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FINANCIAL REVIEW AND 1916 OUTLOOK FRANCE GIVES PROOF OF ITS NEW STRENGT Increase in I xporls Sho* (adjustment of Trade it> War. Dll IK LIT YEAH VAI IANTI V m I Rthtn ?a?n! of the* Masses \ pears in Response to I nan i \ Icton B- " \ I S Gl mm l * ? .a? - - i, | a, ? ? ' '? F 1 Vi tory." ? ? - of franc ?or temporary loar I ? nd bor fence, and otl* ii g t?rm }'. who gave 1 gold i ? tl I he grea more than I 1,50 000,000 ? and how i ? . ? - ? ? ? ;.-s is shoa " a ntimbei of individ . tie- - ex. .*. \*.ard of 2.000,000 in?**' ??* ? ? Pal is. ' ? ' prcat f-ini subs? i I I,.),0 franc:* repi ? ? ;,' the dis] ? **ntn?*r while nea v ?. ha? . ? I" ' mai Basiace? Mach Impn ? nd of tin- year ?' iiiieiai'i?' aim ? i ? ' ber, 1015, and tl ? onth i 1914 an between the moni i. (MIO.dun : g ne to ai ii ? ? ? ? war purposi i creaaed 11''. 76,1.,1'"" through ths pa ted I. O tob? r, 1915, th" inc i Octotor, : ooo -.. crease wa pite 1 I i i.'i moi r?e. < 'ont r< f-ult.-. par? laMishin ? tior.'ii?i! rate If th? censumpt ippl't have pa ? Mme ti ? he ma ? ? ... iii a. ventured i M of the ?? V 000 M ' ir, ? end of IM ?." i ?mount t'< . while ' ' R ? *-.. or.oo ooo. Thui tl ' bai air? ady \ .0,.? Out?, without counting 11 Sorb?a and Japan. Grewiag i oil oi \s ?i These fig are, of course, onl* an;. jenen Ily he low ratl d? September 21 1915, Mr r :? in the HoU ut ?4-500 laj the : #>?? pe? (Ht ure 1 I: ? ?? : hat i: o;>\ befon ' '' ? i " ..? . .Mr J Kenna in :he lai v ? the < xpend tun ? t,, a' ;,000 000 trio monthl** < ; ? ive pro I l ?ft 1,865,000,000 anca fur the last five montl of 1911 to r thnate of !,1. for ?M fir*-* three month- of 1910. AU expeneei of tl g ?? incluih'il il tl I military exp I as follows: For 1 : ??, of 191 ;. I ? ('IK?; for the l * ! 1,100,.,000; ;oi ?(muter of 191 nu?! for the fourtl ] 1,570,000 001 i ? ' tal mili tgrjr e\p? i pat l, 1914, tg Deeen ? 81, 1915, reaeh? U.OOO.OOO ?'.- ?' tl? tot* war to that dale ?rill he b'r*. 26,-1 HOW THE TRIBUNES AVERAGES MOVED I UT] ll\ la Ml N lie. rinl.or M, IBIS l?1 ?'''? lleremlia-r III. II? I I ISS.1t1 .... CHI I ?li.l.-.. iiiuii. lull reaw, ISIS IS1.4S3 11 v. i, n ?r.u. ni.-. lai.iti Hisii. IBB ?? ar, IBM ?"'? '"' , I o? lull .1.1 mm? '.? i \\ i i \ i i*iu?iiii?i? llr. . i:ili.-r :1 IBM M R I lie. fin', rr 111 IBM ?i II? li.l? '?" I'll? ... I . iiisi. : i? " ibis '." . ,i I ...a, lull -riai I ?'! -. BS .1 ' HiKh ?nil ar n IBM ... ?I SSI i . . :-. U ?. i mu i ,.; i ?; ?0,000, provided the estimates ??v thra? m ?nthi .< iod. In A ben Krs. 1,000.000, 000 is the amount ? . ? under '!io . ? ? .1 ':, ad i iule." which ta BS ?ther dependa ., mei i" the color.-. These expend? If course ?? war I'roiii 1-T-. ? - 000,000 per 9,000,000 v. ??1 prol ., i ? month. Mean? of Paj i ? ?' ? iencc of I the ? ins] ; i ?-. .. terror of paper The state do? s it. It ha> .- to two of temporary loan?. The first i ad from the Bank of ! 'ranee, "payable in the shortest pos ?ble delay." lay thre? ? - ? !a\*.=. August 5, 1914; December 26, 1014, and May, 1913. these loan i s ?zed. ai i r 1 ? . 9,000.000, 000. I redi Frs. 7.400,000,. , ? ? ??m r-ic law of -Inly 1 1. 1911, which .. ed the s ? ? i 10,000.000 of by the la - 10, l!?!"'. which authorized an issue of months' aid six months' By the on?! ?er tin? issue had i i 19.00 1.000. Tii? ? ? I the j rond ?crie* of bonds for the national defence, payable ?i They ed 1 i..000. Refund?as, lhe in M. Evidently the pov? ? would :<, com ? I ?? temp . an?! -.'.In,'ii i- l.einpr ? ed "lit by the G pe .?? ore opone?! '- einl 25. i i"iii the pro I I oa n ti hy tlio Bank of I -o re paid, ami - can be es! m?a1?'?! that :lio loan will al' : ?' in ighbor 13.000 "m. - shorl ? term ive eep thei capi ? i ? 1,028.000,000 of , .? ? Ens land i?" i ot Jiave t" ' ? paid until ?.?i?' year after lin- i f peaci while it is ary for 1I10 moment t?. It . : bj tii" loan raised in ? ?ca. The now ."> por c< loa will. par off ;ii?' Bank of , ;. ? a the . . ?on ,' hich have ' ' . ?mi in whal measure will n ',.. . . foi th< gov? it i tii?- ?neat pi obi? Hut. whati ' if the loan, one can ?>c et I that ol wip-1 out tin- re . ounti j. 'I'll?" ? em i nu-ut ha ? had i.'iir r? i?, adi ? ' ? ?Id.a to Met .III? i-I ?In- - que ?1 ?o? . I loa wiil ;lu- ,? ? i ho publi ? he war.' The inters I can I'O paid m a lai.. econo , . .i \ i?,' the Mini I ry "t I'ui? lic Works, M. c,. Sehelle, pul in the "Journal des Eeonon for January an article sJtowing lhat more than Krs. 1,300,000,000 I ,.od on the h'jdpot v. ith ? public ?service. invrhile, it i = titno for the niem 1'., ? ',.. enl to ?how 11 . ? the i ront, the Deputk and .Si lo something. They have voted ? , ? ? they ha*, c pi* on the ol) o! id?- : tat ion of cram ; they tuna' given the prefect tin igh1 to ? ?' ituffi and all materials for hoHt and light. The Krench ? .i-.- .i b ie preset I a cepted 'hose measure! with ?ndlf for the most part beten .?i,.1.? to i ul m?o effect. The table.? for tin- taxation an?! requisi of grain ha e no 1? ths ty--i\ -ul' . 'I'll.- civilian r pull doubl victory an?! il await- it with La t y ai ?lie soldi? Si ?,-h of t; - I li.l ? ? ut" ? occup el witl pecu? ; ' With a dctem ? . ?i I the c,i?l??i Of th?' nay. J HOW ENGLAND VIEWS WAR AN1 ITS AFTERMA1 Difficulties m ?Hi Curren Credit and Exchangt \\ ork for Peace. A SLOW RECOVERY IN TRADE PROBARI tuen Britain H.?s Met Drain Gold ami Maintained Her Exports \\ I'll Bs I R \\? Iji ?V. Milt*-I i .t.:?- a( T' ? k.o.'.i-i l*r ! ,r.? T?. Wl it I ,.i .? .. at o? omic revi year in the n I .... ? ' rd< . of ITm N . :. d h>.m man) the be gen iti will be being p*i on pa ?? ? upon th ntesl depe entirel* poi I he date at whi t ided. As 1 v.. ite, I the first tin .' ? ' a ? ibilitj .and he | f an i ai Fron Gi lany and ii Ai gs of 1 ; 'er m oh in-- ..f war which the governmer non . < 'ne ii ;?; oui :- ar of thai pherc ai hoi ;u .! abr ?ad if becon ? bl< t.. peace, i ' diplon* ?;.. though -t viry diffieull I .. by 'lie ? sj :?' I . .?'.irroni n - . ange, v hich become mo formidable month by month ; and war cos? Since lasl < hrii tms - a*e ha' seen our expenditure rise I than two to m y five ?:.;'lir>n.' rla;. v..- oa .- seen ti .? <?" a1 Britai tun. against us; we have seen serio ation in 1 hi ? ." i rai ' ' a' ?; Italy, ai 'i a fall < moro thai 50 per <*ent ?n the oxtc: nal value of the Russia rubl ?i- the othi hand, the <?;,- ;,., ope , :. ?: c " ' 'I '." the enemj. Oi ??'. port . though inad? quate, !.. ? Tar* r.' " derl till} ? >Vi mail ? i. del pite : ;.. . ' listment t Ihre'- millions of the best woi r" jo tht? country. We ha' e had ma, nificent support from the coli The ri e m prices has been ser .' , . but the cost <>f ii-. n g hi. h Mil---I o tin little or no privatk :* M ' working classes as whole, oh in*? to the liiprh*-: wni*i the mobilization or" t'c-i ale an child labor Theic i- practically n '.. :;t. althoughj a ??? rtai hin? landin ?die through nhortagi of lahm-. Th ' ? . -iii'-?' eottoil trail'- i- dull, bi nearly ail the staple Industrie c the country have more order ilia thej ' ? to. ? Pur chief con: mercial difficulties spring from wan of shipping, congestion on the rai ? I e port?, and from un : ? < i ha - v i ii New Iforl I ind, Scandinavia and Span.. So far the drain on "fold ha I ? ? I be exp cted, bu London will certainly need more sup I'li- from th. ?: gold hoards i: !' .h .I Pel rograd. There wa able t i-t* lasl month in th price of silver, which ia oxplainoi by the demand for a silver cum ncj ?. v from ,-pi'*ion of smnl money. Tin-- or ly gpplk 1 .i-1; to the ten shilling notes Workingmen dislike these, ? the; i ? ? ? ?, i ? ? . .. So oui ? ha been ? ? ?:;. and nigh ' ip| ? currency, wl ich, ol court e, is a profitabl? ? Gold i >? ??"* ppc? r h ?m Ceatlaeat, i ?. tile i ontinent 11 moa'' i .- ' ml riea i gold has long dis . ppeared irom -- >arlit. h is hoarded by the governmental and by* individ In l .i' ' e many of the towi i led small jioto- down to a . ar.? -il-? r has been !ar-*e!\ hoarded I'. Belgium and m the oc cupied districts i'f Franee "-mall thi .. peps r aro issued in lieu of cupper or nicke! coins : rt -i-t the distributioi <>f food by the Relief Commission. Redundancy of paper money m Germany a o \ . tria a..''int- for the growing weak* ..f their exchanges, and ig al! tin- n.' ' in* ti i tea of tlv-ir ? .L" comm? - One qu tiern raised m ? ?nneetion ?h.- exchange? i- whether the ... ' rom I.... don :?> Sew \nu, Amsterdam and **Copenhaa*e*" AMERICAN PROGRESS IN THREE YEARS' FIGURES. Merchandise esparta i??? elevea as?alas saded N'ovesabei MerehaBSllas import?, for ?-1?-? ?-n bbbsIbb bbbM Xaveasaai i !?a Pf? exports f??r rlearn month-, eniliil N??? miln-i l.nlil export? fur eloaeii niiintli? rnilr?l \n? rniliri i,nil! lasaarta lor elevea Bsaatha aadad Novesabei . Escasa laiBorti fat elevea asaath? twdad N'avembei Vatleaal Baal aapeeits Si-pirmber . se?a > ?,rK < U'.iiinK ReBBS ?? ui-|?ln-*. mil *e.n . Baak rlearlaaa . Ne** *i urla .-<i?h K Exchange -h.?i sa -??l?l . Nh>. \ ,,rl. ^t... I. I v. bailgc tionil- -"III . < un i, ml I i.i I ii res (llaMlitica) . Kailraad raralags . Pig iron iiriid.u i uni linn?! . \ 11 m i nl pi in? i pa I f .inn riBBS. Wheat , ritp llniaheKi . ???m rrnp (bassWIal . ? ut tun i rnp I halas ex Hatera) . . 191... ,*.:.liti.t,,'? I, . I4134SS4S4 1479471491 l'i.-,:ti,.t,.'i? I0i...'.ll.'l|.t ;iH7,on.V-'Mi S.742.1U.71S I4SJS1.1M s"..rJ7.Jt9.non 171 717,.'Oil ?n.,, Jit.-in? nii?.ie?l.. .'. I, ?.?.I??.?inn 2*499499 .',,j?i-?.771 onn 1411491499 14*4421,999 11,191499 I ,: 191 i 11 IS7491 If. 1474,919.4] ,', 19.472.1 '?<? 123.4SS.2S2 324784711 MfS4fa4?4 6,139,981479 121474419 MS.ISMN IK.717.HM? l?,l.' ?7...IMHI : 57.SSS.S9C 2,493447.998 ?2,939499 I473427.9N "?91.017, (Id. ? 24724S4494 19,125,999 'Eicess export) o, (ober ?all. v .! return after th ? ?va like i > ma I ? financial i o? pend? upon bow of atti it;..:, mid exha isti ?II :h. ii i*w and the woi Id i, I -h .? dt ? d by thi i rotective tariff th?- i m its coi ide. V'. ? afford to imit?t? ? Amen, a 01 .? ?Soil" "' i ?erman?. another pi oblem .h . ii nip I ? our min . i an '?? ???! c ' he i and ? to mentioi lire, rot . i ? . ? .".i ? a it the; in tii ? ng or i practica ni v. foi Brii ish invi tors in the i 1 rench loai , a ho sta to | i; per cent on their money if i; to il old ? course, all important. I find ? . 1.1 war. wl r... . ?Id i? i ha " !" <? ?? ??!? ?1 cniplo; the wc g di n 8i 'i . absorb all thi '*? " V. ;i ?I : laid :i inilii"n ? dier? were dir banded in a f ? I'ut that fortunate fill} a- . . ? ' :? i fill opi injr up of a vast soil which cal ? d foi fa n e railways pusl I'.i Coast. Aga after the I ranco-tierman War. thi were a eou* >?'" v erj go ti sde. Thi Napoleonic war hand, were followed by a l"t>i* per: o- exhau: I ion end poverty and m . ot' which ("real !? ita i ;. . .' full .-hare. The load of t? nd deb? ? eighed hea** ily up us. I vei fear that we are a period of i ti iffering, a that tin* exhaustion "f credit a prevent anything like a tradi And I agree v ith those who ? lood of emigrant to tl New World, especlallj from (?< many and Austria. Will the N? World be in a condition t" find woi fi :? thi 1 ? n at tl ., cial and economic lossei vrhi? will ; to be made good by futui industry and savings. Since the wi ? ? ? . ? . writer have n the II ? a/ork i hi. gi guess? bul there .i-i. official i foi mal i o- to approxi atui ;. ppend 1" re a sel of figure* to ii i, cate v ha? may probably he il ?? ? , ... ligerenl pow? that th-* war ci o after la itin aboul ? months; > . i. ? ... i i ? r. A ? ? I ? ?1 M ' . 4 ? If the C ist of pen; ion | to the fain of h< dead and Incapa be add..! *.. the gbovc figures, you reader) ? ill be able to judg wh??thi r ipeculatioi ? .i the impending I anki ii* I ? '"? justified. a America'? Trade Expansion. i a bet ?? 4 '? ? . r.rnj ihfr? ?a ma< <* i<? now 'han there ha hitherto to mak< - ' ? ninga '.-.i^c port lot a'orld'a trade," ????? ? ? " ?''? ?? t, ak? no doabt th*' * can ??" ii ' will be atta d< .? of meeesi i i??? I nited State . peaee ...iM I* has bad lereral i - i gl?r gouil seaaoaa 1* hfi-- i el e ilat i ?? \- i i ' g to the wa I ? ? ? g to almoal R-reat pom .-r? i ? ., . ? '? ? te?, th? is in a posit ghl ??? U own tra I t ought to b? the trad ? bj Germai \ II n gai ? rr theii . take 1 time before the?, ? to prod ? th? \ ?? ' ' ttracl . . i < the ?taaorica? | prorort'.n of ? "?? uro-i-*'? tr?d?- ? | OPPORTUNITY AT AMERICA'S D?OP Bankers Foresee the Yeai Rosy with Promise for the United States. PROSPERITY TO STAY AFTER THE WAR ENDS Indiistr.* Is Now Practically In depeaden! al Europe's Munitions Purchases. I-,.-.' ke have a si rongl] opi ?mi ' - th future. The] . Pheii ? ' cern ii . ', ? for wanl o! I.?pei ation thai i . ove them. \ u?th industry, the war en , ,,f v > he 1 The !,? ?,, ? lal In anees expn the belief thai the busin? which ? ? ? ih the h? ;*?. pui ? ?o ' "! - ? le" is the ad ?ank pt o-i i ?me it i ill' IioM i,pencil up im t!;r i.- in other cour I ' r- 1'v the pa ?. ' ' . -,' eon petl ? ejected. We shall i e : aftei h < '..M i 11 ? Op| ? . ? or of the 1 ! VM1 - *. Ml \ win if. rhairmaa N'ea I i leal lag House I ommittee; deal N-atioaal H ial ul I oa< meree: ? - ?hM?. ? - ? Al lantii i ? ? . i ? rhe suppl.t . (his ' r I , ; d by the opera! . , ?? . I -..,; i persistent emand foi ., i i '"i the loar ? f band Gem -h?!- brougl ' ? ? ?? - undei I that pparen! eminent an?! for tra portal i ? tin?, si ...... . ? normal eondii ion i. \V? r ; i, ! . going I to mee! i ?u i ? ? ? ? i ? .,'* for .- , s i erj ? rv reason I , ? . man? ? I the futura i ? ? i. I RANK \ ? VNUERLIP, president New ^ork ? leariag II?>u?e Vaaociation; pr< lideal Nattoaal Cltj Hank : v. all fel i i eat ago that in the s ?.' had no | ',, i?t;;,le ui. I think : leal ? '-n' '.ae '? ava r;-,'? ,,r I r. ? I I . n i ? ' leflnitel I j The from the . l h had ? ? ? ? last U ; ? ? ' , ,. . r i ? . ??-.,, .., ? sr basi ire for a ?.-?in ?' .i more ra ?nal and i - I 1 ? ?ra have reached the n our domestic affair? and In r ? ? ?? I markets ? ere w? nd ? : ? If v tell if operate ? ? till to b? lolved. but no! . ? ?? . ? . r freedom 1 ? ? nuli'il .... n ou ???-. ? . ? ? \. ?: \l:l(?x> HEPB1 KV i hairsaaa Hoard ol Directors I ha?e National Baak: \\,.\ iti il a75 - .."....,.....nil.. .,.;,- expon d . the men'h of November. "War ma ti i i'il" i, ? B 0 ' ?' 01 i-, g r on.- ivitlt ? he .1 reel and au nt? .111.1 :ic. . SB O? '?? ur. 1 reprosenti a 90 cent increase ov? the non i.;' tin' ? al Ii . ? ?i ? for elothii an . ? per of all I .. a ' ' ' n menl I? I *-r.- 'i*> Miti'1 the ' riduitn i.."' '.' i ; '?..".'' I boi 'i " ' f? ?r in oiriri by ? ,, ? id? ' s ws ' ? lai K .Iran;, into the coifl i lu- n, *. ? ? a war ord ?? depreaa 1 her? n" ??rei ma;- be dation. 11 t ? ning pol ' ? ? . -, . ? i conservai ? ' war, we maj be a ita to rani. flat? ai '..i. * in. I am not o? ? m of too ?? i going ... ... I an?1 1 f Am? tie?, pit granting form .o i ? ' ? i . . ' ' ? n ? ?' ? . - ; r:.,!.: ha? bi I " i ' . ? T'iii* eu ? ? ? ? ? -, islbtl ? ? ,.'=o of 1.'. . -? ? pr' vor ted States : I in froi ? ? " ? \. .1. HE.MPHHJ-, ( ?airman "? Direetor?, Guarantj Trust Co pea* : ? ?ncial enter I ? ? tat? of ri|<- world waa not ? ... ,. . , i king 1 .... . . gnei "'?ich tl v or!.? catastrophe hs placed us. Fur una'. forced us ' that ?.ur a I ? ery lari the enoi , |...: ? ' ? ? ? .' . ' irge extent, and 1 ? . ? be fore? to lean U| 01 recog i t:,i? mutual int? | ' i. ted m il r - ii i rer eve .Iren*! I and our wealth * ?I rpondingl** inereaae. Tn orrii r " posil -? r strain ?xtravagai e? in expei PI..1 s? our we? fl ? ? ... . . . L' ill 'if pi-Otl ' GEORGE ? \ w rt'YIa, Jr., Preside Mtrtropolltaa Trasi ( oaapan; : That In** hriiikintr tu.'I ind 1 loot ?uld not Ko mu- is my opini . ' to 'i;?>. ...... many factor coi the , . ? \*..-i rd in 191? n .if thi to our i ? . , ? the i tiom bu Biso I p.m.-?' on the pari of the \ . ? I Ing to the wealth of the fa ; well knoa : ilatei groa th i ? i. ..n general line? and opens m unlimited field I ? busines?. ? movemen i <?? ? bring them i erease ? ' atoek, u ?th th? t? i tim?. I re basin? Is s ire 1 ? ' I , ' ... ; ?? . * . I ? "im' . ? dich 1ih\<* I ? ' ' .'krd ..f gold c ??. 'lie ha-'s of i in mr n?te err. Beea im ?i avs ".l our ' ? ' ?r ws have a lar ? of ehean ? ?! C fe;??;-,*?. T . . ? I for the ... ? ;' ? ., pn c- and thr estai t of ne? . - ? been ? 1 ,. tal war. *?n< ble im ? tance is th*> fact that . ? compll ?..? - j trade ?? ir. .i .'vpnr..i thi ? Inction 1 reasi i?.i",.' ? [>?rge ii ? ? ?i loan .--- f,, I ? t it es indant . ? Ali. " ' ? ' I / I '.? -y???' II lolnmn I ILast Years Upturn Has Promise for New Foreign Trade Should Still Be Large, Even Though Changed in Goods Shipped Con fidence Restored Financial Strength Great Business on Liquidated Basis. Of th? ?< Htt?i ee? tl ?- ? ? - 1911 a rear Red merely of ? >,' setual piBBpsrlty ?? ,: ?? ? '??>'?< ,;rri>t for?:irn '?.? ??? ' I "'?"I ' eontinoo, chanp,.! though II mat be ; the ns*'ire af our i sports '?'?' it I supply '?hut waning E pa ra ?rhaff * eaaa? furnish ta ? ries. PhanoBiaBa! narvast ru- ?? b SBS4 i i ?' -..',.- -a l ' ; .?! ero.I- I r . ' ' I .'?.? II 'I SBfl ' towar I mak g big ero, I9U ? furnial Oui ?aal , 'T.trate,I ??? ro igh th? i ? ' ed? S act, mi been a.? |4 gold waa . ' o ir mare afllc snf use of .,. t the beginning of . . . . -,i-. expand in?* voiumo of domes? i busiaass. Ht sueh a tim? rorld iheavi ther? i ?ttls ta proBhaey, bu rai eoatinu? li is bailar? I I we mai gs s sa wa did last ? sa ob x i eater seals Paaee, svar a pos If nis problems a w? have to read bb! i irselves te th diiTeren! the e t i t ioi f Eu p? fat 1 eaat a? it loi lo ar? ? . ? ? | | ?I iod of leadline We over?ame the a - arlth a! th? added strength ?re at. ? srd to rearrs sffs . ? basil ? . danger i lelvei ifortune ml| i ra? '? ' th? I i our d ? . K ? i ? ' al , |Hr ?, th Aus? I ... the Feraigl (?rd??r? Immenae. \.ei . ? reckoned i? . d |200.000,000. 0,000,00? and in Ca? ? r than foodatuffs Mini cloth! ig ? - er were put I i rea u I ? 11 ? I - o t' ? I . ? ' ?Vlliei ? more i ? e end of th? i .'":? 'or product ?n s - ,;. tiie immense nun ?ted tha1 ; ',-,,>rtriH quanti! iea of a I gerei er being ? 1 ir ?aaneini ? H ir I ceeaa of mor4 ? ind api g St.e I. ?' * . i n in ??run | .1 ' rar orders, mens speculation , ? ?tarted the ?., ? ? i minimums I our market from being ? .: . . tion, i ihara i I prices a '-anced aa thi lorn or never bef i Speculative I? rar?-H ,-.. ,| b> I i - ',''?" ' of 1914. A . ? .- less dangerou ? ?? "oug ? ? . tracts eul ?11, 'hf market ?? , . , I price reductions ' t aer i ? i'orricn ^ellinj: absorbed. ' fear of 1 . tha! . ? '. ? seeuril pr ? . ? ? . ,i Great to i ad? indei ?? i. ., ? ? schein for j ; togel .,ir so (flish owners a % . anci - nr. .... . War lias ben. i - hea? iei in the m precedent? : ng wag el I ige i to boi - A BI Boi : t mad? . . peeted In part I -. he.?'? . ? . i .-,...,, ruritie . , u i ?.? he v G real i ? Is. S let | ? . .. ?es Before the ? ear I s ? ? i- ; beei ? . I credit were a rtgagei ? ? ' ? .'. : : I rj?l?> Espaada >l???*l?. ? of war ordei nterwovei ? . ? repeated ? ?? throughout ! red fi tat? ? ? Graduall; ; ' . ? .;. .! ??. ? r- gel ? . . b? compet? i ?0 " ' cons id ide ba .? ! which domestic .-r>n??'ri]c,i.>n 'h;s year thi s 1 :7. i n ir I i s of 01 ? rdei . ? ? a g ex* .a I rat? more thai ? tiled iato I i ?- ? ? e ? ?? ?? ' t the l . ?lomes'?c r .* ? g > rder-. towanJ ; I ? < up the slack ar..( th? price a again *< ?vei ti Buying Increased at Year I Other, ladastila? erara qjick?r.?d d? ... . indirect . a n -*eed vm?- ,;u ? .? ?? - - lag i ag *! du -. ? ? ? rncii ta being ? ? ?. - - rhed. ? ? til?* reckl? g thai ? I - b? ? Cotton, 1 ? ? ? ?tura la ***?<*??*.??. On tl - ? . ?. . . ? . - ? began ? : ? - ' ? ? gold nd brought hacV to th" ? ? tora rid alo? wer? mar ? [a earl* au .. . -t accept. Par larljr ? imall m?r - BCCOUI for bl '?i g?t - i. ' j ?? t'ur the -? . of induat r ?It .nto *. ir* ?. ? R . ?.?-en |*M trm? ? . tl *. '-.?? ? ' I i? t?r. i. ? ?-. b ? - 1 t of expel freight, crop? .... : I - I an ' ? ? ... *' ?g, ? ? it ?..,i,t pioaa t n ii ?* ? d I * ? n '?*. ? ?nd ?t the l?t ? ' " * '