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After Hittin? the High Spots Even the New Year Is Settling Back to a Normal Pace Harry Sinclair Not an Angel to all the Feds Rumor Thsit He Had ?\s nmed All Contracts rums Out Untrue. STILL TALK OF HIS BUYING THE GIANTS John J. Mciirau Around OaKC M<re After Belag (?:ii |X a*. Othen Have H * ? amor ?? hici; ran at that : ' ' ? ? ? I but thei. In : ? ? ttr do IT? Kar.tu- ? ?lito will look i. ? Ka iff, 1 ? Magee and we. . Brooklyn Tip Tops. I h? other in. n will hase . clear, bill of health hu? been prven t. them by the treaty of Cincinnati, and ?heir futur.' will depend upon th?*i* own ability, Harry F. Sinclair "-fill arrive in this eity some time to-day. He was ex? pected yesterday, but remained in St. Louis atteending to aon ? with Phil Ball and Otto Stiefel, th owner? of the Brown?. Word ar*M H from the Mound Citf last ni| Ir. Sinclair would come here and : Ifort to buy the aaueb rred that the peace comr until' he could hi with tl I a reasonai''?' i I - It was a? .... ? club through to a BUCC? ? ? ? ?? ? repeated John J. McGraw has beer. mir-sirg fo: several days, ?,nd for the best little we know of. John J. has been nuraing i " ? able to be trow . ? ? wobbly. !?. ing a trip to P'.r.i hui - more to recur?" The work of up is going alor.g. The eiroed r, a right-handed pitcher Northwestern I vesterdav via ?pecial deli*rer*f Km me WM wit* the Vancouver while hi? record la none too la McGraw is ?I he will ein weh. The dream of Contain Hti George Stalling? and a few ethei men was rea' game preserve in Glynn I (?rorjria. was bought aad ?itl?? to th?? prop? - 1 It part , atfttlt ' ? . - and foai ra , abool ",4:u I ,', \*ltll th? exc? pt 0 acra? arh ich ?nrior. Deer, black boar, wild turkeys, plover, grouse, snipe, plenti ..'.. ratai rl. teems a Ith tin' baas, ' tinp and . \a'.uiih!.> s ? The **ork of r? h? old n the estai j When th? Si Loais Bro ' groum placed in a ? ? . ' c O'.il : ?? latter quit ? I woods and th?' ? ?tl ii> ? ? "I'd ??'.uK" s aid .1 ?>r,? ? ' -i.e* -, ed the ONI Roman. "I'll u'.* i' ? ilarjr, Irai i \*iii ne*, er sell a abare ol stock. This club Is my life's monument.*1 "I feel just the sane **..>.' Jones, ";intl the success c.f the Sos is a monument to me." Hut Comiskey refased to sell and Joi ai BV * Later Kobert Lee Hcoiges tr:<d to pet Jon?*s to man? age the Browns, but Comtakey kicked up a rampa tl ? deal. Now key will be pow- j to stop him. Dick Carrol is on the reserve list of tin Ji ' club of the Interna? tional ' 1 will report with the ? spring tr; Keep in trim tl ? t fli ? up in the Federal Leai II ? Carroi ? t-thi ' ; I ? ?? , at large h ? eh Rickey, eral ? .-? ? f th? Browns, would he elect Field ? to remark that if' t win? nei to S1 I from ro i?r,d Mes ammer in the Mound City. '* eh is pureiy ridiculous. Base? ? ime, even with the Browns stomed to ? to five up their ! favorite ?port of ??uck'.r-.g bulk-ts. Miller Huggins will not allow those outfielders ?'f the Chicago Cubs to es- ? ? | ph for Cy :;d Good, and may find a place for Jnck Murray. There nr<- a .,- ..? who may come in for COni leration. The rumor that Roger Bresnahan tbe Toledo Cluh of the Ameri ?tion will not i It is pel :.nd is II to become u club owner. Date Set for Adjusting Baseball Differences Committee to Meet Next Week?The National Commission Just Talks. Cincinnati, Jan appointed at the recent mi I ,11 peao?- c ? pate bel ? .onal leeffui ?? 1 at a meeting of th? ? onal Con. re to "ipoped of ? Why shi\ ? This is warm Winter overcoat \. -ather. Tiree soho! months oi it ?Jx- id O? us. too. Just as keen to sell you one of our staple "regular" coats as one of our fancier model*-. Fact is, so many men (young men, too) are so much more con -ertative lhan mo'l clothim.* MM v.ould have them, thai are take niinite pains to have all oui i oats, lhe plainest as well as the snuut :n the most appioved styles ?nul fabiics. As well as*tn the least expen? sive materials from which good -er vice can be expected. Not deviating the least little ! it from our ?high standard- oi all-wool and fast color. ItoGBM Peet Com pan? Broadway Broadway at 13th St. "It.c at 34th St Four Broadway Corners" fifth Ave. it Warren at 41st St. boa-iinf .M!cy. mili?- i a i'oe< Tmbl* Alt ypii*? -. lb L ..'<-. Squar?. Ifra tonal tu lir?, Suppll.? "?ata tiro? . : ot dent .Tame? A. Gilmore of the Federal League, 1'.- 'ward Barrow oi il iorti 1 League, a repn sen Baltimore 1 of the Buffala Feden Leagu? ? lay vaiiou-. ? do with ? ? ei ball affairs 1 ? rmalli and other ...... and plac? I ... ? amber, I ? the waiver questioi a SO far as it the I I eaguc pi ?uk^ii up, thoi gone into, ' then laid over to be decided finally ? joint committee on Wednesday, It i- alee known that there ar,- ., ? -'Il b. ? i one war or the other at the the joint committee other ind the In ternal ipute. What the i ? are were aal di man high in hi ? "II is natural that there are :t num | ? ..-. are bound to con- ; is declared bel ? two bodiea. N'?"1' ? i details aro of im] must ? big i n ition?. rs? will 1 that < the Federal ai. I - und the waiver que?- ; .: | -'?.-? fon ' l can say very little, bur In re? th? waiver < eal .. I ? decided quickly after th? : lained to all of ? Ano1 og of th? N ? >n will be held Up-moirow and ? - probable 'hat the ofle? i year will bo chosen at that ? Owner of Cubs Back from Hunting Trip ( ircinnati, Jan. 8. Charles P. Taff ? ? elub of th.' National League, returned to-dat from a thr h ' I anting trip in 1 expect? ? I. councils of baseball thut Charles . former president of the Chicago Fed?, will tome to this ? ' ? ' ? : ? ? i abs. THE NEW F ALL OOtUWl vYfTM THE OVAL BLTTTC'er.tHiXg Wt^>?e zwirne????) V___*e9^iNaS?rsat? WRITE FOR BOOKLET OF 18 3TYLE8 ktHTTu?J?**PiT ACXX^AACA?. mQY.H?, V. Teaching Friend Wife to Drive By BRIGGS llSTfTM, Vtaj | SMCU*,* LfAf?'J ! To DRI>/? ?< , ?r\n AtiD Ir?' -i 1You rouLD l A*oD Mt5< T Ml | AT Th( I7?AIM in Ti-ai ; ue?*li?Jts?S Ta rt i You? POO i OFI THAT r>CCeLORAToK? ,LOOK OUT ! SrtuT <?? ' ? ? CjJ_ ! IT'S r> CTooO . ?(, I HAD T>RE6EMCe ?f MliMD TO rClLL ?m' i w6ifoe To Mr pY/aJt-a DA V I SMAVi I roPCiCT Voor LxT'Wtri Personal Touches Here and There in Boxing _By IG0E _ Willie Lewis Fays that a riphthat: uppercut will end the oncoming r . Jim CofTey on oea i-.*...;. Bight whei Jim meets Frank Moran at the Madisoi Square Gordon. "Moran la a natural righthaad hit ter, and I've been trying to upon him the importance of ?? punch victory. Il-- Btanda more lik< Peter Jackaon than any man that ever aeon put np B tiand. Frank isn' a star performer with th?- left hand There were few great r.ghthand hit .vho could <lo much with thel lefts. To hit hard und timely witl ? ft ia a knack that the righl thumpers know little of. If . Mi.ra?. in action I bar? . he walka in with hit ? "I' hai ii!'.'. BJI been Fr;e - to whip that right np He pu er in 1 but I've been trying 1 much easier it would be to drive tha aame ! il from the aama poaitioi ? a man'.- middle. Frank L teach, Bad be admittei that it 'ih a tar ihortef d ' ' ? "? man's ribs than it ?a to bia jaw. II. - the punch on Bill Mr .. and Bartley Ma.Men, anil the? I :?>! i*. ?? ring partn? ? ? arned. I rank ha punch until 11 deadlj a man'i body. I know . ? -. will r 11 \>'r be a?.le to get away from it Run! Well, to l" did, I think thai Jim will run. a i en a men hit - i n for a ci.tint of ten, and is al waya utile ? repeat the dooe, the fel* |OW who i- doing the oppo ? ?ant everything that spells confidence. < offey will never forget thoea two cracks on the riba, to say nothing of the punch en the jowls that tlo. red him on bia ear. I look for u runaway ', b "ii ami Coffey -.'ill do every irld to i*rab thai de? I'm betl n / n Pi than 1 dick? The Hon. Charlea Welnert. i ark, and the equally honorable .lames .'.-, Nee Jay, were or? to prance for l the en ? f the Pion? er Sporting Club before they dare pleaae the pa? trons of any rua! organization ? day. te Boxing ?'.inn, \ n!. d ? in h a sentence. V | tacked on a littli . ' rilan became ahowed the eommiai ionen I had failed on to.m i loi ? to? \\ ben the bou*- were et lied "'* ? the men ?aid that they were ill very, very ill. Thia waa fe i be merely a aubterfoge, end et ther plea foi mercy wai not forthcom ?:ie commiaeionera three allowed that the boys were dealing for t] torn of the deck and Uli pinned te them. Ia order that the whole transaction ? come under the head of law an.'. regulatioaa, the commiasic invited Mei ire, Savagi drop ? ody and tell th? m juat ? bey were ai tered. Thia . dneted from the money ?'arried by both meo the? meet before tl a Pioi rer 1 !* Joe Gana we | ? en the privi? lege of looking up a r . ?? men to beadle '. a fight rig dates. Short; Raymond haa ... i ? | in that eapacit) ter the daaky warrior, but the commiaaionera already pul n the cold, cold ground for - I I which conaisted in neg ? menl |1 to Zu K . the , Jake n b1 the Cl? rmonl : l . . according to (?ans Poi ...-?..-. to figl ? r Bartfield at N'.-v Haven. a < d the commiaaionera that Reymond'a idea el equality ? ? ? .'.' he ??.it |S0 ai d Raymond pocketed |2M m a retainer. . rrj Martin, and Bro. Rayn ond gethered in 1*260, In a mo ment ?if unchecked enthuaiatm Ray? raond pa d his el eat of the pur??'. Chairman Wenck <**onfr??ed to hi? crapulous confreres that he area fa rom being ? Patrick Henry or a Del DID thmk Un ? i " in o. a ?? .. ? , i *.er? who had bet the^. clerical fe?t Boxing Bouts of the Week TO-NIGHT. Pali ' Allai tir Club Vonkera? R?nnle M,Xei and Younp, Britton Kld Splnoer and Ja, a R>an. ' a. ?ipof-tlra Club Brookl?? ?Jonen. Dundee and PMI Bloom. C-iHe. Papp.i ,r? a>a?l Do.l? Yojnp brad, and b.-rilrp Hurle THURSDAY. pion,?r Soortlnf Club?K. 0. Brown and Baet> Usai?. FRIDAY. Miflua aajSJSfS Carder ?I rana Moran and Jin Coftey. Harlem Snortlni Club? Innovation Wall; tea j t, ri-ruur (J bout,. SATURDAY. Clrrmont Athletic Club Brooklyn?Grerie Chip and Silent Martin, Yuunp, Drla.oll and Willi? Jone?. -_. down on the manly ar? of self-defence. Weneh thought -hat if he a/era Kiven the chance (Istie 'a theii ears that the hollaba the red-blooded v. ould he aquelehed until doomsday Its? other member of the m luck upon his trip, told W? ? to sei nur on the a I sion at once. to Knock Moran out tl ?? ? rat tin >. ' ? ? do it again if fJoffej ?rill take ten rounds ???ad of hit? 0 t une?; in fa? III ? round," paid Dan Morgan peat? rdny. "H- ! younger, itroager and lust as hard n hirtrr in lloraa, If he will only parle*' his punches instead of lo it all In one round. You ! kn? a J pica] Irishman. It is I one of ' raita of 'he racp to du It hnd do it quickly, but with a seasoned Moran In front of him it will he suicide to try to rn?h things. Let him fl?/ht Moran like he did Smith and he'll "In arith a knockout sure. I'm goil er on him, any? way. SOME SHOTS OFF THE FIRST TEE K. ? professional of the ?>U ib, Brooklyn, has suo ! Brad] si profes : Club, near ?re from Scot? land m 1914, and until last >ear ?ras ?al well known "pros." -. duties an Feb? ruar :?' L Thomas L. McNaumra, former metro? politan open champion, arrived hero lUei at a ?ment store in this, city yesterday. H, of the golf depart V pri ? ' ' ? " ' W .. ' :- rhe i ?he Philadelphiu ;md ? itles. ?. former national nrr.a- I ti ur cl employmoat with a Boat ; ' ' i> arm yes- j terday to _r" in h ?.. ith Joba H. Sullivan, jr., of Brighton, ;. ? a pel [aoeaard I ?jasas to America from Wal "Pi ?ko to be the ' py Bollow i loon ? r be **ith that Doyle, formerly lyopia Hu lai achu-1 Biles !?? i On? " Ifi ' ? i te sab if 'he "nin?-; courses of the ? State ?if Washington shall hereafter be' known a- "hasards," inasmuch ai, pro-i hibition wan . tal .?ie on New Year's 1 Although tbere are those who insist? that golf is largely a stats of mind, it. is hardly h ni.-.-. ' ,1 * h?, assertion' thnt an ardent devotee of the royal and ] ? ? game should be classified as a "bag." _ "Strange how Jim ha? snch s hard time ' i Bea by 9 o'clock, each weekday morning bal can get up at ?'? a. in. on I play iroif. I ? ? ; ? i ' .? '? . ? . J :., tUight be 'most sr.ybody. HARVARD FOOTBALL SCHEDULE COMPLETE North Carolina ami Massachus etts Aggies Oet Open Dates. ? ' - liar vard < allege footl ? ? dole of ter fa in. Il '?: Th. I 21, whir? were ben th.' were announced rece?? ??? taker recpeel h . I-, bj the Ui ?' North ( arulinn and the Ma \ -? (ij.'iral ("ollere. 1 he oth? i ' ? ama whieh H meet durir ? ???I temb. r 23, ?ire Bet? ? ornell, Uni ??. Brown and rala -?ni" to be played tnia v ai ? '? Chase Not Barred from Baseball fhieago, Jan. S. Hal Ci I baaemaa, who Ifft thi Sox r. ? P?detela, will And no bar ra ? day that R< free to algn a [ ?aver from ti i tie he could c.t. Rowland is e\ . . I re from hi.? home m Dubuq i morrow ? ..-..r the eai n'a cumpancn with Mr ' key _____?* Athletics Announce Train i ii?; Pia IS Philedel* ' phia Ano r ? : ? 1.- or e.i by the A dur ng the spring training en opening aeriea with i nla, at Si I March 23, 24 and 25, tl divided Into two teams. On? onville, F!-., March 20 arc ? ?:. .. "ries: ' ,'.- d \->ri 1 1, nt rhattn i, T-r>n.: April ,'1 r.nd 4, Knoxville ' md ?. A*heville, X. C.; l Ve.; April 10 " ? .il 11 and 12, Newport . Ya. ? i remaining In Jacksonvill v. il! play the following games: Or Man ten Braves; April 1, i and 1. !'r Jacksonville on April 6, tha ? as follows: April Nationals, at VTeycToes, P ledelphia Nationals, at ? . s c ; April 7. Phlladelph -i .il-, a'. Rala ;!'. N C; April h, ?r k ehmond, Va ; April 10 Uyn NOTHING DEFIVITE, SAYS DR. WILLIAMS Indianapolis. J?n 8. !'r H I. Will? iams, the University of Minnesota ill euch, returned te Mil i . . aft i n .. ? ? .'. V. hen nue*.- ? itlvo to a report ??id be head coach at 'i i I II he 3aid: rU? -?.*??, members of the Y I committee requeated me to mee*. ew York on Dee? I .her 21 and ? | ? rtaln that nn\- proposition ?? ae and juallv uncertain whether if made 11 woo " " '?". SfOTCHMAN WINS .MARATHON RUN Edinburgh, Scotland^ Jan. 3. The rhell Marath a, of I f'e.-n mile-, , by 6. Met"rea, of Scotland, ? ? bed '. ahead of liana HMmer, of New York, second. '?" Hoi mer : ? -ni in last year's i tace. HARVARD TRACK MEN TURN OU' -__-. Sixty Report for First Practice A Boom in Boxing. I By Telepraph to The Tri I - ' Cambridge, Mass., Jan. I. Harvard winter track season opened her?- thi afternoOB, when Captain Bill Binghai called out the 'varsity and frcshme squads to the Soldiers' Field boar track. Although more 'han sixty cor didates reported, as many more are ea poetad to come out to-morrow and nex day, and as the Crimson has lost com paral fon of its best men sine last spring, the prospects for a tear here are regarded as bright. The work to-day was lig-ht for th? trink nv'n, who were again 'n charg? of Pi.och Donovan, who is stortirg hi. tenth season, ?rhil? Eliery II ?'lark, ar old 'varsity athlete, a member of th? rirst American Olympic team in 18^8 and an all-around champion, was in charge of th?- field event candidates who worked in the ba?eball cajre. Clara ; slant graduate managt! of ?th? ief e? at Harvard. Eliery Clark has started a boom in boxing this winter, and this afternoon rhan twenty men reported to tne instructors in the gymnasium. Several of the 'varsity football, Dick Hart . Era? it 5? uey and Ken Par?on. , as did Waatherheed and Whitney, two of the substitutes Archie Roosevelt w.?s a member of the -quad and worked out a little against ( ??arley White, the lightweight, who most of the afternoon at Cam? bridge. Young Roosevelt's father, ejt svelt about thirty-five years ago, was rated as the best boxer In Harvard College. TINKER FAVORS WHALES OVER THE OLD CUBS in Combining Hie hams He Picks Out Fourteen Former Fed Player.. Chicago, Jan. ?,. Joe Tinker one who dije?, not ov.r. ?*?? up* ? -r of the National .' I ab} Fed? ral. Of the fifty-aiz pla er ? ?t?d under hi? e? by th< B the Cuba end Whale cideil to retain only to 'if ? ? . |f fourteen will be Wl sa The name of J - ?ras orr.i""d la the (??*??? out, but om? time .??? I i the opinion that La d be M ' Will tie offerer: r , . , ,. ehaage for H< ? l ? to be diaaati &ed ? Red land. In 1 fared for tele or rel? ?*.-|r r or but ?toi der of what a r ? sed i ? ' ' H< of tl , IfcConi . ' ? Filbert Pit . " ha? withstood the big I? sides in rtr.e atria for while MeConaefl oh* ? much in fast company. 1' . another named to go. * course, la a bad actor, but whei Is a wonder. Few aril] <?';.; ble * retention of Morder?: Bi i old veteran of bygone years In what esteem Tinker hold? Flick an Zwilling il appartint when tenda to relea?? Wilbur Good -Teak | Murray and Cy Williams Th? lait ! named la a player of exceptiona ? He Is one of the fastest m?n ? I game, baa an arm of itoel, and eai hit lall kinda of pitching. Tinker has ?eur* lit te retain Frank Schulte in | rofaa** ence to this youngster. Joe Schultz, purchased from Brook? | lyn last year, is MOthei la I go. and there are fee ? than Schultz. Th II a? ; tended, but Tinker's list o: the l as ! be releaaed or traded, and t i to be retained follow?: Players to be held: Pltahatra ? Vaughn, Zabel Cuba), Br nell. Bailey, Prendergs ' a ? Who Inflelders -Saler, Zimmerman, ligan, McCarthy (Cuba). D and Tinker Whales ). Outfielder Tubs), Flack, Zwilling and Mann i Whal Catchers -Archer Fischer and Clemon (Whalee). Players to be sold or traded: Pitch? : ers Pierces, Humphriea, j Douglaa. Schorr, Bobbins, j Standr dge. Hogg Cub ?Anderson (Whalee). Inftelders Keating, Bet : I I Larry. Phelan, Planer 1 Farrell, Hauler, Frita We Pechous, Weis? and Jack Outrtled'-rs -William-. I ley, Allison, Murray i Wnaies). Catchers ? Bresoahan, Hargrav?, Wallace | Cubs) - a I Phillies Re-elect Officers for Year Philadelphia, Jan. 3.- All the j officers of the Philadi : League club wer-- * ! nual meeting of that or* j to-day. Pat MonV cam.* b< re to ?r , range with President W. F the spring training of the Nat.onal League champion?. Moran said . - from K;: arm would be in good eoaditiOB for th? cominp season. Killifer ll : throwing arm last fall, a shor* I ' before the Phlllie? entered the world'? I series games. a ?Panama.. Lawn Tennis Title Changes Hands Panama, Jan. B.?Willing the American Chare*?* d'Alfa n I the Isthmian liswn tennii eben ? from Alexander Fechtig, I champion, here to-day. 1 * of the best player? on 'he i neted In the tournant- | __?._..-?-??--. ?? ??-a, v ^J . - . ? " | M. .IV f$ i _ - ? aj f? -'??, ?X':i_e. ETT pape will delight your fancy in many new ways. The blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos does away with tongue bite and throat-parch and leaves no unpleasant cigaretty a f ter t?i s te, no matter how many you smoke! Smokers quickly realize that the absence of coupons or pre? miums is due to the cost of the tobaccos. You compare Camels with any cigarette for quality, flavor, aroma; for satisfying "body"?for anything any ciga? rette ever did oner you ! You'll prefer Camels to straight Turkish, or straight Domestic, or any cigarette you ever smoked! And Camels will not tire your taste I II ?tu It? ? ^ i il ?; _; rfi-|? g^ it W 11 tin ii 1# I_ __?__^vS^^_S .K?3&.?&?^^ / ?e ./a n. l , ? a ' oew end ?aaa/n r?e | t ? j.'e, ernjcTl ???? .. out air, tttmrebyprryrr* ,'a gua.rv of t - ~/ fo?a<.r>a i'?i ?' a! th* __gare a? ? tratad USS> rta- r'J " 'f t.e.t . a?./.?lr>Li r ? , thm tin to?!, wh .. n I, bai ? into .(? p.a. ?a. I 11 : ^ Cama!, st? an.'demrr-wharnln aciart.?-a?y -ralaJ ;,. I -. -? 30 r, r lue .ir fen /m ?i.'ri {JOO rij,rattaa) in a &t'. .ai M riper . jaa.-e tcatto for il 00. ?rr?n?7r raririannrf fSM i r. r fin? v or ?rt'e > R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Winiton-Salem, N. C ^t^eM!