Newspaper Page Text
?The Conning Tower VAQABONDIA. .... |v^*? sf ??a? by ???rtoa Ural?* Pii? H-,?,-al Jam?? l?ter<??i>n. ?n<1 MtWI I?'? eai Bf*" thf higlir?>H?l before Ihe ?lawn is breaking, Before ?M Ml ??0? tints the clouds vsith TaSSJ linger tip> . . highi ad before taha world Is uraklng the highroad, -with a gny song ,?n my HpS. ,.. r,j. .;tv - the highroad when birds ate t.-, V(r,?'' |_?I t?1 ?|V(* then, a? I tread the laughing lanesr ???? ?asi ?n?0ti ?-*? highroad --all earthly care* arc fading i ls(, mistr1 a?, trnmpmg through tho wood?. I carol glnd refrain? a,t0t% ?* highroad the world is spread before nu?. W. BOOB the n-.crnirig's gvdden glow will ??mile from ovrrhoad; . t n . . oh. my! thru* winter morn? are eold and ? ? .,* ha-ai? ni? I Ik? ' II they like Hi* 1 ] H stay in bed' Isosceles. The nrev?ment? fw and against preparedness ebb and flow. ? see fitqit* puru?." said Horace, mennir.R to say M was untrmihled the Moorish iavrlins the who'o Hrov.\ zoo. Fonsing his spiritual ?may from him. Yet 1ae.gir.1m. i' appear?. wf), r-,-- ?? ? ',?<?.? ?uni row look at lier. n mmunity where'n u is impossible to buy or rn'l much drunkenness Qn l itterlj - ?ber mnn may be attacked by a . . aa Itl Ited to say. crared with tiq ? *..??-. would H be fo the sober tnan to F ? ? I of alcohol and preparedness are rot pnrnllel. t. ?-,- . -.- ? The or.'y questions that can be compared r, -r-- ?? St ami paralle1 argument?; never ?? ? ?? I AI ICI IN' MOVIE! AND. ' irtie ?probably had the movie? ir mind wh'/n , .. ng and Writhii . Anw te -rom The Tribune's London correspoti ipprehenf may. All the feverish moods through . .* ? public has been passing in swift . - Thursday or rather FrWay morning, sil . : their pnpors n' breakfast that most p ? evening ? " Air announcement .. hequer m the House of Commons tl ? art Monday; the announcement else nean fleet had beei ordered to the l'ar Uja . Pritish force had landed at or re.-?- Gallipoli. ? u - of Friday mor - from Th? Tri ne f 1 riday, Fob rhi- \?l?erti??ng Vera l.lbrisl ? ? - V STRTKF ?red ? ? .- . ? ? , ? ! rai? .he server; - OH | g'., 01,7~pug> I DINKELSPIEI/8 BOBOKEN h ton year? tfl a*v. life. - Bunneriana and for the maty who will bttoaw ' ? ? pyright to Bunner's prose publications "Puck." and "Puck" has arranged with Harper & . ',ut. ?oon, a definitive edition of Bunner's work?. ta the original illustrations by upper. < . ,i. '? The tit ?. of tri?* Bunner Ktory about the ?Ininken elephant, ry the way, was "Zenobia's Infidelity" anii it appeared in "Short I HI. l?l\iVN 01 01 iV OWN s\Ml II. PEPYS. fj . . ? all tho day at ? ?pite iBterruptioi 1! ? wearing my new woollen whom: which ignorance saveth me To see ih?- ?-olclu? boys from Princeton K Wilson's; \ery adroit arid comickal. '? ' . where all day. With (,. Par ''??? ? | of art and such other matt?-)-- aa he hath the office again till late. lea thrr a poem should be written about ??? ? ?;rk. The title is to be "Aches - Ihe ?omplete Tetter Writer. ? bear Mus: I am very sorry to t?-ll you ?omet- -, *? .r happened * began to fight M th Hi? 1 ? ? want to I / ? with such tough. She wanted ? ?ids with her. .L he bcj;.. gaie rue a punch in my nose so she put the bon? out ? il. 1 will eome home Thursday. I tter stating what . have in our club. h 1.--1 i because I could hardly writ? ? lay in bed and I had to hold my iiojc up, so 1 l'lca?e excuse my writing. My mother I nol top that husinfs- that 1 cannot come io \' I Sarah was telling a lie that I was li;n? al I am not afraid of all of tticm but If ?,od ! will give it to her. I will mother Is g to watch her. I wish you have * r*T? ' fear part] but I cannot re.ioire ir. Your? truly. for a contrib: N'ot only is Wilson Dodd's .?i Bean" a large success, but he is also "''? author of "The Middle Miles." a book of ver,o jus* published ? B 1 ne thin?? contributed to this department. rd's rule about nol abbreviating the '???sol ...??? Twelfth Massachuaetts) is ?brought ?* mind by the Christian Science Monitor's headline "The Mission ti <v.i>?..., H >_se?M r,'n I of jotting, aa we were only yesterday. C.iotlo writes: Oh, ! . p. A., if you only knew Ho? t'i jot! I wrist and a smudge or two With a casual blot or ?lot. ? ? ? iumph of Art is to figur? from the page thus ?lashed and dotted Whatever m time they're all abou' Then jots you jotted! f M,,'"'i;v a ? hi?ese philosopher of th? 4th century end an ?????fer of Confucianism appears to have been 'he earliest of ?**ista. What said be? ?fU b? planned the rommencernenl of the marvellous tower. Ar.dr';ri!"": ?1 Md ??crined it, the people In erowds nn.i.-rt..<-.k to work, ^a ^ no time completed it." F- '" V ?HONOR 3 GIRLS AT SAME DANCE Mre.Markoe.Mrs. Howard sind Mrs. Bacon Give Fete for Daughters. THEATRE PARTY FOR MISS PHILLIPS LuncheOM and Dinners Held for Several lablenus \i vanta To-nii-ht. Mr?. Jemes w. Marko? B. Howard and Mr.? Pranc I McNeil Bncc". gave ,i dance leal rich? at i Sherry'? for their daur-hter ?-. M?BS ?I nette Markos, Miss Bllsebeth ; How , ard and Miss Pauline BbCOB I be en . tire fee..rid floor, decorated With sprint flowers, pelma and fares, ws used Previous t I ? lance Mrs Markoegavi ri dinner in the tapeati y bu ti , guaati nui bei ? ; about : ?B Two o? i ] iyed for : ha dancing, w inch im, and ? in ihr tapestry ?uite. Among M ner were Mi and Mi ?, Will in l ?? ? ;????? la? \ Perrj ? laborn, Mr, an I M i ? Wilson, Jr. Mr. and Mi T., Mr. and Ml - W Seward Webb, Ji I Laerrence McKeasrar Miller, Mi Mi Francia Mc! Mr? Robert Pi Mrs. R? ? . i "i oai and Mi Thi- rere M Innett* sore, 'viis. ? Mil ? Howard, M - - ? Hoadley, Miss Audi? larion Hollina, M ?s A Miss M Kin ir. M?as Pra ?? ? . ! Priscilla Bartletl Elizab? il Burrlll, Miss Hi Buri Mii Bird. Mis? ? '; , Mary Al? r no Bacoi i ; Misi ?'. garei La I \ Brren, MI ' therine 1 ? ? e, Mies ?laryanna Lincoln, M i ' ? ' ?? rtrude .? || ' >ri - " ' * i .. ' Ruth Van ? : ? ? - ere De i ? ? ' Goelet, A Dana, '?' i i roibj, Riehen . ? Brown, Pa il HammontL Kenneth Hud.I. John ?' vea. Cl arlea brown, Jai Barne' King. B. G. V 1 W Kenn, ? I ai ' ' ? ? . .' ? ard Whitney. Jol : ''? | l ? - ??'? I Mai an? Maunc? Roche, Pi ? Carej gc n Monroe A .- ? ' iyl? I ?lohn A. Suydai rey 1 aylor a r\ lai i auch. ' 'lie dam Mr. and ge i i urnure er ut S ho i last night, I Grace Brist? : , ? Mrs. Charli Mi ... Brist? ' a de Gei ' I I ? ? " Helen \ le Flint, ".rar cij Hendei re, jr.. \ John F. II ? Simn K unhardt, 1 S Emmet arid ? Morgan gas <? a eon y? ? Ihe New Colo] for hei John H. B tine. ere M M re, W ill ?am V ' Iones 1 ? ?' Caryl II el 81 ttiniue, 1: (ana B< wen, Mil loy Will I! . . i ? .:? I ' Coi . ',? Miss 1 M ton, Mis? l '?' \ I. r, Misa Roa? Its < ar ? Hal! Mil ' M ? Mar ? !.. ? ?lia Mai l-'rederic Bull, M : ? rry i.r d Miss Louise Thursdi ; i ? ' Be? nd M ? ? ,. t re? tely af* ling, neai loi i.-on gave i .iry' . an ? .- re? L the debuta) l i 1 Phill treet tvai chap? i on? d b. lohnaon' ??.-...: Maude O'Brien, Miaa Mercei French. Knoi llei Beth Leary, Mi?i Mar.. Osterholt, Mis? \: : . Bur*l ard and Miss i units Mulgn Through nee, a dai t at the New I < lub for the .... ? . i Sanatorium ... n*i|] I.,- applied to thi r I"'1"' . ..... rculoai?, ided Mrs. R Fulton Cutting. Mrs. J. Pi? gan, Mrs. Eds? in Gould, ?'. : I liarles Steele, Ibert, Mr if. le Mrs. Meaea rayloi Jua1 la Rui erti, Mra J< aeph 5. I huyaen, Mra. N. Th Mrs ' P Hamilt? n, Mr.-. Petei i pe? Hew tt, Mn Henry H ! nel'ius ('. Cuyler, Mi John 1 I \ ? James L Barclay, Mra. J r, Mra. Ar ?hur T. Monitor: ai d M Brin '? Tebleeus - ivante, ? ' rnefll . - A ? - ? ' ' ' ' on? of the D oc? ?an Auxiliary ol tl a ? John the Divine will be ? tha hou??, of Mn Whitelaw Rcid, l"'1 Madlaon Avenue cathedral arlll Gray I i**" a i Cail'ou. TO BE SEEN AGAIN AS LADY BABBIE. M M York has not ten foi ten yeera in "The Little M 1er," wl revive the p?a) ai the Empire Theatre <>n Tw -day. FIRESCHOieSMP BRYN MAWR GIFT Alumnae of 1889 *92 Honor ( ollege by Helping Factory Workers. ? gigfl P ? ' ' ? ? e one I do not the ?hirlv added, . ? ? a . ? "To ? ? ? ? I ? ?or?. I ul t! . v " ?-, rln", will observ? r idea * r'.-i1 |? - ? ?? Ith -hem "'hi. of I SI I Pi ?.III ! K?MERRII I ' of Mr. ' : . W. Y\ Guiler, ol ? of her pa ? ? " ? - " ' He aid I . Mr. and Mrs I 1 . and ?hi Hotel Belleclaire, Broadway and an. Art Lecture by Bla-hfielil The second 1er" . . the ? ' ? Edwin H. 1 ? WHAT Id coin?. ON TO-DAY. ? v 4 *. I - ? 4 . ? a 1 - ? . . . . -* - NEWS OF PLAYS AND PLAYERS "David Garrick" Revival Is Postponed Until Monday. Investigation yesterday result hat V. H. Sot) lid rot 0 a' ' i th? premiei at the Booth will .cur until day. - ' ? evening s it i | ? ? clog ? . cal ting flv? on Mo ,. ?dira Seymour, who debat? n Sunday, pi ogramme ?t tfi 11 nr re d I I ?? ro prime donna, h-h! lo? ? ? are h? g 1 Gara Zora depar? ha School for Scandal" a U will not be revived by Grace Ge? Playl i en an ' nounc-d. The Lexington Theatre, wl ch has re? cently evince i .. will ingi moving picture? The stag) : . "A Little I t hurle? B. Hanford, lone a 9 nsa K, "Margaret Schiller," ? \ pol I o 1 .i.ii ; ? . | und utterly i the wat. v na Pavlo? ?? . - after . ? rom Mut ( ? '.'??? es,' in,.I a n which the ei ? >y Dealya, sing Look! ' " to be mai ufactured ai I i daily. ? " 1 4 ? ,-l | I | "Hobt ' ' CI ;ome in for . ition at the Hotel A-tor to-morrow I ? 'be Theatr i will I idy day?.*' Seat.? for all performn . tei ' I 'i iterdav' ment I ? will ? ? \i iir 'roui ?"Very ? ? mentad, aa t ibout orchesl ..... .. ? ? "Alone \ ! John Will MISS F.C.'JOHNSON WEDS H. DAVENPORT Ceremony and Reception at Lo cust Valley, L I.. Summer Home <if Bride. - i ?orpi-.ce i "heater Jol daughter of Mr. and Mr-.. F Coit John and Locuat \ 1. 1, was married *o Henry Mellar* ?? t.iav in the I .... church ...., decorated Easter lilies \ ? home ' ? . ? -.r-.-nts. r I of 1 r heavj whit? i trimmed with -mall ieed peei il . ihould? rhite 1 t the I imi ?? bio? i held thi he car and white ae . pearl ? a ora. Y Huntington !? .. ? ? ? -??:.?? rid : . grey a trii ? ? ? a Iar*-o , ?. ..:' silver lacs I j bouquets of broi - - It-weed ? ? sa 1 ' ?? ?n. and : ? its. 1 ;- John- i are i Payi S ?ml \ I Mward Mar'::", tiio u.heri. CHURCH UNITY PLAN FAVORED Allots a Council Delegate to Every Half Million of Communicants. MANY LOOK TO ROML FOR WORLD CALL Attempt t?? Slight foreign Rul? ers Bring! Protest at Garden City Conference. ? - Gard? ;; I ' -,, I.?,ng Island, .Ian. 5. Anita ptaa to linn? about a ?? "i I eonf? rene? for ?hp unity of ehurehoa of ( hristisn denomination? .ated to '',?? North An..-- a Pi i pa ratorj < ? ference, ?rhieh met at the ?Garden I ?, Hots I era to ?lay. Georg i Za th< New York .ige A Krrr ami treasurer of the joint eon on of tho Protoatant Eplaeopal Chureh, prepared 'he idea ia:,<i pr? temblad delegates, BbOUl I? . <?: ver,' "M haml for 1 ' i -?ion. I Ik- plan, -, ; ; ?? . of reprea? i tal ai ,-,s regai ?ns, calls for the . In which ? ,,.? ,i. . I ?If million cm tied to sit. Each ? aahed, in the ?. ? m .. ? , : th such ?'x aaaistane? ??? ?1 think? tit to formulate propositions of faith and order rhlcl ?rs held In munion and the ?st oi hristei I be held I , ommunion truel and ?he ?round up,,-, which tai .' ro'rimiinions. That inre-?,Id ? tween ? ?? the liveliest debat? of the afternoon, tunl r? >? proposition which sought to give special representation rulers being stricken ? "Where | ? ished ,, . the Chui ne or two personal ? ?'? i enea in ? ? o shall be ap ithority ? ? ?' Fond du and moved - lu Lac (High ? ? , win ?ion and should he kept by all ?.... | ; ?cuitar eus 'the ? ther aid ? ? offend Kur. ? Louis l ' i ? ? i ? ? for fhe .rope. I am un pposed to this proposition , n pi inciple." i i is a North American ? , o inti ?? ? her? ? I hurch ? ? I? ration prac tvhich had been adopted as ng commu? . i ? ay, the ' l the n ' great I . when th?' l in order. all he f th,? Epi ? id the ,p Weiler arose 1 "I do not i to n ention ticulai ? said, ther at the ful sing th? ; ant for ' I.,- Ei ii,-'". to be i he leader " ?as Bishop V r ii to bo d? cidedly "High ? hurch" in his ?ympa ?" the Kpiseopal ? 'hurch tends most 1 - I tal n to Indteata ,? ?hurch of Rome may be I eh 1 ? world unit) is to he taken. 8 abriakle Plan Pavored. neral, 3 ? pie ? ted, the ? ? His apted and re nuit?e for minor n a. .-. bj I ?i New man Smyth, of New Haven, Conn., - m mitte? Bishop John Vf. Hamilton, of Boston. ? i |? the - . morning, in which roe pi I prill arar ( ,i- to uniformity. . snirirual ? op? w? a-un hava in our Dr. Juniu B. Re? lei former president Gem I ntheran t tho mini "Thi ' lith is ir, i . ?us? Ha '?? s d? ? ' ?rabie ... , orna ? ???? ? t on too little, Greer Sees Church Union as Big Task for Scholars In on In I .a; .. letter regh: church ui itj. B York laid: "We ara enteriag on a gigantie e must not it. I feel hat even the, . . ?? bul a ? at the 1 ?re 1 . u se, i I re ? I out ? union i to Btudy 1 th? original : search we An ?. hieb wen impor-, ? ? ae pn maril) ? i 1 ? e. \\ .?., ? ? ? . goodwill 1 as for f r? not ! ? r, m d we ihal a ? ?til after th? ? ? ijte inaa.i.g furher advaacaa to Home." I PARLOW GIVES RECITAL t anadian Wurnan al Violin I'lea??? I a rife Audlen.e. Kathie.*, Tarlow, , ? lirnst, give her Brat recital al *be ?'-n >,r yeeterda i son In Aeolian RalL IT?! seta that nuirht be sounded regard to the program tn>* aoeeow c oneerto in A minor o Of the m*sterp?*-ee.? of violin lit? ? though il afforda ths srl miras a opp and a? th? de real itai ce of an aftori Ita deeirabilit) me] w? The Vitah Cheeonne ama the aecend number, arid thi r th? re ????? i Suk'? "in pees triste"1 sed n s Hungarian darne by Brahma-Joeeh Im, two selection? bj Por \ ilin, and *ai i ate'a "Habanera."1 Several at thee? numbers peas the element of novelty, and wore fully received. Miss I'arlow was Bfl admirable a? ever, her tons a? warm, hi broad, her technique s? flueal ?he night ?he :'.rsl t- ? mta ta new York, lereral She is one, of the mo.?t inter artista now before Ilia p iblle. The applause ?ho won -reeter?aj res fully earned. LUNCHEON GIVES $10,000 TO RELIEF Clothing Manufacturers at Brc* voort Brin*- Jewish 1 und to $1.018.995. clothing manufaetun I to a luncheon at the Hoi terday aftoi noon 1 I to an a ii .1. !.. Magnas ? v , Je? i - r. Relief ? ?om |5,OOt ih war ran A et to organize the doth | I ry for tematic eontributio which ha? already B1 11,018,* 996.11. The Asaeriesn Jew h Rsl af I ee of Philadelphia ia cooperating with the local organization u for a great run-..... in that city January 80. No confirmation of 1 I 'mm Rotterdam that the ?teamshli had struck a mine ha-, be? Bl Tl Broadway, th? tera of the Commission for Relief The, carao at 186,1. I valued a* 1221,04 anee. But the commission empl at the lot i of a wheat iteemi r at 1 mean shorter -/inn.nnn destitute persona ? Belgium and northern Prance ?is sufficient to la - rding to the la it repoi here Dr. David T. Harrow?, deal tl fornia ? ?? ?t Philippines, tiled pa. of the Holland-/ charge ' ? ef woi Rel-j-.r,. ?? I ? ??? agreeable ; ? . ? ? . ?? ? i ; . ? I by the eon' out ?flbrv. NEW SCARPIA AT OPERA Signer He l.ura Sings in PlaCS af S-otti. \\ ho Is 111 ?ith ?.rip. A new Searpia anp.- i *a> ight at Metro] : i . ppe I'e Luc. the ?b enee 'A Vo o? De Luca wa - He ? .... impersonation, but in h ia coi ?y and of d tini oi i" was ... formalice, even rank as his pr? . g iro or Marcello. i Des! ? ? fully, POSTCARD SHOW OPENS Artists Submit Two Hundred Dcslgaa in Cotepetitive ExhlMUea. Po ? ? ? I Art ? in, l Thomson W \ ? of < ? L'niverslty, on the nu-' ? ird a-, an educir..i The Associa'ion of Women I': save a 1100 prise for best desig This a Everett Warn?*.-. Hi-. picture ia "A D ? ing a steamship a Es ' a .- h *?,i* : ? backgroui d 1 given Armar..) Moreda; I quand, and tl irth, known friend of th. ? ? Tony Nell Thl i Georgs Pn I ' and ? by <>i;\e R received boa ORITUARY. M\KK M. SALOMON Mad M. Solomon, a la i ; i . !ar Stree*. died ' resent, K ? gs! m, N monia. yesterday mon ing, li. i Kinget l i i - home Bn ? klyn. Mr. S i Of the 1'ni'e.l Jen Aid Brooklyn, and a mem ? Club, the Bri ? - Congregation Beth Israel, the '<?? Il a r Aai i oun*v Lau y**r l' A a arife HANS SCHI MANN HEINK. Hana msnn-Hoink, ion of '?' Heink, the contr,. s of pneui Hla m thei h him. I ? nn ad to a hoi pitel. The I i ? age et the til , but hur? San Dll Mr. Schumann-Hem'?- was ta ind ? Idren Ha waa in the real eatel re. ( M'TAIN J J. LAMBEKT. r?enlo, i ,,: . Jen 5 i api i s J J Lambert, j any year- ownei I < hieftaln, died ? ? Lamb. "The ' He serve captain of an Iowa ea was seventj gh< sen old. PATMCI J. H. MTHINA1.I). Patrick J. H ". S re? .*.?-? Vor? K.r.* r??p?rtmer.'. .- dea I al hoi Whitestone, Long laland H? ra in Ireland He SOI ;hi. Pir? 1 '? I :i the ? I ios. WALLACE IRWIN MARRIED Wed? Mm? 1,-ittia MeDSaSSld at I .1 ville. K Bl ' -v-? - : lie, Jai of tl fa few c?o*- ?'? ? ? ? ? ! IS married i ,,?? ? ..,. i Mr?. Donald M< .a-er? of pr, ? '.-? soi ? fr? ? ' anda The reremorv was POrf rrs? tU Wnrr * Malliaekrodt ... : . . ter?. ! ?Cornelia nn?l IfeDonal Irv. r ' fork, ?roa I ? I ?? rr', ?n I : - . ithi rhieh foil? eeremon) Mr. and Mrs I ft Among tba <? II -? mi i - ; Li i - Hawley. Mary R : KERHOFF On Jai < '. a r ' ' ? ? i rother ol - ford brar pan- i ' r ? ? '- Wll V., F i I? armory . York, foot ' I BURNETT ? . ? g. Church of av. Frids ? [ETY OF NEW YOBI ? ? lanuai at the Church of 1 ' ? BRUCH, 3? 'N, seen ? . i ' I . S. V., R< ? COCHRANE v Wednesday. January ? of tl Beach Coehrai ??. ? ? ? ? unty, N, -i . agi term? DET1 '? 212 R ? Bed ? v ? Fun? rvica HAWLEY x ? \ on '' ,, Cerne? HOWARD ii ' ees at his . : ? a ? '-. year ? - rack. ER Suddenly, of | re I.ruder. Jr. I Thui ? LIN BERG ?at 1 ? ? ' - noon, Jar ROBERTSON ?The : : SULZEH Mai the lot? I ?? I ??? ? : t7____nrs_3a iiii. erooDi an n ? i ni i ? ? ? ? ? : . . - Correct Social Stationery 681 FIFTH AVENUE N?-ar Mili Street. -1