Newspaper Page Text
?mnller than aix ted at P ?o that ild be nseful I analng Points F!a? rotary Lasaiag peiated out t?1 ,!??, ? ? - ? uj not ae to ea -?m the . arr-.iimei'.t OB ? vessel - i ? ? .-.: the sanded the rule be cl \r??r>n?pa,lcr conferred s point - ? ? ? i talk - Lan that ti.? a was ?. ' | . ? .. . . .-. enshin ? ? - \ H-n. ? i at ?on. - ' ? - ? ? - ? -ucted tl look ? ir agents '. - ' ? : ? ? i I s ?' ? -.rmine ? - ? umso I PLOT TO 'TRAME UP" BRITISH AGENTS SEEN ected ?is RcMilt o? Koenig Inquiry. ? i ? ? r | | been ?? Ham .dieted ???y the ,n be I Rinte ? ork of ? "'erret ? ? from ' ?my trregt. h agen's I ? ? ? ?? r?d, r'? rured the i i of 1 n this credit ' the ? tment UNDERSEA WAR DOES NOT HALT PMd from jia??? 1 I ! from ? ces of ? ? . ? ? I work have thui \ t a ? ? ? . . of the ' press ereculatlori ?h: -h are in ? in? ' the 1 I ? lest re ? one 4.7 , fenalv? j,ur A d ipatch to Renter's Tr ? ,.'ar say* I - a pas? ? Immediately A?STRIANS MOC U. S., SAY BRITE ontemptuous Mumme ?London Chalis Pledge of Vienna. PARIS SEES AID IN PERSIA SINKI? Decl?mi*ei Outrage Will Su American Oplnloi 10 tlio Allies. g of the F - VTesti ? . , ? naval psi tir.- ? i ? tlon e | th? ? ardlty aad . - touch that of their ship men and as offered th? ? ? flummery, thej Could searei stter In th? philoso; of wiir r.o ?, irs itary or lerman war loi aa govi that 1 was a liun. - ? - I ? ? :,a, up. dar. ? - ? Persia Outrage Swings U. S. to Allies. Says Par Pails, Jan. 3 "Germany1 tl ? ? . , accumuln ? ans co ? . - ? ? ? "Pub'. -, L'niti the Allies ' || . glana, to tl f Fran ? ? i,do d< ? - iction ? 111 COT gnatlon." Orave Rlow at Civilization, Italy Calls Persia Sinkin ? ... ound in - : almoi Austria i.uman ? reealli during I .. the Arabic, t as now, wit . ? | OVI ? ? ? ., and ? .- ? ? ? CHICAGO HOSPITAL HELD UP FOR $a,00( Robbers Seize Pay Cash Befon nt Nurses. Chicago, Jsn. 8.?Two men enter? the ' ' Luke's Ho I] It ll thl pointed revolvers ?' Mil . Tobln, the cashier, and ?scape p. tin l.ox containing $3,000. on, an. . uere crowded with nurse ?her employe? receiving their sal dries. The robber? made the thin; r hand whi!e Bl 1 ejrapei In an automobile. a 2 GONE; EASY AS SING SINC Trenton ? on* ids Pick Keeper's Pocket ? llrnh Raps I adder and Disappear. ?ton, N. J . ?Jan- 8, Two con In the ?tat? prison picked a . . sr's pocket for the kays which id up an avenue of ?-.?cape to-day. _g_ the thick niat of tho early ll .?? ed a rop,. ladder en foot wall guards, fron then ? ? rrom twen i larceny, and I'm I Wilson, tl . runners ''or Deputy Jamea Devlin. Refere breakfast was over the deputies not ced that a I ioor was open. Dsvila found his keys In the lock and gave the alarm ?? while 1 : ? ? : tending tho .? erv "?"""-r*****"*"* "*?**""-'.r,r**" \P/atinumsmUhs'{ 6yO FUTfl/aVg) >^W PEARLS Individual pearls to improve your necklace, or necklaces complete, at attractive prices. Opposite St. Patrick*i C?theih\ SNAPSHOT OF TORPKDOBD SHIP. ?? em aboard Pe? - ? craw, on STONE COURTS U-BOAT INQUIRY Senate May Adopt Su Resolution with Lodge Amendment. LINE-UP WELCOMED BY WHITE HOUSE British Blockade and Hyphen Propaganda Would Be Linked with Subnntrine Tangle. ?From Tha "Ml - I ?. fton, ,'an. ?.. The fir' of German propagan! ?ta II ' I coun try, the Hritiah hlorknd.. and hltorfer enc? with American commerce, end the Teutonic W?rf?r? ? at length In open H-^r ings befor . . ? .... the t.. the Uok" Smith reaolution, ?*- ?men.. nd of inquiry described. ?tor Stone, chairman of the For ?"ommitt. i . that he had no objection to th? tion, ahila he could not iorc ? ?? . of the i ed I 01 *rre right 1 through its ov ? -tality or h ? ' ... ? ? ? | "1 em ?peaking only for mys?**l*, a-. I my cormn;*' t, pel ? ? sage of the amended by Senatoi L Ig?, and th<* carrying on of such an . as It outlines by this eomrr I i e\e that for the most part 'he I e.?r ings of the committee shoal ? he op?-; to the public.'' White House Thinks It Would Gala ? ! to-day it had been SO] | that the Smith n ? ,*?nd never .r.l from a-.- . I ? I ? it. It . . ... ? ? situai?on !?? ? r g aired ? I th.. V, ? ? would tend to relieve the White House from soma of 'he bun ? , Ml r? interna' After th.- hearlngt concluded ?ome sort of r?'j" ?ry. The line-un of the Foreign ttee ar I of th? will be of great ?lue ? ?an Senator?.. de?pite ? ? I .-.'..? dealing aoequately ?ritfa tha - I i In committee ?n-i i i floor in a ? ?? mid he eon - t no* at la measure ' ril i n for granted that .he r? ? ? -m of I ? ire and govern terfer? ? ' A -, , ? Intn lured, the resolv ? ,-e of trade ? .it the icks on Tea ? SI of ? ?? Presid? - BBS. I og irjjo Hi-plored. s -.- I h a t ?i flrat ?. oo,| from | used by ?-manu .ilion u ? : ?'? i k-i The later cone?- tain to permit tons, which 'o.i,on mr.s to the - tes, is decla I only a - ibed it. , : y e m - extrene ? ? their i for r? i re ,- ? .1 have oe ituffa. POLICE SNORE; YEGGS ROB Safo in Real ef Station House and Depart In Peace. All ? r ' ?41 o'eloeh ? l2Sth .-^nant * door thirty men 'he. dormi? tories. Dir, the rear was a more 1 wo men appeared on the roof of 17 I ] 125th Street, a ? ' h rough the il ished a . tore it open and de r Mr. Fchulbohn tafe and car n a bank. EOYS TO LEARN PATRIOTISM Jaalor tnerlcaa (.uard Incorporated in Teai b. trau ami Layalty. :",,-?? or in the Bu ? to be knowi. lor An? , i ?uard. [t ' ,. ? . ? ? ? ? ? ? ? .. the Jumoi - ? ? ? Zabriski? ..'.vi n loin I ? Jrankl?n Simon a Co. Fifth Avenue, .>7lh and 38th Streets A CORRECTION The following item appeared in Sunday's Tribune reading Lingerie Gowns and should have read 250 Hand Viatic Lingerie Waists I'nris Waists of vai.if,- ,,r Colored batiste or handkerchief linrn. S>aUil Heretofore $7.50 to $12 75 PERSIA 4 TIRES IN DEADLY PERIL Escaped Zeppelin Bombs, Two U-Boatsand Alines on Previous Voyage. BOUND TO GET HER, SAYS E. M'OANDER Turkish Snipers Also look Shots at Ship, Asserts I ormer Member of Crew. "They wer? bound t? ir-t *ho Persia, H;r!" A broken nosed cockney from LoadoB ?at, on his bed In a meanly fun room n* KM West Twenty-Aral yeaterday and toll whal he knew of the ?hip which was lunk by an A.istrian submarine last week. He was h j.nrier in the l'ersia th? trip before K. MeGaader la hla nante. la his ? -roekaay Kngiish h? sketched ?he nu- , meroui attempt! thnt I ad be?? ? id? "to gnt" th? Pet da !?? I >r? Hi ?fl unarmed. It is th? ?uatODl ?.f all P. A n. liners to doch ?t I Rngland, to ?wing aboai i a 4 I Inch -run with the bore the diameter of an el ir : i r'".-, ?i d aboul [our 'ei-ri fee*, long. E. McGaadcr left his a Leaden on June 10, but ll Bl Tilbury for the gun. lie was de to take cl it 12 at drill, rhe Pel i lampblael ?d ta ri ?i ?? "?lurk " until ? night lampa to ? "At Gibrall "the . iS with tha two gun -vi i ? put on the next 1*. ?t 0, boat leaving the ?traita for London. I he Pel l .'iimed a w-iri on the ? an. Up didn't . . ? ? ! it, sir.'' Atta. Led by a Zeppelin. Two day? befar? ta? P?*nia left ?at :t. ?. ? -i waa scared ?wa? ft re and th? i i ?^ aaa y damaged PI t I for a i, there I ?'? on| oou resers ita, and ha.l abe ?eng? ' " Persia was tpe?d ' wes serai ?en k? bu :. i the ? ' " ira old, or' ? it one a total crew goB a than .'"oO. "I want to tell jou, miater," ss; '. -, "'rere a . ..-; on hoard ?? at was a man tl rough to the tkin ?' him. That was ? Bptain Hell. I well liked by the start, he was, and he ?m elderly sort; had been in com ?ra, I understood. "But ( a Las ira, -ere a treacherous lot. We had I I I thoaa ? r ral to n ? ? ? ; ? ? a fais? bay smooth doe o ?? -, air. 'I wa-i m charge of Boat 12. I a' id a gui fou had I them ? ? i ., ear only a dozen bo it? oa I ? P< of them holding no* Und . tuhmarined only half of the bunts tr .. ? ? ? ? ... igina ? if men and women a | ting for 1 ite not ei ? bl. ? ? Snipers I i red on Ship. from Aust r?s*i if we'd been - : then ? to toll th? w? es il w? built a bulwai ? about the bridgi. I ? ea Turks ? Eleven a crew a i only . fui an In? to K ngdom i 'ome " ?ar from Sicily the ! I ehaaed by a submarine again. .an Into a thoal of juat h? fore rea.hir.g Hover. Mine ? ? ? ara warned :he ship back, and it drew water for a mile or two to tha rear. "Wonder w* didn't get blown up!"; laid Captain Hall to the or1 mine sweeper, ? to F. M lier. "Well, i* wouldn't have be?n the ?hot they'd taken at you," ?nswered the other. "T!ie way the Persia was pr. r""r a long journej waa a farce ? mu'.! "I* ? sa ?Il s ' ? ? . 'here 'n' b our In-- ? : up at I rJ, that e with them board Pour heal at .) di ? ? F McGander waa ??lent for some time. Then in a chok i ? i Motor enthusi? asts will find 16 important, in? teresting stories and articles in the big 108-page 14th Annual Automobile Number of Collier's which is out this week. Don't miss this "National Automo? bile Show on paper." It is in this week*! issue of Colliers TUE NATIONAL WtBKLT GRIP DEATH LIST TREBLED IN WEEK ? ,,nt Inur.l fr,,m pa??" 1 _M. the chief physician, laid that ndirig ghp Qg bis P?r , MS ovcr ? (irip, Sweeping Nation, Takes Heav) Toll, Says Health Men Wasl ton, '.a Is I from ? i uuS'.r.jf ? work Reporta - ? '?m la ? -?? r'-f? i N'-w ? ' ' ??,-?? Bridal? preval? - land and Detroit each iBea. Some of ti e .i summarised by Surfin G.ral Blue were: York h' ?i<? wl i.?'y spread; ? enmonta mortal raon over -??riding warnings. Chicago LaSSt week, there were fifty ? -y the ?efore I ? ? i 1,41 isei .... ... . occurred in the ? i r daj '. Epidemic of influen? za ?rid ??? rere. Reported as the mo.? levere experienced linee 18S1 Philadcli In Ave wee- si i December SI, Ml two occurred December f?i pneu monii ? Cleveland eg I'ecem ead ?ince Deeembe - prob,- ? - Pneumon?a ? si, estimated s i December. Influenza epidemic; pneu sre were p.ixty-?!x afluei ta in December, l repot tad epidemic thron;? ? ere type; ael . - ?attle during ? ?r, ? . complications, chiefly pneumonia. Los Angeles Extended ?pid?mie of s severity began two months ago and ii r.o*. di ibed. . Diejro Few cases of influenza I leatha from Influ l not rcport . fluenza n?->r epidemic) mod I S] I lemle reported. ? i ot epidemic; one ! ' a not prevalent (land, Me. Some scattered cases, le Influenza not epidemic; two I Por- No epidemic; a few I Health Officer reports probably irreatrr prevalence of influ ira; accurate figures not availa Memphis it - T.noo or 8.000 rak declining m . I ? I T.-valent. ?airo, 111. Probably ?"1.? cases of in assal Bans Export of Grain. . .' ? , u. Mary! . led to-day an or- I ? ? until ? ? ____?_BBBBBBBT?BBBBWBrlTBT?ir???BB^ Automobile ?* Salon A brilliant exhibition of quality motor cars HOTEL ASTOR Grand Ballroom January 3 to 8 _ ? *__ -+T* ?O ? F^FFa ?asm (plearanceo ales*-- iioid in?hill&orces? $65 ro$125 surra at $25, $35 n>*65 ..... ... ..,, wrwff). $I6S ro 132) COSTUME SUITS. ?9" $75 I0 $I25 DRESSES at t45ANU^55 INCLUDING JTYUa SUITABLE FOR ?ATTIC, $125 ro *225 cotre at ^75,$95,$125 SEQU1NED EFFECT VELVETS, SATINS, TULLE TRIMMED STYLE3 $125 to $225 wraps at $65, $85, $l 25 OF VT.IArrS. BROCADES AND SATINS. RICHLY FUR-TRI M VED. $65 to $125 coats at $35f $55,$75 MOTOR. STEAMER. UTILITY ANT) SLMi DRESS STYLES, Qleai^utce/f^ flt $5 THF. BALANCE OF MANY LINES IN .STREET ANT) SEMI-DRESS STYLES FORMERLY TO $2-; Velvet and Satin Hat??$10 $25 to $35 Fa?hionahle Flower Toque? at $12 Qum~ ahwarhj &fa?f Some alkwoor.Quarter?ess TANKER BLOWN UP; HUNT FOR CLEWS ON ( ontlnnr.l from pace I Mown to atoms, heard the news th? streetcar. Doug !?*'i -? , f Street vHe had I I A few minutas earlier one of her little frirls, tve-year-o!d Mabel, heard of the expli "Ma," she said, "napa wis blown to 1-ttle pieces on a ?hip," Crew Terribly Burned. The following are b died in the hold: f?f the cr?w, H . ? [en ?n, Norwai Norway, Raymond Alvares, Sheb ? ! ?rydock I pany these were r missing: James Dougherty, married; .1. Col ? SB, < \ who ?rare taken to the Holy Family Hospital w-?re: /ira ?I ?' . - a ? par! rni l - ? i I . -a ' ? ? ? . MASS. Ed. S . IBS I The naitifi of the others con' | I be learned. The Aztec is a Norwegian tank e'er , ba er to 1 Coi at Bunderland, England, in 1914, The ship has a - and is worth about $i Th.? Azetec -. ? rie Bai n ?? 29 and was being Robins 1 i'ig on a cargo of o I for I MAYO'S ALLEGED WIFE SILENT Marriajje to New Ha* en Manufacturer Belli in the Baa Im of Rasaer. M rs. Lei i Wat of 146 irth 8tro t, 1 ? art of her marriage t0 Virglalus .1 Mayo, the New Haven a rturei u i mari tal traublas ftrst bi-came public laut March after the luicida of Lillian t oak, of Broi - ?av that Ifrs Dudley has ( to rumor, ? Maya, ai i P< ? ? he manufii ? tiieide, brought a suit son? a , . , i. ??.._? ?___p____, ?J.M GIDDING CO"?, Fifh As/?i?_e coHyi-Vt. , Tm? ?'aflu? Sopa1 ?Wat?. Unlroducc tKe correct rarij as KiojY if ia L-tT.e^ica-f?fv?:! RE?IVED VIA ;. S. ROCHAM BEAU. ARRIVING THUR.-DAY. DECEMBER 30th AND ON DIS? PLAY IN OUR FRENCH SALONS FOR THF. FIRST TIME TODAY SUNDAY WRITES NEW SERMON Spends Rest Day After GIsBI Opening on NyatarlaBs Macaarse I !.. Trenton, N. J., Jan. ' day for R: '????? Banda) comn ? Is the mer irtal ? ... There were aboBt 11,000 ? ?he great '. lay's tiOBS showed that, on an a* person gave three and one ?? i s.- aever had a ? and v. eade Trer.- . . cia! failure until he hss tried I Tf - bag It is known, how iviT, thai the evangellit is I I . ;: J? Uaer. lay. Pao| ?- ?>? hsee Sees d:i boroagkly l it liver ? :ng, enjoy the sin ? acle t^ warm, Ms . ?ay hi <>* angehst will rl"..i it ? the Trenton p? Mr - ?s ??w ?ermon H.? wo ?? He la es DEMAND Which Will Not Be Denied '*# ALWAYS ?jemand tor Aj.tx 1 ir?*s is greater than supply, despite- tmpoi tant factory addition-! and increases of product. For five years AjAI iactones in 1 renton, N.J., have operated con? tinuously, in three working ?hifta. twenty-four hours daily ( Sunday? alonn excepted) without curtailment, shut down or lay ?.ff. This insistent, growing demand will not be denied, and now occasion? fur? ther doubling of factory capacity. Ajax appreciation has come as user? tell their Ajax satisfaction to their friend?. Ajax Rubber Company, ha. 1796-179? Broadway N*w Y?wk / #1 S "> ? ??s "~ac*eri?a. If ?tan, N. J. _i-W*?, st . -^ J ? ?g -Jl