Newspaper Page Text
Our Business Prospects When the War Is Ended 'N ? riling Readjustments <>l Industry k'%en I i ition I Irr?' and abroad - W iw Preparation Needed B? PROFESSOR J. W. JENK5. ??f: \ ' i - i ? ' ; r nil. bi otlt tal ? > .ro adapted can be ? ? ? ?ara r * . ? ? ? met ? ? ? : , . , " ture, f I t en Competition. ? ' . . . gan 1 i i ? ? ? ? I ? . I tne ??. Th I? I canii : . ? ? il w 111 ped I ? ? - yet 1 c wot I . rnm? ? ? ? i ? ? ? ? ? ? I . . ' . ? . r.v I i. ' ? ' I ' ? ' .? ri \.-H N 01 I. I '?? < I .... ; . \ es her ? ral i be bi ? ' . ? ? Two ? ? ? ? lin g 1 ? ? ? ? - I.overnmenl Vil ion Reqi ? : the war, i well ju I ? i . . ? ? ? ? i . r ? ?:?' ???...? ? na ti ' ? ? ? ! ? ? ? ? 1 ? ? ' ? ... ? ? ..iiil-a ? t ? ' ? ? ? ' ? ' ' ? hanrei la ??nti rrual l i i The <>\.r f ?i-?'ijfi ? I tai ? i ? ? ? ? l * . sag ? ? ... WAR LOANS. CREAT liltlT.MV Piral, '. . pi'i .?m ??.,i la-an, keala l-fl i"*' eral . Si.I, |'?j p, r rent >??r loan, ha*-?*. US pe? i ?ni . Fire-year Exchequer I i??r eral brada ii.'.i-urs hill-.. |*i i?, ."i per real randa Share tagto-Freark "> per retal note, la I alt?rd (Matea N??? ti?.- .e.H i ?i hei|u?'i . pel reel basad? if par Raaking . redit la I altad State* FRA n' ? ?Vai loan, I pe? rent, S.73 |.er . ,ot i??sis . iicti-n. ?? keada <>i ISSS . Treasar* bead?, three ?ad ala ?Melba . Komis placed ir: England Share lagto-Freark I pe? *"" ?otea ka I ?i'?"'1 (Hales Ct n- in l ailed >.? Kl SSI \ Internal loan i per real bond? I ir-t ?iir loan I pi r , ii.l hiiiul*-. at N, l??*4"* ' '? ' l"' " ?' Second ??ai loan lionds beet? %JU per cent Third war loan ti*?--*rar ">'?? per cent bund? Foarth ?a? loan lea-yeai ."?' i? r cent Bead?, basis ?> it pet ? lic.i-.iii. bill? at hoiiii- and .il.road ITALY. Flral i ?sent? tncxe.u i1 pet real hood?. I -7 o per real i??* ?-.?oiiil l?enl\ Ii?"-M-ar l' o col brada. I.s", , ??. i ,-nl !?;. Ihmi lwraty?flre?year ."?' . pe? renl boads, S.1M per real bs .?n? n r ii pi r lent nolis in I oili'd Bietet GERMANY. I r -i '. pei cent bead?, at S7'j . *?>??.?.??n! '. pi r . cru Ix.iiil-. al IN '. ihn i, per i erii IiihiiW. at M Notiv m i nited States, ?>:>' per real basis Credit m Swedes lii. i o.11 i i edil . anil ad? am i | U *-l lil \ III M. \h"l *iu>itian loans Hungarian loaaa loan- ami reedita la l??*raaaa* l i I'M i l in I'ermaa* . m i.i;akia. I aan i n i .??? mm?? . ||,7M.?*M.Sff _? <i.-,n.noo ono ? io.ono.iMin 1 "0 1,0.0011 '.,11.11110 OHO i 'n nan.nun .m" Nfl I. ,..."ll.OOt? l.M,::.-an?.not. 0 ..'.llll.l'IMI ?-,0.(1111? lllll' I ; i..niii.ooe v ;.i; ,000,00c ?', .,?!".mm ?',:. MS, 'Mio | ...??:??? il i r,,l '. 1 "-.(.00.000 i ? ,., no 1,000 < .'lilt.non.m?o ,,_ | " ?Min ?"i.ii?.oeo.unu Is.l.llll II. .. Ill hi ooo. MM ?n.tion.ooit l.l..11.10.000 v| :>. nu i nun n,, "im N| :iiii tarn ii'in . ? ,n...un a I C |i Ulli' ooo In progrrat ?'? ? r. Mud , th? try, monopo 1st . . perma I ei ?ii il? . :, ? .r vsr ? ? st govcrni gem ? -? st c ? ? ? ... ? ? ? ... ?, ? ? policy of governmi thi'ifr ? minent i Hineilt? lu H.- Kipe. trtl. . i ? .? ? bi t i t h a s se? i I 1 ? - ? . . . f benefit ay ri h ' ' th? new trad? ? 'i the ? ? . I . . ri ,.4ain?'d. if Wl rover, a lat? - vit : a? irai!? with . . . :.,'<? ? i .;?i.' B , i:i I; along certain lit es can lal tain? '1 Th? 1 i ? here to n ake eon ? mi other r- chandise hcretafsrs I ation of whal Iit ? g man*, linea, ? eager mm? t< ?> re pi trad? means a!<<o the ? ? intrj of i I s greal e in man] Earn? < Hoi ta for exampl? li?h 1'.P ': ; ! i btl? ? ? . ,-.. hen the nevertheli .. ? ? t in dus try trationa ? ? ? grei ?? o ' production by r retenl ion <>f mai - on ai ar. Il |<j i o1 be '-i i r? the ad' our g ?.. ? or: in I ? ? ... to w? . ? -, re to bo te than ? i vV< ?? s liai! hs . i'apitni ? .??red. Their bui ? ut ion i ou?; their labor (time he ilf-mnral pileas ? !'.'? ?ng, ? i ?.-rabie time before h ?i teen M mated, our em ploy? ! ? rta eliouhl ?r-e 'o gether i ? . . SStaTOl the coun ?ry ir, y nd, SO S to ? r.nHur' 001 h ; . v effleiei (if wasting <??' ? by n< I e ?? ?? i.g 'O Ml I BI extet ng ti aur s re ning to be a i the war coi h further il I ? ,.: m 'vi ni ?' ?\ r t:. ? the gres eat er iditor . earned already i o ? ? ilt of the ws v.. ?old in ?mi ael i ? It' \ac can u ? p"?i(i judgfl I i .... . ?' fon ,'? ? b : eont nuing i.' |. lie] .; Our tiv? bat? aai govern mei and ] parties, smong I I ... ?nd . ? I. . -, '? dorn te t ii ? ? background ? roed t the peni nd to work i ? ? ? ?>>'l ? v f?ir t'nr good a ? the o] ti| ? . evei . rent, ur ? ratio too mud o hop? Banner Year in Copper ? . ? ' IS bring] to s ner year 1 pper ii .lu?\try as regards ? foui g mil g eon ? ? .: . ?? led by ' the 1 ? com- i ? ? ??: - i ? ~ ' I rding 1 ? ... v. oi Id," "equa ye? i paid by l "Actu ? rvative es1 u ? ? rata SAVINGS BANKS' lOOTH BIRTHDAY Immense Growth <>t s>s lern Since started in This Country in IHio. lia \ |< i??i; i. i .KRS.M:r, ? ?airman Havings, ? ralean sl Committee, tmeriraa Ituni.?!- \ ?-?? lontrollei U'illiamsburga Sa* inn*. H.ini. ? ? ? ? ? rbrste I ? ? and ? ' hundn and i Id. M ? supreti'.i'. of a'l varii ? > ? the ori| i ? i >;. r ?.* i. bs i .-.i ;? I ? ii ? .' ? ... i \ ... Philad? ? i ? . Tu--.: ? eighl ' . itual t pi ? an II,.,l .. id ovei S5,fl ? In addil I ?took bai k and lie buildinj ]<i.Vl Hi'i stat? bank called ? . ? ? ? Hare the, are est depart? It i ? ? . . peop ? h:i\e Jil'l ll ? nuil allow ite. The . ' .i.'c ruto of intere I paid ? ? the 1 3'.? par cei t pi i im. ?enlennlsl Thrift Campaign. I bs strength al s nal on'i lavingi ii found ?i, the firop'ir' population. Tha I altad tatei has 11 pei cent ??* its po| When eompar? d ? i France wi pei ? ? cation .... -a\i-r . | . month and pennj Of th? t ?n?'"ine. It || r:i: ttii therefore, thi ligi ? ? ? . people In 1913 1 ' ion of th? Km ' 'i.'. Bs ... ? . lea ol . . ? i and he repi eaents organist ? ?? pai ? 'i..,..-. : : i ill I OH a'.! the | .. the li ?id. i is that no nal long i nr the Indi? :d'ral seq lire real sueeess unless thrift ba pn a r' ..?. tha ' lugurated s ? Lud expa the dea I' ?K con di i ed llie rm. ... . ? ' r ? :. ' . dertakan. 11 of oa snding ? ? to eon i i del thi progf? i of e cam ? paign ?? e? Practical ?Id ta Thrift. ils published . It i ? Hid to thrift 1 tates with results and ? i ext? ii.i" ectun .ipanying sraturs ,..- ig the pu portaal The I oroj es war, and? conseq I ? ? I I - puipit. y. si i A i.i.i \\ ? I 1 lenil ? ? , T| plea 1 mam :?? ' ' ? ? arid ? ' i'i. Ill? irgi t is re? I ' if camp ni:r,?. thrift eongr? ? . their il H i? It I SI 1.?. p ?? the ?lose of the first cent n in the Unit? i cent .:. in inet. ' a great greatest I V. :. ls:r. results at -!i i year, j GERMAN FINANCI IN GERMAN EYE Robustness of Country shown. Says Economist. by Darlchnskassen. NATION "BENEFITED B\ OCEAN BLOCKADI Reichsbank Percentage "i Go Reserve in Exi ess of I hat ml the i>.iiik '?f i ranee. it. ?.I'U-i.I BERNH M'l? i ditoi ni "Plate?." ill ' lin, i'" i ' The econom ? s| pu ?lion "' I ' 'mai.y dui ?I the ha be? n del rrniined pi olal no fi " i he ses v esult Germa : . has 'n'. ? ? ' Ina much .1 Gei man* i a emu; 1 which 1 ? . ' nal in product th? nece au mat? . mean 1 ?thii ?I i?wi l?oui 1 . . the Knj li ockade I 1, an] ' 0 mai e i th? pro p? rar 1 ? ? ? .;....? thi ! . . ? ha had a I ' resul : on view* ? hie . pa ' ? M:- ?in' mabl mp? ?? -i . lit, r- mptin? .11 tides of luxury, an monej hat n ntry, so thi the . not piled up f< ? The <ie :. B ' ' il C0UI1 ? ? ..inch trade -till .- po l?li : . ru our disad* 1 . 1 but thi e gal 0 pur' icula 1 because 1 to ot at al arge and th countries with which wo traded sr p all im] in thi EquiliV. rium will be immei gaii i upon timption ... norma ... ? 1 1 ... ?. If thi EnglisI char..^" ; .h St? in (? . .. they are com pletely. I ? ful In 1 , n f 1 \.i I. roiniil loi II.- ; 1 -. u . r.'- r-.'il the wi with a gol? 900,1 Ri ,.. ai d, a? cording to I ... Id re . . 0f ".i'.i'.Hini 000. The gold re I ily ".I. li'i I. was 43.1 pe? 10.3 . cent. Tl ia mud . 1 . of the Bank of Fi ai " . which ha? only againsl notes ii circulation. I: i- also tu be notei thai 'he Bat ? of F1 anee pnter? with a gold e ei vt of I '. 1 ? ? paper currt ! . . ? ? figui .und ' m.- ne ? ystem. abroad it ha t to di* credit our money by saying *hu" thei e wen ii G< n 1 nj titutiona ?rhlch mortgage ? ? tl ing. French pajar- have enjoyed retailing tlie Jok? that ?? -i toothpicks have been mortgaged in Germany by Darlehns hassen. Thej sought to give th-* Impression that Gennanj vn 01 ? large ? and the entire popu? hit ion in - ? 1 .? on persona] ehatt? 1 1 ? .. ? ? When, at tho ing of Ihi war, *-r<i.-k ex? its ?es in olved had . .1 neo ary to create an h would n 1 ?? aible : and bonds for tl.I unsalable beca ? . hange - to ha ?? 1 means of liquidai ion in ? a 1? of eed. It wa ?1 ... ni rabie that the rule that Reichsbanl i isued onlj .: p ?,. ? ?? indorsement should lie abandon? d. Thi lion of Darle] . . ?> hich had ? during the ? ?? and th?> wa ot 1871 witl ? ? ? ? . rected. Darlel . -ecu red by tgag ??tily. '! ' h ma. be ??? natu Tl oa to 75 per " ' ? inge nota? ? ? war. \ui Obliged to r?k? Scrip. 1 lar ?". do not pay in 1 ash, it ii which no 1 i .ment. 1 ' German law. 1 ed not only by the -?ecu? ;. the personal liabil ? ? '! hi circulation .m no dill whati ? although, a- has ?'?'?-n em ' one is 0 ike it. Since at the war it ? ? ? : might elop. 1 eh ?asen did .???;? into cir thei over to thi . . -. ? . ? ?I ". which ' isbank ' Nalionali/?-?! I***>". T H r Or?sni/ed IKTH American Exchange National Bank New York Total Ri>onrrfs Over 5ioo.0tio.ono II WH I < LARKE Pn v? M n R H in V>M l l ??: "i: ' HA1GH \ , V -.? -i - mit Hi i: P LEE S k ?I? fil ISt Mil? I LBI III ? BI " .1 I i \? I.I - ',? Hi ?.ll Md II BE, W 11.1 IT'. B ! M.LMAN. We hold It litiag to eipre?? our grateful ark no.-. I erl??inf'nt lo onr niitomer? and friend?; who??- heart* ?-o-oprratinn has made our growth p?ctatela. With a sturdy appreriati??n of it?, gres* raiga ?nd potency are hea>p?>_?K paar rontinred fricradlj latereat DIRF? TOI<>* ?i'l " PHF.N H i I.I mini: r . <??? .. . ? PHILIP v - FRANKI I! Ka? ? . F.DW wu> r PI \IT \ , ?.. ., . If, . El BRIUGI '.I.PUS SNOW, rm .-? ,H. m ; ?? -??? . < a WILLIAM P DIXOX, CLAIS \ SPREfKELS l> 18- J? Hi - '. '.-.??' ?* . . JOHN t TERRY S.- la-. \MI Ll .M M BARRED I. i--.. ii- Idas ? BspraM ' a W M.TKR H BENNETT. , , p-,.-.?? LEWIS ! ' LARKE, k fi LTox crrnNc, ActORltl of Individuals. Firm?. ( orporatii>ns. Banr.? and Rankers invited Foreign F.xchaniie Commercial Letter? of ( reci.t gave ii notes ii ? thus men ing the eed of th? Da ? ?lir.i; tu the R* m< ? of December 7. this institutiu held 162.000,000 marl - in Iti ami ;? . l.?000 000,000 were in cli dilation. So, altogether, Darlehn ? . had Issued not ?- to I he valu of 1,4 17,000,000 marks, a con ?11 ?um considei ing I that thi Ki ? n are allowed bj lat to issue notes up to 3,000,000,00 mai ks. This sum seem i incoi able when oi e hs ta t? I th Id Gei : ii i" have popular form of in ,'estment. ll i stimated 11 ??' oreij i.irities alone held in German; ?mount i" 12,000,000,000 i larl s, an? the entire amount of Germai seen ril ?es is consen al i ely mated ai 100,.,000,000 mark During the war this ?"tire lump i immobile. From the opening of th? war all German industry turned t? ying tho needs of "sir anil a the same time strove to sati fj i the peace demands of the Interns empire. Most factor?a hu\o had t? work with day ami night .?hlft-. Tho demand Tor money am rredil hi - been enormous, ami h additiot 9 at loai - to the extent oi 2,?300,.,000 marl ? have be n tul ed. In tii?' face of these d< mand l ?arlehnskassen i ? h U I monial of the extraordinary ?nancial ?i.?-, of the country an<l a brilliant example of it ^ organ! In thi- ? ??? nection ll la interesting '.- i".- waj . which lm float war Som? " ? ? ? have been kis - '? r themselves the pi? a ???* of ling financing of war as n enormous bluff. They i i ? thing like thia: The war loan wa* lubscribed to the amount ot' ."?.OOO. 000,000 marks; subscribers then mortgaged their loans with the Darlehnskasaen and received 1,000.? 000,000 murks for them; therefore th?- aeeond war loan. which . ted to aboul 8,000.000,000 represe ited actual!; onlj 4,(.,000,000 n arki in i v sub? scriptions. Subscribers of 'he .?-er ond war loan airain mortgaged their paper for 6,000,000,.mark . which sum they used to subscribe to the third war loan, so it in reality represented only 6,000.000,000 marks ir. new subscriptions. ]hc v hat are the true <?? diti The third war !?>an amounted f" 12, 101,000,000 mark . 30 pi.I of ? m. n had been paid in 0 er 18; that is. aboul 3,800,000,. 000 marks. Oi October 2, five dg he ? -? date of paj menl. 566,000,000 mark- were drawn from the Darlehne; that is. only a little ??'.er ??-'a per cenl of th?- pay? menl ma?i.' on October 18. The t?ua! ? ? the lo?_n showed 3,562,000 individual subscriber . a proof of how genuine the entire booy of war ?ubecribei .. sen. It ?a particularly int? ? ? i note that ? iptionJ undei 10,000 merlu UNITED ?STATES MORTGAGE ?.TRUST COMPANY B way at 73rd St. 55 CHar St. 125th S?. at Sth Ave. Statement of Condition Decmber 31. 1915 Asset? New Vor'- City and State B ?ndi . $3, II0.S1 i 77 Seouri?ie-. ?lue. one to fi G ?/ears . , 4,710,1 S Other Bonds and Stocks . . i).?.'.. IS Time Loans . . 13,381*600 >>> Bills. Note? ?n.l Acceptances P ised s.967.5k-' IS Demand L^ans and Loans .lue in thirty la* . 1 1,206.91 ?? "?? Cash o;* Hand and in Bank. 23.13S.Sa7 12 Clesrin Houae Exchanges 7.024.62097 Foreign Exchange I7S.S42.H Vdvance? to Trusts . . I|S1H 7h Mortgnqe. 8,846,On Knl Batate 20.75?.Hi Ac? rued interest Receivable . 630,hi; $94,564.560 78 Liabilities Capital . $ 2.OOO.0000O Surplus. 4,000,000.00 Und'vided Profits . 241,6*08.11 Re-erve tor Taxes, etc . ?-7g. Deposits . 76.786.034 38 Treasurer's Checks . Mortgage Trust Bond1- . 7,977.5<HM>0 Accrued Interest Payable. iaS.fl3.tlt S9U64.56U.78 I'll." I.? TO It*? * . H? r s- BII>ni.l . 'sr.; - 'Miii?" a ??*?:? 11 ? ? .-1 rr v . TU? ?Mi ru ir FMt , nan, \i..itri-.(i- -. ALLEN H I m il HI1II-U1 .. ?NOW ? HI V. TATN'i ?<l f I? I Its "Mis w pijiTTi:-. I*i?*asv*?ai ? s:u 1, *U8M1 I \. . 1.. ?. ? I S A*' ,. ? ::> I BEBI ?-- a-, - IIARB1 ** halm \ a . ? .. I '. it Ml Kl'lll > A ? I I M IT M ? ' > Hombot \f?? lor*. Lleuritm House lasotlatlon AYMAR JOHNSON BRADI8H 0 JOHNSO? CHALMERS WOOD. JR. tips - J. FLETCHER SHERA JOHNSON & WOOD MEMBERS MEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE 111 Broadway NEW YORK T.- - * ' ' tad to 54136,000,. mark*, or 15 T*". Ctwl of th?' loan, while subscriptions over 1,000,000 amounted tu 1,750,000,000 murk.-, oi !" p, c ill.".' Itgur? In .:<?*' If doubl r ? ? 0T ' Germen Empire. J