Newspaper Page Text
RUSSIANS MAKE BUKOWINA GAIN rupture Heights Near Czernowitl and lake 870 Prisoners. su WOVE \SPAR1 OF BIO NEW DRIVE , predict Effort to Brea? r-uton Master) ol Balkans ? ?? ? - rdlng i a - ? - . ? . . i th? ?eren* ? tbr attitude et Rumania will I, i | i,. ? || mpoi t anee. Thee in the Fin? it Rumania **.n i Bi on the tide of the v . bul nothing to ' iin? ha? e Rumanian ? and whatever has been I in tb? ng ol the ? .1 ' ain >.n th ? \ . | iting ?ho** ? ., front of IW ilj on the ? de of th 1 ... ?ana aeem to be h?.. aci oaa the Sty? rtoryi ? j ha\. captured the village ol Khrlaak, three the river. A tlank attack x or sevi to th? southeast of \ r to th? ads I? i the aolidarltj of the new K - Ilona ?.? Rui i tporte?' north ' i the movement ap the direction of Kin el, along Sarny and K Ro' no and h<u<-. the Rua ment, "the enemy, ?in it pi easui ? bilged to fal hack on ? poi .tioris. A | rni occurred we captured ? fteet ?ehin? guna ? . ? "In the F ov. the Bald?n ide and einno*iadc i :? v? h ch a I ?i mored In 1 . ? ' i .-?,. i*,, dunay farm thei ? ? artillery re? ? ? ,if the Garman? ? , - ? * ?? a? hand rt-hs. 1 th? ?n?my ?'?.?, hut '. i.. thrown :; trend,??, W? enpt ? ' ? nicri " * PAK** NOVICES AS OFFICERS ah W ..r OB? e 1 ?vara . \i*s" : .> ? d Man for ? ommlaalon?. 1 ?? an* ?reaftei ? mi c? ?-rant? to men s pleted theli ??..rae as re? cruit.-, and thai preference arlll he to men who i ? ? \ urn I ,r\ force. order, which, presumably, srill fipply to all units oifrnnlzed under the n. If expo? te,! to make ? of troop? ?- ? a satisfactory standard of qualification for oflcors. B Six $1075 The Paradox of the Auto Show Quality Raised? but Price Lowered ting?"How van Lexington create toch a rot i< autiful, and efficient car tor so modest a nted with this remarkable neu ??xii iteManSix?" Don't fail to "get hep!" easant surprise in store. Only a faet?n ?' il r !S lur rea could accomplish this sen satin i... Let us explain, then you will agree that here i? ?? you have been searching for. /' ? [uto Show Exhibit B-18 Second Floor SixCy. bloc ?tOHur-i Power Moore M i I? I Khanat System Five Pai iBBttw n divided front ari Center ( Genuine Leather I pholstering 116 U heel base Convex Mud Guards Over-Si/e Tires Price lacladas ?.ne man leatherette top an d b, ?o I. full \en I ?la ting w mil shield. ?pecdOSBatar, ?mmrtor and demonnt ?Lilt rim. Also the Magnificent Thoroughbred .Six, $187*5 ten write Jet illustrated'/elder, /ret i-i?ton Motors New York Corp. 1K-.0 Broadway Trlrpbooe, .oluantxj. I. The Lexington-Howard Co., Mfrs., Connersville, Ind. TRIBU W\_"\V_\_ DIRECTORY L_. N ? ? Note?The following New York City hotels are advertisers in He- fsjew York Tribune. -V such they offer to their ? ?-. from undesirable aurrounding?, since sat ommodations and 9ervire is fully guaran I h.- Tribune Graphic Section every .Sunday for complete Hotel announcements. \ ?'?ah. L??Family. 1 ?Women E&ClaShrSTj UUbki No. 1, 14th to 42d St., bet. Fourth Ave. *nd Seventh Ave. . H " ?? ' Distric? No. 2, ; rk District No. 3, 42d ? Bu'.k.ngUre. ; "M East 60* St B HbbI Lbb| J hVss! Laurrlto.,. &-Hole| Lona nr Asbbsss, .?m! 29;h SI I. ? 5tl .<??? ?v 1, \. ... . ? .St. M aits na Ave. ' Easl 29th Si. ?? sad F ith Ave. V ;-.shiDf,toB Square Section, | iverrj Pis i SI to 63d St., bet. Mr ?mob Ave. and MMi Si \ Bibcock. I id Ave and 5fjth Si 147 149 Meat 35th Si A??, and 43lh St. Ml if I IB Ave. and 4M, St Ritri. Si a day and up. $2.00 | el da;. u? . i ?n application. $1.30 per da> up. On application. "?I.^O per day up. $1.50 per day ur>. below !4th St. ' |9wl I.u. H6wk.An Ave. aod Broadway. 82 (?1 day up. ' '. application. ? ?n applirahon. }2 | rr ?lay uj). On spplicslioB. On application, USnM No. 4, 63d St. to 110th St., bet. Central Park W. and Broadway. ? ?j '' IslsisBsa. pMolel B,eiion ||a|| ^-Hotel Berkeley. - Marine. '?lar.KatI.,, .v ?,?, 77,1, Sf *~H?*I Wall. ?. -'. and Broadway. Broadway. 85lh to t>6'ii $L 170 Was! 74* St. t-nlral Park W- 1U St ?T-tU : M ?rast /Od. St BROOKLYN HOTELS. $2 per day up. $2.?0 up. I er 2 - 1 u On spplicslioa. |2 pal day up. :.' r-rr day ixp. Ob ??ipkalioa. I Ms, l?nt' 9; C?.hu_Lu? lici|bla, $4> pei muntn. 1 pSISSBIi TEUTONS READY TO ENTER GREEC1 Athens fold Allies Mm Be Expelled, Says Berlin Paper. GERMANY PROTESTS CONSUL'S SEIZURI 9 Officers Liken from Sal?nica 0 Warship Serb Klag Arrhes. do . Jan ". Pi dri Bi rlin om? a report that orders nave been give to the German and Austrian ti ?sorb?a to advanee Grace? ind ?I tack th? French and Britial I lin "Morgen r?>?t." which published th o n*. ?red ? ?ii,' r,i," o It is said tlint (?cm '. T'cated (i . ;? ,|e-ire '? Grecian territory of \ . ?. , th "Morgen old I ' ? demanded the n maval >? and Brit, h. a i in the ? 11 circum ?tances Greece would be rapo danger fr< the i l'on > ' . ? ? ord? red V \ lory. .... "* . ria-H ungnry, 'I ui kej and B hav? ? ctis?? reprei.rita'?om t? th? Creel government ? ?tat 11 ? arre-' of their eonsul? at Salomen h; 'ho All '? . ?.cording to a Havas di? patch from Athens. They were In formed by Premier Bkaoloudla that hi ladraady had protested to the Britlal ! und French governments. A Keuter messago from Athens say! the French battleship PaUi? has sallet frorr. Balonica, having on board th? Herman, Austrian, Turkish and Hulgn rian conaula, arrest I I iler ol General Sarrail. The proteat n a I n etie to the -? ? the con^ule dwells on the facl . veil the Greek governmenl waa nor advance of '.'? ? lee take such a draat At a I ? ? council i". V > Skouloudi? laid b? tore I coll? b> the i ? ntral '' . t of tl ?cent < ' Sal?nica, and tl i respondent ?1 ia apoa rent 1 come a delicate i n? ?Inch occupying the attention of I Greel rovernment. rhere ia much uneai as to the ne*t move by the Central Pow ? i?. Athei arti? cles, preaumably Inspired, whi? ihe Entente po "Neutra!- will tiot be lurprised that we are watching our own safety,' savs the Pi "Temps" lii issing the arres' at Sa reaenting the Cen? ; Emp?rea. I and Bulgai ?? "1 ? had faith Austro ? ii mpela the Allies to ti.?i. ? imi .>'? measures, and this ant Instanc? Greece w.ll not hi prised, hut. on the contrary, rea by thi? merge! i< King Petei of Serbia, ? ho i Italy last reel ' '? by Beutet '? ' ? ? t . ? ttlei bip. He King Peter of pr??;? irat on landing, pre rig lo avoid official recoi l* is atat? ; ,' King Petei Ionicj th, the climate ..i ? ?on. I he bridge aci near Belgi accoi d . ? legrara from I ?nd dir? on was thus re?ata 1'owers and Bull nd I'm *kej?. trchdul Fred? ? der in eh ef of the AuRtrian arm) ih?. opening ceremony, und aft< ted Belgrad i . ? of the ?j habitai l The Archduke later visited Kin? .. ? ? ? a SAN MARINO CHEERS ITALY Oldeal Fur?.pi .in Slate Wish?- Victor Eaamannel Proaperltj and Victory'. Koine. Jan. '?. The Captait R ? : . i;. : ubi of il ' a old ( it Indepi ' in Europi el a Ni?'?'. "i eaj*. COMPULSION BILL INCLUDES IRELAND Home Rule New Factor in Resistance of Red mond's Party. SIR JOHN SIMON OUT OF CABINET Labor Assured <?f Coacessioas in Return for Aid to Lloyd George. I ondon, Jan I \< eording ro a? an nauncement made bj the Preaa Asso elation, Ireland li not t., he exempted from the new compulsory recruiting bill. Coiqc Mit tl ?tab ment comes ?he ehanged attitude of labor, which now sei ? a i to support the go? ernment'a plans for mobilising the re ?turcei of th? nation I'll,. ..? i ta on, ha a Prei I David Lloj ! Georg? ? " iter o? Monition i, tl...* .' will Bceepl the Lloyd George aaheme ; o dilute the i ank? of ikill?d labor a Ith ? led workmen. "The ( eH announcee del Ir t Sir Ji I mon, ? atai for II ? retiree I I rom 1 ? ? ? ?? ; Cabinet '*'> ? Inesday ?rill he a red letter day I'reinier A* then will introduce th? compul ?lon bill, and h? probablj nevar ha? had a more d (Reult task than will.con? front him in engineering thii me?*ure. Hi? speoeh pr?s? ? gueatieu to the Ilou-e : ? ? ? to be one of the tineit effer' ..rccr. Nationalist* to Fi*-ht ( ompulslon. Th? lr:si, attitude still irinain? pri element ..f uncertainty. Earl Darb] rnrolment of recruit? wai net e?t? to Ireland. II .r.mrr :? wa* net OS I ? would , in a bill for ? ie compulsooy who tain ? ..? pari i ? i. William I ' Ireland left ou*, und lefl y because the ties I he 1 e Ruli ie, ? - i* by no I ? ? i ? . d ren Irnh ? . to be in h po point t their . . ? nonalist . aervtei Ulster leadi t fact as an argument that I more los ? ng of ? l.r.-ai Battle llouelful itill do ? ' ? ? ' ? '? ?ring threat 1 ' Labor Got Con-reeaione. V ? ? held I ' ? ' ? n the . ? ? how? tha : tl ?? d? mai union - tun their ? ? lu'tioi of Mr. . of labor dilution. I'l.i . seco . .. ?a made U| ??quit irks 1 ? ? ahich ? ? . rpt on bel... the icheme of dilution ..nd eo? ? i ?? ictively < there: mands will be pushed through Parliament ,?? - ? ... workmen and ? ? , ? ? . : The Auto Show Favorite Highway Sational cars are called "Highway" because of tlseir capacity to conquer dis j tances VMth the utmost case and comfort. In the National "12" you really drive 1 two mighty "Sil" engines, mtriitd pcilcctly into one unit. The Sational "11" i* ? born of the "Si:;." "HIGHWAY $1690 "i'^Y $1990 s:*,rT $2375 NATIONAL MOTOR VEHICLE CO Manulset '.reti, indianapohs, 16th Year POSRTNEB MOTOS CAB CO., I 9 B ? Iway frortH Jerrcu WoiOl VthleU I ,, VaiiwrlV f nlon Aulo I o., t Won UUi ; '.'I tu ruetorr the ptatii? i|u?i aft ?I,., '.a a | \ i Mil.- BBBaal t,. the 'l"i tat ion aras alona famili?r linea "l-ro the point ?,. ? le of the tate,H he ???' ? i"'M l l aran) t., Impreca i v.i ti"' importan? s "f patting U, dilut .?,ii ill'., .-Ill et, un,I ii' nnri'. it UN IP ? ' '.,'., ,,,, , ? ?I ,. ,;,.,. I or the wai It I Important ?>l Unit the output of manillons should ? far n ;,,, ble, !"? domestie, not ,,, eign, boeauso the ftnaaeial problem b< fare u i m ? erioas mi obllgatto to pay in esparta or gold to Amort? and eoenti i? like her for monition v ritali v .? ara getting there. "Phis four imm?diats eanstat to th dilution seheme moans an enarenan rain, hotii in nilitari efficiency an i lal itabillt) \ j doubt, it ' ? ' ilt to pei loads mon who rtfai the prlvilei Had labor a? al moat gospel to forego foi a timo than privileges ind admit unaklllod me into tin- elaaa of worn which thoakllle 1 ave bee ??. the habil of doing. The have ;? natural fear thai aben the \"?? ??nil? i* aill I'?- impossible to ralstab lish tin. old conditions, and that nl ? ? elaborate safeguards haill up i>: reneratiom of trade unionists ili? Bava been undormiaed "I If. only ... ay that !ln??.r Suspicion i mi !"? erad i by the unions as rrting nil their force to Influence theli members i eonoonl to tin" temporary procoai i l ?i-.i mi ?? ,,? ??'? -.our de ha SliaiBt? Of Munition! to ? ? . lafeguardi plo; men) of diluted labor ilthough I see gi eat diflleu I -. s bill earn imed on th,,-, |in< . ftr-? -.-i?i?? ? ? ,,.i behalf ol ) e ? i lettl? ?ii?* sfboli it ? .,: .| ? i ,i tl ?? laag lories of ?ie ? ? ancos which hu? hin lered th? can lag out ?I oar anr??e ? Marca." Sir .lohn A Simon enjoyad s rapiil and brilliai irooi l r-markal)!? ''arlia ment in l. ??.???I ? ? nistry Ci v ? (?en? pac al , - ? .? ded t? ? i ? Bai of Belgian ? 'hat induced him to remain m n I ? When the eoalltlon ?joverrime-nt wsi foin.eij, last May, Sir Joba refused th? groa prise of th? pool >,f Lord High < hani-ellor. mude vacant hy VlSCOUnt me' retirement, beeaaae he pr?* forreil a political catcrr, and became Horn? Secretary. a ? BRITISH HALT BERGENSFJORD Take flenaaa, Pansai Perth kasbaj Resldeat, Off lord l.iner. \ Bi ? erui ' r ? liner Berget ? oardi . ?; Mai Kj'"??'? a Gei fi of a clay worl ? p. ? Kypke, ? ho : - fort) hm her m Germany He eras allow?.I ,??. . limit for ru lits ? ? i ship mi ? ? ? . ? . I ?r minr,. s Ben ' "''? ""m ;l Russii II . ' .. full ? ?' my. c Russlai ? ginaari can"> Russist ?ni lei ? to eountrj ?v ? ?? u-erf head) I I -? i ? Sapojnlkoff, A w. Sapoini ' re of tin- eommii PARIS QUIET ON NEW YEARS So Rereptlon '.<> Diplaauti?Maa) I'ri'iife Kntrrfai-m'.'nts. ' P, ? alt ? ? . Year'* reception ? :. - ? P ? h i AUSTRIA EXPELS TRADE GAMBLERS New Economic Spin Drives Out liven the Middleman. LAWS PUNISH RESALE OF FOOIJ Hungary Plans to Let Only a Miller Buy Grain and Only a Baker f-lour. Vi.-nna. i?,.,- || Farther meadfJra for the elimination of the "middleman whose participation in commerce doe? not add to the. valua 01 facilit?t? thi distribution of necessities," aro bein? adapted throughout Auetria-IIungar-. M?W laws for this an. enacted, and th? provision? already made by th? civil and military Bodi?! lire being rigidly enforced. Lawa in farta and h cours? af en aetmeat pr?vida ?hat nobody Au?tna and Hungary may buy an art! el,- of necessity and then sell it again for the sake of parsoi ?I gain. This nffects tranaaetiaa? in foodctuffa espe (?ally W*h?l 'he wai broke out It waa found Hint there were riariy who wished f.? profli by i' through the "cornering" of certain auppliea, Soon ? n ti 1 \. ncrea t ? ? . cent. \ i.. .. ai \'? ? i i. perior court in ? ? both ?he letter and spir:* or* the "anti-spec? ulation law?" iiir?? (?alicians ha.l bought a relatively small quantity of foods' (T, mostly grain. At the trial it was ?hown that, the three dealers had ?old the article? again In the p?me town; m one instance wheat had been resold to its original owner. A prottt had been mude, and a alight in? crease in the price of food made from the article? in ?luestion had re? it was proved The court rul?d that tinder the law. 'his was an offence, because the sal? hi d resale "f the bH eles had been made bi the def Ith t? profit ere i ?' entitled, hav ? thn valu? ol I ?rihu fact, found the , udge, , ' ?dered i tion more dif . ? ne ? - ?ecu sed had act? n their constitutional tl L) buying an : ? II thev had done, and that tl ham pared .! itril because they ln-d ? ? sell. But I . : : ? dants had ? rilaw ful, beeao ic to ho isities I ? thro igh the operat . ? ?' -upply and dl I ?rai h.ries of impriaonment si were Impoa? Thi? .lew of economics is a re-ul-. of the war the ?fU ri* that nobody shall grin i I th? expenee of the othei - likely to he a - life for his eo and perhapa leaving hi- famtl ?.-- T.. " ? ? I con? cern Itaelf much wit! | roblem, i act? Uuagai, thi and f for .-( ? ? ? md ao far ? lary to ' German Industry Meets Test of Wartime Drain Decrease in Production Came First, but Now Methods and Materials Were Evolved Until Output Now Increa* Steadily, Says Berlin Editor. By DR. ALBERT HAAS. I.ditor of the "Herliner Kursen lour :,r" and ln**l ruetor at the Berlin High School ol CoramcTce. . . .1.1.. Ill*_T?i.- Tr.l.iin?. *.** i, i \>?, N ill Tr, Berlin, Dec is. The -arar ha? I ??need German industrie? in two wa first, if has changed th? prOCCSI p*rodu<*tion, I" crois.- :, large per worklngmen waa ?allai ind, -? cor ,iiv. ilarma rna 'rude practically came t ? of Gn ut H rita naval supremacy. .1 ! Germans; 1 of the raw material? BOB ?it home by rhe ? iron 1. rraai 'ore eompellec 11 for ever] iav life army, especially, lil. I ??? ,?...-) m.'. ? e.. 1. Te be ; . ? ? I ? hlch the . ?; lea offered her, I ?he had to reorganize the -nt of production at a time wh ?he ?ar had ra'1. ! I her iklll -, . . .* . . \ t-isk of such magnitude perha ? ?. teat I ?; ermed by on could m urally ? 1 in a da naequence the wr?r had begun vas a decrease production. <~>ld eh 11 ? rere cut 0 and new ot.c? had to be created. Tr transformai G? I ;-tr ;: 1 ifa-. th? ?uh ? .'? for th? labor a? raw material? '. adjusl ment of tl condi life, thi these fact . ? 1 . mprehend at 1 ? - 1? ? ? . greal nomil ' : <-d fo ? ? 1 ^t pre? ent we it this trans form ? ful, ? 1 ? ?ecu particular time whan th?. ? Production Fell Off. If we ?1 . ? ? . *'. and, in ? ! prod. ' toi plac? from Rh? Kol ra 1 The daily .is ?hou* _ 1,000 torn V igust I i tons ',: ??al an?! 1-.' cok?.-. T he pro.l iction of pig Iroi ? ? 1014 1.840,016 ii A igust, l ' ! torn ' kugu- . 1 : '. i (ii-i a an 3l hlwerkv? Work kssocial 1914, 470,1 ? ,-. !" 95,000 ' If this downward i tinued, or even if it hail remained on the - conse futur? tea. In Septembei . .... . ?, ' down to ...... \ .?-.'? toni ?iriil th?- in. pyndii ? ? A .-imilsr phenomenon k?.? oh? r ? I in the amount of ? eetrieity consumed . H'-riir.. whirr., :r. July, 1914, amount? ed to 1 .?..",."-1..",'? kilowatt hours, fell to 16,31^,000 k lowatl '-our-, ..<? aKa.ns? 19,64 1,000 far the same month the pre ' itt Summer Marked < liange. The production and Bxparta ? groat German industries remain? . this level for BOV? the. 1 ho pro on of pi?? iron kept pace with the Other industries mentioned, for in Do? camber, 19H. it amounted to so4,18d tons. During tlii? time the industries arei nap ? a condition-. This transfer n came to u conclusion in the m ddla ?1 ' ? Ti,,' . . e of the most remark ?i,ena which, th" present w.,r has brought about. The German indue? ? I form en ? ,'f beam. tenais which formerly wore do abroad '? ? ., now being nroduced nan) pn anneard of ., ..i' ? ? ? ? ' ? ??'...?.',, production gav? i ent re activity of Gorman oeoi The coal exports <f tt.e Rheinisch 'A estp ?, Sep tombor, 1916, to be luro, amounted only ',, I ". 7. " ? i - ' ? .... ? ereus they Ructua ed at '.eh a time he __'o.,,oo and 230,000 : mi !; licate atl the record of :, ., ? ? ? ?,f eokc was caused port In -he summer of I91S a BUJOI I i I R-flfl-fJlfWMsW*^^ M( Ci IB BON ?St CO. Our White and Linen Sale will be repeated thi? Year and begin M-inday Isnuary 3rd. ?3 Complimentary 10% Discount deducted from Bill for Every Purchase made DEPENDABLE GOODS Table Cloths ? Napkins ? Linen Sheet? Pillow Cases?Towels, Bath Acce?gore? Handkerchiefs?Aprons ?-Lingerie Blankets?Bed Spreads and Comfortables We include with the above Lace Curtains, Upholstery Materials, Rugs, Beds, Bedding and Bed Coverings Remark?This is a genuine sale of Only First Class goods, not bought for this sale or different from what is offered at any other time. 3?tti Street West. Neah Fifth avkm;k p-laannaaaaaaaaaaa a a la ? a ? a f*1 LJ ??annannaan ?jrn.? a ? ?U They're off Great Event Now On Remnant Sale First Week $18 | Broadway C& 9th St. Hundreds o? suit ends?all color?? all weave??many originally priced at $40 to $50?now marked to $18 for suit o measure. Big money-saving chance I $18 Antfyetm Auxiliary Branch. 30 Last 42d ht. Open March 1st industrio? had n'-ained one-half to t thirda at their former output. If? over, neve industrie? h.. N'ow t; ? i g fis** In July, 1915, man railway? exceeded those for -Tu 1914. Statistic.? on the output of el t rieal ? same ? i-- -.our? eoneuta in H.-rlir, in June, 1915, amounted . 1911 In Ju ' l] the consumpti kilowatt hour?. ? : for J ily, 1914 I* mi*m- rathei ' ?It? r erete ? camplei n connection ?nth th? genera' | Two ?hort illust' ? ay be mentioned here to ah ment -1 'aking pli and what. ???-.: is hi iprung up. < iai Sala? In? i a mm Vereinigte R ? n d Lam hfltl ? '? one of 'he few firms amo ? ?: . ron industrio -< wh ? have published detailed ae?*onnts rhelr groea pror; - of \d >d to 2,000,000 atarka, as again ?i murk.? during the eorreapon ing period of 1913 During thi of 1915, howesrer, their prort 1,000 marks, aa against 1911 ai d n 1919 Iiunng the second half jrear at ISl it *he beginning of the war, tl Arm ?old :!7 per cent less coal thi during ia rear. During tl '? r?t quarter i ?' 1915 it era? only ? II I during the saao? '?'.'? i he figure? hii < to l''-2 t'. r cent. I the ne Bl r' Kiel ? , * ..-.?. ?>. ith information rhi? cobs : rnerly had ? a I Berlin with electri ight' and power. Kunng the nur th if Berlin took advantage of an ar ?n th? hi I of th? .rnpan and took over the plan- fur 1J:?,o00.00 itnpeny ??is thua soi ? ? ????... or opening op a new Aeld of Induatria that I I latte k full ad1 I ? ?? opportunity. It bought c iai minei eck ?f i coal nur;.'? which thua came und, ? ? tig electricity for new ini . which had iprung up dur? ing the. war. Thi? compan., already hm lignad tl th? Bayer en Stlekatoff-W?rke Aktiengesell? schaft, 'a;ich provide? for the yearly delivery of 500 million kilowatt hour? 'rich after it? expiration may be renewed by th? Berliner Klektr.*. another ten year?, More .ipany ha? maid? a contract th? Elektro Saltpeter-Werka Ak? in o re . 10,. kilo? kl a vear. So that witii 'hese two contract*, M kilowatt hour? ?? ? compel y i. >v. ha? larger nan it hud in 1914*1916, when the output amour.ted to 252,792, ratt 1 ITALIANS LOSE TO TREPOLITANS Turk Official Says They Hold Only Small Stretch of Coast. Berlin, lar.. 2 | be a?irele?j ? ville, N. Y.i. An account of tv rising In Tr'pol'. which ?as raoorttd last month to have resulted m the ex? pulsion of the Italians from the entire it to-day I Overseas N'?w? Agency. The Informa tiaS BBS furi.i-hcd hy BalotSMU el Be luni. srho was Deputy from Iripuli in rurkish Chamber arioi to the Tnreo-Italian War and i?-d volaatoer Aral, fc '< IS BgS ' ,. "Suleiman '''.-Bnruni lias arrived *' Sarajevo, Roania, after a j*. '.hroUgh Northern Africa." ?a; bows agoBcy "IIa states that the Suitan of Turkey proclaimed a holv arar all th? Tripolitai n surprised the Italians at Lake V? and defeated tnern, capturiiiK ar . mous quantity of money, cannon, rifle* nnd Bi Later the> def,..' ! the Ital sni ?it GhadasBos. \ >en< no the Italian - ? ' .. .1 i prot by the gun.- of tiie.r warshi| ? ??'. Baruni .. situation in Weetora Egypt, whore there has b-.-n t'^hting hetween the Brltiah and Senu-.?i trlboomen. "Th tribesmen have a new army. M gani'.ed on modern lines, wi'h. rannoii and maehiae gBBa.M tne news agency ?ays "Suleiman-el-Baruni witl the battle at the (,ulf of Solluni. Re ia?s British soidterb who had been taken prisoner and eaatun ! BritUh cannon. He travelled to Matru wl'h the chief of th? Senus'i in an auto lie captured from the British." INDIANS ASK SELF-RULE Moslem League Demands ? hange in l?o?ernment After War. l.ondon, Jan. 2. Kcuti r'? c-,rre pon i ent at Bombay, who roper* d yeifer ?lay that the Moslem l.eagu? of India had SBSpeadod its lOOOiOM after noisy demonstra* v. that. th?. lee^ue mad? Strong ?i, rilan?!? ** " ? iast BjMtiBg far tie ? ??!f government of India, under the Briti-ti flag. It was heut, however, that it a Bcrativa to mak, this char.?/, until af toi the wai, wbon the whole form of government of - reconstructed. RooolatiOBI were adopted unarii . exproasing laya ty to the cro?tMi and appreciation of tv-, administration of Baron Hanltnge, Viceroy of ! Sunday The Last Special Exoursion of the Season January 9th S! ROYAL BLUE LINE New Jersey (entrai, Reading k Baltimore & Ohio Ksilrosd? TRI'* BXOOMIOM A' 1-OWg ?bo?jt oine ?sxir? in Waahlnetas? or mt,s ?our* n Raltlmore *?*? iililucton ?*?? n*s*r atara l*?(?rs*?lln? '?,?,''. 230 H?"it ?O f M LUx-rt) H? 1? 01 rr*i?1.i*chi ***r>--1*y nl?*i' , ??Sala ?*>??k.o viv?.. ???? i..b??rt> M w 2*d it ?sdUv ?tj TwcsUaai?; ?U?od* "t U? :s 55? 1440 B'stay. -New York. 4 4 3? ' oaf. ?I . Brookl)?. Per MONTH ON PLEDGE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Th?TPKOVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY OK NEW *iORK |% MA-NHATTAN. Pourth Avenue, cor. 25th Street. . dridg? SI. *-or RMngtOti St*? ni Ha ittor m.. cor. fcs*ex >t. tl Av., bet (Sth k i >th Sta I ? . i g toa At cor I34tk Si St., njr. I li::ton it. id SI ? [ton a. i '.-.'. B*BtOM*t CourtlauJt Av., cor. 1 48th St. 111. ...Kl Y> Smith SL, cor. LtotncttOM St. ?rabatn Av. cor. Lxpcvoiie St. I Av., cor. Rockawi) Av 1 y PI R ? . r 1 H/ RGI . ON ^?L LOANS R. l'\ WITHIN ' A rWO WEEKS FROM I ML