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TO PUSH WOOD UTTOER AX TO-MY Whitman Probably Will Get Charges by Noon, Says Thompson. COaMMISSIOXKR MAY BE HEARD AOAIN Tank Account Still Interests I Dtnittee?$10,000 Check of Sli>;..t Importance, 'T'.s Said. Rob?rt C. Wood. Public Servie? Cora mlaeioner, '? ex, ectod to be r?oall?d before tha Thompaon '.enrislative com? mittee to-day to testify about h.s bank ..nt. When Wood first teatifted ho said that before he became a member of the Commitiioa he bod borrowed $16.000 from his brother, P, Erskino Hood, and explained subaO0JO?KBt withdrawal* from bank al th?? rata o? 14?0 every Other week by f raving ho was ropavin,; this loan. Later Wood amended his Statement by he bad borrowed the | ? m his mother, Urs, K. Wood. SOB announced that . t Commissioner . be in the hands of Governor Whitman by noon to-day. In prophesying removal unless Wood's ?sialis notion by the l .airman a... ed ' ? g ?? r ao Gov ?.: th? crnr,- . veaes i Wood . flore Gover i .Ule of next of the Gen ? -j Com] any, wa? re- , onod I u . r th? Poortk Ave Bao m. He bo . ! as to de t~ i sum large enough to ;.our mind so tbat ? "" hbked Senator ' such slight Im? ..- called to my i fl ?tied checke bat sum, and ? - Ice Ocm tb his coa ? aid. "I ? Tram. ' for the r.mpan**, ? r other ? favor ? eqalpmeat r*?r . ? ilmon. ?:? r- 1 ? ' ?' : P -o FILET OF HORSE? K9.SIREK! NOT HERE! ? I ntchi r- N ' vv Meat. Ar I since ? ery one ht the market ' y, and ?boat it. , one t ? st to ? to sell rs saw ?????? ' IBS ? ' ' ? rate. ACT ' OR 5,210 Bpeedrj Ball , k'a. ? In ni , ? ? ? j ? ? 1 dam ' ? v ' TRATI0N END altlag I?' taaeed ? : ' ' ;? I I ? Itork bel il mg con. fc-etit Into effect on January 1. I WOMEN INDICTED FOR LYINO Three Accueod of Malting False Cas toms Declaration-. Three indictment? for eaal mi Itaada ? ed vesteron ? 1 'deral ?, -,??,. wil " Hale, of Booten, vno marched In the saffraj* : parad" In tl,," elty laal October, ?it ? tired la Bootoh kilts, Is eharfed with ., mude an Irregular declaration I as to the value of her bagga? wh? I ' she arrived oa th? steamsb p 0 1 August is. 1911 The m ,'.?imn that ?h.> declared milliner? worth '.'?.: value? at $100. Mr Hall la the I Robert s Hale, hood of th?* ary Arm of Wilson ? McAnany, in toa. \n indictment nijainst Liziie Cum - || nory bayer, > i.nrR.'s that roverni atiea . amount of ?.' h hats . mill nory sael reo, mea also in? dicted for andorra aiag m liaery, PERKINS IN ENO WILL CASE Makes First AssyoaraBee In ( <*tirt ns a Private Fractionner. Charles A Perkins, who n tired iron tb? oil ' riet ?ttoi n Sat made I ?ee In ? proel 1! .- ?. t., fore Borro| i ooaael in the Eno ?rill l rkii ai oelated with Arthur C Tra?n, who was one of his ass1 I for 1 ll.riry Lane ( Priaeetoi of Ap'ih V Boo. who s will is being led. On ?he m Lasos R. Ene n : : and thi ? A ?ton??, nephews nnl nieoe Murrrh term of the coi SOLDIERS SING HORSES' PRAISE Music by Friend of Blue Cross Society Rivals "Tipperary" In Popularity. Wbaap/a ska ? Uve eanaan's i a '-'eo.1t ... * I >?? ran. lili?. - .. O.noa ?... tare trie ?hot and ? W.t? OUI . This song, cf.' saCtive Ser? vice," Is being carolled and whistled throughout Europe, and i s said almost ? -Miry" In popularity, thongl tarted with hnr"c-' neighs. The words are by an is nu - n of F. H. Croxall, an Ei ? Lady Rmith-Dorrlen is pr< und Mrs. I ? '? American repn live of this ? which ;.*" A lar^e meadow on the banks of the Rivei I by the r.s a convalescing ground. r and wounds, an ' . ? ..'.-. . Hers are | I ed m g of the - ? Maitland said ay: I ave no nationality. When le Is over our veterinarios rush ? i misery. aitland continued, h g I ought not to hel] - pie ce- . Hcr mun horse fi English or Fr.nrh up on ?? need our ? . . . ro into ry, nor are ? " TO JANITOR'S REVENGE. 40.000 < i -it" ' nt Mechanic avorable Will. :n tho ? I . who was ? Juiy ng to have ? - - ? . . court, of his r.i him, ' . ; by a . iva the in made ? . : is Levy, s ?id thai ?vas called I ; L*r ?.. ? Kapli ? father *?.. . ? d thru, In OTEN NEW PASSPORT OFFICE of the n? f tho 1 partr- en1 I I tar L? nt to the chief n are i I applica Appli lays t" lore I SBC ? B08TON] BE. Thi-, i Boil to his cla?s ',n any ' ? I ? . v ' ; ? "i'l?Hse, sir,"same the reply," 'pious,' full of pie!" WATER BOARD FIGHTS FOR LIFE Members Begin Campaign Against Mayor's Plan of Consolidation, THREE $12,000 JOBS NOT STAKE, THEY SAY F.conomicai to I.rt Then $1851.000.000 Water Supply Project, Is Atsertioa. Tb? Hoard of ?Tatar Bapply, which ipenriaion of conatrnetlon tren of th. , "ipply **""- ; t??m, la pri-i-ur-.*.,; I i Ighl hnr.l for Its | ;.,. reeeat siiK'g?? '.ould ollabed. Before the Brown i?*-ria ? ? ? the Mayor ? i eated pre si s die? eontlnned with Impnnit]* and econoraj at the cnmplction gi the BOjl '?;.('! nnd the delivery of an addll I supply of about B00,0s*?0,00C galloi ?? tor ? i the airead] : i erehetl, whlel sioner ? ' it the 11 ited with the local depart men1 and the fnl eloping thai Schohai local ? '??? artment with i .ng to ' the eltjr. The Bi mittea has no tindieated what legislation it will ' recommend Conmi*?loner Charlas N. ? bad ha? prepared a brief in refutation of nta for abolishing the board. Civic Bodies t?, Aid. lie also bee ta "rr un with civic bodiea, - the Merchant?' ition, erial? faror of al lowing the present board to c<> tire work. Mr. <'????"wick will diaenai the matter to-day before the Chamber of Commerce. ?'Wo are not aaxionk to porpotaate our Jobs," sain Commiasloner Chr. ?? -lay, "but Wo do feel that we should be a ta the rk taken in a r which will be entirely for the ? ntereata of 1 The Board of \ of thre? i lohn F, Galvin, ... Pi ? . rear, Commii aioner Cbadwick. in hi? brief. - .t tho consol.dation . Department of Water .tm ? "The work of the Board of ?Tata ? ? ? the groa 1 rie bodies ? i. ths board area re continuity of plan, of edminiatration and esee I it was neeeesar** te har? a non-partisan . be co ( liarx?*M Would Hamper Work. "The continu!" permanent body ha* > th polie?" of i new administration. Such eora >.ner would have ac? ted 1 t with the the work <? for orhers, who process of leclered the all speed to ? ry of ? The .ment of ' '?r eight be aeid, bul I ? -, finished well within the time s i liy reason of a es in n huri been pect?n that there luction of fron on the i1 work. The Coi tided thai 'i -o ahead with the work on the Sehohai bed to ? . ? ? the Boai ?3,741.754 In . Chadwicli ? make the board r. tingle-headed be the < whole f*reat project in the ha ' LAMAR FUNERAL IN AUGUSTA BaprcoM ? onrl Adjourn? Dut of Re? spect t?i Lute Jaetlce, ? ;. i ciate Juatici Id o'cl ' ?:iily. ? urt will at b Its to th* ; i ef Justice V rned tl rt 1 ral. :.. 3. -President ? ? ? ell .-ram: "My ! "*oee out 1 you in your tra h t':.. . on to mourn. It able eervunt, and ! ? ?0-KN0T CRUISER FOR NAVY Jam?.-*. Pngh, of ( liirajr??, 1? Ilulld Bant to Art a* Be at rayer. i ? nee Pngh, et comri: the Chic ig? Tachl ?fficials nt ?ti run' ? ? ? . . submarin? cru'*, r ' \ I ' ? ? * to ? I I ? modations for '? is ??l'a.ated at J50,G0U. MISS CLOVER TSCTi?KKY. Waldorf manner's daughter, whom hoy's n?lo M-.iT to hospital. CHRISTMAS BULLET HIT GIRL MOTORIST Mis* Tschitky. Daughter of Os? car, of Waldorf, Wounded by Small Boy's Rifle. Whlls metering la Baffale last Thursfinv -.. 'ho \ es iad on? ? Hos ; and had ha I a 22 her neck. a Tschirkv *-,?:,? ?rl? iting a school friei ??? Vi hurn I I ucci . hole was rlrf-ae : :? - . I? ? ! I remain -. ? Har ' : ' paratloa? for tl E celebration. : i ' ' on nad n- ? ? .o ?ras ted for . ? ? ? the Waldorf ??I that hu daughter hud boon ?hot. from C. H. Everitt, ? - -hirky's ill bo? wit ha ? ? snon -iracy ? onr.a. A bll her boa ?ras also ?. . ? bat tho v. ?? ?rday I Fused 1 remain in be I any 1 al the day tal. She is r.d is >-k. ADMIT HIGHWAY FRA??D i.-iir ton Fined, Hulease State of Ilalanre Dae?i'hn of Balsas Knie. - ' ??n?e uses, which CSDOed a ration of Govei dbury il .tract ' ? . , ,!b, ?o con spirir . ? 'lie re betweei Canajohari? and Sharon Spring?. The Peter V ?? ?s? the ? ? oution The tmenti - the Mohonk con ? ? greement. ' o was railed ?? ? ndrew ? THREE JACKS ROB GROCERY Maaager, Police Say, Conf?->?ses Foker I,am,- i.- ? ' sah. Charles A. ' ? rial Grocei ' . >tore in Wall sy, point ? ? by a robb? , and ? -, the Store live 1 r.ote of , the mana? ra to a sngtha tha* ' ? ? snted the robbery to . . the company's money ... ' ? ' 1er Yost, on a ??har'.-'- " .- held WAR BEFRIENDS POLE Bars Qaaaas Proeecotei fr?im lnv?**tl KatiiiR < finrjie ?if I'l^amy. ??. Long [els i bigamy suit i ? laong Island Cil ? ? ante-war bride la sad a 1 ? ? Thereupon, securi In the 1 !.. sn If ,? lod tin? District / - I v lie or ? i ???: nf }<>t ?x Ifi OTatan admitted that he wao aa? . . :? . ? : "Die ' am Rhein." SUBMARIN ES V RE( K A PARTY Three Men Slashed in \rgmnei t ,V laatriaa Biithdaj Troiic. I?. bate an 1 i an t Josefs su polie-. '? . : a as 1 ? l ' ' ; CAFE BOULEVARD .^fc i?& ? Plays and Players of the Film World A? foreciiBt lii i *?teni*:. 'a Tribnn?, Mr. and Mr?. Sidney Drew, whose cl?rv?r comedy work hat been ? dl tlngulahing featnrt ??? ,e*' that company and ha ? - . tinu eontn ct wil a Metro J i ..rp -i i loi . i ??? '?'? Metre ?? Pro* ilucinr week. Twenty leenarlog heve been pri end It ? ted tl t the I at play will be released before *.!i" ? nd of January. At last mor? : tome Into his owv. rhe I ? u pii ? : | phy lieallj In ? ! afternoon ; ur I For full? r detail ri i ei lior'-nce Lawn I ,ra>Bf '? (*e" ' illy blaeh i he ran into n door in tho dark the other nijrht. Mary Piekfwrd "? Itrandl ippeared > ; Playei ?unt prod Pickford'a ear, marl d M. P., pi tient ".i.'atr.-. ? u d for mo-. pic t urea. It is rimrred In Sim circles that do- ? ?pito rumors to tl ? , . .: a film eompeny of nia a only rumor worin credence, Any other rumora desiring exploitation, kindly ap? ply to the Humor Dope Film Hlalto. Fasans*,* announeei that Iteatar,Mar? guerite Clayton, Is walking . and then ?? ? learning to bkute. " ? be Pourth I tat ? ?," a papei plav t"!med by I , perfect baby In Illinois an : ?. r ; j^ mem-; bera of the cast I \ Van Petten, jr. Otl enrl e It la welt Oliver Moroeeo prod eta fhat soon we I s\ ill have B Bl nay, even n J?rns of tl tho meantime he will ? to re leaea bis pictn Pare mount, Marg % featured in "The Upstart," a satirical comedy !' G Roll, ? l M ? ?n, Wi?. re nearly choked t< . oiekel. He ..'.??? ? ' ' r.icture emporium. So that photoplays have 1 their use? after all. Lumley Hare has been en*??-.-. ! | '? I In "As In a Look? ing r.!,iSB." $ ft i I f) a r m o n t c JO**l.l HTKAM8KV, < ??M?l < ton Next frl. Air rnu0-, .1 liO?CARNEUIE riALL M X \ I I 11 I \ \ 1 ILZi'i)? .:-< "NEW WORLD'' sir MPHONY. NextiSotardaj I??g, m h:i?,. (-"awa-wlc rvi/.r1 grai\?o T I II UKO"*. -K % ?illll?, li;i.(U\M. ' ..-??? .- '. ? -' a K-. . : Maxine Elliott's Theatre ??,'l| iHHiGUILBEHT To - Da y at ?. -?..''? - : ano ? - IE II IN H A !'? W Acllan Hall, |,, ninrrnw tfttPIWOoa lit :?. ,.?, P?RL' Aei.lUn Hull. lo-Mslil ut IMS. LOU-TELLEGEN WARECASE ROBERT il.LLIARl) ? prldi a . ? THE BLLE PARhi.I?l l^n1 PLAVHOUSF ' - . - rLrii nuu*r,. GRACE i. MAJOR GEORGE V,: C ARB AR A SMLBFHT. ! - ? |1 '0 ' I ALONEATLAST g ,;' i Ta-l ? t THE UNCH ?STE id WOMAN 'BUS POET'S FIRE SCATHES KAISER Fifth Av. Conductor's Brit? ish Paean Sends the War Lord to St. Helena. RECLAIMS KAlLURri OF POET .LAUREATE McHogh, D'spairini' at Mildness of Noyes, Takes Pen t<? Do Conflict1 Justice. (loaded by the recent Imputation that the Qreat War h ?? pradaeod bo icr?-at t.octB, Edward M< Ungh, condactor oa a pae,, \ ,.;?:. ,. . . . earn '??rward with - trary. 1 be evi | dtiiee ? rlttaa by Mc-1 Haga. 'Hu? eonduel ng a 'i kfcHogh i? a eeneeoeioB to ? ?'?? in th?-evening, ? urrounded by a rr l!."kinar Kroop oi spomlf". aad hexameters, he romes Into hm own. At the outbreak of the ; war bo was stirred and arose to the taetriea] defenee "f Km/land, hin motherland Hi? i' lleeted srorfca, comprism?- "Ar. I -. -.:. , ' in ,i i-\ on named poem of foui "? a printed | tor distribution amo g bis friends. ' Lord Kit sn ?nd .Mr. Asqeith have b'ith ' A review o? t?' Mcilugh coiUction reveal.- certain dominant notes. His ! work has ?? tendency teward the mar? tial, combining forceful expression with a simplicity of Style reminiscent of tin Mary <". Ilurke school. Th?? failure of Bridge? and Noyes to product snj notable iydc on th" war I r.Tiv] by th?? f.i'.lowtntr from Mc Hugh's ""i!e to England": For gailaati ? -.1 ? alvoiry In this iincallclf'T war, Old I- ,..??? Old hnalund. y 'i ' l far. * :a:?' a ni your Justice 11. ? ? i lr:,i".j >.,u to vr.i.r f'?r ; . ? .i rus the Trtuun to time, old Girl, '.-. ?: , u.r manly urmy'a I l?,w?. rrom tho same work is this subtle Innuendo airain?*, the Kaiser: In rata BO r-aved On all Of H?-av?n, i' .? i-, .-i ???'.'.: bo "ur qoany. And i-C ??? r-l Haien?* ... ? .',?r long to tarry W?aa r.atin;:. antagonised by Mm, Their fears poor. ?"rencn und Helptan friend?, !-cI 1 tlie v ori.l e ; Compare the ?-racioun sentiment of OSing stanza with the spirit 0f er*s "Hymn of Hate": ?' n sr.lndty ?ho?..- :?. yrrir foe At. he f"r pear... ?hall ?'i?i: Tl... '.viar la hi? In?', hi.! rueful on?, 1 Helleve m*. E M II .i/h | isrh insists that his only motive ng :.,: these liaos to public atten Eajrlaad's poets have net all been di?arpolntm?ntB, and IP the Kai-er In h's truo litrht. 1 that William Vaatson. H?/ ?.'"S and his other 1 in their poetic lOtl to tho war. -., If 1 may say it. ribald "Now, I come rlirht , _t strong, i or what I mean." CARL ? W/LSOfit METROPOLITAN So"* W f I ? 1. '. Tlrnrv ? Vnnon Learaul. A 1.. Perlnt Ct-ito. Da Luca. Beg IB. Frl. a ? ? V-utiralnier. II .> MattfI I B* ? S-t. - lur. I ? a ? I Trontora. RappoU. Matie \ i-.... II N.-?t ?Kan. >i - Prince laoe. Alla Parlai: I . . i i'iiiiiI raiaiipj FRENCH FLOTILLA BENEFIT C? A CC?C?RT ?'. UETRQPOLITAN Opera House TO-NI "T A i 8:45 ?-TS rai vr 1.1 tn urn nrnT katti I.IIN PAHI.OVl fir * ' *I'A 111 VIA'"l!A MM \ 1? Till. MA 1 I All? "- SAI ?':? [??) . wAi.i.ii h. rvEs -a ? . HA Hill 111 .... Tip I ' a ' -. ' . ..r'.era. I? Street, and ? - A ?o ?U !'. M '.u 5' M Pii?. Ill ri |!00 sym: knrlrlr of New York \\ \l Tl li llWIH??-? II < Niat Frl. Aft.. Jan. 7?Neat Sun. Aft.. Jan. S. ?rr Kreis or II III, Thl- Vfl.rn.M.n al FANNING . a ;a:, Hau \iiill\N HALL, Tlii- Wt.rn.M.n al 8 ? ? I.? II. Sfsrt ! ' ' I"ano laolase Hall Ihurvliy Aft., Jun. a, at 8 WS**, ^?awmb GDoDSON i . - KnatM i'lano. 44TH ST. li;. Ill - II "'0 K A T 1 N K A ? ?i THLSKJAY e. TRIPAV AT : P. M. . ?... UALLET MATINfCS IM INCOMPABAtLI P?VLOWA ar-d IVHtHiAL BALLET HUSSE a PBJCT ? I < ' Baa?? M * COMEDY. I ?i - ? 1? 11 *' ? ? ,;,. HOBSON'S CHOICE PRINCESS a Sa at I? iMffar? r VLRY GOOD EDlHE .?*1T|. <T ' ' ' r ?' - - 'loin oi. ..? LASi 2 WEEKS JULIa ARTHUR THE ETERNAL MAGDALENE O NICHT3^,HiJtThrTONICHT mom i w a\ i* i it i on j To-morrow Return M .teil, "MaskcJ Manel" vs. Aberg , . ' ., J .. $DAT?*MJSSKO V? "STaX?MOLMaT UTWii TO A FINISH HUERTA A STOIC IN FIGHT FOR LIFE - ! ?Suffering from Cancer, Me Against Submits to Operation. MEXICAN TYPHUS KILLS THOUSANDS New York Doctors and Nurses to Join Natives in Scouri***"* Infected Towns. TH/ TWe-rrat* ?J Th* Tr1***xn? 1 B I'aao, Jan. .1. General VirViriann Huerta underwent a ??-cond operation i this afternoon and now he ia isrhtinir for Ufo with odda aj-nmst him. It has been prnr"ira!Iy det?'rmin?-d thct ?leneral Haerta'r. malady ia mOa> rema?, and while operationa riay re Here him It la feared that a ?mre a! ' t?tig ?tag? la lmpo??!l?Ie. Yet the old lud.nn in a atol?-. Fie att-rx nut a word of complaint; no ?-roan ha? ,-rn- <?'. hi? lip? during the three day*? of acata suffering which have followed the first operation. He never lagt consciousness and to memln-r- of his family he talk? hopefully. Iteleaaed from on hi.-: own ? recoffniaanee General Huerta to-day, for the lira?: time stnce hia ?rrrst tn El Paeo in the early snmin<r, wan without a -?"oard. How Ion-- he may . live hia physicians "*"i!l not say. That he may die at any time i? admitted. Five thousand ***?es of typhus fever In the Agxiaa Caliente? diatrist, in Mcj ico, and thousands of cases in other portions of the republic, are prov.n* a barrier to resumption of foreif-n la? dudtrial activity in Mexico. Authentic information reaching Red Cross workers on the border say that the epidemic in the A-run s Caliente? district i? beyond control i.n 1 ori'an.zed forces of worktra and nurse? are to be net at work by the medical depart ment of the Gagga ' a* i???.,,. The Amer' Ettfl'.'-'g ?*?.?? fj**-^ Company'* lar, ? < , iTaj? Cahen'ea. I- *-aTi?2 ? * . . r.- , . ? fW.'.O ???|?j2? if. s ? '. I ??:??: ?" Of o .her Mr? CM -??3 tie t, the ads ?c< * i Iheuean-ft ?f ?-**?>'' WM.-..', M.-. *"*t"ir*d O'it far. I .r . i and for"ij-n ad plant? of Amer.- ?, ,1*" reau.ii" operation?. 11. ?T . ' m> ri'nn ?rjp- I ?a irrit-- tina; the Ca "***?>? and a rr r,ne?t ha? be?*-i i-i?-J? by. C, eral Ah r Ibf? ? ; ,j5 in r ?? redact *a**^ _? ol'.r. r? her.' .- | a " ' *??? tt> i/.i r.t of troops ' ".O-ati -w mo' tb. Orde batial.. . ?TO to 1'ar.r.rna. " ! Order?! were r. ,. .Jf battal.oa of the Uh 1 ? .<\ of the War I for a redi'triuut.' _ ,,A . * on the border. AEHY POOTGEA?. r-FFiarj-J In*pe*?-ta?r Gs-ns?al Rfv^tmr.?f (*^ liob-.Nail-*d H-?La lee Servie? Waalum-i-on, .'hi.. :;. .'.liifr BM ma; all'****, reirri'.rced aritfc hot j-^ ?re recomrr.'..i:i l f'ir the fcxjt ,?. menta o? the sr-ij by l-J*;?**et**r Ca eral K. A. Carl; -.??' "-'"-*.*i, port, made **?*? :** ba-da* Wti*. j perior in d(-..."-i to my p--rr.o?u ?i* tern, the repn'i *<*eat ?,* pear would not * "t of eu pa?f-7i gevrioa. Shortar" *";* ??'" n " "? ?' l" ? arrr-j menace to the " repa- y aerta, because al ** deaaei upon the lin* for other doti-a. I corps of r.i'.eera tor inrta-o?*?-? - militia and other dritiea zirr? f?, the troops ia nrjred. The impector genera] rmiBsr? the aban dor, me:.'. I ride for officer?, accomplish an;, .-o??,' d that officer? over forty-?T? yean J be ex. i ? *! ahead ride. [a -.'cr.eral. the : ''? ' ?* the fJ ulnr hrrr.v h ri well-fei. orgenisa minor recomme rnake. | 1 $14.00 and $21.00 are closing prices of many Stylish Overc ' and Dress Garments, that were $4 to S!4 hi The same guarantee during sales period as ?earlier ir. the season?every purchase must be -;<.i \ to lb buyer, or we'll refund the cost ? NEW roBKI l K\l?i.N"?i I'lil.ti m ?? \\u -i i . i EMPIRE ll ;s,;,'.i UM . NEW ABISTER ' TO.MORROW. THURS. i SATURDAY. MAUDE ADAMS "PETER PAN" ? '"V" Tuea.. "THE LITTLE MINISTER.' flF,? ? J f ?? f4* * Lyceum:-; ? R*^?A-3 ETHEL BARRYMORE "OUR MPS feUCMCSNEl AITFr ??? COHAN'S \ HP ^ ons sa! ? ,k,< [______i__Lz._ ?3? "Cock o' the Walk" j ? Hudson vr. v.-: BEGINN'M. TO-NIGHT AT - C A j"> T f? 1 fa \f I.' I "BUNNY". ?ran LEWIS S. STONE. THIE DLUE PIES hXrrIs r__p",g?aES " .,LLlVN ! THE OEy?L o ?AKUtN belasco LONGACRE S?MSI LEOD?TRICHSTEIN IhL li J i ? i?J - >?, ?- ? - "th: great lover.-- * *"* ArTCR ? ? I ; WT-THE-TRAIL" H? L ?A i f^^*T CANDLLR \, V-,\\, THE HOUJE OF GLASS ^^?l?M Mur. n.a? ind Un 0*??l a a. _,._.. - i ?1 M*TS. TO DAY. T-ur, ,. .,| F ri . QLOI Xjtt?-4 rWTsPTn -? ""1 GABY DES L. .Rii-a?n*. REG?LAR ! D y H I II 11 WINTER 11, m 1 rV f;n ** SERIES H ? v- -\ * '?W i iW ? ' * SUND EV'S. 8:30-C/ J MOND. MATS, ai l-CANDLE \ riorlda Do?n I? ! 'il? .J , Grand C?n O'i .' ? l'a ? i ra.lrlo Fa-.'s'n | I Ksi SAIE , '." ? ftw i co.r-j? TioK-t?. i: il ii ? ? * ,. aa, ? Madiion Square Garden Poultry Show 81?t, January lit. ?nd. Srd. "lli. Mil. | \. M t.. ln:*i? 1- m Poultry Pigeons Rare W I?' Birds U. S. Cov'l Exhibit Education?! Proirara Kan .?- C*hlldr*M "Je TO-MORltO**, LAST l'Ai ?i?iSF* ELSIE JAN? ral*/lVC riAi'.A KMU l ? Il A AT S' BT **' ? ?? ". .,- g PIM H 10 11 f ? a?'. I BONNIE GLASS. Ile- ff? I S \ ' I 'J M ? r PAILT t**av n M QROADV/AY *?*??? . M niST ri i:". UM IN? IE i L M JK88I L. LA SKY m GERALJIi.E FARRA! . ni-,, "TEMPTATION" THE CHARITY BALL ...... ?* ii ??? . ? all .erf. A, tori a. ruteu I ? - Loew's American Roof g ' SINGER'S MIDGETS V f IRVING PL. THEATRE / . h . ? ar?d ? - i. ?? COLUMBIA T- ? Dal b ?U a tlttl. X** K* .> 4 bf.'L.a.. (Stall? I'r'.o?? COLONIAL ;? ** ? V "t. N KIP-H ? IOam J >?-r "-> ???? ?j fr . ,: ?* i.,\ i ' ' ? UXINCTON AvtMue ?r>'47T*9a*3 r*-7 TRP p ? ' \: ?II. CDRT itJ?" I HUli':* . | RD VITACaHAi'M ??*ttlStl GARDF.N Tti IVSAW i . THE tViAKtf, Pune'? ft My TRE/lSI ' LAI* ?? B?'. . ? a* .,_ tiffl cttiid W M'. Bra.i ".. . ' ??!