Newspaper Page Text
-md-BBM ^?'>?'<' ? demaral r;*,'\ ' V? draft? cs ling fcr era ?? pound, though a r S? ? [? M.Mth in OUI ? ? \ . ?. \ . ? ... , " the -X ?torn ?asas .?????"? ? n- Brii ? side and ? ' ? -.sine tea of the payable here in gold '* j v. ""erlnu ; - ? n?d I si .. par - ? war bro) Britain, i g, ..... , , ? ? ... Chili. Ha, a sum lues w? e ' ? based ? absence I ? ? rade Our ? arreaey Sound. ? i ? sid? red ? ? - ? ? ,-r. are ? ? ? - - ? i . - ? ii - ? ? ? . - call - ! i? Ratea, ? ? . ,1 rail ?m l3i to 2 i al .... ? ? ? - ? ? ? : supply what ?? . .. ew problem? will come to us, ?me tl s ? gth and re? ver may ' - OPPORTUNITY AT AMERICA'S DOOR I Mil] - ,tr [j. bring ? and pros ' I < . DWORDS, Preeideal ?uiton i n,M Compaaj : ? y and r ! ?? ? er. In ? ? ?ge and ? ?.?..Id. ' ?o be ? the non-re . -* country h I I for 1916 if : is and ? ?'. T< ??? ? ? ? How is . ? litions s ?u-; he | resent - ra? wo! ?a mi ___. i au net knee el anybodj who can what i* going to happen when ? o*.?*i Moa< propio talk isa t Interested. n . * prei ct wh ??art I fol ? v- ? \* ? ii :!.\ of ? and ma i ? IV? It? eS B .Uhi't l Waring lion?.?- Mrmhri *.' I. De? ?i |] ft n December 12, ivii December 11, 1911 8,1?* CHAKl FS 11 HOT *A \UI*F.N. ?lent I Inroln National l?anl. If the fa?; s?a? i-ot then gl raa *e,i. th? beit.-f n*? since -rpreed thai al th? outbreak great Eut*epean war ?aman?rela!, trial atul financial h'v*iii? m thi try were in a preearloua cendltti . . .?" was o? . by <! thi? . ? ? ti ? \ ? ?? .. ..-'Mar.- c, tant or ? atton ef the PAfsfaral 1 rvak of the insequent r ' ?? ? litiona : i . -..*, r, ' try aie b? ? b ueh lu'ttoi old tak \ ,???? ? of cro ? atlmated va and ii farm? up io a yond ? ? '. d happy pi upon tin- ?tup? ? dema . but ' ut ? mli ght atk, Ui ? I * so Immi we i.* . our ' ? ' idence tracl ? ? ? ? . ? ? t are now ] ? I comme ? ? ? ? i ' ? ? ? ? ? ?I ? ' ? l Rl DERU .. i , ni Bra I ru-.t Cuii' ' ? ' - peral ... ? ?? Bnd cheat i ? . ? among ?II I ? en ? ? prepari ? and ? wanta l ? but I feel. hich ? ? MORTGAGE CONDITIONS. GEORGE v Hi KD. PrealiUnl Men gag? and r.iitol < ?mil?.in1- : Oaring th? . rental*- and va! ?n th? South and We?! have be? materially reduced, but the previo? lltloa of rea! estate of the country h? : esenl drop In values * ? eff? ct on th? mortgag ?? ? ? ee ti " early ? h< a in p.l ? now better limn ..' t g of 1 r the M .M?e \\ eal real ea pt ab ?Ut normal . acific Northwest the improve gl ? . .. ? ,,. ?.,, ? ? yet thoWB Itself, an?. sr than they havi beei ? ? ?' g, |f. Ml KH. President I a?>ei?-' Mort K.ii;e Compans : ? 1 about th?? ? 116, fiom the standpoint of nal la New York, is that of the 1 ? liquidation to en up . only tporadie Instai ' ' I ?logical i . ? g to real . ? ?? ' man.: ork du? to proel " ? ' ??? ?? for? ng nteresl ra1.??*?. i man] II veater? ore now lending at 4 s ' g* ? caal iaataad o? I -"*?-' **'-? BRIGHT FUTURE FOR RAILROADS Outlook Is for Splendid Earnings to Continuo Well Into 1916. ROADS WILL HAVE TO IMPROVE FACILITIES l Re?ut i ves i ookin^ to Federal Qovennaenl t<* Put Curb on Illogical Regulation. Head? of Che great railroad tenu of the country luck forward t<> ?'.'I?'. BS to n \,Hr .-:' brighl pr.itnia? I ? ive Indication < ' k? i?i _ up their remarkable increai with n continuance of the European war a matter of uncertainty, the railroad pre ?den! at?- naturally cautious m making predi? I Practically all a - agreed thai a curbing of indiscriminate r?-?r?iln r.'.ti nf tin? railroads bj f??rty-nine t?te ? ? Federal commi consummation devoutly t?, be v.i hed. While the general outlook is for eai ngs, based on the expand ing industry "r 'lie country, many ativi i ip . ? t!ie ne,-e-sity of improving tr:ii tation . if full advantage is '?? be tak? n if I fie I raffle thai i offered. T ' re ic some d p nlon as to ? to railroad I ? ra!. how ever, it i? believed thai 1916 ? of t'lr best ? ? ? ? ' i?' n ] nown, \. H. SMITH, presiden) Sew Vori ? - n t ml Railroad ? empaaj . ? ? - ' ? -, ? ; tUBl lli t : | ;. i t ? I r. l il??M *..-. presid? ;i, . ,.-, ,?., \ ,: ? \ Ki Iroad ? orapaaj i ? ? ? ? ? ? . ' ? ... I in 1 ? ? l refu ? th? i i ' - ? - i would Im ? '?' action in the val pro! . rely In i The railroa .. ? ? vil h I - the i legisla! 1 ' ' T. M -?'III M \? 111 i El Pasa a*, -outra, tern Company aad formerl* chairman Roch Island Caaapaaj : Mio vortr Juat i tided has I ? prolific ol chana ng new conditions. If w? ?? one quart? ? ck *' .? through aad ar? thro"-.-' come eut a very m ne h \~ ;, railroad man I fr?el we hnve run ? 'the full line. It? January la ? all cur- , oparatlBg arith ? make ? With the approi . ' i throui . dous ,-? ?'..? h eondil oa ol ? for ri ? the P ? ? ?? awakening of all b " ir orders - udd? ?,'? I ? upon ' wer.., af'T two lean unpr? pared to handli 11 thai condition and wi I nol recur. I am of the belief ? **?? will eapeiieai ,?\v on, rions labor ' eondil .... ea Vi>1|| tax . to the ut ? parly a?krd as to the rail) - ? are ible to ham prompt . I . ffl ??'.??ntly th? i of th, ? f an ex? 1 i ...! ? " con ? ? nanee, addi I and 1 ,;,,f, r- - ? > point? ,1 "ir ? h : m* n m? By nth?'is directly <r Indirectly inter eat? .1 With the pniall amoui I ' f arailab]? iur tLe aurjBB. ?a It la ? . . difleuH problem ta determine which of ! the many Improvements aac-ald be nuiile during the i?*' two >c*r?, in conver aal an ?nth friends In eeataserclal linen and inen eonnected with go-s-ssrnaaental dapartmeat? hium*? te do witb tin? rag railwai -, l I .,",. ti ir.i t.. In pre?, the Idea that the ?arriera were unprepari .1 t.. handle ant c ?i* '.n. r? 'i .* m l.'i la? , thai i Ith the ? ?mlng of pi ! h? Inability ' l 'h-- ei mera i" rat at th' d? manda mad? up."i th. m. i .;,'. v ],, ,?,., would h? MitTorril by pi...liners and cotisiiim t ? 1 ''?vi. [well ?? t ti ?? ti,,. i,ltai ?mount Ins oh. .1 h lha ma I InereaM 1 ' I road . I'.nv,. ).. an requesting would be all ft- | Infli mal compared with 1 mot ay which ? * by . '.m, | t?teres* 1rs proved . ? 1 he respoi bi thi . tin gra? e p hi forty i in? eomralii loni '; . ?, . , ?' th? i ?a . ? ii wishes! !? I ti an poi tation and Inadeq i ties, or do they omtnem urat? a it h the facllii heir I ? ? . . I. I". IOHX80N, president *S?rMk | \\ patera Railraad I oaapaaj king generally, th? b ?f railroada atarted off ' idlj for th? cal endai . .i, and maay of them hn.I i ling, Gradually ?<r flrat, ami later witb ? rush, relief mme to th? i . ndllng war mu- I nod raw Ifl .|g || *,, Mi- r ..] crop? ?ad bel ?er condil ion il the COI I, iron und limit"' |gn Influ? ence upon results ? last ? ? directly i rigid ?eon ? luring the , ?? . . ? even if the I feel thai : ' S. \| 111 I ll\ I ?real w cetera Railroad ? om| an While the ?linj-s, ? im I last , i heavy ? ' ? \ ? present time ? ? i ' - regu il y ? riic ? ' ? ? i n's orders t '. , ? ? ?, . ? : ' \1 v. ** ,\ l RB linn? ip ilia I ? ? . ? cmplo ? . : ' : i ' ' ture g I ..... na a yea Tl ?? the -ount rv r ? | t genet ? T ' ? ? ? f the brought th? ? It or; ? ? ? ? ? ? Il ?t. ru \\i\ TRI M mil. t kalraaaa B< ard nf Directora CWupeake .*. Ohio Railraad Compaaj : - : ? . ! crnmenl ng reg . 1 or * ?? ' . ? r ? led la "t ?et prating Her thai or 1913. In th? ? - ? I . ? r.' u ? ? te . from under f ? ? ? ..... .ulation be- j .'. r?gulai " ? ilble, con? tent, and | ? to treatment 1 y will rece..*. Prosperity Reported Throughout Country Middle West Buying Heavily ? Crops ( Factor in Uptur ?' <'.'rra.[?r ?___?, ?f -ra.? ' ' leago, ]?ec. si i: city In tlio laat v?ar especia It? Intti r half has bean exc go? i r, all 1 ' Ing nil |,r. ? i , rver I* \ . aaae? of this eond I o . bal tind Iraprot em? nl dui the 1 uropean war and the fa ? 111 t,- h vea? v ? i, ., i t Hin Improvamenl gained In n 'intil May. wh? n the I for a walla eho? ted tl a up! even then sra srldc pread thi Middle Weet. \\';,; tha pa it fear, rendition ? again m pro' beginning in \i. " " In ' '? Id? n< -, '..I eh gained tonlshing on ? i !?" laat bans eall o! 1 deposit aggregal ii * 11,154,671 againal of 191 4, an Inei i ? f appro I Bi ,-.- I ; loan ? .?: I MS8 l ? - I ?? or' n|,pr,. and es ri f iga ? ? | ' -i.-.-1 i,oi ? 39 pel ?' hi i.? And ? difficult avenues of pre I .' ? nearly il I being "?? il and am] rated 1 high m .-ni" , ii.. i . . ing from "< ta l1 ? per eent, ?? - n rate of fn ng a yeai air", whils ? ?ii command from '?'? t< rent, as ags ? ale 'I' , ??? ,rer" wl a mai ? - ?I ?OHil. ?: ? the i I durii ? i , ol I I'll?- I ? ? ? CI : ttl? and normal duri ?ion i ??' t he .t. u large I irdei " m - '; i . ? ? ... i | or 1919 CANADA. TOO, GAINS FROM WAR ORD minion, with Added Bene ('mod (>? ? I ? ., ? ada, alt! I ' Whei ! ? ' ? ? ? ? ' ? . hi . , ? i ? pros) ? rig feat ' I th? i ims to ierre rather than distribute tha pro of th: < - ? .? ?rea f 1911 i.< r Industrie? ha? ? r.'ally I war. They are no*? itcome ol trug e of wh! ? a GREAT FOREIGN TRADE AIDS NEW ORLEAN ?'. ? ; i/i .f'upmcnt \\d^ Brougl Much New Business. ? ? ? f i : -? ? : ? ' ? , ? Haml . : i. ii ran citj : id - Dui ng ? ? New i ? ? ? ? ?-nor ? . ?' ai I her? Ii addit on, big con? ? ?t an,I export bu furthei . or Eu? - .- ? i during th? tropean ? aaser! n ro tie the l*hi ? claim ? ? - : ? have ? - ? ?ad. ten tory soffen hurri? cane ai ptei "-r 29, Im' apn in thii bu been uott Casa offset hi '? ?plendhl Riven New Orten by th? way sha wlthateed the a**eeta ?t.j> m in 111 .,'';. .ii : ?cord - "f ' "A ? tara H?mi?pl 11 IN NEW ENGLAND MILLS RUN FUL Electric I onccrnt Planning f' New Improvements. ... ? i m, Dec 11 Boston enter? ti new year with th? bri|*hte?t tinanrt and busin? i oui '?* iat ha been <??? 1 r i tint? sa of hui time? have becom? *"> scarce that thi are noveltlea, ?nd on all ?Id? ai ii > appy Ii "i? "r" ladieationa of tl feeling ? ? pi n ira that I? ifonoral ? ? tta electric '"ornriariie?. ha' been ma g ge : rel in I 101 the la Bths, an live piar for Improvement aho? tl Qf, I ;,e New l\n| Bad '??' '"'ii 'ii" giving promise i good order, ti :,i" ii. ? ight tim : handle. i< ? I i rosperlty, H hss r.< ? ? ? ? ! r e m e i the m< many el a ell ? i ? ? . . ear ?? .,- i M a ? luatrj i? at hip riark. Money, which in every instance t? th rulirit; power ;?: both business an .. . :i ' -. st'K more tha abondai t, ?ven after h year of remarH and v ith n Pederal Ri Hank in Boaton thi? conditio Of COUI ?', it r ay ii" ?aid that mac of th . ? . rhe war pri but, ? ' .? eau ???. proi ; ,???" PHILADELPHIA MILLS SUPPLYING EUROPE Financial Institutions Havi Flourished Building Fair. i - ? Bvreata.] ! Manyl I .vho-e proi - ;.'. becaai the manufacture o ? K'err . . ' i. ?nil'.?, reap'.: g !? profits ?< ?1 am manu ? m?kiB| roduct I goods I been s< I i? havi i havi tiona have sddi : ibstai . Bro ??- havi ? ? ? sen 1 i irtly for refunding th . I "*k, in ?' P ? by 11 I ? ceed PI I; th ? ? Tl ' ? I f o I ' P - er? am ' ' PITTSBURGH SEES ROSEATE OUTLOOK ?iy in Tariff Depression No? ..' Capacity. ' followed e' tl ' ? ; a worst d *' modern I brunt or' the I'ndei ? u ? ? ? I ? , . ? I now. -is the . ? .'uirch ? ren n akin*; ilr Intet : . I I of f ._? ith? I at full eapi BALTIMORE NOT YET AT NORMAL LEVELS War Business Vccounts f"r A'.nst o i Recover) Noted Hen. ' : .: n bel * 1914, but :< . tl , genei ? ? , busi ? extra tune of 'hou !' r. n .? itio manu ?.?.-, i int of mom n an,I stimul ll trad? . ? money flew? - ..I of rr.ani.- iring r ? eral of 1 Bufad ar.- load?...I up with wur orders ' . r f..r i'. : . ? i ?-d orders have meant en ; I pay? rolls BBVS PUl _ in circulation. Canadian Investments Canadian Municipal and Public Utility Bonds arc now selling at very attractive prices. We have an exceptional list of the above class of Bonds to yield the investor 5% to 6% including Canadian Govern? ment Ten Year 5% Bonds, to yield S'4%. JJV would be pleated to laniard list nn application. Nesbitt, Thomson & Company LIMITED. Investment Bankers 222 St. James St. MONTREAL, P. Q. Bell Tel. Rldr?. HAMILTON, ONT. Canadian Government and Municipal Debentures The security underlying Cana? dian Municipal securities is stronger now than at any time. We are always pleased to make special quotations in answer to any enquiry. G. H. Burgess & Company Traders Bank Building Toronto, Canada Canadian Municipal Investments Our experience, gained in erver thirty years as dealers m Canadian Municipal Securities, is at all times at the disposal of clients. All securities that we offct are owned outright by ourselves and are only bought after a careful exam mation has proved their safety as an investment. At the present time we can offer high grade Government & Munici? pal Bonds to yield from 5% to 6% Correspondence Solicited HANSON BROS. BOND DEALERS. ? .subl.shrd 1881 164 St. James Street, MONTREAL