Newspaper Page Text
PORTO RICO ASKS U. S. CITIZENSHIP Governor to Push Bill for Greater Worn- Rule in Congress, u ii sons Ml SSAOE CHEERS ISLANDERS ., pc | ght Over Philippiae In ice Will Nol Interfere ?a 1th rtielf Measure, 1 ; t? ? - ? ive ili - p .: Right. ? ? ? ? ' ? ? ' ? title? which heretofor? hav? d? \. loped ovei by Congt t'i half .?' Pol to Rico has e hi ? ? in poi tanl i lep ... ? i platform bj the ? irty, th.' n .j part) ind, i enouncing it*- innepi and ?? intining itself t" a poi Ic) ..i home ru!. Almos! Invariably in I "?i for tho i 'land "i v \\ s h .... earned ab< ut . ? \ cai ? -hip to ? ' r ?rai ?!<'.i to H ? i ? ? . tting forth objection? to any l?gislation thai did not provide for the ultimar* Inde d It la ai mitted ,\ ? to .: ver* ? . to de ? CITY TO MAKE RAILROADS PAY trtion it Kim i adei Dcrlalon to Com? pel Ki--.ui oi Hlghwaj Bridgea, ir Hard], ( ? . o . a hlch declai ? railroi muat meel th? es ? highway bridgea ? icka a ithln the been served ? . ? New \ .. '?) Kdward 1 R< . . v ; o :? pair ork and al I three ird Avenue, \ ? ?..*,, ? deal of . may be taken in similar ? t 'h city h m ?' ay bridges, ac ion is ? ? ..I laws ? n ? of the I of repairing ? ere r? pealed ? ? d tho railroads 5 OVERCOME, 2 DIE, IN GAS MYSTERY i amity Found Uacoasciooi Sewer i untos Theory Scooted. 1' "? ? l''i ???H -. two of v. hom do .1 Inter ?t Bellevtt? Hospital and whom were In ? critical ?andition ImI nigl ., were foui l am 01 seioua early v< '? rdaj n B tin,,- room Hat ?I '''t,; ' i ? rhirteenth sir.. ? !? ?,i? ?up* poaed at first the* had been overcome by aewer gas, but Amos Schaeffer, eon suiting engine? r foi the Burea? ai Sewei . dei lai ed I h I sea i i ga i coald ... apt I m fatal volume. 11 ? r-, Stems . twenty seven, lived I at the tlai with his wife, Mollie; theii ? nr old daughter, K.>-.e, ai mon*: Max, and a boarder | aren t..und uneon ? heir h. d a hi n Philip Seiler, a lahoi er, w< nl to t he Hal yi tel daj of the night b? for? he tid, ' . h id hi en "has mi: a good time" at the flat Ro i? ?n .:.?!?.! ?? hen doc . ? ? ,.,i. ru,' ot bei ? ei a I aken to Bellevue, when Sterngass, the father, uied lasl 1 n the ii."i- a told the police they frequently amelled aewi i > t hat the reliai i si some! ime flooded with sewage caused bj the backing up - ? .i pu..-. I ii ted Ive Clai e' ? ,* coal ga i'i om ;i heater cauaed the 11 ..-? \ ? j 1..?- lu -n ordi i ed by i loroi ? i Riord in m t h ,* ca ?.? of Ro ? to deter mine the cause of death. R. R. CLKRKS FRKE TO ACT British Bod) Qppoaea Draft Priariple, Hut Takes no Stand. I , ? \ ii .' rrn in** the principle or" strong opposition to any form of coi ? \ ? to be held on ? ? . ill he considered Th.- ?? ? ded on :1. ' tude in view of "the verj . circumstances of the I Todaj you ^f act the new business year. You sec this announcement in the morning pap< rs. You read it You xvill see another announce m? nt tonight in the evening papers, Still an? other tomorrow morning. And then tomorrov night vou reat] The Great Hinter Sale of Clothing for Men <;i course you know where the -vile will !?<? held, you recall the great sale -it' ti year You, who bought, recall the clothing. You, who did not buy, recall the advertisemeni and your failure to tais?- a<i\ antage <>t' the opportunity. Well, this sai?- is larger, better, and I won't miss it this year," you say, "I II start tin Xew Year right." Good! Good-bye until VYednesdav. John Wanamaker Broadway at Ninth Street, New York ?U?dii?l! illilillllllllllliililiiiiimimi. BIG REAL AND BUSINESS ACTION fioTos Buick Model D-Six-45 Touring Car. Wheeibase 115 inches; <"???" . Supreme in the Moderate Price Field. The Most Popular Six Cylinder Motor Car Ever Built ' C3 kr automobil. ? I the ?m.?^?Jj-;',*? , ..... itomobiles. "" ?-'o Less Advertising in rrint i nun <-* j .s.a. it ne of rui ?boat? and touring car-, ranging in pne? from ???V-Ua^rJU.?--.-' -"--'* am, Broadwaj and both Strt BUICK MOTOR COMPANY BROOKLYN ???58 Uringston StrcaH NEW YORK BROADWAY AT 55th STREET Factories Flint, Michigan NEWARK 45 William Street iiiniiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiniiii'iiiiii A T BTEWA ': r I .?inl-l ISM JiillS' WAS AM ?hi II |-,M||,.U.| | | I 1VW17 x??ie ^StandardStore of ?/1/nccica ? ? - . Today-The 58th Sale of WHITE \\r 1I1'aN ?mi-commissioner ** stepped off the S. S. Rotterdam ten <la\ >. ago she brought x\ith her six tranks straight from Paris. I lingerie, blouses, negligees fascinating, altogether new /<? dernier cri of the mode. A handful of novelties hut how they op? n one's eyes and clear one s \ ?sion! Skirts an- to be still wider and prettier. Silk pantalons that laee at the side or tasten like puttees around the knee are balloon like, thai they may prop, rlx extend the \ oluminous g m n in tli" hack. ( 'hemises, nightgowns, com? binations, princess slips and knickers one of a kind of each style are all cul on the radically ncxx lines thai an the logical next step to the u ?der garments introduced by the VVanamaker White Sal? last Max. V ? /&% fit ORIGINAL ?xcept?on ?AtlS ,v?o. 2,000 Mouses, $2 and $2.50 Crepe de chine, lace and chiffon blouses.white and colors, the manufacturers' entire stock on hand. Fresh, prettv, well-made blouses, equal to our $3.75 and bett _ les. H00 Silk Petticoats, $2 Pongee, taffeta, messaline and washable sil ? riot all siz? s in every style. Plain and changeable colors. 500 Silk Nightgowns, $2M% $'ISS ( repe ?!<? ( bine .nul liabutai, rather simple, daii I ?bon. Silk Underclothes at Lower Prices Silk rdgntgowns, oar owb 96.75 c< $23 grades tot 98 to ??? 1 -"?. Silk .trxi ?atin btootners, onr own tfl t?. 18.71 grades, for 84J0 and I Satin combinations, our own H I |21 grades, IB > to f 15 Satan en , our owb bj i to 512 13 grad? -, for -- OUr OWB - i our own |1S to ?O | - - - - Joe to $8.7.5 Other Novelties < Pockel nightgowns, $4.50 ?j Ch? mi ' . satin .-nul tu11<-.$3.50 Paris Lingerie Newly Priced t_ ( otnbinations of < ittremely wide drawers, skirt, chemise, $5.75 French nightgowns, our "?ii 58.? to HS (trades, t"r SB to 125. early Victorian cape that r? i mosl to the waistline \ lea . V Skirts of satin llouneed with bv; indicates the new wider lace, $5. silhouette; it is ol the softest taffeta l_ The Azalea chemise with im in rich, chai dashes of la? e, $3. , lace coat?the widest we have had' q g ... . [rearos- a Nightgown, y?t- $2.25 .. at a Li * "'' nightgowns, $3.75 Very NOtaOl6 t i,,,,., nightgowns with mere. is a special ; "'' -'' ''?"-? $2.50 le, hand 1' Flounced nightgowns, $3.50 Wide Hi eerie petticoi ? _,,, , ;iw.,l(i,.r" nitfl(.(1 ?ve have sold ? IS, $9, 110, n???htgowns, f3i? 112, and draw? grad . , . . . , t9 or _._ i Smocked nightgowns, 5?.?b ?.ve sell al $3.75. $5. $8. $9, S10. . ,? ., ? , , m ?-, en * lOUna N \-TU1ih Iil'J ll^riWIH I'll?. *?>? A fe* ,ice?ill now $2.50. , . ,. ,; ' , ,, at , . . ,,., .? _ ,, vitli folds .?i tin ii'tk and lace in- ' Jeanne, blouse ol ! rench voile lacturei ?vas . rc ,..??, , *.?. ... . ., sertions; m batiste, 33; washable M-itli Valenciennes lace, SZ. readv to alear Ins mad? cks? tl_ our coi er called i I ""n**1*" *1 Rosmu.nd.-. M.uw of French the mi ?i- -and, % ? I:11 -?nickers and petticoat voile, with pleated frills edged garment in I ' mbint?, $4.50. with ro.r blue, $2. mom. The gai f Cupid ?? of corsel cover, ?T V?ronique, blouse of sheer ba ln<j ?earlj ? i is included $2.25. combination, $3.75. tiste, simply hemstitched, $2. ? . n ? u. Inexpensive Paris Lingerie Paris Blouses ' ? -another special purchase and : Ordered a year ago from collections must heat least the marvelous needlework- L'"> per cent. more. Brides sample Mou ? ol sheer white ers of the Vosges mountains preparing their Spring ami just received from the trousseaux may like tu take steamer two weeks ago. advantage of tins informa The French fulfilled their tion. ohligati"iis scrupulously al though costs o*' cotton, thread, labor have advanced. Hut this is the last shipment Latp in the Autumn we cabled to at the prices. Succeeding our r^i is r. : the citv for last hour originalitl ! Silk gowns, our own 115 to w I < ircular flounced pantalons, rrades for ?*9 80 to $15 $1.50 ? - Lingei -:c lacliipi' , ! - Silk .Ikes, our o? -? ' i Lucinda .ink!'- l?nurt!i Princess arades, for ff2.S0 t?) ?9.50. i ? i - co ie "-' slips with long lines of lace, #B.7a. Lingerie ?<ir-?-t. covers, our oarn ? Brassier? corsel covers, $5. * ' ??" ***** '"r ? a-? ^. ,, . , Linsrrk drawers, our o?'n 81 to : to > f??r 1 i \ Siiiitii.'imptiiii house ?lr? >-> ot j ?-tripcil poplin, $5. ?T I'ink. tiiu'litrriiM?!,-. $1 tn $2.25. i_ I (and embroider? ds." don? in America, include charming $1 nightgowns. 4' Nightgowns of Fuji silk, $3.85. t I ngl? ?rood house ilr? ^> of 'tri|i<-(l cotton a itli gaj i" p 6 French Blouses Less Our iixMi collections showing slight signs of handling and in broken sizes I ng< rie blnusrs, mir own - - ?'? -? ?oa ?S I - id la? blouses, our own 86.75 to ?*23 grad? -. no? ft - I - ... hand made and rold Sizes 36 and 38 only. Priced 5S. Copies of Paris Novelties Ordered b\ Cable hite Sale of LINENS \fore than $50,000 worth of specially-priced liiiens jirocured during the year by keeping in daily touch with imnorters in New Vbrk and with manufacturers on Ihe ? other side. TIlC prices are extraordinarily low in face of I tight market and limited supply prie, s are advancingovcrnight. X- .n exampk ol the rcooomlira t,. I?- realised la this ti io , and Iri-li tabk cloths and some ti,- hund? direct from Belfasl al the bririnning ol tin- \? ?r. I'r. tweaty? five per cent, less than ?'? obliged to pa) B'bol? , 1 -the ? ide. - . S'apklns, |5 i The Linens Here arc Ml-I.inen Then are no skimped qualities, no makeshifts. Tltej are linens such as built the n putation of the A. T. them i? oped, , ?Stewart More. This Price List Suggests the VARIET? Drawei ? ?_? s ? Wider combination, | Tablecloths and Napkins tO , , i ,i - i i; _.* Scotch linen tabk cloths in delight i fui des gn , -t 50 to 87 '- ? M it? htn/a ii ipkin . 85, s- '>'< dozen tne City ior iasi nour onginanues. i /> . . /''//a* * T ?.,*/ /) ? Matching napkins, sa, em.? j oosrn. \ ca tainin? Ihem arrived SlD'hl'ISll!? {o/ICCtlOnS at Little I I'lCCS IrUh satin-like cloths st 25j earlv in Novemb ? ,.u?l.r ti,, rua. ' oc i . i it PC , i ; i t Matching napk ,9 ^ - ?? "'- ">"? ihe workrooms that ver; ?it-. 85c uightgowni a large collec- ?dc. sports skirts are ol piqu ? ?? ?? i Here tion n ith lac? s tnd i mliroideries, I a tenth ol the ,oW ,,r lu.u ?. the Pa ? inals. White Sale of CORSETS nul II, e vrrv mo'lel one .a- nr liigli necks. $1 nightgowns ?re divided into two groups; one "itli !i?l;!i or \ necks, the other \*.itli dainty low nii'k>: s wonderful collection ?>f film} cottons with fine lace and ? mbroiderv. Kven sleei i le i wears ordin?r it) for per? haps a third or half the usual price. Parisiana?. Corset?., mad h way, are of silky'bri . i ters are slightly im? perfect, this 11 ? lard gi ad - I priced 5 ;. JO. Redfern Cor?rti, I fer because the ire In the I 58; - c Sample brastierea of fine lace embroideries, sh ? s ol han $\ io to $6 ai .1 bel 15 a 11, S1.3 L. R. corieta, ordered when the factory wished to keep Its I include duplicate ilar "i certain i I n 12, |j i i $4 model ' ? ;-; iced for this v>i> Si. ?i 50 and .*;. rhird . i Silphin coraetp. pinl 'and h at : stf. ? lade e peciallj foi - a $2. Femina corteti. i SpOliS d made >'t satin brrxade usually rut in | corsets, now $2. Mme. Lyra coraet?. the Standard ?: . rade al * : L. R. corseti, the sta- dard 5 I model jt ?* '.'. i Aisle, Ma Id B i Id | Special Ameritan Lady and L. R. toraeta II 51 Subway Boor, old Baildiag. | Li.iw us ari m?' lud? 85c petticoats sre all new ami ? ?de, $1 pi Uicoats come i:i la enl y wider styles, all with underlays $1.50 skirts ,-ir<- trimmed with quantities of lace. Combinations begin it 85c. Envelope chemises begin al 75c. Drawers begin at 38c. Short petti? oats begin al 33c. Chemises begin al 50c. ( orsel cov? r> b< gin al 50c. Third floor, Old Building. Dir ' ' prices toirethrr with qu dltles we <Miui"t ?In Table Damasks : i aide, fh i* are could no! buy tod ly to ?ell d illar, ii"? 85c ? j ''ii jirici- .m unbleai ! ?m-in-, a i'l, X g l uill liter I X rich ds -- ,1 Turkish Towels ( cotton ) I i ell? lit ijij.ii.' our ??a? n US, >'.').>i" ai K! i . - i l - ! : Fancy Linens Linen Towels ? ? ?I,,"- w-fth quail pile ite and so reduced to hurry I link lowels, W, --(' ? -? - '? WJpfJ and up I ' 17 20 dosen. ? Mr yard. ,I(.n| , [?vprd kitchen, pantr, and glass ,?,?,?,,.,?,! l]i; towels, ?8, ?bO, t*M doten. kins, hemstitched ...... h nui ? iiihroider? : Odd INapkinS Irish hand-einbroidered guares ami ?'. ,i .i close i ' Hie . I , . ;?? ? - ; . f? j i, -a. -a SO, - i." , tine clun l and up to *12 doten. ' hiii?z" l ? ? ?' , Old / Now the Great Sale of WHITTALL Ru^s Wilton and Body Brussels in Discontinued Patterns? There are 1,782 rugs in all. to be offered in onr two stores. A large enough quantity to make interesting choosing. Bui none too large I'm- the great army of householders who know and appreciate Wh'ttall rugs. Whit tall rugs max he had for less than regular prices iiiil\- twice each year. The quantity each time is limited to the rn^rs remaining of the patterns which are being discontinued. Pattern are discontinued si thr mil! m.l\ because new Iteras are introduced rack ils rnonths .uni it N impossible t.? continue m iking sIL I he fai.i- XX'hitt .il qualitj g l, ,;..,,, today, Monda]. ob thr 1 mirth Gallery, New Building Anglo-Persians Royal Worcester Anglo Indians 27 s .xi in H'i x ti.'l m a ft. i ?n. ?-' ft. ,*l m. a I \)i['t... ?A : 12 ft. . :t i 15 ft.. ; ?- 6 in. \ ?i ft... ?. n 0 in. i mi. :i in ? i 9 fl f< x 12 ft. 9 x IS it im ? 9 ft... x 12 ft... ft ? In \ 12 f? ? X 10 ft. ?' in 101 . io y. i??'. UVi ii'. ft. 12 ft... 13', ft. 12 ft... 10 ft... .. 96.75 . . Io.:.", ,. 18.25 . i ; ; -, . IBM ::\ ;<< I :t ? ? v? ; - - ",'.' ' ? *> ., ', 7 00 aa ? , fiH.OO II"."ii Peerless Brussels '-'T x "il Inches.. :i" x "'A in :, ]'>' . x i": feet. I" x 12 ;??? ? i" i x IS< i,-1 11 '. xl^ feet... russ. rJrod? -;t ' 5.00 B, S I 12.00 i:.:?i t:i'H, $ 5.65 9.2S 11.25 15.00 15.65 20.85 26.00 18.75 33.65 45.00 49.50 45.00 54.00 74 7 5 65.50 74.75 84.25 74.75 93.50 /' . % 2.70 4.25 31.50 36.25 40.65 36.25 27 x ".t Inches. ax l. feet. i x ; feet. ? x 9 i--- * . s , \ i" , feet_ 9 x 9 feet. 9 x 12 feel. i ' ild feet,. . IO" \ 12 feet. . II feet. .. II . x 12 feet. 111, _ 15 feel ?_'.'( ? - > '."' '. '? M t- ? I ;i j. P $ 4 23 19.50 14.00 25.25 37.00 3 | .,.-, 40.75 4900 5G.00 63.00 26.00 70.00 > ; uches.. S3.75 Chlidema Bruisels Richmond Wiltons ', x 9 feel . !? x 12 i ? !? x l". feet Il , x 15 feet. - ii ? . :?_' so 92 I II- "> Teprac Wiltons / ? $31.50 50.75 70.00 87.50 I'ri 27 x " l i in lie-;. . ?'I ?, x 9 feel _? I ? ? , in. x 10 ft. " ? !? -. 12 I ' I tl in. \ 12 t ' ... | n ?? :. .?i x 12 t, ? II ft ? In. x 15 feet 5 a 00 8 50 I8.2S 20.78 29 50 40.80 40.50 4 5 OS 40 50 50 75 Arabic Wiltons - . in. Ii 27 x 54 Inch? M.tS $ ;t,65 10 ft " in \ 1 ? ft. <> m i- 0 42.50 I'? ft " m x 12 ? ' * 48.50 litt. .'} m \ |2 t,. !. . i , ?i 48.50 Ki ? :i x :? A i ? ? x i: X r ? _ 9 feel 9 x 15 feel i .A, S 5.85 ?a 50 13 II 16 50 13.50 23 00 5500 1 ourta Gallerv, Nrxv li.^iUlm