Newspaper Page Text
:'AR DRAFTS lAPT?RE CHILI ?, Behalf ol ??ericas Exchange Hss Fine Result. ,M\ YORK BANKERS \H) IN Mllr WORK Hl ouill W?rkci treated Drafts ? New "t ork. i ?oi n ' m her?? i* i a ??ci.i. lea Coe ,??,.,? ? ver) with ? any and mber ? New . hillan paper 11 1 ? ? had ; he Chilian ? ?- help us ? nptly effect which would ptt cur pence per ?Chilian ex? about l" wing ? that we c ' ; kini ? enough - .,,, . ? ? lerable er be ? ? ? rling : practica* was that ? \ :..:? ? ;iani:e ? iwn in (juoted. ? preju . reme ?.ion of ? ? ? ? BUl for dol Shortly .'talar ? Val] with Chilien 'hem ? they are dia of which ? i ? " ? -antile Be ,i the tutiona ' ted ac ren meal Help? ? aft a South ? r a plan to the it the nfen e % the pay ? ipments I ? with drawn in The i i ? .- a de? cporl dui .??? wi ...i London ?? ? ,t an aid to ? - with dollar ? ptember, 1915, nitral da to ? < 00 in our currency. ? ? of the I hilian th? r,^n aid ?. , r...wt co,]Ui;i,n,, ictuaU] br?'ii financed wHh| ? da* Lili?- mi \'.-u York, :m"1 thei li.i ? bee* .1 ..'ii iderabla em ! ploytne I dotlai exrhange b) other ccsmpanies. There would heve .? -?1 ill Inri;?'!" buain?**ea don? In dollar drafts on Nen York bul foi ti i fa? * i ' it .i number of outa! and litf . i?ntt-i. t . ailed foi payment in gold or m billa on Lonolon, We have rcceivtBd ?ubetantial aid m the ran*-?' s?f promoting dollar ex change b> the loe dtsconnl ratea i" ilii- city, primo bank aeceptances be Ing quoted here at timei si Ion i per oani and noyer rising much a-bove that ligure. Our hankers, too, have '. In the work 1 y itn-ir will ingnesa t<< make quota! i on "bills - " It ii pos ?ble, beca iseol for a Valparaiso l anker who i I '? day bill drawn ' in dollars ?*ii New York to learn bj at exactly what rate In* bill will be discounted <?n its arrival In \c\V j 11'sri Greet Pategit-ee. l: numerou? instances bankets nrv quoting foreign exchange rat*?** | ? i Ittances from 11 is make? it possible for a Valpai .- ker, for instance, to ; elj what amount of .-?? ho can buy with ?Us when they shall have reached New York. Thank.*- to ! develo] the discount market m New % l i*y and the spi -it of ration fhown by our bankers. ? one year a*- mi. h i i inl reducing the ilulinr bill in South America as Germany trade In ten or fifteen years ft' at? tempts ti? In1 rodnee mark exchange there. NEW CHANCES IN FOREIGN TRADE South America. China and Russia Need Capital in \ orm of Goods. Bj GBOBGE K. ROBERTS. 1 ?-?I'irr-.fiir of ?lie Mint, A*-si->t;int t?t the Preeideal Ol the National ?"it*. Hank The year 1915 has witnessed a re ible revulsion of financial and ' rial conditions In this country. with industry depressed, errterpri.-c paralyzed, doubt and ii pervading the atmosphere. It -vith confidence restored and ganised and under full ??ay. 'hen the pur? en countries in our ed such volume as to' finite assurance that -?old come this waj instead of g us. Thi-- caused the money BX and provided an assurance of credit upon which ?mr i - an a Ith security. Wh< : thi Stock Exchange re I and it developed oreitm holders were reluctant * with our securities, the way to a recovery of value?, ? r y have now reached a level capital can be obtained upon fair terms for long-time financing. Thi- r- hopeful L'r the railway com? panier. which are needing money for the development of their properties. this in turn mear.-- ?steady <lo mestic business for the steel ami other industries to take the place of the war business. 1" will he conceded that war busi? too largo ft factor in the pr?s ?nt ii.dustrial activity for complete satisfaction with present eondl ? but the volume of other business r rW waiting for a chance to gl in i very lar^e. The country needs to do a great amount of constructive work, ill do it if confident** is com pletely restored. Poasibllitte? in Lat?a <t?aerka. -\nother hopeful feature of the situati-.n ; the Interest developing ir the opportunities for investment in foreign countries, particularly the count of Latin America. They have a wealth of resource-, and our own it duatrial progress re? ps, . of raw materials which they hold. These countries not rt uire capita] in the form of money. Investmei I in them will ,, money from this country. apital will f-o out in the form machinery, tools, equipment, building material ami supplies, the making of which will afford work fur our indlist There can be no question that a ? -ally unlimited amount of of this character is to be hi il. not alone in South America. i: . .. and China, ami in the n habilitation of Europe. The only ?on about it ia whether our peo i .', ? . i ..p. rate as in ou'-iiic undertakings, a ? || ..f Great Britain ha e been doing very profitably for many Mid a the people ?if (,ei-many doing with equal ucee- -? Thi mov? rment ca iot dsirvelop without ' i*i""i and organization. ?| ! , individual investor cannot go abroad to look up opportunities, nor ?t be prudent for him to par ?, unless ainpl?' guanntec forded a to the ?oundi ? ? offered. A n p ? I sible orgai izstion, headed by men of , i,- rience in the ?? .terprise . which an- undertaken, must investi gate the opportunities, or-rani-v the iji . | ,r them into tu? ci fu orerat-ion tuid manage them U. S. FOREIGN LOANS IN 1915. i I ROPIVN I <>\\^ '" ?.?nernmenla lloacrlpllon. \n?li.-Kr-nrn . .-,i, |?/a></?_? ?NStea 1 r?"<e .:,?, ,?,),.? i paid i . ."?', notes, aae * ear . Hani, rredlt, one * rar* .,', ,,,,,,. month?? mite? Qtttet .Real rreiM. "alv .i,<i oiir-ynir mite?. . N,,r>* H> .?*', I .a n ami Ihrer \ ?-ar mite* ? ?'. ????* ri? * nir mate? Sweden . ?', two-yeai noie?. Bwitsefknd .V, on?', three and h>e vcar mil? Reasla . .. itauia acfssaHncss <p.i!?ii Baal iriit.ta ratal 1 o Hunk?. nn?1 Baakere: RHllah |l ', s?x month? loan I'rem h .Kolli? hihl froup. < iimmcri ial rrwiit. Smit-reil Hank < rrdita < rat ima?e?l i Total .... . 1'iital la I'urope CANADIAN low. iKimininn (.nwmmrnt . I'roalnrlal nml M nun ip?.l Total In North \in?h,a 1 MIN \MKHH AN LOANS, ?rgeatiaa . ... ??', asps, two ami three year noie? .>.',', ti?,'-*?'ar Treaanry l-.n.: .b' t all month? Bastas Bolivia. Baak loan . < Mil . . . ItHPla lo;in. Paaaaaa v, thlrtv?year baeale. f?tal l?i I ii* in- \meri i.raml total ..I foreicn . IIJtS.Nf.Cet Federal Reserve Banks Have Helped Country New System lias Yet to Take Up All Its Powers- -I Improved Lending Conditions and Made Money Rates More St.ihle Ha HENRI PARKER WILLI BCl retar* of th?> I rile ral Resetl e ? While then- I tally aboat i vnr of eap? ri? n? i ** it federal Reserve system, tin re i ?r considerably les? thaa ? ><nr of i operation of the bapks. Some ? Dl SSI i'ired to them by lsw hav ?' been undertaken at all. Tie ??ver. haf been ??uflicicnt to thing I Mat may b? ran Of the new system, to show when tain of 'f- principal problems **il to .-. ? ,: r- nature ..' | dei elopment in sundry direct In law and in business pra> ? Predictions made by opp? ral Reserva systen ?.a:,) :? si to the probable character ol the ..... been v. itbont faundat ?' ' Reserve Board itself has governed by pai I f era] of th? eral banks lertiot. lay within the board, haa also be? merit-. In th? ' of the v '?. ; ?? ? ? no op 'unit*, for th? ???* ? ? . nar'\ [ . and, 10 f;?i aa ea no ?suvli opportui ty kely to ?:'rnri>H. ? ?. ha " rei alted in rhe ch th? sevi ral ; ank ol tail ? r'-e of Inter! the parr u" the Federal Reserv? Bo s board haa, ;ii th?' cas reely givi ? ? . . ?? The boat.1 already noted, tan ?rithoul .? ? ? d< rntioii-, bat ba mad? the i h ? i ?i system ? and careful i that < . ' Standardizing 1'aper. ? ? aspect?, however, will l" onl] ncerned s il h I hi pra i ... reaei ? t,-m. T will naturally &:-k what ha* been d by the Federal Reserv? Board tow . ? ??? lardl ??'ion of commi and the ii provamenl of lendii g coi tions in th? Unit? one of th? lirai problem? to he ? ai Reserve art pp . p! ,| i ,. of 1 anks and bi I ?>; I i deral R? intradut Ing a pra had b? ?-i' inpo i ibla aad? i - g . teas. The exam] m ti ? Fed? ral Reserve a< I ..? b? ? ii by many state . and to nf rhtiii have already introduc sr pr< ' their laws, l lars 11 and 18. i ? ? board ha?, practi? . ?? nr< eptance bj ?':r>* ??' ng th? ? ? c aaraeter of ecui ity ? ? . raual be ar,-,u ,.. . , i and number <>f tn?' indon men:- req ?red i connection v.i them. ? ? ha? been ? sttem] ? typ? ercia] papi v. ?th a view tu en. dacti? ? I mpi ovemenl ol old oi In ? ? elati ng * ? i ? ade :.eptai ei < ireular 16, .-? ri? the boat pointed a wa; to I irtber ?1? velo ? of 'he kind or' two-nami pap? ? i ?? i (... |y us? '1 in and avoied 'o ? , . ol such doable same <!r.:f? bj ai? ni he ?stabl ??hi t ol peciall ? ,,a orablc rates for tl sderal R? bank?. Under the praviaions of ?he Feden Ri erv? a? ? '.' : - reta red th at loan be made upon paper ?n-otoeted bj war? house receipt-, ami such provision . raaa? bj I ba i"'m>l m th ein ilar relating to i on n oditj pape ? ireular ?7, Ser?es of 1918 . ?There ighl to ?:.. ? ? ? ' i tirai of the a? erred to B <a ay of rendtrini ilar and th pi n\ ?aions ?in a inch i1 is baaed ? ? ? ? fTi etivi t ha been ec? ?ary to do . :?-iable amo in! oi accomi ...,1R designed t i promote I ? ad? ,'?? ioi of an i form wan ?> station, aa? the issue of warehouse receipts S| products In satlsfaetorj form. Kfffit on Kales. Perbap no on? th? Ke>: eral Reserve ad had received so mud attention prior to th? oi gi tie new banks as ti pra o -enaid ?I g th? rate of ?Jl-eui.: I I 'i r g IM ti o? foi th? Aldvich, o? eommiasioo, b il a uch >?v said of the ippoaed n? ce ity of H ? ? eloping ? uni? form rat.- of discount, applicable to tie ? country Th? federal Reserve ? , tram? I on th? theory that mtforn rate af discount was tbei practical i or ?!? ? ebl? fur a country passessed ol a great ? si t of 1 rritory a? th united States and containing "'?hin itself so ma dust rial eonditiei ? ar-d auch i widely vai ..' . HJ"'a'. j I he orgs' il of I I ederel Re I ?erve ?_?tem h*? rhangnt th? ?Itriatlon in two van of the r.niiitry tho opportun i of obtaining redi i ?u it bj ?<*t ua fir?-* ??: ' .- . ? itrrri? of i ?f i".. btalning i sad ?i'??:? <?;. 'i ? - ore, it h.-?? i t.hblishp.l throughout each Federal R lerv? district a d?finit ol red i ?count, puti eu < available t.. all i actI? the aamc coi d I ?? 1 i.. pfTect ?.f tl. Important, 11 11 ?? rd about the ttanda nty banka on ? lev?! tub tantia to that fixed b; the l I ? ? ..,.'. rowing bai - .. in the i ? - i.l. 1 hey no? bat to tl,.. 1 ?deral Rr ?en e hanl ? ' : hi y can ??? iccoi M,. t present ? . . . requirement ar? hi.le tu dei i pa| ??! ? ? in*? rouglily to the I ?' 1 ederal Reien e L.r k, pi it rom in it ion able ?' t their I Reaer I'ar.V - |* 1 Here fA^. r to get 1 verr ??rr;iif:-'nr-. wonld have lioi'? able to dei raodstion *'? rr.i' rnt?* charged by ?'?? Federal R aerve bank of I ? -? Phe effect of tlic Fedei *>upoi large bnainea man, ?.r ? ? man trr^ peel hnw ami is able 1 . ? .;u*r c< Incide wltl Federal Re perceptible ?nd impoi < iirnn?? Ponction, ?i i?nc? tho far ha - un? i . ? i,n* ' b< cun. ? el ?.:.. i ederal Rescrsr? Bai unimportant. It Ii true rhur I r.c*-fr\r' bankl has/? obtain' . placel in ? of the pubh. m i nearly 1200,000,000 of tl Ir ? n aetea but the bula of thi? njrn ba 1 r . gold and lawful with Federa Re err? ?gent* dollar foi .lolUr. Ii all, the actual liabilil a 1 Reserve banki for outstanding by commercial rae?-* ? $20,00 ' ??? oi I? --. i ju.-' giv?l as well a*. ?II dene? obtainable ?boa ? ? . ei b is ta be pereeived in the 1 Reserve net p to dat ? inn tl . that the Peden Resei set i on tail i pi . knoivi. ?-, moneta i m* note? Lu. k to th? i en . l i.;- ?tat? of aiTi. ? ? Pederal Rea? rv? not? pai tl* the fm : tbati durii | i . be circulation wa? clo Aldrich-Vreelaad note-, i h . o pli ? ? ? ad last phi? . to 'b? fact that thi ?? l era] R? ?rv? ba il undei ? than apon th? ? ? n .-. ini ? try perl i bei : ? ? ? tl i v in g thi thei?? i -, the i: I thai in?- circulai ? the United . . i . from abioad In th? domai ? herefon. a i ? ?.. . -I *h:it thi Fi Reserve ersten h? n..!.'.-.- i ...if a be? ginning in th?? cultivation ?t tin opened to it. It h?? developed the ma i.. the las ihown such maehinerv ..?..i i. !?pt>-'i '.. th? pun ?Sarataga af Bsaks. ? ?i . .i props i Bsked t mental ent? rpi uri' is: Ha ' ? itnderta With most gov? is no- i . w hether :? rr' ? n aen ? ederal Rese tea* la anleite In that It ?aay b? * ? jected t? eithei I ? .-? test applied to *~c d en? tera ri sea. The ?-orlrr^l Reaerve H....... hat pub r^b.!..' shoa me detailed ?? . ? .. for th? organ! of 1 ? 1914, up to ar I hi-r :ti. r.'i."'. These ?tal I ? a i general that the gi lystem had beei ?I $1 while . tern had been <<v ou ?.urre'." ? K\?? proaln it? II 118 1 i ? lead Bg -,-,.- ? up ?? I the i iten hat eoi i red ? ..'.. ?> its ora ? ?',. ? '1 t.. le Beat? restri ttoi ihould m ade ?atoe ? " a hegl ' >.I of bi -h three oi th? ? ?'?? lerve I i eh h? 1 HI'? ? ? ' .I. ma ml I fund i i "t on i ? .i ? ? ' n,n c ? ? nu i i ROSS |M ?if In:.,I? l,i 1 ,. ,.:,.,. 1 ?? ' It trade in t| leral Reservi ?. ? .-idei I ?*? ? menl of ih? aea baaka r rl '..: ge fui da, a h I? h eoald ' i"aiu ? thi ** ill of their holdei ?added ,f> this aw? the groat lacraaaa Mwei i '? duead bj the ai H-??' i.t mi ol th? I dei ?*! Reserve lyata it?"l!. the combined banking raseur* ? s riiitii.n ii i Kii?T n irreat nu?Tega ? l mean?, whien placed the sou in a In It? . pa itioi in in -oniin i ?????. ' than perhaps aver b ' ?? .in t emerging from the distara? conditions which, resulted from tl g ' ? ? ? i. ? ? . aation el?/l ?'? .'L.'" "'I'd boatneel m BUtl depreaeed an?l lacking I Initiativ? I' " an the pur- of : for F?deral Reeerve bank- not la ? I iimr' ta force ? i.?? ir greal volease i arces Into n <??. ai ! thereby to a?i It? the latrpnie ease of money whi? ?? rj Ihroughonl the Hatted Btet? I ml' member banks, hon they miphr be handle ! b? prona to follow this poin :. d |( was. therefore, M? h< er plan tl il th? tteaen shntihi eona? rv? the .? . -'a time when B chaa| srould come upon thru ?i..av rapidly ninkli ' Banking I riidernhip. The natioi I... ?nt< red upon ;. i ? uancial i Ituation whlc . ri < and a? ' . iderahip \\ th? b ginning af I i ? ? ?. , tool ?.. good an ? ... u bj canoelling our Roating ii .... , . ...-.'nu"*. later o? ? n and weri p? h.- t ihlpmenl of Amaricaa seeui ties, rl ieh were eaavarted Into mean .? r-ient through sale:a in the I \' |? nc'h ??here hm sut in a per1?* j in wl I? b Run pa till desires to abtai lour good . bai 'vould do so upon hiipi? of rredit accounts with th ad States. The situation ia on ? that pre?entH unusual and perplexln aroblesaa af policy, and suggests ?III I acuities in eemmeree, tm<l?' and ind.r that muy eause hr.idship if no eoaragaoaal] .nl skilfvlly d?'nlt witl ...... ?.. ?... of the nat the 1 ? 1 th"; . . ? ? | t ? of ? o OS? I' g . : ,-? n odatioi point ? e poaaibl? frtctioi r, and to tl dy with mem ?anb fi; paper o r ? publie demand. It muH, likew-,e, en . mber bank in the policy of ative develop ent and of caul n pool b . en out ? ? . ? to aafeguan liar ca? prod- . of the Unit? Tl s frc ! ' - . Iiank ' r own bai ? STEEL TRADE'S GREAT RECOVERY An Artificial Barrier to Foreign Competition Was Established. By JOHN V. TOPPING. .rmaa, Rcpablic Iron and >ir?-l Co, rh< ? ..? i too well known to require ? end un emphasi i ii nee? reminder of the ?eei ? of th*- de< ' d prior to and intime ? lowing the war. The : i ion need . -d. bul I think tariff law troubles bj opening to un fail ? ompel I log, a hile, on the other ? itablished f.i\nr .-i prohib?! tarif] ?ui the withdrawal from thin mai ? I ( the !.? - mpetitton ever expert I steel ] 'l he war al o brought to u manda from abroad for iron end i .-1 of .-?i i pi " redented charact? r, ? our h?rne mai kei quickly Ii '? in fact, broke all previou . lie a' :.-. bul 1 t -a(Y- I i i that the fullowmsr. figures for ih?- calendar year 1916 *'iil i?e ?J pig iron, 80,000,000 -. total steel ?n?/?it?i, 31. i.,0 . tona While the pro ? ?? ? ? .i!f nt' the prei ? ol much in pacity, the . ?' rear's production has brok ... a;| pi,. mu. ,r-'- t pro? duction being estimated at the ?rate ,. ? , 38,000,000 gr< 6,000,.?jroai tons of . ? . < i.ii-irintitin Ne,(i? Mibnormal. p ? . : i g when it is taken Into ,i ?i ictive dei ? normal, being < ; tha' the i ai hope, atfrU'ult implement, equipment i'om ?.I build ? ? have i pe? ? ?50 per i. ... ii. ..... oth? . ? ?glue of eu ? ? ipe I ?.. f and other pur - al ?i ? ?pei eei I of em ? uve rapacity. I LAWRENCE | EI.I.IMAN W ALBERT PEASE. Jr. O DE LANCEY COSTER ROBERT A C.RANNISS. Jr HERBERT A WILDMAN FRANCIS S BANCROFT, EDWARI" K VAN WINKLE WALTER H WILLIAMS JOHN P MEAGHER LANSING P. WOOD JAY A LEE Pease & Elliman 340 MADISON AVE. Near 43d SI. Tel. 6200 Murray Hill 165 West 72nd St. 55 Liberty St. Real Estate & Insurance _ ' Money to Loan on Mortgage Appraisals and Management of Property Our Specialty. Counfry Property For SaJe or Rent. I: CURB MARKET FOR THE YEAR INDUSTRIALS. ? ?: . . U 7; ' ' ? .. m Brak? h ilM*- II ?? ? : i .., ? ' |M . ' IM Arn II . ? % ? i in pr?f. 17 ??: i f. ? m., :'.. H as*., i-, is t 2'-, .-l.'t a B?I?M 1J? il" '; ' M,US A;;t*n,< r c. \ \ % i a)?x K'iii " '.. *rt "V, ?>: ? ? An.iur Oil. U ;? .? ; <i Ahm <>si.t? 8 . y*? :t\ t?? 's ? ' Arr.-1'rl' M'?.. V. 1? ? i-, v-f :?. 11? H ' 9 An Tr ? <'orp ?. .". r ? i - s > ?? ? - - . *- . . 1414 i , < 11? '' I .1er 1 - , , , ? "' 1 *-? .- . ? * , Ml w I - - ? i.? ? ? ' - ? ? :i ? '-; ? l'an Nat ?I m . -, ' ?' 1' l'a 1 S '. .? 111 11 ? r i ? ? ' ? ? | - .n t.- ? " . ? ?, ? . 1 II . . i9 n ici., e? 1 Mai ? ? -',? ; I .. I -? - i ? ' r i ? i ? , ? ? ? ? ? ? "' ? . a, A. A I ? i . I ' ' ' ' ' ' '? " I ' ' . ? I ? ? ' ? . ? .' ' | ' ' Ulk 4. Il i ? - . '|S. ''? ? : la ?s ? 1,4 ... ? ' ? I ? ? ? ' ? ' ? - : . . . ? ? . " ?, ?O Vlralnlan R? ' - I . . . ? ' . . ? ? ? ' ? v ? ' - ? l?H M -V! I - ? 114 . ?: ' ? ? STANDARD OIL SUBSIDIARIES ' ? ? V ? ?, - <?. : 1 * , I AI i; Ho ? ? - - r. ? ? - i '? I. - r ?? i. ? m m usa T I? - -, ? . ? 1 I Ut ? DU ? ralrt HI? ? .' ? i ; 1 ? M ? (? t. | 1 ' . ? (al a^ LU Pf '1. -' -Tin t?.. 13 ?*<?? ? - STANDARD OIL SUBSIDIARIES ' ... ? ?ti* | Oll Of ' ' '? I - .... I ?It I 1 ? r.? ?. I o i \i. BALES. ?'' p I P'4 I RAILROAD AND MISCELLANE OUS RIGHTS ?* Arr&l Co?. .... I1* I?. '% ''tl ? on - Ma m 104 1?? l^ HOC M * Il }' r; '? -? I-?: ;i Cr[ ta r:"> *? M *a 'A | M I a) .?, H r -a ?, ? -, b ? :.f!?. '-a '. ', -- - ro W I. 17 ?" i'-'t ?? ',?*??'? a s? , > .. . ? ... ri ; . M < ? I' -. ', a 'a 1 "I r- . *? C' ??'. i?i| \l BALES. 1.41 . ? '. ? ? - ! M .. , i , .i MINING ? - ? - ... . Un... ? ? . ? -? a I ' '' - 'a a ? a ' - ? ? ? tu? : : . ? ? . ? ? - ; I ? -, ? ? - . '? ' ? r - ? ? ? - ; ? i a I - . ' ' I ohlo ? 1 '? i .... ' l'a :?. ' . Il i W ? ? ?? ' I , - . . a : a ?' . a - . I M ? t ? r i , , ? *i -'. . ? ? roi \l BAI Et ll.00S.tT- 1911 . BONDS ii . ? . - v I ' . ? ? . ? ?. , -.. . I, . , V'I'a - : - i il . a Kwn ? ?? ? a a i ? ? . ?? . . > ? ? ' . ? . ? ??... . -?-, I ' ' v ? -? , ? -, l I a M m ?? I -''-"?' . a ' a ? ' ' a ? ?? ' :.-? ? ,a w IlOttZ |<ttt? H** ? ?~ V ?. # '?.?? .?, laa^ M. DividendPaying Mining Stocks * Indication.? p"int to stead? ily increasing activity in the mining share market The present trOteMHUI demand for copper shares, in all probability, will be followed b) umtlar de? mand for shares of the companies operating mines producing go! d lead. 7ir;c, and other metals. We believe there are ?orne inAS-ies v.'* ic**i. \( purchii-irci nov.. Mrill .-con *m v sxctsptl ? ally '.'i*** proli't-. our specia irr on "Dividend Paying Mining Stocks" ill give us. pleas ?re ;o ? send you ? cop) I requ** '. C. V. Koontz & Co. , < mi Bea I ? 25 Broad Str* et feiephories 1 ^ Broad January List of High Grade Municipal Bonds Of Attractive Yields >* Nftss lfend\ tor ?lttfibmtloml Im .- ? .o ??- .r i , I '?[. ?> lito i ?? il - ? 'i >? a i .'. .. I- .. . V ? '. ? ? . ? . I ederal Income Tax Exempt g?* .' ' I ? Il B? . . ? I U Mil . ? - a ..- ' ' Sidney Spitzer & Co. 115 Broadway, New York < .n. i"., .-i r.ilrilo ? bt<-?go i.MKKN ?i 11<>\ \i r Wut ?v?-iirAN*: ? .ii?..ii.i n. ,i i' i'inr Wfaa War CaaA ii.m.u nu*- laaj ? ? ? ? t-m i ? ? ? i* ? ?:{i, i a. ... ,. . , rrust?M, tiara t ? *? ' ? *.xh?'Ut t? a I ?il *r\* ih'Vj.?i ? ?ta? ?ni ?? P Po .an (Siai.?tS.?4>, ?s* UM :???????? pri?? ?? ? : l ?hall *>? < ??red H?;il?<1 o*T?r- ? : r? ? 1 Offer? for *a? ,"a - * ?< - ?? ? i? I i an*] of r?? Urnational y?;- > ? ???ill t*. : ?t ru oiSsm No 1" w?!l N?,?? N?W k'ar '?? o rloji rnirt. o- V**' '*? ? Th? r'?' t II r ?1 --i r?"? irv ??M ' ? . IT.vni.l* ti:i<t roVFAN ' 11 .!(.<. r,-.. i -.-?.. : i ? - , . ? . ta ? ? BONDS i.oaa i ? ? i . ?r "" .... ?M W*.*J ... i rOTAI - M I - ? 1 1 ' . } ??:*..---._ . t ... __ . . a ? ,