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CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY OF IMEW YORK B4 WALL STREET BRANCH? FORTY-SECOND STRRET AND MADISON AVENl'E StaNrrtei-1 of CoodltioB at tha CJoia ?if Posln*,, *>?c. 31. 1015 RH-il'RCES LIABILITIES toait ? *?..*rtt?-e? $ 4W^?*?.70 f.piul Stock .V*,n00.000.OO f.Mif .Vu"?-?' - 5urplui l-,ni V.a-kft Name I.S.hlo,!*S*i.5? ,. '" .t. I! Protits 2?S02.200.4r, Otne' "*?' ' .'ir.? ? ml. **?*?? 11 0*-f" "?Si* 74 ? . . Market > ?I*"* *?.??? ' ' L^,, ???? 4 ??? M ' >?' ?? r,?] Fit??? ??-*-*?' Dtt-w-itt ITIaMT-MtJS Accra**! I"-****'? "Mi Reserrcd fo, T.,.s 144.308 79 faaluicr- LUt'iHty ea Ac'p?--*' 5 ??- Atcr0fd ,',,*r*,, HH71M4 r?r Coatra, 1.000000.00 SecreUry*. CtS?ck? 113.559.69 f*?h on Hir-J ?v'(, ?? A?c?pt?nc?s 1,000,000 00 ??UtI-ltl*!! T#tt| $197.47Si-,'*70.99 Tot?l $197.4.S9.S70 99 II i U . M, V lr? Pr**ln*?,t T. M.-? ,- r ? ??*??->?. r-fir, .-??crelnry n *? hi!\n(h r ?' I katiataai ataaaaaa '?? '? -re:*r? HUDSON TRUST COMPANY Capital and Surpk $1,000,000 Deposits $4,500,000 Broadway and Thirty-ninth St., New York M-tn>rioUt*ii OvMins it.mi??) Frank V. Baldwin, President Uala H. H^it-i?-?--, Vlce-P?"e?. Herry C. 5trahm?nn, Vlca-Prei. John Carleen, Vlce-Pre?. Richard A. Purdy, Secretary. Jame? R. Edward?, Trvaturt-r. | "?'Iff- Par-king ?mbracej $c man] i 'feient thlna,! that orrlv from j the I bleh ta equlppad to s'.ve prrfe-t icnrlce I Itftrl ~* busin-5S man hope to r?crive * : I rat IS! * ?uardlan, Trustee, Tl t(~:ent I ? SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS Your Account Invited PRICES LOWERED The price? for the undermentioned securities remain at or above the 'Htc of U?ue in their respective countries, but owing to the ?1 cetiation of exports to the United State? by the Central Empire? r?te? of exchange have declined further and we are therefore ibi? ' offer tha issue? named at the price? stated below. We offer?subject to change In prie??? IMPERIAL GERMAN GOVERNMENT 5% BONOS nilS WA1 LOAN ? I00O Mark - ?Exclusive April 1916 Coupons' - S I 98.00 : IMPERIAL GERMAN GOVERNMENT 4% BONOS Not callable before 1918 10 0 Mark. $180.00 ?Definitive bonds ready for immediata delhery THIRD AUSTRIAN WAR LOAN 5'a BONOS 1000 Kronen $130.00 i.T THIRD HUNGARIAN WAR LOAN 6".- BONDS Ta- BEfORB mil 100. Kronen sl35.00 ? ? 2IMMERMANN & fORSHAY Members ol Ihe Nesv York Slock Exchange 9-ndll WALL STREET NEW YORK Kennecott Ooppsr MidvaSs Steel Submarine Boat Cosden O.i BOUGHT SOLD QUOTED Weekly Market Letter upon re?ut?! -AMES W. BALL & CO., 67 Exchange Place, New York Motor Securities with a Future Dtddedly attractive vt-!lin.' hrVw their Intrinsic ^?'?;J<r* that at rrrscnt market should show Marked Appreciation Our raassim ?re bated on Trade Pacta, l'iipulnr Dcnutnd end Baaaaaah Proapat ta. U'ntp ? -to MERRILL, LYNCH & CO. n " ?<KK I.I ?I .11 ? - ? I AmericanRealEstateCo. j Oldaat Real Estate Company in New York j Owns and offers for sale j i extensive properties in the I boroughs of The Bronx and Queens, ready for imme? diate improvement. Residential and business ?paca in the boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx for lease. Residential plots in the city of Yonkers for sale. Full Information on inquiry. ^m rnran ^(fsft tr ftijrrnrau ^ TOPICS OF DAY IN WALL STREET Strength of stork Market of More than Passing Significance. ?R HARDLY WORSE THAN PERSIA NEWS Reaistance Shows by I Is! liVld To Be Augury ?if Action on Qravei Developments. a? I ?I the ?a Just aft. ? tha mark ?ment with Austria aeana war. j I will >.;'? nvi s event of a break In d ins or ? llRP ? a | of II , have - ? ? I v or." ? ?1 ? 11 ne Meaaur?. ? rlouM could remain, aftei hail ti, ? people the t, . mluht ; ?s ?a? ? ; In the ! v reflective I ?. form ' Mexican Petroleatn Hr?.lllent. I ' ravor. ( nal Mnke P? Wit' "far 11 ? ? ,r.. cir ? : I rig the ? -lue?!. ? ' ;n\ (ot T. On ? . the ?ion of ? ? (lerman-Arr.ortoan ' It is the In til? 1 ? ' e that m . ? ? lED. ? . ? Jan 1! BRUT WALT. ?TRF.ET NEWS. artnarahlf haa ??.?n forme,) i.y f. ros Dy?r and A. Smith, jr., William (1. \fklnann, . Hinl Willnrri It nai in.n, nadar Iks linn nans al i- M Dyei ?t < ?>., with ? . ? i Bread Street, I Q Kaafmaa ha?i 1 ?en el??"t?.'| I chairman of the Bnanee eaamlttat of the l m v of ' H inga & Ce. has SI I I. II sr ?"? a ri" i r ., William \ l>n<1 A (Je are offering ' .... imnlatlva pr ? .11.1 M,.r,.r Cai l"l end n.-criieil ?liv|u?nd. Rartl ? A Bal e ?nnc? that tome aanociate.l rm as managet of their bead departa - Qnarantv Trn?t Company ha? i edition nt I'? Feilsral Ineom? tas law hooklot. of Toronto, have apeaed an aflea n* Id Wall Si Barn PA Balta, William J. I' an,I V ? ird 1 Beita have boon a"?l ' nninhurg ?ta Paid? are rmw at a.'."? II roa 11 S ? par export? froi sorti for Di ? I? made hy tl ?? ' that 11 laane !? for : (nts with i:. w will STOCKS IN OTHEB CITIES. K?\ STOI hv ? . - . it ? .? ? ' ? 10? Ol I ' ??' ? ? . 1 . .1 ? a ' ' . . ? . I'llll - .? I*? ? ? ? ? | ' a . I.M I IM IR] ^-i H I. , ! ? S3 . . . . . PITTSB1 RGB BTCM K& , I/OW '. ?. . - a ? V.. , ? ? . - I il ?apart?? - SI .- a ( un ti o m> ?. ? . ? . * i . , !*?.. Mail .t .a.. iV?a Ser vice *????' 's *^e rP*u,!* ?f ??n*j! ?s^pstricoM ?I th** l>r**t that can l>r offered in any ?irld of endeavor, hspecially is this [rur in liankin**, when it is of?rrrd \>y an instilntion whose resources have grown with the years. The Mechanics & Metals National Bank OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 20 NASSAU STREET Deposits ??No**, m, 1911) $183,400,000. BOND SATES ON Till: STOCK EXCHANGE MONDAT, jam ai:y 8. Itlfc IrniliriK In 1'i.nrU on the ,\?*w Y'irk Stink Kxrhnnge Monday amount?*-" to II.:'.?x.iHii?. IK-HI*,-.! ".ii.-LOtiO Krulnv. t?J?Ujtb? ? ?*????"? ago and SI.171,000 a year ?Ki? I rum January I i., ? ?.. < l.L'J'-.OOO, agnirut $1,471,000 In lfm. GOVERNMEN1 BONDS An?'7 risBjSJSJtJ L* ? ?frai ?? 19M ^^^^^^^^^ . ... ?v-, o.a. .?-? ' ?' ' - .... ti : ? ? , ? Ufei ' .' ii ? ? ? ? ??* .',. . I (?- . ''.*. ?i . aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasl ."-I'M I BONDS. ? _ i/*-1 ? -'? ?? Ml Nil II'M. BONDS. ... % BBBBBBBBBBBB BB^BBBB* RAILWAY AND MIS< I I ? V.NE0?JS. 14 A ' ? ?.. I? ,' * ?* ' ' '* ... 1!T A - A ' -9 S? II. I I fill? J > ''. ' < . IT ?A? ??i- M ? I. 4L " ? . - ? . S-> ...41 J-?j'L * S H ? N Ala*, orn il ?W?i'A^i j.noo |4rt*4 ? - . - . *? i "?*?*?? " ? .... tit, ..... ? ' 3 ?" rtAA I . I ?*. , ? !-' . . ... ? '* ,. m ? :. .?, ., .? ,...'.," ? Hras?B^aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal -.-ni* -a* r*/ ; ?? ... to - .-II ?? I M'a i tt * . -is? 9'? ? . *-; I 111 hi i. a* a i ? i ? . it I Is ? l?t 4? " . ? ? I ? ****. 81 I' <* "- irtharn P* '? r.o*?a v mm ..?.?;?.? .. '?\ <Sn i 'a 4, - if. n ? Amar 1 *"""""""""""""? W*i 2,W4*| ^^IjjTbbbi *. AM 4? ? ?sssiBBBBBBBi bbbbbbbbbbb?******************^_ L?*l?*l?*l?*l?*l?*l?*l?*l?*ia**l Iff? j >. TT Ml* I . ?t ?'0 .-If? . ? . ^^^^^*;M'"^^ ' .. -i m_ * ?3 ! BlBBBBBBBr^ __^^BB _^^_ i:?*?' ' ?:? * lint crt 9* sib ?r 4s ? 1 ' -.- 5? _********_ ? V ?" N T \ 2.000 i Ta??a ? ? c-n tt : ?3*4 ?... ??? : uni its ; I ? - i ..-..*- -?? . . ( ...i?*S ? ? i u ?o ? is} 9* ' l .. ?.o?- . n-, I ... 1 . ??? 1 ."-. . ? ?"0* Haa \ I ?S-ctr-d A* i - UmH dis ' M ? . ?* ? : * i B??B?****************""""""""""""""""""""H r nul Bts-itiar.? Mlliln? S* a ., 9< . ? . T- ? . .*. I ? 1 * ?4S n !, . ,. ..." : ot**i ? -.?***>* ?'>n> ??... v v . , ? . ? ?JBBBBBBI*??1BB?II ' ... i ?no ....... aatt *? . ' ' ' : .?t 8 ' '. , s . ? *'.*. N ?\* ? ? ? " " ^^_^^am ' ts [?? ' ? -, ' ? - ? ' ? . !*>?- -> - - BB^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB* -, * . ? . m999999mauuuu. . " s . , 1*4 ?* BBal^^^ "* mrs In? _j\*)aW__ mi ? ". - Rill-??? U ? i i ' ^BB-BBBBBBBBBBBBBBJjTH .' '? - - ? - ? ?1 *"S t*r*? i... ' - .A. |?f | -, ' | I 1*4 ? r tf T* :ft Co r-f. hi ** 10-.'H - ?S 4? 104 _ | V la ' la -? I ' l9%. 4S? ?,m. 1 ' ' 'a S? '. 1 ''' ,?.S Tal ' Td f. W *?? V A BBflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl . i ? s ?v.-.- - ?? ? 9* -.m ti -0*4 '?Ml do IM ? in? * s? "* * i,OVEr:\MKVT BONDS, ? .-day. Fri'lay. Blil. Ask. RM. Alk. I t n ? 6 '? . ? - tr*ni no1* ? 9(."-4 ? ?rnrt ' art c.i 'i 19.^0. .. 9'i ? 99 ? 1918 : ' s ? 101*4 ? ? i"-'' !????. V 1918.. 101*4 l"l!. ? . .109**4 HOVi 109-4 no^ rag. m ? N ? ^^^*"*^*^,,,,,,,1,1I,,1I,,I,,,,,,,,II,1,*1,-,1,1,,,M 9? ? 101 ?4 ? ?.'11. ..1"! ' ' re? 1 ? I'.iup 1925. . ! 10 - 98 . -~BB?lB?lB?lBB?lBaa?f'' ? . Ml'*, - MONEY AND EXCHANGE. ? ? a par MsS**. ? pat ... Rl .. a | aa ? I ' ' . ? ? a ? ? ? : !.. ? i - I . . i ? ? ? w ' r > ? . a - " | Ti ? ". aices. . . .... IIM1TFI) PARTNERSBIP. PH ( ig t.'M v R8IIII Thin I? f rfrm?.l ? _ ' ol Noaa York 1 Th?a nn-na or flrm un l?r whlrh aairti -lay 4 ? ' : ? ' - ? ??pa. . . ! -i'?, 'a. par? ' ... - . - ? ? ; r. .Ml ol ? . I .-'arah n aro, k - I 1? to t*?tn on Jamiary rl 111 Datad N'iw York. : ? 1115 ? mRD i ? 'Htn : ' ?AL4R riVANHAI. MFKTINt.S. I ? ? i ? | at ? Il Broadway, nn '; " - ' Sacratary. 1 ,.i Rl??r V ilion?! flunk. ?a ? .. A . a 1 __??, la UV.iaai, L____S WARREN W. ERWIN & CO. Members New York Stock Esrchmjre. 26 BEAVER ST., N, Y. G We do n strirtly commission business in stories and bonds. The first consideration in building our business has been distribution of risk, and we have accordingly worked on the insurance theory that a great many moderate size individual accounts ara preferable to a few very large ones. With the distribution of risk Idea In mind, we have equipped ourselves to give to odd lot accounts the ?emit attention ordinarily given to large Investor*. We issue a fortnightly circular, in which are dis? cussed fundamental financial and business conditions. This circular is writt??n by a well-known economist Achievement in Banking il best told in figures. The con<ier.sed report of ?con? dition of this Trust Company :i the itron^e?t arj."i ment we can advance to convince burr.'"-? men oi the succerss and growing resource? of this o.v?*n;/aU:oa. JaVNT.'ARY 1, 1916 Rwouroes NVw York Sute snd Cty Boodi._ *4.fti4.?W. Do Other Stork? and Bond?. Bonds and Mortgages..~... Loan? and Bills r*urcL_ued._. .?,924.614 43 Real Estate .-. 7e\Si Atrroed Interest Rerrivsbl?.umiiiiiiniii ?N.Vol.t OS Ua? o? .Und and .a lUaka-. If Uabi??ties Cap+raJ. Surplus sod Un<frvid?sd Profits (Esrne?i) . Deposit!. Accrued Interest PsvaSle.,. Resmred for Taxes and Rent..... ?Las? dtsviend $65,534,033.69 (7,orx) mo oo ?6?S3 -?- M 57,18.? * M ' 4"/.st US ?U2SJ3 ?65.534.?9?.&9 I") posits. Jin. Deposi ?i. J in T 01 is $19. .)!.?> 57.1 n ii Metropolitan Trust Company of the City of New York Cjcorsje C Van Tuy! Jr_ PiraidoU 49 Wal! Street TO THE HOLDERS OP AutosalesGumandChocolateCompany Six Per Cent. Twenty-Year Sinking Fund Gold Bonds Shares of Capital Stock ro act as a Cotai with GUARANTY TR1 y t? Default having; occurred it, Interest due on said bond?, snd Receivers of the Company ha vine been ?ppo r.te i upon appllcs t;or. made to the United Stat?r- District Cauri, ri.? u:.derv?rne?i, ?t :he r,'<,ue?t of holders of ! 'or* le a large ?mount, llBV I epoiitary, a Plan and Agreement of Keorga Vou are lai ted to deposit your bondi a: I e? of rn **? r and'Yumi-h on sad ? - nsent Datad, Jur.uary 4. 191H. RopEKT n COX I?er?lerr. 149 BroMilway atswAMD ' i stau* Gsasaset ?tock with * ^ tary .vhlch will I deposit therefor aad'forn?h on application a copy of 1 . iTiutrmaa. 5CT ?I KI< IIMOMI I. ? I. Ii.kl . ?-? \:i I . ?.i m.i *i \i \i ? \ |\|?KR i in nun.I. < ? -Ml I III '. Alt I III K II .(Mil I I . ? ,.xnin!U??K RAVINGS B?.NK& The Bowery S?t% ituis Hank 1J? AMI 111 ROWEHT. N'EW TORK. Da?J- I?, 1111 A a?T;'-arinual I'.aMend at th? rata of TIIRI.F. an.) ONh-HAI.I Per ?rut p. r san un haa B9?a 1? ..ira] ___ *:.; ba rr.-itlted to depoaltora on all iu:ru of | - I BPWattf arid ?Ol en? ? ?? ? ? i i wbleh shall have ?sea tapeattei at leant thr^e months on the firs*, .lay of Ja:. > MSt, aril ?rill 1 ?? payable oa -. after Monday. January IT, lilt ??SMI drpnalted ou St hefor? Jan'y 10 will draw In!err.t fror y 1. 1914. ?V A KKSMCK Prealdent. Will 1AM B, KN SS PB a LIDOl .. lamtary. IRVING SAVINGS INSTITUTION 115 < II AM IIKH.S IT, If, V. The 1 ir?4 a .?.,-? for the alx mont:.a ?i.d.:.? l"rc. I1M I FOUR PER CENT. per annum on a'.l aum? ftroi I I 11.041 '. thai i to th? by-law?, p. , - ITtl ' ? ?? Jtr\ l*-. h will dra ' ' I >ry la:. ?16. 11 i: TENER, Praaldont. GKOItOK B. DUNN1NQ. Secretary Dollar Savings Bank ?l.iiM Third Airona, Iatenat cm'i-.eai Jaouary lat, at BM rate of tSnem ?n?l One-Half Per OeSBSi pa? a'u.uja on aaooaaaauu un SS ?o lo JOB. Depoait. laade oa or befare I asnary lOtn ?araw .avaaeal froas Jaaaavry lau GEORGE ?. EDWARDS, pS____S? ?Tat. M, KLKN. T?n _ FIWWIAI. MEETINGS. l'RBA.N "ATI I > N Y \: OF ANNfAL MEt.' THE AVVTAI MEETING ' ?>?? atork t L'RBA.N v. | ' .oration of th? ?? bald at tb? Vall Streal i v -'< City, "- ' ' lanu ... i ^urpo-. - . .. ? tora acta of tha of) . ; r."-i-dlna >e?.r a 1 US? tranaaoi I ; li ?,ther hu?"..?? a? may . . ? IRLE H ?.II.M Kit r Sa vary. Data.1, i s ? iber llth, 1111 NtW YORK TITLC INSUSANCC COMPANY The Ar.".?; Meeting of the Itoekl ? -? ?.a | IRK . : . : COM for tha elaetlon of . ? r? of Et? tl? 'i to a-r ?? faff I I ? a . i ,??r, art | be r.eid at th? Be? ol N i P5 Rrua ? aa a it>, on TB?adhr, th-' llth el Janu - ' 11:1 a ? a' as? ... is of ? I'om pan y ?. r II ?' M and r at 11 A If ?'atad. stem P? rfc P?e?ma?e It, nil _FRANK 1. COOKIE s* r.t.iy iriK rEOPLtrs ban: or rui cm or MtH MIKK. 8S:I ami lip.' I ???reel. i ' a-1 . -. lilt, I aaa? meeting ? ' ? Hank, for ? ? ' - ? ? ?? < a : ' r . - ? a ? - ? ? ? ajAi> _>. i wiMJiTa. Ca-lbUMa MacArtiiur Brothers Co. <E?t**b?-.h?-d 1828) United Stales Equipment Company Construction & Engineerin-, Finance Company 11 Pin- Street, New York Cbicago San Francisco I i te that In add!*'..! ?'.id by ?.hern a*. Moi te-.'J to, I'ru guay, for the **-:.<*ril con? duct of South Ame-lcan con? struction and financial busi? ness, they htve ? i , --reJ an o:?Ice at Aland in, Para? guay, in connection with their construction ?nd oper? ation of the port works at that place, under a conce?.. sion r< .,'.n*ed tha .1 1 ? " " ." ? ' -:.t. I INANt 1AL MEETINO. Till? (?.i?r?ntr* ?uni Trust OampmMj. Motto? '.? r.- ? . 11 that tfc? aaataa I Of I - - TITL!" IUPAN-] ? sttai ? ? ' Tru? ? . a -. ?. ? -, III - J " .. N-D, ?:**T7 l-iiiril Ini.t r. ni|.?.nj ?f **.*?? > rk : E - ?I* A.W AI. M riS.l Il *l If? *- ? of tt*". . ' t h t o r ? ill ? : : th? .-.**? ? f . ? j 1 ?!,'?? Bap-M* ?1 ?n 1 ' ; I i ' i M " S-*cr?**ry. J?rir??r> Il ' . - ? I Bank el r a rut 1 . a ' I ?JCa-ila i. t*****?!^ >*.^....