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One Need Not Be Devoted to Baseball or Golf to E"Joy Sports and the Fruits Thereof Wee g hman Buys Cubs from Charles P. Taft Former Head of Chicag Feda Paya $500,000 for M Per Cent of Stock. n?Aj PART OF PEA< I TREATY CONDITION National C'ummissioii Reded Herrmann u Chairman and Bruce as Socrctar>. rh? i ?n ?>? ??a ' . . ? i pa ? cent mono Shoi ??. ?ol n E, Bruce .. ? Th? . the < ,-amc to an end 1 sema ** - i time when i \*a? I ? ace ws roysiblc. Tha- orignal conference Harr] F -.. and Mr. Taft, and it wa? r.o I eip to day that h| - red with the rie cot??.' iair haying- mad, . y arrangements. of the ?alo of thi other than th? amoui ? ? ?" Btock - ' i. tv., ? ? fact to assurr.? a ?1 accruln, ? i a ad *~ the ?? - Mi ke every ef I . mitte? ? ? to 'ii' o ut the In1 pnte heh . I reel '. .- nal - Shortly 1 ? - i Pr?s? ?ntei ? ? ti ? lay, sard: "I ** ? 11 1? ave for thi the comnnt ag will be .a i be ab!e to ? ? ?. however rned to meet ? que.-t:on a The date for th? I ? ? t announced later by th? Na1 ' mission. The ... * - waile ? orrow mon Chr.- ". Hfar r-, the Chica - . ? ontrol .- to Char Weeghman wa? satisfactory to him and that he would continu, I lings :f the new owner- wished; if not. he was dispo-c ? terest to Murphy Wishes WeeKhrnan Success , ki ago, 'an. S.??Charlee IV. Mur ph*. farmer ii?-.??i ?i the < htcato rlah ?'i ?m- \attaaal Leagaa, an?! repated le be -till laterested a- ? ?torkholder, s.n.i tn-ti?wl>< : "l Basasse Ihe i>r?-s? dtaaatche? a on? a-iniiiK the ?aiilo ?f the niajiiril* of the t iilis stack I?' ? liHila-s \\4T_I1 inan air aorrisl. I I1.1* ?* M direct .ni* lac?. I am glad Iha- deal has hern rloaed, ?"i ** eetchman'?. i? - roaat, il?- is a flae frtlow, an?l l lia* ?? no ii?"il>? a* ill mnke a great ?urces? of Ihe rlab. I rertainli aa.~n bun all posaiblc success In baseball." Murphj i* the man ?Im originall) interested I'hurles I'. I at I in lb? porrhaae ??f tin- Cabs, ami Ibroagh ?lit- ?leal made a ?-mall lortune. COLUMBIA FOOTBALL SCHEDULE ARRANGED I ist ?if (iames Will Probably He Announced To-day. Columbia's football schedule for lft?* be announced to-day if Anal ap? proval ?- forth? m the far? i?a' completion of for next fall has been delayed because of the difficulty ?? am to fi.l the Thanks .- l'a;, riche which wai occupied : w ? faP. Th, ? \, u York Uni? ? ..? on Thankss ? i- Da) brought ? ? .- - ? -? red into with Bro?? - ? ? , ? ... . -, prevented the ? . with the Provi m ha ? ?; for the Blue and White's ??;? . -, . . ,.; the >rities. km wn tr .- ? tierot, New York 1 niversity, Ste rence, and possibly Ham ? -i will include ? ighl pnme?. Field. -a OUTSIDERS TO BUY THE CLEVELAND CLUB Home Syndicate Refuses to Pay Price Set on franchise. The Cleveland | American Lreague baseball club will not '-. hut outside buyers. Thi . inkers' . hlch hiac eharg? ? ? W Somera, owner i I ?? ind which ha?; insisted that ? ? ' ?? by members of the Cleve .':> to form a -y ?.i.d purcha-e the club failed I ? the syndicate refused to pay the price nkers, wl r,r,o. I Bits of Baseball Chatter Heard on Winter Diamond r.- ? i: ?."*.*. '-M ll,l. Field? r J ' 'he St. ? i?f few ? b< .:-. made ?? ana, and ? ? ?? *il a Hi??le v l -i Hhll and W hen the fog - ai "ugly as a tarred i ?Tien s when our *"ScoU h Mist! shine smart, sensible overcoat! <>t tian*osome Scotch . ?h \ iot-, spei ially woven for rainproohng and for u** ex* Medium and heavy weights. Not ,iii?ii(] of being out all day m a drenching rain that's ** we mean by "rainproof." 'Your money back" if they i,ul to keep you dry. Kiuld be fairei than that? With all the Grip about? wouldn't we <ili be haraier,, there fore lest sum eptiblc, ?I we slepl outdoor*-) Wann, wool) oukJooi sleeping suit** foi you and the children. Write for ( m u Lu. ?i., i Uari Kin,i ?a Pi it Company Broadway Broadway at 1.3th 6t "I lie 4it34thSt Four Broadway Corners'" Fifth Ave. at Wairen at ?Hit St : bought out the Uedtrc*? intrr as: "I think thai the Browns . -i -ir'n better ball t<-iim now , than ? r< before." Harry Harper, fv shortstop of ! the Washington Senators ha.? organ? ized ?4 bowling team in Hackensack, hi? Our informant declarcr that "Harper in the only bull player ? ? .-n, n being - i m base, neatlj fn u. . ? etly on the me dit i- a large \ i. palding There an- other ait ? "Take i <>t h inn ? in baseball." 1 .??.',. ng back ov?r ti e r?v n, we fmd - ,-i.n why one should tak? ; t h i i i n: ? ii the and Athlel When the -.".fiith inn *? ? thii i- whal happ? ned when bat : '' Vearh. So i ? 1 the path* \> ?th a trip!? - ? . i Bvanaugh Joe ! wild . ?o third. Kai anaugh, the while Young aeon ... McK? ? Hi ? [cli e on an ri ro? bj Siebold. K.? ? ? ? ? ? ' .? ? Ka\ :'?..-!, in the i i'i.l? hit ai \ each a a? ? rroi. ? 11,- ford mad t on a fou : popp? wrong I ? errors ami and a ? ? -run of 14 to 9 gam? Red tack Corridei mn\ .- - ? ir, the minor I? ag i? ' barley ? ? ? the Pa ' . ? "I ii >. I , ',, ? . be a He ? 11!: ird v ? ?? is n.d by the I j robal '? ?" ' ' ?? - cover na* first Wichit ? . Indianapo \ \ probably over t ? ? ' i, The r\ sdl at?'j mors deairsWs than the old A A. team | grounds. Somebody's Always Taking the Joy Out of Lite By BRIGGS NrV?'l.L I GOT ?o* ?a-Aal',' | m |?U. "N,?? jRp T i Y OOOO SBOO ' i ' X / / s I TA ?taETTf(???aj 6O00 A Vi A^ n C)\ 1 iS TV*/* I AU 7 I M/-' /.r> ll)i fa ? I lAJA") IMORI I I Ai I 60T A Ff?iCMD frO THE ^AME. Ltix/e VbJ'W rf* He*?s GeTTi^G 1 10 00c a r_AB I \\Lf\'.< MARY PlcTKKO?P IJ ?-?L T1 /Nib A H?MOfXeO TnouSArJ.) /S Vi r*V M Ova. TmAT U'HAT t CAU. * j Goor> S?AU*$I lpt1 Kt "? A DO 7M( MO*-?'? l'a A?-"?! <3?TT,r*j<> Ovil B 5O O?? A Vi au ?-?1 zero lai jO^'- Soor ?s ALwa ?A K , *.(_, fi-i r_ Joy r. 1 . r,4- L'PP FIELDER JONES TAKES CHARGE OF BROWNS Hedges Will Pay Syndicate $6,000 Received for Agnew. St. Lou Ian. I gad the St. Loui - .re of th? I Am? ricnn League 1 ? f thi club. It developed tha" th? nu-nt for the transfer of I ? r,e\' ..v. | Ball) Otto i Btife] nnd ai i eiat? that Robert 1. !:? . dent of the i ? he received from the Bos1 fore i ? ? ? ? club. ? debt ? of the club, in? i judgment in favor of John <V< ?' iy er managi i i t the < I ib, which was ? d i?y th.- ?? i eala ) eaterda* ? a? STARS TO RUN FOR SAVE-A-HOME FUND I ? ?" .ro entriea close on .Januarj I"., it i- expected that almost.every clan, pion in tha i t, Phil adelphia and Boston will enter for the Save-a-Home Fund garni be held at th? 71al Res ry, Thirty-fourth Street si I Pari .i .? . il Signed entry blanks have been re fiom l'ave <laldwell, ? he 191 l ntercollegiate half-mile hampion and 1.000-yard champion ; 1 om II ilp ? . An ei I i door 600-yard el amp on* ' Higgins, ' New i ? lf-mile ch Billy Meanix, ouarter-mile hurdle \ champion of America. Caldwell, Halpin ' ami Higgins are entei l ,000* yard special, and Me match ovei th? Eller, liurcl I other i irdler?, Ted the a metre p chaitipion . 91 ? Gord ? cha liggins in the IcAl? Irish ginning ? ? ? indoor sei not as yet blanka for the he committee ha ?. ? that these three tance runnel compete In this ra<-? . All of tin -? . I .?ve been training in pr?par?t inn for their indoor cam ? are fast i .- into championship form, ai d It i i i ord foi yarda ?il' be bi - lee. Four Open Events for 71st Regiment Games Foui open ev? ? ? ? Regi* Athletic A ch are -,, be ? ? ? ? ? ? : k A TI.e conteata, open I tered ath a 70-yard da ??.. 1,00t . one-i ? | - - ?r-H? ? .. ? ?? ? Military ? ? ?. S'orm who a ?. . . entering thirteei p tin ? ? ? 10-) ai laat three Harrj Gi??ing, Homer i Van den ... i i i ,. . Anderson. 1 ; Plans for Outdoor Skating Title Meet 1 Racea te net ? 1916 oui ? ng champioi terna! lanuai . I ?? meal ntinue for it will nducted under 1 lion of the . \ BtiO Entriee ai from Montreal. roronte, Serena? ?? Maw Y..r?\, Dea Moine Pas Minneap i ? ? ' 'i", ana-hell tere, on? mile SDd two mi!e rao--. I or pi I 220. ?UO. one-half and mile. 'GRADUATE' RULI LESS RIGOROU; Columbia Officially Con firms Report of Modifica? tion of Eligibility Code. ?' i lal confirmation was obtained a Columbia ' niveraity yeaterday of th report publi I *eek that the nev eligib ? ?? ---i ilation adaptad by th' univei ? mitte? on al ale! i? ? las .-1 ;,?! lates of or her col 1 i ' :?? bis team?, would no -. - a ? v. ?re r< ?r ? ;. ? :tr l-'or all Student i,old.- . ?,. 'r,,rn colleges "'.he 1 olumbia who regiatered in >?p ? ????? ?* ? r, the nil? Will net be per ' : ningeide Height? On of 'he "(,'ra.t'. ,-? ? r ,'., ^tronirly by th* ? :,1! management! .; ??:" the university in fulation dealt the -, blow, In that .lack : ., d Princeton tield?-r; . , ,-)i shortstop, ami .?? basebull play ban. In ba*ket ball, liminatcd Laird, ? mming Levinson, a former 1 I V Y m [layer, wa? barred. ?all ? ..- th? nit tea on athletics modi'.? ,1 it- stand in tnat the rule wus ?,, be ? M live, :r took occasion ',, reaffirm il original position. The ? ; after a bitter contro ? |?? ?? and onl> after : been ihown eoneluaively that Princel H ,i i. Val,' and Dart? mouth athlet v? ?? holding place- ,,n Columbia teams a' the undergrad? ihould rightfully go t" I .,, . t'?, lents. There al-o was criticism on the cam? in?- iba? ?olumbia *aas depending on ? ? ? i other institutions to win its game?, because II was made to ap ? ? ar that true blue ?olumbia men were ipable "f ?ni-' -. ri te plnyer? of experience who came from DREW TO H AT MILLROSE GAME Negro Sprinter to Make Sped. Trip Ijast fur Contest. Howard I>r>'W will come I pete in the 70-yard special dash at tl annual | im? of th? '?' - \ Madison Squar? G ii?-n an January 2? !.-. .. ett? Loa Angeles the negro sprinter write that he is at hi* best and "will lighted to meet Iaoom:.-," *!.?? will b one of the otii? | I Tin will be the first race for l>rew sine he injured a le^ while compel the national enampionah ? Fran,- ist tugusl 11 ? * ?rill ar rive In this elty thi.r four day i,,:',,r<- the meet and complete hi? tra ..". ana of 1 fl 1 .?-sue, who won p? rn ? ?: I he vYanan akar t rophj for the ?in?> and a half mil? ?" ? last year's ?ramea for the Long Athletic l'lub, will ma fort t< win his Brat \^k on th? new prise H? ?rill be opposed by Mike Davaney, whe is at nresent running In h und Willie ?ordi metro? politan one-mile champion Leslie has. an old srnre to settle with DeVBI the spectators at the nior i Indo? i inships la I remember, when Davaney net by a f,.-a : ard ., -_ St. Denis Beats Worthley ?n Golf Pool Tourney Waiter St. i?en?s defeated ?' ?? Worthley yesterday at Doyle's Academy .t. the second round of the neu men's uvlf pool tourney. How well the handicapping committee did its work in this instance is shown by th? fact that when the eighteenth hole m played both player? were tied al in?. I Sis more holes were required to d< ' cute the tie, St. I'rnis proving the win? ner by a score of M to 12 To-day's sehedal? call? for I?amon Runyon and Tad, Kerr Petric si Rannon. I.arry Sen.on and Walter Ilo I ban and Arthur Robinaon and Al lied? le y. Two More Boys Win Fame In Lawn Tennis World Binzen and Weber Appear to Be Destined *o Occupy High Places Among Racquet Wielders. its FRED H ?WTHORNC, In mir .iriiiual revitr? el 'ne lawn ..r 1916. and also in an itlook "?.i 1916, we men . ii. name? at rveral yuung ,r,ioi ? who ?eemi-il , : i ? ? ? : . i-ourt". ? h ? ha ha\ t- ach?es i 1 ; romin ? a th.; articlei Ii ere wiitten. Kill. ? ? en, of 1 ordhain l'nivar? sity, and Jam.? Weber, of 4'hieagu. but v .-: Academy, i? ni'.-r and runner-up for tional laior indoer lawn tennia imp!? i iprang into miag throagh a ai rang 'ieh: m th? ? Bt held in the 7th \ . la*t week, an ' me*t . ? teei feat I boj i i ?? ?? i good lawn tennis, bel the meet itui of theii game .,? ? ?'. that "head a ork" ? as tica. I ?nal ? hip, but I cleverness forcing taking advantagr of their apei ? <??! ??? it h caution ] a h?*n ran', ? ? . ? :? 1 und in lene? f beles; fet? ? . ine beyond the as. r '...' th east .".mer. '? ri? .., president, of the '?' ? - i lub, heist? d tl a red tlaif pole Bt treet grounds last week. itai flooded I .''iv 10 permit - it r.? rhose : s*, h.? distinguished then-selves on the ??????. -? Based almost equally at home on the iteel blud'-s, " ? -t *> ' ac- I ?..ire? of the ' School with c.'r.*-ummate 1 ?.a?f and grace. Why not have a aks*. ing lawn tennis tournament thi? win? ter" The lead] irr?? * th in memb of the I ores! Hill - Club ? that ?. mo-, em? al is well under ?ay to increase, both Hi? nd the yearly du? thi? yeai, The annual meeting at D? : this month will probablj M ' ter put ;,, a ? u'?' ?t. i ratified. Beaides acquiring the reputation of hem?? the "Wimbledon of a 'Wer?; Bide Tennia I lull also bids ' to ;.,i,l tiie nam>-s of several most prominent lawn tai i avers of the country to Its roatei thi.t R. Lindley Murraj, a I !al I one of the mo-1 .ai players ?.?ho Bvei came sal i t the Weat, would probably iom the club in ? ns? already been announced In columna, and bod t aeen i? if two more fine players will soon re; th? 1-orest Hiiis organisation. V Vi. Niles and Alfred s Dabney, of i' ? rmei holder? ol the I la t? chan.' era of numei ous biir tournaments in the peat, ? tl rj to akc their homes in N e w igh that the; their playing foi tha el ib 01 Loi . Although Maurice McLouph! ? taken up the (fame ,>:' golf, a-,,; eut.-, with serious inl nes er becom? tun ique tiirure | with driver and iron rhat he ii 1 the racquet. *'ne mi| a ?liner or !*ras-?:e, and the pla\ te ?? ?il several minutes before making the next stroke, whereas, m lav. I sis, men like MeLoughlin sr< stanrly in action. Rut it would be a matter Of :r I \t Mac should dc slop into s Traver? ?j? OuiflBet and bead all the other amate ? on the court? until Will (am ston laid him low U ? 'lire would l.e a diatlnctiv? "MeLoughlin I dr;- e." ?ad *h?' th? red ??.,;? : wonder would diaeoi er a ? ? ? ? ?: way of getting ? ? with hi? nib'iuk. \ ball would travel when the "? hit it just right: Personal Touches Here and There in Boxing _Bt IGOE _ Billy Gibson has bowed to the l - BUI Brown meat referes ?ha bout at the Garden to-morrow night, be , tween Jim Coffoy and Frank Moral Hut an IF goes with Hilly'n consent t?i have Hr. wr, act as arbitrator. Gib ..1 Jimmy Johnston to le? form the bo ting i an that ho will Inaisl on an ? por. a .if tha n en go down from a bun? ? ears ? ? .... lone as he . :? i sliforeis George Baiting ? ?> official timkecper for all I never aras ?in arg ? t count whi'..' he held tha ? ?. ? ? ? act ??: a Ith tho when a fighter wr? knock? I I called off the ? ? alee, swing- ' . ! down to . . ? Cl nut. main objection t?> Brown ?a?- int. Billy aaya that re) hit the floor on hia ear, that ?? began to count over him, .uni insisted after tha fleht '-hat b? had counted Jim our. while he araa rolling around the floor in a desed ? - i'p to new it was thought ? . libson had I i Brovrn on bout when Dublin Giant area on his fast Ac cordii ? on, Brown had already declared l offej out. Now Gibeon *'-\<* wil g held an the light around the ring, ?bowed that Jeem? floor only seven Ii The appointment of si timeksepsr by the boxing eom? ? aid go a long way tow? ard lining away with the wrangles that 1 generally follow a finish as in the last 1 ?' ? ? Moran * . To-morrow night practically will ii..- k If oran or Jim far as a meeting with Jesi W I rd ? concerned, foi Jin at ' i ? Square Garden, and the winner will be direct! ir u title bout with the big cow George Engte haa been coaching *..r tin- particular fight. ll?> haa impressed upon Coffey that he must ' ' 'rie in thia coming bat tle. J la think that he burned himself out with that early rush a m ins last light with tl a big blond. . nt at Moran hammer and rung-, ? :. he waa belted hard in the ?aw ii?- had nol " .? faater than he ever di.l in hi? life before, while Moran . what Jim had to git ?? an I the opening that Anally came. < offey showed that Eagle's coaching had mude a great in.; in hia ring work the night he ? Smith, He wa sure and d? ml, above all, he 'nok r id BS ? enough to take advantag a firsl sad beak H a reaull was that i ?'? big gun waa - :?. ?v ?! in the' ind. Willie v Ted . providing Willie will not a-k for all the money in the world. The Califoi to get a fat gu irantee ? erj time he b? ind the Hon ? ? hate the rsrj word "guaran ?"l th that th? I go 1 ... i "You know a lot of p.nple thought thht Willie waa I'limin. ? igh to ha* a ? a round or two more." AUFM. A HEM. I admit that Will? get i ng too late to do him anj s -.. aa the verdict went. Jim Cor? 1 rare talking about his finish only yesterday. Jim told ma ire gone Into the ... . Bob ?? I ? mona u I to ? entered the ring. Wil .? distance man, ai.i he ? ? ' in a ? he would only warm up a ng a few rounds with matea Fohnatoa a 111 ?es to-da; if he ?lues not a ?ft i large a gu?rante?* the beul a ace tea last parr of th.- month. Jin ?orbe* had a narrow ? ther day while on hi? ? " ' i Bai la Jim '.u? dri* ?ng fa *<t' beai ??? \ larga I ick d icksd luddenly sut of a ? id?? street, snd In order to'prevent a I Boxing Bouts of the Week TO-NIGHT. Plonaur Sportl"! Club? K. 0. Brown and Banfy L.wla AI McClankty and Frank Sch?nk. FRIDAY. Midtaon Squar? Gard?n?Frank Moran and Jim Hirlem Siortlnj Club?Innovation trial?. tin ?M.PMI J liouta. ?/?ndiartllt A. C?Zulu Kid and Soldlm? K?l ?n>. Johnny Murr?, and Nick NHion. Eiat Nr*. York A. C ? T?rr> Martin and Jimmy Murray SATURDAY. Clisrmont AtM??l, Club. Brookl.n ?Gror?e CM| and Silent Martin. Young Drliaioll and Willie Jon?? Broad??/ Soortlni Club?Trrry Mai-tln and Patsy Brannlgan, K. 0. Jo? Daly ml KM Sullivan. Kinky Burn? and Jimmy Ounn. tddle Carr and Solly Weit. Falr.njnt A. C ? Frank!? Oal-, laS Young Marino rbett rai his ?'ar up on the ? fanc,? and bi , ii .. of tbe big his car wa? ?inven into the side of the Mrs. Corbet! ?'??s thrown lently againal .: .- ai m and g a ??'op wound in her ? "It was a panicky moment, I can tell Bid < orbe- ? "If you've ru-ver tried to be I . know little of th? u,,rd in lensation. It didn't I .tame- long to ligure -i, |1 tha :'??:. th? BOUM was much - rhan the side of thu* big ma i'.e b.-er. trying to mal ?rifa bei;eve that I am hurt, too '?'? I go home I feel all '??. rha' I '? :s the only way thai I can eon? her." ? late -? iddil to the local it 1 at Bill] Gro isium, predict ? it he ? . teresting lor the big boxers when be get? ? Bod S will ??et his ?-rst chance to show hi.s wares at th? I airmont Cub in a week or 10, B? from Mon? tana with a gooai record, and if ?he rni-n here he will be a we Ton Cowler will have an opportunity a-.- the black mai n his coi .1 i -. Bat! ling Li -.-? ah? Morgan'? perpetual motion mi chine at Boston on the '???x^.' ol ary 11, Cowler i a few weeks ugo at tha Olympic Club and got a bit the worst of the ar> althouirh at on? - .ht he had Levinakf groggy from a right hand crack ?traignt to the ehin wsiting upon 'dr. l>!lon. .lack promised to com? back and have it out 1 orbett's find. Broadwaj ? I ib ?a willing ? foi gel ? Jack will onlj Englishman. Cow forma us that all effort? ti ? I Dillon to return to New V.,r'.. failed. I'illon was reached bj a ? ind 'phoned by John vVeiamantel, ai i he lar? ' sr l .a? Dillon i - r,, boa him under any circum?' . Writes Cowler: "I thmk i I ai?? lone prettj ..... as a real ,?,,-.?, nder for >? I ... . ; me tha He didn't, did I.?-" I WOUl him away had I not been I ha?) CUl I've g"n. a bit i that nighl ild like to know a big ?'*:!,)?.* ? ., ducking a meeting with me. I ' from every promoter in town. but whi time 1 p ting i one to i,,.\ ' ? .- .?: thing?. None of them will spar with me. I'm ready to i,i;ht any man :. and ! wouldn't lia? anything better than to meet the winner "f the 1 ?'? . Moran bout," Little Kayo Brown will make a' I bow to-night befor? the aud knows him beat. Brown boxea H,n'y Lowii at 'he Pioneer Sporting i ,,:. I Sa-otry Mon' that there t? a greater interest I over in Ne-.a Jereej than there waa in the Save ??? \v,.',r.!' . rhl Lewis aa,m?'s from Newark, sad Browa s the > -. int property owner o: Arlington. Hencej a very, very keen rivalry, say? Srotty. I MORE TROUBLE SEEMS BREWING IN BASEBALL Bresnahan Says He W]rj f itfht ?f Deposed as Manager of rubs. '.???. 4 Hv FHAN'K t) S'Fir.r. ' k?S?J DOSSCd Iflte 'he . |r| "' ' ' '. >. ?' ? . ?nd ta? , I I ?i ' R ' ' '!'" 1 I ? ? ? ? ' Bresnah n , -, ? " ? s ' : Br-ir.i. han when he heard * .? ? ? manag? -, i to mana- . . League clu I ? ? - ?nn to me that . : will and ? He ' ? my law in I Th. - ? thai hind 1 ? ? -*. ti ? i? i*. ? . tbs . * ti Taft, snd ? -i'?y. Th.* Paci?c C? ? ? aet I*. Traety of Cincinnati -. who it a ranlratl ? ver.* not ord.'red to Sot ?i fee af the atara of tha G '*aon *"? ?? tha ?' ? - \ own* ... If tl Leag the Ho niai foi sort ?at se rr-ement. king arm= - Caul teal sn ?? ! tit ' ? ? - ' Whale-Cube. I , g back 1 F ! ' ? ? ? the Cli ? Ed K Baron Knet r ai ? ' ,M bidi sisee. ? ? CONFLICTS AVOIDED IN FOOTBALL GAMES i'hi ? ? ?? ball ga at Princeton t ' . .- . on N . in at v ? lied at Am. ?i This ' ' .vivar; i'l al ? ? Ask Bids for Amateur Wrestling Tournev The Metropolitan Ai ? ' - ' ' Ii ? | sued . ? ha', t until th, ' ... .-?'"?' and on.-n th*- bide r clubi ? - ? Hi a gems Companv Buys Lincoln Oil ? ,i0 r*l.i ? ? ? MADISON SQl'AHF. CARDE*'' I Uli? W Il** TU aj COFFEY vs. MORAN ii??\ ??i i it i. Mm "?'? N_ lilt I'llnM. M , i si.? ...fs?1 B ritaa " ? ? * '*. a la' I Mfn ?. ' * S*J/\ Supp.,?? Man ?'*? \S* ilJ In. is Sjuar*.