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SENATE INQUIRY CONFRONTS QUIGG HodgC Appointment Also To Be Investigated, Says Thompson. LEADERS MAY SIDE AGAINST GOVERNOR "Mum Stop Kicking My Commit tec \round; 1 Won't Stand for It!" Senator Podares. ' -- ? TrTlriina., a', mmlt tko al Out eg In ilse leas Intment the aueeeaaor ? I New York *ven the - ?? ate for as mad? by ??veniai after Senator ?r. The i ima It? r lee aTslr? follov/ ?rther. That ai eo i ? - a'co a ? -1 that th? ac .-? at!? n. ' - insistent ' Qulerg a manner in - the Gov rhotnpaon snid. "and ' Quigg I cons *- a real service. . -he infi? el . he Governor saya ?need 1 -, .. act of , ? should ?ee topa 1 oasting i . the G ernor ? any ? ? i 1 .* time. ? I com r - I Ions: ei st It lay tl i ? the Gov , had in . ??. - ?wyer was ? to say that man. wyei," he appo , . y ... - -, cariy lid he BBU 11 ; J ?11 bave . J ? i\ ? ? ? r< lury to Contiune Inquiry in Wood Case amWi mW^ ' I? by * . t nig lirmun of the ? ursi i i ? ? ?. 1 ? ? i 1 1 I ?i, 1 ' I ? ' ? ? ! ? ' ' ' ' ? 1 i inior (nation, ' RUNAWAY MARRYING HONEYMOONERS. Mrs. i ? ..' : her new husband, whom she ha ed twice in or,c week. CLAUSSEN WAR BASE CUT OFF Strong Ilox K?*4?.Hr*. Will Finance Ni> More *sYe?lrling?. Is Re-port. ? , r? of the V '' ? ' , von from ' ar.rl hi Dona, ' I , her ? " have QUIGG NOT IN ALBANY NEW YEAR'S EVE, BUT H?.' Was in the Executive ("ham - ? r Over ., ? .?? than I t that ? ? r the "I .: ? Whitman take . I ' people ? * I - ? <> ? he 1 live CI amber ? ? ? New ? i" Al th** n with the ' QUAKES FELT UPSTATE l;. o--? l.ii r and fit her Co-antlea Peel 1 . omr-. ? earth ? lunty dura ? . t.ut ?n 12 and ? N. H. PROSECUTION LAID TO POLITICS Administration, Attorney Says, Ignored Road's Innocence. ? ? ? : ? ;..tor . ? ? ' great ? ' ? re - . ? ' ? ?red diad- iLoe msB whw V?**a re apeeted in the eetamunitiei In which ..ved nrrl are . h tl crime if jron jurors brir.-: ? i i I ?aid. . ? | ... more )? ???? ( pi ?position ? ? p to any jury." 1 .. ' : ' te. of H i ? ? ' ? themselves 1 sey to 1 m. ,.j: . ... f New Ei ? rial ->ro4 ition. II ? here or an; i ittempt 1 her? ' ' is ha? 11 t thing to Plays and Players of the Film World rtnou i week later un : ? ? ? i the ii. ?:. , . .. . "We nave invited '? ? ? ? ? I ? uro manager through : .... gement o? | Knickerbocker Thi ai re will to give Mi Rothapfel en opportunity ... .? of his idei ? aid : e Now Yorl ... or. I have Sib? ? ? ? . ? ? ami Oth? ." Announcement i also made that Ir. Rothap r theatre, thi g complet .t? of i pie* .j ?? f-hown thei penal must b? : the Selig ] ,n, who thai ?? ? ; ? . i.ll ti ? mora i i ftei ?n advei I itan play. William Bailey, o? ? lireet ' . Mur y Fuller, who, ?? Unir? rsal iter, med on of Thi ? --?.- ?.f th.. ? t| who pr rV here Do 1 il "A tun CAFE BOULEVARD.:...._ SEIZED AS CHIEF OF 'MLLION AIRES' "Prattle!" Calmly Remarks Prisoner Accused of S6?,ooo Swindle. ARRIS! ENDS LONG (MASK BY POLICE Many Dupe. Robbed in (.ard Otinei uilli Roulis Financiers. Detect i \ os Assert, A* the moment ?hut Detective Gegan i??? ,1 hi? hand mi ti.?? shoulder - I I fault ? ily ?ir, -,.,| 1111,1, i, -.?! ? 'it ini . ? e?ter day afternoon the po sted ?? ? '. thst 1. ?I luKted for months. "Hello ! i irik T. Th,,mp .- ; ?? . ???! : "1: metnbei ; "'I a, , . "Yi -i bet you do," said Gegan, *vho hail several times l .'f,,re arroated the "man \a hi, i to a pen," ?. pao] i ?si night, h?.w '..,,1 rhomj 1 bel I bare. Neithei ?i? noi ?uld rala? ? ?" 0,. 1, ,il demanded, Thompson quietly nee, i I lagan to Po unruf l< n he cat? goi leal I i ? ?ntly him. H? called the ac? I ?1 he ? : thing i 'fool n, *vho asserted he ?*.a. ;, brok? : Bi promoter fi ' ' ? ' ' Indict ? rrand lairony m the first .-. from h ci i- ':<.??<! and said: "Why, call up in-, old fri? I ' Bwaan Will SurprUe Him. i a!! up .1 iidge Swann. ? ? ... -i ' Bush ? . the one ? :. "he ? ? ? ? i ? ' ; oon with J c,| for ? m the hi| t. ? ? ? ? to me ? ? ? th< ' i ? ? . . I . a ? ' Tills ,,f | oaiag ?IM.SS0. "Thon psoi ? be had > friend - in a ira ? rii ? ? ?. f 01 Thon police ? er last month, I a du?- as. A est the tiam?s ?if ... "'? am I. Cherrj t1,? ! . ?real had reaull I - ?npson will he arraigned for i . ? -ii -. RI Bttoi is Al : manager for Ju'llT" ? HUNTS HUSBAND, FINDS WIFE NO. 2 Mrs. Miller Also Declares Pair Claimed a Baby .is Their Own. QUEBEC HOTEL HOOK AIDS DIVORCE PLEA "Brains of Partnership" Telia Ol fratkini" Physician After He Quit Her. i m, ana of i ??rty amateur sleuthing la til I recommended b) Mrs. Margare) Miller. whi innounced that it had not only produced her loi husband) bul addi! ona i child a? ? Mra. Miller* ? torj from ? ? rite? h -n ahe app? ar? il bafoi a Juatici Pendlet he Su* preni- Court nppOl I . I ? fi om l'i S Mil Ington dost importai t of I i i lueed waa th< from a Mon (real hotel rniel "Dr. S. Milling ? . .'?: r*a rei theii mar r ?ad Ufa might ha ? ? bei n a flora the diary of a globe trotter. She had ac to Lo V. m all ? '-.i n time. ? . W ? I rhirl ' i ? Itreet, I I ? i M re. Mil? . imony l y a court dec i lui :? . she ? r vin dirnt? I v. hen he a erted it tl ? I i i< "aha iras the braini of I eii partn rship." g hat led to ( It ira i 1 not un'il 1914. I si ... . on th? Wind? sor, Vt. A s ? ? resulted in th-- ... . ' ? :er?. ?verar. by Mr?. Miller's a nd in May, V'lger " i ? ? ' ? ? ? ? oman, Bl '? ' mid "1 irai moi land lier hu abend la Jrjal Dr. Y. dafenee. DEAD MASTER EATEN BY HUNG2Y PET DOGS Police, After Week, Enter House and Find Mutilated Body -.1er;, N. .1., Jar f>. F - ? -. the children of N'orri? ? e???-i!!, shuffling ilowly along the pave? ment with hia two fat, *s at his \ them gafhei I ome yeaterd . n" i '! arl? smash looi Pr? the pol : ' ? ' I Whit? On? ' he boys ,jtarte.l Into the dai - screamed a- 1.?' celled him bai li The pel ei hon? d for I nar Buahev Then ho polled hii together and reintered the silent dwell? ing. In a corner of the dim parlor. the two doga ' rooeheiL fat and stntd no longer. Whalan fail 'heir guilty, ashamsd syea upon him as he hi? awe anil spread a cloth ovei I disfigured remaini of their mastei anlmali whimpered an.l the po? liceman fled. ?'..roner Bushey said that the old man had died of heart failure. Me had lain there probably s week "BUNNY" with LEWIS S. STONE "Is the ideal hero of romance. "A comedy combining freshness, imagination, humor and charm. "Capitally contrived. Richly en? titled to success."?N. Y. World. ill irmnN "' "?' ?<?* B?RTON ?R HOLMES?"'" iSUND. EVS - 0 I ?RNEGIE HAU -* MOND. MATS si 1 lANDlfR 1HLV Florid? (loaan In nillr I (.rand Canyon COURSE SALE NOW CHORUS SCHOLA CAM0RU1W la i i; I -I II I M.I I l< I M lal ??I \N \\|i >l 1MHM1IW I Ulla -?IM > \ s s \ 11 i/ii i?i,,1.1,1 h tnniao?s III 1,11 a I I \N ... ,-. ? * ! ?,| I \S II \l I I III? \l I I KMlllS ,1 I 'I \ M? ;, < l I \ i I* \ I II \ III \ I 60U0S0N Sophie BRASLAU i S -. r - ? i ' >, KAIM ? I - , I I, i UBI? ^ia >*a_ . Ulfe, tU'< la-. ?, _ ii:L~.4~ ,...|J;:.J. RITZ-CARLTON BALLROOM LECTURE BY HENRY RUTGEPaS MARSHALL EMINENT ARCHITECT on FINE ART and WAR TO-DAY at 3:30 MUSICAL PROGRAMME with HUGH ALLEN?Baritone u I Musical. I 4- , --'I ? \ CARNEGIE MALL. Fn. tve., Jan. 7. at 8:15. S ISHME1D-BIBTLETT ?11 it "FACTS ABOUT ?M GREAT WAR" NOW OPIN? ACn. 'REE ACADEMY OF DESIGN THE CHARITY BALL , . . teJ ? a . ? . ' U ? ? ' ?III II \ ritKi i - ?' \? <?n-' riiKi i PHONE mini ll'S Or?elas tin ml*aj and lltb Str??t In Ever-Increasing Numbers They Enter for Dinner UllMUaUed in popularity for Dinner, Churchill's stcMiIy attracts b greater and greater clientele? AikI, l-ut natural! To enjoy Dinner here, in nn atmosphere noted for its distinctive combination of gaiety and refinement, is to derive so much ?greater pleasure than possible elsewhere. Churchill's is nightly thronged with delighted ?guests. To mort the ?demands of its discriminating clientele, ChurchilPs tfuieine in a la carte service and Special Dinner fot 81.?5 delight the most exacting tastes?-as -does its incomparable en? tertainment--r?-'/,?*---,*-/. Unique Not only for Dinner but for Supper as well, does Churchill's enjoy unequalleil popularity. Dancing on main floor from nine o'clock. Also held in high fnvor for its Special Luncheon ats??e. in view of its exceptional finality. "More than a Restaurant?A Broadway Institution' BROADWAY AT 49TH STREET METROPOLITAN ?ftM Tonljhf a?. ? Mnno? L?Hraut. ? ? , a ? Frl. Il T M. M.|it'??na?'r. - I,- \?. .? , ? 1; ', a ?a?. ? ?. ? - ? Troaator?. H . M pr' - s-.- *' l?,ar \ . Pari ! a Mart? ir; Loh?no,rin. MaUMUMTI . i?B*k) I - . ViSCHA 3HASLAU. I I *W4, | . HA,.LIMAN, a a ? Dl DIAOHILEFF'i *; l BALLfcT RUSSE ?".EKS ONLY \Aa. ' - \ CENTURY THEATRE seats . X S?LE. " m>' la " a ?. PI1VI, a'. I'! AM? p i) f i i) a r m o n i c J??-l . ?.TBANSKY. COMlCCTOm. TnmoiTuw ifrl.i Aft nt 2:1' CAHNEGIE HALL -m oi? pas yru MwiMiiiAN araa-ataCa??; NEW WORLD" 8Y%iPM0nrV. Srvi B?4ar4sj Bvg ut allS, ?'arr?enle Hall. ?gfig? GR -uger TSC II UKOWSKl i.lllli, riux.KlM. .U.\ll ii \k??i i? a?r??vu_aa Tleki ta at B nOffl?-, : t F. I ?If? Is M?r. ? ??Jets ?f N .? aa York. ?11 HU DAMROS?II ? ,,n.l??rtor. To-atorrow ?Fri,in>, tfteraaea ut 3 ami N?al Bsutdau,,un at S. ; as- Kreisler a- | a . NE ELLIOTTS T ,, /. ut But One li?e loi YVETTE G Uli BERT f>at* a; i ? ' ? l.mila (.r.-s.-r VI, T?> MOKKUM I ??II? \\ , Ml. \ | 3. : F.RIXE A il ?MM \.\ BOSTON ' ??*EO?" "? ?'?'?? SYMPHONY T?-NlGrfT AT 8:15 !?l?,$? SAT. AFT., JAN. 8 ?'.,.,.!?.?..r. ,il .'lu. a : - . i av. _ ANNEARKADU ??'? a r !???*. PRINCESS VERY GOOD EDDIE PLAYHOUSE ?g a'1 ,;??'. GRACE MAJOR GEORGE -BARBARA n Lou-Telle^en WARE CASE jw? ROBERT HILLIARD I a P-ld' "? S ? |lTM sr CMILY SltVENS I. TOE UNCHASTENED WOMAN SHUBCSl ' ?- Mat? ':.?.-, : i ? ; ALONE AT LAST ?.;? i \Bir ?-' u ? ' ? ? THE BLUE PARADISE M"*V "lORK'M LBAOCfO THK\lKl*s *?M> BIT! r.MSI"*i EMPIRE ?^e^l?%fti NEW AMSTERDAM , ; TO-DAV ANO 9ATCR0AY AT 2 *?' - * M-? *> -i? I MAUDE ADAMS "PETER PAN" __ V? ?"-?;?? , ?,-,-, ?. .' r?,.. ??THE LITTLE MINST-R iljlj j ? * ' V ' ' LYCEUM., ?MJb>< ETHEL BARRYMORE ' "OLR MRS. MrCMES*4jl> ^'COHAN'S OTIS SKINNEK S ' "Cock o" the Walk" LIBERTY rvylfE GAIETY n THE BLUE FIERI' UrtlL, i i ?l rvmi N F \ T SAFfiF I OVF - MONDAY u jrtUIL LlV/ Y ?Ll HAMBEAl ATSf V V BIL HARRIS ,, ? FULTON | THE DEVIL'S GARDEN *&Jg S ? LONGACRE 5 V Yljr b??? :D\?jfi H-f.l.UJrir.sTL-4-a-elaTsi I tit D?'cl.t?lAPI? . triai "TH". GREAT LOVER ' 4 8rf.li1 T.- " ? ' '?" ASTOR I.. ? ..'? : ,: - | -SOT ? ELTINGE _*T5 miasff?r?i;Miiife?-ii?xvi |^|;P,VJ>>y/''i^i7: atti r. n mu:..? ?a? "SOJA ."T." 1 ? ? I I IT il H ?Iftlf. 11 H I ?a. CANDLER r:;:;.:^r.,'rv ?? S^LJ^^ii ?-rvn DnjB^ tX*l m MHZ t?? P33 apart** MATS. TO DAY ?I. TOMORROW MO. GLOBE .?.'?'." CnEsUflSiSM?!. 1 w 11-ei GABY DESLYS ? \V 4???. St Vt-r.* H-v ??* FJv? % 15 TiPRINCESS PAT HEHGEHT I MUSICAL HIT. I ?rtth ELEANOR PAINTER. ,11. R , !i '?Marl-.Odlla." I.IAN M.TI"-.I^i ? ' DROADWAY n ^Vi^?U" ? u ruurr i^bwobmani e at i a m 'I ~ -! I. I.ash', . GERALDINE FARRA!? ..?..,..;. .'::,,,, ;, "TEMPTATION" garden , :\;" s.; a/-. THE WEAVES SINGERS MIDGETS '. ... [jjfl 1 ? ?: i? ?? '. > ?:: ' rtal > VITAGRAPH C( I Green Stockings IRVING PL. THEATRE Ta. r- 'A a rr ' I ' -a M .- . a 1 ? \W ?? 4I1H ST. Carp - t? Mai. VVoal A s. p,h K AT INK A 1?OAY A TOMORROW AT ? P M 'A .... HALLET MATINEES. THE INCOMPAHABLE PAVLOWA anj IMPERIAL BALLET RUSSE I 48TH ST loin oi. , 1 MATINEE TO-DAY II . . JUL?A ARTHUR THE ETERNAL MAGDALENE HOBSONS CHOICE SPECIAL MATINIE TO DAY Ihi R? J, MANHATTAN I?? TO-NIGHT .'- - - ?a. McGRATH "STRAHGlEfi" LEWIS vs. ZBYSZKO TU A FINISH. W M?r MATINEE Da lY I" HIP-HP H?C v SOUSA SUNDAY LXTRA SOI?' PAVLOWA OlOi i\m /i N vr? 11 '? 111411 *" ' now ^rTr-^ OM* I/it!!'' Lexington Avi ?, .ri -;6-47'-. b??f\ I v ~T7 TRI ANCLE P??A>: r - ' P?LA?II M>l,; JAV| ? COLONIAL ? fTr.?Ar..E FIUICAIS ANDRE MERV SON HOMME Punch ft Judy TREASURE ISLAND V , *' Ctrand W Ki ?aal