Newspaper Page Text
?flUAKANTKB four Money BaC la* JJ?,f*r?>. If You Want It ;*a. -c a'olann? 1. I\1eit)i0r?( tt?ses ?ti?tme WEATHER. Rain to-day; fair and cold?rr ta> morrow; strong west winds. Full /fejjure on V'iye t First to Last?tha Truth: Newa - Editoriah - Advertisements 1 \\V \o. g,?>,238. (Copyright lina Th? ?Manne A??'n.) THT7RSDAY. JANUARY A, 1916. ? ? fX%TO f'V VT ,n N,"w V"fW '"r N "**'?'. Jeraer 1 Itv i ) .\ l'a V Ta > I ___ |??|?,Uen ll.ewhere Two ?enl.. fifth Persia Boat Reaches Malta With Survivors U.S. PROPOSES CLOSE UNION OF PAN-AMERICA Ask.- Ever) Republic to Sign Mutual Defence Pledge. ?OM:- POR ALL: ALL FOR ONE" Diplomats Regard Plan as Meant to Crystallize Monroe Doctrine. - r Wash ' ?*' { - .. ? to be 5 . pub-' I Is-.?::.: ' ' ???.? ,. th?e tern:' : .. l-'-.- tori? ? of "pars ? ' ? itioi c' ' ; . I '. Ptr.-A* pro Anu-rican - . ? . ?.IOthtT <: the prohib I ? . ? IStl ? iphcrf ' - ?hem ? ai! dis : ? dary quest! * .?".oiial I ' r?an Warml' \pproxed. ? re the I ; i ? i ' * I point that i i ! will I the 1 :' :;. All - issed in 1 J * 11 the ; ' ih Ai .h a : Ut::, , , ttlt 1 Ml. ? ? ? ? rednei unless ? ? i I i ? ? . . \..i. rl '""""" ' aa i.j?. I. culumu s HEADACHE BFTRAYS BULLET Sha>t Serri'tMl In M> ?torimi?. Hump on Mana llrsd. Impia'iled by h severo headache and the dleeerery at ? large bump <>n the baa-k ei hia head, l-'i nnV Pava walked tntc? the Fifth Ave:, ,:? Itatlon, Brooklyn, yeel ?rdaj "Dan't tell m,. It'i the nea kind of grip," he ?ai I i euteaaat MeOovera, "hat th? ?? aething the mutter " Di Haye?, from the Metl eopal Roe] -,: Mme gentle . ? liai thai baa ? et. Pava, who live? at ;..): Third v tell when ho i a> DECLARATION" IN DANGER lira- impa-rils Original Copio?of Itatlon and Independence Chuner. tVi ihingt? - . Ji re oat .mua.?' in the base es the and Navy departa? nti loss praetieally wai i to odds and end? stored in the baaemont Storiri of mcendinrlsni were circu afi . t'stiira 1 eon IStion g< "lerate? in a pile of i*ld ? tartad th?? blaze. imei i, mili papers, ...... Declaration of It . rj tha . Iding VON PAPEN PROTESTS SEIZURE OF PAPERS British Officials al Falmouth De? prhed Attach.' of I ttters. aptain Franz von 'ierman military bed to ??r.y :"? h? arrived on the Noordnm iican Lm insmil a pro '. ? tment because the F ~!ared. mouth. : ' hank books ?if hi? were opened and that eonie ed. ith or i 1 - I l ? - - |y the .ry attach?. mon i Washington, h ad n era from ir. ? th the ? F. Archibald on i -; arrival a* Fain .- ? ng the seized ?1 f'.r ?am on board thi I hit papers in the hands of ?ho will di on th?;r final di ; , if u safe cor.dui" bear i, ' STEAMER RAMS PIER; SINKS IN OHIO RIVER Thirty-six Passengers and Crew ?if Forty five Thought Safe. rg, W '* a The Kan - ? tek a : ', .-.bout aim -I'th of -'? *. and ,,f water. Ths I? .'.gerj '?ut Captain ? idahH ? ? red or. - er, to check up tl R \. Beaver, . . : from ?? ? to a I ft r the river. I, he added, ? dozen tending on th? ? f th? reded in i ? BRITAIN LISTS U. S, BOHDS r>i I-mi,-?*. Moatlj "I Kailwaye, tmong Those It \\ ill Hi' "i ll'irr??*?. ? ? a under the I ? ? t? ? , - ? ; I ? . Centra Chi . ? i - Centra Kansa Cits : ? i ii? ; ?? ,v i ' ? ? Short l.ine, Or? , ? l. an,l S.iur-i o? tais ?' - ? romised aeon. ?< m? ? , ii u ieaues, ' GARY WARNS OF WAR'S END Peace to Menace American Prosperity, Says Steel Head. NEED OP TARIFF I R(iPl) IN U. S. Tra?do hi Face Fierce For eign Competition?Re? . ljust Now. Is PI \ warnin I *. merl? an? finan? ? and : idea tries rations tor :> ?-. ??. ? that . . E. II. ' ? ? Ion. Mr. Gary's porting ,!ea! chief*-, with the condition? . ? ? ron In? plea for a la products whirl' levers tition, aided ? na of ,? i are vies ts i. reflex of 1 rrformed o] ??? ? ? of it' ... ? ? tho?.' cur products, Mr. i ti that . ? . ? tions 1 ? i. ? ! <o<-*. .heed. earner?, says th ? ? ntasroi ? ? . thoroni ? ? placed '-'i a parity wit thil et '"This is -rot a quest ror foi I : ' ' ' i their du. ? l : ? afterward, until war ordere, so-called. Bp] and influenced a chnnpe. business con :ri the i nited I fcad. Th? volarae derable, but ? Manx" cheap ? ' ' tion here. Theei d imped Hop? i lor \il<'i|n;ite Pr?t? rtior "I hoto- and believ? eut party I- In pe* i ? 1>e jfiv.-n t<. the all importan! q of ad? protect No els P4 r at the - ? ? i h o ut others " I . ent stn'i of the Iron and throrii" Mr. Gai ? -, m tin- !.. iton ? ?;d the given 1 ? "Th? fires? . ? ? ' quir? ment ? the sal? ' nsumpl I y o i reel I iio not und. ' ' Ho? I on;: M ill I1 i C oliiuiurd on peaffl ... ...Iiiniii I Antique Furniture His Leap Year Bait Thirty Girls Accept Smith, While 71 First Would See Household Goods. Art. ? >.?|i year bargain hunter? in hu banda la reipectfully , called to tl.?a announcement: "ltilt'i being 1,-b|i yenr, Clinton D. Smith, jr., lifsr? to aaeennee thai he i-i ?t.11 a haeh.-lor. "V B M i i.ritione furniture i:?-? ?-ith bint Orel i- ? ont: Island, wher.. trod ictlon t.. si memhcr of the barfain seek'inj? si>i, a i i . ? ral ion? Hut for the ? ? ? ?. have pn . itrissoi . th ehroi clad: Mr thirty-tv, i -rears aid, ?v. ?' Jod-ge <" I i n t.. 11 I'. Smith, ??? ? ble Ineomi ?ueh ?? would ? ? utomobile, ne II " i idr..he. He the Fl ishing country 1 ? ked upon as h gifted tenga ' ? > :i>?s handy in r ,-i.i after-theatre ? altere 1b gea? . ;?? ? lit*.,*. ?I If,.> nently ? : thi<< ami" I a ? ..... . an ? to the 11 e a e - ? pro nty-onein ? t J of * h * till are cnm . ? thai th ? ttention . Botl ? I ?-?' ? rs in ... - ; sing thla ? ? ,. . ? of B the ? eived the - : TAFT r,)R HIGHEST COURT Juila* Parker Propos?e Kx-I'resident lor Justice I .?mar's Place. Igg? *.*d by ? : ipped ..m th.* iri bench by .. ? ?? th of Mr Justice and to the .-ni? : ral ">n and the bar and the ?Mud ifted, if i fill t ? . . I ? ? ft 1 iw which come etion ? bow eres? red to : .'. I son to .ni.! to I , tribunal hy drafting Judgi ' GIRLS REBEL AT KISS EDICT Colb- College Mlaeea stamp Ke?-t?M?, lion l'ii tures Boya* Solare?4,rip, ."ause ? ' . Hie, M. ' . I Being a col il It's cracked denl A. .1. Robetl irning. Colby ia lucatlonal i titete and at the prisent ?jme I'rew Robert sl the sami time. imping theii tae\ and making must determined 'aces, be order I meat not kiss an-, <>n any motion pietere ? *, | te ba . I ihlc ed <?' tnaacu i here they [ - Fever Kills N. Y. Student. B ? . I'll.; II M. Ward. B .,? the Whar ? r -y of renn George S, Ward, Bis er - de Drl .<?. New York, died lut?, t1 on ia the Mm ?,ii of icarl? t favor. thi B4?eond among th? arsity since l ?" ?: . ? fraternit membei U-BOAT ISSUE STIRS SENA1 Members of Bo Parties Hit at For eij?n Policies. KEEP OFF SHIPS, IS JONES PLA O'Gorman Advocates B on Anns Shipments to the Allie Washington, .Fan. 5. ?So reetraim against publi? of internal of United State i incid? i I to the E i {leim arar ?rere brokei ii to-day and for more than the se by deb? fiver ft'.'' policy, ?"aii". t of war munitions i travel by American citizens <>n bell erenl owned .--hips. There was no <li\ ision of the i ,: party Im??^. Senat Ion? of W ashii gto Republic! ? -id s "ui pat riot i " '? can citizen? who imperilled i nation b) taking passage on bell erent vessels. Senator Works, < 'alifornia, Republican, a ?i I that tl be 1 States was "hypocritically" clai ing tu be neutral when it was fact taking part in the war throui the sale of munit - Repub can meinlier ?if ign Rel i i i.inline??, declared place en embargo o i arms nt arould be worth i ?Germai Lhan a million men. that it would a "grossly unneutral act," at would in fact ma the Ji it 8tl '? ?tl ' any. Sei atora O'Gorman, of X? York, at.'I Hitchcock, of Nebrasl both ?Democrats, urged the advi ability of ?m embargo on munition r O'Gorman also inform? the Senate that the American Coi sul. IfcNeel;. who I I h life < the British liner Persia, had dien gai lad ti" advice of American Coi ??til General Skinner a- I ? den th.' he nil in *.dei Dutch "keep ?Iff Smh Ship.?" Th?' discussion was pr I it when Ser-a!.,: JoiU I I paper editorial urgi erica - ?.- to 1 ? ep off and advising the P to pr? slowly ?n th? heeding th? inl ?9,000,00 American -, rather tha ; that "thousand reckless, inconsiderat and unpatriotic citisens who insis on travelling on belligerent ships.' Senator Nelson, of Minnesota. Repub Mean, aroused Senatoi o'?orman b; askiiiR whether Beaatoi Job? i regarde Consul McN'eely as HI patl he ?ailed for bis | th? P After the New York Senator ha ? ? ? 1 that MeN? heed ?"on 111 ' Senator Works blazed the wav ' .' eral d?bat? position ? ? the Amei . erni tu tral. Asserting at the oui ? l ernmenl ihar? d i ? death? of Amei the Califon "The p''. '..ii wa immun ? ? ? ivel on th< ment il ma?ly ?? e for I . n - " Wh Uni ted Stat ? I pari ing i n th i ? i upted to ai "Does th? first loat In 1 ter at began wa? a . t., Caraway, an ? ? ?it . Gen I ,,i,t innril ,.n mta* "? ?"!',n," I Six Pages of Kiddies \ veritable garden of rosy girls and rollicking boys tt>-- prideful progeny of prominent femilies in N w \ urk end Boettm. Sis pages of young hopefuls -_"h>.I in look -it?<?ll in ihr Graphic Section ol nexl Sunday - i ? ?bune. Every proud moth?er'a son of thern is muc to grow u[) to I)** .? giant killer, and every fond daddie - daughter ?fs/il] b?e4 "in? -i (juren ?)l the- toiries. See them?they may even compare with the kiddies in your oxvn home I I ell your nev*a*a*Jealei to put astdf your copy, ! \?\\t ?>tut?ay S?fomt? Flrai to Lmai?ika. Truth: Ne?* s -I ditnrials? Advertisement*. AMERICAN PASTOR LOST ON PERSIA, U. S. EMBASSY IN LONDON HEARS London, Jan. 5.?The American Kmb?s;;y here has received a re? port saying ihat the Rev. Homer R. Salisbury, an American, was a I .is enger on the Peninsular and Oriental liner Persia, but that he was not include?! among the survivors. The Rev. Mr. Salisbury's home was in Tarjo m a Park, Washington. I>. C. He I,?.arded the Peisia at Marseilles, ?/oing %o join his wife, who is ? missionary in India. The Peninsular and Oriental Steamship Company confirms the re? port that Mr. Salisbury embarked on the vessel at Marseilles. Washington, Jan. 5.?The Rev. Mr. Salisbury was superintendent for India of the Seventh Day Adventist missions. His mother lives in Battle Creek, Mich., arH his brother, W. R. Salisbury, in Glendale. Cal. Officials of the Seventh Day Adventist General Conference, at Ta coma Pari'. : iburl ol Washington, said to-day that Dr. Salisbury was k to Lucknow, his headquarters. He had expected to take i Dutch steamship from I. nd .,. but evidently chan ;ed iris plans. a ter leaving heie. In London he ?ras to have been joine.i by another Seventh l'ay Adver.tist missionary lor the trip to India. COMMONS SPLIT ON DRAFT PIA Asquith Bill Calls Sins Men, 18 to 41?Hot Fight Opens. B) \.:i ill i: g. DRAPER. i .?>.??, [??. ? . *: a il the great *? ITndoul ? place w "? " Mor.?, s " : ' ' v ." *- ?-ri? und ?r. To Brit !! have ?reel ? mee, f ? overturning of their sovet le of the fun? principle of per tonal Britain's Prei I rodueed la ' ?amona to-day ... - all mule.-, between the ages -,-luded from t ??ems ,.f th - ''?ut the rest ft for the ? ??In the hour ' ?' a '? '' itn ? ? "? mo- e has I l'Le Et the Pc? to round up ail t unmet ? rl lament h ? Ita tr Walking down the Strand on the ?*i to Parliament I : the great waiting to enter the pantomim r "Pu ? " That indicatea plain i othing i-1 /. pp liu ra ago. I lir?n? 4 ruwil'. Hoese. Long b.'ote the c? mom : ? ' ' rowdi gathera around the Houi-.- ? ?" < 0 .rr.ons, hoplti t.-n u fleeting glunce of the mit . hurrying bac ? tant meeting in Pa ?? tory. ? \ Th i sine ? .--ernte Mar ;. leave* 1 return ? the front ?that might he " the ?ion bill. Th,* buss of excit? lir until Mr. A , to an inner o a CO . of th> I!. I v. i ni.1 be ? ru-.n ich he ha and which ht ? . me 1 : ? -n thai 111, to?i. Triumph ior Aaqnith. \ ? ' \ . ? i l uni . tliUI: '". " I ear ex| ? led 1 . sen gla aid Prenver "M-. ? ? I that r Th. . I aal .... (ontmiieil oo PM? 7, p..Inn :, 1 T.E.,UNM!!FFLED, ES DEFENCE Behind Locked Doors Pours Out Heart at Pre? paredness iVieeling. In a sm.-i h thai left very ?' ? hear him, .? . ive full *ent yes ''i flii opinion? on the qn He talked behind . ::ory and trui tee i oa-.? I i Ameriea fence i Bet Biltmore. A of then ' to ?ay r.othirer re^ardiai; th?i particular? af h ii ??? ? ach. PNpasadaeaa aa ?eflaed by the mem? ber!? of the bor.'ds after they, hail h?.-ard li ael ' ' li ?m a ver] I It means, norm- | I ? reio- \ tiva sea ? ., ot' .v lera, with the aaei ? lor? bat this in erees? ? ? a ? .-n month > ! : ? pan. The ? ? ? door? and tl hiiv?. in a . '.?? an? ? ' Vl'it . ?! v lacent Aatar la i???< Tent. "Will you tn.-ik.? public what ;ou ?aid ir. your I] ? - ' ? I - - .a'.koci. "You ir rock bott I won't, re? ? ? H? faced al ? Of BU ?ical sifrmficance in wha ? I ? ol the '? I : ? "If ' th.- mai - ? then M i I it . . ? 11 . lai of l I . . ? . 1er 1 |< ,. guard n. . pr< nta I >.,. Proud" Epigram I eat, ? \ - ? ? ? ? g over a particu ? I 1 that they And t the i ? The . .-? t:on ar .' ? . not tbr ? . , ? ? I ... tart ?real ? '.- ,r, ? ? ( ? iii-T i on |i_?e 4, rvtuoia I SIXTH BOAT GOT AWAY SAI ELY, SAY RESCUED Hope That McNeely Was Saved Is Revived. - 28 CHILDREN LOST ON LINER Several Am?ricains Were on Board. Declares Lord Montagu. Loi : ?':.!.. ?'..?A ' ?'rom to "The 1 ? '. ..ind? ent. The .? away. Th.? number i ' ra pro I 1 f 8 la al tea, "/en w ? ? ? Xey McNeely is among trie number lended at Ma Tali ? ? ? i i . arith ?hid. I liner armo a an1 ? of the thirt** ? '??? ?? ' lived. It* t .vnienf that I ?.tnerieana on the I creilited to Lord ' "'Thv ! Lord ? from the Persia at Ma No officia - ? ? .-i here n ? ?ihle for the sin . ? th? Ul : ? curred. 11 i i nenai from Gen to A i, 1 arkey ria. Montaga Telia ? Lord ' ' ? ?ion o." of the forwa "Boat? were and the I'H but thra? ? song wer?* thro" n "The ?' ar so much to 1 "I wi i found : ''? . ? ? il Atii.r. i - ' ' \ - ? \ ? ? '-. I in a . 1 B0 Hwll ' I ' ?? ? ' ?