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?IliiXruiOoili ?JrUume laivllolaM II. 1..illa Vaav I .1 >on <k I \?Ke, t??..iKsila COR rverj- letter punt * ed in the Ad ViwOl Department in praiae or ?.riticiam of advertisers methods, excepting onlv patent medicine?. 1 he Tribune utters a prize of $2. payable in an order on nny Tribune advei tiser. Lach month a ?pedal prize of $50.00 will be awarded for the most constructive or ?le ?tractive letter printed An> one is eligible to compete .\m\ nn\ number ot letteis m.ty be written by ?-?ne person N OUI name will be printed or not. as you pt< 1er, but unsigned letters will not be lead, as they provide no me.ins for making the awards which are an in? tegral p.irt of our cam paipti ?the ?rtbtme Pirat ta Last?tita truth. \i? i?/ dttorlala? ?W? ertiaCISttntS. I inly tho?e '. those ?? e dowi to the ?- r.aai an) escape. ; ? ? i.r and Their *va= ?*???;, a-, the water In and tl ? Some t theli it? ly into boats only la of the ship, und 01 Acera nnd ire**' ? m to launc ti All the passenper? pra:?e thi eoolnei at ?' the crea There were no ? -" ? ? .all - | ?- menta. One young v ? ? - si ? I ran ??? pre thrown down in the pasaag the shir 1 got ? atched a I " I ? my f nnd was ??rain thrown down tl ?a-acha ,i the dees the liner lurched v and I r ?-haken and I - '?? managed to adjust the lifebelt, and jumpi-d into -? minu'e? The ehret o^rr-r is ?aid fo ha* explo : ? ?hed to 1 Hi went down ... , Rter He thinka that the captain aanl with thi ? ?irintr. paaaeni ?? that ' ? ? which they .'. two otl ? " ' .' ' *'?">r ' ' Il all I ?- ateesaer. The c1 '' offlcei of thl Peina, h." ever. I that thii is improbable, ! that if other boots wore aeon, a ?* Ike pas easts re declare, th?>- w?r? empty bonti which broke loOBfl ?lien the Steamer turned over nnd wont to the bottom Thi? ?rie* la supported by the othet RurrivinK <???' The ?urviv,,|? losl everything they owned, and during the thirty hour? they tin- beata Buffered severely from ti i i f them had warm ng rhere was ?? sufficient sop I provtjion?, however, h? the boetS ?ere already Mocked tn accordance with marina regulations. Eeeiy thing poaalble li ' 1 >-r,. for the eosafeii of the aurvivora, Charlea Great, ? ? known 1? the only American now able to tell the ?tory of the disaatsr, 1? a curs' or-, board the Vl latei ? ? ? Moll as aty three Lascara among the ?ur vivori include " flreman arid several ?teward-. Onlj one of the BtOWardSSBBS w a? ?iivi I Holds British Responsible for Sinking of the Persia Cologne, 'an. B The "Volks 7?it nr.ii," diBCUealng the sinkn-? of th? Pi r*?:a, aaya the ? inir of the ves?cl to tie bottom wee justified, as the American Conaul at Ilia r, ; orted her to be armed. > - -, w arahlp. "The Persia." aaya tha ns**spepei*i ild nava used her can Blins if tha latter had bei -.nee."' refnses to be i ? Reuter'i Wai .-' dispatches . ? ? ? official .' moi e |~* Ihat i\*rient <>f th.? I't't ? ? ? chai gi t; a aaei Its of the V ?r*i gets the tlexandi:..' -? "he will accounl the Bril unacrupulo lam gar v< h lua to convert it: war territory a el . >?..: non-ccj-n i ? Inall** | * knows to whom he mus? turn concem Ambassador Asks German} What U-Boa. Sank Persia London. .Ian 5. An Amsterdam dis? patch to the Esc it 1 ", ? ? I Mr. G iva ii quired .- . ? hieb, sank 'he vessel i The German Secretary of thi WILL END FEDEBAL EXPRESS Now Haven Hmd t?> Discontinue l'a*-t Train Sundav. Bon* on January B of I ? 'which for more than a qu centur; ti with a to and from . ' ? ?; railroad a dirt - Gate ? - FIND $8 000 GOLD; DISAPPEAR Pittsburgh Laborer*. Sought bj Police. Gel Hoard In Piece of Pipe. . i, .Tan. f.. Workmen ? ? ? . - : police, who ma I eat oi ?? ssing em] ' ? ? rned sag_ a Lord & Taylor j jj 38th .Street FIFTH AVENUE 39th Street i j An Event for MEN ! To Start A New Year I I The Biggest Shirt Sale of the Season Men's Fine Shirts $1.00 i 0*. +af I I i The Shirts Are Splendid Values and Would Usually Sell for MORE ? xc select? ind ?patterns for these j ? known shirt 1 ? ??'?.;?? ..-,.... ? ? . . investigate I '??i\ that ? I I i One Dollar Is the Lowest Price at Which a Good Shirt Can Be Offered to Our Men Custcjrners and at the Same Time Give More Than One Dollar Value. Tin ? woven madras, p? ?J -? and plaite titl thcr _" (hi uffs. Siz< - i * to i8 N'o I r fii As Fine Meus Shi ris as Have liver Been Offered at One Dollar jj Suppig Your Shirt Wants for A Season NOW \ SEA GRAVE, FAT1 OF THESSALONI? Sea Cocks Are Opened t Derelict Abandoned by Worn-Out Crew. (UTTER TO BLOW Ul LINER IF AFLOA \ agu?- Relief (alls and C.aptaii Relncttnce to Take Aid My* tifie ti Shipmavti'is. lirrek stearner Theaaaloniki, ?nil 11 il on t. is ? ilerelloi r?urn^ I leeiag hattle? witl-, overwhelm! storms durinf the tuet two nerk-i, t oflcera and crew travail a tho??a pi rus. The} maala the programme advanturea complete yeeterday aft? noon by leavinu their i-hip ' Perugia, ?n ?.nehor Line frelghtei I i p???ei gei . " ?re I aa ifoi ??? d "i --:? day to th?a l'at'i?. n ?later ship. Heroic effort ara nade bj aiiui lb? 1 nited Bta ? ?Jay ni|{ht and yeiti-r?lny Al ? : .- aftei noon rhr Pe? ugia * aa ? ported in th>. vicinity of th.- rheai ... m? nt? \a,-ii. ban ?? ly completed f?>r transferring the ,!< and th? malla. This waa completed I h?? ?eaeock? on the 1 ;., a a ?.- ? ; ? :he vessel ir.iiv ha thin .-, few 1, ind j i ? more mj I Theaaalonl -. ., HUt 11 ' OS anils und eoi that all was well. her final abandonment and l accuiat, statement of her pi ,ti ?rireleai meeaagei from i pi taehe, of th.- outbound Scandin . American liner United tcnlay afternoon. The |at< ? ? ?? p ?: i'., ,-? ?d I Perugia r? It G ! ? ? sf hi;." rayei ? l nhi|"? hi,' . iluabl? . foi t) -hip I ? ? t. j>i ? ?? th? deniali of \ ?, il manager of th? Greek Lit iln Goi ,; bl ? - ? r trui i ha?l . . en and tl I a aga i i r a I the P< ... ifti TI bavin ? ? The mystery Pin . - morning ? ? tat? nighl ?arch a i nd the I by th? ? holm M'it word to the office of tl ? ? but tl captain had refus? wher. the Stoel ? e, of the con? guai d servie? ? t the ! ? ? to b< probably i I a ' from the I _ SUFFRAGE FIGHT OK AT ALBANY Assembly Gets Measure Thai May Liad to Court ! si - \ titutiona ? ? ll. I'. II. Br? ? ? ? warren, a for '.- ? -? -il be i loked for hy the auffragist that di n greal HTOU! ra Norman e and Mrs. James Lees Lai ? ? luction of a bill f Wei ?r Count ... to vote for Presidential ek-ciors. Le_-a] ties hi : ? - . ? ? ; ? ?. ? ? In the court tl rigi I - ?men Up vote. Should the bill pasi . ? -, through ' \\ 'hltehoUIC and tier co-worker* t tl ; ? I their at had a long .. - r { - , ? ' ,.r. th? .->? bill, li? gave bl? pledg? ... way o' Its passiaKe throuph the A> ?he worn? ' ? ? In winning over the 'h?re would be little dell I -.- g favorabl? action on th? ? ? uro on the floor of the Heise. ' .? il left for New York t0.nigh< tbej .itclared that they !i,irh!y enci th the nue eeaa of their Irai do. - work. While ren I see aa many ?. - the? had planned, be ? '? ?- unaettle | ndltiona of the the i . victory. Or toward enual suf ? ted ? Hartford Line Declares Embargo. Hartford, Cor.n, Jim. 5. The Bert ford i New York Tn. Com i m . to ?Ui . I tha ? ae would leave 1 ? day for New York, be?uai ty, .lu? to frcipht en-.. at ita j 1er In I tei port. ? smpany alee declared an em ? ? ? Itivei GREAT NORTHERN SETS MARK November Earning? i'?.oi", ??.i", New l.'i-, ,,rd fur SiiikIi- Mon.h. .1..- Groai ?arninga of i rea! Northern R m^? ; real ?t ? I , ?s I . ? -a ?, - i ?! for H ? ? n-, Miinounceii ?t th< ?' es here to-day ? I HUG OOES AT FIFTY SHEKELS J|ir, Aw.r.L Ii.maie. I? l?re??mak?r ?? Itllilical Injunction?. ?a IV,4* T'l-'i.? I Hinghum.o.i. M Y, Jan- ? The hi?-,. -aa-ae ... leeiM tee* ? bl. jump Js-?at ?hon a Hupram? Court Jury held that, .oiniih, * aaeaaaaahar, thirty ,,mr. Bid, Bras entitled U |4M ?Urnas?-? ?, ? modest hug aad aa aeea aiers r.,?d??t ktaa Isaaartated aa her lip? ?? Oeleael Oeefiu ? OWel. on. at f "? city's eldest and steel leapaatsjl citi aaoa und .. asllHeaelrs leed oamot. lh(. aleletlf aald that th? aoleaal cam. to her place ot builnoi* and pafM uadoly affeotlonate de?ptte her pro ,, .'.. and that ?tea ?he ?.els'"" '? "T U gave fees ? d?lier. Th? colonel aa?*d hi? Bfesenes la the ??????"?Ja S?ent b) aerlng thai Ms agon ? h ?-I ,.,| ie collect the rent and tfeS B4 GdUkwehargoofthaoolleeUoa Me* ???If. He saserted that Miaa Cornlah ,,( t0 borrow money to amy ?a :, ;,- and thai ha Uni hei a dollar '?> bus *?".-. ?rater. , In summing up tha attorney roi we ew a small Bible from bia hip pocket i ii quoted from Doote? "What does the Hlblo BOJ "hell BO the penalty for r.utraglr:. hood f" he exclaimed MI iftj m silver, that's arhal the ?.; I I'. e bean at great pan,? to find out a/hal ? ahakel ia worth. It amounts rerdlet ot' Dau ?o; The verdie which the jury rendered, t< gather a ?th II.oa11 of the act amounted to a few dollars more than tl e Biblical ?'.ii.i. , ? ?? colonel aay/ * WILSON FRAMES ANCONA REPLY Prepares Acceptance of Vienna Note Persia Cat? Malls. .-? . , Jan ? Presid? ni WH? irj Lanaing are frnm . ? Aus avowal of the destroy no i ?? ? ? out regard for I f? 11 a answer will be sent to Vienna within a few day?, ?; . ? ;r con - i Persia and other ?hipa been sunk ainei tha ?ua Irian | rrltl in spite of I i mult y arai . ? null if; ' toward l ? ? ? ? . ? . further on hie laina to b? I)epa ? where tarj i had h enea svith th.- . al which it waa ? ement bout wait:- . ? I rent only ? tati 11 i o ? ? - by hi. a . ? ? ? I for di ? at tm< ? tel y m . r Preaidenl '-'? pi i .1 lit? ? wir h Seci I | c ? . I with . ? effect 1 ?. the aituation was to In ! the appearnce of . . wherein the gravit] i to i igten : be ly anr.ounc for? taken II I hi ich to hav. tl . ? r national as th? ? ongreeaional ill ia . ng of tl term::. by his Ii "? th the i lation? committees of the House SB i . ? ? ult HERRMAN CANT LOSE BRIDE Court Refus?e to Annul Marriage of' Milllonelre'a Son and Pony Girl. m .ri. soa o;' Jann-s S an, the millionaire, who marr.i d -.i l the e did ried 1 the! rmer Winter girl and can't get awB gan, in the Suprea tion to a murr. , .- og II. rr ? ? I oy wai not < ghteen ?. - an old eben th?- eeremoi is | ' ? i, declared , ? res at 24 W ea1 Fiftj fifth Stl Mr.. Raymond Bel ? " ? from A IgUI I son. Bhe was char? acterised I v the court aa "a schemini* whose moral character leave? .-? .i," 1 ut I...cause Herr ? | Ma ?rife i.t't. r b? before the i-nnul begun, to annul the J o ing : ' I to I a . '? id r d '? ' ? ' ? ROOSEVELT PRIMARY PUZZLE ll<- Refaece to His? ssa BlajalaVreaes <>f Withdrawing Name in Michigan. Col? nel Roosevelt to commen* on the sij tne withdrawal of I tapublican and Progn ? ? ? maries ?n aliehigai but 1 known, aa he has heretofore, that be ? ?? leaal a.-.,.. [? was ' at h*" did ? i:e to 1"- used In any itate ? ? It was ai anel Roose? velt had ... ?? . : i Bin lay add i phia on Januar?, I i ?i Americanization ? ommitte?. on in ,'. and militar* preparedness. On February IS hi -.i.l for th.- WsSl !'.'! SI 'II I . ? cpecta to be b*?c? on April 1. WILSON CLEARED OF T. R. CHARGE Not Acting for foreign Shipping Interests, Says the Report. SENATi; COMMITTEE CRITICISES COLONEL Says Roosevelt Retorted to Sophistry to [-scape Respon? sibility for Assertion. vVaehington, Jen E Chargi i - lated ?i'lr.iik' ' ? leal aeaeion of Con gree? that ad 1 i acted m the interest ef foreign buelneee firm? In urging t1'.' paeaege of the govern? ment ship i bill wer? h be hasaiess in majority and minoritj reports filed to day by I be - appointed to ltoth report- aleo found th? ?hipping intoreata blemeleea of illegal activity in op] m? ? ne. The majoritj denounced Theodore ?It f .- ? ? pear before th?? eommltte? to I 1 g hi? publiahed a lertion thai Preaident Wil? son and Secretary Bryan "had endeav ?,rcd In th? ? r c.rtiiin fi ? : State? the powei to ? ? lligerenta." The chain-?', th - repoi origin ni "that ungeneroua < of the humiiii mind which makea I attribute unworthj mo1 ? able rivals, and parti? , , mata '' "The unter." add? - ? ??ht to 1 f without i ? - ' ?pon the - | the assertion he had While th? tee found i the President ,ry Bryai my purpose ? .. .- ? .... ich an ;>c I - . ? by I"-: . li ? i ? I Sr-n - , lUghly had ? ? With i - nel Ro ? ? ? Th,' ? ? tor W ?mi ' i th? g ... bill. a, - -??_-??? -# SUSPECTS DECOY IN DIVORCE SUIT i our? Perpli reed in Case of Rich Husband in Room with Woman. ? . ? r, in tl ? - ? . : I named ? ? lent and ?i -, iced e? her I, but ? itein, ? ' ever, ? . Ill ' ? min ? in the low ?!? hall again Shi law the In the worn un'-a hand and a (?aid, th? her key to th? ? Jus tice Erlanger aaid: "I aa that ? ? ! n m ?? the defend? of all Intention wl in?rr.?'.l man and but I ci belief that this t F. F. PROCTOR CRUEL AND FICKLE, SAYS WIFE Suing for Separation. She Tells Of Asbury Park Raid. Mr?, i rg a Proctor, t! : Abrahit- ' . . reme I ?i ? ? . P. Prod ? tamf i ' 11, i hat 1 ? ? - ? Mri '. tl in the fall of 1"! I dent, ?eci Proctor, aimilar poaitiom twenl Proctoi t?te?, ma tanl ta 1 ? rally De Vet - rhile I Miaa ? ?? i Wallaee at th? ? Long lalai I, he night. Mr- Pi toi A i ?pent a ? Hall, Ai'ruiry Pal | ?rai ? . ... .. . r V.. . . . August II, |h? all.-irei. Accord.riK toi a wif? Pi ? provided I ce. I ?ays, is 130,000 u ?ear. WINGS FOR FORDS Flint ii potting. It mll-ftr When i P'ird engine It. fitted with that Bosch Mirneto, chronic esle? Of" hlcc?*u?*rn for ItartS, atid the regular bop, skip and )timp fltiut* of the i flinders ?"case tu be .lilmenti thev are entirely eliminated. More than 20,000 Furd own? er-, before the new vear rame, had better Fords because thev had thrown aw.?\ their frnti hie some, pur/le some igni tinn and put on the efficient led nubble H-isch Mai-net<. P?*rd owner- should not fad to le? th* modrrnired Ford i*n rtne it Thr ?U.rr, h^thibii, Tsecflfl C I ' C t?, )il Float, CranJ Crtrttnl f\,??f 10.?TH. 229, W. 4M St, fsW Tor* SEES TIDAL WAVE OF PROSPERITY Federal Reserve Board Tells of Continued Business Gains. W'aHlung'on. Jan. *>. Continued bu?i ?mpreement over the country illy la reflected in monthlv ra? from the twelve Federal Reaerve ? to-night bv the ?? Hoar.'.. Improvement in the Boston ?? I continued with "renewed vi^or." Upward trend, starting in linen . ? isrgei 1 . arar arder?, now read until butine?? in general i*? than it has been for a lon^ time." in the New York district re : as unusually active, and ?till retail and department Bg a large holiday busme-? buying I >.;ins of banks in the New Vork 1 .? aril g Houaa Inereaaed ll?M,? tween November 1 und Janu urv 1, deposits incurs ? . . ? 1 reeervea decreased |;?7,?u*, .1. Iron Furnace? Again Active. ; ?? i general busl . ? till lm proving, In Ihe Iroo and steel Indue , unusual demand ha* led to tha ,*:on of '..rnacea that have been idle for : re given large or . . ! for a low iteel buyers in the aportad 1 . re thet the entire - ? iki es ? to be General Growth m 4 hicago. ?? I general improve 1 lufacturing. Brit ng buaineaa on an n normal ba- ? " it the St? Lou;* : 10 be exe many I'.r.e? r ?ads are employ I ;' . aly. it . . .leeri ubun " i'ion ?thai . ? reaei that coun 1 ? . Jan* - * A. M. 4ND J. C. WOMEN TRICK TRADE BOARD J ?in by Nam??, and Discovery Brings Men'*; Protest. Not the h.'.therto en ? .vio Aeso , ?*:?, Long Island, was ? whan A. M. Thompson and .1. C I happotia were propo-ed lor the holy. Only BOB . mute in the gsneral alarm I vas learned Inte Tues .. hi that the newly elected "g-r. : to the neaaaa of Ade . Ml ? ..ition demanded these women. as every one knows, is in ? "l di I, A I art Thompson, husband .? cheerfully. about it." members of the the election of . 11 I M ra. Janet C. Cha : to be either "I wa? e'ected a mem A M. Thompson *<ttid yesterday. eiset : a Lot them go 1 .i?-oclation if they cant us." FLAME TO HEAL KILLS BABY Vapori/er Inder Hospital Crib Over? turn? and < slid Murn* to Death. Id Benjamin Basso's agaii pneunri mia . ?. 11 '? .. ; UU I H ipital when the s '. hin crib overturned I burned to death. Before Av bott, his n'lr-,-. 1 Hamas, the cotton ?ipped about his chest had The nurse - ? gfal hand ' II Bg t.eBl i or for small Benjamin's lungi ax< tnguiahed by ward ? rrioon the little body '?? as " .-.? :. ' ? B? lUvue mortfie. A I ?rea 1 I 1 ? nr.-r.ts ?aid thev lived at Itreet The. .-ouM no: U that addre-i | Blase in M'tropolitaa Hospital f a eloi Metropolita U on Bla ? ? itemped eut Uat night by tw ? employ? re the ati ?? il ?? I their danger. The smoke poured up the chut.- and ted by a nurse, who r. I* ?ia s bla extingu ;. I ? m a* a*\LV was**. \*A \ ? ea+etvaa ?. cm f\{ tbJKvr t ?-tj 4????yiU Qnstnt tkt?Most 3)eci?d zAcductions oftkt ?Hilf year 163 le $323 MR IRTMMfD SUITS .t $25, $35, $65, $95 $75 ?o 1223 i3?_SSE_ ft OOWH. al $45, $65, $95 lo $125 1123 f. ur> r\FTEsV*X*A ft EVEMNC wWS u $65, $85, $125 to $295 $63 \'> $125 RJR-TfUMMED C0AT3 ai $35, $55, $75 $193 10 $w MR CfMTS a? $125, $175, $295, $395 to S495 $7*. to $500 FUR SETS ?t $45, $75, $95, $125, $245 to $375 &earnn ce orul?linery ?5, ?10, ?15 J?_____a__ VICTROLA OFFER $5.00 Sends I lome a $75 Victrola and ILM $10 in Records " j A Style X Victrola, price $75, and any Record? you care to select to the amount of $10, on the payment of $5 ? lown I VVarerooms, 5th Ave. at 30th St. Complete Stock of Victor Records from 60c Dp [ Victrola? from S15 to ?.500 "A-__? FLYER HITS BOOM; TIES UP TRAFFIC Chicago Limiied Engine Battered in Pennsylva? nia Wreck. Traffic on the New \ lion of tho Pennsylvania B . -ui pcnded for throe h ?ai i ? t, aft.>r ?he loe ? ? r the ! Itod, ? hieago-boundi bit the derrick biorri of a -.'.r"CK?r'.j? tr i N". J . one mile from Trenton. ?n?r ?he wroc-?.ng enfc.i.e and .-? ? d avereljr injui an of tha; piis id el . -i it ? QUO, Trent . . * ? - A freight car which jum; ad 'ne track .... wreek. This o-currad at a t'?r*v imnute> peel ?* e'elock, and a wi ?as rushed ut once from the lavill? yarda to the re. Arriv ng at the ?ceno ? f th? . | . limber? ... i sa to tl - the trac*. Non?' rl.e bo :\. : ?'.,?.? lerric axt ac.-osn a ther ? to) Mercantil i Limited i i eel ., rent from New York to Cnic 1 he mighty paeaeng the outstretched arm overturning the car which bore It, a I tl .'ii jumped th. ?' the wrecking 'ram also left the track. Nono of the Limited'.? car- ? , railed, and paeeengora lutter? Injury thaa Fur I I ' the Pi i I ' csfo . : into the da ? . i.bout one B DR. BODDENS WIDOW SUES ?OR HIS DEATH Demand*, $75,000 tr n Uiantic City Rail? ay i.i U. S. Court. Suits aggregating asasj starte i :a th? Juii? : isult of ? gi ida croii* ir; accident at Palermo, '? t.mb.-r .**, 19U, when Di Matthea l ? : | were kl Th. ?' r 1*5. itor o' estate? ? : ' . It Is said, will be brout ?-?' ' Ths sccldent oceun ' - - fi om I si \ ? ? ? ? . Axito?uob?le ?* Saloiv A brilliant exhibition of quality motor cars HOTEL ASTOR Grand Ballroom January 3 to 8