Newspaper Page Text
fi. it NE1 INCOME ALMOST TREBLES Earnings for Five Months Show ?in Increase of 52.13S.5Sr). T. Ri R. ALSO SHARES IN COUNTRY'S BOOM Ovemenl in Business Ro fleeted In Reports Made b\ I aro ( S\-terns. ? , \, .v ! .i.l ill ?icoiiie , Deeember f ? | Aith $1.173,. r pei f>arn- ! - -rr. 1?M4. ' od. ' I ">? li? Hii?i in thr ? ' I I .-?mi-ip* in ?'14 to ? lanM prr.r ? --xpen?c* 120,407,170 to ? " Si ; The ? ? esi ga la ajalta ? itera. The . S21 titt a? compai-pd with s. ? New w . ?,,. ? ,? ? the steam ? the com* 1527.161 174.177. The ? mpai ? .-nileys | 184 777 to "rVeatchaeter ?* Sarprlae, \i ? "the white sleahaat of the 11,(21 ? i. ? | bx|m ?.-?.- and taaei ' i a menth of compared with November, ?BF $1_',046. In ? r.'i4. ? ? -- now crTo ompanjr, ^,? liioh. for the fir-? tioif laffic thai. i ? \\ . < '-airniar. i ? : roblen hei I After d hardly - ? Bter volume . ' ? i nine than our truckage ' - u- to ! th firecisioti ? ..:*. -.-.c^.o:! ? ? ear patrol Si? il.n e i -I owing. letalk ' ' ? t el . r >mpai big thi live moat Novea ? ? the simili the folio-.? . .- irrt . . "hi? ra ,.. : . i , i ?. | . ' un -he Peans; ? irnings November increased I l ? moni . .... lj*,l3ft,<55o, to ? I f*17 :- . . montli ? ? ? ? ? las estaient, ai ? ? aataili r the Penn ? .-.i rom ? ? - ? i i < 4111 , ? . 1.a ?? a . a i <? a I ? < ! . ' . ?' -< ?n la^ ?I t Ml 4 20 HURT IN $100,000 FIRE IN PHILADELPHIA Young Couple Will Die Heroic Rescues in Apartment House. ? or* >on? ?ere Injured v ri'.i.,.^ ?. two el ? ill tin-, in m ire thai Bellevue Apertmenta hen- earl*. [ to-niRhr. V* ? I abet h Ustrum and two el are missing, ami ere believed to ha ? been burned to death. Some of the . oic attempts ? hile manj leaped from the uppi - buildings and wi , injured. on Gray and eld, wers caughi in their apart ans hold our but liighf ? . ? They merried lesa tin .- Iiurt in .. ' litrum, Ins j hit wifi to the street and > hack up the ladder to look for the older woman. As he reached the third' floor Mr?. Hucad plunged out of hei ' windo? i would-be rescuer. Both * ell to the street and ?? i re picked up unconscious. I man Dermody f< .i from :? ladder yvith Mr>. Buchard m his arm.. v the tirai if the 1 re about 200 per? sons weir in t> ? The blaze started m ? wests paper bin t'r?m a lighted ciga ; . (JO, $10.000 IN GOWNS FOR WIFE Beataa Man Here on Ht. Laals ?ith Trankful ol Paris liner-.. . way fron IS, and r?. Mabel Da\ idsoi . of Boston, re ? -i .-he had " blind sol ? work of ? of Tho trunkful of Peril ?,-ci Their velui They were ? the Appi i ? ,. dangerou to pon. Shi the dl ? ? convo} ! line. SETS TRAP TO END HIS LIFE tVHUara DiHi Kills llm>?elt in old Mansion with Shotgun Heiice. ? r\iile. N. J., Jan. W i ommitted di ?Id fern ? ? had ? ? udgs Bei kman i the departure ol ? and t*\ o Dill thi ling 1 eavily. ?. came the death of I. N. Dill in this 1 nuinlieis of the Family would i ? ? i Rescuer Overcome by Smoke. p.- ? West morning while waii . ? he had ASK CENSORSHIl FOR ?. S. PRE Army Officers Prop Plan to Control New! papers In War Time. WANT CONGRESS TO PREPARE NC General Staff Would Have P SOnnel and Details Worked Out in Advance. Washington, Jan. 2. Petaii? s plan for censorship in liais of i Worked OU< by the Army l?en?ral 8 ara n ealei n tha aaaual report General Hagh l Scott, (hie ."-:..,r. mads piibli?* te-nigat. Ths report laj1 it ii of rital im| tanre thai deAaita preparation ai this line be made before war 11 it hs or "we ma., anticipate greatei ? ... -ion than Gi ?eneed if no plam be i pared and no personnel h - u .-. i : oxecut'. ' ? ??' until the tIma ?hen eensorship and centre] th ? p* ? .a? BMI -ary a? Europe In 1014." 1 he ?tuff plan p vide-: r the -1 ? (le?ienatr,? bj l ? Navy ne directed resents press a ? und mi leading newspapers of the country diaftiiifi- legislation authori mp ; Preiidenl to nuc lastruetiom fer ec trol of publicatiiiri and censorship t r i e- f; ru p '.. cable and wirelsn snd mi eommumeauons. whenever inch rour may to him seem neeesssry for 'he d of the eountrj. "That ?uch draft, after approval the Judife Adi cata Geaeral Army, he cither inbmitted * "*ad\ to lUh ? . warranl action, ai ti e Pn i nay dee - or r.ot Buch draf? I . ai . (Tec1 Ii i eemoi ? .on?. Thesi each eabli. 11 and n which woi : by a eensor; periodicsli and corn .election of army snd na\ ' ers, preferably r^i ired, end eneed newspaper men &> pu of the rem?rate. Following the Brii (aaii tant Secrel .'.." could we ^e a?-igned as din ? ? irati. "In time o natioi al pe? and ah of legislation the Pr? direct a cei all eon n - r mail, cable, ? r or wireleaa; if neeesssry. de< si law to ai ? ? sffect ??a-. ..n of h commu!.' ighl prove ? ? ? i ? ? ?? '?? menta. $98.891.100 NEW GOLD IN 1911 ( alifornia Produced the Most?Nevad? Leads in SiImt. Washington, .tar.. 2. Gold valued af ,100 \* a- produ ? 1915 ir the I'lnted States, aero ding f ? the Mint and the '?? the total v.M.- *?'.'4.".:-. 1." S i I * - ' ' ' i m i educl ? (V. . ... '.VI til ? ? ' rado was ,191,200; \ . with $11,31 1,700. So othei late pro more tl 18,000,000 ? g iniii d 13.793,000 econd, with 1 ? , . nth. with ; Williams Club to Give Play "(iff.aei SS8" m II ba i ? ap and B ? W illlami I . th? Hotel P i ' ? ? ? . It will b tour. I .- ee will folio? ! . ? Iocs *nai ? ed of J.V Graham and How ?t Works A FEW of the most significant Adams artices, together with a detailed description of how the Money-Back Guarantee has worked in a number of interesting cases, will be sent to you in booklet form upon receipt of 2 ce??s to cover postage. This booklet has just been printed and gives you in permanent torm a quantity of evidence which is the most sat? isfactory possible answer to the question of "How It Works. Read the coupon?fill it out?mail it. i^etu ??orfc ?rilnme } irai to Last?the I ruth: News?Editorials?Ailvi-rtisMnrnts Tear This Off and M ail'iToday M II Ml I 11 Iff New York Tribune I >4 Nassau Street Nrxv York ?T* 1 ? * (l? ni'n: I<>m-<I finil '_* ?rrits |fl pa which arnd me ropj of "Hoa It Works" con ng jour selection i?l Samuel Hopkins \>l. arti. h - publishi il m 'I Ik I ribunc, with .1 de i riptloa "f i be I ; ?bunt *> M ut hi x I'r,/. i nut. ?t. POSTMKN ASK FOR FT.Ai?S Warn in Wear TImsi ??? ( ?? n ??* ?* ? ^ * * ?l.rnainir l>i?l?>> ?ll> ." i.? lb? "ares ins ? aitj '* m tin- eoaatrf \" I srl pestmtn la ,i r ,i i tiny American "?i; pill Ufa] tu 1'iril HMifoiiu TBS pi " " ?.? ai ??-l?"?! in a reoolatien adopted a il h i ,ii asad siessboi ? si Ihr- N>?> Vor*? branch gf th?> LttUf Carriers' laaoeiatlon ?' Ihsir snnual meeting Issl evening In ihr Amsterdam O pars fi Service ral?? forbid ih? xvohhiij: of an\ insignia not found In ths uniform I!,.- resolution ?? ill b< ted to Presiden! Wilson, Po * mastei General Bui l< ion ? ? id I oi . TBa : , of] lation nr??: Pstrii k McNi i ' denl. Peter Vandernoot, i ii e pi ?? ?dent. Petei vl i,,. ?r,i. tarjr, si -I ^ illiam De kei tresserai a THROAT CUT. SEEKS POLICE tttessafed Salet?s ? hure?- Kollewa rals i?f Hi-ins; Sla?lir?l in Bad. "?Somebody eat sis throat while I ??i>? asleep. I ?rant n doctor, quick!" i v M, ? i!f?r>|i gash in his to Patrolman H< hrsi s( Port) sixth Street sad Ninth Avenui While ?raiting foi sn i lance he told tl pal rolman hi 122 We For! Fixth St ? ? \- ? Mr . M :,m i. ?.?' " t. ? ?dear, sid I readers* bearded * ? ?in<l had ? soed hi r, showing* teslou rlth sn?, oni t ,i ? m a came room snd < (claimed, "You'n ??i make :- fool of me anj loi ? , || i pi lyelinii II? SHOW CHICKENS STRUT AT GARDEN Poultry lanciers and I armors Hear Call of 1,000 Roosters. ?. ?, ? ' 'i r?rv and 1 th ?"til ??Lurch U?5 OUt r all Ihoug ?' noon _ ...... ? . ? Madison .- fJai ? ; try ft ith ral m irchi me linea of , r of them drarari g ... limos! ? ?O 111 (I have ' ? ? away ? the . ? rtai i i -i ? . ? i ? ? !0 tin ' the dax. thai . i the . irm and exhibit hoai ? h< r ? ? I ? iterdi ? I 'i tii th BENEFIT FOR CHAPIH HOME Special Performance ?I "l?.i> d Gar rick" arranged bj I edies' luxiliary ?? special pe . ? ? ? : ? ?' I ? lerbert P. ? Koine arc . ? ? M im A. Hoi M : Henry B Hei Xinet Mrs. Jame L Lock rood, of tree! ITALIANS WIN AT FOOTBALL lie?eel Eaglish, Belgian sad Preach >i.ldirr?? at Milan. *' ' . ? ?..'.? ? 'ip of ; ? h ti : -. Italiai ? FRANCE SHORT OF AIR CRAFT I ment i ? t Pa I'Aubii ? Com "? a ? ril ical ? n ice, Hr :?' erta thut t ht* output of aeroplai ? in De ? ,< I , tl him." . - | ... api ? War M prove th< ... til ility. - a> Pabst Employes to Hold Damr I tl ; Pal ? Fourteei i r- held Wei ? ? ? ening ' . '.' ? ? : i.?- ? - r i -? i > :. ? ation tan dard bt ? .i . 11 :' ' " e i ? ? ? i utnmit "? " W: Cammeyer Stamped on o Shoe meons 'Standard0/Merit 6IH AVE. AI 20TM SI I MilH AVE ~i ff hat ?s the Gary Plan f B* ALICE HARROWS FERNANDEZ Tribune reamen will find in this department a clear and authoritative account of the Wirt school system, proposed for this citx. Questions of parents and teachers will he gladly answered. The de? partment will appear on Mondays and Thursdays. WHAT TIIK WIKT PLAN DOM. It take? children off the ?treet? and !,rep? them <rhole?nm<?l\ busy at wort,, atad] snd |?li" for ?tii or leirn hotir-s a gB|. It irl'ii. all children juat aa much academic work as th? tradlt'onal school, bit b\ lenRll-enlnf the r*rhool ris> It elv?"-> fJaaa for practical shop Weffc, ??? leine, dm? Inf. muaio, audl Ioniim r.nd play far ?II children. WHAT Til WIRT PLAN MK-WS To every parent?A chance I o fire hi* child the enriched educational opportunities usonllv reserved for the children of the favored few. To teacher??-No more hour? of teaching; more congenial work. To the commnnit)?flatter rftl ?ens, better ?chooU for leu? co*t. feachei Says Plan in NVvv ^ oik Is the Same as in Caiy "Learning by Doing" la Aim?P. S. 45, Bronx, Typical Gary School. Og pi ' 0 ? e edueational attempt t.. i f) l'r. ? ? . the Gai tha? tl e article i.. ? I ne lie aim" er, 1914, In whii ,',..?' ?- III bis p?a ? in, "e-i* i-a sd npoi i l i ebel and Emersoa sehi n.i i. ir\ plan, Bl proposed for did ? reta the 1 plan as operated in (Jary, and to robably ?* due President ('hu ? tent attituda ol ting n complete test of the plan in i Mi?s Raesaer Baya Gary Plan la ! "i m k game as in Gary. Gar r ; ? . operati ? .. ivorif thi ?he pil against roducf I ?a? ti thoroughly i ? v th the operation of ?:. . i with plan 1 opinion on 'he si ? ? i 11 lim, teacher i . I ? ? ? eotnmi sent. ? ? h in "id ? ? ? -, - workers. 11 ?. Gary, ther York co I : . I . I ? nenl m the pin \ . . Emerson and Proebel Nat 11?*.- <)nl Gary aV koala. "I and ?;i '?i rehi - . .- Gary pla Liary | ? ?rood aith . ?ho ? .. \-i; .. er ? .? i impiii that innof be , ut int. . an ? r i ??? ? ited r New . ' . ? nceptioi mes o i 11 u . Gary*, but o heve tola or elah i is. in them, lor e, I am I, t>ut 1 resent thi that ? h,- Gi carried <>ut in the .. bei ?? i sra t''achniK. p. 8. IS Excel leal Application al <.ar> Plea. "Il he clea d that . . i. ? .. ... ? ? upon ? ... I . - id of tew h.- woi pei li upon ti ? I entin ? hat 1 ? I fact, I ? i bol ? -. thai Presi < hurchill n h 1911 i the '? '...? 'nv,. 'democratic, ye' re pectful, spirif thai reign il.ry, together '.?.th 'he eon cci ' i,ilion of i in- pup ??'? or? i i i r m . r, I x. no 'i ?? ' .'u rial! Publ School lo without being impre ted ??? tl this satas ip ri! rei hap <?? ??|| g an ? nterest and con eentration with uhn-h the children l liax-- known the New tfarh ehooli for many reai , sad have ? atched ail g ot' help!? ?;,i- deadening ? ?'??? l sa all-?tudy school upon i?ro'Apin>? ti?;, ? and girls. what they were studying hail no rela? tion to artusl life: it iliil not. interest them, and ? ? i ed their lack of intere l . fun i i or in restlessnesi and rebellion. In Public School 46, r, the life Is rf>M! life, a? it Is in Gary. The ehildn problossi to ?; ?? wort Its n tning for thorn, snd work with concen i i .- ehildn the ihopi snd laboratories, etc., in Pub 15 sre 10 interested ii * I ha! thej sre *? oblli lou-; I i * ? ? tie pa ?? m the ?hop? in i ; r,- pi salden! Churchill. Sfcap War! m p, s. I! Eseenstleeall) I inc. "Speak ng of I he thon a ork hurchill praised so highly srtieli on the Gary schools I - in Public School 15 exceptionally Ano. TI ;. toi r. al Gary is that the chil ? :? ? ? wall i lake real things to be seed, real vi getablei ? ? taten, j>rr pare real ? ad That idi ? : - carried out is) veil in Public School 15 a-- it il m Gary. In ? he garden ? ? bettei ' flowei i ? n< Public School 15, and la ng them. This '"all I Ana thai tl e boyi In the earpentr; il op I ??? put up a ! . . . to put the ? I*, s. 15 Boya Make Greeabease. "Thi I ? . ..' eu tirely i un ? - ? their ivmk makinf only a ,'ir pentr ichool for s ? rj small sum a . | I work txcellent il ? ? ? -:o(l m ? followed pei ? ? ? to tn shop. "The pottery work again thpn ? i lary plan, i pi cial apt ? i rhe mi ildren in Pul . i. I knoa . ? ? a | ? model . I found ? I ihould have ? in a Gary il in in tal rig Mu- shops they had included ?o the ts alian ehildren, pottery and r? ? ? o former!) wore . :' now no longer give any trou r absi bing interest in this work, department Work in P. s. -ij. "1 notice tha? President Churehill in 1914 art ? thinks tbat having eially trained teachers for ipeeial sub ? the schools ? f ? ire <<i the Gary nly been adapt! . i, and the work in I'. S. ?;. proves that :? is applicable \t-w York si I remember in par? ticular one teacher in an academic sub? ject who told me that 'he ehildrs dently liked to move around, as la aoe artmental - ? ? :'. didn't make any diffen I ? wi light it was good for the i Multiple I xe of Srboel Facilities la P. 8. 15. "!'.-? lident Churcl i,., i h the multii ? . e aays ?oubli' the numbei ol i tigs. this through the widest u.: tori um and ; . ' of* coures lio-*. super Ac i al o*- ii rver of P S, 15 that you have iltiple nss of school Garj hoe] York. The auditorium, shops, laboral ind plaj sur Just a.^ Gary. \- ? poin I -? ih to register m\ , i eing children in a pu York with ?? ? . tunit-, ? play every day. A a worker I know the eagei . WM <s*c?;?>> ?. tarifa ? ?, ?.. f* ? /? - ?t aS??? aal ^ im New Saxon "Four" Roadster with all season top?2 auto? mobiles for $455. (359; JgfcTie SrW |*3 Afain M?or^fm^lisle t?RigWW ,, of efclldrsa fai - I ?'-'? ?,n'* the little opportunity thi ??" ("< .?,. . .?, At Public Hehool 46 I found 'hem play. ? u*" ........ . feyoseat a? taay "Opportunities to worl , stud ? ? : re h '? I op i ?' ?retortei Rg room?. Itodj J Has? n oms, p ay en '-?- playground during . . ,.. day ihesi ?" tas eaar .,, taristiei of fhs scheel - Is Garx i . ;? i it,.' children in Public Scheel M working snd itudying playm*,' m am? wag. I fall te understand how Bay one can I? H OU t ttlUBd tfcal the Gary plaa la '??' '"?"* be ng eerrled aal on 'he wase pi i ths Gary plan la <iary The leaTeraaa School a r*. pical Gery "i ? agi ; 1 ? - ? fork tha? ths Emei ? sad I . ?? the enlj G ? . ? . ouipmenl in Emeriod i ? ? ? i ? I op?rai ; leff an ord ' four '" building, in which I am teaching, la on? . ? . of tl :. tion that ca?. ae given under the Gar* plan, ? children m Jefferson ne? ai much plaj il they de ir. Kmerson and Froebel, snd thi - ? aming aU?. I i ? of the school i outsid I ha librar) ?eoi k In that acl se il an . . good, bul i oom in the ehool Ths eh Iren go the publ ? I brary, te o blocks se i ic library I i al ? ? hem, Thi y nave n ??? shops, bul svery ehild geti ? orh Phi way - : ? the ihop work ii typieal af how Mr. Wirt make i sdoai tsgi t ol the ] irt tlon lep? rating the en| ? f ? he vaei nf ??? ? 1er I ? ? . light pparal thei ? of the ? and a I iron ' ?? ?' .i -hern e - rui thi tool ream and I he ^ . - "The most important thine ?bout It all that it that the children are leam ing that -i de not have to have per feet surrounding! to {ret thing? done, .-?nil they are .lei. eiopinj* 11 I t they do not have al! thi- ?quip? ai 'i appl ai ces that ? ? Again, ths girls In cooking prapai lunches for the -n-hool just ?" they de I Fro< bel and the la I. Fii - rhool Mren. ' but now accommodate? BOO. i i done in the ,le*f. .- j Gary eaal i be tk hi ol " New York. Hut. ai 1 tend It, ?he sehoeli in The Bronx . and P ? '1 B9, Bro -> .. lo in Emerson snd Froelx ? i nt been put up yet, eer t the Ga - ? al a TURKS CLAIM LAND, SEA AND AIK GAINS Successes in Fighting Near SeduUBahr Are Report ?<.'? Const r, Jan. ? ;?. , ing c.i .. one thi D front - ? ' report the V! t) I ? ' in the ? ? ?..'?? a * i I ??? i'i ti,., o ?? n ? : . ? 1? . . ? j ? ' I SCORES PRICE FIXING Boa roe .-:?? ? Preach In pon- Have Been Che? i b ?."-einaaeat Bill. ? ? ? i Minisi . mam'.. . im pries for i ugar, declaring Cha rcqui ?h.e eommodity at thi? :?our>e. The M ?eited -a ? high ? ia due 1 . ? 'i he note poated on the Bourn i'a!is that 1 ilmilar act on as but re on ing ? ? ? and liitert}. which conil l agi uro. Tin- pre.-. ( ? ths mea sayi arc mai I ercsl GERMANS TAKE VOSGES TRENCH Capture 200 Prisoners in French Post at Hart manns Weilerkopf. NANCY BOMBARDED CIVILIANS KILLED No .Material Damage Dot Teuton Guns Mine?, and Util lory Active Aloag Proal loi . !.. ' ' . went fi tillery and mine SC< vltll preciable gk,r* won " I?'?? . i ten pt ..- Hai h. the Vosges, ? '? .- a the G according ? ? afternoon t '.?iman long r bombard' d killing - materia ?ounce. the repul -,nn at! i near BoSSmS By, a- d Bl failure f a Britii Armentieres. "In the CI north of Houcoi. ? ? ? ta? g ? trench? - Road, a* Somme ? "Betweoa the ?ere l n the r< g A teeth of Boya. ? Between So isoni snd ghtiag with aUaoi h i rec ?in of Troyon SI ' Pompelle, seal "In tl tivity on the the vicinil "llurmj,' I ? . ? I .Nancy ? wounded slightly. Tl ? ? us." The lays: "There aras i loli o- r the froi the froi ed I Mercken a rifa ? ? h ? ? ? ? ai .- ? ? H 1 ? it au ed a mino i ? "AI German PETROGRAD OUSTS J1 ? ".r rlia Hesi til i onei tsio - . , - ii ri Ht i ?a Csnei ? *. ? t Pc! ? ' | ' I AUTHOR CZARS AGENT IL M. S> r<im> ntniko\ Will Organ sion Propaganda in I nit Berlii . ?'?? * meat hat designs! i. young ? "M tl -i books | d I ? ? '? ? Byromi ? progn _ Ancient San Antonio Intereitmg and impreiilve atrlherruny old relio? tobe ??en BSaaSeae ' ancient-modern elf, . Th? w?l!-knowtl botplta'.lty accordai tie travf If - tal Ufa i pleeoaea Beautitul d.tve?, cauoetng. Sahlog taaei? i ????lient faciUtlM fal II H wbe enjoy g ?f-ng coupled with uniform acid i.ciiti.tu! climate make Saa An-.onio delightful Southern Pacific- Sunset Route The Way of the r ?tnuu, Sun??t Limited. From New Orle.!-!-. a.-roi-. Hi? continent to the i>?ctru\ Comfort, etcanllne?i. luaury In equipment. Best dining Ml la Aineru?. C ...ric?> to eSttOBS t? Instilled in every employe P< r full information addle?? 1158 Broadway 366 Brondway 39 Broadway . t Mi anklin St. I 'Pa me. i ranklia ? I _____^^_^_______________________^____________J