Newspaper Page Text
Motor Show Booms With Artillery of Big Business Most Amazing Spirit of Public Interest m the 1 littory of the Automobile?Even I lenrv lord I his the 1 ever, .md Buys a Mannon. By HANK CALDWELL. Peep 6 ' BVB S I at ft picat <1'-r1 of thi-i ...... e :?:..-fr? ' - der an?! dealer. If jron bib of thai opinion i. p. i : the Motor slum- In the Grand ? entrai Palace will show jre ?. has var| little to ?!o with it. - trara and the people a-ho ?rani cars ara Mw ? sat in Botomobilas. i ,'iy hour pincc the big shoB) ODened r?a?? been the ?' i , -.line huviri?- interest you ?">.r SBW. ta? fleet?! Iba api rher? il , n. y . . ?, have hardening pf the ' I 1 ' ' ' ? ? ? ? . Hl?, ?omm "er* it In cr??t shl ' *h,*m -.o?.' . ? i ?raj ta lb? fi ?I . the* k-.u" as well a h h** ? ... be rig -. ..... - ? . ? ? ? . ? \ ' "'. ill I* :?:,.! > OU l - 01 .' ? ? a ? the on? !|.!| Il |?K. APPERSOfl 8 You'll Come Back iiili Jest pey a ten minut?*s' visit to the >j FirEjr?Sj | Apperson exhibit ard you'li come back and have a look at the line again. You will do this because the 1916 Apperson is deserving of your closest -?.t tcntion. We don't care how critical you are, [tilt' ?? - ^ you will be i npressed by our "'Chummy wWZ. (the four-passenger) Roadster" when }l.!"_~ you see it. U m hts$18.r)U. | ???"?.son Motor Co., ? i ibutors, Broad St., New York, N. Y. ' 'WHO'S THE DESIGNER That's One of the Things to ? When Buying a Car. \ modei ri aatotaobile eat itronger thai Its iaelgnei B ? il l?r decidedly inferior t?i it-1 deaignc the iiiumifi?eturiiiff ?Ifpsrtnirnt ilnc?: carry oal the ralas he hnn r?tai>iip| H hen *"ii find 8 rnr r<",< ? reputation of a noted ?l? ligner yea ? ? ,,rtii yonr money) ? .m is no man ? Ith a i sputa? ion ?ilil remain with a fact did ii"t li* s up to lu. stands in ? prodt John \'- Bate i man ** ha rsi high in the Soi letj ol ?.utemobils i fineera, and **ln-n be says a thin?* mechanI? f right hi ;?isertlon eait considerable weigh I and diatanee. in speaking at the show yester? ?t'ont tua iiitfit ereation tin- Mitel Bis ?>f Sixteen, hr paid: "After all the tim? spent on the ?' ? , ? ? my department there ? iced m I ? i u tei ; .tive oillei ? of I ! . - .;.,?,., i ompany. ? i ' i ear ?to be ballt ? ; - !'. d up the faetoi s quantity baaia i the product may be marketed ?- ; : .. M .. S, "? il!,?Ut It) S . ? e car.' ?>iv ?la*? 1 ..^ )?? en I lie M it. .und al?-a hell waj, nci' I ? -?? ? ? d ?.: ? . ? . bullt ". our b i. i i t u pon I f get I s several d , i ? i ?n?< to tes to pis ? ' t the con pan ? n lo speaV " and < 'Speak freely H la fr.? u perlenes il ' I Bail) tr? I a?l. ' ? WOI , mi ol . : 1C ri! S . X r.-.-Ii a' I ? ' there wi <? 'i ? . ?,,??? u im. b a bett? plan or work .? ? lau tha? v-'hic 1 bf earnest ith t s ol , . . . ! .. i, ... raie. "The net r? manu ' ? ? ? man::., taring and s? ,- - : ? ihr dealers an?i the I i r? aitr,,-. ? ? they ai?* |*i .: ? us foi : ? ' ? "In 1912 thr I i Company pro ? , '}',?':,* SiX." ? .mittedly i i popular ] indling ol Iteptieal ? ? \ ountry ? But noi at il tny ret Held 1 had ? 1912 the ?rhter and lower piic-d six-cylinder r;?i we brought ou* 'Ihn Six oi ? I "I do not possible to pro? duce tl solute I ? ? I Ivai Woiiflit. ?'.'?ii Paaaas l sa? . ? ? i ? ? , ? ? the 191 . 2,925 pound ? i - ... e, perl ?>.. , matter ?>f pri?e, ?a?? at handling; and ?eonony In fuel consumption Hold tin? wheel fei ? drive ?i ?! faa ?rill ?a r .i ? ,n,'i'il t : i h ? il? |'i> h ri ? . thi?t inn \ lir desired and ?hel il ?? v.< ' ?way ?f Ih? mu'..r ???vea iintlitiir; to im desired. Il ride? nor? ronfortably than ?ay <*?r I ?????? ?! rslgned, and i aal tald hy vour im r.u -, invest igatoi ? 'Im* ihe* hav? found no Butomobll? .,f mi.- ether ?tal i that baa m' r? of the ?aael of road eon fei I. ? i ides Ilka n i ?el ? at ahnuid, tit?* Ioiik whoolfeea? 128 inrln<?. Light I weight end larga Urea in?!?- fur ?nti* factory i iding qualities. "\\> iitilic th? Hat" two unit, three i point aaaaenaion' construction af ehaaal?; tea har? ebtaiaed ni>ut ?p p?-?r? te be th? l??l mtrd in ??niriii? balance in relation I? 'hi? whol? rar and ?v" cantllerer Buepen?len, and hasre I ? ont? thro? Bad bonaea a? th* freal ?<>?i riilmr nn.l rear ?*at g nu' mail?? ?ejaal; im'h paooaaa] ihr maximum of confer? "if it wer? feasible to build ? ala? cylinder, high ?pood netoi .if mhorsr pemet better tnaa 'he Mitchell Cam paay is bnildlng It, tins ?ray wanld hart bf(>n discovered 'on-f *ko <?ur ooii?*?nt aim h?i? been te improve. t?ur dealere,! I u h teld, -?y: 'The Six of Hixt??n is m ?(m.i-T, ki*?.|i right on betiding It thai Pierce Line Standard. ma! ctiH'it''*? *" 'i- feund in the \m ,.\y. .-, i let I, t ?? -Miali. I in*:. deel maial] with re?nementa of lin? end yroport on. ?.hi;- ?na te th? Inxnii ana confeti of th? paaaenfar and eon?*enienea of the drlret l'r'p?? r? nein th? sane, fer th? eeaa*aaa*i aini to give not a r beeper, but a better, eei Bodie* an* little ehaaged. rhey ?r? ..- ? . i h? aldea ?re alightl* r, and ui" ranndad In. th? ferner g the ? .--i<lr> terner ?? te] of th? lanare. Th? in* half an Inch wider, and this i ,,* th? rear ??at-?, doing ? I *? -hor* curres tei i haa - ? : i "... i not pro ? ' I Odj . 'il : . . ?. ?dg? of lha * | - : - ?'?. a I ol ? New Haytu's for Old One ! i | * ? 1 : ,. ?o be st? Und tha ? ??/ to tiada one ol .. r? eyl for 1 nf til? earliest ? , ? ' .v. ba i m ?. trad? \ ' ? ?' i of the ?- Automobile Company, states: "We are g< i i r.i the owns f tha earlieat Heynei . give one ef the new light ? i ange I i ?lie ? ,i g One ? ? : i , ? ? "i tha ?d foi ? rey s s ? ? I pu ?. I. :iil? . ? hlg Brc " ? . ' ? ? - nies 1 ? . i r wit I ? *. r the ms that ? in?, i" ii Dodge Dealer* Dine Dealers n Dodge Brothers' '?<? '.r, ,, i of 180 ?v lac i a? a luneheen ?t th? Rit? ? Th? nffnir ii In th? natura of a quiet celebration of th? cr??t an ' .?v? l.een ii.? . nade t J ? '. a trat ng when It lei td I ? ? ,'i. ' 11 be iir?*?** the luncheon is '? ; | Br? 'h**rn. K. 1 talee nai ager for - ?gar, ?nil "1 MesIai . . ant of the Er .*? ***? ?r-. t lempai t I .- ? gei ?.. *ms& ?&mmmm>W!?3?smm& First showing of the new Loo lLIvJIj I I li?, Waldorf-Astoria The Pla/a Hotel Ansonia 1760 Broadway and The Automobile .Show m MORI', painstaking attention, through a longer period of time ha* been given to the PEERLESS Eight than to any other model pro duced in the PlEBXEM Factories. In performance, it is equal to the sixty horse power $6,000 "sixes" that were a regular feature of the Pi ER LESS line for many years. Re duction in weight to 3500 pounds has nearly doubled the mileage per gallon of gasoline, while the per mi!*- cost of tire replacement! has been ? ut to less than one-third. This new eight is a characteristic Peerless achievement m ease ol riding and in ?beauty, qualities that have always made Peerless motor i <trs notable among the fete great makes u hu h dominate the quality market in America. Characteristics: Phrlem V-Typc Eight- Weight1 ?5n? pounds] Complete, Sp'rndid Cylinder Motor, Cylinders 3. x5, Force Feed Equipment, including Cord 1 irrs, Extra Rim, Oiling; 125-irich \Vh?*rlh_<e, SS\4$ lires, Motometer anil every needed .(ir<?.urv Prices: Touring $1890 Roadster SI 890 Limousine $3060 G T. SILVER MOTOR CO., 1761 Broadway _nil. PEERLESS MOTOR CAR COMPANY Brooklyn, Brau, Newark ami ...n-eM / --? " ?y <XK\ ELAND, OHIO We*aWsmaaWmmsi*4\ 3??K W?????8U?^???& ?*? ... M' Bddrei ' th? aaaenbled ?aoUn ai ' lie |ua? he,.i -? Overland Largr-t Producer 'i lu? non?> <" !?' nded i>> th? ?Vlllya 11 . rland ? onpaaj thl ????ir ,n nta? toi al aad tuppliea would build four battleship i of In? typo of th? aew **'?? mi?, the bigg?*! droodnOUghl ni Ii,ii? urn'? m*. \. Ill ?if-h? vein 'he OverUrul (?nrny i ,," i t,i fourteen times Its origin , al bIm T? drsv ther? are 1,4? ' - ' quer? fOOti er IM .if ??-ailahle! floor ?nato. The payroll of the Willy?-. < ivorland ? ?npai ? imcunti to |1,060, nun a ajionth, or 112,000,000 n ?/ear The. Willlv? Knight '"*" "" aahibltioa In the Overland al the aateno ? ,,, , , ,1 .-ii r ever | buill with n Knight type i ' "r the Overload ""Si?*1 is ? strihing o? ample of a ha |ua? ? ? pi odu? ' ion ean do toward lowering the prie? ?f u hij<-h; gi prodw ' Bag? 200 "Jack Rabbitts." \'i ir ,i ml thing I ippened eaaXot ! dey at th? Ipperson Motoi far exhibit, when ?'" I'll Bruai ' a ildent ef Bru? tilng Brother? Autonobile I oaa pany. ? f Kansa? City, Apperson roiwe , ? ? ? i -. ?.i thai point ? ?11 "'l " ? . rdei fur atOO earn in th? .,' \ ,,-.? Pi. d< '?' JatrartJ, ?I \ | , . , . .Ml -;. .1 I ,<h." .An.I lie rrreHn*. i* 'no: there wa? no'h . my ?hont It not a i . or a pi ?'i. ' i '.in'. ,l od 11 a Saxon Gives Dealfi* Luncheon. Hu. ?nt of tha i recent ? ??>, will gira , ? thia isft<i ?'. Mi Kord, v.h.i arrived In Vea Voir, v ill addn for 1910, ii : i ... tha New Hudson Sapor-Big ? Chief ? ?? . i e I ?gait ? . 1er i lotur. Thi ? ? ? ? ? i Hud i ?on discovi a that th? , ? ? i ? ? ? ? ? ? . i ? . ? ? i ;*,*? ieem?< . the engii it teat | the dire ? ? a who a ? ? ? ' ? ? . ? ? . iker I lie way i appen " ? mlng. 'I ?ii* 'V type ind t elv? r ? \ ?tora me in* ? been ?rue, but there never h?? been ? if engineers t . ?h?nder to Protert Dealers ? ... -? real I ? - Bobile .'.rst Film. is the til i of the Hot? ? r "or.!, of 1 ... K. V. Harl ?' ? .-. R.. ?? '! . ? '. ' ' ? ' future i * ' . ; floor, "that B tu t ' - ? '.mina , * .- has < n i a " .m THOUSAND DOLLAR CAR j II9?6-S8S0 reeordi r,., both speed arvi enduran pin, ticall) all the U'c mi I :",'I defeated tba faete it e? m ths world in i,(u n compi ' ' aaaseroui i"iiic distance races held i ?in, moat pi(,. .|? ?ya In ?I country, ?*n.1 era mads ><ur decisive i?', tal ij <? both flr M ai I eeoi m nil ?if them. "\'.'?i bava proved that Stats winnmi have baaa mars than lurk. *.?<? i,-? B-ravsd by ?ur consistency tlm? il ,i'ii?li'y ari'l tli?? Speed and the .-?tri-nift ?nil pt?miiiH ara built Into the (eaei run nt rara trurn the Stilts faet?n aol marais put lato ?mr nr two. Tas all staad thr taat) b^cbbm thev nr all uniformly well engineered, not h<i|'f t" always malataln aai prei aal eomplaeonee Romebod] will i aft??r our riToril, an-l somoood equal it maybe if they '!?>. and will come nlT simultan? The Btuti factor? rill go righl o Ice? I'inK siiri?spt irith the aeweat <!< vclopm'nt iri ni',',,i , ? ? quality. An wh??n tli?' tima ??ornea for tl-.f crow ' rrawl haik into the pita, tlii?r?a ?rill b another flylnir whitf BCjaadroi il of th?? Stiii ' ?Tnfjoul that will he arorth of th?? name." ? ?? Look for Qualify and Confort. (VItai lera, ail ?? i riera, eighl rilad or t? lie asad ii the i n of tl ?? tul - no? irr'n '-i BgitBt? th? I tirorlv a? much h? d? ? ? ' ans 0 quaill v. com! I h? avsraga man ii interested In buj motor cai h Ich rill roi da] ai day nut arithoul ti'.'.iii!?- which wll inahl?? him to take oui his family ii comfort and arithon! crowding Whether the rar ii foui or twelve cyllndei -? loos aol I al ?er long as his motoi rv ? quietly, tal es him snabl? ? him to atari qu The me te i tlie veal' to rnariv peoi ? arrival of a lnirh qualil I shown si . ? nu Pa ic< ttracted tha the JelTery Sedan. Ii ?rill ? ' | M - ? ?' rs( closed car without col The i _la_i . ?_ li?n a ?i, mounts ' ? top Patfe Buys More Milchelli. " tehell deal? 11 * ' ai m? d Inl , , tomobl " bow yeat? i da ? iitliu ?ia itic report s ol nd ? . ? m I H I a I , ..' ? ? oil I ? Of lil? ' 01 ... I ., ,. ' ? I ,. general hu??'?, maaagei ? M itchell factoi ??. t"r an < ' ", men) ' ' WO worth of M . ?.. tera* ?leal of tli" Tli'* New "Barefoot" Tirr V series of interest mail? yeai aftei the B. 1 Goodi.-Ii i ompany, of A sd the pub i. , i , . i at? baa be? I 'm^nf ... * '.?.ill r turo in 1916 the I S : i ?? WS S CI ci.i " ? " ?sed h t'-? . .,.,?'? tir?, w?i dovi : * ? " .. thil v?*r m? ?? real .? ,?*???. .,f (?il \i..i' iso te ef ? . ? illen*re l ':*?llj* ? ri'-a dUI ?g Owing ?fact it the B. F.Go? r I ' i ? da. ' "? until thr?*<* *;rn?*a j. < r- ?' *r ?et ' ? ? . - ' ? ' ?as -fer -|*d ? i ?? "Bart fool ' r ii.'."' alloy in nil ', ? * "? f*** W I*. ii ? ?hit - ? ..... , ? re i ' ? ' . . * . itei ?r tire ? ' reaalai irair. I e ave* , ? | ? ? r.* -Four *395 ^sJ Most beautiful piece of machinery you've ever seen- Saxon "Six"pol ished chassis, showing working parts. cr.i, AttheShoul Mam tt?m-First Aisle to Right r Wise Is the Man Who Profits bv the Brains of Others A Line off Sound Logic for Automobile Buyers ? hat Can't Be Successful!) Disputed L_ \n in\ obligation of The things that make tor success in the activities of the world's "big men" demonstrates this important factor? The? \elect men for the successes theyVe demonstrated?their bra-n product. The value TO Y 01' o> ihr statement? follow ig proven b? the fact that you could not hu? the -.mnhined expert services of these men. Before buying an automobile, consider: There must be a reason wh) Mr. Wii'iam Klocke. Chief Engi neer "i E, W. l-lis.-. Cesmpmny, the largest rnechanical man. luring organization in our Brooklyn division, bought I I Mitchell. liiere must be a reason whv Count Chas. Ue Lucnsavi?. is. for? merly Chief ?Engineer o? the Onrracq Automobile, Paris, Trance, bought a Nf*v Mitchell. (Me has purchased three Ne?J .Mitchells.) There must be a reason wb? Mr. Wm. H. Ruxtcn, Chief I neer of the Sin? ei v ' ichinc Company, the largest manu /acturing organization in our Neu Jene} ?!i\ ision. bought a New Mitchell. there mn*l be ? reason ??hy Mr. J. I -.?Ues. (ieneral Super? intendent the l'.iid\?in Locomotive Works, largest mechanical manufacturing organization in our PHlat'elphh division, bought a New Mit. beO. There mn**t be <a n-?-<-*-?? why the huilder of the enormous new ammunition plants at ' ddystooe, Pa., bought a New Mitchell from our Philadelphia division. rhere must be a reason \*.h> the Chief Engineer for one of the largest "bearing" manufacturer*; in the country bought a New Mitchell from our Neu Jersey division. There mi st be a reason why the owner of another of the largest "hearing" manufacturing companies in the country bought ? Ne?? Mit- heII from our Philadelphia division. There must be a reason why one of the executives of the largest Steel Company in the world ?uiy** of the New .Mitchell, which was on duty with the ?Motor Unit at the Rusireas Men's Camp at Plattsburg: Ml will be pleased to furnish you tht data, photographs, etc.. together with a letter having special refereaco to the excellent performance of the New Mitc?ell." There must be a reason why the owner of one of the largr*st shock absorber manufacturing companies in the country bought a New Mitchell from our Connecticut division. Then- must be a reason why the pr?sident of one of the largest und best known priiv? ?.ompanics in the country bought a New Mitchell from our Connecticut division. .1 TUT MARVELOUS MITCHELL IS THE FINALCHOICC OF SUCH ^ ?GtiREQATION of MECHANICAL BRAIN! IT CERTAINLY RACKS L'P OUR S Mitchell and you'll buy it*" ? ? . -. - -> Every Car Sells Another FOB. RACINE. ?^ .?I*?* 1 "**'*'?' ' r'''"**"' '" ??'-. ?;. ""' r.(- ^**? ? THE SIX OF 16 CARL H. PAGE MOTORS CO. ?2l Broadway at 59th Street, New York Space I ??'??phone 8001 Coiumhu? BROOKLYN PHILADELPHIA NF.W \RK 1 1 70 Bedford Avr*. 250 No. Broad St SO to .16 Hali*-v St h* II" : | | ?? oil". ? NKVS HAVEN 1117 Chapel St i . atavia .? .j Ten, Ma?a Floor. Lsft of M?"> lull 111. ??