with stripes and the new Invisible Overplaids, also lilue Serge; workmanship equal to the finest merchant tailoring. 25.00 Heretofore $35 00 to $45.00 Our best advertisement It is in the Equitable foyers, resting on an easel, h directory of important business names, alpha? betically arranged, in tvhitc letters on i black ground, and tve iri,fJi you irould read it, for it is a far better advertisement than this one. Equitable Building Corporation 120 Broadway Jemk^rUiUal (P?carancc nwsillotiMelkdac-tfiviiuf i vent oftlicVlalf-ifcar ynuotvituj tlie ucrt/ hu??mt character of l?omctw jas?uonahle Outer Apparel have not ah.indoned their brii'a! and harbnric lubmaiin? warfare carry ! non-com! . and that th? quit ' piven to thil hn? been due to the Hr | than a chonj?" oi I I lei i ?am? ex| ' inatioi . i I to chantre ti f It, the case of the to prove * xeeadingly .?erious. "The Roiton Tranaeripf." The proceeding flfl. .er.'- aro? ? Rurian's note, alth .ph we are that it moke? ? cessions lo the ,:o'. rn? ' ? ? :'e*. "Ihr Roaton Pi>?' It ?earn? ii ? one. What beari tl 1 ? i - r.*.rov?ri7 ?;? ? :- ? > gay, ?? .he facts is to the loss of the ve-..-**! aru vag-, tncomi These Furnishings NOT on Sale Until Tuesday ??franklin Simon a Co. lifth Avenue I ?j???& lurnishwg Shop \ 10 West 38th St.?Store I loor Separate Shop, <i step from Fifth Avenue Annual Sale-Tuesday This is our regular stock and nC)t merchandise bought for sale purposes Men's Madras Shirts In bright or conservative stripes; French cuffs. 1.00 Heretofore $1.50 Imported Madras Shirts Custom shirts of import*****! I'trii, h cUtft. 1.45 Heretofore $2.00 Men's Silk Shirts Of tub silk, light or dark ground? in a l.irge variety ol stripes and color?n 2.75 Heretofore $3.50 Men's Silk Scarfs Of heavy imported or domestic silk, in a large variety of colorings. .55 Heretofore $1.00 Men's Silk Scarfs Of heavy imported silks in a laurge vanet> of stripes, figures and combination coloring .85 Heretofore $1.50 to %2.00 Silk and Cotton Pajamas Men's Silk and Cotton Pajamas, made with ?iik loups and pearl buttons, surplice neck?, 1.65 Heretofore $2.50