Newspaper Page Text
The Conning Tower - ?OR?ES. you remember, dear, of wi nder, . ,'o;i* ' , .'.n >? ds under, pr, . out aouli with ih<? moon's muir?a- aheon. \. i remeinl er, dear. Hot \ at my heel ?ar, ' ? stayed to k dear? - , ir souls cannot ?lie! I -.'re. ? . 1 \\ | i ' 1 ? Neil .? r do 1. via m li. TUXEDO ENJOYS TENNIS SUNDAY ? ?n Rain, but ,ent Holds Now s? ? \'#sr Y - I ? ? ? ? ? ? ' ? ? - " Ukewi I 'ids Holid ? ' ? ayety ? ? \ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? a '? ? ?go, MANTELL A FILMY VILLAIN ? la sa i '.'osnnils i h?-t!.i Sem i ? v Picture, id the I >uch Mr. Mantel] ter," a Ifos ' ..: ,| eventua ? I i \ ' - - , - . \-r in Monster." ' up. ROUND OF DINNERS FOR THE WILSONS Presiden! and Bride Will Enter? tain Diplomats and Be the ?tmesis of Cabinet Members. 2, Greed ? ? ? two enter ?' dinner, ? ? ? ? place '. ? uarv ? all. ? il Dinner for President. ? - the Cabinet mem ? ? the ? aver ? : has - fl,, r a 1 ? half. \ I M Mar ' ? g - rted from ei ? nar'y ? "? th all ? lertainments for w ilaoa. ? i Presi Itly said so. beei more " uro ' ? ? '? Pre<-i ? on th?' the ; '? .-. rid Mi ' - Garr? i on ; on ?attorney i ? Navy 15; bj ? i n ind Mrs. by the : tary ?'? ? dfield on : iry of Labor , ek of nniily >. to-morrow nicht at Relli ? ? <-ty ?t ntei ? h on, i ? ri-on, Mrs ' .' : ? ?. 11 y. ex-Am ? ? mu . ? after Lath ?Vi i the MELBA AT THE HIPPODROME \ppeari with Soasa'a Hand al the Weeklj < ?'inert. ? Hip I ,',1 lis eoncerl tage this ;. ' ?' '. Gaston irgenl mu : \i.i EWOOD ENGAGEMEN1 ?wood. N -' Mr. ?rid , ? ounced ? er. Mi?' . DfisUsWaaSi Rvsbestsr, MISS FARRAR IS AN OPERA SINGER Hector Turnbull Lets Her Sing Silently in Ilis Moving Picture. PASSION PULSATES IN 'TEMPTATION" Mary PicRford Scon to I xcelleal -advantage in 'The Foundling" ?it the Strand. Bj BEYWOOD BBOI S. Be i .u I m nbul i. who need t? I ..' u .1 ? rite placel ?bout ).*? devised ? moving picture scenario . raldinc Pai?hi it ? called "Temptation." Pel hapi 'he Caiifoi nla i Or then again it mny h. Misa 1 Well i a/hen li. i toi aal here i nol think in term? of purple If he commanded thli ? ? down ' ' ..i ;.H , . i playfull) ?ich?! of Pedro de i ordoba." The Ti il> une typewriter would ?hritik from his touch or the file of the papai Il ' I ; .>n hi? heini. Hector Turnbull never cot hi.? ?i for "Temptation" liere in i library. On the ot ? iln> In Southern California. 1 hi r? a knock at the door and flu* din accompanied by an int? "He:.*," he remark! Gerald Playfully he "Now to de a ?th her?" i i .1er such circumatancea it i? ?t 10 to 1 that the -re' . ... . sjrh 1 - ? of paper in h ?h oft' "Temptation." 1 "her people have and ?rill rurnbull i In other word?, the film which WBI ie Broadway Theatn r quits t mpo bl? ..i. ? . ?.. he ?How-- ' iv. Her nan Dupree and ?he i ? ? her e\-: - u .i Julian nothing, ?o ? Julian . Otto in lose? h - job, too, and take? .. Hi PI ? < A ? ? .. . ? lame Thi . ? and Rei ? -..? pan . er to put scrifice hi Renee mukf- ? ? her par*. . that a former . ' in the r ? ai th? to tear? and r is a nteresting ? , ? ot begin to give her t .?i. ('?'.ir'. ently in he; ? ford can do more ..,| "Tl ,. I ? , ,. . . ? r Mary P kfoi ? ? roufd. Trie ren ?oid I . ? mo p. She .- . . sppeai ' ?nnp. ?iimme do> - <? the i ector of "The Found dona h la work e i I iber of el are u-. | hi picture ?'i : ? '' ? -.,. ,.? i hen aeei t more ol who aban ? ? and latei out I ; ing daugh ... i ? . head of the foundling aaylum 'Noil?, and Wholl' b e daughtei at rat but ...ririiiie Mil ?? I" Red, Nexl to hi.oil children, the atina live and they also play an important pari in the tiltn. rhey are excellent i ? ?huh <=o often mar? the acting . full grown dog. '??? Bt the Kl. i i .? plot pro? dea thai hall wear I.' ce* d I I ? I , hii'i' pai ticularly n ell in . ''ior of the ci nario hang? th?- Idea apon th? actually hi? owi. Miss Doro plays th? part of Daphne, "a forest." ? be I hat is att ? later m tl?. V" . an Ion? He . ? take him for Apollo eai the ? The I the pia? re, Hlid i mother are 1 ' quit? erdoni i . . nit? Daphne1 thei band, 11 om I a had iphi u : an.nee. Much of the photograph! ellent, 1 ?y, NlHrie Doro that could hardly be ?.? in auch a part thrilling. Webei ..'id Field? fire ?eon in n fa ? called ?? I he Woi ? 1 be explosi tank In h I ? ? Kite a;.- H ' I? ..up." St. Mary s Alumni to Dine. I he ige, ol trill Lx ?' tn?* Hotel Mc/ the col e guest ihn F. ? ilium.. r, '-ill be t< aigaoi Bf?dJ?y?pre?id??*.t ?i Iba college. I MISS A I M. 1.1', ROWLAND She will " orne a Hamm? I ? tar si the si d of "Katinka." POWELL MEMORIAL FINISHED Scient ist Wh? Piral Explared (Maraes I.rand ( ana on Hiniorril. Washing memorial e, .?,??- lb] ernment at sen ? ? \ ? ' '.'. ? . . Powell, the eel? ent . ron of Colorado, iBaeed by Se? retar) !? Bill be ,!?? ! ]y in The memorial, whirh stands on the I the '?rand Canyon, la In the form : :n Indian ... orat? i ? si Sur? vey an efficient i DIAGHILEFF MINUS TWO BALLET STARS Karsavina and Nijinsky Will Not Appear Company on Way. ? Mliinsky Bad TI amar K?r a. ill not appeal - -\ ? > in Ball? : i ist night i ?? name of 1 grei of th'- Ru isian Hallet. . be r- ? -ro'.vn. The ? fol Iowa : Ru Rail? ? ., r York, bav. bus yesterda) on the It having I I mi Ka savi Ro a, her plao lakl? awa, Imperial Theatre in Moacow, i the loos? br.lliant of th, younger ? -e numei Mr. Ni j in thstanding I 11 ,? .:.,;, ,, ? ? : ternment in Austris I : famoi .-tie o? Mr. I1 . ' lebrated orgai . ? ., in tbe l.onilm, season m the sum ? 1914, whi b, not ? of Mi 'taller re.. very ? II ? ? ? DEBUSSY SERIOUSLY ILL Preach CeB?IS?rter llnnt? Word ??im? poser Has I nili'rgnne I ? ion. i ? . , eai ed y< terday 1 11 i ? s Frei eh i on poser and the laade," was I'ais following an It inn. Thi" new? a?np brought by U. r'dp.r .. of the best known younger I ? i ictoi i, who ar t ?red . ebamb? au after having , il from fui-tlier ser-. the army owing to ill health. II. . ,-. itated M Dcbui >> ill net aai exti emely grave, MME. L BORI TO SING SOON Improviag CaaditioB t<> Permit Retara tu Opon at End of Month. la Rhr ht ?he Metropolitan Opera Houss t'nut Mme. eond il ,,.'i ha - -" im? proved that she will probably be able ? I end -? . I \<, M.i Ml VIS IN TUF (?i:\M.I - <?r.v i .im, .'. The i Edith ter of Mr, and Mrs. Samuel H. " ? ' Orang oaneea ht at the ] home .. date ... Mi. and Mrs. Ed? . tract, . ? ? ' .. lughtai, M \',. .-i ". An-1 ? Hazel Beatrice Mark Anna Marl . Caldwell '?'. . Cald well. i Mr?. Anna street, ha nounci ? .- ? ? ? daugh redericka Kit Arnold I. Van 1 i ? nade of the Collette ? mes M. Duni , of Ta P?a? Orang? to Jo? L Ash, of Vail? _ Soul N. J . .t.. ti '? . . ? "C I'll ... I "' ; en Eager, - -. i l ng? i. formerly <>' i ?entei treat I 'law York, to : ? ? ' " of Mr. end Mr?. Bug? i I C mnett, ol ? ' in?l Road, Mi ? ? ' ? ! ? ? : i, . . . ? - their Alfred W .lliaui Cars?, uf Vall?r? ??r?.vt. j NEWS OF FLAYS AND PLAYERS Blanche Ring To Be Star of "Broadway and Buttermilk.'1 thai Chaun* Sent that ?Manche ? Ring will ' tarred k nd under the management of A II. Wood?, m "Broad milk." A hv VYillard Mark, the fo i handed play d Hutterniilk" will murk ' appearance .1 ? wa? - ?I Mi-K.c the pi? Mtxzi Hajoi ? >rde< honor? in Henr? V" ?? produe i tion of "?'.'in Pi The which Will j ion late this i cett, i Arthui Forres) Harry H inson, Thom 1 harlea lames V Ayr?*?, Clai I 1er, Robert Thorne, Kuh;. Hs '. <ohi Cnott - At 11:19 o' t night, with onlv four upr-'n'. countil ? lai rel a ei a one. "flea ? ? ? ,..;o, ? ' | ? ;?i,'er. Jo (alen Mc ! I. "Katinkn" calle.i and a ? 'com.? jealou Ring .if th* Daugl re will ,"??'? rhea tha i sek. - -.-en a ? ? ' terda; the entire II p podrome orj one) aa ? . . Little Max Gl violinist whorn Mr. an 1 Mrs. ?rather? ? othei dar. will m tl the Hippodi noon by pern,: el, Charles Aldermen. ? known in New "; th? bus ingest debut at tl a ? PUBLIC LECTURES REDUCED Se\rn Centra? To He Opened Inder * 15,09*1 \;'?)ro|)riation. ?ven cen ? . ? ? ? . tt the Americ of Natural i i, win ? The 111 \l. : . . ' , ? '? ? ?ir II ? nah will le? ; ?" Fri ehool, ? f the Ne? il Mi-s Seaman To Be April Bride. Oraaga. N. J., J *, . , i. - man, dauffkl Hurt. Dance for Miss Mary Edey. i ? i .need as Tucad-ay In J Samdajr*? Tiibua?. JUSTICE L?MAR, LONG ILL, DIES Appointed to U. S. Su? preme Court Bench Dur? ing Tail's Term. TRIED TO RESTORE PEACE IN MEXICO Member of a Distun{uished Oeorgli Family, Was I amous as Lawyer. fVaahiagtaa, .Inn. 2, Joseph Ruck? r Lamar, A ?"? iats luatiea of the Su? preme Court of the United -? i home here to-night aft i I hi ? ?>,' montl K? bs Bid, :.n.| bad been on the , erne B ' sra. The Immediate ean ?? of death wai gradual heart failare, hastened by In? fla ran . ta of I lie lui g ?. vihirh had thraateaed to davalan into pneu The attending physieisn de ?ver, that the primary "' Il v oik. due tl Justice La mar'- arduous di I the supreme .-?ml as commissioner of the I luted State?, in l'Jl t to the Mediation Conference between tha United and Mexico at Niapan Palls. I kBSted by la-? year'? term of court, -In rties l.amar went to R Sulphur Springs, w Va- la laae He improved until September, when a clot in an artery eautied him to lone the for a time of Ins left arm and leg some time before he recovered from this atrack. but when he re turned to Washington in October he planne?! to return to h.? work on the bench in Pebraary. About a week BgQ the '? I traetod a eold. His weakened heart S a- unabi.' U) bei . led burden. ? SBgamoats for th? funeral wore ol completed to-nigh*, hut the buriai ? ike ilac? toga rta, ?.a., for many years the horn" o!* the justice. IK.' fuaeral par'.,- wil! leave for Au , ruesday aftaraoca. I- i- believed tha* PrOsldOBl Wilson set at once in filling the vacancy ? : ?', Juatice Lamar*! death, be - Of the inmortal t cases BWalting consideration before a full co lit, There i? a tradition that the Lamar family was of Huguenot orig-r .. fled from Prancs . the Edict of Xante*. l*ke tied ? Georg B at an early date, ami . -" thai itate much what, th" Laoi are to Virginia, the Bayards to I)ela arid the Adamses tu hfaasachu Mirabeau Lamar, who led the winning cavalry '-Large a' San Jacinto and became Governor of Texas; L. Q. ('. I.amar, the elder, one of Georgia's most distinguished judge-,, and I. () ?'. La? mar, the younger, Senator and Justice of tue Supreme Court, are well re? membered the nation over :n the later generations. Jo <'ph Rueker Lamar, nephew of the gar I. i?. C. Lamar, eras born In Georgia on <)ctober 14, 1897, and was ated at th" University of Gc , at Kethany College. West Virginia, and at Washington and University, lie was a member of the Georgia i Bg ? ,. ;t, is.s,; iss,?. a commissioner to rev ise the , oda B? that State and an As ociato Juatica of the Su? preme ?'our* of ?ieorgia :n 1903 1906 I be last named office he resigned to ,' the practice of law. In which roars BOfora he had been highly SSSful, Moth at the bar and in the Legislature he di?l much to im prove the legal processes and the. ad ministration of justice, and thus himself a marked man in h - pi Justice Lamar, who was a Democrat. was appointed an Associate .lus? ea " ipreme Court of the United .'?.?ember 12, 1910, by Prenden' raft, and took his ,ear and began his on January 3 1 s ,- in ad? dition tO hi e? ? on the bench, he ii ?? of the commissioners who met ?gara Palls in the spring of 1914 in an sanest, bat futile, ? ? store tut >i ?l order ? ' of Mexico. SERGEANT CROWLEY DEAD Worked in Italian S?|uad?Trappca! ? aruso Blackmailers. Sergean' John R, ' rowlev. well known for hie work on the Italian ?-quad, died yesterday at the Holy Fam? ily Hospital, Brooklyn, after a three arreks' |||BC " '?'".vl'V lived at i!0 Place. In ISM Crowley joined the polic I ,,- thirteen years be wa ? a' to the rlamill ?n Av? there he .1 to ipeak Italian, and so when the Italian burea, I "d Crowl.'V .- ? I to duty on the squad I erred aader Lieutenant J, murdered In Palermo, 1910, wont to Italy in earn i ith Lieutenant Anthon V . ... , IBS Of I Hand evidence ?sru'nat Its i-.uue her?'. "no i,f < niwley's best c,, ses was tha' in which he I ,1 arresteil s- i ? .! [ta tn raso, t Sergeant .1er ?r, and I orence Crowley, in the him. WHITE SEES SOCIAL CRASH Pa-tor Predict!. Re.olt Will Sweep I niteil States When War F.n<N. Boueh P/hite predicts that whoa the ",-ar is over there will come a social Itlon which will sweep on to A - ,,;,. v, ?i begin to ask ques ? rouble is brewing. ?.?an trench in Belgium," ' e is eongn gation ol the the Social Rovolution, .. re I ted toward the Allie?. Three a ?I the Prea? I I tola The fourth Let , rae.' " lermon was on "Will the Social Come in IS16?" B i? i e 'ed the 'all of Babylon, N i ? ?. eh and the cities of Egypt as an ex of what would happen to Amer ? til IM years ago things were . I ttei for the ???? oner, Tn? n | t killed the la Bve ' '? ? r .-inc.. " Ii i s| ? ' included himself, but hastily r? tatement when he noticed th? pr ??? Of tl B CBBgrOj It -en. N. Y. U. to Give Art Lectures. a Of t? '1 !???? Monday aftarnooni si tramural werk of .Saw 'i Will h?g;n at ti,, Me-'. M of Art on M after:: b? ?'? I : I? ? ? ind will in ? ng on post inism, cub? ism sad fut i:.?-. ..s wall as all re, '...?: stage aud ?iticoraUou, 5200,000 PRESENT FOR WAR VICTIMS Rockefeller Foundation Makes New Year's Gift to Relief I und. REFUGEE TELLLS OF POLLS' PLIGHT Thousands Dying in Lodz from Starvation and l.xposure, He Says. bi In K> ... f name.) I,-.- ''resident mmis ?ion for Relief in Belgium **aate**day announced It l :.<) r ' from the Rocke*. - ation. Tha ition, it ? made only after a thorough ?e?rrh int ? of more than 3,000,000 peraona ?a the ? ? ? Anaounirament waa made ai-o tl I crreater New York committee of the re? lief eo?ami??io? hud been formad on Saturday. .Samuel \V. Fairchlld, of kid Uros. ? f-'oste?-, chemical m?n 'ifac'ur-r?, Is I ?mar.. Mr. Kair ehlld i eaterday said: "I have accepte ? ? p o' *hn committee becauM i am convinced of the appalling- need for ?hoe?, and clothes by IfiOOfiOt human beings ?B i and Norther? France. These unfortunate? have be? ? ly de? pendent upon the United States Louia Berliaaky, one ?f llfty Poii-.h refui a - who .irr red oa th? Hvndam, doacribed y?stere*ay tha raina he left in hi? r-ative land. Berlinsky, his wife and their t ' ??-. ver.* at the He? brew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Jo East Broadaraj. The Ova. year-old ?on was the family'- pa back to Americ?.. for U ara? only DO? ? he had been bori in the United state? tint Ami Gerard ha i been a1.le to f"*'"' their n the abi ???ed city of Lod.-. I' - land. "Hu* sd " H?bi r aid ?ocietics i wer.- opene : after war ' swept ? Lod ?." Berlinsky said, . did all theii- power, iiut carlj I I r th ?>' Rich men e?yi1 to pay former employe? 10 per cent of I regula ragea, I ? bread and not roa Then the sale of bread wan it? quality became pom g in a form of typhua that ia alia - the miserable bom? ? Ga? aarviea har been di?<continu>'!, and 1? darknes?, poisoned by ?talo bread, the hall naked g by thousand? from ? tiousaad J?wish babies ran b? fed for two days and th?ir father? and mother? can be sup | plied with ?f bread as 1 th? result ?? tag g itood m the ?torm all last Wednesday ? ? ? for Jewish war ?f? terer?. The People's Belief Committee announced yesterday mat the- money tollect"d on tag day amounted to $21, - An ?xhibition of nearly one hundred . ,1 ... ?. (j i, . ? first tim where, was aponed laat i ?-? i ( in the ballroom of the RitS-CaiitOB. 1 he pro ? are for ,l ? t of ?tie Cam? ( Preach loldier-artiste. The cx ", will continue tt Miss May Ta\ li I ? urge to the hospita wound ? ? Uliea old .?) ..p.i i ? c.rii- ot' u h:ch the donors have become t'.red. She leeeiving ?.11 manner of dtscard?.?d and new talking mac i.r'.'d to I ? ? M Isa Mo? St all pack aires be carefully mai I 1 West 1 birty-ninth Stre? t. DR. CHARLES BARROWS, GYNECOLOGIST, DEAD SurgCOfl Was Professor at ("or ncll Medical College. I>r. (liarles l lifford Harrows, pro? fessor of gynecology in the < orriell Medical College, died ye.-terday at his home. ? ?? Eaat Fifty-i ?th Btreet, from broncho-pneumon i a. Horn in Jaekson, M **?. fifty-eight years ago, l>r. Harro" i w? i luated from the University of Vir* the degree of M. I?, la 1879. Comiag to New i*erk th? .next year, he waa an ted a member of the hou?e staff of ; Heileviie Hospital, wh? ?d two in i -? lioned aaaiat rgeon in th.* Ui army and waa He ? andar Gcnarml Crook in tha cam? paigns against the Indians. He re?i*rned ? 1887 an I " U llham Mecl I? nb irg Poll 1 i . ? York I Collegi ? ? ??iirk in the '..rnell Medica ? formal chai tment la 1915. Di Barrow? waa eeaaected with Hellevue Hospital for many year?, and at the time of bia death w*? attending gynecologist to I geon to ' he Mai I Hos? pital ar'd Consult I I I | . | - He had also served as Bellevue H aad 'he New York Clii waa a fellow or' tl v "urg? I idemy of M< -.. . - ? ? k*ork a the A ? ledica I lie iraa a member ? fret 1 Dr. David Mye Barrow?, and ? daughter, Hester Noel. rHOMAfl * M.I. V? K. pioneer eo| ? ? . . At the age ? ? ? came with u ? - In 1 mill at ti . '?? *i . and h 1841 . Conn. ? ? i, I at Ansonia, i ? ' ? ? ? . - Com? pany was on? aft ? ? re in the ' I Mr walla s was ( ? wire n Jtoi th? last oftoaa year? .Mr. V/al. I lace ha? b?-en managing director of thO irk Wire Company, ? ' " Re rave I -? t daugl u grandel drei i I I great grandehildi > THOM\S I'OTTv Thorns? !'?.? ? ?.?<*?? ?er- I ? I ,,-. b, J '? :? ?I .| ? ? ,*?-.??? ? u ' imberland, England II . nred a tr? th? North of [ralea? I i New York, with * Bullock an '.IMF sea ? r B Lock? <? Potte M ? of the Chai the Cil I ?raa a Royal Arel Masea, IIKVRV H TODD. . .? \ ic, from pneumei grip IN- i?H- ?descend I ?' the Hog - ? ? ? Mew R > the I ' ompany, for ;. ago he wa? pre? Rochelle ( oal and Lumber < ompany. I to loot holding?. He leaves a wife ., Iron. MRS. JACOB MAI KKNROTIf. P' T. rtr\? -r, T - ~ Groei ?:.*. Jacob * . ? < ? T?roh M.-.cker.roth, of Middletosm, N. Y . at 'he rii-r:e of her daurh'er. " , in Greenwich ag -a* JOHN W. BOi.ES. P?? T?>f-raph to g| ? r- * .-? 1 mi eh, Connu J?:.. I J-^n ?T? Role?, thirty-six, died at the General Hospital here this* B**?ir>? a mother, he leave.? thfl " and brother?. MRS. IDA D. HOUGHTON. Mn. Ida Delama'ei H?U?*htO*a, fiftr i Saturdai tha Flushing Hospital. Sh? ?a?. ? mo*h?r of I'r Harr- ? A phj Iciai of ?ia-. tide, Lor.g : ar.ii widow of the Rev. 0?ca- ' i.invFi. movtrosf: p\rkkr. Baa J .a* , P R . Jan. 2. Lionel Km P?i ker, a promii and brother of Sir Gilber* f'arker. the novel it, died last . aoa of ?aptain Jos?. R \ DIED. . I ha-, i". M .".' .: f, ' Bill, Eda srd L ? bbm Bi hop, Leonard R. In. ? ?"ameron, George Sanl "or*. Donaldaoa. Mary E ' Jaaowa . r . Moran, Annie A. BARROWS IV. i bar at . ng, Januar Church, ' A | ? .I- A Tur* : r 4, 1918 ? - I HUT. Suddenly, at hi? home on ?1 an Bill, aped M v . ? ? Monday, January 3, 1918, a' 2: | BISHOP On January 'J. 1911 I Bacon B ihop, agi d ??? urrra? services Toeaday, Ja '!:30 |>. m . at hla l?t? North Main st , Walliagfoi RON George, belove i h i of I>.-! a Tegrani. aadden ?? I Pet? - - rg, ' - Jar r uneral at 1 bur,- ' iy, Jana ILDSON A< ley, Januarv 2, ' ? bet'n Doi . from her son av., Rutherford, N. J day morning. Jar .-?, i Interment at Danen, Coi omit flowers. JANEWAY Ai -he Pre ? pital. New York, Inn? U ?hew Swift Jar?- ? ol George H. Janeway and dailgl McRci- Ba. '. ?f San Bi \ J Services at Chi Brunswick, on Tuesday mo Januarv t. ?t 11 o'clock. Tram Pennsylvania St? !<:3U a. m. \S fladdsaalr on January 1, R, I.utkins, ji , age I ? and a half year? ? S and Nell D, r. It ? varst, Y Funeral *-?.-? lit flowers. MoRAN' On Januarv 2. at her la*?? realdeaee, HO Par* ?v. la th? S"th ?.ear of her age, Ann' widow of Daniel E. Moral ai ; , ?.?<*r ef tha late AnaoB Rlake. Mirlaca ?t Tr ? pal Tuesday, January 4, 2 p.m. Ml Rl'HY On December II.* Murphy, ?f "Reriv GoW*1 and"Shaun Beloved ?? ' Service? "Till N'ERAL CHURCH." 241 '-'? Campbell Ba I ? Monday mornir.g, 10 o'cl? - o'clock Ml the Elk?1 Home. H * | All ? ibs r ? of R. P. 0 rela . friend?. Il tk services. Intermer | ? ? '-. ? big residence, 1 .. 1 [?? .. Brooklyn, ?an ? it.-: ? ?. Je ;....,.]? ?. ., r h* Boly rrlnlty Chur :h, Clinton and - ? . . niry 4, ?t t v. t I MEMBERS OF THE LINEN rRAI \ . . ION are r. quest? tend the funeral Ben ? i ? aseo? church, <" Brooklyn, ea i .? 4, : p m. HENRY I? C?OPI ' I -? ROBERT M. BRATNEY, l'lll? I I i; Pi at Fourth Presbytei t-.n*i a-, and PI I at iig. January 4, at 8 | I ? P/arwii k. N > . ? ? R II lam M - be b? . : ?t hpr ... ? \\ ednesday at 1 p. m. M K On New "i a home, 849 West 71s1 '.'.., '.'. dla , in tl ,k*. Sen . f the Pine G ? > \ nia. Coi - leaving N. I WOOD c 1918, Sar . 1 IVoost. Not ce . ZEREGA M I ? - ? : ? I Ml I I Uli - I III V\<l?"|i| \\\ \ I I Ml I I ItS L'.'i? llCt, II a,*?t "J- ftl . .*. I.