Newspaper Page Text
GUAFANTl-T Your Mor-v Bad If You Want lt. m KJitc ?' ?ilemlsrl? Irilroiw WEATHER. Fair To-day and To-morrow; Diminishing Northwest Winds. iTiail Report un fags I First to Last?the Truth: News - Editorials - Advertisements Vol. I^V (ropyrlstit 101(1 Tlir I rll nur \?. n 1 TUESDAY, JANUARY 4. 1916. /~<aVl? CV\rV '" v*>*ir Tork rliT- SIsbbbbs, Javasf f??r i;.>Ji \^r^?l 1 ?M,| H<,l.olif?n. JBTsBSaBBN r--i (rnta. Wilson Returns to Face Growing U-Boat Crisis; Four More Steamships Sunk in Mediterranean IANKERINDO?I TORN BY BL?ST 12 Hurtled Through Deck to Death or pic In Fiery Hold. FIREMEN AT ?AY OPEN SEACOCKS Braving 100.000 Gallons of Oil, i iuv Rescue Many from Seething Hull. ?.re worki: . ! f.. ' ' explo -.. ., Perartn- I I ?Utorney !;' I the t ? hole ' odies . the afternoo.. ? ? . - r.fter din pi] .'or another voj - . | - er and , 1 hen Blast. Aitec, supplyin?; ? t*ere four . gral rrioke hold. Then came a es and ras, i i : A-ere hurtled throuph ' - e?less body wa? BU : . il on ?ds. ^moke covered {'?-.rolman an alarm. poured shout Roselands - deck of the;r threatened e sea crait on the other : " ?? <ed out quickly. :. the Aztec crawled 1 the ship for breath and u'<' - o: flume shot up at Ahne la the furnace -ped men died. I Millas braved ip to the Aztec. ? id and Mar,m, a ? g : ? ? i ? . sida and ? Roaaland down ??<.. ? | -i and dropped him "i o? his crew on the tag-boat. ^^^^^^^^Hind a the hot d? - a'utnrh Flame.?. explosion .. , had ? ? I and atar into the I over a hastily ? : of the crourh , . hole in the theii asiat] I ? I of ?'? : '? ? the valve i ? ? . It was at an ij??___________________________________l -SSSSSSSSSSSI ? HI. Of t pany, who hud ? |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B*a?l BMlBasi on BSaBS t, tolumn 7 Grip Death List Trebled in Last Week of Old Year Number o? Victima in I lolid.y Season Fifteen Timos Greater than Samo Period in 1914?Preparedness L r-jod as Germ Army ?Sweeps City. ^rip killed fifteen t1m?i as many '.rl?trn?a ??? . ? 1914. l.ns* v. , three time? h Ban?; rj< ?ths at il caused the previous ?reek Pneumonia's rav :i de* ? \er the eorre.?ro!'.(i:ri|r t\ r. year. Mortality ->-^*?rv.c= ,- by the Board of Health la?1 nipht ?how that the vic'ims of influante in the holiday week were 74, Compared wll 24 th? ?a week nnci ."? for I - poml ? ? v eek and 277 1 lest year. The deadline?? of the grip ?k la notcrarorthy In view of the decrease of from all other causea from 1-287 daring lus*, ycar'a holiday? to 2?"r> th!? seai I in a ?t?te of Kiepe from : P. pai i ? p recant for they added C.000 to N w Yoi read] hupe casualty list in the week Juxt ' emir,!, and 500 of thi ?<? .? .... Iti ?n_ . advising sgs ..-.*? i ' i eoholi , ? g an? ? saeh * e?h foi th? ; bright." Girls a bo u-sipt on ws? ?ilk stocking daring warned not t,, follow Dan? I til" ' f ?hu ing th? proi ?at gi ip ep. demie. "Nowadays it has becon ? when ;? ?liirht . Dr. D. Brj laryngology at the New York Polyclinlc, "but i*' tlit-i-r must hf u throat op?>ra ? I ? . ? : . ? ??.- th? lood Samari Broom? and I ? ? ?anllniia-'l "ii 1'iiC ". ?sil'imn S WOOD HAS RESIGNED, REPORT IN ALBA? Commissioner's Secretary S Governor. ? * NSBSSfttABt . nor Robert C. Wood ha r W h i t n accordirir to a persistent report I to-niirht. ,T. P. Arc Bioner Wood';-, secretary, came here night and at ones went ta th? I ? ? i believed, however, tl ried Coi niai . . ernor to-moiro.-. If, I owever, the C< missioner has it-?igned no action .r* of the Governor will be nee pary. Governor Whitman 1 ed that he intended to remove W< when the charsa? er? filed, and t is believed to have proi ? ?...?'? reported action to-night SAVES TWO LIVES WITH HER LEG High School Girl Hangs fro Bridge and Fishes Boy Skaters Out of Water. Lighteen-year-old Ro.-e Krau.??!, '. Fort Independence Street, T v, hung from a bridge In V llandt Park yesterday and sav from drowning Clarence and John Ca penter, twelve and ten years old, of i Street. Tankers, wl ? ed or,?? of her legs and was haulr from the water into which h? I ? The girl went to the pink yest with her mother. Mi K\ na I - of -li'7 Sixth Avenue. Th? I promised to teach Mr.-. Krs ? that the lal ? airad to a small she? ? which covered i ? ? ? "We had }<err. teaching mother fo an hour." the ;;irl said last night, "an ? taking off our skates to g ? hen I heard litt! Tommy .M?rtir., who I . Henofith the bridge spanning th stream which runs through Vai Park John Carpenter was strug itei in d the broken ?ci through which ha had fallen. Mi Krauas li slim and ath!? ? ced her cousin in their run t? the bridge. Ai she climbed ? rail and let herself down toward th? lost his head B1 thl plight of his brother and jumped fron ? idg", striking th? plashing into th? John. The;, bagan to drown in tea m\ tei'l" Mies Krauss com? manded, waving those nsmbsri direct of the boys. Each grabbed .. ..-? ? and tne girl, lied thi I bridge. ,. ?. . leigh High School, and superintend . . . Moral and Hygii ? work. . ' rae oi ? her picture si Roes M. Kraui . who to helping ?? ?? ;.d thi't. ? Loses ?$80.000 Heart Balm. Un-'' ington, Jsyi 3 . I 0, KK) v?r r bread <? ?lomise -.?hieb Mrs th? Diatri."'T"* ?~ourt heie ?ev Kin ?!,cv, a nillionair? nia I lum ... ,,: Pi .... Mich., *.??>s re versad to-day by ihe Court of Appeals. CRUSADE TO PASS GEEM?NYINBOND Ford Delegates to Travel to The Hague Sealed in Train. Bj : BEODORE \. POCKM w ? ha? ob'iiir." I d bj i?ul tu Tr.. Uagu iny. It ?Ji . .i<;\: 12, sailing for home from : annoui Wc do not leav The drla\ is due rangement for speeial per' eh a i Th*' il i ?A. II' !.,..!? ' I sftei vith Berlii ernmi to proce? . r?,.ough Gei sfusal ? ' i ports of the cover n heiligeren) eon I he conditioni and. . the Americans will travel are strict. Their ? locked within. No one will be per? mitted to touch German soil dnri journey. The members of th? D will not he permitted to carry an printed or typewrit*.?- The .'ment of any paper, ? innoc"; ter, ?rill re .suit in com plicatiom f. other thinj-s that the party must ? reaening Gen . ?.r- eameraa, po ?? ai i . .... .1 coin. Mo .11 be i hipped bach to the Unil SV?] thron,' . ,? ? ? ?.-t prison? i garded in Eure] ? aresqn? feature thai hla m developed. ? teamei t to 1 ? Gast. ? ' ' ? ? ? ? I the natui ? ? quest ? ? ? : ' ' ? ... ? ? I ' ? ? ? ; I" ' ' I ? ..ritliiiiril en pase 7, i.iluran 4 '? TAF? THRUSTS AT ROOSEVELT Real Republican Must I *ead. Ex-President's Warning? S TER a) LOSE WITH A REGULAR Choice of Any but a Straight Party Man Called Asburd. ?. ? ? .. regular Re? s' i ? cat." ? attitude ol ?a Pr? rth in a I" ? J. Karger, ?? . ? ? . : ., is close I i vie? attacks Dickeriag Kepubliran?. "fol Be ?' the an National Con ! I ait, former And far fi ? '. Kepubli ??...-. ritl hav? l'< i ii i ? of remaining ? ? - th? ? i publicity. Hut ? , od thai ? . ? it i ? I'M! I Silenc? ? Res-alar? Hisleadiag. luotal narl ? iniona aith lage: hav? * ? ?in to miike themaelvea eon the political discussions of ? the sui rival of D and ' ? . : ? sney, th.-y hav? been difficulty into th? ? pu *o hav? th? old . ? ? lead . though not I i . ? . ? ? ... ? . "good si can't be Bt this or any oi idi ?.i th? i pai ' whic' i '? mocrat Ic '.o the ? ? ai didate "f bia cholea ? ?. :ll be * .-. party. It Progr. ?.arty, .?ed by : :i log l'i 0| ? I . th? !ie[iublicun It I I I | .<r He- ' it lu? is not The com? | dittona to their : ? efl ?? ililOU* r pub advantai ? ? Republican party shall ? the lu.licul mistake the Republieaa | i ( iiiiliiiiii-il ?m pair ", enlamo 7_ MISS ANNA ALEXANDRE HURT Snriel* (,ir| T:irii?n iroiii Sled M hile? ? ?.listing at Lenox. Lene - ??? r o Mi lohn ?1. Me andre, of 24 9? ? Street, ;, a \ ,,.i. '.? as badly hurt coasting at the Lesos Club te-day. Ml is Alexaadrs was thrawa frnm her sled m a steep ladina at th? golf links. She ' ? ragged froten surface ,,f ? lids Of her face nr.d re eul op? Dr. Henry Colt, ' di eloaed the eut ??? ith ?ui ? ? i ., ? it? an I? ? ? e? WILSON AND 3R?DE LEAVE FOR CAPITAL President Hurriedly Called from Mot Springs bj Persia Crisis. il"' ? .- . \ a. Jan. ? ? ? tVa hington to sight Th? i had been to remain ui til Wad hi pis ??,! mug in-,- , Voik ? ? Bo tl ? ? ? ?? , ' ?? second Pull? man wi ? of the ? Servie? guard Pr? ? ? ? tion i : Harriman, tbs ; I Pr? irturs mad? It difficult for all I Hot Bpi ? reaerval blyman : ? i I ?. I 1 i ? ? ' INVESTIGATE CAPELESS INCAS "Millions 1.1- i Lyiag Around in Moun? tain- Haated sj i sdaral Mea. pari tared millions of dollars' worth of gold and assorted treasure in th? mountains of ! ai 'l B4 rhai - tl - >: I Ha pector, i I ,? returned > ? . ? -. threi Iche i. - in the ? ., ruins to nake an ant q tarian go mad with joy. Id of ? o intlei ? - i pictur? mage ? would have | t to film, I "part : lained that h" ?ras ? part if his itopy for ?? ? in the |fe< ?? '. an - thor of 4 ? SULLIVAN SUIT DISMISSED V.-iilwr >ide '?Vim Read] I" l'r??-e< ?I **ith Mr-. Malura $S,4?fS Action. ? the suit aga ? " lu? hi r un ?'??r an agi ? ? i I ,.!il,? : v until h r eld. i as Ml r, who did not the alleged child on aceou 00. When th? Mrs. Mohr nor the to pi KING CONSTANT!HI LETTER Gerataa PI as ktbess ? (j reek ! orpt d i Baat. lai t\ Havi the G ins of R fessor Kra . h ??;??: ? t the a ' tory. ? ??? ?a??, ? ?????? i ? mu ? ? --_ \ The Money of the World ; I'ir year 1915 Ha*-, been .1 notable our in finai*rcia] history ? -what does I *-) I b hold in store? t OU will be helped in finding the answer by tins morning' noteworthy re\iew. Included in it are articles lroni I. on don, Ironi Paris and from Berlin, and from si-ver.i! ol America's best known writers?they give > m tl-.- general ?in.-n? ?al situation m seen by men who see ii most clearly. d it?,ir.d keep it?for it will pay you well. the ?Tribune First to Loot?the I 'h: S?r?s s?/.ditorial-?\dicrti?emcnt*. UNDERSEA W?R ON SUEZ ROUTE DOES NOT HALT Three British Ships, One Japanese, Torpedoed. 9.000-TON LINER SENT TO BOTTOM Another P. & O Steamer Sunk by Teuton Submarine. ! i ? ?Jon, Jan. " The U-boat 'eat ??n liners in the Meuten anean i'; being pushed withoa! pause. Pour mors ships hatrs (wen sunk?the ? Glengyle, tin- British teamer St Oswald, the elong and the Japai freight Maru. The Is tp it o mer has learned? sraa ?y ?i (iefftian ubrtiarine. Ths Glengyls had on board about 120 p-ersOBS, passengers and crew. MI. with the exception of three Eu sn i w ven < bineie, arere ;. 3o t'ar a- is Icnoan no Amer? ara. The Glengyls sailed from Shan? ghai for London on Novembc - garpors ; I take her through the Soez ?'anal and the M? '!?'?? ranean, and it may be med ? a was sunk in ths Medi t?iian??an, as were the Persia, Ville. do la Ciotat, Vasaka Msru an I - . ' ra ' ::>.-. h/sb ? .?'?..-Ton Ship. I'lie i, ? : ? as of the largest ? ? 'i sunk since . the activity of submarines in the Mad? i-.ean became pronounced. Her tonnage was 9.395. She was i by the Glas Lise, of Glasgow, and was the largest iteanshlp of that line. She carried ?i valuable cargo of 14,000 tons. The steamer was 00 ($1,225,000 . ? ? . '. ? ? ? enrice inparatively short tine, hav een built at Newcastle In 1914. ? ? be.wn leep. Eier naster was -, w. bater. The St Oawald was in th.? lervice of the British government. Her move? ments hati not been reported since Oc? tober 13, on which date she arrived at Mudn - ram Alexandria she wag 3?U feet long, of 3,810 tons gTOss. She ?<?*-. built .: 1905 and owned I British and Por? paay, of Liverpool, ... r 29. The eras ti d at Cassas, France. The Kcnkoku Man . . ,-harter by a for? igser She load? d with h? a st< 2,109 t >ns. The P. & O. liner ?!? sel of 6.030 tons. ";; s ? as sunk in the ? "The Times." All on board tl ? Mved. Ma-. ( haage Reata. libilil Bi which are using tfa raaean| -ng their route, as the Dutch ami done, beiai press, but i ted out that 1 ?forent i sy are j trnmest to i a thout consent Still a I.., > ? whom . ir ilays hava * ? .... ? cone? i -? rt X. WcXi tl ? tie ;?? II. ? llshed, t is thoui ... \ ericai With ling survivors, iaclud ng I '' igu, re ?-..'?'. . of Pe? da ling 1 ures of the P. & O. Companj total l More than L'OU I "-t ? give evei t? . . ? i ? ? will rui. Hii.-h fragmentary aecouats of the C'oDllmiril on pas? 2. columu l I REPORT KAISER VERY ILL AFTER OPERATION f'.iri*.. Jan. *!.?Press <li- ;i;il>h*~< from Bwltseriaad and Itals inn?* ff> J.lTinn that the illnev? ?if Km peror William is serious. Il i? stated that he *?;?<*. operated on last WadaMa?ay, but the nature of the operation i? nut specified. It I? ?late?' that the Kmperor Is mifferint- from a ?l?ep-?eate?l affec? tion of which the cataaeaaa erup? tion i** bul an laeMeatal Mmptom. ?ad that the aaalad) la complicated j li\ th? n-.ippe-irun.-c 01 his old | thr.ii'.l trouble, which has extern'?*;! I m I lie ?Math. It is evea asserted I taal it \ ill !ie nv ?-sary t.> pestvli? j him ??ill an artificial palate made j of --river. JAPAN WILL SEND ERS?OSUEZ Squadron to Guard Ships from U-Boats. Tokio Paper Hears. ? oune? ? . ?quadn will and ? ?? ? The decision of the .1 ment to .?end a squad Canal follow-- the sink ?g anesc - The ps I 21. The fn $4,000,000 JEWELS LOST ON THE PERSIA Gems of Maharajah of Kapar thala at Ivottorr o? S.a. London, J >. A Cairo di ? jewel- ' ah of Kar, ?r I valued at : - . W?n er 1 Thi ' sui?e ' rajah himself ii to join them at Port Said. MONTAGU AND TEN OTi^S ARE LANDED Survivors of Persia Total 169, According to P. & O, ? ur Coi ?teamer P? ? eluding Lord I the 1 ? ? VIENNA PPESS SEES ANC0NA CASE ENDED Budapest Papers Believe All Dan-"or of Rupture Is Over. ; ? rhe Vienna papera have published ?? ? ? I ? It? amer Ancona. They Br? uni.n:ir. the inc ? ' be . ? that the note n couc u ' . i i move ?ll ?' .?t' a ; iptur. ? ? ill?'. BRITAIN IN CHARGE OF ALLIES' CREDITS Gold Reserves of Fraace and Russia a? Her Disposal. B) ?VE8 o? lor. *?.???.? ; ?nee, r.r.k'i<?r..i . according to arhieh England assumes charge ..:' re?u1.-. -..'ir:*r si arith r.- il i . eommere? and ' and i: ; lia must put their eold ?e serve which will return the: ? month. My information affective :. us it feea inti ? ? ? BRITAIN HOLDS U. S WOOL Refuses to l.ixe license lor Shipment of Half a Tilliiin I.oi. Ion, J Licei ? - the ** ? ' ? '? ' : el .it.. ?lloarad t.? I The woois bought privately upcoun try are th? r-.t-t to be discriminated a-jal nit. NOIES WILL GO NOW TO TURKS AND BULG?RS Lansing to Warn Them of Stand on U-Boat War. CONGR.BSS MAY BE CONSULTED. Stone to Call on Pr?s i de'it To-day?Uncertainty is Prevalent. : ? i w. ? - ? . ? ? ' the ? .- -H" ? ? ,-Ut) ? - in the Medito ira ?.'. ? ? ?' ?' ... , ??.. . nil ? fill . . d - ? I ? . ? : ? .!*-. Will Send New **-.? ? Th? . <!? :ir. ' Tur the al ? p ?..;.'. *arian ?ubn ' ? Alcnii with ? Rcial atal ?" ri-Turk all ? ? . I with sa tnothor was I th? n' ; ; ' ?. Either ' (..? pursued. It : ?? I ? ' ... Senate ! ' ? ? . the wl? of the h on ?. sal vice at I resp.-r. .'.., ?ad at I .. ? ? '0 cow! in i . poned. I Mom* a .11 t.uin'o. ? \ .- . It ' ? '. would ' . tuatrian note . ? ? 11.ill | ? ?*' tins I . { \ 'he H ? \ ???' '? ' I repeated?y ar.nounced a v< |